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Alternate Dispute Resolution

Alternate Dispute Redressal System:

Concept and scope of ADR
Legal Recognition of ADR : Legal Services Authority Act 1987;
C.P.C. (Amendment) Act 1999, Malimath Committee Report
Kinds of ADR System : Lok-Adalat, Arbitration under Arbitration,
Conciliation, Mediation
Lok-Adalat under Legal Services Authority Act 1987
Organisation and Jurisdiction of Lok Adalat
Powers of Lok Adalat
Functioning of Lok Adalat

Arbitration under Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996
Definitions: Arbitration, Arbitration Agreement, Arbitral Award,
International Commercial Arbitration
Power of the Court to refer to arbitration
Appointment of Arbitration
Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings
Setting aside of Arbitral award

Meaning and scope
Appointment and Role of Concilliators
Conciliation proceedings
Code of Criminal Procedure
Constitution and Powers of Criminal Courts
Arrest and Rights of arrested person
Process to compel Appearance
Security for keeping peace and Good Behaviour
Maintenance of Wives, Children and Parents
Preventive action of the police
Information to the police and powers to investigate
Cognizance of offences, Limitation for taking cognizance
Complaints to Magistrates and commencement of Proceedings

Form and Joinder of charges
Trial Before a Court of Session
Trial of warrant cases by Magistrates
Trial of Summons cases by Magistrates

Summary Trials
Language and contents of Judgement
Appeals, Reference and Revision
Bail and bonds

Reference Books:
1. R.V. Kelkar – The Code of Criminal Procedure
2. S.N. Misra – The Code of Criminal Procedure
3. Lectures on Criminal Procedure by R.V. Kelkar
4. Ratan Lal – Code of Criminal Procedure
5. Batuk Lal – Code of Criminal Procedure
6. Paranjape – The Code of Criminal Procedure
Gender Justice & Feminist Jurisprudence
1. Introduction –
Meaning and concept of gender justice and feminist jurisprudence.
Causes for violence against women.
Feminist theories –
a. Liberal feminism.
b. Radical feminism.
c. Socialist feminism.
2. Constitutional provisions and gender justice –
2.1 Gender justice and fundamental rights and fundamental duties.
2.2 Gender justice and directive principles of state policy.
3. Gender based violence and significant international efforts–
Specific provisions (relating to women) of Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, brief reference to International Covenants on Civil and
Political Rights, 1966 and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966,
commission on status of women.
Declaration on elimination of discrimination against women, 1967.
Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against
women, 1979.
a. Committee on the elimination of discrimination against women.
b. The optional protocol to the convention on the elimination of all
forms discrimination against women.
World Conference on women with special focus on –
a. The first world conference on status of women, Mexico, 1975-
World Plan of Action.
b. The Third world conference on women, Nairobi, 1985-Nairobi
forward looking strategies.
c. The Fourth world conference on Women, Beijing, 1995-Beijing
platform For Action- critical areas, steps to be taken.
World conference on Human Rights at Vienna, 1993- Deceleration on
Elimination of violence against Women, 1993.
4. Women and specific offences –
4.1 Domestic violence w.r.t –
a. S. 498A IPC, matrimonial conception of cruelty.
b. Salient features of Protection of women From Domestic violence
Act, 2005.
4.2 Sexual harassment of women at workplace.
4.3 Female feotecide –
a. Main features of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1991-
b. Salient features of Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic
techniques (prohibition of sex selection) Act, 1994.

Reference Books:
1. Mamta Rao - Law Relating to Women and Children.
2. Dr. Anjani Kant - Law Relating to Women and Children.
3. Dr. S.C. Tripathi - Women and Criminal Law.
4. Prof. (Dr.) G.R. Nair – Gender Justice under Indian Criminal Justice
5. S.R. Myneni - Women and the Law.
6. Flavia Agnes, Women and law in India – an omnibus
Penology & Victimology
1. Meaning, aim and scope of Penology
2. Tackling the problem of Criminality- Penology.
Concept of Punishment
Theories of Punishment with special reference to the Deterrent and the
Reformative theories.
Kinds of Punishment under the Indian Penal Code.
Capital Punishment
3. Prison System
Prison reforms in India
Prison objectives and problems
Prisoner’s Rights
4. Juvenile delinquency – Nature and Control measures with special
reference to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection Act) 2015.
5. Meaning and importance of Victimology
Recognition and development of victim’s rights.
Judicial attitude towards rights of victims.
Legislative measures for compensation to the Victims of Crime.

Reference Books:
1. Barnes and Teeters – New Horizons of Criminology
2. Sutherland, E.H. – Principles of Criminology
3. Paranjape, N.V. - Criminology and Penology
4. Siddique Ahmad - Criminology and Penology
5. Srivastava S.S. - Criminology and Criminal Administration
Principles of Taxation Law
Tax: Meaning, Types and Purpose of Taxation
Difference between Tax and fee, Tax and Duty
Tax evasion, Tax avoidance and Tax-planning
Scheme of Taxation:
No tax without authority of Law (Article-265)
Taxes Levied by Union and collected by States (Article-268)
Tax Levied and collected by Union, Assigned to States (Article-269)
Tax Levied and collected by Union and Distributed between Union and
States (Article-270)
Taxes for the purpose of Union (Article-271)
Taxes Levied and collected by the Union and distributed between
Union and States (Article-272)

Income Tax Act, 1961:
Basic Concepts:
Assessment year
Previous year
Meaning of Income
Gross Total Income
Agricultural Income
Residential Status of a person
Residential Status and incidence of Tax

Heads of Income
Income from Salaries
Income from House property
Income from profits and gains from business and profession
Income from Capital Gains
Income from other Sources

Computation of Income
Income Tax Authorities and their Powers
Procedure for Assessment
Appeal and Revision

Recommended Books:
1. Law of Taxation by Kailash Rai
2. Law of Taxation by Taxman
3. Income Tax by Palakiwalah, N.A.
Banking Law

The Evolution of Banking Services and its History in India

History of Banking in India

Bank Nationalization and social control over banking
Various types of Banks and their functions
Contract between banker and customer: their rights and duties
Role and functions of Banking Institutions
Banking Sector Reforms in India (Narasimham Committee Report I (1991)
and II (1998)

Banking System in India

Concept of Bank and Banker, Functions of Banks, Classification of Banks,
Relationship between Bank and Customer, Control by government and it
agencies, Management of Banking companies, On account and audit,
Reconstruction and reorganization of banking companies, Suspension and
winding up of business of banking companies, Social control over banking,
Banking Ombudsman, Recent Trends in Banking: Automatic Teller Machine and
Internet Banking, Smart Credit Cards, Banking Frauds.
The Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2017- Provisions regarding non-
performing Assets (NPAs).
Reserve Bank of India
Incorporation, Capital, Management and Business of Banking Company, Central
Banking function of Reserve Bank of India, Collection and furnishing of Credit
Information, Control of Reserve Bank of India over Non-banking Institutions and
Financial Institutions.
Negotiable Instruments
Definition and characteristic of Negotiable Instruments, Types of Negotiable
Instruments, Definition and Essentials of Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange and
Cheque, Liabilities and Capacity of Parties of Negotiable Instrument, Holder and
Holder in due course, Transfer and Negotiation of Negotiable Instrument.

Crossing of Cheques and payment, Dishonour of Cheques, Presentment and

Payment, Dishonour, Endorsement: Definition.

1. Bashyam and Adiga, The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1997
2. M.L.Tannen, Jannen's Banking Law & Practice in India, 2000
3. Dr. Avtar Singh, Negotiable Instrument Act.
4. S.N. Gupta, The Banking Law in Theory & Practice, 1999
5. Sharma and Nainta, Banking Law & Negotiable Instruments Act

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