Nvidia Corp Nvda (Xnas) : Nvidia To Buy ARM in $40 Billion Deal With Eyes Set On Data Center Dominance Maintain FVE
Nvidia Corp Nvda (Xnas) : Nvidia To Buy ARM in $40 Billion Deal With Eyes Set On Data Center Dominance Maintain FVE
Nvidia Corp Nvda (Xnas) : Nvidia To Buy ARM in $40 Billion Deal With Eyes Set On Data Center Dominance Maintain FVE
Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC
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Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC
Close Competitors Currency (Mil) Market Cap TTM Sales Operating Margin TTM/PE has gained share at the expense of AMD as gamers have
Intel Corp INTC USD 209,588 78,955 33.38 9.09 moved from mainstream graphics cards to performance
and enthusiast segments. We note these GPUs range from
Advanced Micro Devices Inc AMD USD 89,627 7,646 11.56 147.06
$150 at the low-end to over $1,000 for premium cards,
with Nvidia’s gaming gross margins in the high 50s.
Although virtual reality is another trend that should benefit
from its cost advantages and intangible assets related to Nvidia’s gaming GPUs, we think mobile VR applications
the design of graphics processing units, or GPUs. The firm will be more prominent relative to those on PC VR systems,
is the originator of and leader in discrete graphics, having at least in the near term.
captured the lion’s share of the market from longtime rival
AMD. We think the market has significant barriers to entry Unlike gaming GPUs, which are dependent on the secularly
in the form of advanced intellectual property, as even chip declining PC market, Nvidia has taken steps to leverage
leader Intel was unable to develop its own GPUs despite its GPU prowess into other markets such as automotive
its vast resources, and ultimately needed to license IP and data center that represent a meaningful and
from Nvidia to integrate GPUs into its PC chipsets. To stay sustainable growth opportunity. GPUs are being used to
at the cutting edge of GPU technology, Nvidia has a large accelerate computation workloads with the goal of
R&D budget relative to AMD and smaller GPU suppliers training AI systems to drive cars and perform medical
that allows it to continuously innovate and fuel a virtuous diagnoses. We note these are computationally intensive
cycle for its high-margin chips. endeavors that are more achievable with CPUs and GPUs
working in tandem versus CPUs in isolation.
Nvidia’s intangible assets originate with its popularization
of GPUs in 1999, which could off-load graphics processing Internet behemoths such as Google, Facebook, Amazon,
tasks from the CPU, thereby increasing the overall and Microsoft have found GPUs to be adept at accelerating
performance of the system. The firm has patents related cloud workloads that use deep learning techniques to
to the hardware design of its GPUs in addition to the achieve speech recognition (Siri, Google Now, Alexa,
software and frameworks used to take advantage of GPUs Cortana), photo recognition (identifying faces in pictures
in gaming, design, visualization, and other graphics-intensive on Facebook, videos of cats on YouTube), and
applications. Additionally, the latest PC games typically recommendation engines (Netflix, Amazon). To train a
require system software updates (drivers) that optimize computer to recognize spoken words or images, it must
the performance of GPUs. We note Nvidia tends to provide be exposed to massive amounts of data with the goal of
more reliable drivers for most games that allows gamers educating itself. Inference involves taking what the model
to take full advantage of its GPUs, while AMD is unable learned during the training process and putting it into real
to match Nvidia in breadth and consistency of driver world applications to make decisions (that is after
updates. Consequently, consumers have favored Nvidia’s reviewing 10,000 cat pictures during training, is this next
GPUs for gaming, with the firm boasting over 70% share picture a cat?).
in the discrete GPU market, with little resistance from
AMD at the leading-edge. In turn, this has enabled These examples are not very efficient to run on server
economies of scale that allow Nvidia to invest in designing CPUs (predominantly Intel’s Xeons) alone, as
chips at the latest process node while offering regular general-purpose CPUs consist of a few cores that are good
driver updates and remain at the forefront of GPU at performing a wide array of tasks in a sequential manner.
technology. The training process is ideal for GPUs that have massively
parallel architecture consisting of thousands of smaller
While the market for discrete GPUs in PCs has continued cores designed for handling multiple tasks simultaneously.
to decline, as most PCs utilize integrated graphics chips Nvidia has a first-mover advantage in the accelerator
from Intel, Nvidia has benefited from a resurgence for market, as it looks to drive AI adoption in both the cloud
high-end GPUs driven by the growing enthusiast PC and on the road.
gaming space. In our view, AMD has been unable to design
products capable of competing with Nvidia’s GPUs at the Within automotive, Nvidia currently has a presence in the
high-end of the gaming spectrum. Consequently, Nvidia infotainment systems of millions of vehicles through its
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Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC
Tegra processors. While increasingly complex digital with roughly 40 million vehicles on the road with
cockpit computers will become the norm, we note this is capabilities ranging from basic level 2 to fully autonomous
a highly competitive market, with Qualcomm, Intel, among level 5. Ultimately, we think Nvidia will capture a healthy
others also offering competitive infotainment solutions, portion of this opportunity, culminating in a 15% CAGR in
and we do not see any competitive advantage from Nvidia automotive revenue through fiscal 2025 (which includes
that warrants a moat just yet. However, with its Drive PX a soft fiscal 2021 due to COVID-19). Nonetheless, we also
self-driving system, Nvidia hopes to carve a dominant believe Intel-Mobileye will factor prominently into the
position in the self-driving space. Should the firm’s self-driving equation.
autonomous platform win the lion’s share of self-driving
business, we think Nvidia would strengthen its moat via Gaming currently accounts for over half of total sales and
superior intangible assets and switching costs. We view has a gross margin at the corporate average. The Tegra
this opportunity as in the early innings, and while more chip, used in automotive infotainment systems, is
than 370 OEMs have tested Drive PX in R&D settings, Intel relatively lower. In contrast, the data center unit has high
(with the 2017 acquisition of Mobileye) represents a gross margins, ranging from 65% to 70%. However, we
formidable opponent that will challenge Nvidia, in our also foresee margin pressure due to competition leading
view. to long-term gross margins of 60%. Nvidia must invest
heavily in R&D to maintain its competitive edge in GPUs.
Fair Value & Profit Drivers Thus, we model long-term R&D as a percentage of sales
Abhinav Davuluri, Analyst, 19 August 2020 at 22%, implying operating margins in the high 20s.
We are raising our fair value estimate to $250 per share
from $200, as we incorporate a stronger near-term outlook Risk & Uncertainty
and Mellanox acquisition. Our fair value estimate Abhinav Davuluri, Analyst, 19 August 2020
assumes a forward adjusted price/earnings ratio of 31 Consumer spending in the PC space has undergone a
times. We do not believe the market is accounting for the significant structural shift over the past decade with the
competitive forces that we expect to challenge Nvidia. proliferation of mobile devices that serve as many users’
We project revenue will increase at a 20.5% compound de facto computers. This has pressured sales in desktops
annual growth rate through fiscal 2025 as the firm and laptops. Nvidia’s discrete GPUs are also challenged
continues to diversify its revenue sources to areas of by Intel’s chips that feature both the CPU and GPU. These
strong potential. Fiscal 2020 was a challenging year for combo chips are more cost-efficient but still lack high-end
the firm, as gaming revenue fell due to a cryptocurrency graphics capability. We note there is still strong demand
mining-related hangover and excess channel inventories, from gaming enthusiasts, who are willing to purchase
but we anticipate sales growth of 46% in fiscal 2021. high-end GPUs from the likes of Nvidia.
We think the data center segment is poised to rise at a We remain concerned Nvidia generates the majority of its
CAGR of 41%, accounting for over half of total revenue in sales from gaming. The firm has benefited from strong PC
fiscal 2025. We expect the firm to dominate the training gaming momentum in recent years, as gamers shift from
portion of deep learning, but we don't believe the consoles to PC gaming. However, many of the most popular
inference market will be as lopsided in favor of Nvidia's games are competitive multiplayer online games (esports)
GPUs as the current stock price suggests. Gaming should that require low-end discrete GPUs for latency reasons
continue to be a major source of revenue, though we think versus high-end GPUs for cutting-edge graphics. The firm
recent growth rates will be difficult to replicate due to is also expected to benefit from Virtual Reality, however,
saturation and lengthening replacement cycles of gaming a shift to mobile gaming VR over PC VR could curb these
GPUs, greater competition, and softer cryptocurrency opportunities, as Nvidia’s GPUs aren’t formidable in
mining-related GPU sales. smartphones (similar to Intel’s CPUs in smartphones).
In automotive, most of Nvidia’s current sales are Adjacent markets (AI, automotive) are still in the early
infotainment-related. Its Drive PX autonomous driving innings, and though Nvidia has a first-mover advantage in
platform is still in the early innings. By 2025, the firm both, its lead may not last if superior alternatives arise
expects the AI opportunity in automotive to be $30 billion (other forms of acceleration for AI or other self-driving
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Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC
platforms). Also, the rate of disruption tends to be quicker centers via its InfiniBand and Ethernet technologies for
in these markets that are very performance-sensitive. We interconnects. We note there will be no initial revenue or
note GPUs were designed to do one thing very well: render cost synergies as the GPU titan intends to maintain all of
graphics for realistic images, games, videos, and so on Mellanox’s existing investments. We think this makes
Leveraging GPUs in deep learning applications among sense, as the deal rationale is initially to bolster Nvidia’s
other areas mostly occurred due to lack of better share of data center spend to potentially increase its
alternatives. As alternatives arise (via current competition switching costs. Nvidia’s DGX integrated system for
or startups), Nvidia’s recent explosive growth will be Artificial Intelligence, or AI, utilizes InfiniBand technology
difficult to sustain, in our view. Ultimately, the risky nature while the two firms collectively power over half of the
of Nvidia’s nongaming GPU segments leads to our very world’s Top 500 supercomputers with Nvidia GPUs and
high uncertainty rating. Mellanox interconnects. The deal closed in early 2020.
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Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC
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Q 486.58 USD 250.00 USD 1.95 0.13 0.13 300.22 Semiconductors Exemplary
11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
21:37, UTC 01:27, UTC
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Quantitative Equity Report | Release: 13 Sep 2020, 23:02 UTC | Reporting Currency: USD | Trading Currency: USD | Exchange:XNAS Page
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of 1
There is no one analyst in which a Quantitative Fair Value Estimate and Quantitative
Star Rating are attributed to; however, Mr. Lee Davidson, Head of Quantitative
Price vs. Quantitative Fair Value
Research for Morningstar, Inc., is responsible for overseeing the methodology that 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Quantitative Fair Value Estimate
supports the quantitative fair value. As an employee of Morningstar, Inc., Mr. Total Return
Davidson is guided by Morningstar, Inc.’s Code of Ethics and Personal Securities
Trading Policy in carrying out his responsibilities. For information regarding Conflicts Sales/Share
of Interests, visit http://global.morningstar.com/equitydisclosures Forecast Range
Forcasted Price
512 Dividend
Company Profile
Nvidia is a leading designer of graphics processing units that Momentum: Positive
enhance the experience on computing platforms. The firm''s Standard Deviation: 44.75
chips are used in a variety of end markets, including high-end Liquidity: High
PCs for gaming, data centers, and automotive infotainment
systems. In recent years, the firm has broadened its focus 169.32 52-Wk 589.07
from traditional PC graphics applications such as gaming to 128
more complex and favorable opportunities, including artificial 22.24 5-Yr 589.07
intelligence and autonomous driving, which leverage the high-
225.3 81.8 -30.7 76.7 107.0 Total Return %
performance capabilities of the firm''s graphics processing
212.9 60.3 -25.6 45.5 102.4 +/– Market (Morningstar US Index)
Quantitative Scores Scores 0.45 0.29 0.46 0.27 0.13 Trailing Dividend Yield %
All Rel Sector Rel Country 0.52 0.31 0.48 0.27 0.13 Forward Dividend Yield %
Quantitative Moat Wide 100 100 99 54.6 48.1 17.9 60.2 89.3 Price/Earnings
Valuation Overvalued 1 1 1 10.8 13.9 6.7 14.5 23.2 Price/Revenue
Quantitative Uncertainty High 99 99 97 Morningstar RatingQ
Financial Health Moderate 79 47 79 QQQQQ
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TTM Financials (Fiscal Year in Mil)
Undervalued Fairly Valued Overvalued 5,010 6,910 9,714 11,716 10,918 13,065 Revenue
Source: Morningstar Equity Research 7.0 37.9 40.6 20.6 -6.8 19.7 % Change
878 1,937 3,210 3,804 2,846 3,544 Operating Income
15.7 120.6 65.7 18.5 -25.2 24.5 % Change
Valuation Sector Country
Current 5-Yr Avg Median Median 614 1,666 3,047 4,141 2,796 3,388 Net Income
Price/Quant Fair Value 1.67 1.43 0.77 0.83 1,175 1,672 3,502 3,743 4,761 5,581 Operating Cash Flow
Price/Earnings 89.3 37.0 21.4 20.1 -86 -176 -593 -600 -489 -620 Capital Spending
Forward P/E 55.6 — 15.9 13.9 1,089 1,496 2,909 3,143 4,272 4,961 Free Cash Flow
Price/Cash Flow 54.2 31.8 15.6 13.1 21.7 21.6 29.9 26.8 39.1 38.0 % Sales
Price/Free Cash Flow 61.0 36.4 23.0 19.5 1.08 2.57 4.82 6.63 4.52 5.45 EPS
Trailing Dividend Yield % 0.13 0.53 1.89 2.35 -3.6 138.0 87.5 37.6 -31.8 20.6 % Change
Price/Book 21.6 10.5 2.3 2.4 1.79 2.12 4.08 5.41 5.90 7.98 Free Cash Flow/Share
Price/Sales 23.2 9.0 1.7 2.4 0.39 0.49 0.57 0.61 0.64 0.64 Dividends/Share
8.30 9.10 10.48 15.64 18.31 22.55 Book Value/Share
Profitability Sector Country 538,000 539,000 606,000 610,000 612,000 617,000 Shares Outstanding (K)
Current 5-Yr Avg Median Median
Return on Equity % 27.9 33.5 12.5 12.9
13.8 32.6 46.1 49.3 26.0 27.9 Return on Equity %
Return on Assets % 17.0 21.7 6.4 5.2
8.4 19.4 28.9 33.8 18.3 17.0 Return on Assets %
Revenue/Employee (K) 948.5 746.3 442.6 325.9
12.3 24.1 31.4 35.3 25.6 25.9 Net Margin %
0.69 0.80 0.92 0.96 0.71 0.65 Asset Turnover
Financial Health Sector Country
Current 5-Yr Avg Median Median 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.8 Financial Leverage
Distance to Default 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 56.1 58.8 59.9 61.2 62.0 62.8 Gross Margin %
Solvency Score 205.1 — 449.9 552.4 17.5 28.0 33.1 32.5 26.1 27.1 Operating Margin %
Assets/Equity 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 — 1,983 1,985 1,988 1,991 6,960 Long-Term Debt
Long-Term Debt/Equity 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4 4,469 5,762 7,471 9,342 12,204 13,914 Total Equity
9.8 14.0 12.8 9.8 5.9 5.6 Fixed Asset Turns
Growth Per Share Quarterly Revenue & EPS Revenue Growth Year On Year %
1-Year 3-Year 5-Year 10-Year Revenue (Mil) Apr Jul Oct Jan Total
Revenue % -6.8 16.5 18.5 12.6 2020 2,220.0 2,579.0 3,014.0 3,105.0 10,918.0 49.9
40.0 40.8 38.7
Operating Income % -25.2 13.7 30.3 — 2019 3,207.0 3,123.0 3,181.0 2,205.0 11,716.0
Earnings % -31.8 20.7 32.2 — 2018 1,937.0 2,230.0 2,636.0 2,911.0 9,714.0 20.7
Dividends % 4.9 9.7 13.5 — 2017 1,305.0 1,428.0 2,004.0 2,173.0 6,910.0
Book Value % 29.3 26.5 19.7 15.4 Earnings Per Share ()
Stock Total Return % 164.3 42.4 84.9 47.5 2020 0.64 0.90 1.45 1.53 4.52
2019 1.98 1.76 1.97 0.92 6.63 -24.3
2018 0.79 0.92 1.33 1.78 4.82
2018 2019 2020
2017 0.33 0.40 0.83 0.99 2.57
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Morningstar Research Methodology for Valuing Companies Because a dollar earned today is worth more than a
dollar earned tomorrow, we discount our projections of
cash flows in stages I, II, and III to arrive at a total
present value of expected future cash flows. Because we
are modeling free cash flow to the firm—representing cash
available to provide a return to all capital providers—we
discount future cash flows using the WACC, which is a
weighted average of the costs of equity, debt, and preferred
stock (and any other funding sources), using expected
future proportionate long-term market-value weights.
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guarantee that the intended investment objectives will be
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sustained in future and is no indication of future
performance. A security investment return and an investor's
principal value will fluctuate so that, when redeemed, an
investor's shares may be worth more or less than their
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may be lower or higher than the investment performance
noted within the report.
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11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 20 Aug 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020 11 Sep 2020
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