Head Neck Mcqs
Head Neck Mcqs
Head Neck Mcqs
4) Which is INCORRECT?
a) in a 4th cranial nerve paralysis, the affected eye lies slightly inturned
b) in a 6th cranial nerve palsy, the lateral rectus is affected
c) in a 3rd nerve palsy, levator palpebrae is affected
d) in an oculomotor nerve palsy the eye looks down and out
18) Which laryngeal muscle is NOT supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve?
a) thyroarytenoid
b) cricothyroid
c) aryepiglottic
d) oblique arytenoid
e) posterior cricoarytenoid
20) Which nerve does NOT supply skin to the upper eyelid?
a) lacrimal
b) supraorbital
c) supratrochlear
d) infratrochlear
e) infraorbital
21) Which extraocular muscle does NOT arise from the tendinous ring of the orbit?
a) superior rectus
b) superior oblique
c) inferior rectus
d) medial rectus
e) lateral rectus
22) Which structure passes through the tendinous ring of the orbit?
a) ophthalmic artery
b) inferior rectus muscle
c) lacrimal nerve
d) trochlear nerve
e) superior oblique muscle
23) Which bone is not part of the medial wall of the orbit?
a) maxilla
b) lacrimal bone
c) sphenoid
d) palatine bone
e) ethmoid
1 A
2 D
3 B
4 A
5 C
6 B
7 D
8 D
9 C
10 E
11 C
12 C
13 B
14 D
15 D
16 A
17 C
18 B
19 C
20 E
21 B
22 A
23 D
24 B
25 E
26 C
27 B
Section 2
Face, Blood Supply, Nerves etc
1 A
2 C
3 A
4 B
5 D
Section 3
Section 3
1 D
2 B
3 C
4 E
5 D
6 D
7 E
8 A
Section 4
9. The atlas
a. Has no foramen in the transverse process
b. Is the narrowest cervical vertebra
c. Has a body
d. Has a posterior arch grooved by the vertebral artery
e. Has a short spinous process
16. Regarding triangles of the neck all of the following structures are boundaries of the triangle named EXCEPT:
a. Submental triangle, mandible
b. Anterior triangle, mandible
c. Digastric triangle, mandible
d. Carotid triangle, sternocleidomastoid
e. Anterior triangle, sternocleidomastoid
17. All of the following are contents of the posterior triangle of the neck EXCEPT:
a. Occipital lymph nodes
b. Accessory nerve
c. Cervical plexus
d. Inferior belly of omohyoid
e. Transverse cervical vessels
18. Which one of the following opens into the inferior meatus of the nose
a. Frontal sinus
b. Ethmoidal sinus
c. Maxillary sinus
d. Nasolacrimal duct
e. Auditory tube
19. A freacture through the roof of the maxillary sinus might result in sensory loss to the
a. Tympanic membrane
b. Lacrimal gland
c. Upper molar teeth
d. Skin overlying the zygomatic bone
e. Upper incisors and canine teeth
20. All of the following structures pass through the jugular foramen EXCEPT:
a. Jugular vein
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve
c. Hypoglossal nerve
d. Accessory nerve
e. Vagus nerve
21. Regarding the basilar artery, all the below are true EXCEPT:
a. Gives off branches to the anterior spinal artery
b. Divides to give off both posterior cerebral arteries
c. Supplies branches to the pons
d. Formed by the union of the vertebral arteries
e. Lies on the ventral aspect of the cerebral peduncle
22. In the circle of Willis
a. The basilar artery divides into right and left posterior cerebellar arteries
b. The middle cerebral arteries branch off and supply the motor but not sensory cortex
c. The anterior communicating artery unites the middle cerebral artery to the internal cerebral artery
d. It encircles the inferior brainstem at C2-3 level
e. The internal carotid artery gives off the ophthalmic artery before dividing into anterior and middle cerebral
23. Regarding the facial vein, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
a. It drains into the internal jugular vein
b. It has no valves
c. It communicates with the cavernous sinus via the ophthalmic vein
d. It runs inferoposteriorly anterior to the facial artery
e. It communicates with the pterygoid plexus via the deep facial vein
39. Contents of the digastric triangle include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Facial artery
b. Submandibular lymph nodes
c. Hypoglossal nerve
d. Glossopharyngeal nerve
e. Nerve to mylohyoid
44. Which of the following combinations is correct regarding the paranasal sinuses and where they drain to?
a. Maxillary sinus; middle meatus
b. Anterior ethmoidal air cells; inferior meatus
c. Posterior ethmoidal air cells; oral cavity
d. Sphenoid sinus; frontonasal recess
e. Frontal sinus; lacrimal duct
48. Larynx
a. Continues with the trachea at C6
b. Its major role is for phonation
c. Lies behind the thyroid gland
d. All the muscles are supplied by the receurrent laryngeal nerve
e. Blood supply is from the inferior thyroid artery
49. Which muscle abducts the vocal cords?
a. Transverse arytenoids
b. Cricothyroid
c. Lateral cricoarytenoid
d. Posterior cricoarytenoid
e. Thyoarytenoid
55. When performing a lumbar puncture the spinal needle should not pass through the
a. Ligamentum flavum
b. Posterior longitudinal ligament
c. Supraspinous ligament
d. Inerspinous ligament
e. Skin
56. All the following are branches of the external carotid artery EXCEPT:
a. Lingual artery
b. Facial artery
c. Ascending pharyngeal artery
d. Hypoglossal artery
e. Superior thyroid artery
58. All the following are boundaries of the named triangle except:
a. Mandible and submental triangle
b. Mandible and anterior triangle
c. Mandible and digastric triangle
d. Sternocleidomastoid and carotid triangle
e. Sternocleidomastoid and anterior triangle
59. All the following are contents of the posterior triangle EXCEPT:
a. Accessory nerve
b. Cervical plexus
c. Inferior belly of omohyoid
d. Transverse cervical vessels
e. Occipital lymph nodes
60. Which of the following enters into the inferior meatus of the nose?
a. Frontal sinus
b. Ethmoidal sinus
c. Maxillary sinus
d. Nasolacrimal duct
e. Auditory tube
61. A fracture through the roof of the maxillary sinus might result in sensory loss to the
a. Tympanicmembrane
b. Lacrimal gland
c. Upper molar teeth
d. Upper incisors and canine teeth
e. Skin overlying the zygomatic bone
62. All the following structures pass through the jugular foramen EXCEPT:
a. Jugular vein
b. Glossopharyngeal nerve
c. Hypoglossal nerve
d. Accessory nerve
e. Vagus nerve
63. Which is true of swallowing?
a. It is entirely voluntary
b. The oropharyngeal portion is voluntary
c. Peristalsis speeds as the bolus descends
d. The voluntary stage commences as food enters the oesophagus
e. It is initially voluntary then involuntary
66. Which vessel supplies a branch which passes through the foramen spinosum?
a. ?
b. ?
c. maxillary artery
d. ?
e. ?