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FMH Institute of Allied Health Sciences Department of Anatomy 1st Year Attempt all Questions MCQs Q1) In torn?

a) b) c) d) e) severe neck flexion injuries, which of the following ligaments is usually Anterior longitudinal Posterior longitudinal Apical ligament ligamnetum nuchae ligamentum flavum

Q2) Masseter is supplied by which of the following nerves? a) Buccal branch of facial nerve b) Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve c) Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve d) Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve e) Inferior alveolar nerve Q3) Muscles of scalp are innervated by which of the following? a) Supraorbital nerve b) auriculotempolar c) Temporal and auricular nerves d) Greater occipital e) Lesser occipital Q4) Which of the following nerves is the usually the first extra cranial branch of facial nerve? a) Cervical branch b) Marginal mandibular c) Buccal nerve d) zygomatic nerve e) Posterior auricular Q5) Facial nerve enters the temporal bone by which of the following openings in the skull? a) Carotid canal b) Foramen lacerum c) stylomastoid foramen d) Internal acoustic meatus e) Jugular foramen Q6) Mental artery is the terminal branch of which of the following areteries? a) superificial temporal artery b) Transverse facial artery c) Inferior alveolar artery d) Facial artery e) Lingual artery Q7) A surgeon tells a medical student to tap the side of the face of a patient w ho just had thyroid surgery. The surgeon is most worried about damage to which o f the following vessels? a) Common carotid artery b) External carotid artery c) Facial vein d) Internal jugular vein e) Superior and inferior thyroid vein

Q8) Injury to the lower division of the facial nerve during parotid surgery will result in a) An inability to furrow the brow (to frown) on the same side b) Numbness on the angle of mandible and mental region of the jaw of the sa me side c) ptosis of the eye on the same side d) Weakness in closing the eye on the same side e) Weakness of the lower lip on the same side Q9) following thyroidectomy hoarseness of the voice may occur. This condition is caused by damage to the a) Internal laryngeal nerve b) Recurrent laryngeal nerve c) thyroarytenoid muscle d) vestibular folds e) Vocals folds Q10) during an automobile accident a person sustains a broken neck and dies, aft er a small bony fragment is driven into his spinal cord. From which of the follo wing bones was this fragment most likely derived? a) Atlas b) Axis c) 7th cervical vertebrae d) 6th cervical vertebrae e) 3rd cervical vertebrae Q11) Pharynx terminates at the level of which of the following structures? a) Hyoid bone b) cricoid cartilage c) Thyroid cartilage d) Thyroid gland e) Jugular notch Q12) Posterior belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by which of the follo wing nerves? a) Trigeminal nerve b) Facial nerve c) vagus nerve d) ansa subclavia e) hypoglossal nerve Q13) which of the following arteries passes obliquely upwards deep to the poster ior belly of digastric muscle and stylohyoid muscle running deep to submandibula r gland? a) Lingual artery b) Facial artery c) Maxillary d) Superior thyroid artery e) Ascending pharyngeal artery Q14) which of the following muscles aid in depressing the corner of the mouth do wnwards and widens the aperture as in expressions of sadness or fright? a) orbicularis oris b) buccinator muscle c) levator anguli oris d) platysma e) Lateral pterygoid muscle Q15) which of the following nerves is the dorsal ramus of second cervical nerve?

a) b) c) d) e)

Great auricular nerve Greater occipital nerve Lesser occipital nerve Transverse cervical nerve ansa cervicalis

Q16) Your patient has been diagnosed with jugular foramen syndrome which is caus ed by a tumor compressing nerves passing through the jugular foramen. Which of t he following autonomic deficits is the patient most likely to suffer from? a) Loss of sweating on the side of the face b) Reduction in parotid gland secretions c) A dilated pupil d) An eye that is dry and red e) a ptosis (drooping of eyelids) Q17) a young woman after a car accident developed a panda eye. In which layer of the scalp has the blood accumulated? a) Skin b) Dense connective tissue c) epicranial aponeurosis d) Loose Connective tissue e) pericranial aponeurosis Q18) a patient indicates that he cannot feel the skin of his chin or lower lip. Xray confirms a mandibular fracture. The posterior part of the mandible maybe di splaced superiorly by contractions of which muscle a) digastric b) buccinator c) masseter d) lateral pterygoid e) orbicularis oris Q19) A likely a) b) c) d) e) sharp instrument passing through the superior orbital fissure would most sever which of the following structures? abducens nerve facial nerve madibular nerve maxillary nerve optic nerve

Q20) which of the following anatomical landmarks is the site of the anterior fon tanelle in an infant a) bregma b) Coronal suture c) lambdoid suture d) Pterion e) Sagittal suture Q21) A 16 year old boy falls from bicycle and hits his head. His initial exam in the ER is normal but later he lethargic, too drowsy to answer the examiners que stions. His right pupil is 7mm and his left pupil is 4mm. CT imaging revealed a pool of blood has displaced the right temporal lobe to the left. Hematoma is eva cuated and a blood vessel clamped. Through which opening did the lacerated blood vessel enter the cranial cavity? a) foramen spinosum b) stylomastoid foramen c) foramen lacerum d) carotid canal e) jugular foramen

Q22) which of the following is NOT a tributary of external jugular vein? a) posterior division of retromandibular vein b) anterior jugular vein c) transverse cervical vein d) vertebral vein e) suprascapular vein Q23) what is the root value of the supraclavicular nerves? a) C1-C2 b) C2-C3 c) C3-C4 d) C5-C6 e) T1-T2 Q24) which of the following muscle is NOT participating in the formation ( bound aries and floor) of MUSCULAR TRIANGLE? a) mylohyoid muscle b) superior belly of omohyoid muscle c) sternocleidomastoid d) sternohyoid e) sternthyroid Q25) Levator Glandulae Thyroidae is a fibrous or muscular band that frequently c onnects the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid gland to which anatomical structure? a) lower border of mandible b) thyroid cartilage c) cricoid cartilage d) hyoid bone e) manubrium sterni Q26) A patient of pericardial temponade presents with engorgement of veins of th e head and neck region. Which vessel, from which we usually assess jugular venou s pulse, will be rendered clinically useless? a) anterior jugular vein b) external jugular vein c) internal jugular vein d) jugular venous arch Q27) due to multiple salivary calculi (stones) in the submandibular duct, the gl and of 45-year-old man was surgically removed. The major artery directly in rela tion to the gland most likely to be damaged during this procedure would be, a) facial artery b) lingual artery c) ascending pharyngeal artery d) maxillary artery e) madibular artery Q28) a 37-year-old farmer presented in the surgical OPD with a gradually enlargi ng ulcer in the central region of his lower lip for the last 7 months. On examin ation the surgeon found enlarging lymph nodes in the vicinity. Which group of ly mph nodes, in your opinion, will be involved INITIALLY? a) submental nodes b) submandibular nodes c) preauricular nodes d) Deep cervical nodes e) suboccipital nodes Q29) Parotid fascia is formed from which of the following layer of deep cervical fascia? a) Investing layer

b) c) d) e)

Carotid sheath pretracheal layer prevertebral layer buccopharyngeal

Q30) Which of the following nerves is the cutaneous branch of maxillary division of trigeminal nerve? a) lacrimal nerve b) infratrochlear nerve c) auriculotemporal nerve d) buccal nerve e) Superior labial

SEQs Q1) Write a short note on atlantoaxial joint under the following points. a) Type of joint b) Ligaments c) Muscles producing movements Q2) Draw and label the sensory nerve supply of the face Q3) a) Enumerate the structures within the parotid gland. b) what are the superior relations of the parotid gland? d) Give the nerve supply of the Parotid gland. Q4) Briefly describe the extra cranial course of the facial nerve and list the a natomical structures or areas it supplies to. Q5) An infection develops in a dural sinus lateral to the body of the sphenoid b one in the floor of the middle cranial fossa. a) Using your knowledge of anatomy, write down,which dural sinus is located in the above mentioned area? b) Which neurological observation might you expect the patient to exhibit i nitially on the affected side and why? c) Name all the dural venous sinuses. Q6) A 43 year old woman was seen in the ER with a large abscess in the middle of the right posterior triangle of the neck. Physician decided to drain the absces s. 5 days later she complained of inability to raise her right hand above her he ad to brush her hair. Paralysis of Trapezius muscle was noted. a) what nerve do you think is damaged during the drainage? b) Write down the parts of this nerve and give their origin. c) Give the actions of sternocleidomastoid muscle. Q7) Draw and label the CERVICAL PLEXUS. Q8) Enumerate the tributaries of External Jugular vein. Explain the course of an y one. Q9) Write down the blood supply of thyroid gland. What care should be taken rega rding the neighboring structures in thyroidectomy?

Q10) Give the boundaries and contents of Carotid Triangle.

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