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B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.


Roll 2D6 (c)

O-1 WEATHER Roll 1D6
Weather over Weather over
Target Zone Base
Roll Amount of Flak
2 Bad (a) Bad (a)
1 No Flak
3 Poor (b) Poor (b)
2 Light Flak
4-10 Good Good
3 Light Flak
11 Poor (b) Poor (b)
4 Medium Flak
12 Bad (a) Bad (a)
5 Medium Flak
a) Bad weather causes a -2 die roll modifier on the Bomb Run
6 Heavy Flak
(O-6) and Landing on Land (G-9) and Landing on Water
(G-10) tables. After determining amount of flak, go
b) Poor weather causes a -1 die roll modifier on the Bomb Run to Table O-3 Flak to Hit B-17 to see
(O-6), Landing on Land (G-9) and Landing on Water (G-10) if the B-17 is hit.
c) Both Poor and Bad weather causes a -1 die roll modifier on
the Number of German Fighter Waves (B-2), Flak Over
Target (O-2), and Fighter Cover Defense (M-4) tables.

Roll 2D6
Roll 2D6 three times under the appropriate column O-4 EFFECT OF FLAK HITS
Roll Heavy Medium Light Roll Number of Shell Hits (b)
2 Hit Hit Hit 2 Burst Inside Plane (a) (c)
3 Hit Hit Miss 3 1
4 Miss Miss Miss 4 4
5 Hit Miss Miss 5 3
6 Miss Miss Miss 6 2
7 Hit Hit Miss 7 1
8 Miss Miss Miss 8 2
9 Hit Miss Miss 9 3
10 Miss Miss Miss 10 4
11 Hit Miss Miss 11 1
12 Hit Hit Hit 12 4
Note: a) Roll once on the Area Affected by Flak
For each hit, roll once on Table O-4 Effect of Flak Hits. Hits (O-5) table to determine the section
of the B-17 affected by the burst and
see rules section 19.0 for effects of BIP.
b) For each shell hit, roll once on Table
Roll Area Affected
O-5 to determine the section of the B-17
2 Bomb Bay (P-3)
that was damaged.
3 Port Wing (B1-1)
c) For BIP, also see note (N-1) #23 found
4 Radio Room (P-4) just below Table B1-5.
5 Tail (P-6)
6 Port Wing (B1-1)
7 Tail (P-6)
8 Starboard Wing (B1-1)
9 Waist (P-5)
10 Nose (P-1)
11 Starboard Wing (B1-1)
12 Pilot Compartment (P-2)
After finding the area affected by each flak shell hit, go to
the table for that area to determine the damage done there.
B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.2B

Roll 1D6 Roll 2D6 to determine the percentage of bombs hitting within
O-6 BOMB RUN 1000 feet of the aiming point.
1 Off Target On Target Off Target
2 Off Target Roll Pct. Roll Pct.
3 On Target 2 75 2 10
4 On Target 3 60 3 5
5 On Target 4 30 4 0
6 On Target 5 20 5 0
a) If the bombardier has 11+ missions, add 1 to 6 30 6 0
the die roll. 7 40 7 0
b) If the B-17 is hit by flak over the target, 8 30 8 0
subtract 1 from the die roll. 9 20 9 0
c) If the bombardier is KIA or seriously wounded, 10 30 10 0
the Bomb Run is automatically off target. 11 50 11 5
d) After determining whether the bombs were On 12 88+2d6 12 10
or Off Target, go to Table O-7

B-7 RANDOM EVENTS (From page 9 of Rules – placed here for convenience)
2 Engine failure. (a)
3 Formation casualties: Roll 1D6: 1-3 = You are now the lead bomber; 4-6 = Now tail bomber. (b, h)
4 Loose formation: Roll to determine enemy fighter waves in zones on Tables B-1 and B-2 is +1. (b, i)
5 Aggressive “Little Friends”: Roll for fighter cover defense on Table M4 is +1 for remainder of the mission. (b)
6 Tight formation: Roll to determine enemy fighter waves in zones on Tables B-1 and B-2 is -1. (b, j)
7 Rabbit’s foot: You may re-roll any one die or dice roll. (c)
8 Tight formation: See result #6 above.
9 Bad Luftwaffe communications. (d)
10 Extreme cold: Roll 1D6 for each gun position: 1-5 = No effect; 6 = Gun jammed. (e)
11 Ace for a Day. Roll 1D6: 1,2 = Engineer; 3,4 = Ball Gunner; 5,6 = Tail Gunner. This gunner +1 to hit on Table
M-1 for the remainder of the mission. (f)
12 Mid-air accident. (g)
a) Roll 2D6: 2,3,7 = #1 engine out; 4,10-12 = #2 engine out; 5,6 =#3 engine out; 8,9 = #4 engine out. Roll for
feathering the affected engine according to Note (c) Table B1-1. If this random event is rolled again, the
previously failed engine restarts.
b) If this random even is rolled again, ignore and re-roll on the table until another event is rolled.
c) Any roll which you don’t like which occurs after you obtain the rabbit’s foot may be re-rolled. More than one
rabbit’s foot may be accumulated during a mission, and they may be carried over to the next mission. Once
used, a rabbit’s foot is gone.
d) Remove one fighter of your choice from each wave for the remainder of the mission. A second roll of this
event cancels its effects; a third restores them, and so on.
e) See notes to Table M-5 for repairing jammed guns. Automatically unjammed if B-17 drops below 10,000ft. If
you are out of formation at 10,000 feet, ignore this result and re-roll until another is obtained.
f) It is possible to have more than one “Ace for a day”, but if one crewman is rolled twice, ignore the second roll
and don’t roll again. A legitimate ace is unaffected by this event, and don’t roll for another crewman.
g) Roll 2D6: 2-8 = Close call but no effect; 9, 10 = Shallow dive (B-17 falls out of formation for 1 zone and then
regains formation); 11 = Steep dive (B-17 fall violently out of formation, bombs tear through the bottom of the
plane and are lost if still aboard, and roll 1D6 once for each wing: 1-6 = Wing holds, 6 = Wing rips off, crew
must bailout on Tables G-7. B-17 must abort mission; 12 = Mid-air collision (B-17 destroyed and crew bailout
on Table G-7) If you are out of formation, treat this result as #2, Engine failure, instead.
h) If you are already the lead or tail plane, ignore this result and re-roll until another result is obtained. If you are
out of formation, re-roll also.
i) If you are out of formation, add +1 to rolls on Tables B-1 and B-2 for the remainder of the mission.
j) If you are out of formation, add -1 to rolls on Tables B-1 and B-2 for the remainder of the mission.
B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.2B

Roll 2D6 per shell hit.

Roll Area Hit Effect Roll Area Hit Effect
2 Norden Sight Bomb Run Automatically Off Target 2 Bomb Drop bombs manually,
(May abort mission) Release -3 on Table O-6
3 Armament 1,2 = Nose gun inoperable; 3,4 = Port 3 Bombs If bombs already
check gun inoperable; 5,6 = Starboard dropped - no effect.
cheek gun inoperable. Otherwise 1-4 = no
4 Bombardier and Roll wound for each crew member effect; 5,6 = bombs
Navigator separately on table B1-4. (a) detonate - B-17
5 Navigator Roll for wound on table B1-4. destroyed, crew KIA
6 Bombardier Roll for wound on table B1-4. 4 Rubber If B-17 lands in water,
7-9 Superficial No effect. Rafts -6 roll on Table G-10
10 Equipment 1-3 = Navigator’s equipment inoperable 5 Bomb Bay 1,2 = inoperable, no
(b); 4-6 = Bomb controls inoperable. (c) Doors bomb drop; 3-6 =
11 Compartment 1,2 = Bombardier; 3,4 = Navigator; superficial damage.
Heat Out 5,6 = both out (d) 6-8 Superficial No effect.
12 Oxygen Supply 1,2 = Bombardier; 3,4 = Navigator; 5 = 9 Bombs See above.
both hit; 6 = Fire and all nose oxygen 10 Bomb Bay See above.
out.(e) Roll to extinguish on table B1-3. Doors
a) If the bombardier KIA or seriously wounded, the bomb run is 11 Bombs See above.
automatically off target. 12 Control See effect for roll of 12
b) If out of formation, B-17 must spend 2 turns in each future Cables on Pilot Compartment
odd-numbered zone entered. (Roll twice for fighter waves). Table P-2.
c) Bombs must be dropped manually: Bomb Run roll on Table
O-6 is -3, but -4 if hit by flak during bomb run.
d) Rules section (11.0) Heat Out / Frostbite. P-4 RADIO ROOM
e) Rules section (12.0) Oxygen Out. Next turn go to 10,000ft. Roll Area Hit Effect
2 Compartment Compartment heat
P-2 PILOT COMPARTMENT Heat system out. (a)
Roll Area Hit Effect 3 Intercom See effect for roll
2 Heat Pilot and Co-Pilot heat out. (a) System out of 4 on Instruments
3 Pilot & Co-Pilot Roll wound for each on table B1-4 Table B1-2 (b)
4 Pilot Roll for wound on table B1-4. 4,5 Radio Out No Mayday. If out
5 Co-Pilot Roll for wound on table B1-4. of formation when
6-7 Superficial No effect. forced to land in
8 Top Turret 1-2 = guns inoperable; 3-5 = Engineer water, roll on Table
roll for wound on table B1-4; 6 = guns G-10 is -6. (b)
inoperable & engineer rolls for wound. 6 Radio Roll for wound on
9 Instruments Roll for damage on Table B1-2. Operator Table B1-4
10 Oxygen Supply 1 = Pilot & Co-Pilot; 2 = Pilot; 3 = Co- 7-10 Superficial No effect.
Pilot; 4,5 = Engineer; 6 = Fire and all 11 Oxygen 1-5 = 1 Oxygen hit;
Pilot Compartment oxygen out. Roll to Supply Hit 6 = fire and Radio
extinguish on table B1-3. (b) Room oxygen out.
11 Window 1st hit = no effect; 2nd hit = landing roll Roll to extinguish
on Table G-9 or G-10 is -1. Additional on Table B1-3. (c)
hits have no effect. (c) 12 Control See effect for roll
12 Control Cables 1st hit = no effect; 2nd hit = no evasive Cables of 12 on Pilot
action allowed, landing roll on Table G- Compartment
9 or G-10 at -1, and Bomb Run is Table P-2
automatically off target. a) Rules section (11.0) Heat Out / Frostbite.
a) Rules section (11.0) Heat Out / Frostbite. b) Radio equipment and intercom system
b) Rules section (12.0) Oxygen Out. Next turn go to 10,000ft. are separate. Intercom must be hit to
c) If Pilot Compartment windshield is knocked-out, the heat is become inoperable.
also out for the compartment. Pilot and Co-Pilot Heat Out (a) c) Rules section (12.0) Oxygen Out.
Next turn go to 10,000ft.
B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.2B

Roll 2D6 per shell hit.

Roll Area Hit Effect
2 Oxygen Supply 1,2 = Port Gunner; 3,4 = Stbd Gunner; 5 = Ball Gunner; 6 = Fire, all waist oxygen out
Roll to extinguish fire on Table B1-3. (a)
3 Armament 1-3 = Port gun inoperable; 4-6 Starboard gun inoperable.
4,5 Superficial No effect.
6 Port Gunner Roll for wound on Table B1-4.
7 Superficial No effect.
8 Stbd Gunner Roll for wound on Table B1-4.
9 Ball Turret 1,2 = Roll for wound on table B1-4; 3 = heat out (b); 4,5 = guns inoperable; 6 = turret
mechanism inoperable. (c)
10 Waist Gunners Roll wound for each on Table B1-4.
11 Suit Heaters 1-3 = Port gunner heat out; 4-6 = Starboard gunner heat out. (b)
12 Control Cables See effect for roll of 12 on Pilot Compartment Table P-2
a) Rules section (12.0) Oxygen Out. Next turn go to 10,000ft.
b) Rules section (11.0) Heat Out / Frostbite.
c) Gunner is trapped in turret, may not fire guns, and may not bail out. If landing gear is inoperable, gunner is
automatically KIA on landing.


Roll Area Hit Effect
2 Suit Heater Tail gunner’s heat out (a)
3 Tailwheel or 1-3 = Tailwheel damage, landing roll on Table G-9 is -1; 4-6 = Autopilot inoperable,
Autopilot Bomb Run on Table O-6 is -2.
4 Tail Turret Tail guns inoperable.
5 Tail Gunner Roll for wound on table B1-4.
6 Superficial No effect.
7 Rudder Rudder takes 1 hit. With 3 hits, rudder is inoperable. When landing, roll on Table G-9
or G-10 is -1.
8 Superficial No effect.
9,10 Tailplane 1,2 = No effect; 3 = Port elevator inoperable (b); 4 = Starboard elevator inoperable (b);
5 = Port tailplane root hit (c); 6 = Starboard tailplane root hit (c).
11 Oxygen Supply 1-5 = 1 oxygen supply hit; 6 = Fire and all tail oxygen out (d). Roll to extinguish fire on
table B1-3.
12 Control Cables See effect for roll of 12 on Pilot Compartment Table P-2
a) Rules section (11.0) Heat Out / Frostbite.
b) If both elevators are inoperable, landing rolls on Tables G-9 and G-10 are -1.
c) If tailplane root accumulates 3 hits during mission, tailplane rips off. If tailplanes come off, bailout immediately
on Table G-7.
d) Rules section (12.0) Oxygen Out. Next turn go to 10,000ft.
B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.2B

Roll 1D6 Roll 2D6 (one colored die and one white die, colored die is first digit)
TARGET ZONE Roll Fighter Types (a) - Area of Attack
Roll WAVES 11 109: 6 High
1-2 None 12 Two 109s: 1:30 High and 9 Level
3-5 1* 13 Three 190s: 12 High, 1:30 High and 3 Level
6 2* *Go to Table B-3 14 Four 109s: 12 High, 10:30 High, 1:30 High and 12 Level
15 Five 190s: 12 High, 10:30 Level, 9 Level, 6 High and
Vertical Dive (b)
Roll 1D6 (a) 16 NO ATTACKERS (c) (f)
B-2 WAVES IN DESIGNATED 21 One 190: Vertical Dive (d)
TARGET ZONE (a) 22 Two 110s: 12 Low and 10:30 Low
Roll WAVES 23 Three 190s: 12 High, 3 Level and 3 High
0-3 1* 24 Four 109s: 12 High, 3 High, 9 High and 9 Level
4,5 2* 25 Five 190s: 12 High, 1:30 High, 3 High, 6 High and 9 High
6 3* *Go to Table B-3 26 NO ATTACKERS (c) (f)
a) Poor or bad weather over the 31 110: Vertical Climb (e)
target zone (Table O-1), subtracts 32 Two 190s: 10:30 High and 3 Level
1 from this roll.
33 Three 109s: 12 Level, 12 High and 1:30 Level
Roll 2D6 per successful attacking fighter (b) 34 190: 10:30 High; 110: Vertical Climb (e)
B-4 SHELL HITS BY AREA (a) 35 Two 190s: 12 Level and 1:30 Low
12/1:30 Vertical Vertical 36 NO ATTACKERS (c) (f)
Roll 10:30 3/9 6 Dive Climb 41 109: 12 High
2 3 4 6 3 4 42 Two 109s: 12 Level and 1:30 High
3 2 3 5 2 4 43 190: 12 High; Two 109s: 1:30 Level and 3 Level
4 2 3 4 2 3 44 Two 190s: 12 High and 12 Low; 109: 1:30 Level ;
5 2 3 3 1 2 110: 6 Low
6 1 2 2 1 2 45 Two 109s: 10:30 Level and 12 Level; 110: 10:30 Low
7 1 1 2 1 1 46 NO ATTACKERS (c) (f)
8 1 2 2 1 2 51 190: 10:30 High
9 2 3 3 1 2 52 Two 110s: 6 Level and 9 Low
10 2 3 4 2 3 53 Three 110s: 12 Low, 10:30 Level and 6 Low
11 2 3 5 2 4 54 Four 109s: 12 Low, 12 Level, 12 High and 9 High
12 4 5 7 4 5 55 190: 12 Low; Three 109s: 12 Level, 12 High & 10:30
a) If FW-190, multiply shell hits by 1½, Level
rounding down. If Me-110: Add 1 to the 56 NO ATTACKERS (c) (f)
number of shell hits. 61 109: Vertical Dive (d)
b) After determining the number of shell hits 62 109: 3 Low … 110: 1:30 Low
the B-17 takes, go to Table B-5 to find out 63 Three 190s: 10:30 High, 12 High, 1:30 High
where they hit. 64 Four 190s: 12 Level, 1:30 Level, 3 Low, 9 High
Roll 2D6 for each fighter. 65 Five 109s: 12 Level, 3 High, 1:30 High, 6 High and
B-6 SUCCESSIVE ATTACKS Vertical Dive (b)
Roll Area 66 Random Events - See Rules Folder page 9, Table B-7 (g)
2 6 High a) 109 = Me-109; 110 = Me-110; 190 = FW-190.
b) B-17 cannot fire at this fighter, nor may it be driven off by
3 6 Level
friendly fighters.
4 9 Level
c) Fighters are driven off by other B-17s. If out of formation, roll
5 12 Level
6 10:30 Level d) Only the top turret or Radio Room guns may fire at this
7 12 High fighter (both must roll a 6 to hit), This fighter may not be
8 1:30 Level driven off by fighter cover.
9 12 Level e) Only the ball turret may fire at this fighter (must roll a 3-6 to
10 3 Level hit), and this fighter can be driven off by fighter cover.
11 9 High f) If the “NO ATTACKERS” is rolled, then additional fighters
12 3 High which attack lead and tail position bombers do not appear.
g) Table B-7 can also be found just below Tables O-6 and O-7.
B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.2B

Roll 2D6 for each shell hit, and then go to Tables P-1 through P-6, B1-1 and B1-2 to determine specific damage for each hit.
B-5 AREA DAMAGE TABLES B-17 compartment sections hit from each attack area.
ATTACK FROM: 12 / 1:30 / 10:30 O’clock (Area Hit)
Roll High Roll Level Roll Low
2-4 Superficial Damage 2 Port Wing 2-4 Superficial Damage
5 Radio Room 3-5 Superficial Damage 5 Radio Room
6 Nose 6 Port Wing 6 Nose
7 Pilot Compt. 7 Nose 7 Bomb Bay
8 Wing: 1-3 = Port; 8 Starboard Wing 8 Wing: 1-3 = Port;
4-6 = Starboard 4-6 = Starboard
9 Waist 9 Pilot Compt. 9 Waist
10 Tail 10,11 Superficial Damage 10 Tail
11 Bomb Bay 12 Starboard Wing 11 Pilot Compt.
12 Walking Hits/Fuselage (a) 12 Walking Hits/Fuselage (a)
ATTACK FROM: 3 / 9 O’clock (Area Hit)
Roll High Roll Level Roll Low
2 Walking Hits / Wings (b) 2 Bomb Bay 2 Walking Hits / Wings (b)
3 Nose 3 Wing (attacking side) 3 Nose
4 Pilot Compt. 4 Nose 4 Bomb Bay
5 Bomb Bay 5 Waist 5 Radio Room
6 Port Wing 6 Wing (attacking side) 6 Tail
7 Tail 7-8 Superficial Damage 7 Port Wing
8 Starboard Wing 9 Tail 8 Starboard Wing
9 Radio Room 10 Radio Room 9 Superficial Damage
10 Waist 11 Pilot Compt. 10 Waist
11 Superficial Damage 12 Walking Hits / Fuselage (c) 11 Pilot Compt.
12 Walking Hits/Fuselage (a) 12 Walking Hits/Fuselage (a)
ATTACK FROM: 6 O’clock (Area Hit)
Roll High Roll Level Roll Low
2-3 Superficial Damage 2-3 Superficial Damage 2 Nose
4 Radio Room 4-5 Tail 3-4 Superficial Damage
5 Bomb Bay 6 Port Wing 5 Bomb Bay
6 Port Wing 7 Tail 6 Port Wing
7 Tail 8 Starboard Wing 7 Tail
8 Starboard Wing 9-10 Tail 8 Starboard Wing
9 Waist 11 Waist 9 Waist
10 Pilot Compt. 12 Superficial Damage 10 Radio Room
11 Walking Hits/Fuselage (a) 11 Walking Hits/Fuselage (a)
12 Nose 12 Pilot Compt.
Roll High Roll Level
2-3 Superficial Damage 2-3 Superficial Damage
4 Bomb Bay 4 Bomb Bay
5 Radio Room 5 Tail
6 Port Wing 6 Port Wing
7 Walking Hits / Fuselage (a) 7 Radio Room
8 Starboard Wing 8 Starboard Wing
9 Pilot Compt. 9 Walking Hits / Fuselage (a)
10 Tail 10 Pilot Compt.
11 Waist 11 Waist
12 Nose 12 Nose
A “walking hits” result negates all other shell hits by this fighter for this attack, and does the following damage:
a) 1 shell hit in each of the following sections: Nose, Pilot Compartment, Bomb Bay, Radio Room, Waist and Tail.
b) 2 shell hits on each Wing.
c) 1 shell hit in each of the following sections: Nose, Wing (attacking side), Waist, and Tail.
B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.2B

Roll 1D6 Roll 1D6

G-1 MISSIONS #1-5 G-2 MISSIONS #6-10
Roll Target Type Roll Target Type
1 St. Omer Airfield 1 Abbeville Airfield
2 Cherbourg Airfield 2 Meaulte Aircraft
3 Amiens Rail Yard 3 Lille Industry
4 Meaulte Aircraft 4 Rotterdam Ship Yard
5 Abbeville Airfield 5 Antwerp Industry
6 Lille Industry 6 Rouen Rail Yard

Roll 2D6 Roll 2D6

Roll Target Type Roll Target Type Formation Squadron
11 St. Omer Airfield 41 Lorient* U-Boats Position Position *
12 Cherbourg Airfield 42 St. Nazaire* U-Boats Roll Position Roll Squadron
13 Amiens Rail Yard 43 St. Nazaire* U-Boats 2 Lead 1,2 High
14 Meaulte Aircraft 44 St. Nazaire* U-Boats 3-11 Middle 3,4 Middle
15 Abbeville Airfield 45 Wilhelmshaven* U-Boats 12 Tail 5,6 Low
16 Lille Industry 46 Wilhelmshaven* U-Boats * Missions 6-25 only
21 Rotterdam Ship Yard 51 Emden Industry
22 Antwerp Industry 52 Emden Industry
23 Rouen Rail Yard 53 Vegesack* U-Boats Roll 1D6
24 Paris Industry 54 Vegesack* U-Boats
25 Paris Industry 55 Bremen Aircraft
Roll Cover
26 Romilly-S.-S. Aircraft 56 Bremen Aircraft
1,2 Poor
31 Romilly-S.-S. Aircraft 61 Hamm Rail Yard
3,4 Fair
32 Rennes Rail Yard 62 Hamm Rail Yard
5,6 Good
33 Rennes Rail Yard 63 La Rochelle* U-Boats
* Missions 1-5 are automatically
34 Brest* U-Boats 64 La Rochelle* U-Boats
good fighter cover.
35 Brest* U-Boats 65 Kiel* U-Boats
36 Lorient* U-Boats 66 Kiel* U-Boats
* Add 1 to die roll for flak occurrence over target zone, Table O-2.

Roll 1D6
Roll 1D6
Roll Effect
1 Roll 1D6: 1-5, Bailout OK; 6, Crewman killed in accident.
2-6 Bailout OK
Roll Effect
a) Roll for each crewman separately.
1-5 No bailout, goes down
b) Seriously wounded crewman cannot bail out.
with plane.
c) If bailout is over Germany or the Netherlands, crewman is
6 Bailout OK.
automatically captured and becomes POW.
d) If bailout is over France or Belgium: 1-5 = Captured; 6 = returned
Notes on Table G-6 apply to Table
to England by the underground in time for next mission.
e) If crewman bailout over water, roll again on Table G-8. G-7 and G-8 as well.
f) A roll of 6 is always “Bailout OK”, even if the light wounds modifier
is in effect.
g) Lightly wounded crewmen apply a -1 die roll modifier.
h) Crew members may voluntarily bailout over England before
attempting a dangerous landing.
B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.2B

Also see note (N-1) #17 for moving G-11 FLIGHT LOG GAZETTER
between zones. Target City Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Abbeville -2/W +1/F
Amiens -2/W 0/F
Antwerp -2/W -1/B 0/B
Roll 1D6 Bremen -2/W -1/W -1/W -1/W -1/W 0/G
Brest -2/W -2/W -1/W -1/W +1/F
Cherbourg -2/W 0/W-F
Roll Effect
Emden -2/W -1/W -1/W -1/W -1/W 0/G
1-4 Crewman dies of
drowning, exposure, etc. Hamm -2/W -1/W -1/W 0/N 0/N 0/G
Crewman rescued. Kiel -2/W -1/W -1/W -1/W -1/W -1/W 0/G
a) Roll for each crewman LaRochelle -2/W -1/W 0/F 0/F 0/F 0/F 0/F
separately. Lille -2/W 0/F
b) If the B-17 is out of formation, Lorient -2/W -1/W -1/W 0/F 0/F
and if the radio is inoperable, Meaulte -2/W 0/F
or the radio operator was not Paris -2/W 0/F 0/F 0/F
at his station, or the radio Rennes -2/W -1/W 0/F 0/F
operator is KIA/seriously Romilly-S.S. -2/W 0/F 0/F 0/F
wounded, then all crewmen Rotterdam -2/W -1/W 0/W-N
are automatically KIA. Rouen -2/W -1/W 0/F
c) Lightly wounded crewmen St. Omer -0/W-F
apply a -1 die roll modifier. St. Nazaire -2/W -1/W 0/F 0/F +1/F
Vegesack -2/W -1/W -1/W -1/W -1/W 0/F
Wilhelmshvn -2/W -1/W -1/W -1/W -1/W 0/F
a) The number to the left of the slash is the modification, if any, to the roll on
Table B-1 & B-2 when determining the # of German fighter waves in the zone.
b) The letter(s) to the right is the code ID whether the zone is over water or a
particular nation. W = Water; B = Belgium; F = France; N = Netherlands; G =
Germany. This information is used when a B-17 is forced down in a zone or the
For landings (Tables G-9, G-10), crew must bailout. Where a zone shows two code letters, the player has a
also see notes (N-1) #23, #26, #27 choice of where to come down if the B-17 is under control.
found just below Table B1-5. c) Rescued crewmen who come down into water in Zones 6 or 7 are captured.
Those coming down in Zones 2-5 are returned to England.
Roll 2D6
Roll Effect Roll Effect
-3 B-17 crashes, crew KIA. 2-3 Crew lost.
-2 Crew roll for wounds, Table B1-4, +1 die roll; B-17 wrecked. 4-12 Crew rescued.
-1 Crew roll for wounds, Table B1-4; B-17 wrecked.
0 Crew save, B-17 irreparably damaged.
1 Crew and B-17 repairable by next mission.
2-12 Crew and B-17 safe.
a) A roll of 12 is always “crew safe” regardless of any modifiers.
d) If pilot or co-pilot has 11-25 missions, die roll is +1.
c) If landing in Germany or the Netherlands, entire crew is captured.
d) If landing in France or Belgium, roll for each crewman: 1-5 = POW, 6 = returned to England for next mission.
Seriously wounded crewmen are automatically captured.
e) If roll is 0 or less, and bombs are still aboard: 1-5 = no effect; 6 = explosion, crew KIA.
f) If the pilot and co-pilot are KIA or seriously wounded, and another crewman is attempting to land the plane, apply a
-11 modifier to the landing die roll.
g) If landing in water with the radio out and out of formation, landing roll is -6.
h) If landing with only one engine operating, landing roll is -3. (No landing modifiers for having 1 or 2 engines out.)
i) If landing with no engines operating, landing roll is -7 (If landing in water, -4).
j) If landing on land not in England, landing roll is -3.
B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.2B


Roll Area Hit Effect Roll Area Hit Effect
2-3 Wing Root 1 wing root hit. (a) Automatic Pilot Bomb Run roll on
Wing Flap Roll 1D6: 1-3 = Flap inoperable; Table O-6 is -2. (a)
4-6 = No effect. (b) Landing Gear Landing roll on
Aileron 1-3 = Aileron inoperable; 4-6 = No Table G-9 is -3
effect. (b) Intercom Mission may be aborted.
Superficial No effect. System Out (b)
Damage Oxygen Drop out of formation to
Engines Roll 1D6: If port wing, 1-3 = #1 System 10,000ft in next zone. (c)
engine; 4-6 = #2 engine. If stbd Flaps Landing roll on Table G-9
wing, 1-3 = #3 engine; 4-6 = #4 or G-10 is -1. (d)
9 engine. Roll 1D6 again. 1,2 = Ailerons Landing roll on Table G-9
Superficial damage; 3,4 = Engine or G-10 is -1. (d)
out (c); 5 = Runaway engine (d); Elevators Landing roll on Table G-9
6 = Oil tank hit. (e) 8
or G-10 is -1. (d)
Fuel Tank Roll 1D6: 1-3 = Outboard tank; 4- Rudder Landing roll on Table G-9
6 = Inboard tank. Roll 1D6 again. 9
10 Also see notes or G-10 is -1. (d)
(N-1) #16, #19 1,2 = Fire (f); 3,4 = Leakage (g); Propeller Crew must immediately
5,6 = Self seal, no effect. Feathering bailout on Table G-6 in the
11 Wing Root See roll of “2-3” above. 10 case of a subsequent
Landing Gear Roll 1D6: 1-3 = Brake out (h); 4-6 runaway engine result
= landing gear inoperable.(i) from Table B1-1.
a) When a wing root has accumulated 5 hits over the course Engine Fire Engine fire extinguishers
of a mission, the wing rips off and the crew must Extinguishers out. Crew must
immediately bailout on table G-7. 11 immediately bailout on
b) If both the port and stbd wing flaps or ailerons are Table G-6 if an engine fire
inoperable, the landing roll on Table G-9 or G-10 is -1 occurs.
c) Roll 1D6: 1-5 = Prop feathered and engine out; 6 = Prop Electrical Crew must immediately
not feathered, B-17 must spend 2 turns per zone due to 12
System bailout on Table G-6.
wind drag, and is out of formation. (See rule sections a) If the intercom system is also out, the bomb run
Engines Out and Out of Formation). is automatically off target.
d) Roll 1D6: 1-5 = Prop feathered and engine out; 6 = Prop b) See rules section Aborting Missions. Also, all
not feathered, engine out of control -- crew must gunners must now roll a 6 to hit attacking
immediately bailout according to Table G-6. fighters, except the tail gunner which will hit on a
e) Roll 1D6: 1, 2 = Engine fire (Each engine has 2 roll of 5 or 6.
extinguisher charges per mission. Roll 1D6: 1-4 Fire out, c) See rules sections (12.0) Oxygen Out and Out of
engine out and feathered; 5, 6 fire continues – try again. Formation (13.0).
If second try fails, crew must immediately bailout d) Disregard the landing roll modifications for lost
according to Table G-6.) ; 3,4 = Leakage (Roll1D6: 1,2 = controls of the flaps, ailerons, and elevators, if
Engine must be shut off after 1 more zone of travel; 3,4 = both the port and starboard parts of these
Shut off engine after 2 more zones; 5,6 = Shut off engine systems are already inoperable. If the rudder is
after 3 more zones.); 5-6 = Self-seal, no effect. already inoperable, ignore the landing roll
f) Roll 1D6: 1-5 = Fire continues, bailout, Table G-6; modification for loss of the rudder’s controls.
6 = Explosion, bailout, Table G-7.
g) Roll 1D6: 1,2 = 4 turns; 3,4 = 5 turns; 5,6 = 6 turns. B-17
may travel the following number of turns, then bailout,
Table G-6, or crash land, Table G-9 or G-10. If this is a
second separate fuel tank hit, B-17 may go only 2 more
turns. If this is the third separate tank hit, B-17 may only
go 1 more turn.
h) Landing roll on Table G-9 is -1.
i) If the landing gear on either or both sides is inoperable,
landing roll on Table G-9 is -3.
B-17: Queen of the Skies Version 2.2B

Roll 1D6 per attempt to extinguish fire.

Roll Effect
1-4 Fire out.
5-6 Fire continues, try again. (3 try limit)
There are 5 portable extinguishers in the B-17, represented by individual
counters placed on the Crew Placement Chart. Each may be sprayed
once and then it’s empty. A crewman may not operate a gun during an
attack in which he is fighting a fire. A crewman may immediately attempt
3 times to put out a fire (i.e., use up 3 extinguishers). If the fire is not out
after the third try, the crew must immediately bailout on table G-6. Used
extinguishers are removed from play.

Roll Effect
1-3 Light wound: Crewman may continue duties unimpaired. (a)
4-5 Serious wound: Crewman may not continue duties, and may not bailout. (b)
6 KIA: Crewman killed in action.
a) A 2nd light wound results in: Gunners may only hit fighters with a roll of 6; Bombardier
loses his 11-25th mission bonus and the Bomb Run roll on Table O-6 is -1: Pilot and
Co-Pilot lose their 11-25th mission bonus when landing (but if either hasn’t taken 2 light
wounds he may land the plane using his bonus); Bailout for this crewman on Table G-6
is -1. 3x light wounds = a serious wound. 4x light wounds = KIA. Light wound + serious
wound = KIA.
b) After landing, roll 1D6 for each seriously wounded crewman for survival. 1 = Rapid
recovery, may fly next mission; 2-5 = Recovery, but may not fly any more missions;
6 = Wounds fatal, crewman dies.
c) If the Navigator is KIA or Seriously Wounded, Table P-1 Note (b) applies.

Roll Effect
1-3 Frostbite. (a)
4-6 No frostbite this turn.
a) See rules section Heat Out / Frostbite (11.0).
b) After landing, roll 1D6 for each frostbitten crewman separately.
1-3 = Crewman may not fly any more missions;
4-6 = Crewman recovers, may fly next mission.

N-1 NOTES (From official errata and clarifications sheet):

#16) If a B-17 takes a fuel tank hit which doesn’t leave it enough fuel to bomb the target and return, the B-17
may abort the mission and still count it towards the 25 mission campaign.
#17) A B-17 is never required to spend more than 2 turns in a zone.
#19) If a fuel tank which is already leaking is hit again, roll for damage normally (either fire, leak, or self seal).
The previous hit has no effect on the roll.
#23) A B-17 can only be irreparably damaged by flak Burst Inside Plane (BIP) or crash landing.
#26) When a B-17 lands in England with no landing gear, an additional roll is made for irreparable damage. If
the plane does not crash, roll 1D6: 1-3 = B-17 is reparable; 4-6 = B-17 irreparably damaged.
#27) The Radio Operator must be in the Radio Room to consider the radio operational and avoid the
negative modifier for landing. Note (g) on Table G-9.
#28) The altitude drop required by loss of oxygen does not occur during the turn in which the damage takes
place. Begin the next turn at 10,000ft.

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