DuPlessis F Skripsie2020
DuPlessis F Skripsie2020
DuPlessis F Skripsie2020
Francois Du Plessis
November 2020
jou kennisvennoot • your knowledge partner
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This report details the design, analysis and comparison of three surface mounted perma-
nent magnet synchronous motors which feature fractional-slot windings. The concepts
surrounding electric vehicles, traction requirements, permanent magnet technology and
winding topologies are introduced and discussed. Specifically, the concept of fractional-
slot windings, both concentrated and distributed windings, is introduced. Operational
principles of surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors are introduced
and discussed along with flux weakening operation of these machines. A design method
is proposed and implemented to obtain initial machine dimensions before the machine
dimensions are optimised to find the lowest cost at which all constraints are satisfied.
Finite-element analysis is used to evaluate machine performance and compare the chosen
winding topologies. The conclusion is drawn that the double-layer concentrated winding
machine provides the best performance w.r.t. cost, with the distributed winding machine
performing marginally worse taking cost into account.
Hierdie verslag beskryf die ontwerp, analise en vergelyking van drie oppervlak gemonteerde
permanente magneet sinchroon motors met breukdeel gleuf windings (FSCW). Die konsepte
rakende elektriese motors (karre), trekkrag vereistes, permanente magneet tegnologie and
winding uitleg word bekendgestel en bespreek. The konsep van breukdeel gleuf windings,
beide gekonsentreerde en verspreide windings, word bekendgestel en bespreek. Operationele
beginsels van permanente magneet sinchroon motors word bekendgestel en bespreek asook
vloed verswakkende beheer en operasie. ’n Ontwerps prosedure word voorgestel en uitgevoer
om aanvanklike masjien dimensies te vind voor ’n optimiseringsproses uitgevoer word om
die laagste moontlike kostepunt te vind waarby alle beperkings bevredig word. Eindige-
element analise word gebruik om masjien prestasie te evalueer en om die gekose winding
topologië te vergelyk. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die dubbel laag
gekonsentreerde winding masjien die beste presteer t.o.v. koste, terwyl die verspreide
winding masjien marginaal slegter vaar met koste in ag geneem.
Declaration ii
Abstract iii
List of Tables ix
Nomenclature xi
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Objectives of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3. Scope of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.4. Layout of the report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4.3.1. Winding layout: 12-slot 10-pole machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3.2. Winding layout: 36-slot 8-pole machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4. Initial sizing of design parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4.1. Geometric dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4.2. Calculation of number of turns per phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.5. Additional considerations for final design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.5.1. Cogging torque and torque ripple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.5.2. Demagnetization aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.6. Optimum design of PM motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.6.1. Formulation of optimisation problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.6.2. Finite element based optimisation process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.6.3. Finite element based simulation methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Bibliography 41
B. Outcomes Compliance 47
B.1. ELO 1: Problem solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
B.2. ELO 2: Application of scientific and engineering knowledge . . . . . . . . . 47
B.3. ELO 3: Engineering design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B.4. ELO 4: Investigations, experiments and data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B.5. ELO 5: Engineering methods, skills and tools, including Information Tech-
nology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B.6. ELO 6: Professional and technical communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
B.7. ELO 8: Individual work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
B.8. ELO 9: Independent Learning Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
C. Additional results, equations and derivations 50
C.1. Flux density, thermal(current) aspects and efficiency maps . . . . . . . . . 50
C.2. Results from SEMFEM simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
C.3. Electrical steel properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
C.4. Open circuit magnetic field calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
C.5. Additional inductance and resistance calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
List of Figures
5.9. Flux linkage at 5000 rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.10. Induced voltage (back-emf) at 5000 rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.11. Phase current at 1500 rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.12. Phase current at 5000 rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.13. Output torque at 1500 rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.14. Output torque at 5000 rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.15. Mesh used for cogging torque determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.16. Cogging torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.17. Flux densities of 12-slot machines at 1500 rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.18. Flux densities of 36-slot machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
List of Tables
ff Slot fill factor.
Fr Rolling resistance.
fr Rolling resistance coefficient.
Ft Tractive effort.
Fw Aerodynamic drag.
g Air gap length.
ggrav Gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2 ).
gef f Effective air gap.
hm Magnet thickness.
hys Stator yoke height.
hus Usable slot height.
h1 Slot enclosure depth.
Ich Characteristic current.
id d-axis current.
ig Gear ratio.
Imax Maximum phase current.
io Differential ratio.
iq q-axis current.
IR Rated phase current.
IS Phase current.
J Winding current density.
KBn Air-gap flux density coefficient.
Kc Carter factor.
kj Stacking factor.
Ks Linear current density.
Kwn nth harmonic winding factor.
kwv v th harmonic winding factor.
Kw1 Fundamental winding factor.
KCP SR Constant power speed range ratio.
L, l Length of stator.
lc Approximate coil length.
Ld d-axis inductance.
lew End winding length.
Lew End winding leakage inductance.
Lh Harmonic leakage inductance.
LL Leakage inductance.
Lm Magnetizing inductance.
Lq q-axis inductance.
Ls Synchronous inductance.
l0 Effective stator length.
Lσ Slot leakage inductance.
m Number of phases.
Mv Vehicle mass.
N Cogging torque factor.
Nc Number of turns per coil.
NC Smallest common multiple of Qs and 2p.
Np Rotational speed of electric motor shaft.
Nph , Ns Number of turns per phase.
p Number of pole pairs.
PCore Core losses.
PCu Copper losses.
PF e Iron losses.
Pin Electrical input power.
Ploss Peak total electrical losses.
Pmagnet Magnet losses.
Pout Electric motor output power.
q Number of slots per pole and phase.
Q, Qs Number of stator slots.
rd Wheel radius.
RDC DC winding resistance neglecting skin effect.
Ris Radius of inner stator.
RS Stator winding resistance.
t Time/winding periodicity.
TM G Output torque of magnetic gear.
Tp Output torque from electric motor.
Tr Rated torque at base speed.
Trip Torque ripple.
Twinding Winding temperature.
V Vehicle speed.
van Line-to-neutral terminal voltage.
vd d-axis terminal voltage.
Vmax Maximum terminal voltage.
vq q-axis terminal voltage.
W Coil pitch in unit of length.
Wew End winding width.
wsb Bottom slot width.
wst Top slot width.
wtt Top tooth width.
w0 Slot opening width.
zQ Number of conductors per slot.
zwire Number of wires per conductor.
αp Magnet pitch to pole pitch ratio.
αu Slot pitch angle.
βT Current angle.
γ Chosen coil pitch in number of slots.
γQ Calculated coil pitch in number of slots.
δRF Torque angle.
η Motor efficiency.
ηt Drive train efficiency.
θ Mechanical angle.
θdeg Phase angle in degrees.
θelec Electrical angle.
θmech Mechanical angle.
λ Flux linkage.
λa Armature flux linkage.
λcoil Coil flux linkage.
λd d-axis flux linkage.
λew End winding permeance factor.
λphase Phase flux linkage.
λP M Permanent magnet flux linkage.
λq q-axis flux linkage.
λrel (θ) Relative permeance function.
λw End winding permeance factor.
µr Relative permeability.
µ0 Magnetic permeability of free space (4π × 10−7 H/m).
ρair Air density (1.225 kg/m3 ).
ρCu Copper resistivity (0.0171 Ω · mm2 /m).
ρF e Electrical steel resistivity.
σu Slot leakage factor.
τp Pole pitch.
τs Slot pitch angle.
φP Air-gap flux per pole
φrot Flux in rotor.
ψ Length-diameter ratio.
ωe Angular electrical frequency.
ωmech , ωp Rotational speed of electric motor shaft.
Acronyms and abbreviations
Chapter 1
not to be carried out. While harmonic content is minimised by machine choice, harmonic
analysis of the machines is not carried out. Thermal aspects are considered, but a detailed
analysis of the thermal aspects of the final machines is not carried out.
• Chapter 4 provides detail on the design procedure followed including the selection of
machines w.r.t pole and slot combinations, winding layouts, initial machine sizing
and the optimisation procedure implemented to find the optimal design. Additional
considerations such as cogging torque and demagnetisation are discussed along with
simulation specific parameters.
• Chapter 5 presents the results obtained from both FEA software packages used, one
in-house package and the commercial standard, provides a discussion of these results
and possible reasons for performance charcteristics.
Chapter 2
This chapter describes the vehicle physics model and tractive effort, typical EV drive train
systems and electric motor topologies. SPM technologies and winding topologies are also
introduced and discussed.
Fw = ρair CD Af V 2 (2.1)
Fr = Mv ggrav fr (2.2)
Ft = Fw + Fr (2.3)
The torque produced by the electric motor, Tp , is related to Ft by Eq. 2.4, with ig , io ,
ηt the magnetic gear ratio, differential gear ratio and the drive train efficiency respectively.
(a) Vehicle model (b) Model of wheel with rolling resistance indicated
Tp ig io ηt
Ft = (2.4)
The maximum rotational speed of the motor can be found using Eq. 2.5, with Np(max) ,
Vmax the maximum rotational speed of the motor in revolutions per minute (rpm) and
the maximum speed of the vehicle respectively. The power of the electric motor can be
obtained through Eq. 2.6, with Pout , ωp(max) the output power of the electric motor and
the maximum rotational speed of the motor in rad/s respectively .
πNp(max) rd
Vmax (m/s) = (2.5)
30ig io
TM G(max)
Tp(max) = (2.7)
ωp(base) = (2.8)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
2.3.1. Surface-mounted PM motors (SPM)
The main advantages offered by SPMs are low cost due to simplistic manufacturing
and high performance, as the main field produced by the magnets is practically in the
air gap of the machine and leakage flux is reduced [9], [13]. Since the magnets have a
permeability very close to air and are mounted on a cylindrical rotor, there is very little
difference between the d-and q-axis inductances, known as magnetic saliency [9], [13].
This may have control and operational implications [13] but high quality torque and
EMF is produced. The major disadvantage is the risk of demagnetization, explained
in Section 4.5.2, due to the exposure of the magnets to very strong fields produced by
the stator windings [9]. Another disadvantage is that SPMs with conventional stator
windings typically have low inductance values and are thus considered to be ill suited for
flux weakening operation [9], [14]. Fractional slot concentrated windings (FSCW) offer a
potential solution, explained in more detail in Section 2.4. SPM machines may also require
additional mechanical strengthening to prevent displacement of magnets mounted to the
rotor surface in high speed applications.
(a) SPM (b) IPM with flux barriers (c) SBM
• FSCW: A machine with q < 1 and windings on all teeth or on alternate teeth i.e.
windings encircle only a single stator tooth and are non-overlapping.
• FSDW: A machine with q > 1 and q ∈ / N ,where N is the set of natural numbers,
and where windings encircle more than one tooth.
Different winding configurations are shown in Fig. 2.5 with their respective q values [15].
Note that FSCW machines with windings on alternate teeth are referred to as single-
layer windings, while those with windings on all teeth are referred to as double-layer
windings [15]. FSCW PM machines offer several advantages: high power density due to
high slot fill factors, short end turns which reduce copper losses and increase efficiency, low
cogging torque, flux weakening capability and fault tolerance [15]. Distributed overlapping
windings, both FSDW and conventional, are used in PM machines as they generally
provide a more sinusoidal MMF distribution and EMF waveform [15]. FSCW reduce losses
due to shorter end windings which also reduces cost due to copper volume reduction [15].
Simpler manufacturing and increased slot fill factors are possible when segmented stator
structures are used, especially with soft magnetic composite(SMC), plug-in teeth and
Figure 2.5: Winding topologies for a 4 pole machine: (a) Overlapping distributed winding
(q = 2) (b) Overlapping concentrated winding (q = 1) (c) Non-overlapping winding with
all teeth wound(double-layer) (q = 0.5) (d) Non-overlapping winding with alternate teeth
wound(single-layer) (q = 0.5)
joint-lapped core structures. By increasing the slot fill factor, ff , as defined in Eq. 2.9 the
power density is increased [15]. Note ACu and Aslot are the copper conductor areas and
slot areas respectively.
ff = (2.9)
FSCWs may have higher inductance values compared to distributed winding SPMs
due to high harmonic leakage inductance [14]. This increases flux-weakening capability
by decreasing the characteristic current, Ich , as defined in Eq. 2.10, and increases the
constant power speed range (CPSR). Optimal flux-weakening occurs when Ich = IR , as the
symmetrical three-phase short-circuit current will equal the rated current, IR . However,
this condition will cause demagnetization, based on Fig. 3.3c and Fig. 3.3 [6].
λP M
Ich = (2.10)
Fault tolerance requirements include electrical, magnetic, thermal and physical separa-
tion between phases. It is clear that these requirements are best met by the single-layer
FSCW machine, where the windings are physically separate and there is very low mutual
coupling between phases, yet high self-inductance which limits current. Making use of IMD
technology and feeding each phase from a seperate, single-phase inverter further increases
fault tolerance [15]. FSCWs suffer from two potential disadvantages. Rotor losses are
significantly higher due the high harmonic content (both sub and super space harmonics)
and increase as the rotational speed increases. These losses include rotor iron losses, PM
losses and losses in conducting retaining sleeves in SPM’s. Single-layer windings further
increase losses due to increased harmonic content. FSCW may also have higher levels of
parasitic effects which include vibration and noise, unbalanced magnetic forced and torque
ripples [15].
Single- and double-layer windings both offer advantages. Since single-layer windings
only have one coil side/slot, manufacturing is simplified and better fault tolerance is
achieved. Single-layer windings also provide higher self-inductance and thus better flux
weakening capability. Double-layer windings provide lower rotor losses, more possible pole
and slot combinations and a more sinusoidal back-EMF waveform due to a lower winding
factor compared to single-layer windings. This lower winding factor can mean lower torque
performance compared to single-layer winding machines [15].
Chapter 3
This chapter introduces the electromagnetic principles governing the operation of SPMs,
describes characteristic quantities such as inductance, resistance and losses and introduces
flux weakening operation.
From [18], it is known that for FSCW machines, maximum flux linkage occurs when
the center of the magnet pole aligns with the center of the stator tooth around which the
coil is wound, as shown in Fig. 3.1a. From Fig. 3.1a and Eq. 3.1, the coil flux linkage can
be calculated using Eq. 3.2, with γ = 1. This equations can also be applied to FSDW
machines. The flux-linkage per phase is given by Eq. 3.3 [18], [17]. The back-EMF is
given by Eq. 3.4. Note the amplitude of the air-gap flux density is assumed to be constant,
and thus the back-EMF consists only of a speed voltage, induced in the stator windings
by the relative motion of the air-gap flux wave [17].
(a) Concentrated winding coil (b) Distributed winding coil
Z γαu
λcoil = Nc LRis Bslotless (Ris , θ)dθ (3.2)
− γα2 u
X 1
λphase = 2Nph LRis Kwn KBn fBrn cos(npθ) (3.3)
n=1,3,5... np
EM F = −
X (3.4)
= 2Nph LRis ωmech Kwn KBn fBrn sin(npωmech t)
Ls = Lm + Lσ + Lew + Lh (3.5)
2mτp 0
L m = µ0 l (Kw1 Nph )2 (3.6)
π 2 pgef f
(b) Simplified end winding di-
(a) Electrical steel (c) Slot dimensions
4m 0 2
Lσ = µ0 l Nph σu (3.7)
S3 S1 S7 S6
σu = k1 + k2 ( + ln ) (3.8)
3S6 S5 S6 − S5 S5
4m 2
Lew = µ0 qNph (2lew λlew + Wew λw ) (3.9)
The winding resistance can be calculated using Eq. 3.10, which neglects the skin effect
under the assumption of small diameter wires. Iron losses are mainly caused by induced
voltages in the electrical steel cores due to the alternating flux in the machine. For a sheet
with dimensions as shown in Fig. 3.2a, the eddy current losses can be approximated by
Eq. 3.11. As can be seen, the eddy current losses are heavily dependent on the sheet
thickness, d, frequency and peak air gap flux density. These losses are mitigated by using
thin steel sheets with insulation between, with the ratio of steel to insulation along the
axial length of the machine, defined as the stacking factor, kj . Other iron losses include
hysteresis losses due to the alternating flux, end losses due to leakage flux penetrating the
machine structure and other harmonic losses [19]. Since the PMs consist of solid material,
eddy currents are induced and thus magnet losses must be considered.
RDC = ρCu lc (3.10)
whπ 2 f 2 d3 B̂m
PF e = (3.11)
6ρF e
(a) d-axis equivalent circuit (b) q-axis equivalent circuit
(c) dq phasor diagram
SPM, the dq-reference frame, which rotates synchronously at ωe , is used. The general
dq-equivalent circuits are shown in Fig. 3.3a and Fig. 3.3b along with a dq-axis phasor
diagram in Fig. 3.3c [21]. Note that phasors are not drawn to scale. As can be seen, the
d-axis armature flux, Ld id , opposes λP M , decreasing the d-axis flux and ensuring voltage
limits are adhered to. Neglecting the stator resistance, Rs , and substituting the expressions
for the d-and q-axis flux, from Eq. 3.12 and 3.13, the circuit equations shown in Eq. 3.15
and 3.16 are obtained [6], [21], [22]. Note Ld = Lq = Ls for an SPM. The torque produced
by a SPM is given by Eq. 3.17, with only the q-axis current contributing to the torque as
there is no reluctance torque component, due to no magnetic saliency [20]. The magnet
flux linkage, λP M , is given by Eq. 3.18 with Erated equal to the rated open circuit RMS,
line-to-neutral voltage. The RMS armature flux linkage, λa(RM S) , can be calculated from
Eq. 3.14. Should λa(RM S)
> 1, negative d-axis current is required to reduce the flux linkage
to ensure saturation does not occur and that voltage limits are adhered to [17].
λd = λP M + Ld id (3.12)
λq = Lq iq (3.13)
λ2d + λ2q
λa(RM S) = (3.14)
vd = −Ls iq ωe (3.15)
vq = ωe (λP M + Ls id ) (3.16)
Tp = pλP M iq (3.17)
λP M = (3.18)
Circle diagrams within the dq-current plane can be used to analyse flux weakening
operation of SPMs, taking into account voltage and current limits imposed by the inverter
which drives the motor [23], based on Eq. 3.19 and Eq. 3.21, which yields the current limit
circle. Note Vmax in this case is a RMS, line-to-neutral quantity. Substituting Eq. 3.15
and Eq.3.16 into Eq. 3.19, yields Eq. 3.20 for the voltage limit circle with its center at
(− λLP sM , 0). The circle diagram is shown in Fig. 3.5a. Ideal flux-weakening operation for a
finite-speed machine occurs between the blue and red points in Fig. 3.5a. However, since
torque still has to be produced at the maximum speed, from Eq. 3.17, q-axis current must
still be supplied and thus the red point is not reached. The input voltage and current
behaviour over the speed range is shown in Fig. 3.4a and Fig. 3.4b.
Vmax ≥ vd2 + vq2 (3.19)
! !2
Vmax λP M
≥ i2q + id + (3.20)
ωe Ls Ls
From Fig. 3.5a and Eq. 3.20, the expressions for ωe(base) , in electrical rad/s, can be
determined as shown in Eq. 3.22. Note id = −IR sin βT and iq = IR cos βT , where βT is
the angle by which the armature current leads the q-axis. The electrical frequency, ωe(max) ,
at maximum speed is given by Eq. 3.23 - the point where both circles meet. There is
a single meeting point of the constraint circles for a finite speed motor [6]. As stated
previously, this point is not reached due to torque required at the maximum speed and
thus this speed is slightly higher than the actual maximum speed. It should be noted that
these derivations rely on constant parameters of Ls and λP M , which may vary with flux
levels [21].
ωe(base) = q (3.22)
(IR Ls )2 + λ2P M − 2λP M Ls IR sin βT (max)
ωe(max) = (3.23)
λP M − IR Ls
(a) Voltage behaviour over speed range (b) Current behaviour over speed range
(a) dq-current plane circle diagram (b) Torque and power characteristic over speed range
power output, id = 0 at base speed and iq = 0 at maximum speed, the CPSR can be
defined as shown in Eq. 3.24. This expression is based on the expressions for the terminal
voltage at base and maximum speed as shown in Eq. 3.22 and 3.23 respectively. Note
Ld = Lq = Ls and Imax is the peak current value. As Ls increases, the CPSR increases.
Since Ls = Lm + Ll , either the leakage or magnetizing inductance must increase.
KCP SR = |P =Constant
ωe(base) out
q (3.24)
(Imax Ls )2 + λ2P M
λP M − Imax Ls
The torque angle characteristic of a synchronous motor is shown in Fig. 3.6 with the
torque angle, δRF , defined as the electrical phase angle between the resultant air gap flux
per pole, φR , and MMF of the PMs. For motors, φR leads the rotor MMF wave.
Chapter 4
This chapter presents the design specifications obtained through equations described in
Chapter 2, described the choice of slot and pole combinations, winding layouts and the
initial sizing procedure of the machine. The finite element based optimisation process is
also described and additional design considerations are discussed.
30ig Vmax
Np(max) =
πrd (4.1)
= 4879.332 rpm
rd 1 2
Tp(min) = (Mv ggrav fr + ρair CD Af Vmax )
ig 2 (4.2)
= 5.875 Nm
Choosing the output power to be 3 kW, the maximum rotational speed as 5000 rpm
and considering inverter limits, the specifications of the motor are found as shown in Table
4.2. From Eq. 2.7 and Eq. 2.8, the maximum output torque of the motor is limited to
23.09 Nm while the minimum base speed is found to be 1240.7 rpm. Accordingly, the base
speed and maximum torque at base speed are chosen as shown in Table 4.2. Dimensional
constraints are determined by the magnetic gear shaft and casing.
Figure 4.1: Design process
Parameter Value
Wheel radius [rd ] 0.299 m
Frontal area [Af ] 2.5 m2
Aerodynamic drag coefficient [CD ] 0.3
Rolling resistance coefficient [fr ] 0.013
Grading percentage 0%
Vehicle mass [Mv ] 1000 kg
Maximum vehicle speed [Vmax ] 50 km/h
MG ratio 11:1
Maximum MG torque [TM G(max) ] 254 Nm
q= (4.3)
Table 4.2: Dimensions and specifications of SPM
Parameter Value
Outer diameter [Dout ] 212 mm
Shaft diameter [Dshaf t ] 30 mm
Output power [Pout ] 3 kW
Maximum voltage [Vmax ] 48 VLL
Phase current [IS = Ilim ] 44 A
Peak losses [Ploss ] 300 W
Base speed [Np(base) ] 1500 rpm
Maximum speed [Np(max) ] 5000 rpm
Torque at base speed [Tp(max) ] 19.1 rpm
Torque at maximum speed [Tp(min) ] 5.73 rpm
Winding temperature[Twinding ] 120 ◦ C
PM material NdFeB N48H
PM remnant flux density [Br ] 1.2899 T
PM recoil permeability [µr ] 1.05
Core material M19 26G
1. First condition:
• For single-layer windings: n
• For double-layer windings: n
2. Second condition: 3
/ N for three-phase systems.
Based on these symmetry constraints, the possible windings layouts for different
combinations of p and n are given in Table 4.3. Note single-layer windings are denoted
by S, double-layer windings by D and cases where both single-and double layer windings
are possible by B. N indicates no symmetrical winding layout is possible. Based on
winding factors, frequency constraints and literature, the following machines
are selected for the design study: 12-slot 10-pole single-layer winding machine,
12-slot 10-pole double-layer winding machine and an 36-slot 8-pole double-
layer winding machine. As shown in Table 4.4, all these machines offer high fundamental
winding factors and low harmonic winding factors.
Figure 4.2: Winding factors for different slot(Ns ) and pole (P) combinations.
αu = (4.4)
γQ = (4.5)
t = GCD{Qs , p} (4.7)
With these quantities known, the phasor diagram can be constructed starting with
a circle. The circle can be divided into 2m sectors each having 2mt phasors, with two
opposite sectors assigned to a phase- one positive and one negative sector. For three-phase
windings, phases must be seperated by 120 electrical degrees. The phasors are numbered,
1 through Qs , with αu the angle between consecutive slots. For cases where t is an odd
number, natural zone variation must be employed, meaning positive and negative zones
will differ by one phasor. This occurs in some double-layer windings and is compensated
by the reverse happening in the second layer of the winding. For double-layer windings,
after assigning the top layer according to the phasor diagram, the bottom layer is assigned
based on γ [19], [26].
kwv = sin2 ( ) (4.9)
sin( vπ
kwv = cos(αρ ) (4.10)
Z ρ
(a) Single-layer 12-slot 10-pole machine (b) Double-layer 12-slot 10-pole machine
(a) Base winding: 12s10p (b) Base winding: 36s8p (c) Kw1 calculation: 36s8p
Table 4.4: Winding factors
Ks (kA/m) J (A/mm2 )
Typical value 35-65 3-5
sin( π2 ) π π
kw1 = (4 cos( ) + 2 cos( )) (4.11)
6 18 6
method is shown in Appendix C. The air gap diameter, Dag , measured to the middle of
the air gap, is calculated from Eq. 4.14. Note that the stack length, L, is related to the air
gap diameter as shown in Eq. 4.15, with ψ chosen as 1. With the external rotor diameter,
Der = Dag − 2hm − g, and the internal stator diameter, Dis = Dag + g, the pole pitch and
slot pitch can be calculated from Eq. 4.16 and Eq. 4.17 respectively.
Bg = Br hm (4.12)
+ gKc
4 αp π
Bg1 = Bg sin( ) (4.13)
π 2
2π 2
Tr = Bg1 Ks Dag L (4.14)
ψ= (4.15)
τp = (4.16)
τs = (4.17)
The stator yoke thickness, hys , and tooth width, wtt , can be calculated from Equations
4.18 and 4.20 respectively. Note that in the case of FSCW machines where the magnet
circumference is comparable to the slot pitch, Equations 4.19 and 4.21 must be used to
account for the flux shunting effect between two adjacent magnets [27].
Bg αp τp
hys = (4.18)
2Bys(max) kj
Bg τs − τp
hys = αp τp − (4.19)
Bys(max) kj 2
Bg τs
wtt = (4.20)
Bts(max) kj
Bg τs − τp
wtt = αp τp − (4.21)
Bts(max) kj 2
To determine further slot dimensions as shown in Fig. 4.6, Dh1 is defined as shown in
Eq. 4.22 with slot enclosure dimensions, h11 and h12 , chosen as 2 mm each to sum to h1 .
The slot width, wst , measured at the same diameter as wtt is calculated as shown in Eq.
Figure 4.6: Slot dimensions as used for initial geometric sizing
wst = − wtt (4.23)
The required stator slot area is calculated from Eq. 4.24, which excludes the slot
enclosure area. Lastly the stator slot height, hus which excludes the slot enclosure
dimensions, can be calculated from Eq. 4.27. The slot area is approximated as a trapezoid,
as shown in Eq. 4.25, to make initial sizing calculations calculations easier. The outer slot
width, wsb , is given by Eq. 4.26. Note the tooth width is constant due to the trapezoidal
slot shape. The outer stator diameter is given by Eq. 4.28.
πDh1 Ks
Aus = (4.24)
JQs Kw1 ff
wst + wsb
Aus = hus (4.25)
π(Dh1 + 2hus )
wsb = − wtt (4.26)
2 4πAus
−wst + wst + Qs
hus = 2π (4.27)
Table 4.7: Initial geometric parameters
layout. The condition for a single layer winding is given in Eq. 4.30 and in Eq. 4.31 for a
double layer winding.
Nph = (4.29)
ωe Kw1 αp Bg1 τp L0
zQ = (4.30)
zQ(half −slot) = (4.31)
Flux density in the rotor is calculated to ensure no saturation occurs, based on Eq.
4.32 and Eq. 4.33. Parameters obtained from the initial design process is shown in Table
D −D
4.7. Note hslot = hus + h12 and hyr = er 2 shaf t .
φrot = Bg αp τp L (4.32)
Byr = (Der −Dshaf t )
Table 4.8: Cogging torque parameters
and pole combinations, slot opening width and magnet pole coverage ratio (αp ). From [29],
the factor CT is introduced as a measure of the cogging torque produced by a certain
pole-slot combination, as shown in Eq. 4.34. A larger CT value is related to a larger cogging
torque [29]. NC is the smallest common multiple of Qs and 2p. The optimal magnet pole
coverage ratio is given by Eq. 4.35, taking magnet fringing into account through k2 , which
typically ranges between 0.01 and 0.03. k1 is chosen as 1 to maximise the air gap flux [29].
Note N = N2pC . These quantities are shown in Table 4.8 for the machines investigated, with
k2 = 0.01. Regarding slot openings, the cogging torque must be considered under both
open-circuit and full-load conditions. Under open-circuit conditions, the amplitude of the
cogging torque decreases as the slot opening width decreases. The same phenomenon is
observed under full-load conditions as the stator slotting effect decreases which reduces the
variation of the air gap permeance. However, this is only valid until a certain point where
after the cogging torque amplitude increases again as the tooth-tip leakage flux enhances
local magnetic saturation which causes the air gap permeance variation to increase once
again [30]. Accordingly, an optimal point exists for the slot opening width to decrease
the cogging torque. It should be kept in mind that due to saturation effects, the optimal
design for reducing cogging torque might not result in the minimum torque ripple [30].
CT = (4.34)
N − k1
αp(opt) = + k2 (4.35)
(a) Typical demagnetization curve (b) Demagnetization curve of NdFeB N48H
Figure 4.8: Optimisation process
Table 4.9: dq-current densities of machines
iq zQ
iq(dens) = (4.36)
ff Aus
iq zQ
id(dens) = (4.37)
ff Aus
S3φ = 3Vt(LL) Is (4.38)
Chapter 5
Table 5.1: Inductances of machines
(a) 12-slot 10-pole (S) (b) 12-slot 10-pole (D)
Table 5.5: Results at 1500 rpm
Table 5.6: Results at 5000 rpm
Table 5.7: Phase angle of terminal voltages
van = 39.1918 sin(ωe t + θdeg ∗ ) (5.1)
ωe = pNp (5.2)
(a) 12-slot machines (b) 36-slot machine
(a) 12-slot machines (b) 36-slot machine
Table 5.8: Cogging torque of different machines
(a) 12-slot 10-pole machine (b) 36-slot 8-pole machine
(b) 12s10p(D)
(a) 12s10p(S)
(a) Flux densities at 1500 rpm (b) Flux densities at 5000 rpm
Chapter 6
6.1. Conclusion
This report detailed the concepts surrounding fractional slot SPMs in the context of EVs,
described the design of three such machines and the comparison of their performance.
Comparison of the machines, subject to the given constraints, show the 12-slot double-layer
machine to deliver the required performance at the lowest cost with the added benefit of
ease of manufacturing. The 36-slot machine provides the greatest flux weakening ability
and CPSR due its high synchronous inductance, while featuring a slightly smaller cogging
torque compared to the 12-slot double-layer machine due to smaller slot openings. The
design process used was found to be sufficient and is reproducible should future machines
need to be designed.
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Appendix A
Figure A.2: Revised planning
Appendix B
Outcomes Compliance
diagrams, phasor diagrams and equations as shown in Chapter 3. To design physical
dimensions of the machines, these electromagnetic principles must now be combined with
practical sizing considerations to obtain dimensions as shwon in Chapter 4. To analyse
the machines, the underlying principles must be understood so that conclusions can be
drawn from results, as shown in Chapter 5.
language. Report writing was performed using a LATex compiler while diagrams were
drawn using both Microsoft Excel and draw.io, an online diagram editor.
Appendix C
(a) 12s10p(S) (b) 12s10p(D)
Figure C.3: Loss map of 12-slot single-layer machine
Figure C.5: Loss map of 12-slot double-layer machine
Figure C.7: Loss map of 36-slot machine
C.3. Electrical steel properties
The BH-curve of the M19 26G electrical steel as used in ANSYS Maxwell is shown in Fig.
Mrn = αp (A1n + A2n ) (C.3)
Mθn = αp (A1n − A2n ) (C.4)
1 Mrn 1
A3n = (np − ) + (C.6)
np Mn np
Rr np+1 Rr 2np
KB1n = (A3n − 1) + 2( ) − (A3n + 1)( ) (C.7)
Rm Rm
KB3n = (C.9)
(np)2 − 1
µ0 Mn KB1n
KBn = KB3n (C.10)
µr KB2n
Figure C.9: Machine dimensions
gef f = +g (C.12)
l0 = l + 2g (C.13)
Additional slot leakage parameters are given below in Eq. C.14 to Eq. C.16.
k1 = 1 − (C.14)
k2 = 1 − (C.15)
=1− (C.16)
The coil length, as used in Eq. 3.10, is given in Eq. C.17. Note W = τ.
γQ p
Appendix D
The design script as used in MATLAB to obtain initial geometric parameters is shown
below. Note only the script for the 12-slot 10-pole single-layer winding machine is shown
as the same script was used for the other machines, with appropriate inputs parameters
changed. Also note that to use this script for distributed winding machines, Eq. 4.20 and
Eq. 4.18 must be used.
1 clear all ;
2 % Rated data
3 Tr = 19.1;
4 nr = 1500;
5 Vr = 48;
7 % Material
8 Br = 1.2899;
9 ur = 1.05;
10 Ki = 0.95;
11 u0 = 4* pi *10ˆ( -7) ;
12 % Material stress loadings
13 % maximum stator yoke flux
14 Bysmax = 1;
15 % maximum stator teeth flux
16 Btsmax = 1.6;
17 % maximum rotor yoke flux
18 Byrmax = 1;
19 % current density in A / mm ˆ2
20 J = 4;
31 Dmin = 30;
32 Dir = Dmin ;
33 % air gap thickness in mm
34 hag = 1;
35 % magnet thickness in mm
36 lm = 3;
37 % magnet to pole coverage ratio
38 alpham = 0.83;
39 % slot opening in mm
40 w0 = 2;
41 % slot enclosure dimensions in mm
42 h11 = 2;
43 h12 = 2;
44 % fill factor as percentage
45 kfill = 35;
46 % fundamental winding factor
47 Kw1 = 0.966;
49 % Calculate Bg
50 lmacc = lm / ur ;
51 % assume Kc = 1.05
52 hagacc = hag *1.05;
53 Bg = Br * ( lmacc /( lmacc + hagacc ) ) ;
54 Bg1 = (4/ pi ) * Bg * sin ( alpham *( pi /2) ) ;
78 % in mm ˆ2
79 Aus2 = Aus2 *10ˆ6;
80 hus2 = (( -1* wst2 ) + sqrt ( wst2 ˆ2+(4* pi * Aus2 / Qs ) ) ) /(2* pi / Qs ) ;
81 % external stator diameter in mm
82 Des2 = Dh12 +2*( hus2 + hys2 ) ;
83 wsb2 = ( pi *( Dh12 +2* hus2 ) / Qs ) - wtt2 ;
84 hts2 = hus2 + h1 ;
85 refspeed = 1500;
86 fr = refspeed * poles /120;
87 omegar = 2* pi * fr ;
88 lacc = Lcore2 + 2* hag ;
89 taup = ( pi * Dis2 ) / poles ;
90 % number of truns per phase
91 Nph = ( sqrt (2) *( Vr / sqrt (3) ) ) /( omegar * Kw1 * alpham * Bg1 *( taup /1000) *( lacc
/1000) ) ;
92 % choose number of turns per phase - integer value
93 Nphchoice = 30;
94 % number of conductors per slot
95 zQ = (6/ Qs ) * Nphchoice ;
96 % recalculate new Bg1 to check it does not vary too much
97 Bg1new = ( sqrt (2) *( Vr / sqrt (3) ) ) /( omegar * Kw1 * alpham * Nphchoice *( taup /1000)
*( lacc /1000) ) ;
98 % magnet width
99 wm = alpham * taup ;
100 % use m units
101 fluxp = Bg *( wm /1000) .*( Lcore2 /1000) ;
102 fluxp1 = (2/ pi ) * Bg1new *( taup /1000) *( Lcore2 /1000) ;
103 % flux in rotor yoke
104 Byr = ( fluxp /2) /(((( Der2 - Dir ) /2) /1000) *( Lcore2 /1000) * Ki ) ;
105 % calculate number of turns per coil
106 Ncoil = Nphchoice / numCoils ;
107 % write data to text file
108 fileID = fopen ( ’ initialParams . txt ’ , ’w ’) ;
109 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s % -22 s \ n ’ , ’ Dimensions ’ , ’ Value ( all units in mm ) ’) ;
110 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Air gap ( g ) ’ , hag ) ;
111 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Magnet thickness ( hpm ) ’ , lm ) ;
112 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Magnet coverage ’ , alpham ) ;
113 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Dag2 ’ , Dag2 ) ;
114 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Lcore2 ’ , Lcore2 ) ;
115 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Inner stat diam ( Dis ) ’ , Dis2 ) ;
116 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Rotor ext diam ( Der ) ’ , Der2 ) ;
117 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Stator yoke height ( hys ) ’ , hys2 ) ;
118 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -12 s %22.2 f \ n \ n ’ , ’ External stator diam ( Des ) ’ , Des2 ) ;
119 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s % -22 s \ n ’ , ’ Slot Dimensions ’ , ’ Value ( all units in
mm ) ’) ;
120 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Tooth width ( wtt ) ’ , wtt2 ) ;
121 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Slot opening ( w0 ) ’ , w0 ) ;
122 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ h11 ’ , h11 ) ;
123 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ h12 ’ , h12 ) ;
124 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ wst2 ’ , wst2 ) ;
125 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ wsb2 ’ , wsb2 ) ;
126 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Usable slot height ( hus ) ’ , hus2 ) ;
127 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Usable slot area ( Aus ) ’ , Aus2 ) ;
128 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n \ n ’ , ’ Fill factor ( kfill ) ’ , kfill ) ;
129 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s % -22 s \ n ’ , ’ Electrical aspects ’ , ’ Values ’) ;
130 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Nph ’ , Nph ) ;
131 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Nphchoice ’ , Nphchoice ) ;
132 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Conductors per slot ( zQ ) ’ , zQ ) ;
133 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Turns per coil ( Ncoil ) ’ , Ncoil ) ;
134 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Linear curr dens ( A / cm ) ’ , KsAperm /100) ;
135 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’J ( A / mm ˆ2) ’ ,J ) ;
136 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n \ n ’ , ’ Rated voltage LL ( Vr ) ) ’ , Vr ) ;
137 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s % -22 s \ n ’ , ’ Magnetic aspects ’ , ’ Values ’) ;
138 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Bg1new ’ , Bg1new ) ;
139 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Bg1old ’ , Bg1 ) ;
140 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Byr ’ , Byr ) ;
141 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Bys ’ , Bysmax ) ;
142 fprintf ( fileID , ’ % -25 s %22.2 f \ n ’ , ’ Bts ’ , Btsmax ) ;
143 fclose ( fileID ) ;
Appendix E
32 # Point 1 simulation
33 self . s t a n d a r d _ c u r r e n t _ d e n s i t y _ s i m (m , v [ ’ steps ’] , v [ ’ nrpm1 ’] , v [ ’
idens_d1 ’] , v [ ’ idens_q1 ’] ,
34 coil_ff = v [ ’ coil_ff ’] ,
coil_turns = v [ ’ coil_turns ’] ,
35 fpl_output =1)
39 # Point 1 results
40 y [ ’ T1 ’] = y1 [ ’ T_av ’]
41 # y [ ’ T_rip1 ’] = (( max ( self . ts . torq_vec [: , 0]) ) - min ( self . ts .
torq_vec [: , 0]) ) / y1 [ ’ T_av ’]
42 y [ ’ eff1 ’] = y1 [ ’ eff ’]
43 y [ ’ Is1 ’] = ( max ( self . ts . i_vec [: ,0]) ) /( sqrt (2) )
44 y [ ’ i_d1 ’] = y1 [ ’ i_d ’]
45 y [ ’ i_q1 ’] = y1 [ ’ i_q ’]
46 y [ ’ i1_rms1 ’] = y1 [ ’ i1_rms ’]
47 y [ ’ i_rms1 ’] = y1 [ ’ i_rms ’]
48 y [ ’ idens_rms1 ’] = y1 [ ’ idens_rms ’]
49 y [ ’ e_rms1 ’] = y1 [ ’ e_rms ’]
50 y [ ’ u_rms1 ’] = y1 [ ’ u_rms ’]
51 y [ ’ u_ll1 ’] = y1 [ ’ u_ll ’]
52 y [ ’ P_out1 ’] = y1 [ ’ P_out ’]
53 y [ ’ P_in1 ’] = y1 [ ’ P_in ’]
54 y [ ’ P_copper1 ’] = y1 [ ’ P_c ’]
55 y [ ’ P_core1 ’] = y1 [ ’ P_core ’]
56 y [ ’ P_loss1 ’] = y1 [ ’ P_loss ’]
57 y [ ’ PF1 ’] = y1 [ ’ PF ’]
58 y [ ’ demag_margin1 ’] = y1 [ ’ demag_margin ’]
59 y [ ’ fl_d11 ’] = y1 [ ’ fl_d1 ’]
60 y [ ’ fl_q11 ’] = y1 [ ’ fl_q1 ’]
61 y [ ’ fl_rms1 ’] = y1 [ ’ fl_rms ’]
62 y [ ’ tcog1_max ’] = max ( self . ts . torq_vec [: ,0])
63 y [ ’ tcog1_min ’] = min ( self . ts . torq_vec [: ,0])
72 # Point 2 simulation
73 self . s t a n d a r d _ c u r r e n t _ d e n s i t y _ s i m (m , v [ ’ steps ’] , v [ ’ nrpm2 ’] , v [ ’
idens_d2 ’] , v [ ’ idens_q2 ’] ,
74 coil_ff = v [ ’ coil_ff ’] ,
coil_turns = v [ ’ coil_turns ’] ,
75 fpl_output =1)
79 # Point 2 results
80 y [ ’ T2 ’] = y2 [ ’ T_av ’]
81 # y [ ’ T_rip2 ’] = (( max ( self . ts . torq_vec [: , 0]) ) - min ( self . ts .
torq_vec [: , 0]) ) / y2 [ ’ T_av ’]
82 y [ ’ eff2 ’] = y2 [ ’ eff ’]
83 y [ ’ Is2 ’] = ( max ( self . ts . i_vec [: ,0]) ) /( sqrt (2) )
84 y [ ’ i_d2 ’] = y2 [ ’ i_d ’]
85 y [ ’ i_q2 ’] = y2 [ ’ i_q ’]
86 y [ ’ i1_rms2 ’] = y2 [ ’ i1_rms ’]
87 y [ ’ i_rms2 ’] = y2 [ ’ i_rms ’]
88 y [ ’ idens_rms2 ’] = y2 [ ’ idens_rms ’]
89 y [ ’ e_rms2 ’] = y2 [ ’ e_rms ’]
90 y [ ’ u_rms2 ’] = y2 [ ’ u_rms ’]
91 y [ ’ u_ll2 ’] = y2 [ ’ u_ll ’]
92 y [ ’ P_out2 ’] = y2 [ ’ P_out ’]
93 y [ ’ P_in2 ’] = y2 [ ’ P_in ’]
94 y [ ’ P_copper2 ’] = y2 [ ’ P_c ’]
95 y [ ’ P_core2 ’] = y2 [ ’ P_core ’]
96 y [ ’ P_loss2 ’] = y2 [ ’ P_loss ’]
97 y [ ’ PF2 ’] = y2 [ ’ PF ’]
98 y [ ’ demag_margin2 ’] = y2 [ ’ demag_margin ’]
99 y [ ’ fl_d12 ’] = y2 [ ’ fl_d1 ’]
100 y [ ’ fl_q12 ’] = y2 [ ’ fl_q1 ’]
101 y [ ’ fl_rms2 ’] = y2 [ ’ fl_rms ’]
102 y [ ’ tcog2_max ’] = max ( self . ts . torq_vec [: ,0])
103 y [ ’ tcog2_min ’] = min ( self . ts . torq_vec [: ,0])
119 y [ ’ M_magnet ’] = y1 [ ’ M_magnet ’]
120 y [ ’ d_wire ’] = y1 [ ’ d_wire ’]
121 with open ( ’ output . json ’ , ’w ’) as file :
122 file . write ( json . dumps (y , indent =4) )
124 return y