Oops Fittings
Oops Fittings
Oops Fittings
The Oops Fitting is a replacement / repair for fuel tank fittings 2. Use a step drill to drill the damaged fitting from the tank.
which have been broken lose in the tank. They are available in If drilling the large 3/8 NPT fitting do not drill larger than
two sizes so any fitting in the tank can be replaced: 7/8" with the step drill. If drilling a 1/8 NPT fitting do not
1/8 NPT - Part Number SNX-G01-20 drill deeper than the 9/16" step of the drill. Some of the
3/8 NPT - Part Number SNX-G01-30 damaged fitting will still remain in the tank after this step
is complete.
Internal Fitting
and O-Ring
Wrench Flat
Recommended Tools and Materials 3. Remove the remainder of the damaged fitting with a stan-
Review these instructions to determine specifically what dard twist drill. Use a 9/16" diameter drill bit to remove
additional parts you may need to complete your particular the remainder of a 1/8" NPT fitting. Use a 1" diameter
installation: drill bit to remove the remainder of a 3/8" NPT fitting.
q X-Acto and/or utility knife 4. Use a sharp knife, fine file, and sandpaper as needed to
q Step Drill, Approximately 1/8" to 7/8" smooth the area around the entrance and exit of the hole
so the o-rings of the Oops fitting have a smooth surface to
q Adjustable wrench (2) seal against.
q Flexible wire (safety wire, electrical wire, etc.) Important: If replacing the 3/8 NPT fitting, remove the
q 9/16" Dia. drill bit for installing a 1/8 NPT fitting large ridge inside the tank where the old fitting was.
q 1" Dia. drill bit for installing the 3/8 NPT fitting The smoother and flatter this area is the better the seal
will be between the Oops fitting and the tank.
q 3/4" diameter washer