Week 41
Week 41
Week 41
Subject: Mathematics
Dates: 3 Jul – 7 Jul 2023
Week: 28
Base Group: 10
Teacher: Ashish Gambhir
What is the
area of 1/4th
of the circle?
Ticket for
Session 23 min Teacher will then introduce the meaning of next class)
Flow the circumference of a circle. Teacher will
also ask the students to calculate the area of
the circular sheet provided to them.
Students will be introduced to the formula
related to circumference and area of the
Closure 5 Kahoot Quiz download/
min https://create.kahoot.it/share/area-of-a-sector-and-segment-in-a- 18.c8ad36715c431923a5bb2
circle/fb3cac82-6558-476e-af91-a8ddf47b4a77 eb/1547552450223/Areas