Lee Moderne Aksie Oz
Lee Moderne Aksie Oz
Lee Moderne Aksie Oz
International Arms
- A Rifle for all Reasons
hetherit be for cuLLing camels ApFdrendr nro norable .reani:atioDs are TOP: ct*sic and timet€s atter 12o yea6,
fnnn i
helicolGi, .omneting {ill!sn,e l-ee-Brfield riflcs bccause oiAeii the Enfield design bmains on6 of the mGt
in. Nlllil.ry Se^lce Nrch. rugee.l, u.quesiiomblc rcliabiliry These ar functionally potent nes of its era. This is the
AIA M10 No,4 which has a 50%heflieraction
shooting rargelr or colle-nrg, the Canadian Ringc6 op€utfig itrfre€:nrg
and heavier batralth.n the No.4 SMLE.
AIA have prcJuccJ a {tuick conditioDs in their bo er teioLr ldere iccd-
tointin,!,Larg€ malazinc upmdemrli-loade fail l.!. ttn Lee Enfiell in MaIt fegLcr! recenr book.n snifing,
capicirJ and rcdur.te rllle utildng d larrlr Ennns u.daLnted. l.diatr sc.Lirr and police
sftengrh.n.d and imfr.ved l-ee Enfleld fores are stlll sral $ith the 7 6.1mm 2Adfle, Haliql iea.l a mulitLde .f run mdga:incs
a-ion. Thhb.h r-iunh.i be€n Drcren tu .n rEraJcd SMLE. Tlt Bitish Roral Marin€ since rhe I 95 0\, nr
m ind las rerrettabLt
be the *orlls fastest to c,pcrarc anJ thcrc is Comnddoes ,ei$ued then s!ip€$ in the 1st nrllucn.cd hr rhc ncgarivcs pFfae.red o\ e.
r nodcl to n'it lourneeds ThcBZnoJelis C fwd h l.rq with rhe Le€ Enfi€ld L42A 1 filit''odd rcaN con.cning thc SMLE. I irec-
.erlarnt 'l..ricil" $ ,r eN ar€s dr L42A I ?.61{ 5lnr sniper riflc. The ]-ee Enleld ified the l.llown,g tlr the ,\.1.A. los:
ocrlo. conrnrues r. hnrctnn in dre rn ocious reFi(ed nraccdacr, carfidse cass hjcd
Thn noll n about dr ..trtinucd eroLution saMl conditnrns fiat p.€vail and fhcrc drc tu nTiti€nr sel]lnrnrn, drestri.gv drd w€ak
ofa iille design tlut was first.Lpproved in rction, cr cetcn. Tidng of nc, hc intro.luced
De.enler oI 1888. Lee\ desL4r w6 perennl h.ideitalN, I have lecn rold Lhar the ne to his DiEctor af Quality Connol, Kl'1e
.llrfrillianr in con.efr, ir h.s snrce been Brinsf I-.12A1 b ?.62 x 51mm held unril Hadler, Nith d,e itut.uction to rort our mt
JevcloFd inb a signifi.anr sl]|rrn,s aro. recendy the longest range conUmcd miper misconceprl.ns. Ifale since spdrt tl'o days
Thc b:6is for dcr.Lopncnt, rhe Short Maea' hit at a dGtatrcc o1 1.6 lilonctrcs. Thh $hh Kl'l€ ind no$h.ve a m!.1, berrer appp
;ine Lee-Enfield, \'hose oiginal d€sirh $as o.cured in Northem lrel.nd a whilesone cirtnD of l'hr thc,\nstmlian lftcrn.rional
tlre worl ol. S.ot lan,es Pais sood Lu.k hdi hile leen invol\ed, i(har- Ams oferings caDnot realh hc compored
Lee alolrcs idr rhe'isllAnL€i.rLr,
Roml SnDll Am$ f.cMy pened .evenl,ele$ Tlis n$hnce is re.oded wirh rhe..l0l slvllE No.r Mk 111. Fnsh
at EnlieLd Lock, about 16 kilonctrcs north
oflondon Bridse. Developncnt ol drc Lrc'
E,aield neler ce.sed; ir codtnNes sith the
rorsh,.ccur.i€ and lser liierdh ritles no{
asscnhLc.l 'dorvn'un.1cL' 11 A lsnlirn ]ffei
national Ans lqr Ltl. Sonc caual nscrLch
revealea at ledt nin€ ofiicial vaiets or Lndk
ofrhe Lee-Enield 3re manuaacrured. Au!
ir.lian lnrcrnari.nal Anni l,rve c.lled lrs
1,,e. ,\dai r i,nnLLr: anothe. notable ilifcreN€ Nth the \l'lk l0 is thxt
L-,l.r; ."'' ,r"r
'''h,r { l.'.',! ,1, \4'i't""'11'"ll
r "irrlll"r' n ttr it"*.] i","'""a
't'lThe li.^tr
to nD\ e L$-d
"".nPGis i6 actidr. \'hicL i! nndc lRrn
und"' i'coil'
oi rhc rifle oicom.
Acirr:c! is tasl specllic. Slnting trffli(!litn$ t(nlrv d'N^n'l I
lvloA or b;ner Th; S\ILE urs al.frc.l rr' r rinlrc riic lrr rltinrg i ' 'L{r rrl'-, 1rr. 'l{heI FJreJ nJhtr'lerrJrnLrirtr'l m'
bedJ i"g ,t fof n$r of lts l'rgth u cork Thii lin'
Tl p., l. J\ r ,cfl.'rn'rr"lr in% hd' rer rh 'n 'l''r "ftlr l uu
L'"""*' L.r.r
l.,rr, IIN,'a.JJ'hL';.'h,hc.r-rnu,l'rr''"rr'r'.. "rh" rrsinrl
. ii"J r liO.". - b""- $n: nrcrn!ri.nrllv tLn\r'rirtr ' rrntil
";,,1 x 5lnnn (h trk' \rhi.h n noN halca'cennrnoll This h'concs e\d'nr i'r ihat rhe
rerlaceJ i,r Au$oliab' rh.7.6l
pLnNscrr minthctur'J \rith ''', i-l a \' N rr'l l\'l c'
i",n.r' -rL.l.',.nn rrcre '".|,".'r..'** --""- |'r. ,e| .l l'.l'r,.l '. l i l"'.
noticeiHr Lichhrci:rhr dftls fcitulrs gencn$ sia'h'nrlic6 l'ms
." ,",.,",.,,,..... t\.a .rrr \Nl,| {N.li\l\lll r"c' i,r.i.ln,i,r.. . ". . .,t,t" '-r'r, r'e 'r''ll-Jl
;.,..."rt.,,. r..." ' .- | r'\.N f\ FAL
,-, i" .' ,' 'f,,1 .l ' I 1,. 'r 'r r" l' 'r' I i\h\'r TI ' ", ard mos ft€rerilu' rlrc Sterl
'| '.1,'l' rlrc A,!nlian SLR. Re'nnrqton ?85
.."'^'i"i t. i,'e-.t"*"c.,ms it'.'rdnd' *hc r'!'i'l irc muJ'
irr *nr'
... r,.. .'l '-' ' 't, r, l r ' r' - rllc l-r'rlt. rl' \1"l'' rl r"l"A"r"
f.ncr [..!sl]if.1
Tbe tlird ofi.fhg is tLlc trlark l0 Bl {hich is the Beiredeliver!, allfiflcs irc testedtui..cur..t', rtlirr in n ncchdr
rhc ..uge, sim il.r tu rhc B I {ith an e\ ci he.vicr
in aFpcaDnce bur i..l resr. fire{f.t grolrs rrc sLrrt ard tcorJcd, an,l ar rccuracv
farel.Ii nnsbc nale FeL+crlr.lei, rhr.'hilst d,r Bl ',d Bl arc dir.fiii,1ic,l. Th.rbmeLeJ jcli.nsthitd.nlnectthis$rn,lanl
.nullrt. d1e JuLrsle C.rline .infisurrtnD the! sh.,c nothnrg $ith arc $rippcd ulL tlt recen eL l barcL .ollar la|Nil
rhe No.5lnDllc CrLine, Ji$cr.trt a.tior, Jlffe,.nr bcddht. The The ille is rc-resled n,J ifii ilain tails Lhe sidit randafd ctrtc'
B1 and Bl ntJ.h in laci cnulate tl,r lessttl.nNn but erd-llrthc_ ii, drelcro,l..ly 6,cjc.tcd This doe" t.r hit$n.ltcn, so Lru-!.$
lnr. Brilirh L.c-E'JiclJ snipcr riile, tl,e ?.6lnLrL'1lAl, \hi.h {as ard slooren arc guaraltccdthrt e].hrirleh'shcctr inJn nLLulh tc$cJ
the nr.r accuntc ofalltlt serri.e Lcc'EnfickL scner. f.r .ons GtcLlc-\r Atier tenn,r h .hc Da.hnrc rest, illcs a,e;rocled
A11 ol thc A.l A haiiet !rc .hrnt lined !.d gi!. sul-'crnrr cor.- uF nrtcrtuniture,n shln agr n. Thcnthekw ftmitde lsl,and'
n,rn .crbtm.c nr.j., l.cncft ofchoneLl borcs ; cxtcn.Led banel
The iltted DJ rt\rps ft igeln irJ t, .hc.k acclri.t, unrrlh FLnrins
lijc. A chrunrd l.rclslnnin! ?.61r 5lnrm amnunitnin lvillgivc in rhe rtllen er.lfing olilL thrce sequences
.n rccurle lift olbcs..n 10,00f Dd 15.000 nun.k. ThLsis.sis' I I s ar (erest ne b .orc, :rs bci$ r ntle \rid, n ch hcfitilc, thrt accu-
nii..nr i.llant,gc over.on\c.t,..alfarcls tLlat aEsl,..nL I rodv ra.r rnd lunction tcinrr \{e,e.rtrlcd.ut hr a lomer S:\-s
| i: seer e nrrnleroltrr
' ll 4,
.\ l , of nilitrry uJ S\Ir-\f teN,rarlrmcn. thare
sen.mllr reed h be" rcllaccJ urewl,ere bemccn 5C00 7000 sels Jrorb! tlis i...,rflishcJ riilen,an, ..d so,rJ i.nrr' ful1
n nd\. Ll;hg r1,r ? 62 x 51mn, bdel lin: .aFctan.I, the cost l,cf lnDdririo. slrot unJcr 1MOA. x1lh i rotrcd dlitaN nuplus fod-
Jhlt ftlared ro fic .ort of re- rateln,.g i" rlout 14 c€r6. Thc .xn cnc
lLfe!f.iliblc toanatch coNtiefid of lcLl uDnnllexre ninrtdlith Tr! 10'${,t nu4f,n,es de n ftlicJ Nith erch ille !l)ereleNe.r.h
rhe c|Fm horc is "ig.rli.ifl. is ldgc xnd user hienJlv, fei,nifiing alcq reaqr.ble nre.ffire r. bc
A l.A l,$ do(her ijcr., n fc 1r.n, d,e l,'al irlDnrL Lec-lrnfielJ in
rh.r'a!lherfixrhcirbrrcLsontorhet.tilcr TheylNcl,!redt.r
rhc tsre*€rl..khscolld, lcn Int,lr o rhat uscd on the.lnenisav_
age riilcs. Thir L1a! rhe aJlanrigc iirat thc l-n!ll Nnr LirrcL cdr
be scrcrcrL n anl Lhe heed+pacc rccuatelv ser. Thc.oLlarDtL,cr
i.,c$rJtisfrl! igiinithcliLrnt!ftlF acri.n ind fi. staten n lo.L.d.
\ l.A. h.fe etrihlGhd r turquc serrnis rhat is.ond,.,v€ tu mrn'
.,nrns ..nsntcnt .arel hanr.n n\ Thc lr.nt si!h( s lffL.d tud1c ,
arc feanLrerl. The No 4 \1K4 tull q'oor{ incor service e,iFrcL.rt". h {ill prettr LNch cap-
pontes dre SN,ILE trfc nhercds thc ts1 md tdedreetu€m.nc.anJrpnitoithcorisin .
Bl dodels h.re Il,Dte ararl! stocks {irh The qratrtitr is linite.llo little ntre thar
hieh comhs siii\.rd are s..fe o[c hrutlreJ, toL worlJ+l;le dnr!bu1]o..
'nd ri$ol
lii.nJlr. To rctain dre iniFr lrefihsc, fic 112 The Lee-ErfieU Ns. fof a ccnt!{, rhc
n.1$r r\ailll.le rirh thf Lec'Enficl(L butt beckf.re oi Britnh Enpnc,nd Conm.n-
nro+.!r!tn,s two n|lih iirin! ponrts allow- we.lrh F.rc.s, rhcFrime is c intNo \\tnll
nrr? rbe tim€-|onoxred.lreek piecc r. he \Va$, cLrundesr CoLoni.l .on [icG ard Benr
rLLacl,edly nm bms scrers. T1,e SMLEl,un Unitcd Natidl a.tnr.s, flror.l i. shlfl.g
The AIA M. ftted wiih a 2X scope and bipod
n,d |€etsishsiacilit!(e EFiJ fte, br"ddins rhc norld as $e knoN ir t.d,r The A I A.
for the shooting tests, The low power ol the
scope and thick crosshalrs were ndt ideal lor rhc checkpie.e r.l. tcoFe,s.fions $irin! ts2.ertainl! qu.litics as a tacti..lwca|on.
shooting groups. Even with this limitation,the rt,LLr can L.e rlone. l-eft aml Lisht v€si.Ds of The lrcfm reriewc.l hcreliamLcs cxccllcnt
rjfle avehged better than 20 mm groups at the cl,eel N,ece irc alailable The F2 fea- n,etalanJ*ooJft anJ ftrisL The iLrdiviJ-
100 melrcs, Bith nany belng abund 12 mn. ntres !ln$f !tiFLit with blue.lsreel beine trrl hrnd.rork is ot\ N,; ro ailone lu.kv
$ed .n rh. \iKl dnd Bl D.ilels. cnough to use aDJ;hoot tlese new A.I A
d.lnered ft.n drc c.ck'on-.losing actnt,. Thc A.1.,{. riil* a.E arpr.vcd b-r thc Au! rille!. For Lhe fricc tud.]', this tulr fcprc'
\cs. d,e L€r-Enti.iJ .r.lt ..tbn has the rcf* . ian Scni.e Rifle A$..i,ri.tr f.n ur. nl
"or; ere.r v.1uc, foL both thc shootcr,
rat1.. of bcins thc moothesr ltd f"rcs Serli.e iille n.rch$ inJ arc ac{luittnu rher' collecu and investor F-
mil f.ry x.tnnr e\er Jersned. T|c vorld sel. cs lv1th dBun.ti.n. The !\ liLalallrr oi rl,e
F.od in ankd boLL !.ti.. iie lns sct in 1914 ]\.1.A vari.ntr hs soivd.n emer.snis l'.1.'
l.r Serleinr Snoiill, a \,luskctry lnstnLctor lem lor nilitrry rifle sl.otcs rs thc old ]]olt
ia tl,e Brirish Annr. Wnh r Lee-Eniield rilles the! are for.{L
Si{l-E,hcFlaceJ lf ruun ls nlto i 12-nnl.i,-
be.onnu illlF N.rqr Tl,e nFFh oircplace-
Je at 100 rdds i, dre;pice oiti\rt sc..ds. ncntir3relrlrts f!]ng u! ro.
Nj.haneJ dr 'tr i.,1 lv1itutr€', this xas a rcq- S., wlcfc do 'rtbt
these mrsterfieces..nc
ui,ite ter to' trnincd solLier!, to iire fifteen i,oml The-! lre brih in Brisbine, Queenv
i.:. .hors ftom rhc Lxc'ELriield ri e, uto a 100't'J hnJ, arC ther de ascmhled tiom qnallty
trrEa, n'itl, 5{ounl $arge..lil]s. reelnnd tl ber,lvithout an! plati. or alu-
fne is fa.ilit.red br rhc tqc$rsc nlitilm like "o manl orler offeturss.n rhc
trLsqcr wl,ich il J!fli.rred on d1c A.1.A NrLer hdar Finc toleor.c comr..cnrs irc
frcJu.l nns. Usins this quick\'becones Au*ralian'Lnade \ifh somc .thcr Faris
icora nru, c attcr onlr a little pFctice. The rurccrl irom countricr. The.rite-
liN ruLL all.nrs the fing$ to ru I trEsqr. on rion rliat ee.enlh dctednres rvherc a pi(
rhc s-!$en,. \\jher sis|c are alicncJ sligLrtlv s n.Jc n r'hi.h ornui..n,,er hos rl,! bcr
m.a' pdn(e all.{s fof a .ontnnlcd second C\Cna.hincr r\llti,tsa,chand'sauscd
rage rc1*"c. Scrgcant York $!s al'o using anJ.he.LeJ bet re r$cnbl.!:u -!cs, there
an Enlield $.+t.Lge tigger q'he. he {.. n is ak 800 gauses useJ in tht.heckhg. Each
Ile.lal of Honou, a,sriLchi.g ll.fman unit js h.nd ds.mirlcd itd accua.y Fned
encnr riLh h6 .lC MoJel 1917 Enfiel.l t. stc. L.cfo,c Lreing pur.n tht d.ilcls fa.k.
The \Jl0-Bl h rhc noit uscd i c wher The arFcarancc ofthe soldcn tcak stock anl
hellnritref f.nl.ullins is cadeJ !ur. Ve,-! a deep l$tn6 t lrc nake tor a \eq derir-
large rumber oicaneLs, donteis. |lnbics, able..J nn.r ionaL ineinn.
$rs anJ Fjgr lri\e r.ltn ri.tin t its rln Becau.c olthc quili, ! sr.clficatio$. rcs
sho.riryt, {itting and .irc tak r fi the totrl
The !€ry atrfr.tnc $ock! on thc A.l.A. prcc*s, onlv l,0Cl'1 ,2C0 iten are produced
riil$ uc not iLre trididdLal R!h, ! I fut rhc annurlly Lr rlre rdll Dlrlet. ,^.1i. !,11€
atratl-! attn.tnc and l,ar,lier f..1. Tcik is raliri,r.:1British lun @ic, tlere meland'
denrr anJ hdrde. rhln mlnf t nnd bctte. llii€d rnd fhc-tuned lfcxfm r:tlcr thrn
{ireC ro rg.rous L.c. Rcnenber tedl $.r Dr$-FrcJuc{l femarketitlur. Sother
urd tft.entui.. x!ship\ decking lt.Nt it .Hernrg! lHlc ll,e maL{inr' ofa tme collec.
toush rrJ did m't
,. ah. sclt table .-sferkitrq of coll€c(.bles, I h3v.
"rs lerncd rhrt atr ortsrindins A.l.A ottcring
fFs.ring:b the tinberhshish MturaL oiL
.otrtent. Teil w.i. lntil ,cccL1dr" nhen ir n bc ins +r tugdl,er id rcleasc h-! mid'2009
bccarr;irce, Duch $ugLrt after fo.lleh To comer,.. c the last Lee-En{ield
qurlit! tu.lnne. A.l.A. fhi$es the iro.ks dcrnatne dssei,1.lcd br LLe Ro!!l Sd.li