Combattimento Di Massa
Combattimento Di Massa
Combattimento Di Massa
The following rules present a fast-play method to Alignment, Size, and Type: An army’s alignment
resolve large-scale combats involving the has no effect on its statistics and is essentially
clashing of armies. They are not intended to just a convenient way to summarize its attitude
accurately represent complex wars or provide a with two letters. The army’s size determines not
highly-tactical simulation of the same—but they only how many individual units exist in the army,
are intended to be fun! Nations go to war for a but also the army’s Challenge Rating. The army’s
number of reasons: to gain valuable resources, to type is defined by the nature of its individual
capture wealthy cities or trade routes, to assert soldiers. An army must be made up of identical
their dominance other another nation. When creatures.
fighting a war, the PC’s nation will need an army hp: An army’s hit points equal its CR × the
at their command. These rules will help you and average hp from the HD type of the army’s units
your players to quickly and easily simulate such a
(3.5 for d6 HD, 4.5 for d8, 5.5 for d10, and 6.5 for
mass scale conflicts. d12). If an army is composed of units with
The Army Stat Block multiple HD (such as the case of multiclassed
Like NPCs, Monsters and Kingdoms, Armies characters, monsters with class levels, or
mounted armies), use the lowest HD type. Drop
have their own stat block. Here are the various
any fractions from the final total. Note that only
part of the stat block and what they mean.
damage from other armies can reduce an army’s
Name and CR: The army’s name is presented hp—treat individual creatures who attack an army
first, along with its Challenge Rating (CR). To as a fine-sized army.
determine an army’s CR, simply adjust the CR of
an individual member of that group by the Defense and Offense: These entries list an
army’s Defense Value (this is always a static
appropriate modifier depending on the army’s
size, as shown on the Army Sizes table on page number used to resist an attack) and its Offense
2. If, after modifiers apply, the group’s CR is lower Modifier (this is always a modifier that’s applied to
a d20 roll during an attack). If the group has
than 1, it does not count as an army—add more
troops until you reach a CR of 1. If an army is ranged capability, it is indicated here. The army’s
mounted, the army’s CR is set by the combined Defense Value (DV) is equal to its CR + 10 + any
additional modifiers (such as resources, see
rider’s and mount’s CR score.
below). The army’s Offense Modifier (OM) is
XP: This lists the XP awarded for defeating the equal to its CR + any additional modifiers (such
army. as resources, see below).
Tactics and Resources: Armies learn tactics and
gain resources as they grow more seasoned from
Special Abilities: Any special abilities the army
Speed: This number indicates how many 12-mile
hexes the army traverses in a day’s march.
Marching through difficult terrain halves the
army’s speed. The speed is equal to 12 divided
by the number of hours an individual member of
the army would require to travel across a
grassland hex (see Chapter 1 of the Book of the
River Nations: Exploration and Kingdom
Building for those times).
Morale: An army’s morale is a modifier ranging
from –4 (the minimum) to +4 (the maximum).
Morale can be further modified by the army’s
leader or other factors. A new army’s starting
morale is +0.
Consumption: Consumption lists how many
Build Points an army consumes each week,
representing the cost to feed, hydrate, arm, train,
care for, and pay the soldiers. An army’s
consumption is equal to its CR divided by 2
hp 22; DV 14; OM +5
hp 22; DV 17; OM +7
Tactics Cautious Combat, Close Quarters;
Tactics Cavalry Experts; Resources mounts Resources improved weapons
(heavy horse)
Speed 1; Consumption 6
Speed 4; Consumption 4 Leader Priest Stonepick (Cha +3)
Leader Dame Wren (Cha +6) Prerequisite treaty with dwarven nation or
Prerequisite aviary, fletcher, kingdom size 81 or dwarven vassals in kingdom, smith
CN Small army of gnome (warriors 5)
LG Small army of humans (fighter 6)
hp 5; DV 14; OM +3
hp 22; DV 17; OM +6 Tactics Calvary Expert; Resources mounted
Tactics Cavalry Experts; Resources mounts (wolverine)
(giant eagle), ranged Special Abilities mobility advantage (burrow/
Special Abilities mobility advantage (flight) climb)
Speed 6; Consumption 7 Speed 2; Consumption 3
Leader Captain Strazer (Cha +3) Leader Bard Captain Neblin (Cha +5)
Prerequisite aviary, fletcher, kingdom size 81 or Prerequisite Treaty with a gnome nation or
larger gnome vassals in kingdom, smith
LE Gargantuan army of kobolds (warrior 1)
hp 22; DV 14; OM +4
Tactics Dirty Fighters
Speed 2; Consumption 2
Leader Kobold King (Cha +3)
Prerequisite Kobold vassals in kingdom or treaty
with kobold nation
Army Statistics
Total CR Resources Special Abilities Tactics Strategy Battlefield Negative Energy Paralysis
Defense Value = + + ± ± ± – –
Offensive Modifier = + + ± ± ± – –
hp Speed Consumption
Type Bonus Type Bonus
Special Abilities
Type DV OM Damage Type DV OM Damage
© 2010 Jon Brazer Enterprises, Permission to Copy for Personal Use Only.
Army Statistics
Total CR Resources Special Abilities Tactics Strategy Battlefield Negative Energy Paralysis
Defense Value = + + ± ± ± – –
Offensive Modifier = + + ± ± ± – –
hp Speed Consumption
Type Bonus Type Bonus
Special Abilities
Type DV OM Damage Type DV OM Damage
© 2010 Jon Brazer Enterprises, Permission to Copy for Personal Use Only.
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