Quiz ERD
Quiz ERD
Quiz ERD
- Entities represent the constructs that the database keeps track of.
- Entity instances are the occurrences of an entity and are recorded in the database.
- Attributes are characteristics of an entity and represent the details recorded for each entity
- Each entity in an ER diagram must be related to at least one other entity via a relationship.
- Cardinality constraints define how many instances of one entity can be associated with
instances of another entity.
- Some relationships, such as M:N relationships, can have their own attributes.
- Composite attributes are composed of several attributes and indicate a situation where a
collection of attributes has additional meaning.
- Composite unique attributes are composed of several attributes and have different values
for each entity instance.
- Entities can have multiple unique attributes, also known as candidate keys.
- Multivalued attributes allow instances of an entity to have multiple values for the same
- Derived attributes are calculated and not permanently stored in the database.
- Weak entities are associated with their owner entities via an identifying relationship.
- Weak entities have a partial key attribute that, combined with the unique attribute of the
owner entity, uniquely identifies their instances.
- Names should be brief but not too condensed to obscure the meaning.
- It is crucial for creating ER models and helps in the requirements collection process.
- Mistakes to avoid include confusing entities with the ER diagram itself and modeling
unfeasible requirements.
- There is no universally adopted ER notation, but there are several available notations.
- Familiarity with one ER notation makes it easy to understand and use alternative notations.
These notes cover the main concepts and topics discussed in the lecture on Database
Requirements and ER Modeling.