Contest Generals V
Contest Generals V
Contest Generals V
Greetings from the Mortal Realms
Back in January 2023, the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Design Team descended
upon Warhammer World to take part in the very first Weekday Warhammer:
Age of Sigmar tournament. Needless to say, the event was a great success and
we all had a blast playing with the smaller 1000 points limit.
On top of a great day’s gaming, we also had the rare opportunity to ask our
players for some face-to-face feedback. Overall, things were very positive, with
the majority of the Contest of Generals battlepack playing well at 1000 points.
However, we did observe some areas of improvement including: battleplans,
grand strategies and battle tactics, as well as single powerful units (normally
500 points or more) that were skewing the balance of battles in general.
A beta rule is one that we want to test with the community to be sure that
we’re making the best possible ruling before we set anything in stone. If
you use this custom battlepack, we’re looking for your feedback on how the
changes affect you. Let us know your thoughts, alternative ideas and feedback
from your games at our official feedback inbox,
We hope you enjoy the event, good luck and have fun!
Contest of Generals V is a single day tournament for Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
using the Contest of Generals - Age of Sigmar Battlepack. Whether you’re a newer
player, an experienced veteran, or a fantastic hobbyist itching to show off your
recently painted models, this one day event is a perfect opportunity to spend a day
with like-minded hobbyists.
This document covers the specific details for the event. Please refer to the Weekday
Warhammer Overview and Guidelines Document for full details regarding the
policies, model requirements and the painting competition rules that will be present
at this event, which can be found here
Your opponent for your first game will be randomly determined. Subsequent rounds
will be organised using a swiss system, following the above ranking. If you ever find
yourself facing off against a player you have faced previously, please contact a member
of the events team.
During the lunch break between Game 1 and 2, all players will have a chance to
display their armies on the table they played their first game on. Players will then have
a chance to vote for the army they feel is the best, be that for painting, conversions or
anything else worthy of recognition. The player whose army receives the most votes
will win the Best Painted award. Any ties will be broken by the event organisers’ vote.
This is instead of the single miniature painting competition described in the Weekday
Warhammer Overview and Guidelines Document.
You will require an army of no more than 1,000 points to play at this event. Details for
choosing your army can be found on the next page. No more than 300 points can be
spent on a single unit.
When building your army, use all the most up to date Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Pitched Battle Profiles. Tome Celestial updates found in White Dwarf can also be
used. We will also be using all of the latest FAQ and Errata documents found on
Warhammer Community, including the latest version of the Battle Scroll, with the
cut off date for being in use 1 week before the event. Army lists should be presented
in an easy to read format. Please ensure you record your Grand Strategy, all relevant
weapon selections and unit upgrades that should be selected prior to a game.
Points Limit 1000
Individual Unit Point Limit 300
Leader Units 1-3
Battleline Units 2+
Behemoth Units 0-2
Artillery Units 0-2
Endless Spells and Invocations 0-2
Reinforced Units 0-2
Understrength Units 0
Allied Units 0-200
Battlefield Size 44” x 60”
Number of Terrain Features 8
The Weekday Warhammer table lists the minimum number of Leader and Battleline
units you must include in your starting army, and the maximum number of Leader,
Behemoth and Artillery units you can include in your starting army.
Coalition units do not count towards the number of Battleline units in your army.
However, they do count towards the maximum number of Leader, Behemoth
and Artillery units in your army. In addition, coalition units are ignored when
determining if the units in your army are from a single faction.
Faction terrain features must be set up more than 3” from all other terrain features
and more than 3” from all objectives. These restrictions are in addition to the set-up
rules in the battletome in which they appear. If it is impossible for a faction terrain
feature to be set up, then it is not used.
You cannot include core battalions or warscroll battalions in your army.
If you are using a Sons of Behemat army in this event, you must use the following
special rule:
It takes a particularly fierce Mancrusher Gargant to convince their wilful mates
to fight with anything approaching unity.
When you pick the general for your Sons of Behemat army, you must pick a
Mancrusher Gargant to be your general. If you do so, that unit gains the Leader
battlefield role and the Hero keyword.
Designer’s Note: This general can only be given universal enhancements (core
rules, 27.5).
The following special rules apply to the battle:
If a rule allows you to summon a unit during a battle, halve the number of models
that are summoned (rounding up). This rule does not apply to units that are replaced
after being destroyed. In addition, summoned units may not exceed the Individual
Unit Point Limit of 300.
After you have picked your army, you must pick 1 grand strategy from the list below and
record it on your army roster. You may also select a Grand Strategy from your Battletome.
Hold the Line: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if
there are any Battleline units from your starting army on the
Beast Master: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy
if there are any Monsters from your starting army on the
Pillars of Victory: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if there
are any Heroes from your starting army on the battlefield.
At the start of your hero phase, you must pick 1 battle tactic from the list below or
one from your Batletome. You must reveal your choice to your opponent, and if your
battle tactic instructs you to pick something, you must tell your opponent what you
pick. You have until the end of that turn to complete the battle tactic. You cannot pick
the same battle tactic more than once per battle.
Seize the Centre: You complete this tactic if there are more friendly than
enemy models within 6” of the centre of the battlefield at the
end of this turn.
Desecrate their Lands: Pick 1 terrain feature or faction terrain feature that is
partially or wholly within enemy territory. You complete this
battle tactic if any friendly models are contesting that terrain
feature at the end of this turn and no enemy models are
contesting that terrain feature.
Slay the Warlord: You complete this tactic if the model chosen to be your
opponent’s general is slain during this turn.
Broken Ranks: Pick 1 unit from your opponent’s starting army that is on the
battlefield. You complete this tactic if that unit is destroyed
during this turn.
Natural Expansion: You complete this battle tactic at the end of your turn if there
are more friendly units wholly outside your territory than
there are friendly units within your territory.
Each player picks an army and then they The battle lasts for 5 battle rounds.
roll off. The winner chooses which player
is the attacker and which is the defender. VICTORY POINTS
Each player scores victory points at the end
THE BATTLEFIELD of each of their turns as follows:
The defender sets up the battlefield. First, - Score 1 victory point if you control at
they set up objective markers as shown on least one objective.
the map. Then, they set up the number of - Score 1 victory point if you control two
terrain features shown on the Weekday or more objectives.
Warhammer table. Each terrain feature - Score 1 victory point if you control more
must be set up more than 3’’ from the objectives than your opponent.
battlefield edge, more than 6’’ from all - Score 2 victory points if you completed
other terrain features and more than 3’’ the battle tactic you picked that turn.
from all objectives. If it is impossible for a
terrain feature to be set up, it is not used. GLORIOUS VICTORY
The player with the most victory points at
DEPLOYMENT the end of the battle wins a major victory.
The attacker picks which territory is
their territory. The other territory is the If the players are tied on victory points at
defender’s territory. The players then the end of the battle, then the player that
alternate setting up units one at a time, completed the most battle tactics wins a
starting with the attacker. Each player minor victory.
must set up their units wholly within their
territory. The players continue to set up If both players completed the same
units until both armies have been set up. number of battle tactics, then if only one
If one player finishes setting up their army player completed their grand strategy, that
first, their opponent must set up the rest of player wins a minor victory. If both players
the units in their army, one after another. or neither player completed their grand
strategy, the battle is a draw.
Each player scores 3 victory points at the
end of the battle if they completed their
grand strategy.
Each player picks an army and then they From the start of the second battle round,
roll off. The winner chooses which player after you score victory points, you can
is the attacker and which is the defender. pillage 1 objective that you control, that is
on the border of your opponent’s territory
THE BATTLEFIELD and that is within 1” of a friendly unit. If
The defender sets up the battlefield. First, you do so, you score 1 additional victory
they set up objective markers as shown on point. The objective marker is then
the map. Then, they set up the number of removed from play. You cannot pillage
terrain features shown on the Weekday more than 1 objective marker per turn.
Warhammer table. Each terrain feature
must be set up more than 3’’ from the VICTORY POINTS
battlefield edge, more than 6’’ from all Each player scores victory points at the end
other terrain features and more than 3’’ of each of their turns as follows:
from all objectives. If it is impossible for a - Score 1 victory point if you control at
terrain feature to be set up, it is not used. least one objective.
- Score 1 victory point if you control two
DEPLOYMENT or more objectives.
The attacker picks which territory is - Score 1 victory point if you control more
their territory. The other territory is the objectives than your opponent.
defender’s territory. The players then - Score 2 victory points if you completed
alternate setting up units one at a time, the battle tactic you picked that turn.
starting with the attacker. Each player
must set up their units wholly within their GLORIOUS VICTORY
territory. The players continue to set up The player with the most victory points at
units until both armies have been set up. the end of the battle wins a major victory.
If one player finishes setting up their army
first, their opponent must set up the rest of If the players are tied on victory points at
the units in their army, one after another. the end of the battle, then the player that
completed the most battle tactics wins a
GRAND STRATEGY minor victory.
Each player scores 3 victory points at the
end of the battle if they completed their If both players completed the same
grand strategy. number of battle tactics, then if only one
player completed their grand strategy, that
BATTLE LENGTH player wins a minor victory. If both players
The battle lasts for 5 battle rounds. or neither player completed their grand
strategy, the battle is a draw.
Each player picks an army and then they Each player scores victory points at the end
roll off. The winner chooses which player of each of their turns as follows:
is the attacker and which is the defender.
- Score 1 victory point if you control at
THE BATTLEFIELD least one objective.
The defender sets up the battlefield. First, - Score 1 victory point if you control two
they set up objective markers as shown on or more objectives.
the map. Then, they set up the number of - Score 1 victory point if you control more
terrain features shown on the Weekday objectives than your opponent.
Warhammer table. Each terrain feature - Score 2 victory points if you completed
must be set up more than 3’’ from the the battle tactic you picked that turn.
battlefield edge, more than 6’’ from all
other terrain features and more than 3’’ GRAND STRATEGY
from all objectives. If it is impossible for a Each player scores 3 victory points at the
terrain feature to be set up, it is not used. end of the battle if they completed their
grand strategy.
The attacker picks which territory is BATTLE LENGTH
their territory. The other territory is the The battle lasts for 5 battle rounds.
defender’s territory. The players then
alternate setting up units one at a time, GLORIOUS VICTORY
starting with the attacker. Each player The player with the most victory points at
must set up their units wholly within their the end of the battle wins a major victory.
territory. The players continue to set up
units until both armies have been set up. If the players are tied on victory points at
If one player finishes setting up their army the end of the battle, then the player that
first, their opponent must set up the rest of completed the most battle tactics wins a
the units in their army, one after another. minor victory.
10:00 - 10:25 Registration in the Gaming Hall
10:25 - 10:30 Event Briefing
10:30 - 12:00 Game 1
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch and painting competition voting
13:00 - 14:30 Game 2
14:30 - 15:00 Break
15:00 - 16:30 Game 3
16:30 - 17:00 Break
17:00 Awards Presentation
18:00 Warhammer World Closes
Terrain will be set out on tables prior to Game 1. Before each game please adjust the
terrain to follow the rules for objective and terrain placement. A provided Terrain
Chart will list what Scenery Rules each piece of Terrain has. For example, a Shattered
Stormvault is Defensible and Garrisonable. If the terrain is based then that base is
used to define if a model is Wholly On Terrain.
Every effort should be made to allow players to use their faction terrain that they have
spent time painting. If you have any issues with terrain placement, please ask one of
the Event staff for assistance.
The awards for this event will be as described
in the Weekday Warhammer Overview and
Guidelines Document.