15 Atom Hidrogen
15 Atom Hidrogen
15 Atom Hidrogen
- Werner Heisenberg
Application of the Schrödinger Equation
to the Hydrogen Atom
The approximation of the potential energy of the electron-proton
system is electrostatic:
Equation 7.3
Application of the Schrödinger Equation
Equation 7.4
Solution of the Schrödinger Equation for
Equation 7.7
Solution of the Schrödinger Equation
Only r and θ appear on the left side and only appears on the right
side of Eq (7.7)
The left side of the equation cannot change as changes.
The right side cannot change with either r or θ.
Set the left side of Eq (7.7) equal to −mℓ2 and rearrange it.
----Radial equation
Equation 7.10
----Angular equation
Equation 7.11
Equation 7.14
Quantum Numbers
The appropriate boundary conditions to Eq (7.10) and (7.11)
leads to the following restrictions on the quantum numbers ℓ
and mℓ:
ℓ = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .
mℓ = −ℓ, −ℓ + 1, . . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . ℓ . , ℓ − 1, ℓ
|mℓ| ≤ ℓ and ℓ < 0.
The negative means the energy E indicates that the electron and
proton are bound together.
Radial probability density
1s 1 0 1.5 n2ao
2s 2 0 6.0
2p 2 1 5.0
3s 3 0 13.5
r d 3r nlm
(r )r nlm (r )
dr r Rnl r
3 2
Shapes of the spherical harmonics
Re[Y11 ] l 1, m 0
l 0, m 0
1 Y10 cos
Y00 4
l 1, m 1
Y11 sin exp(i )
x Re[Y22 ] Re[Y21 ]
l 2, m 0
Y20 (3cos 2 1)
l 2, m 2 l 2, m 1
15 15
Y22 sin 2 exp(2i ) Y21 sin cos exp(i )
32 8
ℓ is related to L by .
In an ℓ = 0 state, .
Ly zpx xpz
Same origin for r and F
Lz xp y ypx
L2 l (l 1) 2
L l (l 1)
The z-component can have the 2l+1 values
corresponding to
Lz m , l m l
In the vector model this means that only
particular special angles between the angular
momentum vector and the z-axis are allowed
Magnetic Quantum Number mℓ
Quantum mechanics allows to be quantized along only one
direction in space. Because of the relation L2 = Lx2 + Ly2 + Lz2 the
knowledge of a second component would imply a knowledge of the
third component because we know .
t = m x B = dL/dt
The Normal Zeeman Effect
mℓ Energy
1 E0 + μBB
0 E0
−1 E0 − μBB
The Normal Zeeman Effect
The mℓ = +1 state will be deflected down, the mℓ = −1 state up, and the
mℓ = 0 state will be undeflected.
If the space quantization were due to the magnetic quantum number
mℓ, mℓ states is always odd (2ℓ + 1) and should have produced an odd
number of lines.
Intrinsic Spin
Samuel Goudsmit and George Uhlenbeck in Holland proposed that
the electron must have an intrinsic angular momentum and
therefore a magnetic moment.
The z component of .
In ℓ = 0 state no splitting due to .
Allowed transitions:
Electrons absorbing or emitting photons to change states when
Δℓ = ±1.
Forbidden transitions:
Other transitions possible but occur with much smaller
probabilities when Δℓ ≠ ±1.
Probability Distribution Functions
We must use wave functions to calculate the probability
distributions of the electrons.