Sem Ii - Syllabus
Sem Ii - Syllabus
Sem Ii - Syllabus
1.1 History of Criminal law Difference between civil and criminal law
1.3 Theories and Kinds of Punishment (Includes IPC Chapter III: Sections 53 to 75)
2.4 Abetment
IPC Chapter V: Sections 107 120
2.6 Attempts
PC Chapter XXIII: Section 511 1. Unlawful Assembly, Gang Rape and Dacoity from point of view of Joint
criminal Liability
4.2 Offences affecting public health safety, convenience, decency and morals
IPC Chapter XIV: Sections 268 – 298
4.8 Defamation
IPC Chapter XXI: Section 499
1.3- Preamble Socio-Legal Concepts under Preamble. Preamble as a tool to interpret the Constitution.
Judicial Pronouncements on Preamble.
1.5- Provisions relating to Citizenship and Citizenship Act 1955 (Part II).
Article 12- Definition of State and concept of State Instrumentalities and agencies.
Article 13 -Judicial Review, Pre-constitutional and Post Constitutional Laws, Doctrine of Ultra Vires, Doctrine
of Eclipse, Doctrine of Severability and Doctrine of Waiver.
2.5- Article 21 and 21A – Right to Life and Personal Liberty & Right to Education.
3.4- Article 32- Right to Constitutional Remedies and Public Interest Litigation.
1. – Judiciary – Supreme Court, High Court (Part V, Chapter IV and Part VI Chapter V)
1. – Tribunals (Part XIVA), Official languages (Part VII), Miscellaneous Provisions (Part XIX) and
Commencement, Authoritative Texts and Repeals Part XXII
1.1 Sources of Muslim Law
Shariat Application Act, 1937
Sources of Mohammedan Law
Primary Source – Quran, Sunna, Ijma, Qiyas
Other Sources - Custom
Modern Sources – Judicial Precedents, Legislation, Equity, Justice, and Good Conscience
1.2 Schools of Muslim Law
Sunni Schools of Muslim Law - Hanafi School, Maliki School, Shafie School, Hanbali School
Shia Schools of Muslim Law - Zaidya School, Ismailya School, Ithna Ashari School
1.3 Concept of Marriages and Mehr under Muslim Law
Essential requisites of Valid Muslim Marriage
Kinds of Muslim Marriage
Valid Marriage, Void Marriage, Irregular Marriage
Concept of Iddat
Muta Marriage
Doctrine of Puberty (Option of Puberty)
Concept of ‘Halala Marriage’
Concept of Mehr and its Classification
1.4 Dissolution of Muslim Marriage
Kinds of dissolution of Muslim Marriage -Death of Spouse, By the Husband
Divorce - Necessity of Divorce, Conditions for the effectiveness of Talaq, Oral Talaq, Talaq in writing
Talaq-al-S -unna & Talaq-al-Biddat - By the wife,
Divorce by Mutual Consent
Judicial Divorce (Ila, Zihar, Lian)
Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 193
Criminalization of Triple Talaq
1.5 Maintenance
General Principles of Maintenance
Persons entitled for Maintenance under Personal Law
Maintenance under Section 125 (1) (a) of Cr. P. C., 1973
Muslim women (protection on right to divorce) Act, 1986
1.6 Paternity Legitimacy, Parentage and Acknowledgment
The legitimacy of children, Presumption of Legitimacy
Acknowledgement of Paternity
Conditions of a valid acknowledgement
1.7 Guardianship
Custody (Wali) & Hijnat
Definition of Guardian
Classification of Guardianship
Power of Guardian
Disqualification of Guardian
1.1 Environment, its components, and factors affecting the quality of environment
including global warming, climate change and kinds of pollution.
1.2 Environmental Law – meaning and purpose.
1.3 Constitutional Provisions relating to rights and duties of people and government Public
Interest Litigation and Judicial Activism.
1.4 General Laws and Environment Protection- application of Tort law, Indian Penal Code and
Criminal Procedure Code.
4.1 Writ Petition U/A 32, 226 and 227 of the Constitution
4.2 Public Interest Litigation