wph16 01 Pef 20230112
wph16 01 Pef 20230112
wph16 01 Pef 20230112
October 2022
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October 2022
Publications Code WPH16_01_ER_2210
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2022
The IAL paper WPH16 Practical Skills in Physics II assesses the skills associated with
practical work in Physics and builds on the skills learned in the IAL paper WPH13.
This paper assesses the skills of planning, data analysis and evaluation which are
equivalent to those that A level Physics students in the UK are assessed on within
written examinations. This document should be read in conjunction with the question
paper and the mark scheme which are available at the Pearson Qualifications website,
along with Appendix 10 in the specification.
In this specification, it is expected that students will carry out a range of Core Practical
experiments. The skills and techniques learned will be examined in this paper but not
the Core Practical experiments themselves. Students who do little practical work will
find this paper more difficult as many questions rely on applying the learning to novel
as well as other standard experiments.
It should be noted that, whilst much of the specification is equivalent to the previous
specification, there are some notable differences. Students are expected to know and
use terminology appropriately, and use standard techniques associated with analysing
uncertainties. These can be found in Appendix 10 of the specification. In addition, new
command words may be used which to challenge the students to form conclusions.
These are given in Appendix 9 of the specification, and centres should make sure that
students understand what the command words mean.
The paper for October 2022 covered the same skills as in previous series and was
therefore comparable overall in terms of demand.
Question 1
This question was set in the context of investigating the magnetic field
produced by a current-carrying coil. The use of an oscilloscope to measure
potential difference is found in Core Practical 11: Capacitor Discharge.
In part (a) students had to describe a safety issue and how it should be
dealt with. Although this question was aimed at the lower end of the grade
scale, very few students scored both marks. Some students noted that the
plastic could melt without referring to the wire. Those that scored marks
either stated that the wire could overheat or there was a risk of
electrocution, such as in the example below. Some students stated using a
low potential difference or a resistor in the circuit as a way of dealing with
the issue. However, students tended to describe general issues with using
electric circuits, such as not using near water, rather than relating their
answer to the apparatus shown.
In part (b) students had to explain why vernier calipers would be better
than a metre rule to measure the distance between the two coils. As is
often the case with “Explain” questions, students seem reluctant to write in
full sentences and rely on using mathematics. Although this is a standard
style of question used in many previous series this was not done well.
Centres should note that the number of marks may change for this type of
question therefore students may not gain credit for certain answers. The
first mark required students to state the resolution of the two instruments
therefore this should be in words not implied from a calculation. Centres
should note that the term precision is not equivalent to resolution in this
specification, therefore students will not be awarded the mark if this term is
used. Some students stated an incorrect resolution for the vernier calipers,
maybe as the distance was given in cm rather than mm. In addition, units
were sometimes missing. For the second mark, students should have
calculated the percentage uncertainty for both instruments as a comparison
was needed for the conclusion. Students must use the half resolution for
this calculation. The final mark was dependent on a valid comparison,
either between two correct resolutions stated or two correct percentage
uncertainties. The example below shows a good answer to this question.
In part (c) students had to describe how to determine an accurate value for
the maximum e.m.f. from the trace on the oscilloscope screen. It was clear
that students were unfamiliar with using an oscilloscope to measure
potential difference. In addition, some students did not use words to
describe the process but presented a calculation. Most students that scored
a mark stated how to use the 100 mV per division setting. The most
common error was describing how to determine the time period rather than
the amplitude of the trace. Some students used the term “adjacent peaks”
which implies a horizontal rather than vertical measurement. The final
mark was for including a technique to improve the accuracy of the
measurement of amplitude. This was not scored very often. The following
example was judged to be clear enough for all three marks.
In part (d) students had to criticise the recording of the data. This was
much more familiar to students although some referred to the range or the
uneven intervals in the values of E, such as in the example below.
Question 2
Part (b) was the familiar planning question although this was worth fewer
marks as normal as the graph had already been given in part (a). Some
students repeated their answer to part (a) here which was not needed.
Students should be aiming to write a method for the investigation described
in the question that could be followed by a competent physicist. Although
marks were not awarded for linking ideas, students often suffered as their
use of language was imprecise or their descriptions became muddled
making their intentions unclear. The best answers were well structured and
concise, leading to a method that could be followed easily.
The mark scheme for this type of the question can vary owing to the
context of the experiment however they all follow a similar structure. The
first three marks were dedicated to collecting an accurate set of values, in
particular identifying when to start timing, measuring at fixed intervals of
time or volume, and how to measure volume correctly. Most students
should be able to achieve at least one of these marks, but many did not.
The final mark was for another technique appropriate to the investigation.
Most stated that a stopwatch should be used to measure time. Those that
referred to the use of a video camera scored the mark if they were specific
in how to use the video for recording the time. As is usual, students recite
“repeat and take a mean” without any thought as to how this should be
done in the context of the investigation, therefore were not credited. The
following example illustrates this well and only scored the final mark for the
use of a stopwatch.
This question involved plotting and analysing the graph of the data for the
saturated vapour pressure of a liquid at different values of absolute
temperature. A question involving a graph appears in each series with a
common mark scheme. Therefore, there is plenty of opportunity to practise
this skill and consult Examiner’s Reports to correct common errors. A good
student should be able to access most of the marks and most students
should score some marks.
Part (a)(i) assessed the students’ ability to process data and plot the correct
graph, i.e. log P against 𝑇1 . The first two marks were for processing the data
correctly and was awarded most often. The number of decimal places given
should be sufficient to plot a graph on standard graph paper. For
logarithms students should give a minimum of two decimal places although
three is accepted. Some students converted the pressure in kPa into Pa
which was not necessary and may result in a more awkward graph to plot.
In addition, the question asked for log values of P. Where the relationship
is in the form of a power law, logs to different bases are accepted.
However, the relationship was not in this form, therefore only log to base
10 was accepted. The most common errors here were truncating rather
than rounding, and using an inconsistent number of decimal places in
processed data. Occasionally, students gave log values for both variables.
The third mark was for placing the axes the correct way around and
labelling with the correct quantity. Some students inverted the axes, i.e.,
they plotted 𝑇1 . against log P. Students should note that the question is
always written in the form “plot y against x”. This also often lead to
mistakes in later parts. The most common mistake is not using the correct
format for labelling a log axis, either by missing out the brackets or units or
both. The correct form is log (quantity/unit), e.g. log (P / kPa ). In
addition, some students either missed out or incorrectly used the factor of
10-3, or forgot to include the correct unit on the x-axis.
The fourth mark was for choosing an appropriate scale. At this level, the
students should be able to choose the most suitable scale in values of 1, 2,
5 and their multiples of 10 such that the plotted points occupy over half
the grid in both directions. Students should realise that although the
graph paper given in the question paper is a standard size the graph does
not have to fill the grid, and a landscape graph can be used if it produces a
more appropriate fit. In most cases it is unnecessary. Students at this
level should also realise that scales do not have to start from zero and
scales based on 3, 4 (including 0.25) or 7 are awkward and not accepted.
Students should also be encouraged to label every major axis line, i.e.
every 10 small squares, with appropriate numbers, so that examiners can
easily see the scale used. Occasionally, students mislabelled their axes so
that the scale appeared to change.
The final mark is for the best-fit line. This mark was awarded often as the
data used did not produce a significant scatter. Often students will join the
first and last points instead of judging the scatter of the data points which
can lead to errors. Where students were not awarded this mark it was
either because the line was too thick, i.e. over half a small square, or were
not continuous. Students should be encouraged to use a 30 cm rule for for
this examination. The following is a perfect example of a best fit line which
is not straight but composed of two shorter lines joined in the centre. This
graph is otherwise a good example and scored the rest of the marks.
In part (a)(ii) students were asked to determine a value for the gradient.
There were several common errors seen. Many students used the first and
last points, or other data points from the table. This is only acceptable if
the data points lie exactly on the best fit line. Students should be
encouraged to find places where the best-fit line crosses an intersection of
the grid lines near the top and bottom of the best-fit line and to mark
these on the graph. Those that used awkward scales were often only
successful when sensible values were used. Students also often forgot to
use the factor of 10-3 from the x-axis. The final mark could be awarded
from an incorrect gradient, but often students omitted the - sign. The
following example shows a student using the first and last points in the
calculation, but these were lying on the best fit line.
In part (b)(iii) students had to use their value of the gradient to calculate a
constant from the formula given. Students were largely successful with
this, but those that did not score often used the incorrect value of k. The
following example shows how the above gradient was used successfully.
Finally, in part (b) students had to determine the boiling point of the liquid
in C. Those that realised that this required interpolating from the graph
often scored full marks. This part was often left blank, possibly as a
relationship was not included for students to substitute values into.
Students should realise that any calculation in this question will rely on
using data from the graph. The following example shows a good answer to
this question, and the student had marked the interpolation on the graph
which made it easier to check the correct value was used.
Question 4
This question involved determining a value for the resistivity and resistance
of constantan wire using two different methods. This involved the use of a
micrometer screw gauge to measure diameter which students encountered
in two AS core practicals. In addition, the analysis of uncertainties is
common to all past papers therefore students should be encouraged to
analyse uncertainties on a regular basis, either whilst making
measurements or using past papers. Students should read Appendix 10 of
the specification and include all working as marks are awarded for the
Part (a)(ii) involved calculating a mean and uncertainty from a set of data.
The first mark was for the correct value of the mean given to the same
number of decimal places as the measurements. Many students gave
too many decimal places. The second two marks were for the uncertainty
calculation. The students must show the uncertainty calculation for the
second mark, and this is awarded for calculating the half range or
furthest from the mean. A small number of students used the first and
last values given in the table instead of the highest and lowest values.
Some students also calculated the percentage uncertainty. The final mark
was for the correct uncertainty given to the same number of decimal places
as the mean. The following student clearly shows their working, including
the answers rounded to the correct number of decimal places.
In part (b)(i) students were given a set of measurements for another wire
and asked to show that the resistivity of the metal was about 5 ´ 10-7 m.
Most students did this well as this is part of the AS specification. However,
the most common issue was not using the correct formula for the cross-
sectional area or using an incorrect formula. Power of ten errors were also
common as SI units were not used. The following example shows clear
working leading to a correct answer.
In part (b)(ii) they were asked to show that the uncertainty in the area
resistivity was about 9%. This required the students to show a full
calculation as the first two marks were awarded for the method. The final
mark was for the correct final answer given to one more figure than 9%,
which was often omitted. It should be noted that the final value varied
slightly owing to rounding. Students used two methods of solving this,
either by combining percentage uncertainties, or by using the maximum
and minimum method. Combining percentage uncertainties was more
common and lead to more correct answers. However, some students did
not calculate the percentage uncertainty for all variables, and some
calculated the percentage uncertainty in the radius incorrectly. The
following student did the calculation correctly in one step. Although this is
acceptable as it is clear, it can be more prone to errors.
The first method was calculating the limits for both values. The main error
was adding the percentage uncertainty as a number rather than as a
percentage. A smaller number used the percentage difference method. This
is an approximate method and should only be used when an uncertainty on
the measurements is not available. However, this is accepted but can
produce more errors, most notably using the calculated value or a mean of
the quoted values in the denominator rather than just one of the quoted
values. This is shown in the example below where the student has used the
calculated value for in the denominator.
For both methods, the final mark was for a correct conclusion. As in
previous series, the main error with the conclusion was not explicitly
making a comparison between values. The above example shows no direct
comparison, in this case to the percentage uncertainties given. The
example below does have a clear comparison of limits to the published
values and a correct conclusion.
Students will be more successful if they routinely carry out and plan
practical activities for themselves using a wide variety of techniques. These
can be simple experiments that do not require expensive, specialist
equipment. In particular, they should make measurements on simple
objects using Vernier calipers and micrometer screw gauges and complete
all the Core Practical experiments given in the specification.