Medical Audit of Documentation of Inpatient Medical Record in A Multispecialty Hospital in India
Medical Audit of Documentation of Inpatient Medical Record in A Multispecialty Hospital in India
Medical Audit of Documentation of Inpatient Medical Record in A Multispecialty Hospital in India
Medical Audit of Documentation of Inpatient Medical Record in a Multispecialty Hospital in
International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration, July-December 2017;5(2):77-83 1
Study Design
Retrospective, descriptive study.
International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration, July-December 2017;5(2):77-83 3
and ENT Eye Skin
Medical obstetrics Surgical ward ward Pediatric ward Psychiatry
Clinical audit checklist ward (40) ward (40) ward (40) (40) (40) ward (40) (40) ward (40)
The hospital management develops an Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
approach to improve accuracy of patient
identification (identity proof)
Medical record/health information Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
retention and disposal policy is available,
implemented, and monitored
Medical record destruction log-book is Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
maintained and retained with all mandatory
entries as recommended in hospital policy
Hospital management has developed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
clearly defined informed consent policy and
procedure for general and specific healthcare
The care provided to each patient is planned Yes: 32 Yes: 31 Yes: 28 Yes: 34 Yes: 36 Yes: 32 Yes: 34 Yes: 30
and written in the patient’s record by the health No: 8 No: 9 No: 12 No: 6 No: 4 No: 8 No: 6 No: 10
professional providing the care (Graph 1)
The care for each patient is planned by the Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
responsible physician, nurse, and other
health professionals within 24 hours of
admission to the hospital
The plan is updated or revised, as Yes: 30 Yes: 32 Yes: 30 Yes: 32 Yes: 30 Yes: 32 Yes: 36 Yes: 38
appropriate, based on the reassessment of No: 10 No: 8 No: 10 No: 8 No: 10 No: 8 No: 4 No: 2
the patient by the care providers (Graph 2)
Orders are written when required, are legible, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
and follow organization policy
All patients have an order for food in their Yes: 31 Yes: 30 Yes: 34 Yes: 30 Yes: 32 Yes: 32 Yes: 32 Yes: 30
record (Graph 3) No: 9 No: 10 No: 6 No: 10 No: 8 No: 8 No: 8 No: 10
The order is based on the patient’s nutritional Yes: 31 Yes: 30 Yes: 34 Yes: 30 Yes: 32 Yes: 32 Yes: 32 Yes: 30
status and needs No: 9 No: 10 No: 6 No: 10 No: 8 No: 8 No: 8 No: 10
International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration, July-December 2017;5(2):77- 7
Madhav M Singh et
and ENT Eye Skin
Medical obstetrics Surgical ward ward Pediatric ward Psychiatry
Clinical audit checklist ward (40) ward (40) ward (40) (40) (40) ward (40) (40) ward (40)
The hospital management respects patient Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
health information as confidential
Hospital management has developed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
and implemented policies and procedure
to prevent the loss or misuse of patient
information. Evidence of monitoring
Patient records contain a copy of the discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
summary with all mandatory elements
Discharge summary is prepared at discharge Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
by a qualified individual
Patient’s referral/transfer policy, procedure, and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
referral forms are developed in accordance
with hospital policy on patient referral
All inpatients have an initial assessment(s) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
which includes an evaluation of physical,
psychological, social, and economic factors
and all assessment must be documented
The entries in the medical record must Yes: 32 Yes: 30 Yes: 32 Yes: 34 Yes: 32 Yes: 34 Yes: 36 Yes: 34
contain numeric date (D/M/Y) No: 8 No: 10 No: 8 No: 6 No: 8 No: 6 No: 4 No: 6
• Numeric time
• Name with stamp
• Appropriate initials of care provider
(Graph 4)
Patient care record must be maintained/kept Yes: 34 Yes: 36 Yes: 36 Yes: 34 Yes: 32 Yes: 32 Yes: 34 Yes: 34
in their individual folders (Graph 5) No: 6 No: 4 No: 4 No: 6 No: 8 No: 8 No: 6 No: 6
Alteration or correction in the medical record Yes: 32 Yes: 32 Yes: 34 Yes: 34 Yes: 32 Yes: 32 Yes: 38 Yes: 34
must remain legible by using a single line No: 8 No: 8 No: 6 No: 6 No: 8 No: 8 No: 2 No: 6
to score out the information to be corrected
(Graph 6)
Medical records must not include Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
abbreviations other than those approved,
published, and made available to all staff
All the discharge summary contains details of Yes: 34 Yes: 32 Yes: 34 Yes: 36 Yes: 32 Yes: 32 Yes: 36 Yes: 34
No: 8 No: 10 No: 8 No: 6 No: 8 No: 8 No: 4 No: 6
• Summary of diseases
• Treatment given
• Follow-up instruction
• Instruction for patients (Graph 7)
Discharge summary contains ICD number Yes: 36 Yes: 34 Yes: 34 Yes: 36 Yes: 36 Yes: 38 Yes: 32 Yes: 38
(Graph 8) No: 4 No: 16 No: 6 No: 4 No: 4 No: 2 No: 8 No: 2
Discharge summary contains signature of Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
treating physician/surgeon
MLC initiated in all cases where it should be Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
LAMA patients have given their unwillingness Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
of treatment (Graph 9) No: 2 No: 4
Lab investigation form duly filled and entered Yes: 38 Yes: 32 Yes: 36 Yes: 36 Yes: 34 Yes: 38 Yes: 34 Yes: 38
in case sheet (Graph 10) No: 2 No: 8 No: 4 No: 4 No: 6 No: 2 No: 4 No: 1
ICD: International classification of diseases; MLC: Medicolegal case; LAMA: Leaving against medical advice
Graph 2: Updated or revised plan, as appropriate, based on the reassessment of the patient by the care providers
Graph 3: Nondocumentation of food order in medical record Graph 4: Entry in medical record for date/name/sign
International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration, July-December 2017;5(2):77- 8
Madhav M Singh et
Graph 5: Patient care record not maintained/kept in their Graph 6: Alteration or correction in the medical record
individual folders
Graph 7: Completion of discharge summary Graph 8: International Classification of Diseases number not
entered in discharge summary
Graph 9: Leaving against medical advice patients have not respective physician.10
given their unwillingness of treatment
Medical records are technically valid health records
which must provide an overall correct description of
each patient’s details of care or contact with hospital
International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration, July-December 2017;5(2):77- 8
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