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Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management

Session – 2013-14
S. No. Paper Code Paper
1 OPHRM101 Principles & Practice of Management
2 OPHRM102 Industrial economics
3 OPHRM103 Human resource management
4 OPHRM104 Industrial psychology
5 OPHRM105 Industrial Management
6 OPHRM106 Information technology
7 OPHRM107 Research Methodology
8 OPHRM108 Industrial Relation & Trade Union
9 OPHRM109 Project Report & Viva

Rajgarh – Jhunjhunu Road , Rawatsar - Kunjla , Churu

Principles & Practice of Management
Unit I
Management (08 Sessions)
Definition, nature, importance, evolution of management thought, contribution made
by Taylor, Fayol, Hawthrone experiments Maslow; Is managing a science or art?
Functions of manager, ethics in managing and social responsibility of managers.
Unit II
Planning & Control (12 Sessions)
Why Management process starts with planning, steps in planning, types of planning,
barriers to effective planning, operational plan, strategic planning, Mckinsey’s 7’s
Approach, SWOT analysis, Controlling- concept, Planning- control relationship, process
of control, human response to control, dimensions of control, MBO.
Unit III
Decision Making & Organizing (12 Sessions)
Nature, process of decision making, decision making under Certainty and Uncertainty,
decision-tree, group-aided decision, brain-storming. Organizing – concept, nature and
process of organizing, authority and responsibility, delegation and empowerment,
centralization and decentralization, concept of departmentation.
Unit IV
Staffing & Motivation (10 Sessions)
Concept, Manpower planning, Job design, recruitment & selection, training and
development, performance appraisal, motivation, motivators and satisfaction,
motivating towards organizing objectives, morale building.
Unit V
Leadership & Communication (08 Sessions)
Defining leadership and its role, should managers lead, leadership style, leadership
development, Leadership behavior. Communication- Process, Bridging gap-using tools
of communication, electronic media in Communication.
Suggested Readings:
1. Koontz – Principles of Management (Tata McGrew Hill, 1st Edition 2008)
2. Robbins & Caulter – Management (Prentice Hall of India, 8th Edition)
3. L.M. Prasad – Principles & Practices of Management (Sultanchand & Sons, New Delhi)
4. Parag Diwan – Management Principles and Practices (Excel Books, New Delhi)
5. Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert. Jr. – Management (Prenlice Hall of India, 6th Edition)

Rajgarh – Jhunjhunu Road , Rawatsar - Kunjla , Churu

Industrial Economics
Unit I
Theory of the Firm - Undifferentiated Products - Cournot, Stackelberg, Dominant firm
model, Bertrand-Heterogeneous products - Chamberlin’s small and large number case-
Kinked demand curve theory - Bain’s limit pricing - Sales and growth maximization
hypothesis - Managerial theories of the firm - Game theoretical models.
Unit II
Investment Decisions - Conventional and modern methods - Risk and uncertainty -
Sensitivity analysis - Financial statements and ratio analysis - Inflation accounting -
Project appraisal methods – Industrial finance-Sources of finance - Capital structure -
Incentive, signaling and control arguments - Separation of ownership and control.
Unit III
Vertically Related Markets and Competition Policy - Successive and mutually related
market power - Monopoly, variable proportions and price discrimination - Monopsony
and backward integration - Uncertainty - Diversification, rationing and cost economics
and asset specificity - Internal hierarchies- Hierarchies as information systems -
Incentive structures and internal labour markets - Supervision in hierarchies -
Competition policy: Need and requirements - Mergers and acquisitions - Coordination
with other policies.
Unit IV
Indian Industry - Industrial growth in India: Trends and prospects – Public enterprises;
efficiency, productivity and performance constrains - Small scale industries : definition,
role, policy issues and performance - Capacity utilization - Industrial sickness and Exit
policy - Concept of competitiveness - Nominal protection coefficients (NPC) and
effective rate of protection (ERP) – Total factor productivity - Technology transfer -
Pricing policies: Administered pricing and LRMC based tariffs – Industrial location
policy in India; regional imbalance - Globalization and competition - Privatization.
Unit V
Technical Change and Market Structure - The Economics of patents - Adoption and
diffusion of innovations - Innovations and rivalry : Kamien and Schwartz - Measures of
concentration - Concentration ratio - Hirschman - Herfindahl index - Entropy measure -
Structure conduct performance paradigm - Contestable markets - Fixed costs, Sunk
costs and contestability - Stackelberg - Spence – Dixit model.

Rajgarh – Jhunjhunu Road , Rawatsar - Kunjla , Churu

Human Resource Management
Unit 1
Introduction to HRM (8 sessions)
Meaning, Nature and Scope, Difference between HRM and Personnel Management,
Evolution of HRM, Human Resource Development- Evolutions & Principles.
Unit 2
Human Resource Planning & Audit (8 sessions)
Meaning of Human Resource Planning, Features, Methods and steps in Human
Resource Planning, Human Resource Information System, HR Accounting & Audit, Job
Analysis, Job Description, Job Specification, Job Compensation, Recruitment and
Unit 3
Personnel Development Program (8 sessions)
Objectives of Training, Identification of Training needs, Executive Development and
Career Planning, Performance Counseling, Potential appraisal, Performance Appraisal.
Unit 4
Quality Management (8 sessions)
Features Tenets of TQM, Features of quality, Quality circles and Quality control: Social
security, Health and Safety, Employee Welfare, Human Relations- Definition,
Objectives, Employee Grievances and Discipline, Collective Bargaining.
Unit 5
Recent Techniques in HRM (8 sessions)
Recent Techniques, Moon lighting by employees, Flexi time and Flexi work, Future of
HRM, 60 hr practices for 2008, 3600 performance appraisal.
Suggested Readings:
1. Aswathappa K – Human Resource and Personnel Management (Tata McGrew Hill)
2. Rao VSP – Human Resource Management Text & Cases (Excel Books 2nd Edition)
3. Bernard – Human Resource Management (Tata McGrew Hill 4th Edition)
4. Desster – Human Resource Management (PHI 10th Edition)
5. Edwin B. Flippo – Personnal Management (Tata Mc Grawhill)
6. S. S. Khanka – Human Resource Management (S. Chand)
7. Mirza S Saiyadain – Human Resource Management (Tata McGrawhill)

Rajgarh – Jhunjhunu Road , Rawatsar - Kunjla , Churu

Industrial Psychology
Introduction to Industrial Psychology – Definitions & Scope; Major influences on
industrial Psychology; Scientific management and human relations schools Hawthorne
Individual in Workplace
Motivation and Job satisfaction stress management; Organizational culture; Leadership
& group dynamics.
Work Environment & Engineering Psychology-fatigue. Boredom; accidents and safety;
Job Analysis; Recruitment and Selection; Reliability & Validity of recruitment tests
Unit –IV
Performance Management - Training & Development
Unit – V
Industrialization in India - Industrial Poling Resolutions – 1956
1. Miner J.B. (1992) Industrial/Organizational Psychology. N Y : McGraw Hill.
2. Blum & Naylor (1982) Industrial Psychology. Its Theoretical & Social Foundations CBS Publication.
3. Aamodt, M.G. (2007) Industrial/Organizational Psychology : An Applied Approach (5th edition)
Wadsworth/Thompson : Belmont, C.A.
4. Aswathappa K. (2008). Human Resource Management (fifth edition) New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill.

Industrial Management
Introduction: Concept, Development, application and scope of Industrial Management.
Productivity: Definition, measurement, productivity index, types of production system,
Industrial Ownership.
Management Function: Principles of Management- Management Tools – time and
motion study, work simplification- process charts and flow diagrams, Production
Planning, Specification of Production requirements.

Rajgarh – Jhunjhunu Road , Rawatsar - Kunjla , Churu

Inventory control: Inventory, cost, Deterministic models, Introduction to supply chain
Quality control: Meaning, process control, SQC control charts, single, double and
sequential sampling, Introduction to TQM.
Environmental Issues: Environmental Pollution – various management techniques to
control Environmental pollution – Various control acts for Air, Water, Solid waste and
Noise pollution.
Reference Books
1. Khanna O.P.: Industrial Engineering
2. T.R. Banga: Industrial Engineering and Management
3. Sharma B.R.: Environmental and Pollution Awareness.

E- Commerce and Information Technology Enables
Introduction (10 Sessions)
Definition of E – Commerce, Comparison with Traditional Commerce, Framework of
Electronic Commerce, The Anatomy of E-Com Applications, Plastic/ E – Money Market
Forces Influencing The I-WAY, Public Policy Issues Shaping The I- WAY, Global
Information Distribution Networks.
Infrastructure (07 Sessions)
Architectural Framework for Electronic Commerce, www as Architecture, Network
Equipments, Broadband communication (ATM, ISDN, VSAT OFC), Web Background-
Hypertext Publishing, Security and the Well, Mobile commerce –Wireless Protocol,
WAP, Mobile Computing Applications, Blue tooth.
Electronic Payment System (08 Sessions)
Types of Electronic Payment Systems, Smart Cards, and Credit Card Based Electronic
Payment Systems, Risk and Electronic Payment System, Designing Electronic Payment

Rajgarh – Jhunjhunu Road , Rawatsar - Kunjla , Churu

System. Web security – Firewall, Transaction security, Secured Socket layout, Security
Threats, Network security.
Electronic Data Interchange (08 Sessions)
EDI Applications in Business, Legal Security and Privacy Issue, EDI and Electronic
Commerce, Encryption – Techniques, Digital Signatures, Public and Private key, Virtual
Private Network.
IT Act and Enabled Services (07 Sessions)
Laws Related to IT Security, Data Communication etc, IT Enabled Services - Call Centre,
Technical Writing, Tele-Marketing, On – Line Banking, E –Shopping, E – Governance,
Payment Gateway.
Suggested Readings:
1. E. Commerce - Ravi Kalakutta
2. E. Commerce - Krishnamurti
3. Computer Fundamental - V Rajaraman
4. E – Commerce - Kamlesh K. Bajaj (Tata Mc Graw Hill)

Research Methodology
Unit 1
Introduction (07 Sessions)
Concept and Objectives of Research; Its application in various functions of
Management, Types of Research, Types of Problems encountered in Research, Problems
and Precautions, Taken while Conducting Research.
Unit 2
Data Collection (08 Sessions)
Sampling, Types, Sampling Methods, Sample size, Types of Data, Methods of
Collection, Scaling Techniques – Concept, Type, Rating scales & Ranking scales, Diff.
Scaling Methods, Multi Dimensional scaling, Preparation of Questionnaire & Schedule.
Unit 3
Research Process and Design (07 Sessions)

Rajgarh – Jhunjhunu Road , Rawatsar - Kunjla , Churu

Steps Involved in research process and problems, Methods of Research Design,
Hypothesis, Null Hypothesis Methods, Testing Hypothesis.(Z test, T test, Chi Square
Unit 4
Analysis of Data (10 Sessions)
Coding, Editing and Tabulation of Data, Various kinds of charts and Diagrams used in
Data Analysis, Statistical Software in analysis of data Measurement of Central Tendency
and Dispersion- Meaning and their Advantages, ANOVA.
Unit 5
Interpretation & Report Writing (08 Sessions)
Types and layout of Research Report, significance of Report, Drawing conclusions,
Suggestions, Recommendations, Bibliography & Annexure.

Suggested Readings:
1. Cooper and Schindler – Business Research Methods (Tata McGrew Hill)
2. Saunders – Research Methods for Business Students (Pearson Edition)
3. Beri CC- Marketing Research (Tata McGrew Hill)
4. Kothari CR – Research Methodology Methods and Technique (New Age International Publisher)
5. Boyd Jr./ Westfall, starch, Marketing Research, A.IT.B.S.
6. M. N. Mishra, Modern Marketing Research , (Himalaya Publishing House)
7. Wek, Rubin, Marketing Research, Prentice – Hall India
8. Hair, Bush, Ortinau, Marketing Research, (Tata McGraw – Hill)
9. Tull, Hawkins, Marketing Research, Measurement & Method, (Prentice – Hill India)
10. N. Thanulingom, Research Methodology – (Himalaya Publishing House)

Business Communication
Unit I
Communication in Business (08 Sessions)
Meaning, Dimensions, importance and objectives of business communication, Process
of communication, Various approaches to effective communication.

Rajgarh – Jhunjhunu Road , Rawatsar - Kunjla , Churu

Unit II
Channels of Communication (10 Sessions)
Channels- their effectiveness, limitations, Media of communication, barriers to
communication, 7 C’s of communication, Types of Communication, Oral and written
communication, formal & informal communication.
Unit III
Business Letters and Reports (12 Sessions)
Types of Business letter, layout of business letter. Reports- Meaning, purpose, kind and
objective of writing reports, planning and organizing long/formal reports,
characteristics of good business Reports.
Unit IV
Presentation Skills (08 Sessions)
Meaning, Speech and Oral Presentations, elements of presentation, designing a
presentation, advanced visual support for presentation.
Unit V
Group Communication Strategies (12 Sessions)
What is a Group? Factors influencing group communication, process of group
communication, group communication through committees, conference and other
formal communication with public at large, interviews, press conference, workshop,
Suggested Readings:
1. Pal Rajendra – Business Communication (Sultan chand & Sons Publication)
2. Chaturvedi P.D. – Business Communication (Pearson Education, 1st Edition 2006)
3. Tayler Shinley - Communication for Business (Pearson Education, 4th Edition)
4. Sharma R.C. Mohan Krishna – Business Correspondence & Report writing (Tata McGrew Hill, 3rd
5. Raymond, Marie – (Tata Mc Graw Hill, 10th Edition)

Rajgarh – Jhunjhunu Road , Rawatsar - Kunjla , Churu

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