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Nvidia Corp Nvda (Xnas) : Nvidia To Buy ARM in $40 Billion Deal With Eyes Set On Data Center Dominance Maintain FVE

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Morningstar Equity Analyst Report | Report as of 14 Sep 2020 04:02, UTC | Page 1 of 14


Morningstar Rating Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/Fair Value Trailing Dividend Yield % Forward Dividend Yield % Market Cap (Bil) Industry Stewardship

Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC

Morningstar Pillars Analyst Quantitative Important Disclosure:

Economic Moat Narrow Wide The conduct of Morningstar’s analysts is governed by Code of Ethics/Code of Conduct Policy, Personal Security Trading Policy (or an equivalent of),
Valuation Q Overvalued and Investment Research Policy. For information regarding conflicts of interest, please visit http://global.morningstar.com/equitydisclosures
Uncertainty Very High High
Financial Health — Moderate Nvidia to Buy ARM in $40 Billion Deal with Eyes Set on Data Center
Source: Morningstar Equity Research
Dominance; Maintain FVE
Quantitative Valuation
NVDA Business Strategy and Outlook could limit Nvidia’s future growth.
Abhinav Davuluri, CFA, Analyst, 19 August 2020
Undervalued Fairly Valued Overvalued Nvidia is the leading designer of graphics processing units Analyst Note
that enhance the visual experience on computing Abhinav Davuluri, CFA, Analyst, 13 September 2020
Current 5-Yr Avg Sector Country
Price/Quant Fair Value 1.67 1.43 0.77 0.83
platforms. The firm's chips are used in a variety of end On Sept. 13, Nvidia announced it would acquire ARM from
Price/Earnings 89.3 37.0 21.4 20.1 markets, including high-end PCs for gaming, data centers, the SoftBank Group in a transaction valued at $40 billion.
Forward P/E 55.6 — 15.9 13.9 and automotive infotainment systems. Enterprise At first glance, the most logical rationale for this deal is
Price/Cash Flow 54.2 31.8 15.6 13.1 customers use Nvidia’s GPUs for professional to enable Nvidia to offer a comprehensive data center
Price/Free Cash Flow 61.0 36.4 23.0 19.5
Trailing Dividend Yield% 0.13 0.53 1.89 2.35
visualization applications that require realistic rendering, portfolio that includes ARM-based CPUs while leveraging
Source: Morningstar including computer-aided design, video editing, and Nvidia’s artificial intelligence expertise into ARM’s vast
special effects. Nvidia has experienced initial success in ecosystem spanning the data center to mobile and Internet
Bulls Say focusing its GPUs in nascent markets such as artificial of Things devices. Similar to SoftBank’s justification when
OThe proliferation of the artificial intelligence and intelligence (deep learning) and self-driving vehicles. it bought ARM, Nvidia expects to bolster ARM’s R&D
deep learning phenomena that rely on Nvidia's Hyperscale cloud vendors have leveraged GPUs in training budget to realize its data center vision. ARM was a
graphics chips presents the firm with a potentially neural networks for uses such as image and speech wide-moat-rated firm when we covered the standalone
massive growth opportunity. recognition. entity, and we believe it is likely this cash/stock deal would
OThe firm has a first-mover advantage in the enhance Nvidia’s narrow moat even further, should the
autonomous driving market that could lead to The linchpin of Nvidia’s current business is gaming. PC deal close. From a valuation perspective, Nvidia is paying
widespread adoption of its Drive PX self-driving gaming enthusiasts generally purchase high-end discrete a high multiple for ARM’s earnings but given the GPU
platform. GPUs offered by the likes of Nvidia and AMD. Going leader’s share price is trading at a significant premium to
OThe increasing complexity of graphics processors forward, we expect the data center segment to drive most our $250 fair value estimate, we like that Nvidia is using
provides a barrier to entry for most potential rivals, of the firm’s growth, led by the explosive artificial its rich shares to fund a large portion of the deal. With
as it would be difficult to match Nvidia's large R&D intelligence phenomenon. This involves collecting large Nvidia set to expand ARM’s Cambridge, U.K. base, we
budget. swaths of data followed by techniques that develop don’t anticipate material cost synergies, though there
algorithms to produce conclusions in the same way as could be some interesting revenue synergy opportunities
humans. As Moore’s law-led CPU performance for the duo. Based on the regulatory risk associated with
Bears Say
improvements have slowed, GPUs have become this deal (the largest in chip history if it closes), we will
OThe artificial intelligence opportunity remains
widespread in accelerating the training of AI models to likely assign a 50% probability of the deal closing.
nascent and it is not a foregone conclusion for
perform a task. However, we think other solutions are Consequently, we are maintaining our $250 fair value
Nvidia's GPUs to dominate.
more suitable for inferencing, which is the deployment of estimate for narrow-moat Nvidia for now, but we will
ONvidia's automotive endeavors face plenty of
a trained model on new data. Today’s basic variants of AI reassess our valuation following Nvidia’s conference call
competition, as numerous chipmakers are targeting
are consumer-oriented and include digital assistants, discussing the deal the morning of Sept. 14.
the market.
image recognition, and natural language processing.
OA majority of sales come from the maturing PC Nvidia is financing the deal via $21.5 billion in its common
industry via PC gaming. The firm views the car as a “supercomputer on wheels.” stock (44.3 million shares) and $12 billion in cash, which
Although this segment currently contributes relatively includes $2 billion payable at signing. Also, SoftBank may
little to the top line, we acknowledge the opportunity receive up to $5 billion in cash or common stock subject
Nvidia has to grow its presence in cars beyond to ARM meeting certain performance targets, while Nvidia
infotainment as drivers seek autonomous features in will issue $1.5 billion in equity to ARM employees for
newer vehicles. Looking further, Nvidia's Drive PX retention purposes.
platform is a deep learning tool for autonomous driving
that is being used in research and development at more Economic Moat
than 370 partners. Nonetheless, both the data center and Abhinav Davuluri, Analyst, 19 August 2020
automotive spaces are fraught with competition that We believe Nvidia has a narrow economic moat stemming

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided
solely for informational purposes and therefore are not an offer to buy or sell a security; and are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate. The opinions expressed are as of the date written and are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall
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reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. To license the research, call +1 312-696-6869. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 2 of 14


Morningstar Rating Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/Fair Value Trailing Dividend Yield % Forward Dividend Yield % Market Cap (Bil) Industry Stewardship

Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC

Close Competitors Currency (Mil) Market Cap TTM Sales Operating Margin TTM/PE has gained share at the expense of AMD as gamers have
Intel Corp INTC USD 209,588 78,955 33.38 9.09 moved from mainstream graphics cards to performance
and enthusiast segments. We note these GPUs range from
Advanced Micro Devices Inc AMD USD 89,627 7,646 11.56 147.06
$150 at the low-end to over $1,000 for premium cards,
with Nvidia’s gaming gross margins in the high 50s.
Although virtual reality is another trend that should benefit
from its cost advantages and intangible assets related to Nvidia’s gaming GPUs, we think mobile VR applications
the design of graphics processing units, or GPUs. The firm will be more prominent relative to those on PC VR systems,
is the originator of and leader in discrete graphics, having at least in the near term.
captured the lion’s share of the market from longtime rival
AMD. We think the market has significant barriers to entry Unlike gaming GPUs, which are dependent on the secularly
in the form of advanced intellectual property, as even chip declining PC market, Nvidia has taken steps to leverage
leader Intel was unable to develop its own GPUs despite its GPU prowess into other markets such as automotive
its vast resources, and ultimately needed to license IP and data center that represent a meaningful and
from Nvidia to integrate GPUs into its PC chipsets. To stay sustainable growth opportunity. GPUs are being used to
at the cutting edge of GPU technology, Nvidia has a large accelerate computation workloads with the goal of
R&D budget relative to AMD and smaller GPU suppliers training AI systems to drive cars and perform medical
that allows it to continuously innovate and fuel a virtuous diagnoses. We note these are computationally intensive
cycle for its high-margin chips. endeavors that are more achievable with CPUs and GPUs
working in tandem versus CPUs in isolation.
Nvidia’s intangible assets originate with its popularization
of GPUs in 1999, which could off-load graphics processing Internet behemoths such as Google, Facebook, Amazon,
tasks from the CPU, thereby increasing the overall and Microsoft have found GPUs to be adept at accelerating
performance of the system. The firm has patents related cloud workloads that use deep learning techniques to
to the hardware design of its GPUs in addition to the achieve speech recognition (Siri, Google Now, Alexa,
software and frameworks used to take advantage of GPUs Cortana), photo recognition (identifying faces in pictures
in gaming, design, visualization, and other graphics-intensive on Facebook, videos of cats on YouTube), and
applications. Additionally, the latest PC games typically recommendation engines (Netflix, Amazon). To train a
require system software updates (drivers) that optimize computer to recognize spoken words or images, it must
the performance of GPUs. We note Nvidia tends to provide be exposed to massive amounts of data with the goal of
more reliable drivers for most games that allows gamers educating itself. Inference involves taking what the model
to take full advantage of its GPUs, while AMD is unable learned during the training process and putting it into real
to match Nvidia in breadth and consistency of driver world applications to make decisions (that is after
updates. Consequently, consumers have favored Nvidia’s reviewing 10,000 cat pictures during training, is this next
GPUs for gaming, with the firm boasting over 70% share picture a cat?).
in the discrete GPU market, with little resistance from
AMD at the leading-edge. In turn, this has enabled These examples are not very efficient to run on server
economies of scale that allow Nvidia to invest in designing CPUs (predominantly Intel’s Xeons) alone, as
chips at the latest process node while offering regular general-purpose CPUs consist of a few cores that are good
driver updates and remain at the forefront of GPU at performing a wide array of tasks in a sequential manner.
technology. The training process is ideal for GPUs that have massively
parallel architecture consisting of thousands of smaller
While the market for discrete GPUs in PCs has continued cores designed for handling multiple tasks simultaneously.
to decline, as most PCs utilize integrated graphics chips Nvidia has a first-mover advantage in the accelerator
from Intel, Nvidia has benefited from a resurgence for market, as it looks to drive AI adoption in both the cloud
high-end GPUs driven by the growing enthusiast PC and on the road.
gaming space. In our view, AMD has been unable to design
products capable of competing with Nvidia’s GPUs at the Within automotive, Nvidia currently has a presence in the
high-end of the gaming spectrum. Consequently, Nvidia infotainment systems of millions of vehicles through its

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided
solely for informational purposes and therefore are not an offer to buy or sell a security; and are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate. The opinions expressed are as of the date written and are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall
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reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. To license the research, call +1 312-696-6869. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 3 of 14


Morningstar Rating Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/Fair Value Trailing Dividend Yield % Forward Dividend Yield % Market Cap (Bil) Industry Stewardship

Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC

Tegra processors. While increasingly complex digital with roughly 40 million vehicles on the road with
cockpit computers will become the norm, we note this is capabilities ranging from basic level 2 to fully autonomous
a highly competitive market, with Qualcomm, Intel, among level 5. Ultimately, we think Nvidia will capture a healthy
others also offering competitive infotainment solutions, portion of this opportunity, culminating in a 15% CAGR in
and we do not see any competitive advantage from Nvidia automotive revenue through fiscal 2025 (which includes
that warrants a moat just yet. However, with its Drive PX a soft fiscal 2021 due to COVID-19). Nonetheless, we also
self-driving system, Nvidia hopes to carve a dominant believe Intel-Mobileye will factor prominently into the
position in the self-driving space. Should the firm’s self-driving equation.
autonomous platform win the lion’s share of self-driving
business, we think Nvidia would strengthen its moat via Gaming currently accounts for over half of total sales and
superior intangible assets and switching costs. We view has a gross margin at the corporate average. The Tegra
this opportunity as in the early innings, and while more chip, used in automotive infotainment systems, is
than 370 OEMs have tested Drive PX in R&D settings, Intel relatively lower. In contrast, the data center unit has high
(with the 2017 acquisition of Mobileye) represents a gross margins, ranging from 65% to 70%. However, we
formidable opponent that will challenge Nvidia, in our also foresee margin pressure due to competition leading
view. to long-term gross margins of 60%. Nvidia must invest
heavily in R&D to maintain its competitive edge in GPUs.
Fair Value & Profit Drivers Thus, we model long-term R&D as a percentage of sales
Abhinav Davuluri, Analyst, 19 August 2020 at 22%, implying operating margins in the high 20s.
We are raising our fair value estimate to $250 per share
from $200, as we incorporate a stronger near-term outlook Risk & Uncertainty
and Mellanox acquisition. Our fair value estimate Abhinav Davuluri, Analyst, 19 August 2020
assumes a forward adjusted price/earnings ratio of 31 Consumer spending in the PC space has undergone a
times. We do not believe the market is accounting for the significant structural shift over the past decade with the
competitive forces that we expect to challenge Nvidia. proliferation of mobile devices that serve as many users’
We project revenue will increase at a 20.5% compound de facto computers. This has pressured sales in desktops
annual growth rate through fiscal 2025 as the firm and laptops. Nvidia’s discrete GPUs are also challenged
continues to diversify its revenue sources to areas of by Intel’s chips that feature both the CPU and GPU. These
strong potential. Fiscal 2020 was a challenging year for combo chips are more cost-efficient but still lack high-end
the firm, as gaming revenue fell due to a cryptocurrency graphics capability. We note there is still strong demand
mining-related hangover and excess channel inventories, from gaming enthusiasts, who are willing to purchase
but we anticipate sales growth of 46% in fiscal 2021. high-end GPUs from the likes of Nvidia.

We think the data center segment is poised to rise at a We remain concerned Nvidia generates the majority of its
CAGR of 41%, accounting for over half of total revenue in sales from gaming. The firm has benefited from strong PC
fiscal 2025. We expect the firm to dominate the training gaming momentum in recent years, as gamers shift from
portion of deep learning, but we don't believe the consoles to PC gaming. However, many of the most popular
inference market will be as lopsided in favor of Nvidia's games are competitive multiplayer online games (esports)
GPUs as the current stock price suggests. Gaming should that require low-end discrete GPUs for latency reasons
continue to be a major source of revenue, though we think versus high-end GPUs for cutting-edge graphics. The firm
recent growth rates will be difficult to replicate due to is also expected to benefit from Virtual Reality, however,
saturation and lengthening replacement cycles of gaming a shift to mobile gaming VR over PC VR could curb these
GPUs, greater competition, and softer cryptocurrency opportunities, as Nvidia’s GPUs aren’t formidable in
mining-related GPU sales. smartphones (similar to Intel’s CPUs in smartphones).

In automotive, most of Nvidia’s current sales are Adjacent markets (AI, automotive) are still in the early
infotainment-related. Its Drive PX autonomous driving innings, and though Nvidia has a first-mover advantage in
platform is still in the early innings. By 2025, the firm both, its lead may not last if superior alternatives arise
expects the AI opportunity in automotive to be $30 billion (other forms of acceleration for AI or other self-driving

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided
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reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. To license the research, call +1 312-696-6869. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 4 of 14


Morningstar Rating Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/Fair Value Trailing Dividend Yield % Forward Dividend Yield % Market Cap (Bil) Industry Stewardship

Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC

platforms). Also, the rate of disruption tends to be quicker centers via its InfiniBand and Ethernet technologies for
in these markets that are very performance-sensitive. We interconnects. We note there will be no initial revenue or
note GPUs were designed to do one thing very well: render cost synergies as the GPU titan intends to maintain all of
graphics for realistic images, games, videos, and so on Mellanox’s existing investments. We think this makes
Leveraging GPUs in deep learning applications among sense, as the deal rationale is initially to bolster Nvidia’s
other areas mostly occurred due to lack of better share of data center spend to potentially increase its
alternatives. As alternatives arise (via current competition switching costs. Nvidia’s DGX integrated system for
or startups), Nvidia’s recent explosive growth will be Artificial Intelligence, or AI, utilizes InfiniBand technology
difficult to sustain, in our view. Ultimately, the risky nature while the two firms collectively power over half of the
of Nvidia’s nongaming GPU segments leads to our very world’s Top 500 supercomputers with Nvidia GPUs and
high uncertainty rating. Mellanox interconnects. The deal closed in early 2020.

Stewardship Management initiated a quarterly dividend in the fourth

Abhinav Davuluri, Analyst, 19 August 2020 quarter of fiscal 2013 to return excess cash to
We believe management has demonstrated Exemplary shareholders, and it currently has a stock-buyback
stewardship of shareholder capital. CEO Jen-Hsun Huang program. The firm returns cash to shareholders through
cofounded Nvidia in 1993 after stints at LSI Logic and ongoing quarterly cash dividends ($0.16 per share) and
AMD. Colette Kress became CFO in September 2013, share repurchases.
having previously worked with Cisco. Management
compensation appears reasonable compared with
industry peers.

Nvidia's management team has shown a willingness to

invest in new opportunities in the past several years
outside the firm's core PC graphics processor business.
As a result, Nvidia has become a key player in the artificial
intelligence accelerator market with its GPUs for AI
training and inference workloads. The firm has also sought
to drive the push toward autonomous driving with its Drive
PX platform.

The firm has periodically made acquisitions in the past,

though the deals tend to be smaller relative to ones made
by competitors such as Intel. One notable acquisition was
the $367 million purchase of Icera in 2011, a baseband
processor firm, to complement Nvidia's foray into mobile
devices. In May 2015, Nvidia wound down its Icera modem
operations primarily because of its shift in strategy to
focus on high-growth opportunities such as gaming,
automotive, and AI acceleration instead of the cutthroat
integrated application processor and modem markets for
smartphones. We view this move as shrewd because it
shows that management is willing to adapt when a
particular venture isn't performing as intended.

In March 2019, Nvidia announced it will acquire

Israeli-based Mellanox Technologies for $6.9 billion or
$125 per share in cash. Mellanox sells networking
products that focus on efficient data transfer in data

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided
solely for informational purposes and therefore are not an offer to buy or sell a security; and are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate. The opinions expressed are as of the date written and are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall
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manner, without the prior written consent of Morningstar. Investment research is produced and issued by subsidiaries of Morningstar, Inc. including, but not limited to, Morningstar Research Services LLC, registered with and governed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. To order
reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. To license the research, call +1 312-696-6869. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 5 of 14


Morningstar Rating Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/Fair Value Trailing Dividend Yield % Forward Dividend Yield % Market Cap (Bil) Industry Stewardship

Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC

revenue exceeding the midpoint of management’s

Analyst Notes Archive guidance. The firm benefited from strong showings in both
gaming and data center segments, with gaming enjoying
New Product Launches and Mellanox Acquisition an easy year-over-year compare and the latter bolstered
Bode Well for Nvidia in 2020; Raising FVE to $200 by the inclusion of recently acquired Mellanox as well as
Abhinav Davuluri, Analyst, 21 May 2020 Nvidia’s latest A100 data center GPU. Management
Nvidia reported impressive first-quarter results with anticipates more muted sequential growth for the data
revenue exceeding the midpoint of management’s center segment in the third quarter, but gaming sales are
guidance. Although it faced supply and demand expected to be up over 25% sequentially (firm will be
headwinds related to coronavirus, Nvidia was able to launching a new 7-nanometer gaming GPU).
outperform thanks to increased work from home, learn
from home, and gaming trends. This dynamic more than We are raising our fair value estimate to $250 per share
offset weaker automotive sales, which is expected to from $200, as we incorporate a stronger near-term
persist over the next few quarters. The firm launched its outlook. However, we continue to view shares as
latest A100 data center GPU on May 14, Nvidia’s first GPU overvalued as we think current levels imply narrow-moat
made on TSMC’s 7-nanometer process and part of its new Nvidia is the sole beneficiary of the burgeoning AI and
Ampere architecture. The A100 boasts impressive self-driving trends.
performance enhancements from its predecessor (V100)
and contributed to first-quarter sales. We anticipate Concerning ARM (which Nvidia is reportedly in talks to
continued momentum for Nvidia’s data center business, acquire from SoftBank), CEO Jen-Hsun Huang praised the
particularly with the inclusion of recently acquired architecture as the most energy efficient. The most logical
Mellanox in second-quarter results, as customers rationale for a potential deal is to enable Nvidia to offer
leverage both Nvidia’s training and inference GPUs in key a comprehensive data center portfolio that includes
AI applications such as natural language understanding, ARM-based CPUs. While there is nothing stopping the firm
conversational AI, and deep recommendation engines. from developing its own ARM-based server CPU (Nvidia’s
After incorporating Mellanox into our valuation model and Project Denver in 2014 sought to accomplish just that), we
the solid near-term outlook, we are raising our fair value assume an outright purchase may help Nvidia accelerate
estimate to $200 per share from $160. Nevertheless, we any server CPU ambitions it may have. Nonetheless,
view shares as overvalued as we think current levels imply SoftBank purchased ARM for $32 billion, and we surmise
narrow-moat Nvidia is the sole beneficiary of the Nvidia could have to pay upwards of $40 billion.
burgeoning AI and self-driving trends. Regulatory risk (particularly from escalating U.S.-China
tensions) and potential pushback from major ARM
First-quarter sales grew 39% year over year to $3.1 billion. licensees (including Apple, Qualcomm, and Huawei) are
The sharp year-over-year spike can be attributed to an formidable hurdles to the consummation of a deal, in our
artificially deflated first quarter fiscal 2020 (calendar view.
2019) due to the massive decline in gaming GPU sales
during that period stemming from a decline in demand in Second-quarter sales grew 50% year over year to $3.9
GPUs for cryptocurrency mining. Gaming sales were up billion. Gaming sales were up 26% year over year. Data
27% year over year due to strength across all major center sales were up 167% year over year thanks to
products including desktop GPUs and Nintendo Switch Mellanox (14% of total revenue) and the A100 launch.
chips. Management highlighted a 50% increase in hours
played on its GeForce platform during the quarter, as more Nvidia to Buy ARM in $40 Billion Deal with Eyes Set
gamers were forced to quarantine. Data center sales were on Data Center Dominance; Maintain FVE
$1.1 billion, up 80% year over year and 18% sequentially. Abhinav Davuluri, Analyst, 13 September 2020
On Sept. 13, Nvidia announced it would acquire ARM from
Nvidia’s Gaming and Data Center Leadership the SoftBank Group in a transaction valued at $40 billion.
Boosts Q2 Results; Raising FVE to $250 At first glance, the most logical rationale for this deal is
Abhinav Davuluri, Analyst, 19 August 2020 to enable Nvidia to offer a comprehensive data center
Nvidia reported stellar second-quarter results with portfolio that includes ARM-based CPUs while leveraging

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided
solely for informational purposes and therefore are not an offer to buy or sell a security; and are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate. The opinions expressed are as of the date written and are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall
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reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. To license the research, call +1 312-696-6869. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 6 of 14


Morningstar Rating Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/Fair Value Trailing Dividend Yield % Forward Dividend Yield % Market Cap (Bil) Industry Stewardship

Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC

Nvidia’s artificial intelligence expertise into ARM’s vast

ecosystem spanning the data center to mobile and
Internet of Things devices. Similar to SoftBank’s
justification when it bought ARM, Nvidia expects to
bolster ARM’s R&D budget to realize its data center vision.
ARM was a wide-moat-rated firm when we covered the
standalone entity, and we believe it is likely this
cash/stock deal would enhance Nvidia’s narrow moat
even further, should the deal close. From a valuation
perspective, Nvidia is paying a high multiple for ARM’s
earnings but given the GPU leader’s share price is trading
at a significant premium to our $250 fair value estimate,
we like that Nvidia is using its rich shares to fund a large
portion of the deal. With Nvidia set to expand ARM’s
Cambridge, U.K. base, we don’t anticipate material cost
synergies, though there could be some interesting
revenue synergy opportunities for the duo. Based on the
regulatory risk associated with this deal (the largest in
chip history if it closes), we will likely assign a 50%
probability of the deal closing. Consequently, we are
maintaining our $250 fair value estimate for narrow-moat
Nvidia for now, but we will reassess our valuation
following Nvidia’s conference call discussing the deal the
morning of Sept. 14.

Nvidia is financing the deal via $21.5 billion in its common

stock (44.3 million shares) and $12 billion in cash, which
includes $2 billion payable at signing. Also, SoftBank may
receive up to $5 billion in cash or common stock subject
to ARM meeting certain performance targets, while
Nvidia will issue $1.5 billion in equity to ARM employees
for retention purposes.

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Quantitative Equity Report | Release: 13 Sep 2020, 23:02 UTC | Reporting Currency: USD | Trading Currency: USD | Exchange:XNAS Page
Page 7 of1 14
of 1

NVIDIA Corp NVDA QQ 13 Sep 2020 02:00 UTC

Last Close Fair ValueQ Market Cap Sector Industry Country of Domicile
11 Sep 2020 13 Sep 2020 02:00 UTC 11 Sep 2020
486.58 292.11 300.2 Bil a Technology Semiconductors USA United States

There is no one analyst in which a Quantitative Fair Value Estimate and Quantitative
Star Rating are attributed to; however, Mr. Lee Davidson, Head of Quantitative
Price vs. Quantitative Fair Value
Research for Morningstar, Inc., is responsible for overseeing the methodology that 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Quantitative Fair Value Estimate
supports the quantitative fair value. As an employee of Morningstar, Inc., Mr. Total Return
Davidson is guided by Morningstar, Inc.’s Code of Ethics and Personal Securities
Trading Policy in carrying out his responsibilities. For information regarding Conflicts Sales/Share
of Interests, visit http://global.morningstar.com/equitydisclosures Forecast Range
Forcasted Price
512 Dividend
Company Profile
Nvidia is a leading designer of graphics processing units that Momentum: Positive
enhance the experience on computing platforms. The firm''s Standard Deviation: 44.75
chips are used in a variety of end markets, including high-end Liquidity: High
PCs for gaming, data centers, and automotive infotainment
systems. In recent years, the firm has broadened its focus 169.32 52-Wk 589.07
from traditional PC graphics applications such as gaming to 128

more complex and favorable opportunities, including artificial 22.24 5-Yr 589.07
intelligence and autonomous driving, which leverage the high-
225.3 81.8 -30.7 76.7 107.0 Total Return %
performance capabilities of the firm''s graphics processing
212.9 60.3 -25.6 45.5 102.4 +/– Market (Morningstar US Index)
Quantitative Scores Scores 0.45 0.29 0.46 0.27 0.13 Trailing Dividend Yield %
All Rel Sector Rel Country 0.52 0.31 0.48 0.27 0.13 Forward Dividend Yield %
Quantitative Moat Wide 100 100 99 54.6 48.1 17.9 60.2 89.3 Price/Earnings
Valuation Overvalued 1 1 1 10.8 13.9 6.7 14.5 23.2 Price/Revenue
Quantitative Uncertainty High 99 99 97 Morningstar RatingQ
Financial Health Moderate 79 47 79 QQQQQ

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TTM Financials (Fiscal Year in Mil)
Undervalued Fairly Valued Overvalued 5,010 6,910 9,714 11,716 10,918 13,065 Revenue
Source: Morningstar Equity Research 7.0 37.9 40.6 20.6 -6.8 19.7 % Change
878 1,937 3,210 3,804 2,846 3,544 Operating Income
15.7 120.6 65.7 18.5 -25.2 24.5 % Change
Valuation Sector Country
Current 5-Yr Avg Median Median 614 1,666 3,047 4,141 2,796 3,388 Net Income
Price/Quant Fair Value 1.67 1.43 0.77 0.83 1,175 1,672 3,502 3,743 4,761 5,581 Operating Cash Flow
Price/Earnings 89.3 37.0 21.4 20.1 -86 -176 -593 -600 -489 -620 Capital Spending
Forward P/E 55.6 — 15.9 13.9 1,089 1,496 2,909 3,143 4,272 4,961 Free Cash Flow
Price/Cash Flow 54.2 31.8 15.6 13.1 21.7 21.6 29.9 26.8 39.1 38.0 % Sales
Price/Free Cash Flow 61.0 36.4 23.0 19.5 1.08 2.57 4.82 6.63 4.52 5.45 EPS
Trailing Dividend Yield % 0.13 0.53 1.89 2.35 -3.6 138.0 87.5 37.6 -31.8 20.6 % Change
Price/Book 21.6 10.5 2.3 2.4 1.79 2.12 4.08 5.41 5.90 7.98 Free Cash Flow/Share
Price/Sales 23.2 9.0 1.7 2.4 0.39 0.49 0.57 0.61 0.64 0.64 Dividends/Share
8.30 9.10 10.48 15.64 18.31 22.55 Book Value/Share
Profitability Sector Country 538,000 539,000 606,000 610,000 612,000 617,000 Shares Outstanding (K)
Current 5-Yr Avg Median Median
Return on Equity % 27.9 33.5 12.5 12.9
13.8 32.6 46.1 49.3 26.0 27.9 Return on Equity %
Return on Assets % 17.0 21.7 6.4 5.2
8.4 19.4 28.9 33.8 18.3 17.0 Return on Assets %
Revenue/Employee (K) 948.5 746.3 442.6 325.9
12.3 24.1 31.4 35.3 25.6 25.9 Net Margin %
0.69 0.80 0.92 0.96 0.71 0.65 Asset Turnover
Financial Health Sector Country
Current 5-Yr Avg Median Median 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.8 Financial Leverage
Distance to Default 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 56.1 58.8 59.9 61.2 62.0 62.8 Gross Margin %
Solvency Score 205.1 — 449.9 552.4 17.5 28.0 33.1 32.5 26.1 27.1 Operating Margin %
Assets/Equity 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 — 1,983 1,985 1,988 1,991 6,960 Long-Term Debt
Long-Term Debt/Equity 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4 4,469 5,762 7,471 9,342 12,204 13,914 Total Equity
9.8 14.0 12.8 9.8 5.9 5.6 Fixed Asset Turns
Growth Per Share Quarterly Revenue & EPS Revenue Growth Year On Year %
1-Year 3-Year 5-Year 10-Year Revenue (Mil) Apr Jul Oct Jan Total
Revenue % -6.8 16.5 18.5 12.6 2020 2,220.0 2,579.0 3,014.0 3,105.0 10,918.0 49.9
40.0 40.8 38.7
Operating Income % -25.2 13.7 30.3 — 2019 3,207.0 3,123.0 3,181.0 2,205.0 11,716.0
Earnings % -31.8 20.7 32.2 — 2018 1,937.0 2,230.0 2,636.0 2,911.0 9,714.0 20.7
Dividends % 4.9 9.7 13.5 — 2017 1,305.0 1,428.0 2,004.0 2,173.0 6,910.0
Book Value % 29.3 26.5 19.7 15.4 Earnings Per Share ()
Stock Total Return % 164.3 42.4 84.9 47.5 2020 0.64 0.90 1.45 1.53 4.52
2019 1.98 1.76 1.97 0.92 6.63 -24.3
2018 0.79 0.92 1.33 1.78 4.82
2018 2019 2020
2017 0.33 0.40 0.83 0.99 2.57

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and ®

opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided solely for informational purposes and therefore is not an offer to buy or sell a security; are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate; and
are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall not be responsible for any trading decisions, damages or other losses resulting from, or related to, the information, data, ß
analyses or opinions or their use. The information herein may not be reproduced, in any manner without the prior written consent of Morningstar. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 8 of 14

Research Methodology for Valuing Companies

Qualitative Equity Research Overview intangible assets, switching costs, network effect, cost Our model is divided into three distinct stages:
At the heart of our valuation system is a detailed projection advantage, and efficient scale.
of a company's future cash flows, resulting from our Stage I: Explicit Forecast
analysts' research. Analysts create custom industry and Companies with a narrow moat are those we believe In this stage, which can last five to 10 years, analysts
company assumptions to feed income statement, balance are more likely than not to achieve normalized excess make full financial statement forecasts, including items
sheet, and capital investment assumptions into our globally returns for at least the next 10 years. Wide-moat such as revenue, profit margins, tax rates, changes in
standardized, proprietary discounted cash flow, or DCF, companies are those in which we have very high working-capital accounts, and capital spending. Based
modeling templates. We use scenario analysis, in-depth confidence that excess returns will remain for 10 years, on these projections, we calculate earnings before
competitive advantage analysis, and a variety of other with excess returns more likely than not to remain for at interest, after taxes, or EBI, and the net new
analytical tools to augment this process. We believe this least 20 years. The longer a firm generates economic investment, or NNI, to derive our annual free cash flow
bottom-up, long-term, fundamentally based approach profits, the higher its intrinsic value. We believe low- forecast.
allows our analysts to focus on long-term business drivers, quality no-moat companies will see their normalized
which have the greatest valuation impact, rather than short- returns gravitate toward the firm's cost of capital more Stage II: Fade
term market noise. quickly than companies with moats. The second stage of our model is the period it will take
the company's return on new invested capital—the
Morningstar's equity research group (“we," "our") believes To assess the direction of the underlying competitive return on capital of the next dollar invested ("RONIC")—
that a company's intrinsic worth results from the future advantages, analysts perform ongoing assessments of to decline (or rise) to its cost of capital. During the Stage
cash flows it can generate. The Morningstar Rating for the moat trend. A firm's moat trend is positive in cases II period, we use a formula to approximate cash flows in
stocks identifies stocks trading at an uncertainty-adjusted where we think its sources of competitive advantage lieu of explicitly modeling the income statement,
discount or premium to their intrinsic worth—or fair value are growing stronger; stable where we don't anticipate balance sheet, and cash flow statement as we do in
estimate, in Morningstar terminology. Five-star stocks sell changes to competitive advantages over the next Stage I. The length of the second stage depends on the
for the biggest risk-adjusted discount to their fair values several years; or negative when we see signs of strength of the company's economic moat. We forecast
whereas 1-star stocks trade at premiums to their intrinsic deterioration. this period to last anywhere from one year (for
worth. companies with no economic moat) to 10–15 years or
All the moat and moat trend ratings undergo periodic more (for wide-moat companies). During this period,
Four key components drive the Morningstar rating: (1) our review and any changes must be approved by the cash flows are forecast using four assumptions: an
assessment of the firm's economic moat, (2) our estimate of Morningstar Economic Moat Committee, comprised of average growth rate for EBI over the period, a
the stock's fair value, (3) our uncertainty around that fair senior members of Morningstar's equity research normalized investment rate, average return on new
value estimate and (4) the current market price. This department. invested capital, or RONIC, and the number of years
process ultimately culminates in our single-point star rating. until perpetuity, when excess returns cease. The
2. Estimated Fair Value investment rate and return on new invested capital
1. Economic Moat Combining our analysts' financial forecasts with the decline until the perpetuity stage is reached. In the case
The concept of an economic moat plays a vital role not firm's economic moat helps us assess how long returns of firms that do not earn their cost of capital, we
only in our qualitative assessment of a firm's long-term on invested capital are likely to exceed the firm's cost of assume marginal ROICs rise to the firm's cost of capital
investment potential, but also in the actual calculation capital. Returns of firms with a wide economic moat (usually attributable to less reinvestment), and we may
of our fair value estimates. An economic moat is a rating are assumed to fade to the perpetuity period over truncate the second stage.
structural feature that allows a firm to sustain excess a longer period of time than the returns of narrow-moat
profits over a long period of time. We define excess firms, and both will fade slower than no-moat firms, Stage III: Perpetuity
economic profits as returns on invested capital (or ROIC) increasing our estimate of their intrinsic value. Once a company's marginal ROIC hits its cost of capital,
over and above our estimate of a firm's cost of capital, we calculate a continuing value, using a standard
or weighted average cost of capital (or WACC). Without perpetuity formula. At perpetuity, we assume that any
a moat, profits are more susceptible to competition. We growth or decline or investment in the business neither
have identified five sources of economic moats: creates nor destroys value and that any new investment
provides a return in line with estimated WACC.

Morningstar Research Methodology for Valuing Companies Because a dollar earned today is worth more than a
dollar earned tomorrow, we discount our projections of
cash flows in stages I, II, and III to arrive at a total
present value of expected future cash flows. Because we
are modeling free cash flow to the firm—representing cash
available to provide a return to all capital providers—we
discount future cash flows using the WACC, which is a
weighted average of the costs of equity, debt, and preferred
stock (and any other funding sources), using expected
future proportionate long-term market-value weights.

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided
solely for informational purposes and therefore are not an offer to buy or sell a security; and are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate. The opinions expressed are as of the date written and are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall
not be responsible for any trading decisions, damages or other losses resulting from, or related to, the information, data, analyses or opinions or their use. The information contained herein is the proprietary property of Morningstar and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, or used in any
manner, without the prior written consent of Morningstar. Investment research is produced and issued by subsidiaries of Morningstar, Inc. including, but not limited to, Morningstar Research Services LLC, registered with and governed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. To order
reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. To license the research, call +1 312-696-6869. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 9 of 14

Research Methodology for Valuing Companies

3. Uncertainty Around That Fair Value Estimate Morningstar Equity Research Star Rating Methodology
Morningstar's Uncertainty Rating captures a range of likely
potential intrinsic values for a company and uses it to
assign the margin of safety required before investing, which
in turn explicitly drives our stock star rating system. The
Uncertainty Rating represents the analysts' ability to bound
the estimated value of the shares in a company around the
fair value estimate, based on the characteristics of the
business underlying the stock, including operating and
financial leverage, sales sensitivity to the overall
economy, product concentration, pricing power, and
other company-specific factors.

Analysts consider at least two scenarios in addition to

their base case: a bull case and a bear case.
Assumptions are chosen such that the analyst believes
there is a 25% probability that the company will perform
better than the bull case, and a 25% probability that the
company will perform worse than the bear case. The
distance between the bull and bear cases is an
important indicator of the uncertainty underlying the
fair value estimate.

Our recommended margin of safety widens as our

uncertainty of the estimated value of the equity
increases. The more uncertain we are about the
estimated value of the equity, the greater the discount
we require relative to our estimate of the value of the
firm before we would recommend the purchase of the Morningstar Star Rating for Stocks The Morningstar Star Ratings for stocks are defined below:
shares. In addition, the uncertainty rating provides Once we determine the fair value estimate of a stock, we
guidance in portfolio construction based on risk compare it with the stock's current market price on a daily QQQQQ We believe appreciation beyond a fair risk-
tolerance. basis, and the star rating is automatically re-calculated at adjusted return is highly likely over a multiyear time frame.
the market close on every day the market on which the The current market price represents an excessively
Our uncertainty ratings for our qualitative analysis are stock is listed is open. pessimistic outlook, limiting downside risk and maximizing
low, medium, high, very high, and extreme. Please note, there is no predefined distribution of stars. upside potential.
That is, the percentage of stocks that earn 5 stars can
× Low–margin of safety for 5-star rating is a 20% discount fluctuate daily, so the star ratings, in the aggregate, can QQQQ We believe appreciation beyond a fair risk-
and for 1-star rating is 25% premium. serve as a gauge of the broader market's valuation. When adjusted return is likely.
× Medium–margin of safety for 5-star rating is a 30% there are many 5-star stocks, the stock market as a whole is
discount and for 1-star rating is 35% premium. more undervalued, in our opinion, than when very few QQQ Indicates our belief that investors are likely to
× High–margin of safety for 5-star rating is a 40% discount companies garner our highest rating. receive a fair risk-adjusted return (approximately cost of
and for 1-star rating is 55% premium. equity).
× Very High–margin of safety for 5-star rating is a 50% We expect that if our base-case assumptions are true the
discount and for 1-star rating is 75% premium. market price will converge on our fair value estimate over QQ We believe investors are likely to receive a less than
× Extreme–margin of safety for 5-star rating is a 75% time, generally within three years (although it is impossible fair risk-adjusted return.
discount and for 1-star rating is 300% premium. to predict the exact time frame in which market prices may
adjust). Q Indicates a high probability of undesirable risk-adjusted
4. Market Price returns from the current market price over a multiyear time
The market prices used in this analysis and noted in the Our star ratings are guideposts to a broad audience and frame, based on our analysis. The market is pricing in an
report come from exchange on which the stock is listed, individuals must consider their own specific investment excessively optimistic outlook, limiting upside potential and
which we believe is a reliable source. goals, risk tolerance, tax situation, time horizon, income leaving the investor exposed to Capital loss.
needs, and complete investment portfolio, among other
For more details about our methodology, please go to factors.

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided
solely for informational purposes and therefore are not an offer to buy or sell a security; and are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate. The opinions expressed are as of the date written and are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall
not be responsible for any trading decisions, damages or other losses resulting from, or related to, the information, data, analyses or opinions or their use. The information contained herein is the proprietary property of Morningstar and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, or used in any
manner, without the prior written consent of Morningstar. Investment research is produced and issued by subsidiaries of Morningstar, Inc. including, but not limited to, Morningstar Research Services LLC, registered with and governed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. To order
reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. To license the research, call +1 312-696-6869. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 10 of 14

Research Methodology for Valuing Companies

Other Definitions quantitative report and the quantitative ratings, there is no Value Estimate, current market price, and the Quantitative
one analyst in which a given report is attributed to; Uncertainty Rating. The rating is expressed as 1-Star, 2-Star,
Last Price: Price of the stock as of the close of the market however, Mr. Lee Davidson, Head of Quantitative Research 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star.
of the last trading day before date of the report. for Morningstar, Inc., is responsible for overseeing the
methodology that supports the quantitative equity ratings Q: the stock is overvalued with a reasonable margin of
Stewardship Rating: Represents our assessment of used in this report. As an employee of Morningstar, Inc., safety.
management's stewardship of shareholder capital, with Mr. Davidson is guided by Morningstar, Inc.'s Code of Ethics Log (Quant FVE/Price)<–1*Quantitative Uncertainty
particular emphasis on capital allocation decisions. Analysts and Personal Securities Trading Policy in carrying out his
consider companies' investment strategy and valuation, responsibilities. QQ: the stock is somewhat overvalued.
financial leverage, dividend and share buyback policies, Log (Quant FVE/Price) between (–1*Quantitative
execution, compensation, related party transactions, and Quantitative Equity Ratings Uncertainty, –0.5*Quantitative Uncertainty)
accounting practices. Corporate governance practices are Morningstar's quantitative equity ratings consist of:
only considered if they've had a demonstrated impact on (i) Quantitative Fair Value Estimate QQQ: the stock is approximately fairly valued.
shareholder value. Analysts assign one of three ratings: (ii) Quantitative Star Rating Log (Quant FVE/Price) between (–0.5*Quantitative
"Exemplary," "Standard," and "Poor." Analysts judge (iii) Quantitative Uncertainty Uncertainty, 0.5*Quantitative Uncertainty)
stewardship from an equity holder's perspective. Ratings (iv) Quantitative Economic Moat
are determined on an absolute basis. Most companies will (v) Quantitative Financial Health QQQQ: the stock is somewhat undervalued.
receive a Standard rating, and this is the default rating in (collectively the "Quantitative Ratings"). Log (Quant FVE/Price) between (0.5*Quantitative
the absence of evidence that managers have made Uncertainty, 1*Quantitative Uncertainty)
exceptionally strong or poor capital allocation decisions. The Quantitative Ratings are calculated daily and derived
from the analyst-driven ratings of a company's peers as QQQQQ: the stock is undervalued with a reasonable
Quantitative Valuation: Using the below terms, intended to determined by statistical algorithms. Morningstar, Inc. margin of safety. Log (Quant FVE/Price) >1*Quantitative
denote the relationship between the security's Last Price ("“Morningstar," "we," "our") calculates Quantitative Uncertainty
and Morningstar's quantitative fair value estimate for that Ratings for companies whether it already provides analyst
security. ratings and qualitative coverage. In some cases, the Quantitative Uncertainty: Intended to represent
Quantitative Ratings may differ from the analyst ratings Morningstar's level of uncertainty about the accuracy of the
× Undervalued: Last Price is below Morningstar's because a company's analyst-driven ratings can quantitative fair value estimate. Generally, the lower the
quantitative fair value estimate. significantly differ from other companies in its peer group. quantitative Uncertainty, the narrower the potential range
× Fairly Valued: Last Price is in line with Morningstar's of outcomes for that particular company. The rating is
quantitative fair value estimate. Quantitative Fair Value Estimate: Intended to represent expressed as Low, Medium, High, Very High, and Extreme.
× Overvalued: Last Price is above Morningstar's Morningstar's estimate of the per share dollar amount that
quantitative fair value estimate. a company's equity is worth today. Morningstar calculates × Low: the interquartile range for possible fair values is less
the quantitative fair value estimate using a statistical model than 10%.
Risk Warning derived from the fair value estimate Morningstar's equity × Medium: the interquartile range for possible fair values is
Please note that investments in securities are subject to analysts assign to companies. Please go to less than 15% but greater than 10%.
market and other risks and there is no assurance or https://shareholders.morningstar.com for information about × High: the interquartile range for possible fair values is
guarantee that the intended investment objectives will be fair value estimates Morningstar's equity analysts assign to less than 35% but greater than 15%.
achieved. Past performance of a security may or may not be companies. × Very High: the interquartile range for possible fair values
sustained in future and is no indication of future is less than 80% but greater than 35%.
performance. A security investment return and an investor's Quantitative Economic Moat: Intended to describe the × Extreme: the interquartile range for possible fair values is
principal value will fluctuate so that, when redeemed, an strength of a firm's competitive position. It is calculated greater than 80%.
investor's shares may be worth more or less than their using an algorithm designed to predict the Economic Moat
original cost. A security's current investment performance rating a Morningstar analyst would assign to the stock. The Quantitative Financial Health: Intended to reflect the
may be lower or higher than the investment performance rating is expressed as Narrow, Wide, or None. probability that a firm will face financial distress in the near
noted within the report. Morningstar's Uncertainty Rating future. The calculation uses a predictive model designed to
serves as a useful data point with respect to sensitivity × Narrow: assigned when the probability of a stock anticipate when a company may default on its financial
analysis of the assumptions used in our determining a fair receiving a "Wide Moat" rating by an analyst is greater obligations. The rating is expressed as Weak, Moderate,
value price. than 70% but less than 99%. and Strong.
× Wide: assigned when the probability of a stock receiving
Quantitative Equity Reports Overview a "Wide Moat" rating by an analyst is greater than 99%. × Weak: assigned when Quantitative Financial Health <0.2
The quantitative report on equities consists of data, × None: assigned when the probability of an analyst × Moderate: assigned when Quantitative Financial Health
statistics and quantitative equity ratings on equity receiving a "Wide Moat" rating by an analyst is less than is between 0.2 and 0.7
securities. Morningstar, Inc.'s quantitative equity ratings are 70%. × Strong: assigned when Quantitative Financial Health >0.7
forward looking and are generated by a statistical model
that is based on Morningstar Inc.'s analyst-driven equity Quantitative Star Rating: Intended to be the summary
ratings and quantitative statistics. Given the nature of the rating based on the combination of our Quantitative Fair

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided
solely for informational purposes and therefore are not an offer to buy or sell a security; and are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate. The opinions expressed are as of the date written and are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall
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reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. To license the research, call +1 312-696-6869. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 11 of 14

Research Methodology for Valuing Companies

Other Definitions

Last Close: Price of the stock as of the close of the market

of the last trading day before date of the report.

Quantitative Valuation: Using the below terms, intended to

denote the relationship between the security's Last Price
and Morningstar's quantitative fair value estimate for that

× Undervalued: Last Price is below Morningstar's

quantitative fair value estimate.
× Fairly Valued: Last Price is in line with Morningstar's
quantitative fair value estimate.
× Overvalued: Last Price is above Morningstar's
quantitative fair value estimate.

This Report has not been made available to the issuer of the
security prior to publication.

Risk Warning
Please note that investments in securities are subject to
market and other risks and there is no assurance or
guarantee that the intended investment objectives will be
achieved. Past performance of a security may or may not be
sustained in future and is no indication of future
performance. A security investment return and an investor's
principal value will fluctuate so that, when redeemed, an
investor's shares may be worth more or less than their
original cost. A security's current investment performance
may be lower or higher than the investment performance
noted within the report.

The quantitative equity ratings are not statements of fact.

Morningstar does not guarantee the completeness or
accuracy of the assumptions or models used in determining
the quantitative equity ratings. In addition, there is the risk
that the price target will not be met due to such things as
unforeseen changes in demand for the company's products,
changes in management, technology, economic
development, interest rate development, operating and/or
material costs, competitive pressure, supervisory law,
exchange rate, and tax rate. For investments in foreign
markets there are further risks, generally based on
exchange rate changes or changes in political and social

A change in the fundamental factors underlying the

quantitative equity ratings can mean that the valuation is
subsequently no longer accurate.

For more information about Morningstar's quantitative

methodology, please visit

© Morningstar 2020. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided
solely for informational purposes and therefore are not an offer to buy or sell a security; and are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate. The opinions expressed are as of the date written and are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall
not be responsible for any trading decisions, damages or other losses resulting from, or related to, the information, data, analyses or opinions or their use. The information contained herein is the proprietary property of Morningstar and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, or used in any
manner, without the prior written consent of Morningstar. Investment research is produced and issued by subsidiaries of Morningstar, Inc. including, but not limited to, Morningstar Research Services LLC, registered with and governed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. To order
reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. To license the research, call +1 312-696-6869. Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.
Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 12 of 14


Morningstar Rating Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/Fair Value Trailing Dividend Yield % Forward Dividend Yield % Market Cap (Bil) Industry Stewardship

Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC

General Disclosure
The analysis within this report is prepared by the person
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Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 13 of 14


Morningstar Rating Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/Fair Value Trailing Dividend Yield % Forward Dividend Yield % Market Cap (Bil) Industry Stewardship

Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC

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Morningstar Equity Analyst Report |Page 14 of 14


Morningstar Rating Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/Fair Value Trailing Dividend Yield % Forward Dividend Yield % Market Cap (Bil) Industry Stewardship

Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC

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