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N 53 Ce 23 D 7 Aaed 0
N 53 Ce 23 D 7 Aaed 0
Session – 2013-14
S. No. Paper Code Paper
1 OPHRM101 Principles & Practice of Management
2 OPHRM102 Industrial economics
3 OPHRM103 Human resource management
4 OPHRM104 Industrial psychology
5 OPHRM105 Industrial Management
6 OPHRM106 Information technology
7 OPHRM107 Research Methodology
8 OPHRM108 Industrial Relation & Trade Union
9 OPHRM109 Project Report & Viva
Industrial Management
Introduction: Concept, Development, application and scope of Industrial Management.
Productivity: Definition, measurement, productivity index, types of production system,
Industrial Ownership.
Management Function: Principles of Management- Management Tools – time and
motion study, work simplification- process charts and flow diagrams, Production
Planning, Specification of Production requirements.
E- Commerce and Information Technology Enables
Introduction (10 Sessions)
Definition of E – Commerce, Comparison with Traditional Commerce, Framework of
Electronic Commerce, The Anatomy of E-Com Applications, Plastic/ E – Money Market
Forces Influencing The I-WAY, Public Policy Issues Shaping The I- WAY, Global
Information Distribution Networks.
Infrastructure (07 Sessions)
Architectural Framework for Electronic Commerce, www as Architecture, Network
Equipments, Broadband communication (ATM, ISDN, VSAT OFC), Web Background-
Hypertext Publishing, Security and the Well, Mobile commerce –Wireless Protocol,
WAP, Mobile Computing Applications, Blue tooth.
Electronic Payment System (08 Sessions)
Types of Electronic Payment Systems, Smart Cards, and Credit Card Based Electronic
Payment Systems, Risk and Electronic Payment System, Designing Electronic Payment
Research Methodology
Unit 1
Introduction (07 Sessions)
Concept and Objectives of Research; Its application in various functions of
Management, Types of Research, Types of Problems encountered in Research, Problems
and Precautions, Taken while Conducting Research.
Unit 2
Data Collection (08 Sessions)
Sampling, Types, Sampling Methods, Sample size, Types of Data, Methods of
Collection, Scaling Techniques – Concept, Type, Rating scales & Ranking scales, Diff.
Scaling Methods, Multi Dimensional scaling, Preparation of Questionnaire & Schedule.
Unit 3
Research Process and Design (07 Sessions)
Suggested Readings:
1. Cooper and Schindler – Business Research Methods (Tata McGrew Hill)
2. Saunders – Research Methods for Business Students (Pearson Edition)
3. Beri CC- Marketing Research (Tata McGrew Hill)
4. Kothari CR – Research Methodology Methods and Technique (New Age International Publisher)
5. Boyd Jr./ Westfall, starch, Marketing Research, A.IT.B.S.
6. M. N. Mishra, Modern Marketing Research , (Himalaya Publishing House)
7. Wek, Rubin, Marketing Research, Prentice – Hall India
8. Hair, Bush, Ortinau, Marketing Research, (Tata McGraw – Hill)
9. Tull, Hawkins, Marketing Research, Measurement & Method, (Prentice – Hill India)
10. N. Thanulingom, Research Methodology – (Himalaya Publishing House)
Business Communication
Unit I
Communication in Business (08 Sessions)
Meaning, Dimensions, importance and objectives of business communication, Process
of communication, Various approaches to effective communication.