Sample - Problem Statement
Sample - Problem Statement
Sample - Problem Statement
Mohamed Imran Mohamed Ariff1, Natasha Irina Khairul Annuar1, Ahmad Farid Najmuddin1,
Ireen Munira Ibrahim2, Noreen Izza Arshad3, Samsiah Ahmad1, Khairulliza Ahmad Salleh1
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Tapah Campus,
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Tapah Campus, Malaysia
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Universiti Teknologi Petronas,
Seri Iskandar, Malaysia
Corresponding Author:
Mohamed Imran Mohamed Ariff
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Tapah Campus, Perak Branch, Malaysia
The concept of early childhood learning has been suggested to be the foundation aids of learning for
children [1]. Furthermore, it is here during the early formative years, a child has great opportunity and
prospect to learn and use their five senses so that their brains will fully develop according to their best
potential. It is also during these formative years, the quality of the early childhood learning is vital as to
educate children as early as possible, thus children grow up to develop stronger intellectual, emotional, and
spiritual thinking skills [2], [3]. Studies have suggested that quality of an early childhood learning needs to be
addressed as an effort to stimulate and guide a child’s thinking ability and skills [4]. Furthermore, it is said
that the standards of an early childhood learning can be enhanced using modern technology [5], [6]. The
usage of technology in an early childhood learning process may result in creating an explosive thirst for
knowledge [7], and increase a child’s focus on understanding concepts [8], [9]. Among the advances in
technological development, the touchscreen technology has gained vast popularity in the early childhood
learning research domain [10], [11].
The touchscreen technology helps promotes an reciprocal experience that closely resembles a child's
natural constructivist learning [12]. Furthermore, the use of mobile devices (e.g., touchscreens) in early
childhood learning has been accepted as an innovative approach to support the traditional learning and
teaching practices [13]. Thus, by combining traditional teaching methods and the use of technology helps
create a more fun and interactive learning experience for a child, thus fostering a child’s creativity and
imagination, and problem-solving skills [14].
With the rise of digital technology in the field of education, the use of mobile application (i.e., touch
screen) has gained positive feedback especially in the early childhood stage. Among the positive feedback
using the mobile application in early childhood has are: i) improving the child’s memorization,
ii) simplifying the child’s learning process, and iii) improving child’s speech skills [15], [16]. Furthermore,
the mix of certain multimedia interactive features in the mobile application, especially in early childhood
learning process will result in attracting children: i) to obtain knowledge effectively, ii) by providing a
conducive learning atmosphere, and iii) by providing visualized dynamic information [16]. A systematic
literature review conducted revealed, early childhood learning using mobile application has seen a steady
increase in the number of users [6], [17], [18]. These applications use unique multimedia features to better
promote the knowledge delivery for children. However, a closer look at the development of these mobile
application revealed several limitations between the adapting of technology and children’s education, among
which are: i) these mobile application merely conveys knowledge material, and does not facilitate children’s
to be independent learners, ii) the lack of sound and music to help promote better understanding among the
children’s, and iii) the lack of knowledge reinforcing interest thus making the children feel frustrated
[19]-[21]. Previous studies also highlight, the success of adapting technology and education (especially in the
kindergarten children) mainly depends on the quality of the educational content. If appropriate educational
content is not well created, this then creates more negative benefits in a child’s learning process [22], [23].
Based on the paragraphs, the adaptation of digital technology in the education field (especially in
early childhood learning) seems to have both positive and negative impacts on children's learning process.
However, one can notice that the adoption of technology has become popular in the early childhood
education system [14]. The development in technology (i.e., multimedia) promises great potential in
changing: i) the way children learn, ii) the means to obtain information, and iii) the customization of a child’s
information [24]. Furthermore, the use of multimedia technology also provides various opportunities for
teachers to apply various teaching techniques combined with the use of multimedia teaching aids which can
draw children attention and interest. Therefore, this research project intents to design and develop a mobile
application that combines multimedia features with the hope of being able to provide a more profound
learning experience in the early childhood education. The development of the mobile application in this
project will focus on helping children in du’a recitation. The learning of du’a recitation was chosen as a
proof of concept, in this mobile application combined with several multimedia features. There are three main
objectives for this project: i) to develop a well practical mobile application focusingon early childhood
learners (i.e., kindergarten kids), ii) to provide a robust point of reference for kindergarten kids towards a
better and more comprehensive early childhood learning activity, and iii) to provide appropriate feedbacks
for the early childhood educators using this mobile application.
The main goal of this research project is to develop a mobile application for early childhood learners. Based
on the literature, the analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate (ADDIE) research design was adopted as it
widely used in multimedia mobile application development. Each step of the ADDIE process is illustrated in Figure 1
as shown in. Each of the phases in the ADDIE research design will be explained in the following subsections.
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storyboard was also designed. A storyboarding is an essential part of any multimedia research project. The
storyboard helps the developers to fully understand the flow of the application from one module to another.
The flow chart, system architecture and storyboard in shown in Figures 2-4, respectively.
Figure 2. Flowchart
Mobile development: learn du’a for early childhood learners (Mohamed Imran Mohamed Ariff)
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Figure 4. Storyboard
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 11, No. 4, August 2022: 2253-2261
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Mobile development: learn du’a for early childhood learners (Mohamed Imran Mohamed Ariff)
2258 ISSN: 2302-9285
agree that the application helps their child learn du’a and the remaining 10% are neutral, meaning they do not
agree or disagree. Figure 8 shows 70% of the respondents are extremely pleased with the application. 20% of
the respondents agrees that they are indeed satisfied with this application while another 10% of the
respondents are dissatisfied with the application.
The goal of this research project was to make learning enjoyable and simple for children. Since the
first purpose was to design an interactive multimedia-based mobile application to learn du’a for kindergarten
children, the mobile application was full of appealing images to lure children to explore more, and the
du’a(s) were shown in an animation video with translation. Furthermore, this mobile application has a quiz
module where users can choose whether to take an online quiz or use the application’s built-in quizzes and
the results will be saved in the result module, where parents can view their children's performance. Based on
the results of the questionnaire, the participants were pleased and satisfied with the application. As a result,
the project's objectives were met because it was well-designed and developed. There are many mobile
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 11, No. 4, August 2022: 2253-2261
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285 2259
learning applications for du’a recitation, but none of them teach du’a utilizing animation videos, instead
relying only on static images. In comparison to traditional methods of learning to recite du’a through books,
this application, which combines technology and learning, is hoped to assist children in learning the correct
way to recite the daily du’a(s). This combination has been shown to be effective because today's children are
exposed to technology at such a young age that they are more interested in using technology to learn rather
than traditional methods. Several recommendations are suggested from this research project, namely,
i) although the targeted users for this mobile application is the early childhood children’s group, further study
needs to be conducted to other possible groups (such as primary and secondary) as it may attract a larger
group of learners and ii) incorporating more gamification techniques in the mobile application. This can help
engage more users in using this mobile application for their learning purposes. This research project also
offers several contributions. Firstly, the development of this mobile application is ideal as an additional tool
to support the learning activities for early childhood children’s (i.e., in the kindergarten). This will therefore
contribute towards making the learning experience for kindergarten children more enjoyable. Next, this
research project also contributes to early education research by providing an empirical study of the
technology adoption, which can serve as a guideline for other mobile application programs especially for
early childhood. Finally, this research project has the potential to contribute to the technological education
literature by providing informal learning experiences through the adoption of mobile technology.
This work was supported by the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer and
Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak Branch, Tapah Campus under the final year
project (FYP) 2021/2022.
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Mobile development: learn du’a for early childhood learners (Mohamed Imran Mohamed Ariff)