Airport Pavement Design: Airport Classification, and Runway Pavement Design Using Canadian Department of Transport Method
Airport Pavement Design: Airport Classification, and Runway Pavement Design Using Canadian Department of Transport Method
Airport Pavement Design: Airport Classification, and Runway Pavement Design Using Canadian Department of Transport Method
Dr. M. A. Farooqi
Associate Professor, Department of Civil
Engineering, AMU, Aligarh
Difference in Design Approaches between Airfield and Highway
There are many principles that are common to the design of both airfield and highway pavements.
However, there are several distinctive features. The most important is in the design philosophy:
The priority of highway-design engineers is to understand or assess the effect of vehicular traffic
upon the pavement.
While, airfield designers do consider the effects of aircrafts on pavements, but the priority of design
involves the effect of the pavement upon the aircraft
Other distinctive features between the design of highway and airfield pavements are as outlines
• Airport pavements are designed for Equivalent Single Wheel Load (ESWL) of the
critical aircraft that is supposed to use the runway. For example:
• Boeing 747 has a total weight of 353,000kg and its ESWL =37,000kg
• For aircrafts, it varies for different aircrafts. For example for Boeing
747 it is 12.04kg/cm2
Geometric Section of Pavement
• Runway width ranges from: 18m to 45m
• Since shoulders are unpaved and running engines can suck in any loose material.
So the design consideration is that the farthest of engines (on the wings) should
remain over the pavement.
• So for large aircrafts the farthest engine is 13.5m (45ft) away from the
longitudinal axis of plane.
• On both sides it becomes 13.5 x 2 =27m. Hence, 45m is enough width of runway
Considerations in the Airfield Pavement
• The rapid development of jet aircraft in recent years has had a profound effect on pavement-
design concepts.
• Jet engines are easily damaged by debris sucked into the air intake. Hence, design of shoulders
and adjacent safety area and extended runway length considers to make them resistant to
erosion from jet blast.
• The pavement must be resistant to the effects of fuel spillage and heat. Since spillage may cause
softening of asphalt binder.
• Type of load is another factor which affects the design of pavements for jet aircraft.
• Some jets are equipped with tires having pressures up to 400 psi. Such pressures necessitate
high-quality pavement to withstand the "punching" effect of the tire.
• ACN-PCN method (as given in the 1983 edition of the Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 3
published by the ICAO) [ACN=Aircraft Classification Number; PCN=Pavement
Classification Number]
Airport Classification
ICAO Airport Classification
Airport Basic Runway Width of Max
Type Length (m) Runway Longitudinal
Pavement Grade (%)
Code Equivalent Tire Pressure
Max Min
No Single Wheel (kg/cm2)
A >2100 2100 45 1.5 Load (kg)
B 2099 1500 45 1.5 1 45000 8.5
C 1499 900 30 1.5 2 34000 7.0
D 899 750 22.5 2.0 3 27000 7.0
E 749 600 18 2.0 4 20000 7.0
5 13000 6.0
6 7000 5.0
An airport B-3 would have basic runway length
7 2000 2.5
ranging between 1500-2099m. Single wheel load
capacity of 27000 with a tire pressure of 7 kg/cm2
Runway Pavement Design
Canadian Department of Transportation
• To determine the thickness of flexible airfield pavement a method
was developed by Canadian Department of Transportation.
• It correlated the load carrying capacity of runway pavement with
plate-load test.
• This investigation was done by N. W. McLeod
• An empirical equation was developed as shown below:
𝑇 = 𝑘 log
In which,
𝑇 is the thickness of gravel material.
𝐾 is the Base course constant, read from Figure 1
𝑃 is the gross wheel load (kg)
𝑆 is the subgrade support value as obtained using Figure 2.
Charts to be used
𝑃 𝜋𝑑 4
Step 2: Compute the perimeter over area ratio: = =
𝐴 𝜋𝑑 2 /4 𝑑
Step 3: Compute the value of Unit Subgrade Support (𝑠) for the given diameter of plate and yield stress at the given value of
deflection (using Figure 1):
𝜋𝑑 2
Step 4: Compute the value of total support: 4
Step 5: Compute the value of thickness (After 𝑇 = 𝑘 log
plugging the value of k as read from Figure 2: 𝑆
Design Example
Design a runway pavement for a wheel load of 27,000kg with a tire pressure of 11kg/sqcm. In site
investigation, a plate-load test has been conducted with a plate of 75cm diameter, that showed a
bearing pressure of 2kg/cm2 at a deflection of 0.5cm, after 10 load repetitions.
Step 1: Compute the radius of contact of the wheel 𝑎=
𝑎= = 28.5cm
11 × 3.14
𝑃 𝜋𝑑 4
Step 2: Compute the perimeter over area ratio: = =
𝐴 𝜋𝑑 2 /4 𝑑
𝑃 4
= = 0.07
𝐴 2 × 28.5
Step 3: Compute the value of Unit Subgrade Support (𝒔) for the given diameter of plate and yield stress at the given value
of deflection (using Figure 2):
𝜋𝑑 2
Step 4: Compute the value of total support: 𝑆=𝑠×
3.14 × 572
𝑆 = 4.3 × = 11500kg
Step 5: Compute the value of thickness:
𝑇 = 𝑘 log
In which,
𝑇 is the thickness of gravel material.
𝐾 is the Base course constant.
𝑃 is the gross wheel load (kg).
𝑆 is the subgrade support value.
From the above Figure, the base course constant for 57cm diameter is read out as 138, so the thickness may be computed
𝑇 = 138 log = 48.5cm