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Advances in Concrete Construction, Vol. 11, No.

5 (2021) 357-365
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12989/acc.2021.11.5.357 357

High Deformable Concrete (HDC) element:

An experimental and numerical study
Yasser Alilou Kesejinia, Amir Bahramifarb, Hassan Afshin and Mehrdad Emami Tabrizic

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, New Sahand Town, Tabriz, P.B. 51335/1996, Iran

(Received September 16, 2019, Revised October 26, 2020, Accepted January 21, 2021)

Abstract. High deformable concrete (HDC) elements have compressive strength rates equal to conventional concrete and
have got a high compressive strain at about 20% to 50%. These types of concrete elements as prefabricated parts have an
abundance of applications in the construction industry which is the most used in the construction of tunnels in squeezing
grounds, tunnel passwords from fault zones or swelling soils as soft supports. HDC elements after reaching to compressive yield
stress, in nonlinear behavior have hardening combined with increasing strain and compressive strength. The main aim of this
laboratory and numerical research is to construct concrete elements with the above properties so the compressive stress-strain
behavior of different concrete elements with four categories of mix designs have been discussed and finally one of them has
been defined as HDC element mix design. Furthermore, two columns with and without implementing of HDC elements have
been made and stress-strain curves of them have been investigated experimentally. An analysis model is presented for columns
using finite element method adopted by ABAQUS. The results obtained from the ABAQUS finite element method are compared
with experimental data. The main comparison is made for stress-strain curve. The stress-strain curves from the finite element
method agree well with experimental results. The results show that the dimension of the HDC samples is significant in the
stress-strain behavior. The use of the element greatly increases energy absorption and ductility.
Keywords: high deformable concrete element; stress-strain behavior; finite element modeling

1. Introduction transition zone. In other words, our intention zone is to

identify the brittle factors then perform them. In this paper
Concrete is the most widely used construction material the ductile performance of cementitious and polymeric
that its various application and some of its characteristics composites has focused on using of discrete steel fiber, fine
have caused many researches to study on it. One of the aggregate (up to 4 mm), steel plane mesh, polyethylene
main weakness of concrete is lack of its inherent ductility. plane mesh, epoxy resin as a binder, filler, micro silica,
Nowadays much research has been conducted to enhance super plasticizer, hollow glass and confining the outer
the ductility of concrete. Deformation in concrete, which septum of concrete elements.
often lead to cracking, occurs as a result of the material’s By using mentioned materials in mix designs,
response to external hard and environment. The main compressive stress-strain behavior of samples changes
problem is that how do we flexible concrete? The answer is widely compared with traditional concrete and sub-area of
that in practical terms aggregates which consist the main stress-strain curve which shows the value of energy
volume of concrete has brittle fracture and this feature absorption increases numerously. The main reason of this
cannot change but may be perform by using fine aggregate phenomena is using the plastic deformation capacity.
(Ram Chandar et al. 2017, Mosaberpanah et al. 2017). To Indeed, these kind of ductile elements can be used as
resolve the problem, we have to consider not only aggregate prefabricated components as fuses and connection joints in
size but also the transition zone and cement paste (Yang et tunnel lining in squeezing zones, bridge and building
al. 2010, Li et al. 2006, Lee et al. 2012). Ductiling concrete construction and etc. In fact, these elements damp applied
goes beyond the well-known relation between cement’s loads and displacement (Kovari 2009, Singh et al. 2007,
three main phases such aggregates, cement paste and Thut et al. 2006, Marlot et al. 2014, Opolony et al. 2011).
Deng investigated the seismic performance of RC columns
strengthened with high ductile fiber reinforced concrete
Corresponding author, Associate Professor (HDC). The experimental results from lateral cyclic loading
E-mail: hafshin@sut.ac.ir tests on the specimens show that the failure mode of the
Ph.D. Student columns could be changed from brittle to ductile under the
E-mail: Yasser.alilou@yahoo.com confinement effect of the HDC jackets (Deng et al. 2017).
Ph.D. Student Scrap tire rubber particles has been used as partial
E-mail: bahramifar.amir@gmail.com replacement for aggregates to produce concrete with
Assistant Professor improved ductility, deformability and damping which are
E-mail: m.emami@sut.ac.ir desired characteristics of a viable material for enhancing
structural response to earthquake vibrations (Momoh et al.
Copyright © 2021 Techno-Press, Ltd.
http://www.techno-press.org/?journal=acc&subpage=7 ISSN: 2287-5301 (Print), 2287-531X (Online)
358 Yasser Alilou Kesejini, Amir Bahramifar, Hassan Afshin and Mehrdad Emami Tabrizi

2017). Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams demonstrated that using steel fiber affects strain hardening.
strengthened by highly ductile fiber reinforced concrete and The study of the basis properties of fiber reinforced
reactive powder concrete (RPC) in the tension and concrete showed that fiber’s shape and geometry are the
compressive zones is studied. The experimental results most important factors (Cengis et al. 2004, Beddar et al.
showed that the flexural capacity of specimens strengthened 2008, Song et al. 2004). Resins as a binder is a better-suited
by an HDC layer in the tension zone was notably increased procedure deformation unlike cement concrete. It was
and that the specimens strengthened by an RPC layer in the observed that damping characteristics might increase
compressive zone exhibit much higher ductility than the significantly by using polymeric resin. Previously
control concrete beams (Deng et al. 2018). performed investigation have indicated that increasing of
In some researches flexural performance of reinforced fly ash and silica fume lead to improvements in tensile
concrete beams strengthened with high strength-high properties and reduction in crack width (Shigang et al.
ductility engineered cementitious composites (HSHD- Haurie et al. 2013, Imam et al. 2018). The objective of this
ECC). The test results showed that HSHD-ECC could be an research is to experimentally produce high deformable
ideal construction material for improving the flexural concrete (HDC) element because there is a knowledge gap
performance of reinforced concrete beams. For the failure concerning the development of HDC in the scientific
mode, localized cracking was not observed in the beams literature. Another distinguishing feature of HDC is that it
with the ECC layer even when the ultimate loading was has strain hardening after 50 percent plastic strain so that its
reached; instead of that, multiple micro-cracks appeared in compressive strength increases (Kovari 2007). The mix
the tensile zone of beams due to the high ductility of ECC design selected were intended for use in precast elements
(Qin et al. 2020). A new type of textile-reinforced high which have gained increasing energy absorption. This paper
ductile concrete composite (TRHDC) for use in the deal with aspects of energy absorption, modulus of
confinement of masonry columns has been made. In this elasticity and stress-strain behavior of concretes. Stress-
research, by doing experimental and analytical studies, it strain behaviors of samples are taken as the main part of
was found that TRHDC confinement can improve both the research. Achieving suitable concrete mix design for HDC
load-carrying capacity and the deformability of masonry element has been followed by their performance
columns relative to the unconfined condition. Besides, the investigations and applicability in structural elements. For
analytical values are in agreement with test results but this purpose, some column specimens used in order to
should need further experimental investigations in the investigate the effect of using HDC elements on stress-
future to verify the reliability of expressions rather than strain behaviors of columns. Furthermore, numerical
those used in this study (Li et al. 2020). Deng has presented modeling of column tests constructed employing ABAQUS
the results of an experimental investigation on the software and the results compared to the laboratory ones.
compressive behavior of clay brick masonry columns
confined with HDC. Also, analytical models were adopted
to predict the compressive strength of HDC systems. The 2. Experimental
calculation model gives a better approximation to predict
the compressive strength of confined masonry columns 2.1 Materials and mix proportions
(Deng et al. 2020). Nonlinear behavior of ductile reinforced
concrete (RC) shear walls having different parameters has In this part materials and mix designs of four kinds of
been investigated. In this analytically research, the effects deformable concretes and the normal concrete (NC) are
of the analyzed parameters on the nonlinear behavior of the presented. These deformable concrete are: Epoxy modified
RC shear walls were evaluated in terms of curvature concrete (EC), fiber reinforced concrete (FC), steel and
ductility, moment capacity, peak displacement, the angular polyethylene meshed concrete (MC) and fiber reinforced
displacement and displacement ductility values (Foroughi et concrete with polymeric tube (PC).
al. 2020). Yuan investigated the synergy effect in tensile ACI method of concrete mix design is based on the
properties of no-slump high-strength high-ductility concrete estimated weight of the concrete per unit volume. This
(NSHSDC) based on polyethylene (PE) and steel fibers method takes into consideration the requirement for
(SF). In this study, the compressive, flexural, and tensile consistency, workability, strength and durability. For NC
strength of NSHSDC with three different W/B ratios and MC mix designs ACI method has been implemented.
reinforced by different values of PE fiber were evaluated This project is focused on finding the ideal mix design
(Yuan et al. 2020). for EC. To achieve this objective there were three minor
In addition, a research to evaluate the shear behavior of objectives created, which is used as the three studies for the
the steel reinforced continuous deep beam (SRD-CDB) has project. The first of these was to find the ideal resin to filler
been done. In this study, its failure pattern, load-deflection ratio that provides the best distribution of the aggregate for
curve, stirrup strain, steel web strain and shear capacity the least amount of air voids. Then, using the resin to filler
were investigated (Deng et al. 2020). The experimental ratio from Study One, Study Two varies the amount of filler
investigations show that steel mesh and fiber evaluated to investigate the mechanical properties of the specimens.
performance characteristics such as toughness, flexural Study shows that the ideal resin to filler ratio is
ductility behavior, energy absorption and load capacity approximately 20% resin to 80% filler. Using this ratio in
(Senthil et al. 2016, Pahdi et al. 2016, Kumar et al. 2017, Study was found that the mix design with no aggregate in
Murthy et al. 2019). From the test results it was the mix was the strongest for all strength tests. It was
High Deformable Concrete (HDC) element: An experimental and numerical study 359

Table 1 Chemical and physical properties of cement and Table 4 Mixture proportion of steel and polyethylene
micro-silica meshed concretes (MC)
Material Cement type II Micro-silica* Component Sand Micro- Super
Cement Water
Sio2 (%) 20.7 94-96 (MC) 0-2.4* silica plasticizer
Mass (%) 70.3 17 1.8 0.2 10.7
Cao (%) 65.0 0.2-0.7
Al2O3 (%) 5.2 0.4-0.9
Table 5 Mixture proportions of fiber concretes with
Fe2O3 (%) 4.6 0.8-2
polymeric tube (PC)
Other (%) 4.5 2-4
Component Quartz Cement Micro- Super Hollow PP
Density (g/cm3) 3.12 0.57-0.64 Quartzpowder Water
(PC) sand silica plasticizer glass Fiber
Blaine (cm2/g) 3200 20000 Mass % 55.5 21.1 10.1 1.1 0.2 11.3 0.5 0.2
*The admixture namely micro-silica was supplied by Azna
Lorestan. Table 6 Mixture proportion of normal concrete (NC)
Component Gravel Sand Super
Table 2 Mixture proportions of epoxy modified concretes Cement Water
(NC) (4.7-19 mm) (0-4.74 mm) plasticizer
(EC) Mass (%) 37.6 42.2 12.0 0.1 8.1
Component (EC)
Mass (%)
- 43 68
(0-2.4 mm)
52 25 -
(0.3-0.7 mm)
29 14 11
(0.0-0.3 mm)
Resin epoxy 19 18 21
Fig. 1 UTM standard compression loading machine
Table 3 Mixture proportions of fiber concretes (FC)
Component (FC) thickness of 1 mm) and epoxy resin has been used. The
physical, chemical and mechanical properties of cement,
36.5 36.3 - - micro-silica, are listed in Table 1. In each Table 2 to 6
(4.7-10 mm)
mixture proportions of deformable concretes and normal
Sand (0-4.74mm) 41.5 40.3 71.5 -
concrete (NC) have been summarized.
Sand (0-2.4 mm) - - - 68.2
Cement 12.5 11.8 14.3 17.0 2.2 Specimen preparation
Micro-silica 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.9
Super plasticizer 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 For each types of the proposed cementitious mix
Steel fiber - 2.0 2.0 1.9 designs, firstly dry ingredients (i.e., gravel, sand, quartz
Water 8.1 8.2 10.5 10.9 sand, quartz powder, cement and micro-silica) were put into
the blender for about 2 minutes. Then mixture of water and
plasticizer were added and were stirred for about 5 minutes.
determined that this is due to the addition of aggregate to Finally, fibers were added and additional mixing was
the mix causing air voids, therefore reducing the strength. applied for about 2 minutes. The samples were demolded
However, for all tests, it was observed that the maximum for 24-h and stored in a curing box at about 22°c with 100%
strength varied little between the four mix designs relative humidity. In the other hand for preparing of epoxy
confirming that the addition of aggregate and how much is modified concrete, all used materials were put into the
added does not have a large impact on the strength of the mixer for about 10 minutes. HDC elements implemented in
sample. tunnels are prefabricated so that the curing of the elements
The deformable concrete considered here is prepared by is done as mentioned above in accordance with latest
the following ingredients. Portland cement type II (ASTM standards.
C150-17), gravel (4.7-10 mm), sand (0-4.7 mm with a
specific gravity of 2.65), micro-silica, polycarboxylate- 2.3 Compression test
based superplasticizer (SP) in conformity with ASTM
C494-81 type F. Steel (length of 12 mm with the diameter The samples before testing were capped with sulfur
of 0.28 mm) and polypropylene fibers (length of 10 mm blinder on their two opposite faces. The UTM standard
with the diameter of 0.14 mm) produced by Zanjan Wire loading machine manufactured by Zweick Roel, Germany,
Technology Co., ltd were investigated. Quartz sand (0.3-0.7 was used to calculate the load-displacement curves, and the
mm) quartz powder (0-0.3 mm) and hollow glass added as stress-strain behaviors were also extracted from. It should
fillers. Polyethylene meshes (5 and 10 mm opening and be noted that this device has very high accuracy compared
thickness of 1 mm), steel meshes (10 mm opening and to the conventional compression device used to obtain the
360 Yasser Alilou Kesejini, Amir Bahramifar, Hassan Afshin and Mehrdad Emami Tabrizi

compressive strength of concrete samples. Fig. 1 illustrates

a UTM device with high precision, its loading speed being
adjustable and operating system.
In addition to the ratio of water to cement, the weight
ratio of cement to aggregate, aggregate grading, surface
texture, other factors affect the strength of concrete
samples, which include:
sample size
rate of loading speed
The loading rate is defined as the amount of stress
increase in a time unit. The loading rate of the concrete test
sample affects the strength shown by that specimen. As the
rate of stress is higher, the concrete exhibits more Fig. 2 Compressive sample test
resistance. According to Standard ASTM C 39/C 39M–01,
the maximum permitted loading speed for loading force is
in the range of 0.15 to 0.3 MPa /s and the maximum
permitted loading speed for loading displacement is (1
mm/min) or (0.016 mm/s), which is Our research uses a
loading rate of (0.01 mm/s).
In this paper specified dimensions is discussed. The
results show that dimensions have a direct effect on stress-
strain behavior, which should be the basis for further
researches. Therefore, according to the tunnel geometry and
the required behavioral model different samples with
different dimensions can be implemented.
The modulus of elasticity, in tensile or pressure
concrete, is obtained from the slope of the stress-strain
curve. Since this curve is non-linear for concrete, there are
three methods for calculating these coefficients, the Fig. 3 Stress-strain behavior of epoxy modified concrete
tangential coefficient, lattice, and chord method we use (EC) till 15% strain
from the first method, which is a tangential coefficient or
modulus, that is, a linear gradient that is uncertain from any
point the curve is tangent to it. HDC element and NC in 2.4 Experimental results
column under the load represent different behaviors. NC
remains in elastic region but HDC element will be in plastic Analysis of laboratory results have been discussed in
region. The optimum condition is when HDC element this part. After the preparation of cylindrical specimens,
reaches ultimate plastic strain the NC will be in yield strain. stress-strain behavior curve, module of elasticity (E),
In this condition ultimate capacity of the HDC element has energy absorption value, maximum yield stress (max) and
been implemented. For better comparison between them their dimensions have been investigated. For each mix
elastic tangential modulus has been used..It should be noted design, three samples have been tested and average results
that the purpose of this section is to compare the modulus of of them have been considered. The loading rate for the test
deformability. The test method with the UTM device has specimens in each mixing design is fixed to 0.01 mm/sec.
been used with the displacement control method, which has the results were presented in the following paragraphs.
a loading speed of 0.01 mm/s on test pieces (millimeter per
second). 2.4.1 Epoxy modified concrete (EC)
One of the main objective of the project is to increase Three mix designs of epoxy mixtures are used in this
the amount of energy absorbed under pressure. Therefore, project. The test specimens have been subjected under
in order to compare the effect of different materials on constant value of loading conditions to determine their
increasing or decreasing energy absorption, the pressure stress-strain behaviors, maximum yield stress, energy
requires a precise examination. If the load curve- absorption and modules of elasticity values. Fig. 2 shows
displacement of a concrete sample is plotted in such a way how the samples have been loaded in UTM device. The
that the unit of load is Kilo-Newton (KN) and the change of stress-strain curves of cylindrical specimens of epoxy
location in millimeter (mm), if the area under the curve is mortars have been shown in Fig. 3. It is noted that samples
calculated, the unit is the Kilo-Newton in millimeter have been loaded till 15% strain. Sample dimensions,
(KN.mm-J). The sub-area of the load-displacement curve of maximum yield stress, modulus of elasticity, and energy
an element is greater, the energy absorption of the element absorption value of EP are presented in Table 7.
is higher. Therefore, to study its effect, as well as to As seen in Fig. 3 after 8% strain, it has been reached to
introduce the properties of the corresponding concrete, it is complete plastic deformation but it has compressive
used for the ability (surface under the load curve strength about 10 Mpa. These samples have ductile fracture.
deformation. Mix designs show that increasing fine aggregate results in
much deformation instead of others and retards the plastic
High Deformable Concrete (HDC) element: An experimental and numerical study 361

Table 7 Dimension, maximum yield stress, modulus of

elasticity, and energy absorption value of EC
Dimension ymax E Energy absorption
(mm) (MPa) (MPa) till 15% strain (J)
EC1 80 5050 884.40
EC2 74 5360 841.80
EC3 61 3940 627.94

Table 8 Dimension, maximum yield stress, modulus of

elasticity, and energy absorption value of FC
Dimension ymax E Energy absorption
mm (MPa) (MPa) till 5% strain (J)
FC1 24 1400000 2230 Fig. 5 Testing sample deformation after loading
FC2 29 43000 2530 Table 9 Maximum yield stress, modulus of elasticity, and
D=50 energy absorption value of MC
FC3 27 44000 2000
L=100 ymax E Energy absorbtion
D=50 Type
FC4 28 63000 1900 (MPa) (MPa) till 5% strain (J)
L=100 P 18 5500 98
MG 22 6260 101
MO 25 4800 133
MS 35 6200 201

Fig. 4 Stress- strain behavior of fiber reinforced concrete

(FC) till 5% strain

deformation starting. Replacing sand with fine quartz has

increased maximum yield stress, elastic modulus and Fig. 6 Stress-strain behavior of meshed concrete (MC) till
energy absorption. This effect is obvious in energy 10% strain

2.4.3 Fiber reinforced concrete (FC) Four types of meshed concretes have been investigated
As shown in Fig. 4 the volume content of fibers blended here. Three cylindrical samples of 100 mm in diameter and
increases, the loading carrying capacity, deflection capacity 200 mm in length have been tested for each mix designs. A
and energy absorption capacity are improved. Steel fibers Plain concrete (P), steel meshed concrete (MS), square
are used to enhance the concrete's ductility. The dimensions polyethylene meshed concrete (MO) and honeycomb
and experimental results of FC specimens are shown in polyethylene meshed concrete (MG) in 13 layers. Testing
Table 8. The strain-stress behavior of the fiber specimens is sample is shown in Fig. 5. Stress-strain behavior of these
plotted in Fig. 4. Replacement of coarse aggregate with fine samples are shown in Fig. 6 and mechanical properties and
aggregates has been resulted in more ductility. By using dimensions are listed in Table 9. Plain concrete has brittle
fibers although stress- strain behavior of samples converges behavior under compressive loading but with using polymer
to a constant value after bearing 5% strain but starting of and steel meshes ductility of these samples have increased.
maximum yielding stress and plastic strain was delayed. It According to table 9. It is obvious that meshes positively
means that less crack was caused during loading. affected the performance of them. This can be explained by
the increasing of bond strength of meshes into concrete.
2.4.2 Steel and polyethylene meshed concrete (MC) Fig. 6 studies on factors involving the ductility of the
362 Yasser Alilou Kesejini, Amir Bahramifar, Hassan Afshin and Mehrdad Emami Tabrizi

Table 10 Dimension, maximum yield stress, modulus of

elasticity, and energy absorption value of PC
Dimension y E Energy absorption
(mm) (MPa) (MPa) till 60% strain (J)
PC1 16 1190 16400
PC2 43 1550 21700
PC3 16 1180 6220
PC4 18 670 5970

Fig. 8 Cylindrical samples a) C-HDC, b) C-NC

Fig. 9 (a) C-HDC and C-NC columns, (b) C-HDC column

under uniaxial compressive loading and (c) deformed shape
Fig. 7 Stress-strain behavior of fiber reinforced concrete of C-HDC column for the ultimate value of the applied
with Polymeric tube (PC) till 60% strain displacement

samples, such as: material and Geometry of meshes. By 3. Column test

applying load to the meshed samples (MS, MO, MG), it is
shown that MS has more strength but less plastic strain than The main aim of this part is to show and compare
polyethylene mesh (MO, MG). Analysis of lab results show experimentally the influence of implementing HDC element
that the stress-strain behavior of the sample is directly in column when they are subjected to axial compressive
related to the mesh behavior. Comparing the behavior of stress. For this purpose two particular concrete samples
two samples with polyethylene mesh indicates that the entitle of C-NC (column consists of normal concrete) and
sample with smaller meshes has more resistance because of C-HDC (column consists of high deformable concrete
much interlocking with cement material. So the dimension element and normal concrete) were considered and
and material property of meshes has direct role in behavior subjected to axial compression load. Three samples for each
of samples after failure. type of columns were constructed and tested under axial
load. Consequently, the average axial compressive stress-
2.4.4 Fiber reinforced concrete with polymeric tube strain behaviors of the columns were obtained with 100 mm
(PC) in diameter and 300 mm in length Fig. 8.
The stress-strain curve of mixtures is presented in Fig. The axial compressive stress-strain behaviors of
7. It can be seen from these curves that all of them have columns are given in Fig. 9. Normal concrete specimens are
ductile behavior with strain hardening. Table 10 shows fractured suddenly and brittle when they reach ultimate
dimensions, maximum yield stress, the modulus and energy stress under uniaxial compression. The axial stress-strain
absorption of the samples. In Comparison with the other behaviors of C-HDC column is included three main phases;
mix designs discussed above, the ductility and energy a) elastic, b) plastic and finally c) strain hardening like the
absorption of these types of concrete elements have been HDC obtained behavior. This plastic and strain hardening
increased much more. Using PP fibers, hollow glass will behavior would play absolutely important role in restricting
suppress the initial cracks and parallel polymeric tube will samples final deformations Fig. 9.
confine composite. The results of the experiments including Columns are constrained at the top and bottom, and
elastic modulus, energy absorption and final stress are according to laboratory observations, cracking begins in the
mentioned in Table 10. It is worth noting that the stress- middle. This failure is due to crack propagation in
strain behavior of these samples are in accordance with the cylindrical specimens under uniaxial loading. In columns
stress-strain behavior that was explained as high deformable with pods, due to the presence of a ductile area in the
concrete (HDC) element before. As it has been presented in middle of the column, initial cracks appears in this area and
Table 5 the mix design is unique for all of the samples and distributes toward the supports. This phenomenon may be
sample sizes are variant. because of buckling or imperfection in the middle zone.
High Deformable Concrete (HDC) element: An experimental and numerical study 363

Fig. 10 Average stress-strain behavior of experimental

cylindrical samples (C-HDC and C-NC columns)

Fig. 12 Geometry and boundary conditions of the numerical


Fig. 11 Numerical model (C-HDC)

According to the Fig. 10 final compressive strain in C-HDC

columns are much more than C-NC columns. Therefore,
ductility of C-HDC samples are significantly higher than Fig. 13 Comparison of the stress-strain diagrams obtained
normal concrete samples which is directly caused by using by the numerical model with the average experimental
HDC elements in the middle of C-HDC columns. curve
The HDC element enters plastic strain sooner than the
other parts of column (NC). It means despite having large
deformations, NC part of the column is still in elastic and Fig. 11. A cylindrical volume was considered, with diameter
linear region and the crack will start in HDC part of the of 100 mm and height of 300 mm similar to the
column. Experimental and numerical studies show that experimental column (C-HDC). The column was simulated
barreling effect will be seen in higher deformations in HDC by brittle and ductile bodies, one representing normal
elements as shown in Figs. 9 & 11. concrete and another one representing high deformable
As the maximum elastic stress of HDC element is much concrete (HDC) element. The elastic model for normal
lower than pure concrete, the overall behaviors of C-HDC concrete and elastic-plastic model for HDC element are
columns would be governed by HDC elements. In the other applied.
words the overall stress-strain behavior of C-HDC columns It is assumed that ultimate strain equals strain in the
would be like HDC elements which is consist of a plastic maximum stress. The compressive strength of normal
phase after reaching final elastic deformation and concrete matrix is 40 MPa. The elasticity module was
eventually strain hardening behavior. calculated after the completion of a number of compression
tests that were carried out on standard cylinders made of the
cementitious material. The statistical evaluation of the test
4. Numerical study results led to an elasticity of 21 MPa. The Poisson’s ratio
was taken equal to 0.2. As following, stress-strain behavior
The purpose of this case is to verify the results of of HDC elements is described in Fig. 7 (PC4 sample). The
simulation agree with the experimental model tests to numerical study boundary condition has been illustrated in
compare the accuracy of the obtained results. The finite Fig. 12.
element ABAQUS software was used to simulate the Static analysis was performed and a displacement
concrete models of concrete. Due to the specific geometry, control loading is applied to the top of surface of model. A
it seems reasonable to use directly three-dimensional displacement boundary condition is used in the present
modeling in order to simulate the problem, therefore, a 3D study. The specimens were constrained at the bottom
model was used. The geometry of the sample is shown in surface in the longitudinal direction and the loading was
364 Yasser Alilou Kesejini, Amir Bahramifar, Hassan Afshin and Mehrdad Emami Tabrizi

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