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Combattimento Di Massa

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Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

Chapter 3: Mass Combat

The following rules present a fast-play method to Alignment, Size, and Type: An army’s alignment
resolve large-scale combats involving the has no effect on its statistics and is essentially
clashing of armies. They are not intended to just a convenient way to summarize its attitude
accurately represent complex wars or provide a with two letters. The army’s size determines not
highly-tactical simulation of the same—but they only how many individual units exist in the army,
are intended to be fun! Nations go to war for a but also the army’s Challenge Rating. The army’s
number of reasons: to gain valuable resources, to type is defined by the nature of its individual
capture wealthy cities or trade routes, to assert soldiers. An army must be made up of identical
their dominance other another nation. When creatures.
fighting a war, the PC’s nation will need an army hp: An army’s hit points equal its CR × the
at their command. These rules will help you and average hp from the HD type of the army’s units
your players to quickly and easily simulate such a
(3.5 for d6 HD, 4.5 for d8, 5.5 for d10, and 6.5 for
mass scale conflicts. d12). If an army is composed of units with
The Army Stat Block multiple HD (such as the case of multiclassed
Like NPCs, Monsters and Kingdoms, Armies characters, monsters with class levels, or
mounted armies), use the lowest HD type. Drop
have their own stat block. Here are the various
any fractions from the final total. Note that only
part of the stat block and what they mean.
damage from other armies can reduce an army’s
Name and CR: The army’s name is presented hp—treat individual creatures who attack an army
first, along with its Challenge Rating (CR). To as a fine-sized army.
determine an army’s CR, simply adjust the CR of
an individual member of that group by the Defense and Offense: These entries list an
army’s Defense Value (this is always a static
appropriate modifier depending on the army’s
size, as shown on the Army Sizes table on page number used to resist an attack) and its Offense
2. If, after modifiers apply, the group’s CR is lower Modifier (this is always a modifier that’s applied to
a d20 roll during an attack). If the group has
than 1, it does not count as an army—add more
troops until you reach a CR of 1. If an army is ranged capability, it is indicated here. The army’s
mounted, the army’s CR is set by the combined Defense Value (DV) is equal to its CR + 10 + any
additional modifiers (such as resources, see
rider’s and mount’s CR score.
below). The army’s Offense Modifier (OM) is
XP: This lists the XP awarded for defeating the equal to its CR + any additional modifiers (such
army. as resources, see below).
Tactics and Resources: Armies learn tactics and
gain resources as they grow more seasoned from
Special Abilities: Any special abilities the army
Speed: This number indicates how many 12-mile
hexes the army traverses in a day’s march.
Marching through difficult terrain halves the
army’s speed. The speed is equal to 12 divided
by the number of hours an individual member of
the army would require to travel across a
grassland hex (see Chapter 1 of the Book of the
River Nations: Exploration and Kingdom
Building for those times).
Morale: An army’s morale is a modifier ranging
from –4 (the minimum) to +4 (the maximum).
Morale can be further modified by the army’s
leader or other factors. A new army’s starting
morale is +0.
Consumption: Consumption lists how many
Build Points an army consumes each week,
representing the cost to feed, hydrate, arm, train,
care for, and pay the soldiers. An army’s
consumption is equal to its CR divided by 2

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

Army Size Dirty Fighters: An army that fights dirty uses
trickery and unfair tactics to gain an advantage at
Army Number of the start of a battle. +6 OM on first round of the
Size Soldiers Army’s CR
melee phase.
Fine 1 CR of individual creatures –8
Diminutive 10 CR of individual creatures –6 Expert Flankers: The army is skilled at
Tiny 25 CR of individual creatures –4 surrounding the foe and distracting them, at the
Small 50 CR of individual creatures –2 cost of spreading out too much and increasing its
Medium 100 CR of individual creatures vulnerability. +2 OM, –2 DV.
Large 200 CR of individual creatures +2
Huge 500 CR of individual creatures +4 False Retreat: Once per battle, your army can
Gargantuan 1,000 CR of individual creatures +6 make a false retreat, luring the enemy deeper into
Colossal 2,000 CR of individual creatures +8 your territory. On the round you make a false
Build Points retreat, you cannot make an Offense check. On
the round after a False Retreat, you gain +6 OM
Build Points (BP) represents the wealth of nations and +6 DV.
(See Book of the River Nations: Exploration and
Kingdom Building for more details on BP). All mass Hold the Line: Your army focuses on total
combat armies have their cost in BP. If you are not defense of the battlefield. +4 DV, –4 OM.
using the Kingdom Building system, multiply the listed
Consumption by 500 to determine the army’s weekly Relentless Brutality: You throw caution to the
upkeep cost in gp. wind and attack with savage and gory vigor. +4
The point of armies having a cost is to make the OM, –4 DV.
players weigh the benefits of prolonging a war against Siegebreaker: You target the enemy’s siege
the cost of maintaining the armies. GMs should feel
engines in an attempt to destroy them. Each time
free to adjust the cost of armies up or down
(depending on how rich or poor the PC’s nation is ). you damage an enemy army in melee, you may
make a second Offense check. If this second
check is successful, you destroy one of the
(minimum of 1; consumption can be further enemy army’s siege engines. This tactic has no
modified by tactics and resources). You must pay effect on armies without siege engines.
the army’s consumption value at the start of each
week it is active. Each week you fail to pay an Sniper Support: An army must have ranged
army’s consumption, reduce its morale by 2 capability to use this tactic. Each round you
points. If this penalty causes an army’s morale to successfully damage an army with an Offense
drop to –5 or lower, the army disbands. Each check, you inflict an additional 2 points of damage
army that disbands in this fashion causes the from archers held in reserve.
kingdom’s Unrest to increase by +1. Spellbreaker: You adopt tactics to disrupt
Leader: This line lists the army’s leader and her spellcasting. Against armies with spellcasting
Charisma modifier. ability, you gain +4 DV.

Tactics Taunt: You are skilled at taunting the enemy,

provoking stupid mistakes and overconfidence in
Each time an army wins a battle, you can attempt battle. The enemy must make a Morale check
a Loyalty check against your nation’s Control DC. (DC = 10 + your army’s CR) at the start of each
If you succeed, your army learns a new tactic. An round to avoid taking a –2 penalty to DV and OM
army can know a number of tactics equal to half for the round. Once the enemy makes two
its CR. When a battle begins, the army must consecutive Morale checks against your taunt, it
select one tactic to use for that battle. is immune to this tactic for the remainder of the
Cautious Combat: Your army fights cautiously in battle.
order to maintain morale. –2 OM, +2 on all Morale Resources
Resources are various upgrades an army can
Cavalry Experts: The army must have the mount possess. The BP cost listed increases the army’s
resource to use this tactic. +2 OM against armies Consumption. This cost must be paid for before
that are not mounted. an army can be outfitted with the resource.
Close Quarters: The army is use to fighting in Resources can only be made in cities that are
tight spaces, be it narrow terrain, inside ships or capable of making the resource. As such,
in underground tunnels. The army gains a +2 DV resources can only be added to an army in cities
when in such narrow terrain. that possess the prerequisites. Resources can be
added to an army after its initial training. If the
Defensive Wall: The army fights defensively, cost of a resource is not paid weekly, the army
taking actions to protect their fellow soldiers as loses the benefit the resource provided. The army
needed. –2 OM, +2 DV. can only regain a resource that was previously

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

Poison (6 BP): When a poison-using army
damages an enemy army, the enemy army takes
an automatic 1d6 points of damage on the round
immediately following any round it took damage
from the army with poison. This resource requires
an herbalist to be in the city this resource is
added. If the poison is natural, poison is listed as
a special ability, costs nothing and has no
Ranged Weapons (2 BP): Your soldiers are
equipped with ranged weapons (such as
crossbows or bows). Your army gains ranged
capability. This resource requires a Fletcher to be
dropped by going to a city that can produce the in the city this resource is added.
resource and paying the BP cost.
Shields (1 BP): This army possesses shields
Fortification Builders (2 BP): This resource
help guard against ranged attacks. Units
represents each member possessing shovels, equipped with shields gain a +2 DV against
hand axes and similar basic tools to dig trenches ranged weapons. This resource requires a mill to
plant wooden spikes. As long as a unit does not
be in the city this resource is added.
use its full movement in a single day, the unit can
build quick fortifications, increasing their DV by Row Boats (10 BP per 100 soldiers): This army
+2. This resource require a smith to be in the city is capable of moving over water through a single
this resource is added. body of water (and connected bodies that a ship
could reasonable reach) at a rate equal to their
Improved Weapons (5 BP/50 BP): For 5 BP, the normal speed +1. The army receives +4 DV and –
army is armed with masterwork weapons
4 OM if on the water and battling an army on
(increase OM by +1). For 50 BP, you can instead land. Having ranged weapons negates the
outfit the army with magic weapons (increase OM penalty to OM. This resource requires a
by +2). Masterwork weapons require a smith in
waterfront to be in the city this resource is added.
the city this resource is added. Magic weapons
require a smith and a caster’s tower in the city. Siege Engines (15 BP per engine): Your army
includes catapults, trebuchets, ballistae, rams,
Improved Armor (3 BP/15 BP): For 3 BP, the and other siege engines designed to break down
army is armed with masterwork armor (increase
fortifications. Increase OM by +2 (regardless of
DV by +1). For 15 BP, you can instead outfit the the total number of siege engines you control);
army with magic armor (increase DV by +2). each round of the melee phase, reduce the
Masterwork armor requires a smith in the city this
enemy’s bonus to DV from fortifications by 1d4
resource is added. Magic armor requires a smith points per siege engine your army controls. This
and a caster’s tower in the city. resource requires a carpenter to be in the city this
Healing Potions (10 BP): Each soldier is resource is added.
equipped with several healing potions. At any
Special Abilities
point during a battle (but no more than twice per
battle), you can order your soldiers to drink their Most armies also possess special abilities that
potions—they cannot make an Offense check this they can use during a battle, or that provide
round, but they regain hit points equal to twice constant bonuses. Special abilities do not
their CR. This resource requires shrine, temple, or increase an army’s Consumption (unless
cathedral to be in the city this resource is added. specifically stated). You can use the following
special abilities as inspirations to generate
Mounts (BP = Special): The army is mounted on
additional army abilities of your own.
horses or other war-trained animals. Increase DV
and OM by +2. If the combined soldier and mount Bleed: When a bleed damage-dealing army
CR is greater than the CR of the soldiers successfully attacks an enemy army, the enemy
themselves, your army’s CR (and all derived army takes an automatic 1d4 points of damage
scores, including Consumption) will increase. If on the round immediately following any round it
the mount can fly, the army gains the mobility took damage from the army with this special
advantage (flying) special ability. For land ability.
mounts, this resource requires a stable to be in Breath Weapon: The army gains ranged
the city this resource is added. For aerial mounts, capability and inflicts +1d4 points of damage on
this resource requires an aviary to be in the city every successful hit against an enemy army.
this resource is added.

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

can be overpaid to increase its morale. For every
additional Build Point (or its worth in gold) paid in
addition to its normal consumption, the army
gains +1 Morale for that week (to a maximum
Morale bonus equal to half the army’s CR).
Paying a mercenary army in gold requires 1000gp
x the army’s CR for every 1 BP of Consumption
the army requires.
Mobility Advantage: If the creatures in an army
have unusual mobility (such as flight, swimming,
climbing, burrowing, teleportation, and so on) that
actually gives an advantage in the battle, increase
that army’s DV by +1. If all armies possess the
same mobility options, this advantage does not
Paralysis: If an army can paralyze foes, each
time it damages an enemy the army’s DV is
reduced by 1. This reduction vanishes at the end
of a battle.
Rock Throwing: An army that can throw large
rocks or similar objects gains the ranged
capability (at no additional Consumption) and
inflicts +4 damage during the Ranged phase.
Significant Defense: If an army’s component
creatures possess a significant defense (such as
Construct/Plant/Undead: These armies always powerful damage reduction, incorporeal, or
make Morale checks, but can never change their numerous immunities and/or resistances),
strategy from normal. increase its DV by +10, but only when it fights
against an army that would have a significantly
Crusader: Whether a legion of holy warriors or a difficult time overcoming the army’s significant
band of freedom fighters, this army is particularly defense. In some cases, you might even wish to
dedicated to its cause. Its Consumption is rule that an army is simply undefeatable by an
reduced by –1 (to a minimum of 0). enemy army because of its defenses—but you
Energy Drain: An army that can energy drain should never pit the PCs against such an army.
reduces its enemy’s OV and DV by 1 each time it Spell Resistance: If an army’s units have spell
damages them. This reduction vanishes after 24 resistance, they gain a +6 bonus to their DV
hours. against armies that have the Spellcasting ability.
Fast Healing/Regeneration: Fast healing and Spellcasting: If an army’s units can use magic
regeneration allow an army’s hit points to recover (either from spell-like abilities or actual
in the same way that they restore hit points for spellcasting), it gains a bonus to its DV and OM
individual creatures. The fast healing/ equal to the level of the highest level spell its
regenerating army regains the listed number of hit individual units can cast. In addition, if any of its
points per phase to a maximum of their normal offensive spells have a range of greater than
total. A regenerating army that is reduced to 0 hit touch, the army gains ranged capability (at no
points is still considered defeated, assuming the additional Consumption) and can attack during
victors can move among the defeated creatures the Ranged phase.
and finish them off.
Training Armies
Fear: An army that uses a fear attack forces the
enemy army to make a Morale check (DC = 10 + The kingdom can train 1 army per week per
attacking army’s CR) or be unable to make an barracks and 2 per week per garrison in a given
Offense check in the next round. If an army fails a city. The army begins play in the city in which it
Morale check from fear in a round when it cannot was trained.
make an Offense check due to fear, the army The maximum size army a kingdom can get train
flees. is limited by the kingdom’s size. See Appendix 1
Mercenary: This army fights for the highest to determine the largest size army your kingdom
bidder. Its weekly consumption points can be paid can produce.
in either Build Points or gold. A mercenary army

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

Why Such Large Vassal Armies? Mass Combat Summary
Vassal armies are can produce armies of Order of Mass Combat
disproportionate size compared to the quantity of 1. Tactics Phase
land controlled. For example, a kobold vassal 2. Ranged Phase
community that spans 3 hexes can produce an 3. Melee Phase
Colossal mounted army. While this might not
Rolls Summary
seem fair, remember the following: the vassal
Offense Check = d20 + OM
community can only produce a single army. The Damage = Offense check result – defending
PCs have the ability to produce unlimited armies army’s DV
of humans or whatever the dominant race of Morale Check = d20 + leader’s Cha mod +
their nation is (provided they have sufficient BP). morale score + 1 (if the Leader has the
Also remember that most monstrous races are Leadership feat)
of a warrior or barbaric tradition. While many
DV/OM Modifiers
humanoid races teach their young math, Tactics
business, art, a trade and magic, the monstrous Resources
races learn how to fight and use weaponry. So a
Special Abilities
much larger percentage of the vassal community Battlefield
are called to the fight. Strategy
Vassal Armies
Whether the vassal community joins your Advantageous Terrain: Generally, if one army
kingdom through normal game play or from the occupies a position of superiority (such as being
New Vassals Kingdom Events (See Book of the atop a hill, wedged in a narrow canyon, or
River Nations: Exploration and Kingdom protected by a deep river along one flank), the
Building), you can draw upon them to produce defending army gains a +2 bonus to its DV.
an army. Vassal armies begin play where the Ambush: In order to attempt to ambush an army,
vassal community is located in your nation. You the entire ambushing army must have
are limited to 1 medium army per vassal
concealment. The ambusher makes an Offense
community. Unless the players have taken a check against the army’s DV—if successful, the
direct hand in how the vassal community has battle begins but the defending army does not get
developed, the communities are assumed to
to act during the tactics phase. Otherwise, the
possess all the necessary building perquisites to
battle proceeds normally.
produce the armies listed in Appendix 1 (see
page 7). The PC’s nation is still required to fund Battlefield Advantage: If an army is particularly
the vassal army’s Consumption. familiar with a battlefield, it gains a +2 bonus to
both DV and OM.
All vassal armies are limited to a maximum size
of Medium except as following races: goblins, Fortifications: An army located in a fortification
kobolds and mites. Goblins are limited to large adds the fortification’s Defense score to its DV. A
size, kobolds are limited to Gargantuan size, and city’s Defense is determined by the types of
mites are limited to Huge size. All vassal mounted buildings it contains, as detailed in Chapter 2 of
armies are limited to 1 size smaller than the the Book of the River Nations: Exploration and
race’s normal maximum. Vassals that occupy 3 or Kingdom Building. If you are not using these
more adjoining hexes can produce a single army rules, a typical fortification increases DV by +8.
of 2 sizes larger than their normal. Battle Phases
Running Mass Combat Mass combat generally takes place over the
Since an army’s strength is represented by a CR course of three battle phases—the Tactics Phase,
score, you can balance armies against each other the Ranged Phase, and the Melee Phase.
using the guidelines for CR in the Pathfinder RPG Ranged and Melee Phases are 1 minute in
Core Rulebook. For example, two CR 9 armies length. The Tactics Phase can be as short as 5
should make for a relatively even battle, but so minutes or as long as 30 minutes. The GM should
would a CR 9 army against three CR 6 armies. determine the amount of time a Tactics Phase
lasts (longer for larger armies and a greater
The Battlefield number of armies, shorter for smaller armies and
In most mass combats, the battlefield should not a fewer number of armies).
impact either army. But sometimes a battlefield Tactics Phase: During the Tactics phase, each
can decide the outcome of a war. army selects which of its tactics it will use during

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

Strategy Track Table Natural 20: If you roll a natural 20 on your
Offense check, you automatically deal damage to
Strategy DV mod. OM mod. Damage mod. the army, even if the result of the roll is lower than
Defensive +4 –4 –6 the enemy army’s DV. If the Offense check is still
lower than the enemy army’s DV, the enemy
Cautious +2 –2 –3 army sustains 1 hp of damage.
Standard +0 +0 +0 Natural 1: If you roll a natural 1 on your Offense
Aggressive –2 +2 +3 check, your army cannot make an Offense Check
during the following round.
Reckless –4 +4 +6
the battle. Once decided, this cannot be changed If at any point an army’s hit points are reduced to
for the rest of combat. a number equal to or less than its CR, it
Ranged Phase: The Ranged phase typically lasts immediately flees unless its commander can
for 1 round, although the battlefield’s shape and make a DC 15 Morale check. If this check fails,
other conditions can extend this duration. During the army scatters and retreats from battle. When
this phase, any army with Ranged capability an army flees thusly, the enemy can make one
makes an attack against an enemy army. Armies final melee Offense check to get a parting shot
without Ranged capability cannot attack during before the army escapes. The routed unit is no
this phase. longer considered to be in melee combat and can
be freely attacked by ranged armies for 1
Melee Phase: The Melee phase begins as the
additional phase before they are considered to be
armies involved finally clash—this phase
too scattered to be targeted.
continues until one army is defeated. An army
with the ranged capability not engaged in melee Multiple Armies
combat can continue to make ranged attacks These rules can also serve in battles where
during this phase. However, if the targeted army multiple armies clash. In such battles, when you
is engaged in melee combat, the ranged army make your Offense check, you choose which
must target all armies their target is attacking and enemy armies you’re attacking and apply damage
are being attacked by. appropriately—you can change targets each
Strategy Track round as you wish—these rules do not take into
account complexities such as movement or
Each round during the melee phase, an army’s
location, after all!
commander must select a strategy from one of
five options on the strategy track. Strategies Victory and Defeat
adjust the army’s DV, OM, and damage modifier. An army is victorious once all of its enemy armies
Adjusting an army’s strategy one step in either are destroyed or flee the battlefield.
direction is automatic; if the leader wants to adjust
strategy more than that in 1 phase, he must make Victory: A victorious army’s hit points remain at
a DC 20 Morale check. If he succeeds, the army’s the level they were at when the battle ended
strategy changes to the desired level, but if he (minimum value equal to the army’s CR). Make a
fails, the army’s current strategy does not change Loyalty check against your kingdom’s Control
at all. DC—if you are successful, your army gains a new
Tactic. Every time an army gains a new Tactic, its
Attacking and Taking Damage morale goes up by 1 (maximum of +4).
In mass combat, it does not matter who goes first, Rout: The army’s hit points reset to a number
since in the game it’s assumed that all attacks equal to the army’s CR, and its morale decreases
happen simultaneously. Each army makes an
Offense check by rolling 1d20 and adding its total
OM. This result is then compared to the target
army’s DV.
Attacker’s Offense check equal to or less than
defender’s DV: Attacker fails to damage the
defending army.
Attacker’s Offense check greater than
defender’s DV: The attacking army inflicts
damage on the defending army equal to the result
of the attacking army’s Offense check minus the
defending army’s DV.

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

by 1. Before this army can fight again, you must replaced with anyone the PC choose (preferably
make a successful Loyalty check against your one of the PCs).
nation’s Control DC during your nation’s Upkeep
Medium army of humans (warrior 3)
Defeated Army: Although there are certainly a
few survivors if an army is reduced to 0 hit points, COMBAT
those few survivors are so demoralized and
wounded that the army cannot recover. It must be hp 5; DV 11; OM +1
replaced with a new army. Every time an army is LOGISTICS
defeated, reduce the kingdom’s Stability,
Economy, and Loyalty by 2. Speed 2; Consumption 1
Leader Lieutenant Roe (Cha +2)
Recovery Prerequisite Kingdom size 1 or larger
An inactive army heals back to its full hit points
after a single month, but often, you’ll need to DUCHY MILITIA CR 5
restore your army to full fighting potential much Huge army of humans (warrior 3)
more quickly. Each day that an army spends at
rest (no movement and no battle), it heals hit COMBAT
points equal to its CR. Once per day you can also hp 27; DV 15; OM +5
restore an additional amount of hit points to an
army by making a successful Loyalty Check LOGISTICS
against your nation’s Command DC. With a
successful check, your army heals an additional Speed 2; Consumption 2
Leader Captain Sisk (Cha +1)
amount of hit points equal to its CR.
Prerequisite kingdom size 21 or larger
Player Characters in Battles
As an option, you can have the PCs face battles KINGDOM MILITIA CR 7
of their own just before or even during a battle in Gargantuan army of humans (warrior 3)
which one of their armies clashes with the enemy.
For example, the PCs might attack an evil COMBAT
necromancer and fight their way through his hp 38; DV 17; OM +7
tower to confront and defeat him while their army
battles the undead horde outside. Alternatively, LOGISTICS
the PCs could use a few potent spells (such as Speed 2; Consumption 3
control water, earthquake, cloudkill, and so on) to Leader Major Welsch (Cha +3)
adjust the battlefield condition to their favor. Prerequisite kingdom size 81 or larger
These possibilities allow the PCs to use their
characters to directly affect the outcome of a REGULAR KINGDOM MILITIA CR 9
battle without actually forcing the characters to
“sit out” on an adventure opportunity by Colossal army of humans (warrior 3)
personally commanding an army. COMBAT
If the PCs win their battle or dramatically affect hp 49; DV 19; OM +9
the battlefield with magic, increase their army’s
DV and OM by +4. If the PCs lose their battle, LOGISTICS
penalize their army’s DV and all OM rolls by –4.
At your discretion, the PCs’ failure or victory can Speed 2; Consumption 4
have other effects on their army as well, such as Leader General Behapps (Cha +2)
granting temporary bonus tactics or starting the Prerequisite kingdom size 151 or larger
war with adjustments to one side’s hit points.
Appendix 1: Sample Armies Gargantuan army of humans (fighter 3)
The availability of armies for conscription by the
PCs depends upon their acts and successes in COMBAT
the Kingmaker Adventure Path to this point. You hp 44; DV 18; OM +8
can also allow your players to customize their
own armies, using the rules above to build LOGISTICS
whatever type of army they want (subject to GM Speed 2; Consumption 4
approval, of course!). None of these armies have Leader Major Winters (Cha +6)
a starting morale listed. All armies have a starting Prerequisite kingdom size 100 or larger
morale of +0. Leaders can (and should) be

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

LG Small army of humans (paladin 5) CG Medium army of elves (ranger 5)
hp 13; DV 15; OM +5 hp 22; DV 14; OM +4
Tactics Cavalry Experts; Resources mounts Tactics Sniper Support, Taunt; Resources
(heavy horse) ranged weapons


Speed 4; Consumption 3 Speed 2; Consumption 4

Leader Sir Bromsworth (Cha +5) Leader Ranger Captain Bluebrook (Cha +3)
Prerequisite treaty with elven nation or elven
Prerequisite aviary, fletcher, kingdom size 21 or
vassals in kingdom, fletcher


LG Medium army of humans (paladin 5) Small army of dwarves (fighter 7)

hp 22; DV 14; OM +5
hp 22; DV 17; OM +7
Tactics Cautious Combat, Close Quarters;
Tactics Cavalry Experts; Resources mounts Resources improved weapons
(heavy horse)
Speed 1; Consumption 6
Speed 4; Consumption 4 Leader Priest Stonepick (Cha +3)
Leader Dame Wren (Cha +6) Prerequisite treaty with dwarven nation or
Prerequisite aviary, fletcher, kingdom size 81 or dwarven vassals in kingdom, smith
CN Small army of gnome (warriors 5)
LG Small army of humans (fighter 6)
hp 5; DV 14; OM +3
hp 22; DV 17; OM +6 Tactics Calvary Expert; Resources mounted
Tactics Cavalry Experts; Resources mounts (wolverine)
(giant eagle), ranged Special Abilities mobility advantage (burrow/
Special Abilities mobility advantage (flight) climb)
Speed 6; Consumption 7 Speed 2; Consumption 3
Leader Captain Strazer (Cha +3) Leader Bard Captain Neblin (Cha +5)
Prerequisite aviary, fletcher, kingdom size 81 or Prerequisite Treaty with a gnome nation or
larger gnome vassals in kingdom, smith

LE Gargantuan army of kobolds (warrior 1)
hp 22; DV 14; OM +4
Tactics Dirty Fighters
Speed 2; Consumption 2
Leader Kobold King (Cha +3)
Prerequisite Kobold vassals in kingdom or treaty
with kobold nation

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

LE Diminutive army of barbed devils (12 HD)
hp 27; DV 19; OM +9
Tactics Dirty Fighters, False Retreat, Relentless
Special Abilities fear, mobility advantage
(teleporting), spellcasting
Speed 2; Consumption 2
CENTAUR SKIRMISHERS CR 3 Leader advanced barbed devil (Cha +6)
Prerequisite Making a deal with a horned devil or
N Medium army of centaurs (HD 4)
more powerful devil.
hp 16; DV 13; OM +3, ranged
Tactics Cavalry Experts; Resources ranged LE Medium army of brute wights (HD 6)
weapons COMBAT
Special Abilities always considered mounted
hp 22; DV 15; OM +5
LOGISTICS Special Abilities energy drain, undead
Speed 3; Consumption 4 LOGISTICS
Leader Advanced Centaur (Cha +3)
Prerequisite Centaur vassals in kingdom Speed 2; Consumption 2
Leader advanced brute wight (Cha +4)
ORC RAIDING PARTY CR 1 Prerequisite Ability to create undead
LE Small army of orcs (barbarian 4) ZOMBIE HORDE CR 7
COMBAT NE Colossal army of human zombies (HD 2)
hp 6; DV 11; OM +1 COMBAT
Tactics Relentless Brutality, Siegebreaker
hp 31; DV 17; OM +7
LOGISTICS Special Abilities undead
Speed 2; Consumption 1 LOGISTICS
Leader Chief Fangbite (Cha +2)
Prerequisite Orc vassals in kingdom or treaty Speed 2; Consumption 3
with an orc nation or hire as mercenaries Leader necromancer (Cha -1)
Prerequisite Ability to create undead
LE Gargantuan army of orcs (warrior 2)
CE Large army of trolls (HD 6)
hp 27; DV 15; OM +5
hp 31; DV 17; OM +7
LOGISTICS Tactics Relentless Brutality
Speed 2; Consumption 2 Special Abilities mercenary, regeneration 5
Leader General Bloodaxe (Cha +4) LOGISTICS
Prerequisite Treaty with an orc nation or hire as
mercenaries Speed 2; Consumption 3
Leader advanced troll (Cha +0)
Prerequisite Pay for army

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

Mass Combat Army Sheet
_____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ____________
Army Name Leader and Cha Modifier CR

_____________________________________ _______________ _________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Size / Number of Soldiers Alignment Race Class and Level

Army Statistics
Total CR Resources Special Abilities Tactics Strategy Battlefield Negative Energy Paralysis

Defense Value = + + ± ± ± – –

Offensive Modifier = + + ± ± ± – –

hp Speed Consumption

Type Bonus Type Bonus

______________________ +______ DV / OM / Damage ______________________ + ______ DV / OM / Damage

______________________ +______ DV / OM / Damage ______________________ + ______ DV / OM / Damage

Special Abilities
Type DV OM Damage Type DV OM Damage

______________________ ____ ____ _____ _____________________ _____ ____ _____

© 2010 Jon Brazer Enterprises, Permission to Copy for Personal Use Only.

Mass Combat Army Sheet

_____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ____________
Army Name Leader and Cha Modifier CR

_____________________________________ _______________ _________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Size / Number of Soldiers Alignment Race Class and Level

Army Statistics
Total CR Resources Special Abilities Tactics Strategy Battlefield Negative Energy Paralysis

Defense Value = + + ± ± ± – –

Offensive Modifier = + + ± ± ± – –

hp Speed Consumption

Type Bonus Type Bonus

______________________ +______ DV / OM / Damage ______________________ + ______ DV / OM / Damage

______________________ +______ DV / OM / Damage ______________________ + ______ DV / OM / Damage

Special Abilities
Type DV OM Damage Type DV OM Damage

______________________ ____ ____ _____ _____________________ _____ ____ _____

© 2010 Jon Brazer Enterprises, Permission to Copy for Personal Use Only.

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

Open Content: Written Material in Chapter 3 and Appendix 1. Product Identity: Layout, art, the name “River Nations” and
anything not in Chapters 3 and Appendix 1.
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing,
LLC. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing,
LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the
compatibility license.
Additional Writing: Dale C. McCoy, Jr Editor: Dale C. McCoy, Jr.
Art: Jason Walton, Joe Calkins, John C. Walborn, Sade

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 in and to that Product Identity.
Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated
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be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy
lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game
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poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax
names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or and Dave Arneson.
its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. Williams.
(h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a reserved.
notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott
of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson,
Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on
by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open original content from TSR.
Game Content distributed using this License. Pathfinder Adventure Path #35: War of the River Kings. © 2010, Paizo
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Nelson.
acceptance of the terms of this License. Neried from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Author: Scott Greene.
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license Quickwood from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games,
with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Inc.; Author: Scott Greene.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material Pathfinder Adventure Path #36: Sound of a Thousand Screams. © 2010, Paizo
as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original Publishing, LLC; Author: Richard Pett.
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this Advanced Bestiary. © 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author: Matthew
License. Sernett.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of Tome of Horrors III. © 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc; Author: Scott Greene, with
this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Casey Christofferson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Lance Hawvermale, Travis
Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Greg
the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of Ragland, Robert Schwalb, and Bill Webb.
any original Open Game Content you Distribute. Vegepygmy from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games,
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material from Gary Gygax.
indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Mite from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone and Mark
indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark Barnes.
in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly Book of the River Nations: Exploration and Kingdom Building. ©2010 Jon
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Brazer Enterprises
Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does END OF LICENSE
not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any

Gabriele Iaccarino (Order #29806278)

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