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--------- beginning of main

07-13 04:55:04.784 848 941 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service

07-13 04:55:04.788 848 941 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 2
07-13 04:55:04.788 848 941 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 3
07-13 04:55:04.788 848 941 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 4
07-13 04:55:04.788 848 941 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 5
07-13 04:55:04.789 848 892 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 2
07-13 04:55:04.789 848 892 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 3
07-13 04:55:04.789 848 892 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 4
07-13 04:55:04.789 848 892 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 5
07-13 04:55:04.796 848 848 D View : com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17
initForcedUseForceDark: 1
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 848 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 885 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 885 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 885 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 885 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:04.800 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:04.801 848 885 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
07-13 04:55:04.801 848 885 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
07-13 04:55:04.802 848 885 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32
for video/mp4v-es
07-13 04:55:04.802 848 885 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level
32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
07-13 04:55:04.802 848 885 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level
32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
07-13 04:55:04.802 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:04.802 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:04.802 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:04.802 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:04.802 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:04.803 848 885 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
07-13 04:55:04.803 848 885 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32
for video/mp4v-es
07-13 04:55:04.807 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:04.807 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:04.807 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:04.807 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:04.807 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:04.813 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:04.813 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:04.813 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:04.813 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:04.813 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:04.815 848 947 I CameraMetadataJV: setAppNameAndSensorId all
07-13 04:55:04.815 848 947 I CameraMetadataJV: setAppNameAndSensorId all
07-13 04:55:04.815 848 947 I CameraMetadataJV: setAppNameAndSensorId all
07-13 04:55:04.815 848 947 I CameraMetadataJV: setAppNameAndSensorId all
07-13 04:55:04.818 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:04.818 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:04.818 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:04.818 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:04.818 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:04.822 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:04.822 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:04.822 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:04.822 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:04.822 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:04.833 848 947 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 04:55:04.833 848 947 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 04:55:04.834 848 947 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 04:55:04.836 848 885 W CAM_A : Build number (V13.0.3.0.RGDIDXM) is not
a number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689.
07-13 04:55:04.837 848 954 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 04:55:04.855 848 947 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:35000000000,api:0,p:-
1,c:848) connect(): controlledByApp=true
07-13 04:55:04.856 848 947 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory =
07-13 04:55:04.861 848 947 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:35000000001,api:0,p:-
1,c:848) connect(): controlledByApp=true
07-13 04:55:04.876 848 892 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 5 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
07-13 04:55:04.928 848 848 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
07-13 04:55:04.928 848 848 I ProReC : setprogres0
07-13 04:55:04.929 848 848 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
07-13 04:55:04.929 848 848 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
07-13 04:55:04.929 848 848 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
07-13 04:55:04.952 848 892 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 2
07-13 04:55:04.952 848 892 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 3
07-13 04:55:04.952 848 892 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 4
07-13 04:55:04.953 848 892 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 5
07-13 04:55:04.968 848 885 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
07-13 04:55:04.969 848 885 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels +
07-13 04:55:04.973 848 848 D ViewRootImpl[CameraLauncher]: hardware
acceleration = true , fakeHwAccelerated = false, sRendererDisabled = false,
forceHwAccelerated = false, sSystemRendererDisabled = false
07-13 04:55:04.974 848 848 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-13 04:55:04.976 848 885 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels -
07-13 04:55:04.978 848 848 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for
07-13 04:55:04.978 848 848 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]:
07-13 04:55:04.978 848 848 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0x7a2eee1040
07-13 04:55:04.979 848 848 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility =
0, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@6f304b1, this =
--------- beginning of system
07-13 04:55:04.981 848 848 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
time=0ms latency=461ms running=0ms procState=2
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[android.app.servertransaction.TopResumedActivityChang
eItem] } historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=2 wall=172ms seq=2 running=79ms runnable=8ms
io=70ms binder=12ms late=5ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110) (msgIndex=3
wall=287ms seq=3 running=198ms runnable=2ms io=20ms binder=21ms late=174ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
07-13 04:55:05.010 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:05.010 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:05.010 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:05.010 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:05.010 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:05.033 848 883 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for
using defaults.
07-13 04:55:05.040 848 848 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-13 04:55:05.053 848 886 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for
07-13 04:55:05.053 848 886 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]:
07-13 04:55:05.071 848 886 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0x7a1fbfcee8, ARC not Enabled.
07-13 04:55:05.086 848 886 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
07-13 04:55:05.108 848 848 W CAM_A : Was already registered as
ThermalStatusListener on AppStart
07-13 04:55:05.271 848 954 I BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-4000x3000f20m42-
848-0](id:35000000000,api:4,p:983,c:848) connect(): api=4
07-13 04:55:05.272 848 954 I BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-640x480f23m52-
848-1](id:35000000001,api:4,p:983,c:848) connect(): api=4
07-13 04:55:05.274 848 954 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 285
ms, interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser, code=6 oneway=false
07-13 04:55:05.820 848 947 W gleCameraLMCR1: Long monitor contention with owner
GcaGeneric-2 (941) at void lik.b()(:-1) waiters=0 in void lik.b() for 944ms
07-13 04:55:05.827 848 945 W gleCameraLMCR1: Long monitor contention with owner
CriticalPath (947) at void enl.b()(:-1) waiters=0 in void enl.b() for 813ms
07-13 04:55:05.831 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:05.831 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:05.831 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:05.831 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:05.831 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:05.897 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:05.897 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:05.897 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:05.897 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:05.897 848 945 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:05.918 848 947 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-0. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.918 848 947 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to submit a
CaptureRequest for Request-0: There were no surfaces on the request.
07-13 04:55:05.919 848 947 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-1. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.923 848 848 W gleCameraLMCR1: Long monitor contention with owner
00UiWorker (945) at java.lang.Object pyr.get()(:-1) waiters=0 in java.lang.Object
pyr.get() for 770ms
07-13 04:55:05.925 848 947 W CAM_A : UI view not yet initialized
07-13 04:55:05.926 848 947 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-2. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.931 848 947 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-3. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.933 848 947 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-4. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.936 848 947 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-5. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.939 848 947 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-6. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.943 848 1354 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-7. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.946 848 1354 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-8. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.948 848 1354 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-9. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.951 848 1354 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-10. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:05.970 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:05.970 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:05.970 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:05.970 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:05.970 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:05.971 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:05.971 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:05.971 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:05.971 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:05.971 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:05.973 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:05.973 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:05.973 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:05.973 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:05.973 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:05.974 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:05.974 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:05.974 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:05.974 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:05.974 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.012 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.012 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.012 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.012 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.012 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.016 848 1354 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-11. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:06.019 848 1354 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-12. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.020 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.022 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.022 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.022 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.022 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.022 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.023 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.023 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.023 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.023 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.023 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.041 848 848 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
07-13 04:55:06.043 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.043 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.043 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.043 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.043 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.044 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.044 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.044 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.044 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.044 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.045 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.045 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.045 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.045 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.045 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.063 848 1354 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-13. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:06.065 848 848 I Choreographer: Skipped 64 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
07-13 04:55:06.067 848 1354 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-14. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-13 04:55:06.076 848 848 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-13 04:55:06.084 848 848 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
07-13 04:55:06.084 848 848 I ProReC : setprogres0
07-13 04:55:06.084 848 848 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
07-13 04:55:06.084 848 848 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
07-13 04:55:06.084 848 848 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
07-13 04:55:06.085 848 848 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by
com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton{f2d549a VFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-
0,0 #7f0b000b app:id/AuxButtonMain} during layout: running second layout pass
07-13 04:55:06.085 848 848 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by
com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton{f3021cb VFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-
0,0 #7f0b0033 app:id/AuxButtonWide} during layout: running second layout pass
07-13 04:55:06.092 848 848 D SurfaceView: UPDATE null, mIsCastMode = false
07-13 04:55:06.095 848 848 D ViewRootImpl: setSurfaceViewCreated, created:true
07-13 04:55:06.096 848 848 D SurfaceView: UPDATE Surface(name=SurfaceView -
@0xcfc2066, mIsProjectionMode = false
07-13 04:55:06.117 848 848 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=51ms
vsyncFrame=22143885 latency=1072ms procState=2 historyMsgCount=51 (msgIndex=1
wall=126ms seq=19 running=63ms runnable=2ms io=1ms binder=16ms late=5ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) (msgIndex=27 wall=955ms
seq=45 running=157ms runnable=1ms io=2ms binder=10ms late=127ms
h=android.os.Handler c=bwx)
07-13 04:55:06.119 848 967 W CAM_SurfaceMap: Surface(name=null)/@0xe1d0fa7 is
valid but deferred streams are not yet available for CaptureSession-0
07-13 04:55:06.119 848 967 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-15. The surface is not yet available.
07-13 04:55:06.123 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.123 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.123 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.123 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.123 848 848 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.124 848 848 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
07-13 04:55:06.136 848 886 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=1142ms; Flags=1,
IntendedVsync=428081447303861, Vsync=428082513970549,
OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0,
HandleInputStart=428082519371283, AnimationStart=428082519372514,
PerformTraversalsStart=428082519599283, DrawStart=428082550531821,
SyncQueued=428082560078283, SyncStart=428082560378590,
IssueDrawCommandsStart=428082570813975, SwapBuffers=428082587054898,
FrameCompleted=428082590059590, DequeueBufferDuration=159693,
QueueBufferDuration=396923, GpuCompleted=0,
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local
snapshot for
may result in stale flags.
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed: pkg=com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17,
atk=false, ver=232414037.true (go/gsrlt)
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.s(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.get(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.I(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.ad(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nfm.d(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ngq.run(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:
atk=false, ver=232414037.true (go/gsrlt)
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at bmn.z(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ktz.a(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kjd.f(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.t(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.u(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.g(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.h(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.b(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at klz.c(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at klt.d(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
klu.handleMessage(Unknown Source:307)
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ksg.b(Unknown
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.140 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:06.162 848 848 W CBVerifier: Registering phenotype for
07-13 04:55:06.402 848 1467 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="10000 MILLISECONDS" ]
07-13 04:55:06.407 848 1489 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for
07-13 04:55:06.407 848 1489 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]:
07-13 04:55:06.411 848 1489 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0x7a1e771f58, ARC not Enabled.
07-13 04:55:06.413 848 885 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type
feature.acmi.imu.camera-orientation! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
07-13 04:55:06.413 848 885 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type
feature.acmi.imu.camera-orientation! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
07-13 04:55:06.463 848 1504 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for
07-13 04:55:06.463 848 1504 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]:
07-13 04:55:06.468 848 1504 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0x7a1fb86e78, ARC not Enabled.
07-13 04:55:06.468 848 885 W CAM_CameraDeviceVerifie: Tag CameraDeviceVerifier
is 1 chars longer than limit.
07-13 04:55:06.470 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.470 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.470 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.470 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.470 848 885 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.470 848 1526 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for
07-13 04:55:06.470 848 941 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
07-13 04:55:06.470 848 1526 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]:
07-13 04:55:06.470 848 1335 E GoLog : INFO: Initialized TensorFlow Lite
07-13 04:55:06.472 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-13 04:55:06.472 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-13 04:55:06.472 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
07-13 04:55:06.472 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
07-13 04:55:06.472 848 947 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
07-13 04:55:06.473 848 1526 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0x79d438bf88, ARC not Enabled.
07-13 04:55:06.478 848 941 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 04:55:06.478 848 941 I tflite : Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate
for CPU.
07-13 04:55:06.478 848 941 I tflite : Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
07-13 04:55:06.478 848 1335 E GoLog : INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK
delegate for CPU.
07-13 04:55:06.478 848 1335 E GoLog : INFO: Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
07-13 04:55:06.480 848 941 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels +
07-13 04:55:06.485 848 941 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels -
07-13 04:55:06.490 848 1532 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
07-13 04:55:06.493 848 1532 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services:
07-13 04:55:06.495 848 882 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 04:55:06.495 848 882 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 04:55:06.495 848 882 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 04:55:06.495 848 882 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-13 04:55:06.518 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:06.518 848 1532 I CCodec : Created component
07-13 04:55:06.519 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
07-13 04:55:06.520 848 1532 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
07-13 04:55:06.521 848 1532 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
07-13 04:55:06.521 848 1532 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.521 848 1532 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.521 848 1532 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.521 848 1532 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.521 848 1532 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: }
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for channel-mask
07-13 04:55:06.522 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
07-13 04:55:06.523 848 1532 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
raw.sample-rate.value = 44100
07-13 04:55:06.523 848 1532 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : } and output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 D CCodec : }
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 04:55:06.524 848 1532 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 04:55:06.529 848 1532 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 04:55:06.529 848 1532 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 04:55:06.529 848 1532 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#805] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 17 - OK (0)
07-13 04:55:06.530 848 1532 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#805] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 3099 - OK
07-13 04:55:06.530 848 1532 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#805] Configured output block pool ids 3099 => OK
07-13 04:55:06.531 848 1532 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 04:55:06.537 848 1537 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 04:55:06.580 848 882 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/1000005273
07-13 04:55:06.583 848 1532 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#805] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 04:55:06.584 848 1532 I chatty :
uid=10246(com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17) NDK MediaCodec_ identical 1 line
07-13 04:55:06.584 848 1532 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#805] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 04:55:06.586 848 1532 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
07-13 04:55:06.603 848 1549 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
07-13 04:55:06.606 848 1549 I CCodec : Created component
07-13 04:55:06.606 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
07-13 04:55:06.608 848 1549 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
07-13 04:55:06.608 848 1549 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
07-13 04:55:06.609 848 1549 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.609 848 1549 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.609 848 1549 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.609 848 1549 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.609 848 1549 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
07-13 04:55:06.609 848 1549 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
07-13 04:55:06.610 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
07-13 04:55:06.610 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
07-13 04:55:06.610 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
07-13 04:55:06.610 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
07-13 04:55:06.610 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
07-13 04:55:06.610 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
07-13 04:55:06.610 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
07-13 04:55:06.610 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
07-13 04:55:06.610 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: }
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for channel-mask
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : } and output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1
07-13 04:55:06.611 848 1549 D CCodec : }
07-13 04:55:06.612 848 1549 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 04:55:06.612 848 1549 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
07-13 04:55:06.612 848 1549 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 04:55:06.612 848 1549 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 04:55:06.612 848 1549 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#634] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 18 - OK (0)
07-13 04:55:06.613 848 1549 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#634] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 3100 - OK
07-13 04:55:06.613 848 1549 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#634] Configured output block pool ids 3100 => OK
07-13 04:55:06.615 848 1549 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 04:55:06.626 848 1537 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
07-13 04:55:06.644 848 882 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/1000004080
07-13 04:55:06.652 848 1549 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#634] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 04:55:06.652 848 1549 I chatty :
uid=10246(com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17) NDK MediaCodec_ identical 1 line
07-13 04:55:06.652 848 1549 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#634] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
07-13 04:55:06.654 848 1549 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
07-13 04:55:06.658 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:06.659 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:06.659 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:06.678 848 882 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/1000004079
07-13 04:55:06.705 848 882 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/1000002757
07-13 04:55:06.727 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:06.727 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:06.735 848 882 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not exist for
the video at content://media/external/video/media/1000002756
07-13 04:55:06.756 848 941 W Glide : Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule.
You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on
com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in your application and a @GlideModule annotated
AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored
07-13 04:55:06.760 848 941 I TetheringManager:
07-13 04:55:06.763 848 941 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for
07-13 04:55:06.763 848 941 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]:
07-13 04:55:06.770 848 941 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0x79d4383e28, ARC not Enabled.
07-13 04:55:06.781 848 1563 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 149924527; UID 10246; state: ENABLED
07-13 04:55:06.781 848 1563 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 132649864; UID 10246; state: DISABLED
07-13 04:55:06.803 848 1563 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use
temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x79c086a000 length 1920262
07-13 04:55:06.804 848 1563 D skia : size 1920262,phy_addr 0x1edec5000
07-13 04:55:06.804 848 1563 D skia : LoadInputStreamToIonMem va 0x79c086a000
pa 0xedec5000 size 1922560
07-13 04:55:06.805 848 1563 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread
07-13 04:55:06.805 848 1563 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:768
768 768 696x1008, alignment:256x16)
07-13 04:55:06.868 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:06.868 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:06.868 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:06.939 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:06.939 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:06.941 848 941 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for
FourCC value 20363152
07-13 04:55:07.085 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.086 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.086 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:07.153 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.154 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.154 848 885 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for
FourCC value 20363152
07-13 04:55:07.312 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.313 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.313 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:07.368 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.368 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.369 848 941 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for
FourCC value 20363152
07-13 04:55:07.503 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.503 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.503 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:07.570 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.570 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.571 848 941 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for
FourCC value 20363152
07-13 04:55:07.727 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.727 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.727 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:07.779 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.779 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.780 848 885 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for
FourCC value 20363152
07-13 04:55:07.920 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.921 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.921 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:07.967 848 882 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for
17, using defaults.
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local
snapshot for
17, may result in stale flags.
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed: pkg=com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17,
atk=false, ver=232414037.true (go/gsrlt)
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.s(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.get(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.I(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.ad(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nfm.d(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ngq.run(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:
atk=false, ver=232414037.true (go/gsrlt)
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at bmn.z(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ktz.a(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kjd.f(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.t(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.u(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.e(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
kkg.handleMessage(Unknown Source:920)
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ksg.b(Unknown
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.971 848 1062 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
07-13 04:55:07.989 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:07.989 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:07.989 848 885 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for
FourCC value 20363152
07-13 04:55:08.131 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:08.131 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:08.131 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:08.201 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:08.201 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:08.202 848 941 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for
FourCC value 20363152
07-13 04:55:08.352 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:08.353 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:08.354 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:08.415 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:08.416 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:08.417 848 885 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for
FourCC value 20363152
07-13 04:55:08.552 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:08.553 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:08.553 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:08.620 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:08.620 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:08.621 848 885 W gralloc4: Could not find component description for
FourCC value 20363152
07-13 04:55:08.763 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
140,32 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:08.763 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:08.763 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,99 >
07-13 04:55:08.816 848 848 D ViewRootImpl: setSurfaceViewCreated, created:false
07-13 04:55:08.829 848 848 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Retrieving snapshot for
com.google.android.apps.camera#com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17 failed
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed: pkg=com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17,
atk=false, ver=232414037.true (go/gsrlt)
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at mip.fb(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at mip.cd(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.c(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.e(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.b(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gvh.a(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gvj.run(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at law.run(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at pio.a(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at phs.run(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at pip.run(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at lbh.run(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at lbg.run(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at lab.run(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:
atk=false, ver=232414037.true (go/gsrlt)
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at bmn.z(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ktz.a(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kjd.f(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.t(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.u(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.e(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
kkg.handleMessage(Unknown Source:920)
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ksg.b(Unknown
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.852 848 885 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
07-13 04:55:08.857 848 967 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 25
(images were captured)
07-13 04:55:08.857 848 967 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 26
(images were captured)
07-13 04:55:08.857 848 967 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 27
(images were captured)
07-13 04:55:08.864 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,16 ms > 70,00 ms
07-13 04:55:08.865 848 848 W CAM_A : Duplicate call to stopModule; skipping
07-13 04:55:08.867 848 965 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
07-13 04:55:08.875 848 848 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility =
4, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@6f304b1, this =
07-13 04:55:08.970 848 872 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 2
07-13 04:55:08.970 848 872 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 3
07-13 04:55:08.970 848 872 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 4
07-13 04:55:08.970 848 872 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 5
07-13 04:55:08.975 848 954 I BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-4000x3000f20m42-
848-0](id:35000000000,api:4,p:983,c:848) disconnect(): api=4
07-13 04:55:08.982 848 954 I BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-640x480f23m52-
848-1](id:35000000001,api:4,p:983,c:848) disconnect(): api=4
07-13 04:55:08.987 848 872 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 5 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
07-13 04:55:10.819 848 960 I BufferQueueConsumer: [ImageReader-4000x3000f20m42-
848-0](id:35000000000,api:0,p:-1,c:848) disconnect()
07-13 04:55:11.530 848 1536 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x7aa4bc5428 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/9 (recycle/alloc) - 7/82
07-13 04:55:11.530 848 1536 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1,
evicted: 1
07-13 04:55:12.530 848 1536 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x7a9aae5428 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/9 (recycle/alloc) - 7/40
07-13 04:55:12.530 848 1536 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1,
evicted: 1
07-13 04:57:12.162 848 848 D View : [Warning] assignParent to null: this =
07-13 04:57:12.170 848 848 I InputTransport: Destroy ARC handle: 0x7a2eee1040

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