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LL Supporting Smallholder Seeds System

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Lessons learned

Supporting smallholder
seed systems

The Lessons Learned series is prepared by the IFAD Policy and Technical Advisory
Division and provides a compilation of past experiences relating to a particular topic and a
reflection on evidence-based best practices and failures. “Best practices” refer to processes or
methodologies that have been proven to produce good results and are thus recommended
examples to be replicated.

These notes are “living” documents and will be updated periodically based on new experiences
and feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact the originators.

Wafaa El Khoury
Lead Technical Specialist, Agronomy
Policy and Technical Advisory Division
E-mail: w.elkhoury@ifad.org

Robert Delve
Senior Technical Specialist, Agronomy
Policy and Technical Advisory Division
E-mail: r.delve@ifad.org

The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of Tom Osborn, the main consultant developing
this toolkit, and the peer reviewers Juliane Friedrich, Norman Messer and Rikke Olivera, from IFAD;
Willem Heemskerk from KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Netherlands; and Sam Kugbei from FAO.
Maria-Elena Mangiafico provided editorial, presentation and overall coordination support and helped
guide us through the publication process.

Maria-Elena Mangiafico
Knowledge Management and Grants Officer
Policy and Technical Advisory Division
E-mail: PTAKMmailbox@ifad.org

March 2018

Cover photo:
©IFAD/Robert Grossman
Uganda - Vegetable Oil Development Project
Table of contents
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….II
INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................1
LESSONS LEARNED ...........................................................................................................................................1
EFFECTIVE SEED SECTOR WHICH IMPROVES FARMERS’ AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY .................................................... 3
CREATE SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY SEED ENTERPRISES ........................................................................................ 4
IMPORTANT FOR LOW-INPUT AGRICULTURE IN MARGINAL AGROECOLOGIES................................................................ 5
REQUIRE SUSTAINED DEMAND TO BE VIABLE ENTERPRISES. ...................................................................................... 6
6. POOR QUALITY WILL DETER FARMERS FROM BUYING CERTIFIED SEED. ........................................................................ 8
BEFORE TAKING ACTION ................................................................................................................................... 9
NEPAL CASE STUDY ........................................................................................................................................11
SUDAN CASE STUDY.......................................................................................................................................13
IFAD GRANT IN IRAN......................................................................................................................................15
BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS..........................................................................................................................17
GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN THE TOOLKIT..................................................................................................19
Acronyms and abbreviations
ARC Agricultural Research Corporation

CSP community seed production

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FFS farmer field school

FSA Federal Seed Administration

HTDN How To Do Note

ICARDA International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas

IRRI International Rice Research Institute

ITPGRFA International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

KUBK-ISFP Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme (Nepal)

NARC National Agricultural Research Council

NGO non-governmental organization

PEPB participatory evolutionary plant breeding

PGRFA plant genetic resources for food and agriculture

PPB participatory plant breeding

PVP plant variety protection

PVS participatory varietal selection

SDP Seed Development Programme (Sudan)

SRR seed replacement rate

SQCC Seed Quality Control Center

UPOV Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Facilitating farmers’ access to quality seed of improved varieties is often viewed as a strategy to better the
livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Unfortunately, the complexity of national seed systems, of including
farmers’ seed needs and linking farmers to the other elements of increased productivity have often not been
well incorporated into seed development projects or the seed activities of larger projects. In this series we
are attempting to address these concerns. The Seed Teaser provides an introduction to national seed
systems. This publication, Lessons Learned, presents some key lessons from the experiences of IFAD and
the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and other seed-related development projects.
These lessons will help the reader of the How To Do Note (HTDN) to have a greater understanding and
appreciation of the framework for analysing national seed systems and how to use the HTDN to inform the
design and implementation of more effective seed projects.

Lessons learned
1. Understanding farming households’ seed needs is critical when considering seed-related
project activites,
Most seed-related projects assume the problem with
increasing the adoption of new varieties is related to an Box 1. Seed replacement rate
insufficient supply of seed of improved varieties. Seed replacement rate (SRR) for a
Consequently, if seed supply is increased, the problem will be particular crop is the percentage of
solved and farmers will increase productivity and production. seed planted that is certified, truthfully
In reality, the issue is much more complex since farmers labelled or commercial seed. SRR
varies greatly depending on the crop
have a number of seed sources that they can use, including
and the particular characteristics of the
their own seed (including local landraces and improved
agriculture sector. The SRR of hybrid
varieties) saved from the previous harvests, social networks crops is very high since farmers need
and the local market, which collectively are referred to as the to purchase seed every year because
community/informal seed system. This seed system is the seed is very different from the
normally the main source of seed for smallholder farmers. parents (i.e. the seed that was
Even in the case of seed shortages due to drought or other planted). The SRR is very low for self-
pollinated crops like wheat, rice or
external shocks (abiotic, biotic causes or civil unrest, etc.),
legumes since the seed is genetically
farmers normally source seed from the informal seed system. identical (or very similar) to the parents
Farmers often have a strong preference for the varieties they and farmers can save and replant
are using, based on agronomic and culinary characteristics. harvested seed. Understanding the
Adopting a new variety requires farmers to see the new seed SRR is critical to understanding farmer
and grow it, as outlined below, so just increasing supply may seed demand and how to design seed
not have the anticipated impact. interventions to increase productivity
and production. Though SRR can be a
The formal seed system for certified (or quality-declared) useful indicator for enhanced crop
seed consists of seed supplied by agrovets/input dealers, productivity, what is more important at
early stages in the development of the
seed companies, the government or non-governmental
agricultural sector is whether farmers
organizations (NGOs), but it accounts for only a small portion are using the best adapted varieties
of the seed that farmers plant. For farmers to purchase seed rather than how often they are buying
from the formal sector rather than source seed from the new seed rather than using their saved
informal seed system, there needs to be a good reason, i.e. it seed from the previous season.
needs to be a good investment that will provide them with a
reasonable return. This good reason for using quality seed
of a preferred variety will also depend on access (ability to purchase) and availability (at the right time and
location). The decision to buy seed from the formal seed system also needs to be viewed in the larger
context of agricultural production, since a reasonable return will depend on whether farmers can maximize
the value of the improved seed through the necessary good agricultural practices, such as soil fertility
management, weed control, water availability and integrated pest management, and whether farmers have
access to markets to sell what they produce at a profit.

Lessons learned

Many IFAD seed-related projects rely on formal seed system data and literature to assess farmers’ needs.
For example, the Improved Seed for Farmers Programme in Nepal (KUBK-ISFP) bases its seed needs
assumptions on the SRR (Box 1) in the project area (refer to Box 2 and the Nepal case study below), and
the project performance indicator is related to the increase in this rate. Annual assessments of seed
demand in KUBK-ISFP, and by Nepal’s National Agricultural Research Council (NARC) for the production of
foundation seed, are based on official assessments for district levels coming from the formal sector (seed
companies and agrovets). Similarly, the SRR measurement is based on information from the formal sector
and only reflects market demand and purchase of certified or truthfully labelled seed. However, field
discussions undertaken during various missions of KUBK-ISFP, revealed that:

a. Farmers are exchanging and buying seed from each other, including truthfully labelled seed
produced by farmer groups supported by the project which should have entered the formal

b. Farmers may not buy truthfully labelled seeds from agro-dealers because they do not always
trust them, the seed is too expensive or because they need to travel long distances to reach

c. Farmers buy new seed from the formal sector once they notice deterioration in the quality
and uniformity of their crop. The frequency of buying new seeds could range from every 1-2
years (SRR of 50-100 per cent) for many vegetable varieties to every 3-6 years for wheat
and open-pollinated (OP) maize varieties (SRR of 16-33 per cent).

d. The availability of new adapted varieties to farmers can temporarily increase SRRs until the
farmer starts saving seeds of the new variety from the harvest or obtain it from the informal
seed system.

At the design stage of seed related projects, the importance of seed exchange through the informal seed
system should be taken into consideration in assessing farmers’ needs and hence seed demand, in
determining project seed production targets and the corresponding impact on farmers’ livelihoods and
income as a result of introducing quality seeds.

Please review the HTDN section – Analysis of farming households as seed users and producers – and
Annex 1 that provides more detailed questions for farming households. It should be considered to conduct
surveys of farmers’ seed needs using focus-group discussions with farming households or gather
information from secondary sources to design an effective seed project (See also:

The two case studies at the end of this publication provide examples of projects that did not have a detailed
understanding of farmers’ seed needs during the project design. The Seed Development Project (SDP) in
Sudan conducted a farmer seed survey during its implementation to improve the performance of the project.
The midterm review of KUBK-ISFP recommended that the Government of Nepal monitor farmer seed
purchases and the renewal of varieties (refer to and the case study of the Nepal project later in this

Supporting smallholder seed systems

2. A pipeline of improved crop varieties adapted to farming households’ needs is an essential

element in an effective seed sector which improves farmers’ agricultural productivity
What crop varieties are farmers presently using and are there new varieties that would better meet their
needs? Project designers need to know farmers’ cropping systems and their seed needs, and to determine
if newly released improved varieties will be superior to what they already have. Improved varieties may
have characteristics that farmers like, such as higher yields, earlier maturity, drought or heat tolerance, or
pest and disease resistance. Other farmers’ preferred characteristics, which are not always obvious, include
straw quality (for animal feed or construction), resistance to post-harvest losses, cooking quality, nutrition
content, taste and colour, etc. Despite weak breeding programmes in many developing countries, released
improved varities from national research institutes or the private sector have been tested for their adaptation
to local conditions in multi-location trials and officially released. However, these new varieties may not have
been tested in marginal agro-ecologies and under low-input agriculture, i.e. no mineral fertilizer or
pesticides, so they may not perform well under some smallholder situations when compared to local

Consequently, farmers require direct experience with new varieties through demonstrations, farmer field
schools (FFS), on-farm trials or seeing the crop in a neighbour’s field before they will decide to try it and
potentially adopt it. Since planting a new variety without first seeing its performance in the field (and usually
over more than one season) can be a big risk, farmers normally try a new variety in a small area before
deciding to adopt it on a larger scale. If there are new varieties adapted to the farmers’ needs and which
farmers are not aware of, then this is an opportunity to create farmer awareness of the new varieties
through on-farm demonstrations. Projects should, however, consider the time lag between the exposure of
farmers to new varieties, their acceptance of these varieties for adoption and the time needed for the
national seed system (government, private seed companies or communities) to produce sufficient quantities
of seed to fulfil their needs. This will depend on the efficiency of the extension services to conduct
demonstrations and of the seed sector to timely produce the required quantities of seed. These elements
need to be assessed during project design and taken into consideration in crop models and in the economic
analysis of the project. Lack of consideration of the many years/seasons needed to do this is a common
mistake observed in several IFAD projects.

©IFAD/Sanjit Das/Panos
Nepal - High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas

Lessons learned

The adoption of new varieties by farmers should result in an initial increase in farmers’ seed demand for a
variety. However, a sustainable increase in demand will depend on the accessibility and availability of seed
from the formal and informal seed systems. This demand can be assessed through an analysis of farmers’
needs as seed users, savers and producers.

Where improved varieties may not be adapted to the marginal agroecologies in the project target area and
where farming communities may not be able to afford the use of external inputs, working with local
landraces and the informal seed system should be considered. Please refer to point 5 below on linking the
formal and informal/community seed systems and to the Iran case study.

Please review the HTDN sections on the Analysis of farming households as seed users and producers, and
the Analysis of the institutions supporting the seed sector, including Development of new varieties and
Variety testing and release,as well as the detailed questions in this Lessons Learned publication (Annex 1).
(See also: http://www.issdseed.org/resource/issd-technical-note-3-seed-value-chain-analysis). Based on the
answers to these questions, the design team will have a better understanding of the acceptability of recently
released improved varieties and the role they can play in a seed project to increase production and
productivity of smallholder farmers.

3. Community seed production can increase local seed supply but it is challenging to create
sustainable community seed enterprises
A much-used strategy to increase farmers’ seed supply at the local level is via community seed production
(CSP) (FAO, 2010). CSP, in which farmers individually or in community groups produce, store, process and
market seed, may be promoted in remote areas that seed companies and agrovets may not be interested in
reaching, either due to the high transport and transaction costs, or due to low demand for certified seeds.
Substantial effort can be required to establish CSP, such as training of farmers and their groups in seed
production, business management and marketing, linking them to source seed, and the provision of seed
production supplies, equipment and infrastructure. The findings of discussions during the FAO Community
Seed Production Workshop in December 2013, which explored this topic based on case studies from Africa,
Asia and Latin America, indicated that CSP can successfully provide seeds and new varieties to farmers,
but that the factors favouring sustainable CSP are very site specific. Challenges to be addressed in building
the sustainability of CSP include poor business management skills, weak quality control of seed production,
the limited range of varieties produced, poor marketing skills, lack of long-term support and a limited local

Sustainable CSP has been difficult to achieve except in countries like India, where CSP is part of a larger
cooperative structure, which can help overcome the issues mentioned above. A recurrent problem is that
when CSP is initiated the demand for new varieties can be very high, because the varieties were not
previously available to the farmers. However, the demand for seed can decrease when farmers start saving
seed from their harvest rather than buying it, reducing the local seed market. To address this issue,
consideration needs to be given to marketing of seed through seed fairs, local markets and in other
communities, or allowing CSP groups to function as contract growers for established seed companies. As
mentioned in point 2 above, the flexibility to produce new varieties will also help sustain demand. The use of
small packages (2-5kg) of improved varieties for farmers to plant and test before deciding to adopt can be
used with community seed banks, local markets and farmer field schools (FFS).

Please review HTDN section Analysis of farming households as seed users and producers and Analysis of
the formal seed system and the correspnding detailed questions in Annex 1. In addition, the publications
listed below could provide further specific information on the topic.

 Community Seed Production and Promoting the Growth and Development of Smallholder Seed
Enterprises for Food Security Crops: Best practices and options for decision making FAO 2010

 Community Seed Production, FAO and ICRISAT, 2015, Workshop Proceedings 9-11 December
2013. http://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/94d9baaf-14f4-4382-8387-fe274d11a7f6/

Supporting smallholder seed systems

©IFAD/Anwar Hossain
India - Tamil Nadu Women's Development Project

4. The inclusion of the informal seed system in the development of agricultural policy is
particularly important for low-input agriculture in marginal agroecologies.
Farmers often use both the formal and the informal seed systems to source the seed they need. Arguably,
most seed development projects have focused on how to improve the formal seed system either through
support to the seed regulatory system, improving the capacity of seed certification agencies, development
of new varieties or support to seed companies. Less attention has been given to linking the formal seed
system to informal seed systems, where farmers source most of their seed. Some of the issues regarding
CSP have been highlighted previously. Below are some initiatives that help link formal and informal seed
systems. In all these suggested initiatives, particular attention needs to be given to the gender dimension
since women often have an important role in selecting varieties, harvesting, drying, cleaning and storing of
farm-saved seed (for improved varieties and local landraces). Since landraces often are food crops, the
cooking and nutritional aspects need to be considered. Some key lessons learned are:

a. It is essential that new varieties are adapted to the needs of smallholder farmers, including for
use in marginal agro-ecologies under low-input agriculture. To address this, the project could
use participatory plant breeding (PPB) or participatory variety selection (PVS), which
include the testing and selection of potential varieties in the farmer’s own field conditions. Field
demonstrations could be followed by cooking demonstrations with women and men to ensure
the new variety had the cooking and taste properties compatable with local preferences. Such
demonstration is often overlooked and can result in rejection of the new variety that otherwise
has good agronomic characteristics.

b. If new varieties are adpated to farmers needs, a useful stategy for remote areas is to
incorporate the new varieties in the informal seed system rather than try to create a sustained
demand for the improved variety in the formal sector. This could start with the demonstrations
mentioned above followed by the sale of seed in small packets to farmers who show interest
in testing the new varieties when they observe them during field days.

Lessons learned

c. A greater appreciation of farmers’ landraces is needed. Why do they prefer these landraces?
What is the role of these landraces in household nutrition? or as a cash crop or for other
uses? There should be a systematic effort to characterize and conserve these landraces in
gene banks, farmers’ fields and community seed banks, and to use these landraces in
developing new varieties, taking into account farmer access and benefit-sharing rights.
Another option is improving the landraces through systematic selection (mass selection).
Also, there may be options to improve the way landrace seed is produced, harvested, dried,
cleaned and stored. Improved production practices can lead to a greater supply of these
landraces and sharing of the landrace through social networks, community seed banks, seed
fairs and local markets.

d. Especially under low-input conditions or under organic production, genetic resources,

including landraces and improved varieties, could also be mixed and planted in farmers’ fields.
Farmers select seeds at harvest for specific characteristics such as yield (for grain or straw),
disease and drought resistance, and then the harvested seeds are mixed again and replanted.
Over few years (depending on the crop), these seed mixtures will adapt to the the local agro-
ecology, environmental conditions, and changes in the climate, and will start producing stable
yields that are commonly higher than those of local landraces or improved varieties that are
not adapted to low-input conditions. Seeds in this case are purposely not purified, but rather
used as mixtures of relatively uniform crop populations (see the case study on evolutionary
plant breeding (EPB).

e. Ensure that the informal/community seed system is included in national seed policy and
farmers participate in seed policy formulation. National seed policy should include how to
strengthen the informal/community seed system and how to adequately address farmers’
rights regarding their own local varieties. Policies considerations could include revisions of
seed systems and/or varietal registration and release procedures to allow for the wider use
and promotion of local varieties and composite population.

Please review HTDN section on Analysis of farming households as seed users and producers, the section
on Analysis of institutions supporting the seed sector and the section on Analysis of seed policy, laws and
regulations and the related detailed question on these topic in Annex 1. Based on the answers to these
questions, the design team will have a better understanding of the possibility of including linkages between
the formal and community-based seed systems in a potential project.

5. Seed companies can be an important link to get newly developed and released varieties to
farmers. They require sustained demand to be viable enterprises.
Local seed companies are in direct contact with the farmers they serve and have a deep understanding of
their needs and the crops and varieties they use. Over time, the farmers develop trust in the seed
companies to provide high-quality seed of the right varieties, and this kind of trust and customer loyalty is
important to the companies. Seed companies often engage progressive farmers to be contract seed
producers, which provides an income for the farmer and a way of demonstrating new varieties in the
community. Seed companies often focus on crops with a high SRR, such as hybrid maize or vegetables.
They are less interested in self-pollinated crops for which farmers often use their own saved seeds rather
than purchase seeds every season. For the self-pollinated crops, seed companies must often demonstrate
new varieties each year to generate demand for the varieties and hence the seed.

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Local seed companies play the essential role of taking new varieties and getting them into the hands of
farmers, but they require sufficient early generation seed to produce certified seed to fulfill this role. There
is often a bottleneck because early generation seed, i.e. basic (foundation) and certified 1 (registered) seed,
is often produced by government agencies, and predicting seed demand and producing the right varieties
can be difficult to coordinate. National public agencies are often lacking in personnel and funding to produce
sufficient early generation seeds, especially when new projects supporting local seed companies require
additional seed from them (refer to Box 2 and the Nepal project later in this document). It is important to
assess the capacities of these relevant government agencies and plan to support them according to the
anticipated needs for seed.

Box 2. The Improved Seed for Farmers Programme in Nepal (KUBK-ISFP)

An example of the difficulties in procuring early generation seed through national seed agencies is that of the
KUBK-ISFP in Nepal (see details in the Nepal case study at the end of this document). The National
Agricultural Research Council (NARC) was mandated to produce early generation seed, but was not able to
deliver quality basic (foundation) seed since the seed produced lacked genetic purity due to mixing of seeds at
harvest. This jeopardized the whole formal seed system because seed companies and seed multiplication
groups were not able to produce high-quality certified seeds from the basic seeds. NARC has limited human,
technical and financial resources, and despite the financial support of KUBK-ISFP, it was not able to produce
the quantities of basic (foundation) seeds or the quality of certified (registered) seed needed for the KUBK-
ISFP. Programmes should assess whether there is a potential problem through discussions with national seed
agencies, the private sector and seed-producer groups using the basic (foundation) seeds and, where needed,
solutions could be proposed and activities funded to genetically purify the seeds. This could be through
allowing private seed companies to produce basic seed under the close supervision of the national seed
certification agency.

Seed projects typically provide the needed assistance to local seed enterprises in areas related to credit,
supplies, equipment and facilities, training in business, seed marketing, demand creation and seed
production in support of the formal seed system. This is the case in the Sudan and Nepal case studies
below as well as in many other IFAD investment projects and other development projects with seed
components. An example of a long-term successful seed development initiative is the FAO seed
programme in Afghanistan (see Box 3).

Box 3. Afghanistan seed sector development

Through a series of FAO projects and other donor support, the seed sector in Afghanistan has developed
substantially, including through variety screening, testing and release, early generation seed production,
the development of local seed companies and the establishment of a national seed association within the
context of a new seed policy. These are remarkable achievements, but most of the certified seed
produced by local seed companies is purchased by the government and donor agencies/projects for
distribution to farmers rather than purchased by the farmers themselves. The issue for consideration in
the future is what will happen when the donor funding for seed purchases is diminished? Seed
companies need a marketing strategies that increases their direct sales to farmers and that diversifies
the crops and varieties they sell to farmers..
Source: 25 years of FAO Technical Assistance in Developing the Afghanistan Seed Sector, FAO, 2014.

Please see the HTDN section on Analysis of the formal seed system and in the section on Analysis of
the institutions supporting the Seed Sector - Early generation seed production and the related
detailed qustions in Annex 1. The findings of these questions will help to determine the role and the needs
of seed companies in a seed project.

Lessons learned

Philippines - Rapid Food Production Enhancement Programme (RaFPEP)

6. Poor quality will deter farmers from buying certified seed.

Seed quality (germination, varietal purity, cleanliness, low moisture content, absence of pests and
diseases) is achieved through standardized seed production practices by seed companies and contract
growers. The seed quality is then verified by specialized seed inspectors from the national seed certification
agency, or similar body, through field inspection and sampling and testing of seed in the laboratory after
harvest. However, this system does not always work effectively. Typical weaknesses of the system include
limited training of seed inspectors on the standard techniques, limited resources for them to conduct their
work (their number, mobility funds, vehicles, remuneration, etc.), underfunding of seed laboratories, which
may have limited staff and cannot function properly, and improper seed sampling techniques, which can
result in seed quality problems not being detected (see details from the KUBK programme in Nepal at the
end of this document).

Similarly, all seed producers, i.e. seed companies, seed-producer groups or the national system, can have
problems during seed production that lead to poor seed quality; this could be due to unfavorable weather
conditions, inadequate isolation of the seed production fields, mixing of seed of different varieties during
harvesting and poor post-harvest handling or storage conditions for the seed. Problems of poor quality
(especially poor storage conditions, germination, etc.) could also arise at the level of the agrovets selling on
behalf of companies or producer groups due to poor storage conditions. Persistent issues with seed quality
sold to farmers will damage the credibility of the seed companies or other seed multiplying agencies, the
national seed certification agency and the whole formal seed system. For this reason, national seed
certification agencies need to have trained staff and provide them with the needed resources to perform
their roles. Seed companies and seed-producer groups need to understand and follow the protocols and
procedures to produce quality seed. It is also recommended that seed producers have access to irrigation
systems to avoid poor quality during seed production due to drought. Training of agrovets and controlling
the quality of seed storage and selling conditions are important to support the whole seed system.

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Please see the HTDN section on Analysis of institutions supporting the seed sector- Seed quality
control and the section Analysis of the formal seed system. This information will assist decisions about
the role and needs of the national seed certification agency in a seed project and seed quality problems
faced by the seed companies.

7. Issues of seed insecurity due to acute or chronic crises require determining the nature of
the problem before taking action
In a situation of seed insecurity due to a crisis, the first step should not be to give vulnerable farmers seed.
Instead, it is necessary to conduct a seed security assessment (Box 4) to better understand the nature of
the seed insecurity so that appropriate action can be taken. The crisis can be caused by drought, flood,
earthquakes, tsunami, pest or disease outbreak, civil insecurity or a combination of these causes. With
climate change, the frequency of natural disasters is expected to increase and therefore it is even more
important to know how to address these crisis situations. In most cases seed is actually available from the
formal or informal seed system in the region of the country experiencing the seed insecurity, but farmers
lack the resources to purchase it. It is seldom necessary to import seed of food and nutrition security crops.
Responses to the emergency situation can include input trade fairs, where seed companies, farmer seed
producers and input dealers, are invited to participate and vulnerable households are provided with
vouchers to purchase the inputs they need. Another approach is to provide vulnerable households with
vouchers that can be redeemed by the seed companies. These kinds of interventions strengthen the local
and national seed systems rather than by-pass them, which is the case when seed is imported. Also, the
adaptability and quality of imported seed can be difficult to control during a crisis. If, however, there is a
problem of local seed supply, and direct seed distribution is being considered from national seed sources,
then it is important to ensure firstly, that the seed is of the appropriate crops and varieties and properly
targets the most vulnerable households. Secondly, seed distributed in an emergency situation should still
meet established seed quality standards and there should be systems in place to ensure that it does (FAO,
2011). Quality standards should never be compromised with the justification of a crisis situation, as this
would create even more problems for farmers in recovering from the crisis.

Please see the HTDN section Analysis of farming households as seed users and producers and the
corresponding detailed questions in Annex 1 on this topic In addition, see below Box 4 on seed security,
which will help in making an informed decisions about seed insecurity and how to respond.

Box 4. Seed security

Seed security exists when men and women within a household have sufficient access at all times to
quantities of good quality seed and planting materials of preferred crop varieties, in both good and bad
cropping seasons. The Seed Security Conceptual Framework (SSCF) provided an improved basis for
assessing and analysing seed security and developing appropriate actions to be taken and was
comprised of three components: seed availability, seed access and seed quality.The revised SSCF
which were based on discussions in an expert gathering in Addis Ababa in December 2013 with agreed
parameters of availability, access, varietal suitability, seed quality and resilience of the seed systems.
To find out more see the Seed Security Assessment: Practitioner’s Guide at

Lessons learned

8. The formal sector market is often dominated by sales to governments, development

projects, and NGOs/humanitarian organizations rather than farmers purchasing seed
The provision of seed to vulnerable households because of seed and/or food insecurity, as a gift or loan, is
often the main market for seed from the formal seed sector in many fragile countries or countries with seed
price subsidies, such as Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Bhutan, Nepal and Afghanistan (Box 3). This
situation creates an artificial market that is not based on farmers purchasing seed but rather on the supply
of seed for governments to distribute for free via NGOs/humanitarian organizations or development
projects. When funding for seed purchases diminishes, this can cause a collapse of the formal seed market
and have a dramatic effect on seed companies in the country. It also encourages farmers not to purchase
seed but to wait for it to be provided free. Free inputs are often not valued and the varieties provided may
not be ones known to or requested by the farmers. Governments sometimes subsidize the cost of seed for
farmers to stimulate demand or for other rural and agricultural development or poverty-alleviation reasons.
Governments and aid organizations should exercise good judgment when considering interventions in the
formal seed market in order to avoid creating eventual problems that may be difficult to solve. If seed
subsidies are being considered, then there needs to be clarity on who the target beneficiaries are and why
the subsidy is being provided, as well as a clear strategy as to when and how the seed subsidy will be
phased out. The formal seed market should be based on farmers purchasing seed and not provision of free
seed to farmers. See Box 3 on the development of the seed sector in Afghanistan for additional insight into
this issue.

Please see the HTDN section on Analysis of formal seed system and the detailed questions in the Annex
on the Formal sector seed markets.From this will emerge a better understanding of the market in your
particular country and how to address the situation in a seed project.

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Nepal case study

The IFAD-supported loan on Improved Seed for Farmers programme in Nepal (KUBK-ISFP (2012–2019)
has the development objective of improving rural household incomes through sustainable, market-driven
agricultural productivity improvements. The programme aims at developing the formal seed sector (cereals
and vegetables), as well as improving smallholder livestock (goats and dairy) through partnerships with the
private sector in Nepal.

The seed component of the project focuses on the expansion of the formal seed system (for maize, rice,
wheat and vegetables). The project target area is 204,000 ha in the mid-hill zone of Nepal, consisting of four
districts in the Mid-Western region and two districts in the Western region.

The project has a comprehensive approach to developing the seed sector in the project area. It includes
support to farmer seed-producer groups (SPGs) through farmer field schools and linking them to the
market. It also foresees demand enhancement by promoting new varieties through the organization of fairs,
on farm demonstrations, and through farmer field schools. The demonstrations include comparing local crop
varieties with QDS seed of improved varieties. There is also participatory variety selection (PVS) trials by
the National Agricultural Research Council (NARC). Training and matching grants are being provided to
community SPGs with a target of 15,000 farmers in up to 400 groups. The groups are being linked, as
contract seed producers, to agrovets/input dealers and seed companies. Seed companies and agrovets,
linking with the seed-producer groups, are being assisted through matching grants to help them expand
their production and marketing in the project area. The project is also assisting the two regional laboratories
of the Seed Quality Control Center (SQCC) for seed testing and quality control in the project area. The
NARC is being assisted to produce breeder and basic seed. Project field staff are working with District
Agricultural Development Office (DADO) field staff in each of the six districts to implement the field activities
with farmers and seed-producer groups. The project has also participated in the national dialogue for the
development of a national seed policy, Seed Vision 2025, and implementation of new seed regulations.

A summary of the main findings and the lessons learnt are described below following the four areas
described in the HTDN:

1. Farmers as seed users and producers

 As part of the project pre-planning to guide the implementation of the project, the market for
seeds in the area has been assessed. However, there had been no proper survey of farmer
seed needs and demand that included the informal sector. The Seed Replacement Rate
assessments did not take into consideration the seed replacement by farmers using the
informal sector to access improved varieties.
Lessons learned: Annual seed-demand assessment should consider the informal seed
sector directly involving farmers, preferably through surveys. In addition, more variety trials
with attention to improved production practices need to be implemented to increase farmer
awareness and demand for new varieties.

2. Formal seed supply

 While the strategy of linking seed-producer groups to the private sector is highly justified, the
project design has been too ambitious to target 400 groups, with the available extension
capacity and remoteness of the target areas.
Lessons learned: KUBK-ISFP should have targeted fewer groups (estimated around 200) in
order to improve the quality of technical support and follow-up that can be provided to these
groups by national staff. Engaging with fewer groups with stronger links to the private sector
will enhance the project’s impact and sustainability of the groups after the project finishes.
Many of the varieties being promoted by KUBK are not new and Nepal would benefit from
more attention to the continuous development and release of new varieties to boost farmer
demand and benefit for the farmers.

Lessons learned

Lessons learned: More investment in breeding programmes or in testing potential varieties

available from centres operated by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR) in multiple locations in Nepal is needed.

3. Institutions supporting the seed sector

 The project seems to have overestimated the capacity of the NARC to produce the required
quantity and quality of foundation or breeder seed, especially with the expansion in the number of
seed-producer groups. It was noted that only around 50 per cent of the planned area for planting
with cereals by producer groups was actually planted, which was due to the lack of sufficient
foundation seeds available for the groups.

Lessons learned: Based on the institutional analysis and identified capacity, KUBK-ISFP should
have provided support to the NARC to concentrate on the production of breeder seed (rather than
breeder and foundation seeds). Technical support and funds could have been allocated for join
work by the Association of the seed companies and the NARC to purify varieties to the technical
standards of breeder seed. This collaboration could have also been expanded to subcontracting
seed companies and selected qualified seed producer groups production for foundation seed.

 KUBK-ISFP supported two regional seed laboratories with equipment and vehicles to enable field
inspection and testing of seed samples for quality control. Additional human resources have also
been planned for the laboratories. However, based on discussions with farmers and on field
observations, the seed sampling process from the field lots, which is often done by farmers
themselves rather than inspectors, appears to be the weakest point in the quality control system,
resulting in low quality seeds that are not marketable.

Lessons learned: Further support had to be provided by KUBK-ISFP for the SQCC to speed up
the process in the promotion of private seed inspectors, something that has already been
anticipated by the government, to ensure sufficient seed inspection.

4. Seed sector policies, laws and regulations

 During the regular district meetings for seed demand assessments, KUBK-ISFP is able to identify
some areas for potential policy dialogue in support to the use of certified and truthfully-labelled
seeds. However, the role of the informal sector in reaching out to smallholder farmers in remote
areas remains limited in these discussions.

Lessons learned: A more robust monitoring and evaluation system in the project is needed to
gather the information necessary for assessing progress and piloting seed information systems for
the government. More documentation of lessons learned from the field and those arising from
discussions during seed assessments is needed to initiate a policy dialogue with the authorities in
support of a functional seed sector, especially with respect to the needs of smallholder farmers and
the assessment of the importance and role of the informal seed system for the targeted areas and

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Sudan case study

The Seed Development Programme (SDP) is being implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture in Sudan. Its
goal is to improve food security, incomes and resilience to shocks of smallholder producers (including youth
and women). Its development objective is to increase crop productivity for 69,000 smallholders through
adoption of quality seed of improved varieties in North and South Kordofan. The SDP has three

 Component 1 - Strengthening and development of the institutional and regulatory environment

 Component 2 - Improvement of the seed production system

 Component 3 – Support for seed market development

The primary target group is smallholder farmers who generally grow less than 15 feddans (6.3 ha) of land
and engage in traditional rain-fed agriculture as their main source of livelihood. They cultivate mainly
sorghum, groundnuts, sesame and cowpea, and have limited access to inputs, assets and services. The
business model developed during the design was that if quality seed of improved varieties could be
produced and sold in the two target states, then farmers would buy them and increase their production and

Seed sector area(s) of focus in the project, achievement and challenges

A summary of the planned interventions under the four areas described in the HTDN follows:

1. Farmers as seed users and producers

Seed-grower groups were established to produce improved seed for sale to local communities, and grain-
producer groups were established to buy this quality seed of improved varieties to produce grain for
consumption and sale. No study was conducted on farmer seed demand during or after the design process,
and it was finally conducted as part of the mid-term review.

Lessons learned
 A farmer seed needs survey should be conducted during the design process to better understand
the farmer seed needs and their seed markets..

 As designed, the SDP focused too much on seed supply and not enough on seed demand.

 At design, there was not sufficient understanding of the seed value chains and the target crops.

 Seed-grower group and producer-group structures are not compatible with the rural finance
delivery systems supported by other IFAD projects in Sudan.

2. Formal seed supply

The SDP planned to give grants to private seed companies to produce improved seeds in North and South
Kordofan through contracting SGGs. This did not happen because the seed companies already had their
seed farms under irrigation in other parts of the country to ensure stable seed production and they did not
what to undertake seed production in risky rainfed areas where there are frequent droughts.

Lessons learned

Lessons learned
 There was little identified demand for quality seed of improved varieties and, hence, companies
were reluctant to engage with the SDP.

 To engage with private-sector companies, the project itself cannot determine for them their
business model, or determine where they produce the seed they want to sell.

 In Sudan, the formal seed system focus is largely on supplying quality seed of improved varieties to
larger farmers and for sale to government and NGOs.

 The conceptualization of the SDP did not take sufficient account of the national seed system and
was too narrowly focused.

3. Institutions supporting the seed sector

The Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) was supported to produce breeder, foundation and registered
seeds for certified seed production and to conduct participatory research and evaluation of new varieties.
The capacity of the Federal Seed Administration (FSA) was improved to carry out seed-quality assurance
activities. The extension services of the state ministries of agriculture were provided with training on certified
seed production.

Lessons learned
 The ARC needed more, and longer-term support to be able to produce sufficient quantities of early
generation seed (breeder, foundation and registered).

 Government procurement takes longer than expected and this delayed the upgrading of FSA and
state seed laboratories.

4. Seed sector policies, laws and regulations

Assistance was provided on plant variety protection (PVP) legislation, national seed policy formulation and
decentralization of the FSA to state level. After initial implementation, the national seed policy formulation is
proceeding and plant variety protection is being developed, but the latter does not meet standards set by
the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV).

Lessons learned
 Decentralization of FSA was hampered by lack of staff to be based in North and South Kordofan.
Once this was overcome, by seconding state agriculture staff as seed inspectors, there was a large
increase in demand for its seed certification services from the SDP and private seed companies.

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Using agricultural biodiversity and farmers’ knowledge to

adapt crops to climate change – IFAD grant in Iran
Seed is central to ensure food and nutritional security both as a source of adapted and productive genetic
material and as a source for cultivation and crop production. This is especially true with the increasing
pressure on the earth’s natural resources and the impact of climate change. Evolutionary plant breeding is
one possible strategy to cope with such challenges, while maintaining and increasing agricultural
biodiversity and reversing the tendency of modern plant breeding towards uniform varieties. This approach
was successfully implemented in Iran through the IFAD grant Using Agricultural Biodiversity and Farmers'
Knowledge to Adapt Crops to Climate Change (US$200,000, 2010-2014). This grant was implemented by
Cenesta (Centre for Sustainable Development), an Iranian NGO, along with the Iranian Dryland Agriculture
Research Institute (DARI), the Rice Research Institute, the Department of Agriculture of the provinces of
Kermanshah and Fars and local farmers’ groups. International technical support and germplasm were
provided by the International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), the International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI) and the Global Crop Diversity Trust. The initiative was also supported by the
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) benefit-sharing fund.

The goal of the grant project was to increase the resilience of poor and smallholder farmers to current and
future climate change shocks by increasing the adaptation of important food and feed crops through the
evolutionary participatory plant breeding (EPPB) strategy. Evolutionary plant breeding is a dynamic and
inexpensive strategy that quickly enhances crop adaptation to climate change and crop pests. It uses
natural selection supplemented by farmer selection to identify adapted germplasm for further multiplication,
thus using the seed populations as a living gene bank in farmers’ fields.

This methodology consists in creating mixtures of different genotypes of the same crops, preferably, but not
necessarily, using early breeding generations, but also landraces, gene bank accessions, modern varieties,
etc. These populations are planted and harvested, and due to natural crossing, the genetic composition of
the mixture harvested will never be the same as the genetic composition of the planted mixture. The mixture
will evolve to become progressively better adapted to the environment (soil, agronomic practices, rainfall,
etc.) in which it is grown. As climatic conditions vary from one year to the next, the genetic makeup of the
mixture will fluctuate, but if the tendency is towards hotter and drier climatic conditions, for example, the
genotypes better adapted to these conditions will become progressively more frequent.

Even though participatory plant breeding has been practiced for only about 20 years, and by relatively few
groups, the effects on both biodiversity and crop production are impressive. Participatory plant breeding
principles are developed further into “evolutionary plant breeding” to cope in a dynamic way with climate
changes, allowing for a further increase in genetic diversity that is put back into the hands of the farmers.

At first, activities concentrated on five Iranian provinces, evaluating 160 landraces of wheat and
160 landraces of barley – repatriated from the ICARDA Gene Bank – in a participatory mode. The project
quickly extended its action to 17 provinces involving more than 100 farmers, including nomadic pastoralists
from Khuzestan and Fars provinces. Later, the IRRI Gene Bank provided 202 accessions of landraces of
Iranian rice, which were multiplied in the Rice Research Institute of Iran in Gilan and stored in national and
farmers' gene banks.

The project had different types of impact at different levels. Farmers were trained and fully involved in the
project's activities from the beginning. They learned how to create new genetic material and mix it, helping
them to strengthen their knowledge of local varieties and become self-sufficient in seed production.
Immediate benefits were higher yields and reduced infestation by weeds, diseases and insects in the
mixed-crop populations. At a second stage, bread marketing became an important income resource at
household level. The barley produced had a very high protein content that was appreciated for animal feed
and milk production. In addition, the bread made from the wheat flour of these “evolutionary population”
landraces was very aromatic and highly appreciated for its taste. Project staff were able to involve
government authorities at provincial and national levels, offering the Ministry of Agriculture opportunities to
give farmers in remote areas access to highly adapted productive composite varieties.

Lessons learned

The use of evolutionary plant breeding is ideally adapted to rainfed, low-input production systems, usually in
marginal lands, that are especially vulnerable to climate change. Seed produced is a diverse mixture and
hence cannot qualify as genetically pure seed to enter the formal seed system. Most seed policies and
related regulations do not foresee the official selling of mixtures as “seed”, which is an issue for
consideration in countries that may adopt evolutionary plant breeding as a complementary system to the
formal seed system. It is, hence, important to develop awareness of the potential impacts of different seed
laws and policies on farmers' rights to save, exchange, develop and sustainably use their seeds.

Lessons learned

The major conclusion for those undertaking participatory plant breeding is that they should consider
evolutionary participatory plant breeding (EPPB) because it is based more on heterogeneous populations
that can respond more effectively to marginal agroecologies and abiotic and biotic stresses. Secondly, it
was observed that extension staff were more open to evolutionary participatory plant breeding than the
researchers involved in plant breeding since it is more of a development approach that does not conform to
conventional plant breeding for distinct crop varieties. In the case of Iran, plant breeders are more focused
on high-yielding varieties for irrigated areas rather than rainfed drought prone areas.

The population in Iran is a mixture of landraces, and the composition of that mix will gradually change based
on environmental selection and competition between the landraces, meaning the mixtures will need to be
renewed every few years. As a result in EPPB there needs to be a continuous source of appropriate
germplasm from both national and international sources that meet the needs of farmers. As in most
breeding systems, technical support of breeders and gene banks is required to engage with farmers in

More work is needed to develop a regulatory framework for EPPB since it requires a different approach to
access and benefit sharing, as well as methodologies to establish varietal identity of mixtures that change
over time rather than remain stable.

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Background documents
National seed systems
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2014. 25 Years of FAO Technical Assistance in
Developing the Afghanistan Seed Sector. Rome: FAO. 99 pp. Available at:

_____. 2015. Voluntary Guide for National Seed Policy Formulation. Commission on Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture. Rome: FAO. Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4916e.pdf
Integrated Seed Sector Development (ISSD). Introduction to Integrated Seed Sector Development (ISSD) and its
guiding principles. Available at: www.ISSDseed.org
Technical note 1 - Promoting integrated seed sector development
Available at: http://www.issdseed.org/resource/issd-technical-note-1-promoting-integrated-seed-
Technical note 2 - Seed systems analysis
Available at: http://www.issdseed.org/resource/issd-technical-note-2-seed-systems-analysis
Technical note 3 - Seed value chain analysis
Available at: http://www.issdseed.org/resource/issd-technical-note-3-seed-value-chain-analysis
Technical note 4 - Seed intervention landscape analysis
Available at: http://www.issdseed.org/resource/issd-technical-note-4-seed-intervention-landscape-
Technical note 5 - Seed enabling environment analysis
Available at: http://www.issdseed.org/resource/issd-technical-note-5-seed-enabling-environment-
Turner, M. 2010. Tropical Agriculturist Series/CTA – Seeds. London: Macmillan Education.

Farmer / community seed production

Almekinders, C., and N. Louwaars. 1999. Farmers’ Seed Production: New Approaches and Practices. London:
Intermediate Technology Publications.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2010. Community Seed Production and
Promoting the Growth and Development of Smallholder Seed Enterprises for Food Security Crops: Best
practices and options for decision making. Rome: FAO. Available at:
_____. 2010. Promoting the growth and development of smallholder seed enterprises for food security crops:
Case studies from Brazil, Côte d'Ivoire and India. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 201. Rome:
FAO. Available at:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and International Crops Research Institute for the
Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). 2015. Community Seed Production. C.O. Ojiewo, S. Kugbei, Z. Bishaw and
J.C. Rubyogo, eds. Workshop Proceedings, 9-11 December 2013. Rome: FAO/Addis Ababa: ICRISAT.
Available at:
Guei, R.G., A. Barra, and D. Silue. 2011. Promoting smallholder seed enterprises: quality seed production of rice,
maize, sorghum and millet in northern Cameroon. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 9(1):
91–99. Available at:
Lipper, L.C., L. Anderson, and T.J. Dalton, eds. 2010. Seed Trade in Rural Markets: Implications for Crop
Diversity and Rural Development. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Seed security
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2011. Seeds in Emergencies: A technical
handbook. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 202. Rome: FAO. Available at:
_____. 2014. Seed Security Assessment: Practitioner’s Guide. Rome: FAO. Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-
i5548e.pdf http://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/28bd5c32-6eb6-45d1-ac59-bafc646eba5e/
Seed System: Strengthening Smallholder Farmer Seed Systems. Available at: http://seedsystem.org/

Community biodiversity management

Lessons learned

Ceccarelli, S. 2015. Participatory Bread Wheat Breeding in Fars Province. Centre for Sustainable Development
(Cenesta). Available at: http://www.cenesta.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/publication-ppb-in-fars-
de Boef, W.S., A. Subedi, N. Peroni, M. Thijssen, and E. O’Keeffe, eds. 2013. Community Biodiversity
Management: Promoting Resilience and the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources. Stichting DLO/
Centre for Development Innovation. Netherlands: Wageningen University and Research Centre.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2009. Plant breeding and farmer participation.
Rome: FAO. Available at: http://www.fao.org/docrep/012/i1070e/i1070e00.htm
Murphy, K., D. Lammer, S. Lyon, B. Carter, and S.S. Jones. 2004. Breeding for organic and low-input farming systems:
An evolutionary–participatory breeding method for inbred cereal grains. Renewable Agriculture and Food
Systems 20(1): 48–55.
Vernooy, R., P. Shrestha, and B. Sthapit, eds. 2015. Community Seed Banks: Origins, Evolution and Prospects.
Bioversity International. Available at: http://www.bioversityinternational.org/e-
Seed enterprises
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2017. Seeds Toolkit Module 1: Development of
small-scale seed enterprises. Rome: FAO. Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i6390e.pdf
Funk, E., ed. 2009. The African Seed Company Toolbox. AGRA.
MacRobert, J.F. 2009. Seed business management in Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: International Maize and Wheat
Improvement Center (CIMMYT). Available at:

Seed Policy Regulations and Institutions

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2006. Quality Declared Seed System. Expert
Consultation, Rome, Italy, 5-7 May 2003. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 185. Plant
Production and Protection Division, Rome: FAO. 250 pp. Available at:
_____. 2015. Voluntary Guide for National Seed Policy Formulation. Commission on Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture. Rome: FAO. Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4916e.pdf
_____. 2016. Seeds Toolkit Module 3: Seed Quality Assurance. Rome: FAO. Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-
_____. 2018. Seeds Toolkit Module 4: Regulation of the Seed Sector. Rome: FAO. (in press).

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Glossary of terms used in the toolkit

Basic (foundation) seed: Is the progeny of pre-basic (breeder) seed and is multiplied to producer certified
(registered) seed which is then used to produce certified 2 (certified) seed which is sold to farmers. It is
produced by an agriculture research institute, or specialized government agency or the private sector (for
details on the seed production and multiplication refer to the section in the HTDN on Early generation seed

Biosafety protocol: Refers to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD), which is an international treaty governing the movements of living modified organisms
(LMOs) resulting from modern biotechnology from one country to another, i.e. transboundary movement
only. It establishes an advance informed agreement (AIA) procedure for ensuring that countries are
provided with the information necessary to make informed decisions before agreeing to the import of such
organisms into their territory. https://bch.cbd.int/protocol.

Breeder seed: refer to Pre-basic (breeder) seed.

CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity): The objectives of this Convention are the conservation of
biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits
arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources and
by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies, taking into account all rights over those resources and to
technologies, and by appropriate funding. There is a close link between the CBD and the ITPGRFA (see
below). The CBD includes all biological diversity, while the ITPGRFA includes only the 64 most important
agricultural species. https://www.cbd.int/

Certified seed: Seed of a prescribed standard of quality, produced under a controlled multiplication
scheme, normally from certified 1 (registered) seed. It is intended for sale to farmers (refer also to Basic

CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research): is a global partnership that unites
organizations engaged in research for a food secure future carried out by 15 centres, which are members of
the CGIAR Consortium. The work is done in close collaboration with hundreds of partners, including
national and regional research institutes, civil society organizations, academia, development organizations
and the private sector.

Commercialization: Refers to the quality assurance (see below) system and standards, licensing
requirements for seed producers and sellers, monitoring of seed quality in the market, along with the
penalties for non-compliance, which control the seed market to ensure seed is of high quality.

Community seed-supply system: The production and saving of seed by farmers and the exchange of
seed within communities and social networks and in local markets. The seed can be from landraces and
uncertified improved varieties.

Cross-pollinated: Plant species in which self-pollination is prevented by mechanical, biological or other

means and as a result these plants have the potential to be more heterogeneous and require greater
isolation distances to produce quality seed that is genetically pure and uniform.

Cultivar: Synonymous with the term “variety” and indicates a distinct population of plants within a crop
species. With improved varieties, the population is relatively uniform/homogenous.

DUS testing (distinct, uniform and stable): Refers to tests to determine the varietal identity of a variety in
the sense it is distinct from other varieties; it represents a uniform population of plants that is stable over

Early generation seed production: Refers to the small quantities of very high-quality seed that are
multiplied over a series of generations to eventually produce certified seed for sale to farmers. The names
of the generation of seed is based on two systems 1) the OECD Seed Scheme that will be used in this

Lessons learned

publication and 2) the AOSCA (Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies), which will be indicated in
parenthesis within this publication.

Environmental issues: Examples of environmental regulations related to seed include regulations

regarding the safe handling and use of pesticides in seed treatment and living GMOs, referred to as LMOs
(living modified organisms) in the Cartagna Protocol. For example after a living GMO is imported into a
country based on the procedures of the Cartagena Protocol (see above), there are national GMO regulation
and procedures for variety testing of GMO crops with isolation systems in place to prevent gene flow into
the environment, environmental risk assessment of GM crops contaminating similar crops, and regulation of
a GMO crop after it is released to farmers, to prevent contamination of conventional and organic crops.

Evolutionary plant breeding: An approach that consists of planting in farmers’ fields mixtures
(evolutionary populations) of very many different genetic types (genotypes) of the same crops (including
improved varieties, landraces and genetic material from national and international gene banks). These
populations will be mixed, planted and harvested year after year and due to natural crossing (higher in
cross-pollinated and less in self-pollinated crops), the genetic composition of the harvested seed is never
the same as that of the planted seed. Accordingly, crop population evolves to become progressively better
adapted to the environment (soil type, soil fertility, agronomic practices, including organic systems, rainfall,
temperature, etc.) in which it is grown. The genetic makeup of the population will change from year to year
with changes in climatic conditions, but genotypes better adapted to dominating biophysical conditions will
gradually become more frequent in this farming/breeding system.

Farmer field schools (FFS): The FFS approach is an innovative, participatory and interactive learning
approach that emphasizes problem solving and discovery based learning. FFS aims to build farmers’
capacity to analyse their production systems, identify problems, test possible solutions, and eventually
encourage the participants to adopt the practices most suitable to their farming systems. This group-based
learning process has been used by governments, NGOs and international agencies to promote integrated
pest management (IPM) and other agriculture-related topics, including production, sales and use of quality

Farmers’ rights: As outlined in the ITPGRFA (below), this refers to national regulations on the protection of
knowledge on PGRFA, equitable benefit sharing arising from the use of PGRFA and the right to participate
in national decision making on PGRFA conservation and sustainable use.

Farming households: Rural smallholder households engaged in agriculture consisting of all family
members, i.e. women, men and children, and who work as a team in all the practices related to agriculture

Food grain: The portion of the farmer’s harvest for consumption or sale.

Formal seed system: Refers to the commercially-oriented production and supply of improved seed
varieties by seed enterprises and governments using official quality assurance systems and inspections to
ensure the seed produced is of high quality. High-quality seed has the attributes of high germination,
physical purity, genetic purity and freedom from pests and diseases.

GMO (genetically modified organism): is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using
genetic engineering techniques which is a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species
are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal.

Hybrid: A variety produced by controlled cross-pollination of two distinct parents to provide “hybrid vigour”.
The progeny will differ from the parents, so requiring farmers to buy hybrid seed every year rather than
having the option of saving seed to plant from the harvest.

Improved variety: A crop cultivar that has been developed through modern plant breeding methods and
subsequently tested and selected for use by farmers based on its specific characteristics of yield, days to
maturity, pest and disease resistance, culinary or nutrition, etc. These varieties are bred to be homogenous
and meet the Distinct Uniform and Stable test for uniformity.

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Informal seed system: Refers to farmer and community-based seed systems for producing, saving and
exchanging seed of landraces and improved varieties which are not certified and for which quality could be
variable. This system is a significant source of seed of preferred varieties for farming households because
of proximity to the farmers. Seeds in the informal system are lower cost and farmers may receive seed as a
loan, a gift or through barter.

International treaty: The International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
(ITPGRFA) governs access to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) germplasm for the
purpose of breeding new crop varieties. The ITPGRFA proposes guidelines for the equitable sharing of the
benefits from 64 of the most important food and forage crop species, referred to as the multilateral system
of access and benefit-sharing (the MLS). In addition there is a standard material transfer agreement (sMTA)
to exchange germplasm for breeding of new varieties. www.planttreaty.org/.

IPR/PBR: Stands for intellectual property rights/plant breeders’ rights, also referred to as PVP (plant variety
protection): National systems for intellectual property rights for new plant varieties provide exclusive
commercial rights (for examples royalities) to the plant breeder or institute that develops the variety for a
specified number of years and, therefore, are an incentive for the development of new varieties.

ISTA (International Seed Testing Association): Is an international association with the mandate to
develop and issue standard procedures for seed sampling and testing and to promote the uniform
application of these procedures for evaluation of seed in international trade. This is accomplished through
the publication of the international rules for seed testing, training and dissemination of knowledge in seed
science and technology. It also operates an accreditation system for public and private seed testing
laboratories so the accredited laboratoies can issue seed testing certificates that are widely used in
international seed trade. https://www.seedtest.org/

Landraces/traditional varieties: Dynamic populations of cultivated plants that have a historical origin (i.e.
that have evolved, or been selected and cultivated in the area for a long time), distinct identity and lack
formal crop improvement, and are often genetically diverse, locally adapted and associated with traditional
farming systems. These are often heterogeneous varieties that are adapted to marginal agroecologies and
to low-input agricultural practices in which stability of yield is more important than maximum yield under
optimal conditions, i.e. conditions generated by good rainfall and use of inputs.

LMO (living modified organism): As defined in the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafely is any living organism
that possesses a novel combination of genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology.
The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety regulates international trade in living GMOs and not the broader area
of GMOs as food.

Local varieties: Refers to both local landraces that are indigenous to an area and uncertified, recycled,
improved varieties that have been in the hands of farmers for many years.

Low-input agriculture: Low-input agriculture refers to farming practices with minimum external inputs,
such as fertilizer and pesticides, which may not be best for many modern varieties that are developed with
optimal use of inputs to achieve maximum yield.

Mass selection: This method of selection depends mainly on selection of plants according to their
appearance and performance; seed from selected plants are bulked for the next generation. This method is
used to improve the overall population by positive or negative mass selection. Mass selection is only
applied to a limited degree in self-fertilizing plants and is an effective method for the improvement of

National seed policy: A statement of principles that guides government action and explains the roles of
relevant stakeholders in the coordination, structure, functioning and development of a seed system
comprising both formal and informal seed sectors. Ideally seed policy should be developed with wide
stakeholder participation, including farmers/farmer organizations, agricultural research institutes, national
gene banks, seed certification agencies, seed companies and policymakers.

Lessons learned

National variety catalogue: Is the national list of officially released varieties in the country with the
description of their characteristics.

Nucleus seed: This is the hundred percent genetically pure seed with physical purity and produced by the
original breeder/Institute. A pedigree certificate is issued by the producing breeder.

Open-pollinated: When the plants of an open-pollinated variety self-pollinate, or are pollinated by another
plant of the same variety, the resulting seeds will produce plants roughly identical to their parents.
Therefore, open pollinated varieties (OPV) can refer to species that are either self pollinated or cross
pollinated as long as the seed is produced in controlled way such that the projeny will be idential to the

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Seed Schemes: Provide an
international framework for the certification of seed. They aim to facilitate growth in seed trade by reducing
technical barriers, improve transparency and lower transactions costs. The OECD schemes authorize the
use of labels and certificates for seed produced and processed for international trade, according to agreed
principles. www.oecd.org/tad/code/seeds.htm

Participatory plant breeding: A collaborative plant breeding programme between breeders and farmers,
marketers, processors, consumers and policymakers (food security, health and nutrition, employment). In
the developing world, participatory plant breeding involves close farmer-researcher collaboration to bring
about genetic improvement within a species. It is important to develop a clear vision together with the
stakeholders in the breeding process.

Participatory varietal selection: A methodology for breeders and agronomists to learn, in the early phases
of the breeding cycle, which varieties perform well on-station and on-farm from the point of view of the
farmers, who will be the end users, as well as other value chain actors.

Phytosanitary regulations: The regulations established by the International Plant Protection Convention
(IPPC) on phytosanitary regulations to control the risk of the importation and exportation of pests and
disease on or in seed. The approach is science based and uses the pest risk assessment (PRA) approach
to avoid phytosanitary regulations being a barrier to trade.

Plant variety protection (PVP): Refers to national systems for intellectual property (IPR) rights for new
plant varieties that provide IPR protection for a specified number of years to the plant breeder or institute
that develops the variety.

Pre-basic (breeder) seed: Is produced from the nucleus seed by the agriculture research institute or other
body often under the supervision of the plant breeder who developed the variety.

Quality assurance: The system by which the physical, physiological, genetic and phytosanitary quality
attributes of seed are monitored during seed production to determine if the seed meets the quality
standards of the country. The system includes field inspections, seed testing, post control plots and
monitoring and traceability to ensure seed meets certain minimum standards. Standards vary for different
quality assurance systems which include compulsory certification, quality declared seed (QDS) or truthfully
labelled seed where the seed label reflects the actual quality attributes of the seed.

Quality declared seed (QDS): This system is designed to provide quality control during seed production,
which is less demanding on government resources than other more developed quality control systems (e.g.
certified seeds), but is adequate for the production of good quality seed within a country. QDS is locally
produced and commercialized quality seed of mostly locally adapted improved varieties, locally quality
controlled by local seed inspectors licensed by a national seed quality control agency. It is broadly based on
four principles:
i. A national list of eligible varieties for QDS is established.
ii. Seed producers are required to be registered with the appropriate national authority.
iii. The national authority will check at least 10 per cent of the seed crop.
iv. The national authority will check at least 10 per cent of the seed offered for sale as quality declared

Supporting smallholder seed systems

Seed: For the purposes of this publication, seed refers to true botanical seed and not vegetative planting
materials for which national seed systems are slightly different.

Seed companies: Refers mainly to both public and private, national and local, seed companies, including
cooperative enterprises that produce and market seed to farmers. International seed companies are also
involved in variety development, importation and production of seed.

Seed quality: In the formal seed system, this consists of four attributes – uniform and undamaged; high
performance; genetic purity, which relates to specific genetic characteristics of variety; and seed health,
which refers to the presence or absence of diseases and pests within the quantity of seed. In the informal
sector, the definition of seed quality varies, but farmers often go by appearance – of being relatively clean,
smelling fresh and being free of mold, showing minimum insect damage and not being shrivelled or
discoloured. They trust their own seed – or the seed they obtain – to give reasonable germination. Farmers
sometimes want heterogeneous landraces, for example, of sorghum in Ethiopia or millet in West Africa, or a
mixture of varieties, like varietal mixtures of bean in Burundi, rather than genetically pure types of varieties.

Seed replacement rate: The percentage of certified seed planted compared to the total amount of seed
planted for specific crops. Typically, the replacement rate in developing countries is quite low at 10-20 per

Seed security: Exists when men and women within the household have sufficient access to quantities of
available good quality seed and planting materials of preferred crop varieties at all times in both good and
bad cropping seasons.

Self-pollinated: Plant species in which the stamen (male organ) and stigma (female organ) of the flower
are in close proximity in the same flower and the pollen release is timed with the receptiveness of the
stigma resulting in self-pollination. This results in varieties that are are more homogenous and maintain their
genetic purity and identity from one generation to the next. Examples include rice, wheat or legumes.

Truthfully labelled seed: It refers to seed produced for which the seed complies to the quality attributes
indicated on the label and not an indicated minium standard which is the case in complusary and quality
declared seed certification systems.

UPOV The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV): Is an
intergovernmental organization which provides a system of plant variety protection, with the aim of
encouraging the development of new varieties of plants. Most countries and intergovernmental
organizations which have introduced a plant variety protection (PVP) system have chosen to base their
system on the UPOV Convention in order to provide an effective, internationally recognized system.

Variety: Synonymous with the term “cultivar” as defined in the International Code of Nomenclature for
Cultivated Plants, 1980, Art. 10: “The international term cultivar denotes an assemblage of cultivated plants
which is clearly distinguishable by a group of characters (morphological, physiological, cytological, chemical
or others) and which, when reproduced (sexually or asexually), retains its distinguishing characteristics.”

Variety release: The procedures by which promising new varieties are tested and a decision is made on
whether the variety should be included in the national variety register and released for use by farmers.

Variety release committee: A national committee of seed sector stakeholders which reviews the results of
VCU tests of promising new varieties and decides if the variety should be included in the national variety
register and released for use by farmers.

VCU testing (value for cultivation and use): Variety testing is conducted to determine if a new variety has
superior characteristics to existing varieties and should be included in the national variety register and be
released for use by farmers.

Lessons learned


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