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Cmo 101, S. 2017 - PSG For Bsece-Final

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Electronics Engineer (noun) – is a professional who conceptualizes, develops, designs, improves and applies safe, healthy, ethical and

economic ways in
the field of electronics for the benefit of society and environment through the knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, basic engineering sciences,
information technology, electronics engineering and other natural, applied and social sciences, gained by study, research and practice.




Understand the principles of

mathematics, physical sciences, Propose innovations in process
Use relevant and appropriate
engineering principles including design and operations
applied science, engineering
information technology. improvement and optimization and
principles and techniques in
Apply knowledge of mathematics, Determine relevant and impart these to peers.
formulating process design and
1 physical sciences, Information appropriate applied science, Develop and continually upgrade
operations improvement.
Technology, and engineering principles engineering principles and proficiency in numerical and
Develop simple computer
techniques that can be used to computational modeling in solving
programs to solve electronics
address engineering concerns electronics engineering problems.
engineering problems.
related to electronics design and

Consolidate results of research and

Identify, formulate, research literature Use relevant information gathered Apply results research literature technical information in
and analyse complex engineering from research literature and other and other technological advances formulating solutions to electronics
problems reaching substantiated available technological information in design and operations engineering processes and adapt
conclusions using first principles of sources in coming out with improvement. these into systems to achieve
mathematics, natural sciences and solutions to complex engineering Propose changes to achieve the targets.
engineering sciences. problems. desired outputs. Impart these technological
advances to peers.

Annex I- Competencies of a Electronics Engineer

Consolidate studies made and
propose changes.
Study, investigate and gather data Specialize in specific fields of
Design solutions for complex Study, investigate and gather data
related to problems and prepare practice in the Electronics
engineering problems and design related to complex engineering
proposals to implement solutions Engineering Professional and use
systems, components or processes that problems and propose solutions
while incorporating ethics, safety the technical expertise in design of
3 meet specified needs with appropriate based on the fundamentals of
and environmental considerations. solutions to applicable compex
consideration for public health and engineering principles while
Conduct test runs and prepare final engineering problems.
safety, cultural, societal, and incorporating ethics, safety and
recommendations based on results Prepare project proposals, budget
environmental considerations. environmental considerations.
gathered. and reports related to
Impart learnings to peers.

Use available database information, Organize teams of experts, plan

coordinate with other technical and design experiments in
Conceptualize, formulate and
experts, plan and design conducting investigations of
implement design of experiments
Conduct investigations of complex experiments in conducting complex engineering problems.
in a standard scientific manner in
problems using research-based investigations of complex Conduct labscale and plant scale
conducting investigations of
knowledge and research methods engineering problems. trials as may be deemed necessary
complex engineering problems
4 including design of experiments, Conduct labscale and plant scale to validate conclusions.
with consideration of cost, quality,
analysis and interpretation of data, and trials as may be deemed necessary Prepare feasibility, reports,
security, and environmental impact.
synthesis of information to provide to validate conclusions. implementation plans and make
Recommend valid conclusions
valid conclusions. Prepare reports and make presentations to the concerned
based on gathered information and
presentations to concerned entities entities on the proposed solutions
results of investigation.
on the proposed solutions to the to the complex engineering
complex engineering problems. problems.

Annex I- Competencies of a Electronics Engineer

Be familiar with the appropriate
techniques, resources, and modern
Be familiarized with applicable
engineering and IT tools, including
modern tools and techniques to
Be familiar with the appropriate prediction and modelling, to
solve electronics engineering
techniques, resources, and modern complex engineering problems,
problems taking into consideration
Create, select and apply appropriate engineering and IT tools, including with an understanding of the
its limitations.
techniques, resources, and modern prediction and modelling, to limitations.
Use industrial experience in
engineering and IT tools, including complex engineering problems, Consolidate applicable techniques
5 conjunction with technical expertise
prediction and modelling, to solve with an understanding of the and modern tools that can be used
and appropriate modern tools in
complex engineering problems, with an limitations. to solve complex engineering
solving complex engineering
understanding of the limitations. Recommend the applicable modern problems.
tools that can be used to solve Prepare recommendations based
Prepare reports and
complex engineering problems. on results considering practical
recommendations and present
applications and limitations of
these to the concerned entities.
process parameters and

Annex I- Competencies of a Electronics Engineer

Be familiar with relevant policies,
laws, regulations and technical
standards both locally and
Be familiar with relevant policies,
internationally in conjunction with
Be familiar with relevant policies, laws, regulations and technical
the Electronics Engineering
laws, regulations and technical standards both locally and
Apply reasoning informed by contextual Professional Practice.
standards locally in conjunction internationally in conjunction with
knowledge to assess societal, health, Be familiar with specific country
with the Electronics Engineering the Electronics Engineering
safety, legal and cultural issues and the regulations on professional
Professional Practice. Professional Practice.
6 consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering practice in
Make a personal commitment to Prepare plans and designs to
professional engineering practice and implementing solutions to complex
societal, health, safety, legal and address industrial process
solutions to complex engineering engineering problems.
cultural issues recognising problems while taking into
problems. Prepare plans and designs to
obligations to society, consideration moral, ethical and
address industrial process
subordinates, and the environment. environmental concerns.
problems while taking into
Impart learning to peers.
consideration moral, ethical and
environmental concerns.
Impart learning to peers.

Annex I- Competencies of a Electronics Engineer

Be familiar with relevant applicable
technical and engineering
standards that can be applied in
Be familiar with relevant applicable Be familiar with relevant applicable
professional electronics
technical and engineering technical and engineering
engineering practice.
standards that can be applied in standards that can be applied in
Understand and evaluate the Use gained experience in industrial
professional electronics professional electronics
sustainability and impact of professional professional practice to measure
engineering practice. engineering practice.
7 engineering work in the solution of impacts on society and
Assess the effects of professional Use gained experience in industrial
complex engineering problems in environment.
engineering work on process professional practice to measure
societal and environmental contexts. Do research, develop projects and
operational problems. impacts on society and
prepare implementation plans to
Gather relevant data in relation to environment.
implement and assess professional
the professional engineering work. Impart learning to peers.
engineering works in relation to
complex engineering problems.
Impart learning to peers.

Annex I- Competencies of a Electronics Engineer

Be familiar with the Philippine Code
of Ethical Standards of Electronics
Engineers and apply and behave
Be familiar with the Philippine Code
according to this code in
of Ethical Standards of Electronics
professional practice.
Engineers and apply and behave
Be familiar with the Philippine Code Be familiar with corporate and
according to this code in
of Ethical Standards of Electronics industrial policies.
professional practice.
Engineers and apply and behave Apply ethical principles in
Be familiar with corporate and
Apply ethical principles and commit to according to this code in conjunction with engineering
industrial policies.
8 professional ethics and responsibilities professional practice. practice incorporating public safety
Apply ethical principles in
and norms of engineering practice. Apply ethical principles in as a priority.
conjunction with engineering
conjunction with engineering Be an example to upcoming
practice incorporating public safety
practice. engineers in terms of integrity,
as a priority.
morality and ethics.
Be an example to upcoming
Exemplify ethical and moral values
engineers in terms of integrity,
through participation in socially
morality and ethics.
relevant projects that contribute to
national development.
Impart learning to peers.

Perform functions required in the

Plan, lead, coordinate and
completion of a task as part of a
implement designated tasks either Supervise and manage processes,
project or endeavor or as an
as a team leader or member. people and facilities locally or
Function effectively as an individual, employee of a company.
Interact with a network of internationally enabling efficiency,
9 and as a member or leader in diverse Interact with peers and higher
professionals and participate in improved performance, business
teams and in multi-disciplinary settings. levels in a professional manner.
projects or activities. profitability and safety.
Participate in activities either as a
Handle small to medium-sized Train other engineers.
team leader or member and
perform designated tasks.

Annex I- Competencies of a Electronics Engineer

Prepare reports, presentations and
Prepare reports, presentations and other engineering documents in an Consolidate reports and make
other engineering documents in an organized way and relay presentations to peers and
organized way and relay information related to these superiors on projects or on
Communicate effectively on complex
information related to these effectively. assigned endeavors .
engineering activities with the
effectively. Prepare policies, procedures and Conduct trainings to subordinates,
engineering community and with
Communicate clearly both verbally other documents related to an peers and superiors.
society at large, such as being able to
10 and in written form all instructions activity or project and cascade to Communicate and coordinate
comprehend and write effective reports
to peers, subordinates and subordinates, peers and superiors clearly and act as liaison officer on
and design documentation, make
superiors as may be deemed effectively. matters concerning legal or
effective presentations, and give and
necessary. Conduct trainings to subordinates regulatory issues.
receive clear instructions.
Organize, coordinate and and peers. Prepare policies, rules, regulations,
implement activities or projects in a Communicate clearly with legal instructions, procedures and
clear way. entities/ authorities regarding implements them.
engineering activities.

Plan, lead, organize and control

small to medium-sized projects or Manage and implement medium-
Demonstrate knowledge and
tasks as may be deemed necessary sized to major projects or tasks as
understanding of engineering
Plan, lead, organize and control in the practice of electroncis may be deemed necessary in the
management principles and economic
small projects or tasks as may be engineering. practice of electronics engineering.
11 decision-making and apply these to
deemed necessary in the practice Manage financial aspects of the Manage financial aspects of the
one’s own work, as a member and
of electronics engineering. project. project.
leader in a team, to manage projects
Supervise subordinates and peers Manage supervisors and peers.
and in multidisciplinary environments.
when needed. Prepare reports related to projects.
Prepare reports related to projects.

Annex I- Competencies of a Electronics Engineer

Attend trainings, seminars, Attend trainings, seminars,
conferences and participate in conferences and participate in
professional organizations that professional organizations that
Attend trainings, seminars,
Recognize the need for, and have the encourage continued learning in encourage continued learning in
conferences or participate in
preparation and ability to engage in the electronics engineering the electronics engineering
projects that encourage continued
12 independent and life-long learning in profession profession.
learning in the electroncis
the broadest context of technological Pursue graduate studies. Prepare modules for training peers,
engineering profession.
change. Comply with CPD units required subordinates and students.
Pursue graduate studies.
annually. Organize seminars, trainings or
Conduct research studies and conferences.
impart results to peers. Publish research papers.

Annex I- Competencies of a Electronics Engineer



Program outcomes specify what students are expected to know and be able to do
by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that
the students acquire as they go through the program.

By the time of graduation, the students of the BSECE program shall have the ability

a) apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems

b) design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
c) design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards
d) function on multidisciplinary teams
e) identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
f) apply professional and ethical responsibility
g) communicate effectively
h) identify the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context
i) recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j) apply knowledge of contemporary issues
k) use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
l) apply knowledge of engineering and management principles as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
m) understand at least one specialized field of Electronics Engineering practice

The program outcomes from a to m set the minimum requirements.

HEIs/LUCs/SUCs may add additional outcomes when needed.


The sample curriculum maps below are for mathematics and science courses
representing their connections to SOs/POs.


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A. Mathematics

Relationship to Program Outcomes

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
Calculus 1 I
Calculus 2 E
Engineering Data Analysis I
Differential Equations E

B. Natural/Physical Sciences

Relationship to Program Outcomes

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
Chemistry for Engineers I
Physics for Engineers I I

C. Basic Engineering Sciences

Relationship to Program Outcomes

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
Computer-Aided Drafting I
Engineering Management I
Engineering Economics I

D. Allied Courses

Relationship to Program Outcomes

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
Physics 2 E
Materials Science and
Computer Programming I
Circuits 1 E
Circuits 2 E
Technopreneurship E
Environmental Science and

E. Professional Courses

Relationship to Program Outcomes

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
Advanced Engineering
Mathematics for ECE
Electromagnetics E E
ECE Laws, Contract, Ethics,
Standards & Safety
Electronics 1: Electronic
Devices and Circuits
Electronics 2: Electronic Circuit
Analysis and Design

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Electronics 3: Electronic
Systems and Design
Signals, Spectra, Signal
Communications 1: Principles
of Communication Systems
Communications 2: Modulation
and Coding Techniques
Communications 3: Data
Communications 4:
Transmission Media,
Antenna System and
Digital Electronics 1: Logic
Circuits and Switching E E
Digital Electronics 2:
Microprocessor &
Microcontroller Systems
and Design
Feedback and Control Systems E E
Methods of Research E
Design 1 / Capstone Project 1 D D D
Design 2 / Capstone Project 2 D D D
Seminars / Colloquium D

F. Technical Electives

Relationship to Program Outcomes

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
ECE Elective D
ECE Elective D

G. On the Job Training

Relationship to Program Outcomes

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
OJT (240 hours) D D

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Classification/ Field / Course Page

A. Mathematics
Calculus 1 3
Calculus 2 4
Engineering Data Analysis 6
Differential Equations 9
B. Natural/ Physical Sciences
Chemistry for Engineers 11
Physics for Engineers 13
C. Basic Engineering Sciences
Computer-Aided Drafting 15
Engineering Economics 16
Engineering Management 18
D. Allied Courses
Physics 2 20
Materials Science and Engineering 21
Computer Programming 22
Circuits 1 24
Circuits 2 26
Technopreneurship 27
Environmental Science and Engineering 28

E. Professional Core Courses

Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE 29
Electromagnetics 30
ECE Laws, Contracts, Ethics, Standards & Safety 31
Electronics 1: Electronic Devices and Circuits 32
Electronics 2: Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design 34
Electronics 3: Electronic Systems and Design 37
Signals, Spectra & Signal Processing 39

Communications 1: Principles of Communication Systems 40

Communications 2: Modulation and Coding Techniques 41

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Communications 3: Data Communications 42
Communications 4: Transmission Media, Antenna System and
Design 43
Digital Electronics 1: Logic Circuits and Switching Theory 45
Digital Electronics 2: Microprocessor & Microcontroller
Systems and Design 46
Feedback and Control Systems 48
Methods of Research 50
Design 1 /Capstone Project 1 52
Design 2 /Capstone Project 2 52
Seminars/ Colloquium 53
OJT/ Electronics Engineering Immersion 54
F. Technical Electives
ECE Elective 1
ECE Elective 2

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Course Name CALCULUS 1

Course An introductory course covering the core concepts of limit, continuity and
Description differentiability of functions involving one or more variables. This also
includes the application of differential calculations in solving problems on
optimization, rates of change, related rates, tangents and normals, and
approximations; partial differentiation and transcendental curve tracing.
Number of Units
for Lecture and 3 unit lecture
Number of
Contact Hours 3 hours per week
per Week
Program a-I
Outcomes Link(s)
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
1. Differentiate algebraic and transcendental functions
2. Apply the concept of differentiation in solving word problems
3. Analyze and trace transcendental curves

1. Functions
2. Continuity and Limits
3. The Derivative
4. The Slope
5. Rate of Change
6. The Chain Rule and the General Power Rule
7. Implicit Differentiation
8. Higher – Order derivatives
9. Polynomial curces
Course Outline 10. Applications of the Derivative
11. The Differential
12. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
13. Derivative of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
14. Derivative of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
15. Derivative of the Hyperbolic Functions
16. Solutions of Equations
17. Transcendental Curve Tracing
18. Parametric Equations
19. Partial differentiation

Course Name CALCULUS 2

Course The course introduces the concept of integration and its application to some
Description physical problems such as evaluation of areas, volumes of revolution, force,
and work. The fundamental formulas and various techniques of integration
are taken up and applied to both single variable and multi-variable functions.
The course also includes tracing of functions of two variables for a better
appreciation of the interpretation of the double and triple integral as volume
of a three-dimensional region bounded by two or more surfaces.
Number of Units 3 units lecture
for Lecture and

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Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Calculus 1
Program a-E
Outcomes Link(s)
After completing this course, the student must be able to:

Course 1. Apply integration to the evaluation of areas, ,volumes of revolution,

Outcomes force and work
2. Use integration techniques on single and multi-variable functions
3. Explain the physical interpretation of the double and triple integral
I. Integration Concepts/Formulas
A. Anti-differentiation
B. Indefinite Integrals
C. Simple Power Formula
D. Simple Trigonometric Functions
E. Logarithmic Function
F. Exponential Function
G. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
H. Hyperbolic Functions (sinh u & cosh u only)
I. General Power formula (include Substitution Rule)
J. Constant of Integration
K. Definite Integral (include absolute, odd & even functions)

II. Integration Techniques

A. Integration by Parts
B. Trigonometric Integrals
C. Trigonometric Substitution
D. Rational Functions
E. Rationalizing Substitution

III. Improper Integrals

Course Outline
IV. Application of Definite Integral
A. Plane Area
B. Areas between Curves

V. Other Applications
A. Volumes
B. Work
C. Hydrostatic Pressure

VI. Multiple Integrals (Inversion of order/ change of coordinates)

A. Double Intecrals
B. Triple Integrals
VII. Surface Tracing
A. Planes
B. Spheres
C. Cylinders
D. Quadric Surfaces
E. Intersection of Surfaces

VIII. Multiple Integrals as Volume

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A. Double Integrals
B. Triple Integrals


Course This course is designed for undergraduate engineering students with
Description emphasis on problem solving related to societal issues that engineers and
scientists are called upon to solve. It introduces different methods of data
collection and the suitability of using a particular method for a given situation.
The relationship of probability to statistics is also discussed, providing
students with the tools they need to understand how "chance" plays a role in
statistical analysis. Probability distributions of random variables and their
uses are also considered, along with a discussion of linear functions of
random variables within the context of their application to data analysis and
inference. The course also includes estimation techniques for unknown
parameters; and hypothesis testing used in making inferences from sample
to population; inference for regression parameters and build models for
estimating means and predicting future values of key variables under study.
Finally, statistically based experimental design techniques and analysis of
outcomes of experiments are discussed with the aid of statistical software.
Number of Units 3 units lecture
for Lecture and
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Calculus 1
Program a-I
Outcomes Link(s)
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
Outcomes 1. Apply statistical methods in the analysis of data
2. Design experiments involving several factors
1. Obtaining Data
1.1. Methods of Data Collection
1.2. Planning and Conducting Surveys
1.3. Planning and Conducting Experiments: Introduction to
Design of Experiments
2. Probability
2.1. Sample Space and Relationships among Events
2.2. Counting Rules Useful in Probability
2.3. Rules of Probability
3. Discreet Probability Distributions
Course Outline
3.1. Random Variables and their Probability Distributions
3.2. Cumulative Distribution Functions
3.3. Expected Values of Random Variables
3.4. The Binomial Distribution
3.5. The Poisson Distribution
4. Continuous Probability Distribution
4.1. Continuous Random Variables and their Probability
4.2. Expected Values of Continuous Random Variables
4.3. Normal Distribution

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4.4. Normal Approximation to the Binomial and Poisson
4.5. Exponential Distribution
5. Joint Probability Distribution
5.1. Two or Random Variables
5.1.1. Joint Probability Distributions
5.1.2. Marginal Probability Distribution
5.1.3. Conditional Probability Distribution
5.1.4. More than Two Random Variables
5.2. Linear Functions of Random Variables
5.3. General Functions of Random Variables
6. Sampling Distributions and Point Estimation of Parameters
6.1. Point Estimation
6.2. Sampling Distribution and the Central Limit Theorem
6.3. General Concept of Point Estimation
6.3.1. Unbiased Estimator
6.3.2. Variance of a Point Estimator
6.3.3. Standard Error
6.3.4. Mean Squared Error of an Estimator
7. Statistical Intervals
7.1. Confidence Intervals: Single Sample
7.2. Confidence Intervals: Multiple Samples
7.3. Prediction Intervals
7.4. Tolerance Intervals
8. Test of Hypothesis for a Single Sample
8.1. Hypothesis Testing
8.1.1. One-sided and Two-sided Hypothesis
8.1.2. P-value in Hypothesis Tests
8.1.3. General Procedure for Test of Hypothesis
8.2. Test on the Mean of a Normal Distribution, Variance
8.3. Test on the Mean of a Normal Distribution, Variance
8.4. Test on the Variance and Statistical Deviation of a Normal
8.5. Test on a Population Proportion
9. Statistical Inference of Two Samples
9.1. Inference on the Difference in Means of Two Normal
Distributions, Variances Known
9.2. Inference on the Difference in Means of Two Normal
Distributions, Variances Unknown
9.3. Inference on the Variance of Two Normal Distributions
9.4. Inference on Two Population Proportions
10. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
10.1. Empirical Models
10.2. Regression: Modelling Linear Relationships – The Least-
Squares Approach
10.3. Correlation: Estimating the Strength of Linear Relation
10.4. Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression
10.4.1. Use of t-tests
10.4.2. Analysis of Variance Approach to Test Significance
of Regression
10.5. Prediction of New Observations
10.6. Adequacy of the Regression Model
10.6.1. Residual Analysis

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10.6.2. Coefficient of Determination
10.7. Correlation
11. Multiple Linear Regression
11.1. Multiple Linear Regression Model
11.2. Hypothesis Test in Multiple Linear Regression
11.3. Prediction of New Observations
11.4. Model Adequacy Checking
12. Design and Analysis of Single Factor Experiments
12.1. Completely Randomized Single Factor Experiments
12.1.1. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
12.1.2. Multiple Comparisons following the ANOVA
12.1.3. Residual Analysis and Model Checking
12.1.4. Determining Sample Size
12.2. The Random-Effects Model
12.2.1. Fixed versus Random Factors
12.2.2. ANOVA and Variance Components
12.3. Randomized Complete Block Design
12.3.1. Design and Statistical Analysis
12.3.2. Multiple Comparisons
12.3.3. Residual Analysis and Model Checking
13. Design of Experiments with Several Factors
13.1. Factorial Experiments
13.2. Two-Factor Factorial Experiments
13.2.1. Statistical Analysis of the Fixed-Effects Model
13.2.2. Model Adequacy Checking
13.3. 2k Factorial Design
13.3.1. Single Replicate
13.3.2. Addition of Center Points
13.4. Blocking and Confounding in the 2k Design
13.5. Fractional Replication of the 2k Design
13.6. Response Surface Methods


Course This course is intended for all engineering students to have a firm foundation
Description on differential equations in preparation for their degree-specific advanced
mathematics courses. It covers first order differential equations, nth order
linear differential equations and systems of first order linear differential
equations. It also introduces the concept of Laplace Transforms in solving
differential equations. The students are expected to be able to recognize
different kinds of differential equations, determine the existence and
uniqueness of solution, select the appropriate methods of solution and
interpret the obtained solution. Students are also expected to relate
differential equations to various practical engineering and scientific problems
as well as employ computer technology in solving and verifying solutions
Number of Units 3 units lecture
for Lecture and
Number of 3 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites Differential Equations
Program a-E
Outcomes Link(s)

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After completing this course, the student must be able to:

Course 1. Apply integration for the evaluation of areas,volumes of

Outcomes revolution, force and work
2. Use integration techniques on single and multi-variable functions
3. Explain the physical interpretation of the double and triple integral
1. Introduction / Definition
1.1. Definition and Classifications of Differential Equations (DE)
1.2. Solution of a DE
2. Solution of some 1st order DE
2.1. Variable Separable
2.2. Exact Equation
2.3. Linear Equation
2.4. Substitution Methods
2.4.1. Homogeneous Coefficients
2.4.2. Bernoulli’s Equation
2.4.3. Other Substitution Methods
2.5. Mixed Problems (method not pre-identified)
2.6. Introduction to Use of Computer in Solving Differential
3. Application of 1st Order Differential Equations
3.1. Decomposition /Growth
3.2. Newton’s Law of Cooling
3.3. Mixing (non-reacting fluids)
3.4. Electric Circuits
4. Linear Differential Equation of Order n
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Standard form of a nth order Linear DE
4.1.2. Differential Operators
4.1.3. Principle of Superposition
Course Outline 4.1.4. Linear Independence of a Set of Functions
4.2. Homogeneous Linear Differential Equation with Constant
4.2.1. Solution of a Homogeneous Linear Ordinary DE
4.2.2. Initial and Boundary Value Problems
4.3. Non-homogeneous Differential Equation With Constant
4.3.1. Form of the General Solution
4.3.2. Solution by Method of Undetermined Coefficients
4.3.3. Solution by Variation of Parameters
4.3.4. Mixed Problems
4.4. Solution of Higher Order Differential Equations using
5. Laplace Transforms of Functions
5.1. Definition
5.2. Transform of Elementary Functions
5.3. Transform of eatf(t) – Theorem
5.4. Transform of tnf(t) – Derivatives of Transforms
5.5. Inverse Transforms
5.6. Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms using a Computer
5.7. Transforms of Derivatives
5.8. Initial Value Problems
6. The Heaviside Unit-Step Function
6.1. Definition
6.2. Laplace Transforms of Discontinuous Functions and Inverse

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Transform Leading to Discontinuous Functions
6.3. Solution of Initial Value Problems with Discontinuous
Functions by Laplace Transform Method
7. Application of Laplace Transforms (Problems on Vibration)
8. Solution of Systems of Linear Differential Equation with Initial
Values / Simultaneous Solution to DE (Laplace Transform



Course This course provides students with core concepts of chemistry that are
Description important in the practice of engineering profession.
Number of Units
for Lecture and 2 units lecture
Number of
Contact Hours 2 hours per week
per Week
Prerequisites None
Co-requisites Chemistry for Engineers Lab
Addressed by
the Course
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
1. Discuss the application of chemistry in relation to the generation of
Course 2. Explain the chemical principles and concepts of structures and
Objectives bonding of common materials
3. Discuss the chemical processes that takes place in the environment
4. Identify key chemistry concepts related to the specific field of
1. Energy
a. Electrochemical energy
b. Nuclear chemistry and energy
c. Fuels
2. The Chemistry of Engineering Materials
d. Basic Concepts of Crystal Structure
e. Metals
Course Outline f. Polymers
g. Engineered Nanomaterials
3. The Chemistry of the Environment
h. The Chemistry of the atmosphere
i. The Chemistry of Water
j. Soil chemistry
4. Chemical Safety
5. Special Topics specific to field of expertise

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Course Name CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERS (Laboratory)

A fundamental laboratory course designed to relate and apply the principles
and theories in chemistry to engineering practices. It is a combination of
experimental and calculation laboratory.
Number of Units
for Lecture and 1 laboratory unit
Number of
Contact Hours 3 hours per week
per Week
Prerequisites None
Co-requisites Chemistry for Engineers (Lecture)
a-I, b-I, k-I
Addressed by
the Course
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
1. Explicitly state experimental observation in relation to specific
principles and fundamental concepts of chemistry
2. Interpret results clearly obtained from the experiments
3. Answer questions related to the performed experiment
4. Develop critical and technical communication skills
5. Explain the mechanics of alpha, beta and gamma decay as well as the
correlation between the half-lives
6. Understand the natural environment and its relationships with human
7. Design and evaluate strategies, technologies, and methods for
sustainable management of environmental systems and for the
remediation or restoration of degraded environments.
1. Calorimetry
2. Heat of Combustion
3. Metals and Some Aspects of Corrosion
4. Mechanical Properties of Materials
5. Water: Its Properties and Purification
6. Determination of the Dissolved Oxygen Content of Water
Course Outline
7. Cigarette Smoking and Air Pollution
1. Nuclear Reactions, Binding Energy and Rate of Decay
2. Crystal Lattices and Unit Cells
3. Community Immersion: Care for the Environment

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Refer to Annex of Lab Requirements


Vectors; kinematics; dynamics; work, energy, and power; impulse and
momentum; rotation; dynamics of rotation; elasticity; and oscillation. Fluids;
Course Description thermal expansion, thermal stress; heat transfer; calorimetry; waves;
electrostatics; electricity; magnetism; optics; image formation by plane and
curved mirrors; and image formation by thin lenses.
Number of Units for
Lecture and 4 units: 3 units lecture, 1 unit laboratory
Number of Contact
6 hours: 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Calculus 1: Co-requisite – Engineering Calculus 2
Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the a-I, b-I
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Use calculus to solve problems in force statics and kinematics;
2. Apply the Newton’s Laws of Motion;
3. Use calculus to solve work and energy problems;
4. Apply the law of conservation of energy to problems;
5. Solve problems on impulse and momentum and collisions;
6. Determine the stress and strain on a body;
7. Solve simple harmonic motion applications;
8. Describe the characteristics of fluids at rest and in motion;
9. Solve basic problems in fluid statics and kinematics
10. Describe the three methods of heat transfer;
Course Outcomes
11. Solve basic problems in heat transfer;
12. Discuss the properties of waves, modes of vibration of strings
and air columns;
13. Define electric current, electric resistance and voltage;
14. Compute the electric force between electric charges;
15. Solve problems on resistance and cells in series and parallel;
16. State Kirchhoff’s rules and apply them in a given circuit;
17. Describe electromagnetism and apply its principles to problem
on magnetic field and torque.
18. Describe image formation by mirrors and lenses and
solve basic optics problems
1. Work, Energy and Power
2. Impulse and Momentum
3. Kinematics
Course Outline 4. Dynamics
5. Rotation
6. Dynamics of Rotation
7. Elasticity

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8. Oscillations
9. Fluids
10. Heat Transfer
11. Waves
12. Electrostatics
13. Electricity
14. Magnetism
15, Optics
Laboratory Equipment Physics Laboratory (see attached)


Course Name Computer-Aided Design

This course covers the concepts of computer-aided drafting with
introduction on CAD terminologies and environment with the application of
techniques in inputting and executing CAD commands
Number of Units
for Lecture and 1 laboratory unit
Number of
Contact Hours 3 laboratory hours per week
per Week
Addressed by
the Course
After the completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Define the terms related to computer-aided drafting;
2. Identify the important tools use dto create technical drawings in
3. Create electronic drawings using the CAD software
1. Introduction to CAD Software and its environment
2. Snapping and construction elements
3. Dimensioning
Course Outline 4. Plotting and inputting of images
5. 3D and Navigating in 3D
6. Rendering

1. Personal computers with operating system and installed CAD

2. Printer or plotter

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Course Name Engineering Economics
Course The course involves the analysis and evaluation of factors for the economic
Description success of engineering projects to ensure the best of capital.
Number of Units
for Lecture and 3 lecture units
Number of
Contact Hours 3 hours per week
per Week
Prerequisites Engineering Data Analysis
Addressed by
the Course
At the completion of the course, the students must be able to:
1. Apply the various principles of engineering economy to various
engineering problems
2. Apply engineering economy equations and techniques to solve
problems related to the economic aspect of engineering projects
3. Prepare a depreciation and recovery plan for engineering projects
4. Compare engineering projects based on economic factors
5. Recommend the best use of capital for engineering projects based
on the evaluation of economic factors
1. Introduction
1.1. Definitions
1.2. Priciples of Engineering Economy
1.3. Engineering Economy and the Design Process
1.4. Costs and Concepts for Decision Making
1.5. Present Economy Studies
2. Money-Time elationships and Equivalence
2.1. Interest and the Time Value of Money
2.2. The concept of equivalence
2.3. Cash flows
3. Basic Ecomony Study Methods
3.1. The Minimum Attractive Rate of Return
Course Outline 3.2. The Present Worth Method
3.3. The Future Worth Method
3.4. The Annual Worth Method
3.5. The Internal Rate of Return Method
3.6. The External Rate of Return Method
3.7. The Payback Period
3.8. The Benefit/Cost Ratio Method
4. Decisions Under Certainty
4.1. Evaluation of Mutually Exclusive Alternatives
4.2. Evaluation of Independent Projects
4.3. Depreciation and After-Tax Economic Analysis
4.4. Replacement Studies
4.5. Break-Win analysis

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5. Decisions Recognizing Risk
5.1. Expected Monetary Value of Alternatives
5.2. Discounted Decision Tree Analysis
6. Decisions Admitting Uncertainty
6.1. Sensitivity Analysis
6.2. Decision Analysis Models


Course Name Engineering Management

This course will entail students to learn the basic function of a manager
applicable in decision making which are applicable to the real world
problems. Furthermore, students would learn how to apply planning,
leading, organizing and control principles into the resources in order to
increase the efficiency.
Number of Units
for Lecture and 2 unit lecture
Number of
Contact Hours 2 hours per week
per Week
Addressed by
the Course
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
1. Know the basic functions of management
2. Describe the cultural setting within which managers make decision
and the moral framework of their management philosophies
3. Describe the basic functions of a manager
Course 4. Learn the stages of strategic planning and to know the hierarchy of
Outcomes plans and competitive strategies
5. Describe and apply in case studies the elements and the different
types of leadership
6. Describe the structure of formal organization
7. Describe the basic principles of controlling and the essential
elements of a control system
1. Evolution of Management Theory
2. Management and Its Functions
3. Planning
Course Outline
3.1. Mission and Vision
3.2. Stages of Strategic Planning
3.3. Strategy Formulation

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3.4. SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Model
4. Leading
4.1. Leadership Across Cultures
4.2. Sources of Power
4.3. Leadership Models
4.4. Kinds/Types of Leaders
5. Organizing
5.1. Organizational Design
5.2. Determinants of Structure
5.3. Job Design and Job Characteristics Model
6. Controlling
6.1. Control Systems
6.2. Control Process
6.3. Types of Organizational Control Systems
7. Managing Product and Service Operations
8. Managing the Marketing Function
9. Managing the Finance Function



Course Name PHYSICS 2

Thermodynamics (1st & 2nd Law, basic concepts on heat engine and
Course Description refrigerators), Energy Conversion (EM Induction, magnetic flux,
generators), Semiconductor Physics
Number of Units for
Lecture and 4 units: 3 units lecture, 1 unit laboratory
Number of Contact
6 hours: 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Calculus 1: Co-requisite – Physics for Engineers
Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the a-E
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Use calculus to solve problems in Thermodynamics;
2.. Describe the three methods of heat transfer;
3. Solve basic problems in heat transfer;
4. Describe electromagnetism and apply its principles to problem on
magnetic field and torque.
Course Outcomes 5. Define electric current, electric resistance and voltage;
6. Solve problems on Inductance, reactance, impedance, RLC,
7. Solve problems on resistance and capacitances in series and
8. State Kirchhoff’s rules and apply them in a given circuit;
9. Describe concepts on nuclear physics

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10. Describe formation of semiconductors, superconductors, crystals
1. Thermodynamics: 1st & 2nd law, heat engine and refrigerators
2. Electricity: electric force, field, flux, potential, current, resistance,
emf, capacitance, series, parallel, Kirchoff’s
3. Magnetism: force, field sources
4. EM induction: magnetic flux, generators
5. Inductance: self, mutual, RL, LC
Course Outline
6. AC: reactance, impedance, RLC, resonance
7. Optics: Interference, diffraction, polarization, laser
8. Atomic/ nuclear: photoelectric effect, atomic spectra, radioactive
decay, plasma
9. Condensed Matter: Semiconductor (Diodes), superconductors,
Laboratory Equipment Physics Laboratory (refer Physics lab list of related experiments)


This course introduces the students to a broad study on the
structure and composition of materials (metals, polymers, ceramics,
Course Description
and composite materials) and their properties and behavior in
service environments.
Number of Units for
Lecture and 3 units lecture
Number of Contact
3 hours lecture per week
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Chemistry
Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the a-I
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Describe the most important engineering materials, their
behavior, properties and applications.
Course Objectives
2. Describe the relationship between macroscopic properties and
molecular structure
3. Suggest appropriate materials for specific applications.
1. Review fundamentals
2. Modern materials Atomic structure and interatomic bonding
3. The structure of crystalline solids
4. Crystalline and non-crystalline materials
5. Imperfections in solids
Course Outline
6. Diffusion in solids
7. Mechanical properties of metals
8. Applications and processing of metal alloys
9. Structure and properties of ceramics
10. Applications and processing of ceramics

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11. Polymer structures and properties
12. Applications and processing of polymers
13. Composites
14. Electrical properties
15. Dielectric behavior
16. Magnetic properties
17. Optical properties
18. Thermal properties
19. Economic, environmental, and societal issues in Materials
Science and Engineering


Course Name Computer Programming (Object Oriented Programming)

Course Introduces the fundamental concepts of programming from an object
Description oriented perspective. Topics are drawn from classes and objects,
abstraction, encapsulation, data types, calling methods and passing
parameters, decisions, loops, arrays and collections, documentation,
testing and debugging, exceptions, design issues, inheritance, and
polymorphic variables and methods. The course emphasizes modern
software engineering and design principles.
Number of Units 2 units
for Laboratory
Number of 6 hours per week
Contact Hours
per Week
Prerequisites none
Addressed by the
Course Outcomes 1. Familiarize with fundamentals of Programming Languages
2. Apply programming concepts in engineering problems
3.Create Graphic User Interfaces in application to engineering problems
Course Outline 1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and UML
1.1.Fundamental Concepts: Classes, Objects, and Methods,
Inheritance, Encapsulation and Abstraction, Polymorphism
1.2.Unified Modeling Language (UML): Basic Concepts,
Association, Aggregation, Composition, and Multiplicity,
UML Diagrams
2. Object Oriented Analysis and Design
2.1.Cohesion and Coupling Concepts
2.2.Data-Driven Design
2.3.Responsibility-Driven Design
2.4.Object-Oriented Design using UML
3. Programming Language Fundamentals

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3.1.Coding Conventions and Data Types
3.2.Constants and Variables
3.3.Attributes, Methods, and Constructors
3.4.Control and Iterative Statements
3.5.Characters and Strings
4. Advanced Programming Language Fundamentals
4.2. Abstract Classes
5. Exception Handling
5.1. Understanding Errors and Exceptions
5.2. Try, Catch, and Finally
6. Graphical User Interface Programming
6.1. Forms and Widgets
6.2. Graphics, Images, and Sound
6.3. Layout Managers
6.4. Event Handling
Laboratory Each major topic should have a corresponding laboratory exercise.
Laboratory Computer and object-oriented programming software tool
Equipment 1 computer per student

Course Name CIRCUITS 1

Fundamental relationships in circuit theory, mesh and node

equations; resistive networks, network theorems; solutions of
Course Description
network problems using Laplace transform; transient analysis;
methods of circuit analysis.
Number of Units
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and
Number of Contact
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
Hours per Week
Prerequisite Physics 2
Addressed by the

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:

1. Identify the different dc circuit parameters and components
2. Solve problems in application of the different principles,
Course Objectives
theorems and laws in dc circuits.
3. Identify and solve circuit problems using circuit theories and

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1. Fundamental Relationship in Circuit Theory
2. Resistive Network
3. Mesh and Node Equations
Course Outline 4. Network Theorems
5. Transient Analysis
6. Solution of Network Problems Using Laplace Transform
7. Methods of Analysis for Special Circuits

DC Training Module that can perform the following experiments:

1. Familiarization with DC Equipment
2. Parallel & Series connection of linear resistors
3. Delta-Wye transformation of resistive networks
4. DC power measurement
5. Kirchhoff’s Law
6. Superposition Law
7. Thevenin’s Theorem
8. Bridge circuits
9. RC/RL Time constant curve
10 Maximum Power Transfer

Course Name CIRCUITS 2

Course Description Complex algebra and phasors; simple AC circuits, impedance and
admittance; mesh and node analysis for AC circuits; AC network
theorems; power in AC circuits; resonance; three-phase circuits;
transformers; two-port network parameters and transfer function.

Number of Units for 3 units lecture, 1 unit lab

Lecture and
Number of Contact 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
Hours per Week
Prerequisite Circuits 1

Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the a-E, b-E
Course Objectives Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Identify the different ac circuit parameters and components
2. Solve problems involving single phase and three- phase

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Course Outline 1. Complex Algebra and Phasors
2. Impedance and Admittance
3. Simple AC Circuits
4. Transformers
5. Resonance
6. Mesh and Node Analysis for AC Circuits
7. AC Network Theorems
8. Power in AC Circuits
9. Three-Phase Circuits
10. Two-Port Network Parameters and Transfer Function

Laboratory AC Training Module that can perform the following experiments:

Equipment 1. Familiarization with AC instruments
2. Impedance of RC circuits
3. Impedance of RLC circuits
4. Power dissipation in AC circuits
5. Measurement of Power Factor
6. Three Phase circuit
7. Power in 3-phase balanced load
8. Transformer
9. Frequency response of RL and RC
10. Maximum Power transfer


Technopreneurship is a philosophy, a way of building a career or perspective in
life. The course covers the value of professional and life skills in entrepreneurial
thought, investment decisions, and action that students can utilize in starting
Course Description
technology companies or executing R&D projects in companies as they start
their careers. The net result is a positive outlook towards wealth creation, high
value adding, and wellness in society.
Number of Units for
Lecture - 3 units
Lecture and
Number of Contact
Lecture - 3 hours
Hours per week
Prerequisite none
Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the l-E
The course should enable the student to:
1) evaluate and define the market needs
Course Learning 2) solicit and apply feedback from mentors, customers and other stakeholders
Outcomes 3) experience the dynamics of participating on a business team,
4) pitch a business plan for a technology idea
5) develop an initial idea into a “pretotype”
1. Introduction
o Entrepreneurial Mindset
o Innovation and Ideas
Course Outline o Products and Services
o Team Formation
2. Customers
3. Value Proposition

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4. Market Identification and Analysis
5. Creating Competitive Advantage
6. Business Models
7. Introduction to Intellectual Property
8. Execution and Business Plan
9. Financial Analysis and Accounting Basics
10. Raising Capital
11. Ethics, social responsibility, and Globalization
Equipment None


Environmental Science Knowledge in Ecology and Human Population
Control, Variety of Resources and Outline Plans for Attaining Sustainable
Society, The Enigma of Pollution and the Legal, Technical and Personal
Solutions for it. Study of Environmental Impact Assessment and
Course Description Environmental Crisis.

Number of Units for

Lecture and lecture – 3 units
Number of Contact
lecture – 3 hours
Hours per Week
Prerequisite Chemistry
Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the a-E
1. To be able to understand the engineer’s role in the manipulation of
materials and resources.
2. To be able have a high level of awareness in the environment and its
Course Objectives
3. Understand the effect of design and creation of productive and efficient
safety measures to be implemented in the workplace and all manufactured

1. Nature and Ecology

2. Natural Systems and Resources
3. Environmental Concerns and Crises
Course Outline 4. Environmental Impact Assessment
5. Sustainable Development

Laboratory None

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Course Description A study of selected topics in mathematics and their

applications in advanced courses in engineering and
other allied sciences. It covers the study of Complex
numbers and complex variables, Laplace and Inverse
Laplace Transforms, Power series, Fourier series, Fourier
Transforms, z-transforms, power series solution of
ordinary differential equations, partial differential
equations and numerical methods in engineering
Number of Units for Lecture 3 lecture units, 1 unit laboratory
and Laboratory

Number of Contact Hours 3 hours/week lecture, 3 hours/ week laboratory

per week
Prerequisite Differential Equations

Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the Course
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. familiarize the different parameters, laws, theorems
and the different methods of solutions in advance
Course Objectives 2. apply the different laws, methods and theorems
particularly in complex problems.
3. solve simultaneous linear and non linear equations
4. prepare algorithms, write computer programs, use
computer software and implement these to the solution of
engineering problems.
1. Complex numbers and complex variables
2. Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms
3. Power Series
4. Fourier Series
5. Fourier Transforms
Course Outline 6. Power Series solution of differential equations
6.1 Legendre Equation
6.2 Bessel Equations
7. Simultaneous linear and non linear equations
8. Numerical Differentiation and Integration
9. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
10. Optimization
Laboratory Equipment Computer programming and exercises using available
software such as Matlab, Mathematica, MatchCad, mor

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This course deals with vector algebra, vector calculus, vector

analysis, and their applications in electric and magnetic fields,
Course Description resistive, dielectric and
magnetic materials, coupled circuits, magnetic circuits and fields,
time-varying electromagnetic fields, and Maxwell’s equations.
Number of Units for
Lecture and 4 units lec
Number of Contact
4 hours lec
Hours per Week
Differential Equations

Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the a-E, e-E
Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. perform algebraic operations on vectors
2. analyze and solve vector quantities in Cartesian, cylindrical and
spherical coordinate systems
Course Objectives 3. Define electromagnetic quantities
4. Write the expressions for and explain Maxwell’s equations
5. Apply Maxwell’s equations in solving electromagnetic problems
6. Identify and observe safety measures relating to Electromagnetic
1. Introduction to Vector Analysis
- algebra of vectors, vector product, calculus of vectors and
vector identities, derivative of a vector functions, directional
derivative, gradient, divergence, curl, Integral Theorems, Green’s
Lemma, Divergence Theorem and Strokes’ Theorem
Course Outline 2. Steady Electric and Magnetic Fields
3. Dielectric and Magnetic Materials
4. Coupled and Magnetic Circuits
5. Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equation
6. Field and Circuit Relationships
7. Transmission Lines


Course Name
Contracts; warranties; liabilities; patents; bids; insurance;
other topics on the legal and ethical positions of the
Course Description
professional engineer. Includes Safety and other
standards related to the ECE profession.
Number of Units for
3 units lec
Lecture and Laboratory

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Number of Contact Hours per
3 hours lec

Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the Course
Upon completion of the course, the student must be able
1. To define, enumerate, and understand the concept of
the different laws that governs the ECE profession.
2. To apply the laws to a given situation and know the
Course Objectives
rights and obligations of the parties.
3. Learn the intricacies of obligations and contracts.
4. apply Safety Standards and other standards related to
the engineering profession.
5. familiarize with the PEC Codes
1. Fundamentals of the Laws, Obligations and Contracts
2. Pledge of ECE & CSC Guidelines
3. The Board Examination
4. Regulating the ECE Profession(PRC)
5. Practicing the ECE Profession
6. Other ECE Related Statutes
6.1 TELECOMMS Interconnection
6.3 RA 9292
Course Outline 6.4 International Professional Practice
6.5 ASEAN & APEC Registry
6.6 Engineering Institutions
7. Safety Standards
7.1 Basic Safety procedures in high risk activities and
7.2 Value Based Safety and Off-the-Job Safety
7.3 Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
7.4 Incident Investigation and reporting
8. PEC Codes


Introduction to quantum mechanics of solid state electronics;

diode and transistor characteristics and models (BJT and FET);
Course Description diode circuit analysis and applications; transistor biasing; small
signal analysis; large signal analysis; transistor amplifiers;
Boolean logic; transistor switch.

Number of Units for 3 unit lecture, 1 unit lab

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Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
per Week

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:

1. familiarize and solve problems on semiconductor physics; diode
Course Objectives and diode circuit analysis;
2. Analyze and solve problems on MOS and BJT (small and large
signal) circuit analysis.

1. Fundamentals of tubes and other devices

2. Introduction of Semiconductors
3. Diode Equivalent Circuits
4. Wave Shaping Circuits
5. Special Diode Application
Course Outline
6. Power Supply And Voltage Regulation
7. Filtered power supply, voltage multipliers and regulators
8. Bipolar Junction Transistor
9. Small- Signal Analysis (BJT)
10. Field Effect Transistor
11. Small-Signal Analysis (FET)

Electronics Training Module or set of equipment and

components that can
perform the following experiments:
1. Solid state Diode familiarization
2. Diode Applications
3. Power Supply
3. Transistor familiarization
4. Transistor applications
Laboratory Equipment 5. JFET familiarization and characteristic curves
6. BJT familiarization and characteristic curves
7. Pre-amplifiers
Recommended List of Equipment:
1. Power Supplies
2. Signal Generator
3. Oscilloscope
4. Curve Tracer
5. Digital Multimeter

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Course Name

High frequency transistor models; analysis of transistor

circuits; multi-stage
Course Description amplifier, feedback, differential amplifiers and operational
amplifiers; integrated
circuit families (RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS)

Number of Units for

3 unit lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours per
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
Prerequisite Electronics 1

Program Outcome/s
b-E, e-E
Addressed by the Course

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able

1. Review the basic electronics learned in Electronics 1.
2. Analyze different circuits and models at high frequency.
Course Objectives 3. Analyze and solve transistor circuit problems.
4. Familiarize concepts on operational amplifier.
5. Analyze combinational and sequential devices for logic
6. Familiarize with the integrated circuit families.

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1. Introduction and Review of Logarithms and Decibels
2. BJT Lower Critical Frequency Response
3. JFET Lower Critical Frequency Response
4. BJT Higher Critical Frequency Response
5. JFET Higher Critical Frequency Response
6. Cascade and Cascode Connection
7. CMOS Circuit, Darlington and Feedback Pair
8. Current Mirrors and Current Source
9. Differential Amplifier
10. Operational Amplifiers
10.1 Practical Operational Amplifier
10.2 Operational Amplifier Specification
Course Outline 11. Feedback Systems
11.1 Feedback Connections and Practical Feedback
11.2 Negative Feedback System
11.3 Positive Feedback
12. Oscillator Circuits
12.1 RC Feedback Oscillator Circuits
12.2 LC Feedback Oscillator Circuits
12.3 Other Types of Oscillator
13. Filters
13. 1 Designing Filters
13.2 Types of Filters
14. Transistor Fabrication
15. Designing Integrated Circuit Families

Electronics Training Module or set of equipment and

components that can perform the following experiments:

1. Frequency response of a transistor amplifier

2. Cascaded transistor amplifier
Laboratory Equipment
3. The differential amplifier
4. The operational amplifier
5. The transistor as a switch
6. Familiarization with digital circuits
7. Filters

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Recommended List of Equipment:
1. Power Supplies
2. Signal Generators
3. Oscilloscope
4. Digital Multimeter
5. Spectrum Analyzer
6. Logic Analyzer


Course Name

Theory, operating characteristics and design of electronic

devices and control circuits for industrial processes;
Course Description industrial control applications; electronics instrumentation;
transducers; data acquisition system; interfacing
techniques; sensors

Number of Units for

3 unit lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours per
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
Prerequisite Electronics 2

Program Outcome/s
b-E, c-E, e-E
Addressed by the Course

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able

1. Apply electronic concepts in the design of control
circuits in industrial applications
Course Objectives 2. Analyze different circuits for electronics instrumentation
3. Analyze and design interfacing circuits.
4. Familiarize concepts and solve problems on
Programmable Logic Circuits
5. design interfacing circuits

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2. TRIAC, DIAC and other Thyristors
3. Optoelectonic Devices and Sensors
4. Transducers
5. Interfacing techniques
6. Programmable Logic Controllers
Course Outline 7. Building Management Systems including HVAC Controls
8. Security and Surveillance Control System
9. Audio-Video and Lighting Controls
10. Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition
11. Fire and Life Safety Controls

Electronics Training Module or set of equipment and

components that can perform the following experiments:


2. TRIAC, DIAC and other Thyristors
3. Optoelectonic Devices and Sensors
4. Transducers
5. Interfacing techniques
6. Programmable Logic Controllers

Plus design of at least (2) systems applications included in

Laboratory Equipment the outline.

Recommended List of Equipment:

1. Power Supplies
2. Signal Generators
3. Oscilloscope
4. Digital Multimeter
5. Spectrum Analyzer
6. Logic Analyzer
7. PLCs


Fourier transform; z transform; convolution; FIR filters; IIR filters;

Course Description random signal analysis; correlation functions; DFT; FFT; spectral
analysis; applications of signal processing to speech, image, etc.
Number of Units for
Lecture and 3 unit lecture, 1 unit lab
Number of Contact
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
Hours per Week
Prerequisite Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the b-E, e-E

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Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to
Course Objectives conceptualize, analyze and design signals, spectra and signal
processing system.
1. Classification and Characteristics of signals
2. Sampling theorem and Aliasing
3. Difference equations for FIR and IIR filters
4. Convolution and correlation
Course Outline 5. Z transforms
6. Pole-zero-gain filters
7. Fourier transforms
8. Filtering

Training module in signal processing or equivalent to perform

the following experiments:
1. Periodic Signals
2. Non-periodic Signals
3. Computation of Transforms
Laboratory 4. Sampling and Quantization
Equipment 5. Measurements on Filter Response
6. FIR Filter Analysis and Design
7. IIR Filter Analysis and Design

Software requirement: Signal Processing

Course Name
Bandwidth; filters; linear modulation; angle
modulation; phase locked loop; pulse modulation;
Course Description
multiplexing techniques; noise analysis; radio
transmitters and receivers
Number of Units for
3 unit lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours per
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
Prerequisite Co-requisite Electronics 2

Program Outcome/s Addressed by

b-E, e-E
the Course
Upon completion of the course, the student must be
able to
1. Conceptualize and analyze a communication
Course Objectives
2. Solve problems on communication circuits and

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1. Introduction to Communications Systems
2. Noise
3. Amplitude Modulation
4. Single-Sideband Techniques
5. Frequency Modulation
Course Outline
6. Radio Receivers
7. Radiation and Propagation of Waves
8. Pulse Modulation
9. Digital Modulation
10. Broadband Communication System

Training modules in Analog Communications or

equivalent to perform the following experiments:
1. Passive, Active Filters, Tuned Circuits
2. AM Transmitter
3. Frequency Modulation
Laboratory Equipment
4. Pulse Amplitude Modulation
5. Diode Detection
6. Time Division Multiplexing
7. Frequency Division Multiplexing
Suggested Project : superheterodyne receiver


Course Name:
Random variables, bit error rate; matched filter; Digital
modulation techniques; ASK, FSK, QAM, PSK/QPSK, CDMA
and W-CDMA systems; signal space; generalized orthonormal
Course Description
signals; information measures-entropy; channel capacity;
efficient encoding; error correcting codes information theory;
data compression; coding theory.
Number of Units for
3 units lec, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Prerequisite Communications 1: Principles of Communication Systems

Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the b-E, e-E

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to

Course Objectives
conceptualize, analyze and design an application of modulation
and coding techniques.
1. Introduction to Digital Communications Systems
2. Digital Transmission
Course Outline 3. PAM, PWM, PPM
4. Pulse Code Modulation
5. Digital Communications ,ASK, FSK

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6. Bandwidth Considerations for ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM
7. Basics of Information Theory
8. Error Detection
10. WDM, Applications of Multiplexing
11. Multiple Access Channeling Protocols,

Laboratory Equipment Digital Training Modules or equivalent to perform the following

2 Noise
7 Error Detection and Correction
Suggested Project : A hardware or a computer simulation to
illustrate the application of modulation and coding techniques .


Data communication systems; terminals, modems; terminal control

units; multiplexers; concentrators; front-end processors; common
Course Description
carrier services; data communication system design; computer
network models; TCP/IP; principles; LAN; WAN

Number of Units for

3 unit lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
per Week
Prerequisite Communications 2: Modulation and Coding Techniques
Program Outcome/s
b-E, e-E
Addressed by the Course

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to

Course Objectives
conceptualize, analyze and design a data communication system.

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1. Introduction to Data Communications
2. Category of Data Communication
3. Configurations and Network Topology
4. Transmission Modes
5. Two-wire vs. Four Wire Circuits
6. Types of Synchronization
7. Network Components (Terminal, multiplexer, concentrators)
8. Network Components (LCU,FEP,Serial Interface)
Course Outline 9. Security
10. Cryptography
11. Open System Interconnection
12. System Network Architecture
13. TCP/IP Architecture
14. Character-Oriented Protocols
15. Bit-Oriented Protocols

Training modules in two wire and four wire circuits, modems, SDH,
Laboratory Equipment
Suggested design project in data communication system design and


Course Name
Transmission media; radiowave propagation wire and cable
Course Description transmission systems; fiber-optic transmission system;
transmission lines and antenna systems.
Number of Units for
3 unit lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact Hours
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
per Week
Prerequisite Communications 2: Coding and Modulation Techniques
Program Outcome/s
b-E, e-E
Addressed by the Course

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Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to
conceptualize, analyze and design transmission lines and
antenna systems.
1. Describe the types of transmission lines and calculate the
line constants.
2. Differentiate the types of radio wave propagation and be
Course Objectives
familiar with their applications
3. Understand the principle and characteristics of antennas ,
the different types as well as the methodology in the design of
4. Be able to design and construct a wideband antenna (
VHF and UHF).

1. Transmission Lines Circuits, losses and parameters

2. Matching TL
3. Smith Chart
4. Radio Wave Propagation
Course Outline
5. Power Density and Field Strength Calculations
6. Antenna Systems
7. Wave guides
8. Fiber Optics

Training Modules in Transmission lines, antennas, microwave

and Optical Fibre
Communications Systems to perform the following laboratory
1. Transmission Lines
2. Antennas
Laboratory Equipment 3. Measurement of Frequency, Wavelength, Phase Velocity
in Waveguides
4. Generation of Microwaves
5. Detection of Microwaves
6. Attenuation measurement
7. Optical Fibre System: numerical aperture, attenuation,
modal theory


Course Description Review of number systems, coding and Boolean algebra;
inputs and outputs; gates and gating networks;
combinational circuits; standard form; minimization;
sequential circuits; state and machine equivalence;
asynchronous sequential circuits; race conditions;
algorithmic state machines; design of digital subsystems.

Number of Units for 3 units lec, 1 unit lab (4 credit units)

Lecture and Laboratory

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Number of Contact 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
Hours per Week

Prerequisite Electronics 1
Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the b-E, e-E
Course Objectives Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Define and identify important logic switching circuit
theories and terminologist
2. Use Boolean Algebra in simplifying logic circuits and
solving related problems
3. Apply minimization techniques in designing
combinational circuits and in solving related problems
4. Design combinational and/or sequential digital system or

Course Outline 1. Number System

2. Other Number System and Number Conversion System
3. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
4. Minimization of Boolean Functions
5. Sequential Circuits
6. Algorithmic State Machine (ASM)
7. Asynchronous Sequential Logic

Laboratory Equipment Training modules or equivalent to perform the following

1. Diode digital logic gates
2. Transistor digital logic gates
3. Integrated digital logic gates
4. Flip Flops
5. Registers
6. Counters (binary, ripple, decade, etc…)

Logic Circuit Project Design, construction and testing


Course Name

The course covers concepts involving microprocessor/

microcontroller systems architecture/organization including
microprocessor/microcontroller programming, interfacing
Course Description techniques, memory systems and bus standards. In the laboratory,
the students will be involved with experiments using micro
controllers and the use of microprocessor/ micro controller
development systems and other tools.

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Number of Units for
3 unit lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and
Number of Contact
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
Hours per Week
Prerequisite Digital Electronics 1

Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the b-E, e-E

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:

1. explain the concepts behind microprocessor systems and their
2. differentiate between microprocessors and microcontrollers,
between microprocessors, and between microcontrollers based on
3. develop programs to run on microprocessors/ micro controller
system using both assembly language and high-level language via
Course Objectives
cross compilation
4. explain how to interface microprocessors/ microcontrollers to
memory, I/O devices, and other system devices
5. explain the organization/architecture of existing computer
systems (Ex. desktops, workstations, etc.)
6. analyze the capabilities of different processors
7. program a specific microcontroller system to accept input,
process data and control physical devices.

1. Computer Architecture
2. Assembly Language Programming Building Microcomputer
3. I/Q Interface
4. Overview of Microcontroller Family; Development &
5. Source Code Components; Target System Components and
Connections; Basic Debugger Operations and Creating
Course Outline
6. Creating Programs
7. Basic I/Q and Basic Programming
8. Speaker and Relays Interfacing; and One Time Programming
9. Interrupts and Hardware Timers
10. Seven Segment Display; and Analog Interface
11. Project Design

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Experiment topics include:
1. assembly language programming topics,
2. interfacing with input and output devices,
3. data transfer between micro controller-based circuits and the PC
via the serial port and parallel port

Microcontroller/microprocessor trainers or equivalent, emulators,

Laboratory personal computers if not provided by trainer, include the following:
Equipment 1. Assembler, cross-compiler, debugger
2. Seven-segment or LCD displays
3. Switches and keypads
4. Motors with TTL-input drivers

Suggested Project: An embedded system using a microcontroller

demonstrating integration with I/O devices and communication with
a PC.


This course deals with time and frequency response of feedback

control systems. The topics covered include, time response of first
order and second order systems, modeling, transfer functions,
Course Description
pole-zero map, stability analysis, root locus, bode plots,
compensators, PID controllers, and introduction to state space

Number of Units for

3 units lec, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory

Number of Contact
3 hours lec, 3 hours lab
Hours per Week
Program Outcome/s
Addressed by the b-E, e-E
Prerequisite Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:

1. familiar with various systems exhibiting control mechanisms
and understand their operation
2. able to develop the value of being analytic and able to apply
Course Objectives learned concepts to improve systems.
3. able to understand and appreciate feedback control.
4. able to apply system-level thinking
5. able to demonstrate knowledge of concepts in dealing with
feedback and control systems

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1. Introduction to feedback control systems.
2. Control system terminology.
3. Review of the Laplace transforms.
4. Introduction to system modeling and the transfer function.
5. Introduction to LTI systems.
6. The concept of linearization.
7. Poles and zeros of transfer functions. The pole-zero map.
8. Introduction to time response and different types of test
signals. First order LTI system transient response analysis.
9. Second-order LTI system transient response analysis
Course Outline 10. Block diagram representation of systems and block diagram
11. Signal flow graphs.
12. Stability theory.
13. Steady-state errors.
14. Sensitivity and Disturbance rejection.
15. Root Locus.
16. Controllers, Compensators, PID Controller
17. Frequency response analysis: Bode plot, Nyquist diagram,
and Nichols chart.
18. Introduction to State-space concepts and applications.

Laboratory Equipment Control system software


This course deals with research preparation methods, research tools,
research proposals, and the implementation, presentation and publication of
research work
Number of Units
for Lecture and 3 unit lecture
Number of Contact
3 lecture hours
Hours per Week
Prerequisites Purposive Communication
Co-requisites Engineering Data Analysis
Outcome/s h-E
Addressed by the
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
Course Outcomes 1. Look for and identify a research topic of interest;
2. Prepare and present a research proposal on the identified topic;
3. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and

PSG for BSECE Page 38 of 58

interpret data
4. Understand professional and ethical responsibilities as they become
familiar with the design and conduct of experiments or other
research activities and aware of research publication requirements
5. Communicate effectively as they understand contemporary issues
and the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental and social context.
6. Use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools needed in the
electronics engineering practice.
1. Research Preparation
1.1. Definitions
1.1.1. Research and its Importance
1.1.2. Pure and Applied Research
1.1.3. Thesis
1.2. The Research Process
1.2.1. Choosing A Research Topic
1.2.2. Identifying A Mentor (Thesis Adviser)
1.2.3. Safety and Ethics in Research
1.3. The Scientific Method
1.3.1. Steps of the Scientific Research
1.3.2. Common Mistakes Made By Beginning Researchers
1.4. The Scientific Literature Review
1.4.1. Locating Publications
1.4.2. Primary and Secondary Sources
1.4.3. Elements of Scientific Literature
1.4.4. Summarizing and Recording
1.4.5. Critical Review
1.4.6. Research Forum
2. Research Tools
Course Outline 2.1. Data Collection & Instrumentation
2.1.1. Sampling and Instrumentation
2.1.2. Designing & Administering Surveys
2.1.3. Sources of Error
2.1.4. Data Presentation
2.2. Statistics
2.2.1. Research Questions/Data Types
2.2.2. Measures of Central Tendency
2.2.3. Measures of Variation
3. Elements of Research Proposals
3.1. Components of Research Proposals
3.2. Characteristics of a Good Proposal
4. Research Implementation
4.1. Research Project Implementation
4.2. Research Project Data Collection
4.3. Research Project Re-evaluation
5. Research Presentation and Publication
5.1. Use of Presentation Software and Visual Aids
5.2. Public Speaking
5.3. Requests for Journal Format / Guidelines for Authors
5.4. Submission of Scientific Paper

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5.5. Research Posters
5.6. Hints for Presentation of Research Project to a Panel of Members of
the Professional Community


Course Name

This is the capstone course which utilizes the fundamentals of electronics

engineering in the design of an electronic system. It includes the synthesis
Course of processes, analysis of process conditions and the analytic, heuristic and
Description optimum design of equipment and processes. Economic analysis is included
to estimate the cost of equipment, capital investment, total product cost and

Number of Units
for Lecture and 1 unit laboratory
Number of Contact 3 hours laboratory per week
Hours per Week
Electronics Systems and Design, Engineering Economy, Digital Electronics
2, Communications 4

Outcomes Link(s) c-D; h-D; l-D;
addressed by the
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Include the essential elements of an electronic design project
2. Use engineering economics to evaluate profitability.
3. Apply analytic and heuristic techniques in the design
4. Use software and simulation techniques to design systems and
processes and to analyze their performance.
Course Outcomes
5. Analyze and improve the performance of equipment and processes by
incorporating technical standards, ethics, health, safety, and
environmental issues.
6. Model or simulate project or system design
7. Develop oral and written communication skills.
8. Work as a member of a design team.


This course deals with a series of lectures and seminars on selected topics
that are highly relevant to electronics engineering but are not covered in any
of the other formal courses. It covers recent advances in electronics

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engineering. It is also a venue for the students to present their projects and
Number of Units
for Lecture and 1 unit lab
Number of Contact
3 hours seminars per week
Hours per Week
Prerequisites/ co-
Outcomes Link(s)
addressed by the
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Organize seminars relevant to electronics engineering.
Course Outcomes
2. Develop a sense of responsibility in fulfilling assigned tasks
particularly in organizing seminars, colloquium and fora.
1. Orientation
1.1. Presentation of different types of electronic industries
1.2. Economic profile of Philippine electroncis industry
1.3. School policies and procedures regarding the conduct of seminars
Course Outline 2. At least 6 seminars (specific dates subject to the availability of
2.1. Advances in the fields of Electronics Engineering
3. Oral presentations of seminars
4. Culminating activity - profiles


Course Name
Course Actual On-the-Job Training or Industry Internship in the field of
Description specialization.
Number of Units
for Lecture and 3 units
Number of Contact
240 hours
Hours per Week
Prerequisites/ co-
Outcomes Link(s)
d-D; i-D
addressed by the
Course Outcomes By the end of the course, the students will be able to:

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1. Relate theories learned in school to the actual technical and/or
practical solutions to industrial problems;
2. Familiarize with varied plant operations and processes, operational
techniques used and current management control;
3. Develop responsible attitude and self-motivation by systematically
handling tasks in design and other activities relevant to Electronics
4. Develop good human relations in industrial operations.
1. Choose the particular industry in relation with their respective major
2. Submit to the company requirements needed for the industry
Course Outline 3. Coordinate with the faculty in charge of the industry internship
4. Accomplish at least 240 hours within the semester
5. Secure the papers needed including DTR, the weekly
accomplishments, industry internship program completion report
6. Final presentation

Course Name Advanced Communication System & Design

Covers Signal Transmission Modes; Spread Spectrum Modulation System;

Course Terrestrial Microwave; Satellite Systems; Satellite Multiple Access
Description Techniques; Terrestrial and Satellite Systems Path Calculations and Link

Number of Units
for Lecture and 3 units lecture, 1 unit laboratory
Number of Contact
3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
Hours per Week
Prerequisites/ co-
Communications 4
Outcomes Link(s)
addressed by the

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to conceptualize,

Course Objectives
analyze and design a wireless communication system.

Course Outline 1. Microwave communication system diagram and components

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Microwave Equipments:
2. Radio Equipments, Multiplexers, Antenna Towers and Waveguides
3. Microwave signal propagation and factors affecting the signal
4. Microwave Repeaters, Microwave Devices, and Microwave Tubes
5. Earth Bulge, Fresnel Zone, Contour Reading, Path Profiling, and
Tower Computations
6. System Gains and Losses
7. Link Budget and Path Calculations
8. System Reliability, Protection switching and Diversity
9. Satellite Communications, systems, techniques, link capacity and
Design Project: Microwave System Design
Communications Equipment to demonstrate topics included

Course Name Advanced Networking

operating performance and interface standards for voice and data circuits;
Course telecommunications facility planning; outside plant engineering; surveying;
Description switching and handling systems; mobile systems and standards; cellular
radio systems ; PSTN

Number of Units
for Lecture and 3 units lecture, 1 unit laboratory
Number of Contact
3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
Hours per Week
Prerequisites/ co-
Communications 4
Outcomes Link(s)
addressed by the

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to conceptualize,

Course Objectives
analyze and design a wireless communication system.

1. PSTN Components /Equipment

2. Switching Fundamentals
3. Signaling
4. Transmission Engineering (PDH,SDH)
5. Fiber Optic System; Power budget
Course Outline 6. Traffic Engineering
8. GSM Architecture, call flow
9. Cell Planning
10. Frequency Planning
11. Access Networks; Components

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12. EML Calculation

Design Examples :
Plate 1. Fiber optic Transmission and Network Cable Design
Plate 2: GSM System Design
Communications equipment to demonstrate topics included



Course Name:
Focuses on Analog IC Fabrication processes, Analog device
Modeling and Circuit simulation. Design and Characterization
Course Description of Analog circuit building blocks such Amplifiers,
Comparators, Operational Amplifiers and other analog
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course

Prerequisite Digital Electronics 2, Electronics 3

At the end of the course student must be able to

1. analyze low-frequency characteristics of single-stage
amplifiers and differential amplifiers
2. analyze and design current sources/sinks/mirrors
3. analyze and design voltage and current references
Course Objectives
including bandgap references
4. analyze high-frequency response of amplifiers
5. understand stability compensation for amplifiers
6. design and characterize amplifiers according to design
specifications in CAD software
1. Review of MOSFET Device Models
2.Review of BJT Device Models
3. IC Technology
4. Review of Single-Stage Amplifier
5. Differential Amplifiers
6. Current Mirrors
Course Outline
7. Opamp Design
8. Frequency Response
9. Stability and Compensation
10. Noise – optional
11. Two-stage Amplifiers

Laboratory Equipment Unix Workstation

Cadence, Synopsis, Mentor Graphics design tools or
MatLab or equivalent

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Focuses on the practice of designing VLSI systems from
circuits to architectures and from sub-systems to systems.
Course Description
Top-down design techniques are taught using VHDL to
design and model digital systems.
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course
Prerequisite Electronics 3, Digital Electronics 2
The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the
design and layout of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI)
circuits for complex digital systems. It covers custom design,
cell-based hierarchical design, and algorithmic aspects of
Course Objectives
VLSI CAD tools for MOS with focus on CMOS technology.
By the end of this course, the students will have designed,
laid out and verified a CMOS device subsystem on
engineering workstations in an associated laboratory.
1. Concepts, economics and trends of integrated circuits
2. CMOS technology and theory of operation
3. CMOS circuits and logic design
4. CMOS layout rules and techniques
5. CMOS circuit characterization and performance
Course Outline
6. Subsystem Design Approaches
8. VHDL techniques and design tools
9. VLSI system design methods
10. VLSI CAD tools

Laboratory Equipment Unix Workstation

Cadence, Synopsis, Mentor Graphics design tools or



This course introduces power electronics scope and
applications. The semiconductor devices for power
electronics applications are presented. Ideal switch model is
used in the study of converter topologies. Fast recovery
Course Description
diodes are discussed for switch mode dc-dc converters and
dc-to-ac inverters; Developments on resonant-mode
converter topologies for zero-loss switching; switch mode and
uninterruptible power supplies.
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory

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Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course
Prerequisite Electronics 3, Electromagnetics
Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. discuss applications of power electronics
2. identify different types of electronic power supply
Course Objectives 3. analyze various power supply designs
4. evaluate power supply performance
5. evaluate energy efficiency of power supplies
6. design switch mode and UPS
1. Semiconductor switches
2. Passive components for electronic power supply
3. Rectifiers
4. Phase controlled rectifiers and converters
5. Switch-Mode Power Supply
6. Inverters
Course Outline 7. Resonant Converters
8. Power Conditioners and UPS
9. Power supply design and applications in DC motor
drives, synchronous motor drives, step motor drives,
servo motor system, variable frequency motor control,
harmonics and electromagnetic interference

Laboratory Equipment Experiments that demonstrate concepts listed above to

1. Spectrum Analyzer
2. Oscilloscope
3. Signal Generator
4. Multimeter
5. Watt meter
6. Clamp meter

Design of an uninterruptible power supply


The course provides an introduction to energy systems and
renewable energy resources, with a scientific examination of
the energy field and an emphasis on alternate energy
sources and their technology and application. The class will
explore society’s present needs and future energy demands,
Course Description
examine conventional energy sources and systems, including
fossil fuels and nuclear energy, and then focus on alternate,
renewable energy sources such as solar, biomass
(conversions), wind power, geothermal, and hydro. Energy
conservation methods will be emphasized.
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

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Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course
Prerequisite Circuits 2
1. List and generally explain the main sources of energy and
their primary applications in the Philippines, and the world.
2. Describe the challenges and problems associated with the
use of various energy sources, including fossil fuels, with
regard to future supply and the environment.
3. Discuss remedies/potential solutions to the supply and
environmental issues associated with fossil fuels and other
energy resources.
Course Objectives 4. List and describe the primary renewable energy resources
and technologies.
5. Describe/illustrate basic electrical concepts and system
6. Convert units of energy—to quantify energy demands and
make comparisons among energy uses, resources, and
7. Collect and organize information on renewable energy
technologies as a basis for further analysis and evaluation.
1. Introduction to energy systems and resources
2 Energy, sustainability & the environment
3 Quantifying energy & energy arithmetic Heat to motive
4 Electricity - a primer Fossil fuels - past, present & future
5 Remedies & alternatives for fossil fuels CHP/cogeneration
Energy efficiency and conservation
6 Nuclear
7 Green building Solar - thermal Solar - PV
8 Wind – small & large Hydro – small & large
9 Wave & tidal Geothermal
Course Outline
10 Sizing residential systems Batteries and Inverters
Governmental incentives
11 Biomass & Biofuels overview Biogas - anaerobic digesters
Bioenergy from wastes
12 Dedicated bioenergy crops Woody biomass Liquid
biofuels 13 Progress EXAM 2 Ethanol - issues & future
14 Biodiesel - uses, production, processes Biomass &
Bioenergy wrap-up
15 Fuel cells Transportation - hybrids, flex fuels, fuel cells

Laboratory Equipment Experiments that demonstrate concepts listed above to

1. Spectrum Analyzer
2. Oscilloscope
3. Signal Generator
4. Multimeter
5. Watt meter
6. Clamp meter

Design of a system using renewable energy

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Introduction to the concepts of Human Anatomy and Medical

Terminology; Basic Pathology, Diagnostics and Therapy;
Origins and Meaning of Bio-signals; Electrodes for
Course Description Measurement of Bio-signals; Physiological Instrumentation;
Methods for Measurements of pressure flow and volume in
the context of blood and respiratory gases; Sources of
ionizing radiation; Radiation protection and safety, societal
issues in biomedical engineering
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course

Prerequisite Physics 2

Upon completion of the course, the student will:

1. define the basic terminologies and basic concepts of
biomedical engineering
2. develop an appreciation for biomedical engineering and an
awareness if the social issues involved.
Course Objectives
3. develop specific knowledge in different aspects of
biomedical engineering such as biomechanics, prostheses,
biomaterials, biomedical instrumentation, biomedical imaging
and equipment

1. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

2. Bioelectricity, bio-potentials, electrophysiology
3. Biomechanics
4. Physiological systems: cardiovascular, neuromuscular,
5. Mathematical modelling
Course Outline
6. Transport processes: mass, fluid, energy, heat, oxygen
7. Neural Engineering and prostheses
8. Biomedical signals and images, Biosensors, bio-optics
9. Biomedical Instrumentation, Bioelectronics
10. Biomedical imaging and Biomedical Equipment
11. Social issues in Biomedical Engineering
Laboratory Equipment Physiological Equipment;
Computers and Simulation Softwares


Focuses on the on the theory of 2-D Signals and systems;
Image Sampling and Quantization; Image Transforms: 2-D
Discrete; Fourier Transforms: 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform;
Course Description
Image Enhancement; Image Restoration; Image coding
(JPEG, MPEG); electromagnetic spectrum, ultrasound
physics, Basic Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Principles of

PSG for BSECE Page 48 of 58

operation of X-ray machine and film developer, computed
tomography Scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Positron
Emission Tomography, Gamma Camera, Ultrasound
Machine. Image creation and its acquisition by equipment
and nuclear image processing
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course

Prerequisite Physics 2, Signal Processing

Upon completion of the course, the student will:

1. describe the principles of operation of various medical
imaging techniques.
2. be familiar with Biomedical Imaging, Instrumentation, and
Course Objectives
3. understand how an image is created in each of the major
imaging modalities including x-ray, computed tomography,
magnetic resonance, ultrasound, and nuclear.
4. implement common image processing methods and
algorithms using software tools
1. Introduction to Imaging
2. Image processing: enhancement, restoration, feature
extraction, modelling, recognition and interpretation
3. Radiation
4. X-ray imaging and fluoroscopy
Course Outline
5. computed tomography
6. Ultrasound imaging
7. Magnetic resonance imaging
8. Nuclear imaging including
9. New emerging modalities
Computer and simulation software
Laboratory Equipment - Laboratory exercises on basic Image
processing operations
- Exercises that allow students to implement
basic image processing techniques used in
medical imaging
Project: Students will give a presentation related to medical
imaging on a topic of their choice.



Introduction to advanced instrumentation and control systems
to include study on Non Linear Systems, Stability, Model
Course Description Reference Adaptive Control, Self Tuning Regulators, Recent
trends and applications of adaptive Control and Optimal
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory

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Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course

Prerequisite Feedback and Control Systems

Upon completion of the course, the student will:

1. analyze first and second order systems
Course Objectives
2. analyze system performances
3.design a model for an industrial application
1. Non Linear Systems
2. Stability
3. Model Reference Adaptive Control
Course Outline
4. Self Tuning Regulators
5. Recent trends and applications of adaptive Control
6. Optimal Control
Laboratory Equipment Perform experiments using MATLAB or any equivalent
software out of following
1. Analysis of first order/second order non-linear system.
2. Effect of Dominant pole and Critical pole on system
3. Stability analysis of first order/ second order system by
describing function method.
4. Obtain the stability of a system by Frequency domain
5. Study of Direct/indirect model reference adaptive control
6 Study of multivariable self-tuning regulators.
7. Analysis of Multivariable systems using step input
8. Any one Industrial Application of model reference control-a
9. Design of state observer
10. Design of linear filter.


Introduction to Robotics to include Actuators & Drives,
Control Components, Control Software, Kinematics,
Course Description Differential Motion, Statics, Energy Method, Hybrid Position –
Force Control, Non-holonomic Systems, Dynamics,
Computed Torque Control
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course

Prerequisite Feedback and Control Systems

PSG for BSECE Page 50 of 58

Upon completion of the course, the student will:
1. familiarize with the basic robotic concepts
Course Objectives
2. analyze system performances
3.design and implement a prototype
1. Introduction to Robotics
2. Actuators & Drives
3. Control Components
4. Control Software
5. Kinematics
6. Differential Motion
Course Outline
7. Statics, Energy Method
8. Hybrid Position – Force Control
9. Non-holonomic Systems
10. Dynamics
11. Computed Torque Control
12. Sensors
Laboratory Equipment Perform experiments using any available software
1. Embedded Root Controller
2. I/O Interface and PWM Amplifier
3. Controller software and Sensor Inputs
4. Implement Basic Sensor-based controls

Prototype implementation



This course deals with the design and performance
evaluation of advanced/high performance computer systems.
The emphasis is on microprocessors, chip-multiprocessors
and memory hierarchy design. Historical information is
Course Description presented as well along with data storage and low-power
dissipation schemes. Special attention is paid to pipelining,
ILP (instruction-level parallelism), DLP (data-level parallelism)
and TLP (thread-level parallelism) using hardware and/or
software techniques to yield high performance.
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course

Prerequisite Digital Electronics 2

1. Understand the inner workings and performance

capabilities of advanced microprocessors.
2. An ability to evaluate hardware accelerators targeting at
applications with substantial data-level parallelism (DLP).
Course Objectives
3. Learn software-driven techniques to match application
requirements to available pipelined hardware in order to
obtain high performance.
4. An ability to estimate the static and dynamic power

PSG for BSECE Page 51 of 58

dissipation of given hardware modules.
5. An ability to design microprocessor-based systems by
accounting for performance and power dissipation.
6. An ability to anticipate hardware performance
improvements based on established rules from past
experiences with computer technology.
7. Improve report-writing skills when presenting results for
computer design and evaluation.
8. Learn the differences among multiscalar, superpipelined,
multithreaded, simultaneous multithreaded, vector, and
multicore processors.
9. Understand the forces behind the computer industry’s shift
to multicore processors.
10. Understand cache coherence issues.
11. An ability to design advanced memory hierarchies.
12. Understand the basic differences between shared-
memory and message-passing interprocessor connection
13. An ability to select appropriate computer systems for
given application domains.
14. Understand what hardware and software problems will
require solutions for future generations of multicore
processors targeting at thread-level parallelism (TLP) and
heterogeneous systems.
1. Fundamentals of Quantitative Design and Analysis
2. Instruction Set Principles
3. Pipelining: Basic and Intermediate Concepts
4. Review of Memory Hierarchy
Course Outline 5.Memory Hierarchy Design
6. Instruction-Level Parallelism and Its Exploitation
7. Thread-Level Parallelism
8. Data-Level Parallelism in Vector, SIMD, and GPU
Laboratory Equipment Any available software and equipment to perform
experiments with the topics included.


Course Name:
The topics are primarily based on CPU and memory
management starting from the hardware architecture before
moving to process scheduling and resource allocation. Here
only central memory allocation is considered because the
Course Description disk allocation has been considered in the first part of the
course. Some general properties of process synchronization
are investigated dealing with the classical problem of critical
regions, producer-consumer relationship and the more
general framework of the client-server schema.
Number of Units for
3 units lecture, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course

PSG for BSECE Page 52 of 58

Prerequisite Computer Systems Architecture

1. The aim of the course is to acquaint the student with the

software machinery devoted to control the processing
operations of a computer.
Course Objectives 2. to understand the fundamental mechanisms which are the
normal working background of the current computer systems.
3. The course terminates with a short presentation of O.S.

PSG for BSECE Page 53 of 58

1. Computer Architectures

- RISC versus CISC architecture

- Event-driven versus instruction-driven
- RISC architectures: ARM, PowerPC, SPARC,
MIPS, Alpha, Cell
2. Operating Systems Services
- User Interface
- Program Execution
- I/O Operation
- File System manipulation
- Resource Allocation
- Accounting
- System Calls
3. Processes
- Process Concept
- Process Scheduling
- Operations on Process
- Interprocess Communication
- Client-Server Systems
4. Threads
- Multithreading Models
- Thread Libraries and Issues
- Operating System Example:
1. Windows XP Threads
2. Linux Threads
Course Outline
5. CPU Scheduling
- Basic Concepts
- Scheduling: Criteria & Algorithms
- Thread Scheduling
- Multiple-Processor Scheduling
- Operating Systems Examples
- Algorithm Evaluation
6. Process Sincronization
- Definition
- The Critical-Section Problem
- Synchronization Hardware
- Semaphores
- Synchronization Problems
- Monitors
- Synchronization Examples
- Atomic Transactions
7. Deadlocks
- The Deadlock Problem
- System Model
- Deadlock Characterization
- Methods for Handling Deadlocks:
1. Deadlock Prevention
2. Deadlock Avoidance
3. Deadlock Detection
- Recovery from Deadlock
8. Memory Management
- Background

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- Swapping
- Contiguous Memory Allocation
- Paging
- Structure of the Page Table
- Segmentation
- Example: The Intel Pentium
9. Virtual Memory
- Background
- Demand Paging
- Copy-on-Write
- Page Replacement
- Allocation of Frames
- Thrashing
- Memory-Mapped Files
- Allocating Kernel Memory
- Other Considerations
- Operating-System Examples

Laboratory Equipment Any available software and equipment to perform

experiments with the topics included.


Course Name:
Discusses operation of audio and video equipment including
amplifiers, processors, audio/video mixers, distribution amps,
TV cameras, microphones, monitors systems integration,
studio electro-acoustics and lighting , TV and radio
Course Description
transmitters and propagation, coverage map calculation and
frequency analysis, broadcast networking , broadcast
ancillary services ( STL’s and satellite links). Also includes
CATV technology and DTH.
Number of Units for
3 units lec, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course

Prerequisite Communications 4

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:

1. To understand, identify and analyze the broadcast
communications systems concepts, elements and
applications. To differentiate the different
broadcasting techniques such as AM, FM and TV.
Course Objectives
2. To design AM, FM and TV broadcasting network
which includes coverage mapping and interference.
3. To understand the principle and application of
Acoustic system.
4. To introduce digital broadcasting; Digital Television

PSG for BSECE Page 55 of 58

(DTV) and Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB).
5. To design a AM, FM and TV station which includes
the design of the following
1. Studio System.
2. Technical Operation Center (TOC)
3. Transmission System
4. Coverage mapping and prediction
5. Interference study
1. Introduction to AM Broadcasting System and
2. AM Studio System design
3. AM Transmission System Design
4. AM Coverage Mapping and Prediction
5. Introduction to FM Broadcasting System and
6. FM Studio System Design
7. FM Transmission System Design
8. FM Coverage Mapping and Prediction
9. Introduction to TV Broadcasting System and
Course Outline
10. RF System
11. NTSC-Color TV Broadcasting
12. TV Studio System Design
13. Studio Wiring Diagram
14. Technical Operation Center (TOC) System Design
15. TOC Wiring Diagram
16. Transmission System Design
17. TV Coverage Mapping and Prediction
18. Introduction to Engineering Acoustic
19. Room Acoustic
20. Microphones
21. Speakers
Laboratory Equipment Broadcast Training Modules to perform the following
1 Sound level measurements
2 Microphones
3 Speakers
4 Characteristics of Mixers, Tone Controls, and Crossover
5 Design projects to cover at least two of the following
areas :
 AM or FM radio station
 TV station

Course Name:
Course includes the applications in different areas of
broadcasting such as television, AM, FM, cable television,
telecommunications, data communications, studio acoustics
Course Description
etc. through experiments and field researches; basic
equipment or devices used for transmission of signals such
as filters and oscillators, radio frequency power amplifiers

PSG for BSECE Page 56 of 58

and mixers, basic circuits of modulation and demodulation,
transmitters and studio equipment
Number of Units for
3 units lec, 1 unit lab
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours lec, 3 hours lab

Program Outcomes
Link(s) addressed by m-D
the course

Prerequisite Communications 4

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:

1. familiarize with the applications in different areas of
broadcasting such as television, AM, FM, cable television,
telecommunications, data communications, studio acoustics
etc. through experiments and field researches
Course Objectives 2. identify basic equipment or devices used for transmission
of signals such as filters and oscillators, radio frequency
power amplifiers and mixers, basic circuits of modulation and
demodulation, transmitters and studio equipment
3. understand the basic concepts of broadcasting and obtain
the knowledge of designing a simple AM/FM transmitter
1. Audio Principles
1.1. Decibel scale and units
1.2. Balanced lines
1.3. Principles and types of microphones
1.4. Basic audio measurements and test gear
1.5. Sampling theory and its application to audio signals
1.6. Audio data rate reduction systems for recording and
transport of audio signals including an overview of
psychoacoustic techniques
2. Television Principles
2.1. Concepts of Scanning
2.2. Video waveform signal bandwidth
2.3. Low frequency response and DC restoration
2.4. Sampling theory and its application to the digital studio
Course Outline
2.5. Effect of distortion and bit errors on picture
2.6. Generation of color component signals
2.7. International TV standards: Overview of different PAL
standards, SECAM and NTSC, Problems of standards
3. AM Transmitter
AM transmitter circuits and its modulation process
4. FM Transmitter
basic FM transmitter circuits and its modulation process
5. AM Broadcasting
actual set-up of devices/equipment used in AM broadcasting
6. FM Broadcasting
To know the actual set-up of devices/equipment used in FM
7. TV Broadcasting

PSG for BSECE Page 57 of 58

actual set-up of devices/equipment used in TV broadcasting
8. CATV Broadcasting
actual set-up of devices/equipment used in CATV
9. Satellite Navigation and Global Positioning
9.1. Radio and Satellite navigation
9.2. GPS position location principles
9.3. GPS receivers and Codes
9.4. Satellite signal acquisition
9.5. GPS navigation message
9.6. GPS signal levels
9.7. Timing accuracy
9.8. GPS receiver operation
Laboratory Equipment
Broadcast Training Modules to perform the experiments
related to the topics included.

1. Field visit to broadcasting stations
2. Field visit to VSAT stations.

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1. Calorimetry
2. Heat of Combustion
1. Nuclear Reactions, Binding Energy and
3. Metals and Some Aspects of Corrosion
Rate of Decay
4. Mechanical Properties of Materials
2. Crystal Lattices and Unit Cells
5. Water: Its Properties and Purification
3. Community Immersion: Care for the
6. Determination of the Dissolved Oxygen
Content of Water
7. Cigarette Smoking and Air Pollution


(Pick 12 to relate with Covered Lecture Topics)
Exercise Suggested Equipment
1. An exercise to illustrate the principles, use, and Ruler
precision of the vernier caliper and micrometer Vernier caliper
caliper Micrometer caliper
Objects for measuring

2. An exercise to verify the graphical and Force table

analytical methods of determining resultant Weight holder
forces. Masses
Meter stick

Alternate apparatus:
Force frame
Spring balance
Weight holder

3. An exercise to observe and verify the elements Linear air track with blower and trolley
of motion along the straight line Timer/stopwatch
Meter stick
Free fall apparatus
Metal balls of different sizes
Support rod

Alternate apparatus:
Spark timer/ticker timer
Paper tape
Plane board with stand

PSG for BSECE Page 1 of 11

Wooden cart
Carbon paper
Masking tape
Meter stick
Blackwood ballistic pendulum
Metal ball
Meter stick
Carbon paper
Inclined plane

Alternate apparatus:
Projectile apparatus
Metal ball/plastic solid ball
Time of flight receptor pad
Carbon paper
White paper

5. An exercise to verify the laws of motion Atwood’s machine


Alternate apparatus:
Frictionless dynamic track
Smart pulley
Weight holder
6. An exercise to determine the coefficients of Friction board with pulley
static and kinetic friction of various surfaces Friction block with different surfaces
Glass plate of size similar to friction board
Platform/triple beam balance
Weight holder
Meter stick
Slotted masses, 5-500g

7. An exercise to verify the work-energy theorem Dynamic cart

Frictionless dynamic track
Weight holder
Platform/triple beam balance
Support rod

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8. An exercise to verify the principles of Metal stand
conservation of mechanical energy Clamp
Metal ball
Meter stick
Cutter blade
Hanging mass
Carbon paper
White paper
Masking tape

9. An exercise to verify the principles of Ramp/launcher

conservation of momentum Metal stand
Metal balls of different sizes
Meter stick
Carbon paper
White paper
Masking tape

10. An exercise to verify the condition of the body in Demonstration balance

rotational equilibrium Vernier caliper
Platform/triple beam balance
Meter stick

11. An exercise to verify the forces involved in Centripetal force apparatus

uniform circular motion Meter stick
Mass with hook
Platform/triple beam balance
12. An exercise to verify the principle of simple Clamp
harmonic motion Masses
Weight holder
Meter stick
Support rod

Alternate apparatus:
Hooke’s Law apparatus

13. An exercise to measure specific gravity Liquids:

Hydrometer jar
Inverted U-tube
Meter stick
Vernier caliper
Specimen of liquids

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Beam balance
Hydrometer jar
Specimen of solids

Alternate apparatus:
Mohr-Westpal Balance

14. An exercise to observe and verify the elements Sonometer

of transverse wave motion Weight holder
Set of masses
Tuning forks of three different frequencies
Rubber hammer
Meter stick
15. An exercise to determine the specific heats of Calorimeter
solids by the methods of mixture Stirrer for shot
Specimen for shot
Platform/triple beam balance

16. An exercise to measure the coefficient of linear Thermal expansion apparatus

expansion Steam generator
Hot and cold water

17. An exercise to measure the mechanical Mechanical equivalent of heat apparatus

equivalent of heat Ohmmeter/VOM
Mass (10 kg)
Vernier caliper
Platform/triple beam balance

18. An exercise to observe and verify the elements Van de Graff generator
of electric charge Tissue paper
Aluminum foil
Metal conductor with insulated handle
Fluorescent lamp
Masking Tape
Power Source
Conducting paper
Field mapper kit/mapping Apparatus

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19. An exercise to illustrate Ohm’s Law Panel board/circuit board
VOM or multitester
DC power supply
Bridging plugs/connecting wires
Fixed resistor
SPST switch
SPDT switch

Alternate apparatus:
Bread board

20. An exercise to determine and compare the 1-m slide wire/ wheatstone bridge
resistance of different conductors Power supply
VOM or multitester
Fixed resistor
Unknown resistor
SPST switch
Connecting wires

21. An exercise to verify the principles of series and Panel board/circuit board
parallel connections VOM or multitester
DC power supply
Bridging plugs/connecting wires
Fixed resistors

Alternate apparatus:
Bread board

22. An exercise to verify the relationship among the Dry cells

electromotive force, current, and resistance of Switch
cells in series and parallel VOM or multitester
Panel board/circuit board
Bridging plugs/connecting wires

Alternate apparatus:
Bread board

23. An exercise to observe the applications of Power supply

Kirchhoff’s Law Fixed resistors
VOM or multitester
Bridging plugs/connecting wires
Panel board/circuit board

Alternate apparatus:

PSG for BSECE Page 5 of 11

Bread board

24. An exercise to determine the electrical Electric calorimeter

equivalent of heat Thermometer
Beam balance
Stop watch
VOM or multitester
DC power source
Connecting wires

25. An exercise to observe the relationships Power source

between resistance and capacitance in the Fixed capacitor (330 microfarad)
circuit Fixed Resistor (100 ohms)
Connecting wires
VOM or multitester

26. An exercise to observe the principle of Natural magnets

magnetic field Horseshoe magnets
Bar magnets
Glass plate
Iron fillings
Frame for bar magnets
Mounted straight wire
Reversing switch

Alternate apparatus:
Tesla meter / tangent galvanometer

27. An exercise to demonstrate the Faraday’s law Coils

of electromagnetic induction Galvanometer
VOM or multitester
AC power supply
Bar magnets
Connecting wires

28. An exercise to verify the law of reflection and Optics bench

refraction Light source, sodium/mercury lamps
Ray table and base
Component holder
Slit plate
Slit mask

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Ray optics mirror
Cylindrical lens

29. An exercise to investigate and study the image Optic bench

formation in mirror and lenses Light source
Ray table and base
Component holder
Parallel ray lens
Slit plate
Ray optics mirror
5 cm focal length spherical mirror
-15cm focal length concave lens
10cm/7.5 cm focal length convex lens
15 cm focal length convex lens
Viewing screen
Crossed arrow target


DC Training Module that can perform the following experiments:

1. Familiarization with DC Equipment
2. Parallel & Series connection of linear resistors
3. Delta-Wye transformation of resistive networks
4. DC power measurement
5. Kirchhoff’s Law
6. Superposition Law
7. Thevenin’s Theorem
8. Bridge circuits
9. RC/RL Time constant curve
10 Maximum Power Transfer


Laboratory AC Training Module that can perform the following experiments:

Equipment 1. Familiarization with AC instruments
2. Impedance of RC circuits
3. Impedance of RLC circuits
4. Power dissipation in AC circuits
5. Measurement of Power Factor
6. Three Phase circuit
7. Power in 3-phase balanced load
8. Transformer
9. Frequency response of RL and RC
10. Maximum Power transfer

PSG for BSECE Page 7 of 11


Electronics Training Module or set of equipment and

components that can
perform the following experiments:
1. Solid state Diode familiarization
2. Diode Applications
3. Power Supply
3. Transistor familiarization
4. Transistor applications
Laboratory Equipment 5. JFET familiarization and characteristic curves
6. BJT familiarization and characteristic curves
7. Pre-amplifiers
Recommended List of Equipment:
1. Power Supplies
2. Signal Generator
3. Oscilloscope
4. Curve Tracer
5. Digital Multimeter


Electronics Training Module or set of equipment and

components that can perform the following experiments:

1. Frequency response of a transistor amplifier

2. Cascaded transistor amplifier
Laboratory Equipment
3. The differential amplifier
4. The operational amplifier
5. The transistor as a switch
6. Familiarization with digital circuits
7. Filters

Recommended List of Equipment:

1. Power Supplies
2. Signal Generators
3. Oscilloscope
4. Digital Multimeter
5. Spectrum Analyzer
6. Logic Analyzer


PSG for BSECE Page 8 of 11

Electronics Training Module or set of equipment and
components that can perform the following experiments:


2. TRIAC, DIAC and other Thyristors
3. Optoelectonic Devices and Sensors
4. Transducers
5. Interfacing techniques
6. Programmable Logic Controllers

Plus design of at least (2) systems applications included in

Laboratory Equipment the outline.

Recommended List of Equipment:

1. Power Supplies
2. Signal Generators
3. Oscilloscope
4. Digital Multimeter
5. Spectrum Analyzer
6. Logic Analyzer
7. PLCs


Training module in signal processing or equivalent to

perform the following experiments:
1. Periodic Signals
2. Non-periodic Signals
3. Computation of Transforms
4. Sampling and Quantization
Laboratory Equipment
5. Measurements on Filter Response
6. FIR Filter Analysis and Design
7. IIR Filter Analysis and Design

Software requirement: Signal Processing


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Training modules in Analog Communications or
equivalent to perform the following experiments:
1. Passive, Active Filters, Tuned Circuits
2. AM Transmitter
3. Frequency Modulation
Laboratory Equipment
4. Pulse Amplitude Modulation
5. Diode Detection
6. Time Division Multiplexing
7. Frequency Division Multiplexing
Suggested Project : superheterodyne receiver


Laboratory Equipment Digital Training Modules or equivalent to perform the

following experiments.
2 Noise
7 Error Detection and Correction
Suggested Project : A hardware or a computer
simulation to illustrate the application of modulation
and coding techniques .


Training modules in two wire and four wire circuits, modems, SDH,
Laboratory Equipment
Suggested design project in data communication system design and


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Training Modules in Transmission lines, antennas, microwave
and Optical Fibre
Communications Systems to perform the following laboratory
1. Transmission Lines
2. Antennas
Laboratory Equipment 3. Measurement of Frequency, Wavelength, Phase Velocity
in Waveguides
4. Generation of Microwaves
5. Detection of Microwaves
6. Attenuation measurement
7. Optical Fibre System: numerical aperture, attenuation,
modal theory


Laboratory Equipment Training modules or equivalent to perform the following
1. Diode digital logic gates
2. Transistor digital logic gates
3. Integrated digital logic gates
4. Flip Flops
5. Registers
6. Counters (binary, ripple, decade, etc…)

Logic Circuit Project Design, construction and testing


Experiment topics include:
1. assembly language programming topics,
2. interfacing with input and output devices,
3. data transfer between micro controller-based circuits and
the PC via the serial port and parallel port

Microcontroller/microprocessor trainers or equivalent,

emulators, personal computers if not provided by trainer,
Laboratory Equipment include the following:
1. Assembler, cross-compiler, debugger
2. Seven-segment or LCD displays
3. Switches and keypads
4. Motors with TTL-input drivers

Suggested Project: An embedded system using a

microcontroller demonstrating integration with I/O devices
and communication with a PC.

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Introduction to quantum mechanics of solid state electronics; diode
and transistor characteristics and models (BJT and FET); diode
Course circuit analysis and applications; transistor biasing; small signal
Description analysis; large signal analysis; transistor amplifiers; Boolean logic;
transistor switch.

Number of Units 3 units

Number of Contact
Hours per week 3 hours

Prerequisite Physics 2; Integral Calculus

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Explain the basic concept of atomic theory and relate it to the
characteristics of materials (POa, POe, POi)
2. Discuss the construction, basic operation, characteristics and
configurations of semiconductor diodes (POa, POb, POe, POi)
3. Analyze the function of semiconductor diode in some practical
applications (POa, POb, POe, POi)
Course Outcomes 4. Discuss the basic structure, operation and characteristics of Bipolar
Junction Transistors (BJT) (POa, POb, POe, POi)
5. Discuss the different configurations, DC Biasing and some practical
applications of BJT (POa, POb, POe, POi)
6. Discuss the basic structure, operation and characteristics of Field
Effect Transistors (FET) (POa, POb, POe, POi)
7. Discuss the different configurations, DC Biasing and some practical
applications of FET (POa, POb, POe, POi)
1. Introduction of Semiconductors
 Discuss the concept of atomic theory, and the subatomic particles of the
atom. (CO1)
 Identify and differentiate conductors, semiconductors and insulators. (CO1)
 Discuss the crystal structure of the common semiconductor materials and
ions formed from covalent bonding. (CO1)
 Explain the general characteristics of three important semiconductor
materials: Ge, Si and GaAs. (CO2)
 Explain the concept of conduction in semiconductors using electron and
hole theory. (CO2)
 Differentiate the difference between n – type and p – type materials. (CO2)

2. Diode Equivalent Circuits

 Explain what happens in a diode during no bias, forward bias, and reverse
bias conditions. (CO2)
 Identify the three equivalent model of the diode and plot its corresponding
characteristic curves. (CO2)
 Calculate current and voltage for circuits with diode connected in series,
parallel or series–parallel using the different equivalent diode models.
 Explain the diagram of a basic power supply and determine the waveform
produced by each block. (CO3)

3. Wave Shaping Circuits

Course  Explain the process of rectification using diodes to establish a pulsating dc
Outline from a sinusoid ac input. (CO3)
 Calculate and determine the output waveform of half-wave and full-wave
rectified signal. (CO3)
 Calculate and determine the resulting output waveform of a bridge type,
transformer-coupled and center-tapped transformer rectifier. (CO3)
 Design a clipper circuit given an output and an input. (CO3)
 Analyze the output response of a clipper circuit. (CO3)
 Design a clamper circuit given an output and an input. (CO3)
 Analyze the output response of a clamper circuit. (CO3)
4. Special Diode Application
 Interpret the characteristic curves of a zener diode. (CO2)
 Draw the equivalent circuit of a zener diode. (CO2)
 Explain how a zener diode produces a constant level of dc voltage during
reverse bias condition. (CO2)
 Solve circuits with zener diodes. (CO2)
 Discuss the basic characteristics and operation of LED’s, photodiodes,
Schottky, varactor, pin, step recovery, tunnel, and laser diodes. (CO2)
5. Power Supply And Voltage Regulation
 Discuss how a voltage input is amplified with the use of capacitors and
diodes. (CO3)
 Compute the ripple voltage produced by filtering a rectified output with the
use of a capacitor. (CO3)
 Discuss how a ripple is produced. (CO3)
6. Bipolar Junction Transistor
 Describe the basic structure of the BJT.
 Explain how a BJT is biased and discuss the transistor currents and their
relationships. (CO4)
 Discuss transistor parameters and characteristics and use this to analyze a
transistor circuit. (CO4)
 Identify and differentiate the schematic symbol and construction of an npn
and pnp transistor. (CO4)
 Discuss how a transistor amplifies an input voltage/ current. (CO5)
 Discuss the operation of a transistor in cut-off and saturation region. (CO4)
 Discuss the operation of a transistor in common configuration: common
base, common collector, and common emitter. (CO5)
 Measure the important voltage levels of a BJT configuration and use them
to determine whether the network is operating properly. (CO4)
 Analyze the saturation and cut-off conditions of a BJT network and the
expected voltage and current levels established by each condition. (CO4)
 Apply proper biasing of a transistor to ensure proper operation in the active
region. (CO5)
 Perform dc analysis of BJT using different biasing configurations. (CO5)

7. Small- Signal Analysis (BJT)

 Use BJT in an application where its amplification and switching
capabilities are used. (CO5)

8. Field Effect Transistor

 Describe the basic structure of the JFET. (CO6)
 Explain how a JFET is biased and discuss the transistor currents and
their relationships. (CO6)
 Discuss transistor parameters and characteristics and use this to analyze
a transistor circuit. (CO6)
 Identify and differentiate the schematic symbol and construction of a p –
channel and an n- channel JFET. (CO6)
 Sketch the transfer characteristics from drain characteristics of a JFET.
 Discuss the characteristics and operation of a D-MOSFET. (CO6)
 Discuss the characteristics and operation of an E-MOSFET. (CO6)
 Discuss the differences between the dc analyses of the various types of
FET’s. (CO7)
 Apply proper biasing of a FET to ensure proper operation in the desired
region. (CO7)
 Perform dc analysis of JFET, MOSFET, and MESFET using different
biasing configurations. (CO7)
9. Small-Signal and Large Analysis (FET)
 Solve combination of FET’s in a single network (CO7)
 Use JFET in an application where its transfer characteristics are used.
  After graduation, the student will be ABLE TO:
  Functions  /
Duties Tasks  or  Outcomes
  to  productivity,   Describe local Describe local Describe Describe Quality Describe
quality  and  safety   standard (Clean standard(ESD) Occupational Management Environmental
  Room) Health and Standards Management
  Safety Standards (QMS) Standards(EMS)
  both   Use computer and related Create technical Deliver Demonstrate Write simple
written  and  oral   technologies to communicate to reports and presentations public speaking technical papers
  peers and superiors   documentation skills
  basic   Apply data Conduct root Conduct root Perform basic Calibrate Read and Read and Read and
analysis and cause analysis cause analysis hardware or instruments interpret Process interpret interpret process
engineering   basic statistical using 7QC tool using 8D tool equipment and electrical flow
problem   solving   tools troubleshooting Instrumentation diagrams
  Diagram (P&ID)
  Interpret product Analyze, track, report and improve Select and Perform analysis Modify and Perform basic Perform basic
data sheets, test manufacturing indices like yield, cost operate and disposition qualify test hardware or PLC
product   schematics and and quality measuring and to discrepant programs to equipment repair programming
manufacturing test programs testing material improve yield,
matrices instrument   cost and quality
  new  products   Run qualification Perform test Set up and Perform test Support new product development
 (equipment,  device,   lots measurement qualify measurement (product characterization, test
gauge study equipment gauge study program/vector/hardware
(GR&R) reference (MSA) development and debug)  

  Generate Create Gantt Identify critical resources( manpower, Generate Work Perform basic
Construct  basic   SMART goals chart materials, equipment, methods) Breakdown Return of
Engage   and objectives Structure Investment (ROI)
  project  plan  
with   analysis




• Engineering  Fundamentals   • Problem  solving   • Personally  
• Electronics  Fundamentals   • Decision  making   •  Adaptable    
• Production  and  Quality   • Critical  thinking   • Self-­‐Starter    
Tools   • Job  task  planning  and   • Assertive    
• Circuit  Analysis   organizing   • Team  player    
• Power  Electronics   • Finding  information   • Disciplined    
• Failure  Analysis   • Troubleshooting   • Committed    
• Microelectronics   • Diagnostics   • Quality  Conscious    
• Semiconductors  Physics   • Project  management   • Pro-­‐active    
• Reliability  Testing   • Ms  Office  software   • Result-­‐oriented    
• Power  Engineering   • Responsible    
• Basic  Mechanical  Concepts  
• Materials  Science  and  
• Mechatronics/  Automation  
• Electromagnetics  
• Lab  measurements  (signal  
generation,  network  
analyzer,  oscilloscope)  
• Hardware  Development  
• Hardware  Troubleshooting  
• Storage  and  Hard  drive  
• Optics  
• Basic  computer  engineering  



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