Buku Jawapan
Buku Jawapan
Buku Jawapan
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3. Calon hendaklah menjawab soalan secara individu dan diingatkan agar tidak
berbincang dan meniru jawapan calon-calon lain.
4. Calon yang GAGAL menghantar jawapan pada masa yang ditetapkan adalah
dikira telah gagal peperiksaan berkenaan.
All hill folds and valley folds that has been observed in Figure 1 is as picture above.
Symbol H represent Valley Folds which has 11 and symbol O represent Hill Folds which
has 16 of it. A valley fold is in its essence a paper fold that forms a trench. A hill or
mountain fold is, on the other hand, a paper fold that forms a ridge (look at figure 1).
And, that’s it. There is nothing more to it.
For the first step, a hill fold must be folded on a square paper.
For the second step, a hill fold must be folded on paper as in the diagram shown above.
Third step, the paper is unfolded to make a new hill fold in another direction as can be
seen in the diagram.
The final step is the hill fold on the paper as shown in the diagram. The origami is well-
Illustrate one parallel fold and one angled fold used in a pop-up book.
Angled V-fold one of the pop-up mechanisms. V-folding very popular and they are very
simple and easy to make it. The angle used for the pop-up usually 60, 90, and 100
degrees from the centre , determines the way it stand up in the middle of the card when
it is opened.
Number of faces 32 8
(12 pentagons and 20 hexagons) (8 equilateral triangles)
Number of 90 12
Number of 60 6
(It has 6 Vertices for corner points
and at each vertex 4 edges meet)
Solid A and Solid B have their own similarities and differences that could be seen. The
similarities are both solid are polyhedron. In geometry, a polyhedron is just a three-
dimensional solid consisting of a group of polygons, ordinarily connected at their edges.
In other words, a polyhedron is a three-dimensional variant of the most common
polytope, which defines an arbitrary dimension. The plural name of a polyhedron is
“polyhedra” or sometimes “polyhedrons”. A polyhedron can be observed as an
intersection of half-spaces, whereas a polytope is a bounded polyhedron. Next, both
solids are not in irregular polygons type. It is because an irregular polygon does not
have all its sides equal and not all the angles are equal in measure. Examples of
irregular polygons are scalene triangle, right triangle, isosceles triangle, rectangle,
parallelogram, irregular pentagon, irregular hexagon, etc. For example, a rectangle is a
four-sided polygon that has only opposite sides equal but the angles are all equal in
measure. Hence, it is an irregular polygon. So, it is clear about both have solid
Therefore, the difference between solid A and B is the time it takes to form it.
However, solid A does need a longer time to form than solid B. It is because, referring to
its nets, solid A is more complicated to form than solid B as the number of faces is 32
with 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons than solid B which only has 8 flat faces with only 8
equilateral triangles to form it. After that, solid A is a semiregular convex quasiregular,
which is a semiregular uniform polyhedron that has exactly two kinds of regular faces,
which alternate around each vertex. It is different from solid B, which is convex, that
does not have any interior angles greater than 180°. It is also faced transitive, that all its
faces are the same, different that solid A. Other than that, solid A is a semi-regular
polygon than solid B, which is a regular polygon. It is because solid A consists of
pentagons and hexagons shape than solid B which consists only of equilateral
triangular shapes. Hence it is clear about both solid A and solid B similarities and