Myrmidia - Case-Based Reasoning For Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army Building
Myrmidia - Case-Based Reasoning For Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army Building
Myrmidia - Case-Based Reasoning For Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army Building
1 Introduction
Constructing a good army for Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WHFB) is a very
complicated constraint satisfaction problem. Choosing a successful army is nat-
urally not the only requirement for actually winning a battle; mastery of that
army and tactics are obviously also important. As warhammer includes dices and
different strengths and weaknesses of the troops some level of probability and
statistics do play a role. However, a clever general can easily shame the math.
The first step is showing up with a viable army. Choosing an army has many
constraint, not only what is legal. Constraints might include available minia-
tures, tactical consideration, properties of the opponent, or playing style, such
as infantry heavy, fondness of cavalry, or being partial to artillery or magic.
The work presented here is a decision support system for constructing viable
armies that the player can bring to the table by applies case-based reasoning
(CBR). That is, the decision support system is only involved in constructing
the roster all actual game playing is in the hands on the player. The applica-
tion developed uses the relevant domain knowledge from the game together with
cases describing actual battle fought to suggest an army to a player, using his
preferences and constraints. Applying CBR takes the army constructing problem
beyond probabilities and statistics, which are used solely in (commercial) avail-
able solutions. We argue that applying a lazy learner instead of rule induction
captures the many different constraints that can occur.
The rest of the paper is organise as follow: Section 2 gives a short introduction
to the Warhammer Fantasy Battle game mechanics; Section 3 gives a short
overview of related work on CBR and constraint satisfaction problems; Section
4 shortly describes the domain model used; Section 5 describes how the four
steps in case-based reasoning is used, in particular how similarity is calculated;
Section 6 shortly describes the use of jColibri; Section 7 describes the evaluation;
Finally, the paper ends with a summary and outlook on future work.
Unit Move- Weapon Ballistic Strength Tough- Wounds Initiative Attacks Leader- Type
Dwarf lord 3 7 4 4 5 3 I 4 10 In
Dragon 6 7 0 7 6 7 2 6 9 Mo
The army must consist of at least three units, and one lord or hero to be the general
Lords and heroes are powerful leaders of armies, thus only 25 % of the agreed
upon points can be spend on each. Core units are the basic units of your army
and the ones you will have the most off, e.g.: basic footmen and cavalry. You
must use a minimum of 25 % of the army points on core units. Special units
are elite troops which perform great on their own or, as motivators for lesser
soldiers. You can spend as much as 50 % of the points on these units. Rare units
are very powerful units, e.g. monsters, weird war machines and elite solders of
unsurpassed skill. You can use up to 25 % of the points on these units.
3 Related Work
At the time of writing the authors are not aware of any research applying case-
based reasoning to army build in Warhammer, or in any other strategy game.
However, the problem of constructing a viable army is not disjoint from any other
research area. In many ways, this problem resembles a constraint satisfaction
problem (CSP). There are different constraints on the number of different type
of units that can be used (see Table 2) and the different ways of building each
unit (e.g. equipment and special troop types). All of these constraints must be
satisfied, whilst still building an army that can beat the opponent.
I can be argued that the adaptation phase in case-based reasoning resembles
a constraint satisfaction problem in general, and dynamic constraints satisfaction
in particular [1]. They both share the same idea of not solving problems from
scratch as this is inefficient. Most research on case-based reasoning in the context
of constraint satisfaction has been been directed at combining CBR and CSP in
the adaptation phase. This includes configuration design and assembly sequence
generation for assembly of motors [2], holiday scheduling [3], timetable scheduling
[4] and process design [5]. In the latter, the idea is to retrieve relevant existing
designs (of compression stations) and adapt them in cooperation with a domain
expert to improve the design. The case-based reasoner would retrieve existing
case that would satisfy a set of mandatory constrains. From this case a set of
parameters covering the target constraints would be selected and solved by a
CSP solver.
Others have investigated the use of case-based reasoning as the main tool for
solving constraints. This includes manufacturing, where for loading autoclaves
[6] is a well known case and metal casting [7]. Finally, the problem of building a
viable army resembles in particular a rostering problem,where different people
(troops) with different capabilities are required at a specific time and place. This
has been approach by e.g. Beddoe and Petrovic [8] by using case-based reasoning
in conjunction with tabu search.
The approach presented here draws inspiration from applying case-based
reasoning to constraint satisfaction problems. However, contrary to most related
work we do not include specific CSP solvers.
4 Domain model
The domain model developed consists of two parts: the official rules for warham-
mer, both the core rules and the specific rules for the races; and date from real
battles fought and recorded by Trondheim Warhammer Club (WarTrond). The
data from the official rules constitutes the general domain knowledge, whereas
the data from WarTrond constitutes the cases.
The domain model was developed through three iterations of modelling, im-
plementation and testing. After the three iterations the domain model was fi-
nalised. The final entity-relationship model is depicted in Figure 1.
The main information about the cases are stored in Cases and Armies, which
together represent the player race, opponent race, outcome, player unit and
points. Each of the armies in the case contains a number of units described in
Unit. This class is modelled based on the general characteristics of a unit, such
as attacks, movement and weapon skill, as well as the information about the unit
UtilityUnit Cost
Name Race
Cost MinNumber
Required MaxNumber
NumUnits Movement
PromotionUnit WeaponSkill
Cases Movement BallisticSkill
Army_Unit_Utility Unit_Utility
Army_ID WeaponSkill Strength
Army_unit_ID Army_Unit_ID
OpponentRace BallisticSkill Toughness
Untility_ID Equiptment_ID
Outcome Strength Wounds
Toughness Initiative
Wounds Attack
Army_Unit Initiative Leadership
Armies Attack UnitType
PlayerRace Leadership ArmyType
ArmyPoints UnitType MagicPoints
Army_Unit_Equipment Unit_Equiptment Equiptment_Rules
Army_Unit_ID Unit_name Equiptment_ID
Equiptment_ID Equiptment_Name SpecialRule_ID
type, such as minimum and maximum number of troops and weapon type. The
Unit Rules and Special Rules, which contains any special rules for the unit, the
information about the unit is complete. The final information about unit is their
equipment, which is contained in Equipment. Together these classes contain all
relevant information about units. The UtilityUnit class is used to inform the
program that this is attached to another unit, such as war machine crew.
The reuse phase in this implementation consists of two steps: first a retrieved
case is passed through a naı̈ve and secondly it may be passed through a more
exhaustive adaptation. The naı̈ve adaptation is used to substitute data in the
query with data from the retrieved case.
Once the naı̈ve adaptation phase is done the exhaustive adaptation process
is started. This process may perform adaptation of the case. This adaptation
investigates the query case to see if any of the army construction rules (see
Section 2) has been violated, such as ”no general”, ”too few core unit points”,
or ”too many units in group”.
The adaptation phase uses its own similarity function when calculating unit
similarity. It simply calculates the difference between the parameters describing
each unit (characteristics, unit type, army type, cost and weapon type). The
characteristics are calculated as the average of the similarity of the nine indi-
vidual characteristics. The cost is calculated as an interval similarity. The unit
type, army type and weapon type is calculated from look-up tables where the
similarity between different the different types has been estimated. For unit type,
e.g. two infantry units has the similarity of 1.0, monstrous beasts and monstrous
infantry as the similarity of 0.8, and cavalry and war machines are not similar.
At the end of these two adaptation phases the query case now contains the
most similar retrieved case along with any adaptation necessary to fit the original
requirements from the user.
5.3 Revise
The revise phase in Mymidia is a completely manual task for the user. The user
is able to change almost any aspect of the case. There are two types of limitations
on the possibilities of revision: limitation and invalidators. The former is changes
that the user interface cannot change, yet if changed would not invalidate the
results; whereas the latter is the player race and army points, which would
invalidate the result.
Once the user is satisfied with the the case in question and wants to test it
in a battle the case is stored in the case-base in a case vault. This initial stored
case in the vault cannot be accessed by the retrieve phase.
5.4 Retain
The retain phase is a pseudo manual phase, where the user must add the result
of a battle for case. Based on this result the following actions can be carried out:
– If the case results in a victory or a draw that value is updated in the case
base. This moves the case from the vault to the normal case base, thus
making it accessible to the retrieve phase.
– If the case results in a defeat that case is deleted.
– Finally, if the result remains unknown the case remains in the vault.
6 Implementation
The system was implemented in Java using the jColibri framework together
with the Apache Derby database and Hibernation mapping tool. This section
will shortly describe how jColibri was used in the implementation. The details
on Apache Derby and Hibernation is outside the scope of this paper.
jColibri is a CBR framework that is fully implemented in Java. It includes
several out-of-the-box features and interfaces that allows developers to create
new functionality or tweak existing functionality. jColibri is easy to set up and
integrate into a project. JColibri also supports a wide range of databases through
Hibernate. Ontologies can be included through OntoBridge, which simplifies the
use of ontologies to create knowledge intensive CBR application [10].
Through the use of interfaces in all core components of jColibri any applica-
tion specific class can easily and seamlessly integrate into and used in conjunction
with out-of-the-box features. The similarity calculation is divided into local and
global similarity functions [11].
The changes to jColibri in Myrmidia is primarily related to the local and
global similarity functionality (see Section 5) and the distinction between the
problem description, solution and justification of the case. In our implementation
this distinction has been left out as there are no distinction between the problem
description and the solution. This has been done for the following reasons:
7 Evaluation
Since only a limited number of races has been modelled and the number of cases
is limited, a thorough performance test is difficult to conduct. However, each of
the components and functions have been tested one their own.
7.1 Unit weight similarity
In order to maximise to unit similarity calculations (see Section 5.2) and adap-
tation matching results the associated weights for unit similarity can be set
accordingly. This test was conducted by calculating two relatively dissimilar
units, within the same race, with every possible weight configuration. The result
of these calculations were not very surprising since the calculations is based on
different features of the unit. Once the ”best” weights were found they were used
to calculate the similarity between one unit and all the others within a race. The
results were then evaluated as either satisfactory or not and the ration between
these two were calculated. The results showed that one universal unit similar-
ity weight configuration is difficult, if not impossible to find. This is based on
the observation that what is ”good” from some units are far from accurate for
reasonably, within reason and keeping in mind that substitutions are based on
actual armies. The only notable difference is that ”Teclis”, ”Caradryan” and
”Korhil”, who are all named characters1 are substituted with run-of-the-mill
Dwarf lords and heroes.
The work presented here is very much work in progress. Currently only three
of the 15 different races are actually modelled in the domain model (Dwarfs,
Empire and High Elves); further, not all race specific magical items has been
modelled; finally, none of the recent published 8th edition race books has been
modelled, only the 8th edition core rules. In addition, the current case-based only
contains 10 cases (2 Empire, 5 High Elves and 3 Dwarf). Obviously this is a very
incomplete set of cases (105 cases would be required to cover all combinations).
However, the cases reflects the current and actual available domain knowledge.
There are still quite a few points where future work is required: i ) improve
the knowledge in the case-base; ii ) improve the adaptation process in order to
reduce the number of needed operations, perhaps by looking at the possibility of
using a CSP solver as described in Section 3; iii ) Implement a partly automated
Named characters are special lords and heroes who often have extra special abilities
compared to standard lords and heroes.
revise process; iv ) make the system available as a web-based solutions, thereby
ease the acquisition of cases and domain knowledge.
The authors would like to that WarTrond —Trondheim Warhammer Club— for
their time and effort providing us the initial data for the case base.
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