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F.Y. M.B.B.S. Examination April - 2023 Human Anatomy: Paper 1 - Set I (New CBME Curriculum Pattern)

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F.Y. M.B.B.S. Examination April - 2023
Human Anatomy : Paper 1 - Set I
(New CBME Curriculum Pattern)

Time: 3 Hours ] [ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
Seat No.:
(1) “uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu.
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
 F.Y. M.B.B.S.
Name of the Subject :
Human Anatomy : Paper 1 - Set I (New CBME

Curriculum Pattern)
Student’s Signature
Subject Code No.: 2006000101010001

(2) Write each section in separate answer book.

(3) In section A, all MCQs are compulsory, only one answer will be accepted,
no negative marking & must be submitted within first 30 minutes.
(4) Section A carry 20 marks and Section B & C carry 40 marks each.
(5) Draw labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
(6) Write to the point.

SECTION A - MCQs 1x20=20

1. Medial branch of external carotid artery is
a) Ascending pharyngeal b) Lingual
c) Posterior auricular d) Facial

2. Combined actions of which muscles produce extorsion of eyeball

a) Superior oblique & superior rectus b) Inferior oblique & inferior rectus
c) Inferior oblique & superior rectus d) Superior oblique & inferior rectus

3. Muscle innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve is

a) Salpingopharyngeus b) Stylopharyngeus
c) Palatopharyngeus d) Levator veli palatini

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4. Internal carotid nerve is branch of
a) Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion
b) Middle cervical sympathetic ganglion
c) Inferior cervical sympathetic ganglion
d) Otic ganglion

5. Expression of surprise is caused by

a) Corrugator supercilli b) Nasalis
c) Frontalis d) Procerus

6. All pierce clavipectoral fascia EXCEPT

a) Lateral pectoral nerve b) Thoraco-acromial artery
c) Cephalic vein d) Medial pectoral nerve

7. Structure(s) in deltopectoral groove is/are

a) Cephalic vein
b) Deltoid branch of thoraco-acromial artery
c) Both a & b
d) None of a & b

8. Action of dorsal interossei is

a) Flexion of interphalangeal joints
b) Adduction of fingers
c) Abduction of fingers
d) Extension of metacarpo-phalangeal joints

9. True about extensor pollicis longus

a) Insert over distal phalanx of thumb
b) Supplied by posterior interosseus nerve
c) Blood supply from anterior interosseus artery
d) All of above

10. Stabilising factors for shoulder joint include all EXCEPT

a) Tight capsule
b) Glenoid labrum
c) Rotator cuff
d) Splinting of humeral head between tendons of biceps & triceps

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11. The _______ of the spinal nerve contains both sensory and motor fibers
a) Anterior ramus b) Posterior ramus
c) Main trunk d) All of above

12. Fibers of nucleus dorsalis neurons give rise to

a) Anterior spino-thalamic tract b) Posterior spino-thalamic tract
c) Anterior spino-cerebellar tract d) Posterior spino-cerebellar tract

13. All are functional components of glossopharyngeal nerve EXCEPT

a) Special visceral efferent b) Somatic efferent
c) General visceral efferent d) Special visceral afferent

14. Basal nuclei consist of all EXCEPT

a) Corpus striatum b) Amygdaloid body
c) Uncus d) Claustrum

15. Which of following is receptor in muscle?

a) Motor end plate b) Muscle spindle
c) Neurotransmitter d) Motor unit

16. Which structure form brush border?

a) Microvilli b) Basal infoldings
c) Cilia d) Villi

17. What is embryonic origin of microglia?

a) Neural crest b) Neural tube
c) Neural plate d) Mesenchyme

18. Somites develop from

a) Paraxial mesoderm b) Intermediate mesoderm
c) Lateral plate mesoderm d) Endoderm

19. Pully-shaped articular surfaces & strong collateral ligaments are

characteristics of
a) Ellipsoid joint b) Condylar joint
c) Hinge joint d) Pivot joint

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20. Example of elastic ligament is
a) Ligamenta flava b) Sacrotuberous ligament
c) Deltoid ligament d) Ilio-femoral ligament

SECTION B Marks:40

Que 2. Attempt any TWO case scenario questions. 16 marks

(1) 45 years old female attended clinic with complain of gradually developed
painless mass in upper lateral quadrant of right breast. She also had complain
of retracted nipple. On examination, clinician found that right axillary lymph
nodes were palpable. (2+2+4 marks)
(A) What is probable diagnosis?
(B) Give anatomical basis of retracted nipple.
(C) Describe lymphatic drainage of breast.
(2) 50 years old male attended clinic with complain of loss of pain & thermal
sensations on right side of face and loss of same sensations from left lower
part of body. He also had complains of difficulty of speech and dysphagia.
MRI revealed vascular lesion in postero-lateral aspect of medulla.
(2+1+5 marks)
(A) What should be probable diagnosis?
(B) Name the artery involved.
(C) Give anatomical basis of above mentioned clinical features.
(3) 35 years old male patient brought to hospital with complains of high grade
fever, severe pain in eye & forehead and orbital swelling on right side.
He had history of incomplete course of antibiotics given for sepsis of
upper lip 1 week ago. Clinical examination revealed periorbital oedema
and extraocular muscles palsy on the same side. (2+2+4 marks)
(A) What is the most probable diagnosis?
(B) Based on clinical features, enumerate the affected nerves.
(C) Explain anatomical basis of clinical features.

Que 3. (A) Write short notes on (ANY TWO) 10 marks

(1) Intermuscular spaces of scapular region
(2) Pectoralis major muscle
(3) Ulnar nerve in hand
(B) Write short notes on 10 marks
(1) Somites OR Fertilization
(2) Development of tongue OR Development of pituitary gland

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(C) Write short note on.... (ANY ONE) 4 marks
(1) Cartilagenous joint
(2) Deep fascia

SECTION C Marks:40

Que 4 Long questions.... (ANY TWO) 16 marks

(1) Describe larynx under following heads.
(a) Fibrous framework
(b) Laryngeal cavity
(c) Motor & sensory innervation
(2) Describe parotid gland under following heads.
(a) External features & relations
(b) Structures traversing through its substance
(c) Neuro-vascular supply
(3) Describe pterygopalatine fossa under following heads.
(a) Boundaries and communications
(b) List of contents
(c) Connections and branches of pterygo-palatine ganglion

Que 5(A) Write short notes on (ANY TWO) 10 marks

(1) Pyramidal tracts
(2) Circle of Willis
(3) Superior colliculus
(B) Write short notes on 10 marks
(1) Histology of hyaline cartilage OR Histology of cardiac muscle
(2) Histology of mix salivary gland OR Histology of cerebellum
(C) Write short note on (ANY ONE) 4 marks
(1) Saddle joints
(2) Implantation
(3) Histology of thymus

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