Play Book: TALON 1000
Play Book: TALON 1000
Play Book: TALON 1000
Introduction......................................................... 2 Solitaire Scenarios.............................................. 4
New Ship Classes................................................ 2 Notes on Ship Names.......................................... 8
New Terrain......................................................... 2 AI Empire Solitaire............................................. 8
New Empire War................................................. 3 Historical Background...................................... 18
Scenarios............................................................. 4 Ship Numbers and Points.................................. 20
© 2018 GMT Games, LLC • P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308 •
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2 TALON 1000
INTRODUCTION Each ship uses the same Power Curve and Explosion strength
as the “parent” ship of the class. For Example: A DDE has the
Talon 1000 is a dependent expansion for the game Talon. This
same Power Curve as the DD of that Empire.
expansion adds well over 1000 scenarios to the game as well as
solitaire AI. A complete game of Talon includes: Starbases
• 5 sheets of double-sided, laminated, ship counters Starbases follow all of the same
• 1 Player Aid Card rules as Bases and have the
• 1 Empire War Scenario Card same Explosion Rating. They
• 1 AI Flowchart are just larger and with more
• 1 10-sided die firepower.
• This playbook (with rules and scenarios)
• 1 10-sided die Starbases have a different Pow-
er Curve than Bases and have
an Available Power greater than
NEW SHIP CLASSES 6. This means that on some Impulses, the Starbase will get two
The new ship counters are two-sided to allow for more ships Available Power. This is the only exception in the game to the
and variety to be included in the game. Unlike the base game, rule that limits AP each Impulse to one.
some ship counters have other ships on their reverse. As much
as possible, the ships that were placed on the opposite side were The Terran Starbase has an Available Power of 9 (2 AP in Im-
chosen so as to not limit the number of scenarios possible and pulses B, D, F, and 1 AP in the rest). The Talon Starbase has an
also to make them easier to sort and store. Available Power of 8 (2 AP in Impulses C, F, and 1 AP in the rest).
If a Starbase loses AP due to damage, the Power Curve is adjusted
The classes themselves were designed to accomplish two things: accordingly (an AP of 7 would be 2AP only on Impulse F). The
1. Provide a variety of ship classes and weapons for both factions. AI player aid card contains a quick reference to these AP details.
Some of the designs are really fun to play and the variety is nice.
2. Provide a good spread of ship point values to make many
balanced scenarios possible without special rules. NEW TERRAIN – ENERGY
The new classes have some common designations and features: NEBULA
An Energy Nebula often uses
E = Escort – This is a lighter and slightly less powerful ship
the same Nebula counters as a
of that class (SCE, FFE, DDE, CLE). For example, a DDE is
regular Nebula.
a Destroyer Escort that will be weaker and less expensive (in
terms of Ship Points) than a standard Destroyer. Ten “Gold” Nebulae counters
are included in this expansion.
X = Improved – An Improved or more advanced version of that
If a scenario requires only
class (FFX, DDX, CLX, CAX, BCX).
certain Nebulae hexes to be
H = Heavy – a ship that was especially modified to carry the Energy Nebulae, different
heavy weapon of that empire even though it normally couldn’t color Nebulae counters can be
(BCH). used to differentiate between
G = Guided Missile – A ship that is armed solely with extra the two.
Missiles (DDG). In addition to all the normal Nebulae rules, any ship in an Energy
P = Phaser – A ship that, different for its class, is armed solely Nebula hex gets an extra Available Power each Impulse if they
with Phasers (DDP, CLP). would not already get one. They are drawing Power from the
special properties of these Energy Nebulae.
D = Disruptor – A ship that, different for its class, is armed
solely with Disruptors (DDD).
Then both sides roll on the Last Ship Standing table to deter-
mine fleet ship point values. If there is additional terrain in the
game, do not add any planets from the Astrometrics Lab. Any
other terrain included with a planet is still used.
Both players must have at least two transports on the board
at all times (if possible) and may have up to three transports
on the board (due to counter limitations). Extra transports are
kept off board for reinforcements. If a player has less than
© 2018 GMT Games, LLC
4 TALON 1000
Base Assaults
Terran Base Talon Base
1 300 1 B, 1 CA 300 1 B, 1 CA
2 300 1 B, 1 CLE, 1 SC 300 1 B, 1 DDG, 1 DD
3 400 1 B, 1 CL, 1 DDX, 1 DDP 400 1 B, 1 CA, 1 CLX
4 400 1 SB, 2 DDP 400 1 SB, 1 CLE, 1 FF
5 500 1 B, 2 CA, 1 DD, 1 SCE 500 1 B, 1 DN, 1 DDD, 1 FFX
6 500 1 B, 2 DD, 3 DDE, 1 SC, 1 SCE 500 1 B, 3 CL, 1 DDD
7 500 1 SB, 1 CA, 1 DDP, 1 DDE 500 1 SB, 1 CAX, 1 DDD, 1 FFX
8 600 1 SB, 1 BB, 1 CLE, 1 DDE 600 1 SB, 1 DN, 1 DDX, 1 DD
9 600 1 SB, 3 CL, 1 DD 600 1 SB, 1 CLX, 2 CL, 1 FF
10 700 1 SB, 2 DDX, 2 DDP, 3 DD 700 1 SB, 3 CA, 1 CLE
DDE (0+4) 45
This is the first of the “Veterans”
class. It was suggested on BGG, DDP (0+4) 59
that we name some of the Terran
This is the second of the “Vet-
ships after some veterans that
erans” class. See the DDE entry
served in the armed services of
for explanation.
the nations of earth. A number
of them were suggested and ten Goodfellow – Suggested by
were chosen at random. Christopher Mills, former Roy-
al Marine Commando 2001-
In my family, my grandfather served in the army in the Pacific in
2007—Charles Goodfellow,
WW2, my father in the army in Vietnam, and my brother in the
served with the Queens Royal
Air Force in South Korea. I considered naming a ship after them,
West Kents at Kohima in Burma,WW2. The loveliest person you
but with a ship named Krohn, everyone would have assumed it
could ever meet and my granddad!
was after me. I had an ROTC scholarship, but I didn’t accept it
and didn’t serve. In that light, it didn’t seem right to name a ship Cawley – Suggested by Digger Maferal (Scouter on BGG)—
Krohn. It would have been misleading. However, I kind of have James Wilford Cawley, Staff Sergeant, USMC, 1986-2003. My
a nod to my other grandfather in the Fighter names. best friend KIA AlFahar Iraq 03-29-03. He was a platoon Sgt
with Fox Co 2nd battalion 23rd Marine Regiment attached to
The text in italics was submitted on Board Game Geek by
First Marine Regt 1st Mar Div. Died in combat during invasion
the nominator.
of Iraq. I was 100 feet away from him. He earned a Navy Com-
© 2018 GMT Games, LLC
10 TALON 1000
mendation with V for valor. It would honor him and his family CLX (0+3) 97
to have a ship named for him. Iron Duke, Lionheart, Crusader
Teoro – Suggested by Eric Teoro (7eat51 on BGG)—Eric Teoro, – A bit of a mismatch. The last
U.S. Air Force, 1989-1994. My Dad served in the U.S. Army two go together, but we liked
during the Korean War, as did other relatives. Uncle/Great-Un- Iron Duke so we kept it.
cle served during WWII. Grandfather served in Italian military
during the 1910s, and ancestors served before him going back
generations. It was an honor to carry on the legacy they handed
down to me.
Walters – Suggested by Eric Walters (ericmwalters on BGG)— CA (4+4) 115
Eric Walters, U.S. Marine Corps (Colonel), 1980-2010 & Ray Patton B, Napoleon B, Zhukov B,
Walters, U.S. Navy (Captain), 1955-1981. Guderian B, Jackson, Rommel,
Hannibal, Montgomery – Con-
DDX (0+4) 68 tinuing the theme of generals that
Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Eras- we started in the base game.
mus – Philosophers. All temp-
tation to name the fourth one
“Morons” was resisted.
CAX (0+4) 124
Nimoy, Bellerophon, Xerxes,
Ragnar – The last two are a bit
of a bleed downwards from the
CLE (0+3) 79 next class. We wanted to include
London, Moscow, Berlin – Cap- Nimoy because it appears in
itals. our background fiction and we
thought it was an appropriate
name. When we broke the naming
convention, with Nimoy, it gave us an opportunity to slide in Bel-
lerophon. It was a famously tough ship at the battle of Trafalgar.
The crew nicknamed her the Billy Ruffian.
CV (2+2) 70
Hornet B, Wasp B, Zuikaku, Ark
Royal – Famous aircraft carriers.
Zuikaku was the last of the 6 Pearl
Harbor CVs to be sunk. It lasted
until October 1944 and gave good
service throughout the war. Starbase (0+1)
Gibraltar – A fortress base.
Fighters (8+8) 44
Flying Tiger B, CougarB, Black
JackB, WolverineB, Double DownB,
Ace of SpadesB, Black SheepB,
Diamond BackB, Griffon, Dragon,
Wyvern, Cockatrice, Manticore,
Sphinx, Harpy, Phoenix – The
base game names are all pretty
standard fighter squadron names,
but I wanted to squeeze in Flying Tiger and Black Sheep for WW2
reasons. Ace of Spades is a nod to one of my grandfathers. He
was in the ground crew for Jagdgeschwader 53 whose symbol
CLE (0+4) 77
Centauri, Cygni, Polaris, Rigel
– Nearby stars.
FF (2+4) 44
SurpriseB, VisionB, Future, Ora-
cle, Omen, Harbinger – Search-
ing, foresight, etc. Something
that represents the eyes and ears
of the fleet. CL (3+4) 88
FearlessB, IndomitableB, Daunt-
lessB, Furious, Vanguard, War-
spite, Resolution – Fearsome
FFX (0+4) 47 and fearless names. Do not
Scimitar, Scythe, Sickle, Saber – underestimate this ship.
Quick and cutting.
BB (3+3) 179
EradicatorB, EvisceratorB, Elim- CL (0+10) 100
inatorB, Devastator, Obliterator, San, Koppa, Rho, Sigma, Tau,
Annihilator – Powerful destruc- Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega
tion. – Greek and Phoenician letters.
DN (2+3) 218
DominionB, ImperialB, Royal, BB (0+7) 200
Empire, Realm – The peak of Alpha Beta, Beta Gamma, Gam-
their forces, they symbolize the ma Delta, Delta, Epsilon, Epsi-
power of their empire. lon Digamma, Digamma Zeta,
Zeta Eta – Combinations of the
Weapons Note: Just with the above changes, alone, the solitaire player
Two new weapons are used by the AI. One has a becomes easily playable—especially to a veteran solitaire gamer.
shorter range and recharges quicker (Laser) and Much of the rest of the solitaire rules is to provide a “letter of
one has a longer range and recharges slower (Co- the law” so that the solitaire player does not have to make any
balt Cannon). Some important points about the weapons: decisions for the AI.
• They only have red recharge boxes. This eliminates the need Variability
to decide when to allocate Available Power to recharging.
We want the AI, as simply as possible, to make some good
• As long as they are within range, they do the same damage (if obvious) decisions. However, we don’t want it to be 100%
regardless of their distance. This eliminates complicated AI known and programmable. That would give the human too much
decisions on the ideal range to fire. calculating/planning power. Randomness is inserted in the AI
• All the weapon mounts are always 3 arcs. This is expensive Ships in a few areas:
in Ship Points for the AI ships, but means greatly simplified
• The weapon damage is variable - although, notice that they
AI movement protocols.
will always do some damage. This prevents situations where
• Each weapon is in its own group. they get easily routed. Of course, they pay for this in the cost
of their ships.
Power Curve
• Since the Brake and Burn abilities can each be only used once,
Instead of a normal Power Curve, each ship has a default speed
most of the time there is some variability in their use. There
of 4. A bunch of things about this:
are some situations where it is obvious they should be used
• This removes the hardest part of the AI process - deciding what and, in those, their use will be 100%.
part of the power curve to be on.
• Sideslips are free for the AI and this allows the AI ships enough
• By having most of the ships move at the same speed, it makes flexibility that, when the move is not critical, there is some
maneuvering easier. variability on where they go.
• A default speed of 4 puts pressure on the human player.
• All the ships have the same Turn Radius of 1. At that speed, Initiative
the DD did not have to pay for a good Turn Radius, the CL This is not handled normally.
had to pay for one improved Turn Radius and the BB had to • The AI starts with the Initiative.
pay for 3 improved Turn Radius (in the point system). • The Initiative can only be changed ONE TIME during a
• The Turn Radius of 1 is important because the AI will not be scenario.
able to spend AP to bring the Turn Radius marker in. Without • The human player can take the Initiative if greater than half
© 2018 GMT Games, LLC
TALON 1000 15
of his ships EACH spend an Available Power to change the Third Roll (formation):
1-2: Random: When placing an enemy ship, draw it
• Once changed, the human player will have the Initiative for
randomly from available ships for this scenario.
the rest of the scenario.
• When making decisions, the AI does NOT consider the 3-4: By Type: All ships start adjacent to a ship of the same
possibility that the human player will change the Initiative. type if possible (all DDs are adjacent to each other,
etc.). Randomly draw which ship type to place, then
Damage place all ships of that type in a row adjacent to it. Next
• Each AI ship has one Critical. If 8 or 11 are rolled on the Critical randomly draw the next ship type. Place the ship drawn
table, the normal result is ignored and it is instead treated as adjacent to the first ship type drawn and then place all
one hull damage. ships of that type in a row adjacent to it. Finally, place
• A ship damaged enough to roll the Critical will have a Power the third ship type in the same way.
Curve of 0-3-0 starting the next round. 5-6: Balanced: Build a row such that the largest ships are
in the center and the smallest ships are on the outside
Movement and as balanced as possible. Divide the number of
• AI ships tend to move to the closest enemy ship. DDs in half rounded up and place them on the left
• AI ships are “sticky” and like to move adjacent to each other, of the formation. Next divide the number of CLs in
if possible. half rounded down and place them to the right of the
• The explosion strength of the three types of AI ships is 0, 1, DDs. To the right of the CLs place all the BBs, then
and 2 for the DD, CL and BB, respectively. all remaining CLs, and then all remaining DDs.
When moving AI ships, resolve them from left to right. If two board). Choose the legal move that brings the Target Ship clos-
ships are equally to the left, then move the ship first that is farther est to the Center Hex Row in front of the AI Ship. If both move
from your board edge. methods bring the Target Ship equally close to the Center Hex
Row, then Side Slip.
If a situation comes up where an AI has a decision that has mul-
tiple choices that cannot be decided upon by the rules, then roll Deciding Which Ship is the Closest Enemy
randomly between those choices.
The Center Hex Row of a ship is the row of hexes that proceed When deciding which is the closest ship:
straight out directly in front of a ship. When determining how far • +2 is added to the distance of a ship if it is in the Side Shield
away a Target is from the Center Hex Row of a ship, count the Arc of the AI Ship.
hexes from the target to the Center Hex Row, not to the ship. A • +5 is added to the distance of a ship if it is in the same hex or
Target could be one hex away from the Center Hex Row of a ship, in the Rear Shield Arc of the AI Ship.
but 3 hexes away from the ship itself as in the example below.
If more than one ship is the same distance:
• First choose the ship with the most hull Damage.
• If still tied choose the ship with the most shield damage on the
shield facing the AI ship.
• If still tied determine target randomly.
When choosing the Closest Enemy Ship, remember that the sec-
ond move priority is to do hull damage and that moving toward
the Closest Enemy Ship is the fourth priority. It is possible that
an AI ship, in fulfilling the second priority, will turn and move
away from a Priority Target or the Closest enemy ship in order
Moving Toward a Target not in the to do hull damage that Impulse to a different enemy ship.
Decision Ship’s Front Shield Arc
• If no Turn Radius marker, then turn toward the Target ship. When to Brake or Burn
• If the Target ship is directly in the single hex row to the rear There are 2 cases where an AI may use the Brake ability:
of the Decision Ship, then turn in the direction in which the • Cause Hull Damage - If doing so will fulfill Movement
AI ship has less shield damage. If this is tied, then roll - 1-3: Priority #2.
Turn Left / 4-6: Turn Right. • Impulse F - If during Impulse F, all of the following are true:
EXAMPLE: If the ship had 2 damage on its left shield and 3 ◊ In the front Shield Arc of the AI ship, there is a player ship
damage on its right shield, the ship will turn left. that is exactly two hexes away.
• If there is a Turn Radius marker, then the ship will Sideslip ◊ That player ship is not showing its rear Shield Arc to the
away from the Target Ship. AI ship. If player ship is actually a base (which has no rear
shield arc), it is never considered to be showing a rear Shield
Moving Toward a Target within the Arc to the AI ship.
Decision Ship’s Front Shield Arc
Choose the hex - Using the legal moves available (obviously, There are three cases where an AI will use the Burn (Afterburner)
a Turn is not possible if a Turn Radius counter is on the board): ability:
• Choose the hex that can be reached that is closest to the Target 1. Cause Hull Damage: If doing so will fulfill Movement Priority
Ship. #2.
• If two hexes are equally close, choose the hex that is adjacent 2. Approach Simultaneously: If all of the following are true:
to an AI ship that is done moving for that Impulse (it either ◊ The AI ship has its Target Ship within 6 hexes in its Front
has moved already or is not moving that Impulse). This is the Shield Arc.
AI ships being “sticky.” ◊ There is a second AI ship that:
• If that does not decide the hex, choose the hex that keeps the • Started the Impulse within 2 hexes of the first AI Ship.
Target closest to the Center Hex Row of the moving ship. • It also has that Target Ship within its Front Shield Arc.
• If that does not decide the hex, choose the hex randomly (For • It is closer to the target ship.
example: 1-3: Left / 4-6: Right).
3. Reduce Hull Damage: If an AI ship has a player ship in its
After choosing the hex, next choose whether to move straight,
rear arc that has a weapon that will be able to fire at it during the
Side Slip, or Turn.
next player Impulse and using the Burn ability will prevent that,
If the hex is directly ahead, move straight. then the AI ship will Burn.
If the hex is to the left or the right then the choice is either to Each AI ship can only Brake once and only Burn once in a
Side Slip or Turn (if there is not a Turn Radius counter on the scenario.
© 2018 GMT Games, LLC
TALON 1000 17
Dangerous Terrain or destroy a ship. Once all the moves have been made and it is
Dangerous Terrain is a terrain hex that could cause immediate time to fire, the AI selects its targets based on taking the sure
hull damage in this Impulse or the next. thing. This could result in the Movement Target being different
from the Firing Target.
EXPLANATION: Asteroids could cause immediate hull damage
if a ship moved into one with a downed facing shield. Nebulae To choose Firing Targets, the AI will consider the combined
could cause immediate hull damage if there is a capable enemy fire of all ships that can fire this Impulse. The fire targets are the
ship in firing range. A Planet or Black Hole would cause the following, in order:
immediate destruction of the ship and thus also qualifies. • The largest ship that the AI can destroy, even if every die roll
is a 1.
Prior to executing a move, check to see if the move would place
• Destroying a missile targeting a friendly ship (including this
an AI ship into Dangerous Terrain. If so, the AI ship will instead
ship) which, if it was destroyed (considering other fire from
move into a hex that would not cause such hull damage, if able.
friendlies), would reduce the amount of hull damage received
• Side Slip may be used. in this impulse or the next.
• This change in movement should, as much as possible, keep the • The largest ship that the AI can cause a critical, even if every
AI ship close to the intended movement hex with the intended die roll is a 1.
• The largest ship that the AI can cause hull damage.
Note that an AI ship may use Burn to move in this situation if • The smallest ship without shield reinforcement on the targeted
the Reduce Hull Damage criteria are also met. side.
If an AI ship is moving in order to accomplish Priority #2 (do • The smallest ship.
Hull Damage), it will not attempt to avoid Dangerous Terrain if If tied:
moving into a hex containing Dangerous Terrain will enable it
◊ Choose the ship that has the most charged weapons.
to inflict more hull damage.
◊ Choose randomly.
without shield reinforcement and is hit by the Laser. If the SC close, select the one that has the most hull damage first. If still
did not have shield reinforcement, it would have been the target. tied, then select randomly.
If the AI is firing a Cobalt Cannon and all of the following con- To select which AI ship is assigned this PPT, choose the AI
ditions are met: ship that is closest to this PPT. When deciding distance for this
• The Firing Target is a Fighter. assignment:
• A non-Fighter enemy ship can be fired on with this weapon in • +2 is added to the distance to a ship if it is in the Side Shield
the next Impulse. Arc of the AI ship.
• +5 is added to the distance to a ship if it is in the Rear Shield
Then the AI ship will not fire the Cobalt Cannon against the
Arc of the AI Ship.
Fighter, even if it is Impulse F.
One at a time, the closest AI ship will be selected, and a die will
be rolled to see if it is assigned this Priority Target. If the die
THE POWER PHASE roll is successful, write the Priority Target on the AI ship, and
Regardless of Initiative, all of a player’s Power Phase is resolved then check the next AI ship. If the die roll is unsuccessful, do
before the AI resolves its Power Phase. NOT assign the ship as a Priority Target AND do not assign any
In addition to normal Power Phase activity, the AI does the more Priority Targets this Power Phase. Move on to choosing
following in the Power Phase: Power Curves.
All human player decisions and rules remain exactly the same. Regardless of Fleet Ratio, the AI will always spend available
ship points down to zero if possible.
Radiation Belt - AI ships do not receive an AP in the Radiation
Belt (obviously). However, their shields do operate normally EXAMPLE: At the start of the game, the AI rolled a 2 and has a
(they remain online) in the Nebulae. This only applies to Radi- Fleet Ratio of 4-2-1. If the AI currently has 11 DD, 6 CL, 3 BB,
ation Belt Nebulae. the next ship to be built would be a DD. Following that, the next
ship to be built would be random. Roll a die: 1-2 build a DD,
Difficulty Level 3-4, build a CL, 5-6 build a BB.
• NORMAL: At start, the AI is given an additional 200 points for EXAMPLE: Using the above Fleet Ratio, the AI currently has
every Base that the player received for free and an additional 12 DD, 4 CL, 2 BB. The next ship to be built should be either a
300 points for every Starbase the player received for free. CL or a BB. However, if the AI only had 50 points left, it would
When purchasing reinforcements, the AI gets double the purchase another DD.
number of Ship Points represented by their board position.
When purchasing reinforcements, the AI gets double the number
• HARD: In addition to the above, the AI gets 10% more starting of Ship Points represented by their board position.
forces. The additional points for Bases and Starbases are also
given a 10% bonus. Ship Placement
• IMPOSSIBLE: In addition to the NORMAL level, the AI gets AI ships are not limited by range and are fully repaired instantly
20% more starting forces. The additional points for Bases and after a battle. In practice, all AI ships are available to be placed
Starbases are also given a 20% bonus. in any sector during the Ship Assignment Phase. The AI is also
When purchasing reinforcements, the AI gets triple (instead of not limited by the minimum Logistics Points (LP) per sector.
double) the number of Ship Points represented by their board All human player ships are placed first.
If a Front is neither in nor adjacent to the AI Home Planet
Sector, then roll on the following table to determine how the AI
breaks up its ships.
Die Roll Modifiers: the adjacent sector, and the remaining 550 would be assigned to
+1 if the AI has fewer LP in its fleet than the human player. the other two sectors. If the AI had less LP than the human player
+2 if in or adjacent to the AI Home Planet Sector. and rolled a 5 +1 +2 = 8, then 100% of the remaining points
would be assigned to one of the two sectors and none to the other.
Empire War Solitaire - Ship Placement Table
If, after assigning ships to sectors adjacent to the Home Planet,
Die Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4
there are fewer sectors remaining than the table would indicate,
move up the table until the right number of sectors is reached.
1 25% 25% 25% 25%
EXAMPLE: Continuing the above example, after assigning
2 40% 20% 20% 20%
ships to the Home and adjacent sector, only 2 sectors are left to
3 33% 33% 33% 0% receive ships, if the AI rolls a 1 +1 +2 = 4, the percentages are
4 40% 30% 30% 0% 40/30/30. Since only 2 sectors are left, move up the chart to 6,
which has the percentages as 50/50.
5 50% 25% 25% 0%
6 50% 50% 0% 0% Combat Above Planets
7 75% 25% 0% 0% The AI does not use transports, although the human player still
8-9 100% 0% 0% 0% uses them normally.
Assign the percentages to sectors randomly. The percentage Transports may ONLY be landed on a planet if the human play-
equals the percentage of the AI’s fleet ship points of each ship er destroys or causes to retreat all AI forces. They may still be
class that will be assigned to that sector. Remaining ships are brought on during the Reinforcement Phase of Round 1, but may
randomly assigned. That means that even with a die roll of 1, not not land until the conclusion of the battle.
all of the Sectors will get the same percentage assigned. If the AI destroys or causes to retreat all human Bases and ships,
EXAMPLE: The result of the roll is a 3. The AI has 13 DD, 7 it automatically captures the planet if it has at least one ship
CL, and 2 BB. One random sector gets 0 ships. The other three remaining in that sector.
sectors get 4DD and 2 CL. The remaining DD, CL, and 2 BB
are placed randomly and individually between the three sectors AI Ship Retreats
that received ships. When playing a Campaign/Empire War game against the AI
(only), it may decide to retreat to preserve forces or mitigate
AI Satellite Network - Due to an extensive and advanced satellite Victory Points.
network near its home planet, if the front has advanced either in
If an AI ship is rendered ineffective due to all weapons being
or adjacent to the AI Home Planet Sector, then the AI places ships
destroyed by Critical Damage it will retreat by jumping to FTL,
in those sectors before rolling for the other sectors. If fighting in
if able.
the Home Planet Sector, the AI assigns at least 150% of the ship
points that the player assigned. If fighting in a sector adjacent to If the AI is outnumbered by 2-1 or more in total ship points AND
the Home Planet, the AI assigns at least 125% of the ship points the AI will not be able to destroy a ship in Impulse A, then all AI
that the player assigned. The ship types are chosen randomly, ships will FTL. Any ships not able to FTL at that moment (not
but the last ship will be chosen so as to get the total as close as spooled, in terrain), will FTL as soon as possible.
possible. 1-2 assign a DD, 3-4 assign a CL, 5-6 assign a BB. NOTE: Again, the above rule is provided for those who prefer to
EXAMPLE: The human player has 298 ship points over the AI play with an absolute. However, there are so many variables to
Home planet. The AI must assign 447 ship points. The first roll account for in a retreat situation that rules cannot do it justice.
is a 5 so a BB is assigned, leaving 227 points. The next roll is If you are able to play solitaire within the spirit of the rule, then
also a 5. Since only 47 points remain, the last ship assigned is a ignore the above and instead make AI retreat decisions based
DD. The AI will defend the Home Planet with 2 BB and a DD. on the Principle of Calculated Risk. This leaves the retreat
decisions to player discretion with the following advice from
If the AI does not have enough ships, it will assign as many as Admiral Nimitz:
possible, prioritizing the Home Planet first. It will then assign
ships to the remaining sectors according to the table above. United States Pacific Fleet
EXAMPLE: The human player has advanced to the home planet USS Pennsylvania, Flagship of the Commander-in-Chief
in one sector and adjacent to the home planet in another. Based Serial 0114W
on the ships assigned by the human player, the AI needs to assign May 28, 1942 SECRET
450 points to the Home Planet and 500 points to the adjacent From: Commander-in-Chief, United States Pacific Fleet
sector. If the AI only had 600 ship points available, 450 would
be assigned to the Home Planet, 150 to the adjacent sector and To: Commander Striking Force (Operation Plan 29-42)
nothing to the other two sectors. If the AI had 1500 points avail- Subject: Letter of Instruction
able, 450 points would be assigned to the Home Planet, 500 to In carrying out the task assigned in Operation Plan 29-42 you
as if he’d eaten burnt meat. she would have preferred, to this. Regardless of how things had
turned out, he admired her focus in the battle despite her idealism.
White Nose managed to keep the whine that she felt from her
voice, “Still powered. Still locked on us.” Another useful quality she had was trust in her crew. He had
noted it on the Zhukov where they had served together for a
The Alpha turned to Green Eyes, “They received our congratu- year. He hoped that it would cause her to request him, if she
lations?” The young male simply whuffed an affirmative. received a command of her own. That was how Pillar moved its
Only seconds had passed, and now true anger rose in the Alpha. operatives into position. Be useful, be innocuous, and wait. For
His words were sharp now, “Turn to them. Prepare afterburner. all he knew there were more Pillar agents on this ship-- but he
Quickly!” had no idea who.
He could see the enemy vessel closing, and hoping to surprise It didn’t hurt that Helena, like most command track officers,
them. He barked, “Now!” and Sacrifice leapt forward. The ma- really had no idea how to code. Chariz stifled a snort with ease,
neuver allowed them to take the torpedo hits on the front shield even though here he had no worries about revealing himself.
easily preventing damage to the ship herself. Sacrifice’s weapons She really thought he could hack a newly discovered alien ship’s
struck back, almost taking down the shield of the opponent. computer in the heat of a battle? He himself didn’t know the
full power of the program and was almost as surprised as his
The two ships separated, swinging almost gracefully apart and captain at the results.
then began to curve back towards each other. A moment’s calm
in the mind of Sacrifice’s Alpha was shattered as he heard an The rest though. He was proud of that. He had used the commu-
unwelcome voice. nications wrapper which transmitted the open channel back to
the Patton to prevent communications from occurring. The alien
“They’ve stolen data!”, came a frightened snarl from Green vessel was drawn close enough for the program to successfully
Eyes. The Alpha bounded towards the cowering figure, ready to scan and interface with the other ship’s computer. But the modi-
discipline for interrupting without permission again. fied diagram? That was all him. And all it required was altering
Then the words penetrated. “Explain?” he growled. the path O’Brien wanted the other ship to follow. He regretted
the loss of the other ship; he had expected it to retreat once the
To his credit, the young officer rose to full height again and kept Patton opened fire. But once it pressed the engagement he knew
his response steady. “Our computers, they were accessed. They he couldn’t take the chance that they might surrender-- and reveal
transmitted their full information to the other ship.” what happened to them. While he had ways to cover the tracks
back to Pillar, all operatives were tasked to take all available
“Launch buoy. Set for one hour delay before it sends all infor- measures to maintain secrecy.
mation on this battle including the departure trajectory of the
enemy vessel. Also include my next words. This Empire is not to Now they were almost at the base where the storage drive would
be trusted. They have no honor.” be handed off. Chariz would certainly receive a reward for this,
maybe shore leave on Nalan 4. More importantly, he knew that
The Alpha looked back at the screen as his order was carried out, even if war came from this encounter, he had done his part to
and saw the alien—no, the enemy, ship turn more sharply than ensure that it would be a swift victory that would preserve many
expected. He realized they had managed to line up their powerful more lives as opposed to a protracted war that might otherwise
weapons on Sacrifice’s downed shield. He snarled in defiance, have developed. His musing was shattered as lights in his room
and his crew’s own echoing voices filled the bridge as torpedoes started flashing red and Captain O’Brien’s voice came over his
flew towards them. It could have been a moving moment had it intercom, “Red Alert. This is not a drill. All hands prepare for
not been their last. battle.” A sinking feeling came over him as he left his room and
Time: December 24, 2227 (TCS Patton) rushed towards the bridge.
Ensign Chariz’s face was lit by the glow of his computer as he As the doors opened, his eyes immediately found Helena O’Brien
sent off a status report to his superior. This was, of course, on a who herself was standing in profile- half towards him and half
coded channel using the software they had provided-- software towards the view-screen upon which the Patton and three other
that no one else on the ship would ever be able to find. contacts were shown. She appeared to be about to give an order,
but before that mouthed something under her breath. Chariz’s
Within Pillar, his true rank was much higher than Ensign. Just training allowed him to lipread her words, as his heart sank
as his true age was many decades older than he appeared. further.
He wondered what Captain O’Brien would think if she knew that “The jerks...”
two other hidden pieces of code may have changed her role in
history. Indeed, two pieces of code changed history from what