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Anato Test

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They form the middle cranial fossa:

1) Orbital parts of frontal bone
2) Body of sphenoid bone
3) Lesser wings of sphenoid bone
4) Anterior surface of the pyramid of temporal bone
5) Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
6) Greater wings of sphenoid bone
7) Squamous part of temporal bone
A) 2;3;5;7
B) 1;2;5;6
C) 2;3;4;5
D) 1;2;3;7
E) 2;4;6;7
2. Which is not branch of extracranial part of the facial nerve?
A) rr. mаrginаlis mаndibulаe
B) rr. temporales
C) rr. buccаles
D) r. stаpedius
E) rr. colli
3. This belong to the mandibular part of the maxillary artery:
A) a. infraorbitalis
B) a. palatina descendens
C) aa. alveolaris superiors anteriores
D) a. meningea media
E) a. masseterica
4. They are belonged to pterygopalatine part of maxillary artery:
A) a. infraorbitalis, a. sphenopalatina, a. palatina descendens
B) a. masseterica, a. meningea media, a. alveolaris superior posterior
C) aa. alveolares superiores anteriores, palatina descendens, a. tympanica anterior
D) a. meningea media, aa. temporales profundae, a. alveolaris superior posterior
E) palatina descendens, a. tympanica anterior, a. sphenopalatina
5. They raise the mandible in temporomandibular joint:
1) Mylohyoid muscle
2) Temporalis muscle
3) Digastric muscle
4) Masseter muscle
5) Medial pterygoid muscle
6) Stylohyoid muscle
A) 2;3;4
B) 1;2;3
C) 1;3;6
D) 4;5;6
E) 2;4;5
6. The temporal fossa is surrounded superiorly by the:
A) linea temporalis inferior of the parietal bone
B) crista infratemporalis on the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
C) zygomatic arch
D) facies temporalis of the zygomatic bone
E) linea temporalis superior of the parietal bone
7. Weak-developed muscles of facial expressions:
A) muscles around the nose
B) muscles around the orbit
C) epicranial muscles
D) muscles around the auricle
E) muscles around the mouth
8. Define the nervous-vascular bundle passing through parotid gland:
1) Auriculotemporal nerve
2) Facial artery
3) Retromandibular vein
4) Facial nerve
5) Internal jugular vein
6) External jugular vein
A) 2,4,6
B) 1,3,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 4,5,6
E) 1,3,5
9. In formation of which cavities of skull does take place maxilla?
1) Infratemporal fossa
2) Nasal cavity
3) Middle cranial fossa
4) Anterior cranial fossa
5) Orbits
6) Temporal fossa
A) 1;5;6
B) 1;2;5
C) 2;3;4
D) 2;4;5
E) 1;3;6
10. Canalis palatinus major is formed by:
2.Temporal bone
3.Zygomatic bone
4.Sphenoid bone
A) 2. 3
B) 4. 5
C) 3. 5
D) 1. 2
E) 1. 4
11. They form the anterior part of external cranial base:
1.Body of sphenoid bone
2.Palatine processes of maxilla
3.Greater wings of sphenoid bone
4.Petrous part of temporal bone
5.Horizontal plates of palatine bones
A) 2;3
B) 4;5
C) 1;3
D) 1;4
E) 2;5
12. Middle nasal meatus connects with the:
A) middle cranial fossa
B) oral cavity
C) frontal sinus
D) anterior cranial fossa
E) posterior ethmoid cells
13. They connect the middle part of external cranial base with middle cranial fossa:
1) Foramen ovale
2) Canalis palatinus major
3) Foramen spinosum
4) Canalis palatinus minor
5) Foramen lacerum
6) Foramen jugulare
A) 3;4;5
B) 2;3;4
C) 1;2;6
D) 4;5;6
E) 1;3;5
14. The thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic trunk are located:
A) between the parietal and visceral pleura
B) around the main bronchi
C) at the pulmonary hilum
D) behind the internal fascia and parietal pleura
E) between the visceral pleura and organs
15. The sciatic nerve divides into tibial and common fibular nerve at the:
A) at the center of popliteal fossa
B) at the level of lateral angle of popliteal fossa
C) at the level of upper angle of popliteal fossa
D) at the level of medial angle of popliteal fossa
E) at the level of lower angle of popliteal fossa
16. Before leaving skull maxillary nerve gives off:
A) r. ethmoidalis posterior
B) r. infratrochlearis
C) r. orbitalis
D) n. ciliaris longus
E) r. meningeus
17. The secretory nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve is:
A) salivatorius superius
B) dorsalis
C) salivatorius inferius
D) ambiguus
E) sensorius
18. They pass through canaliculus tympanicus.
1.Arteria tympanica inferior
2.Arteria meningea media
3.Venosus plexus foramen ovale
4.Nervus tympanicus
5.Plexus sympaticus arteria carotis interna
A) 2. 3
B) 4. 5
C) 3. 5
D) 1. 2
E) 1. 4
19. This belong to the parts of the maxillary artery:
I. Mandibular
II. Frontal
III. Pterygopalatine
IV. Pterygoid
V. Temporal
20. Canaliculus mastoideus is for:
A) internal carotid nerve
B) ramus meningeus of trigeminal nerve
C) external carotid nerve
D) ramus auricularis of vagus nerve
E) nervus tympanicus
21. Define the structure №5:

A) palatopharyngeal arch
B) palatoglossal arch
C) upper central incisor
D) uvula
E) longitudinal groove of tongue
22. They form the bronchial tree:
1) Lobular bronchioli
2) Respiratory bronchioli
3) Terminal bronchioli
4) Alveolar ducts
5) Alveolar sacs
6) Segmentary bronchi
A) 1;2;3
B) 1;3;6
C) 2;5;6
D) 2;4;6
E) 3;4;5
23. Determine the structure that is located in spatium antescalenum:
A) subclavian artery
B) brachial plexus
C) subclavian vein
D) vertebral artery
E) lingual artery
24. Parotid gland locates in the:
A) oral diaphragm
B) submandibular triangle
C) submental triangle
D) retromandibular fossa
E) infratemporal fossa
25. It is not situated on posterior surface of body of mandible?
A) mental spine
B) mylohyoid line
C) fossa digastrica
D) oblique line
E) fossa sublingualis
26. They form anterior wall of rectus abdominis vagina superiorly than umbilicus:
A) aponeurosis of external oblique muscle and aponeurosis of transverse abdominis
B) transverse abdominis muscle and transverse fascia
C) aponeurosis of external oblique muscle and posterior plate of aponeurosis of internal
oblique abdominis muscle
D) aponeurosis of external oblique muscle and anterior plate of aponeurosis of internal
oblique abdominis muscle
E) anterior and posterior plates of internal oblique abdominis muscle
27. It doesn’t belong to the branches of plexus lumbalis:
A) obturator nerve
B) femoral nerve
C) ilioinguinal nerve
D) superior gluteal nerve
E) iliohypogastric nerve
28. Define the neurovascular bundle which passed through foramen spinosum.
1.Arteria tympanica inferior
2.Arteria meningea media
3.Nervus tympanicus
4.Ramus meningeus of the nervus mandibularis
5.Nervus petrosus profundus
A) 2,5
B) 3,4
C) 1,3
D) 1,5
E) 2,4
29. When do erupt permanent canines (age)?
A) 7-8
B) 9-11
C) 6-7
D) 13-14
E) 11-13
30. Define the juga alveolaria:

A) 7
B) 3
C) 13
D) 8
E) 14
31. Superior cerebellar veins are opened into:
I. Transverse sinus
II. Straight sinus
III. Inferior petrosal sinus
IV. Internal cerebral vein
V. Cavernous sinus
D) I;V
32. It passes through foramen ovale:
A) oculomotor nerve
B) maxillary nerve
C) trochlear nerve
D) mandibular nerve
E) glossopharyngeal nerve
33. The large internal organ nerve’s fibers coming out of the:
A) X-XI thoracic ganglia
B) only XII ganglion
C) I-II cervical ganglia
D) V-IX thoracic ganglia
E) II-IV thoracic ganglia
34. Which branch of the lingual nerve does pass between the deep lingual artery
and veins and enters into tongue?
A) rr. isthmi faucium
B) rr. isthmi faucium et n. sublingualis
C) n. sublingualis
D) rr. linguales et n. sublingualis
E) rr. linguales
35. Determine the parts of orbicularis oculi muscle:
I.Pars palpebralis
II.Pars obliqua
III.Pars orbitalis
IV.Pars nasalis
V.Pars lacrimalis
VI.Pars frontalis
36. Ulnar nerve situates at forearm:
A) between the superficial and deep flexors of the fingers
B) below than superficial flexor of fingers
C) below than deep flexor of fingers
D) between the superficial flexor of fingers and brachioradialis muscle
E) between the deep flexor of fingers and brachioradialis muscle
37. Time of eruption of milky canine teeth (month):
A) 6-7
B) 20-30
C) 16-20
D) 12-15
E) 8-9
38. It takes part in the formation base of the scaleno-vertebral triangle:
A) Apex of the lungs
B) Anterior scalene muscle
C) Transverce process of the VI cervical vertebra
D) Longus colli muscle
E) Cervical vertebrae
39. It takes place in formation of the lateral wall of orbit:
A) orbital process of the palatine bone
B) orbital sufaces of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
C) the frontal process of the maxilla
D) orbital surface of the maxilla
E) orbital surface of zygomatic bone
40. Identify the superior horn of thyroid cartilage:
A) 3
B) 2
C) 1
D) 4
E) 5
41. By unilateral contraction it moves the mandible to opposite side:
A) medial pterygoid muscle
B) masseter muscle
C) posterior bundles of temporalis muscle
D) mylohyoid muscle
E) lateral pterygoid muscle
42. Determine the functions of platysma.
1.Pulls down the mandible
2.It elevates angulus oris
3.It helps to blood circulation in subcutaneous veins
4.It elevates the chest
5.Pulls down the angulus oris
A) 1;3
B) 2;5
C) 1;2
D) 2;4
E) 3;5
43. Piroqov´s triangle is bounded superiorly by:
A) tendon of digastric muscle
B) inferior belly of omohyoid muscle
C) mylohyoid muscle
D) hypoglossal nerve
E) anterior belly of digastrics muscle
44. The phrenic nerve is the branch of:
A) hypoglossal nerve
B) accessory nerve
C) vagus nerve
D) plexus cervicalis
E) plexus brachialis
45. Middle nasal meatus connects with the:
A) pterygopalatine fossa
B) anterior cranial fossa
C) middle cranial fossa
D) oral cavity
E) posterior ethmoid cells
46. The frontal sinus connects with the:
A) superior nasal meatus
B) middle cranial fossa
C) pterygopalatine fossa
D) middle nasal meatus
E) inferior nasal meatus
47. The bones of facial skeleton are connected by:
1) Syndesmosis
2) Synchondrosis
3) Synovial joint
4) Synsarcosis
5) Synostosis
A) 1,2,3
B) 1,3,4
C) 2,3,5
D) 3,4,5
E) 2,4,5
48. Parts of aorta in order:
A) ascending, arch, descending
B) bulb, descending, arch
C) ascending, descending, arch
D) descending, bulb, arch
E) descending, arch, ascending
49. Arterial circle supplies:
I. Lamina terminalis
II. Tuber cinereum
III. Optic nerve
IV. Walls of cavernous sinus
V. Trigeminal ganglion
VI. Infundibulum
50. It belongs to pterygoid part of maxillary artery:
A) a. infraorbitalis
B) palatina descendens
C) a. meningea media
D) aa. alveolares anteriores superiores
E) a. masseterica
51. It doesn’t belong to the branches of the mandibular part of maxillary artery:
A) aa. temporales profundae
B) a. tympanica anterior
C) a. alveolaris inferior
D) a. auricularis profunda
E) a. meningea media
52. It elevates and pulls back the mandible:
A) lateral pterygoid muscle
B) masseter muscle
C) zygomaticus major muscle
D) medial pterygoid muscle
E) temporal muscle
53. It innervates the mucous membrane of the anterior part of lateral walls of nasal
A) n.ethmoidalis anterior
B) n.ciliaris longus
C) n.nasociliaris
D) n.ethmoidalis posterior
E) n.infrathrochlearis
54. The middle cranial fossa is surrounded from anterior and posterior sides:
1) Inferior border of the petrous part of temporal bone
2) Posterior border of bone palate
3) Posterior border of lesser wings of sphenoid bone
4) Superior border of the petrous part of temporal bone
5) Anterior border of foramen magnum
A) 1;2
B) 3;4
C) 4;5
D) 1;5
E) 2;3
55. They locate on the alveolar arch of maxilla:
1) Dental alveoli
2) Interradicular septae
3) Posterior nasal spine
4) Anterior nasal spine
5) Interalveolar septa
A) 1;2;5
B) 1;2; 4
C) 2;3;4
D) 3;4;5
E) 1;2;3
56. Borders of the heart are called:
A) base
B) posterior surface
C) apex
D) pulmonal surface
E) anterior surface
57. It is not muscle of mastication:
A) buccinator muscle
B) temporal muscle
C) lateral pterygoid muscle
D) medial pterygoid muscle
E) masseteric muscle
58. The deep lymph nodes of the face are located in the:
A) medial surface of the mandible
B) mouth
C) lateral surface of the mandible
D) under the mandible
E) infratemporal fossa
59. Determine the muscle of facial expression with fascia:
A) levator anguli oris muscle
B) levator labii superioris muscle
C) buccinator muscle
D) orbicularis oculi muscle
E) corrugator supercilii muscle
60. Middle temporal artery supplies:
A) external acoustic meatus
B) temporal muscle
C) frontalis muscle
D) auricle
E) orbicularis oculi muscle
61. The temporal fossa is surrounded laterally by the:
A) crista infratemporalis on the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
B) facies temporalis of the zygomatic bone
C) linea temporalis superior of the parietal bone
D) zygomatic arch
E) linea temporalis inferior of the parietal bone
62. It belongs to the cervical part of vagus nerve:
A) rr. cardiaci thoracica
B) rr. esophagei
C) rr. bronchiales
D) rr. tracheales
E) r. laryngeus reccurens
63. The superior middle alveolar branch begins at:
A) sulcus infraorbitalis
B) canalis infraorbitalis
C) foramen infraorbitale
D) fossa canina
E) on the tuber maxillae
64. Determine the structure that is located in spatium antescalenum:
A) brachial plexus
B) vertebral artery
C) lingual artery
D) inferior belly omohyoid muscle
E) subclavian artery
65. The most superior structure on the hilum of right lung:
A) pulmonary veins
B) main bronchus
C) lymph vessels
D) pulmonary artery
E) nerves
66. True expressions about antescalenic space:
1) It is surrounded by middle scalene muscle posteriorly
2) It is surrounded by anterior scalene muscle posteriorly
3) It consists of brachial plexus
4) It consists of subclavian vein
5) It is surrounded by sternothyroid and sternohyoid muscles anteriorly
A) 2,4,5
B) 1,2,4
C) 1,3,4
D) 2,3,5
E) 3,4,5
67. N. Supratrochlcaris innervates:
A) lacrimal gland
B) skin of forehead
C) skin of temporal region
D) skin of lateral angle of eye
E) skin of medial angle of eye
68. The nerve of pterygoid canal is formed by the connection of:
A) n. petrosus minor, rr. nasales posteriores superiores
B) chorda tumpani, n. petrosus minor
C) n. petrosus major, n. petrosus profundus
D) n. petrosus profundus, rr. nasales posteriores superiores mediales
E) nn. palatini minores, chorda tumpani
69. It takes part in the formation of medial side of the scaleno-vertebral triangle:
A) Anterior scalene muscle
B) Cervical vertebrae and longus colli muscle
C) Transverce process of the VI cervical vertebra
D) Longus capitis muscle
E) Apex of the lungs
70. Define the intraperitoneal parts of large intestine:
1) Cecum
2) Upper third of rectum
3) Transverse colon
4) Descending colon
5) Sigmoid colon
6) Middle third of rectum
A) 2;3;4;5
B) 2;4;5;6
C) 1;2;3;5
D) 1;2;3;4
E) 3;4;5;6
71. The deep part of masseter muscle originates from:
A) nasal surface of maxilla
B) masseteric tuberosity
C) mandibular angle
D) lateral surface of zygomatic arch
E) medial surface of zygomatic arch
72. VI segment of the liver corresponds to:
A) the supero-anterior part of the right lobe
B) the lateral infero-anterior part of the right lobe
C) the posterior part of the left lobe
D) the quadratus lobe
E) the caudatus lobe
73. The coronoid process is:

A) 4
B) 3
C) 2
D) 1
E) 5
74. The medial border of Pirogov’s triangle is:
A) hypoglossal nerve
B) anterior belly of digastric muscle
C) middle tendon digastric muscle
D) posterior belly of digastric muscle
E) lateral border of the mylohyoid muscle
75. By bilateral contraction they tense the pretracheal fascia:
A) thyrohyoid muscle
B) omohyoid muscle
C) sternothyroid muscle
D) sternohyoid muscle
E) stylohyoid muscle
76. It doesn’t belong to emissary veins:
A) emissary parietal vein
B) emissary mastoid vein
C) emissary condylar vein
D) superior ophthalmic vein
E) emissary occipital vein
77. N. cutaneus femoris lateralis comes from the:
A) lower anterior iliac spine
B) lower posterior iliac spine
C) iliac crest
D) upper posterior iliac spine
E) upper anterior iliac spine
78. These are belonged to features of muscles of facial expressions:
1.They do not take part in formation of speech
2.They take part in sucking
3.They are separated from skin by superficial fascia
4.Have good developed tendons
5.They are numerous
6.Show emotions
A) 2;5;6
B) 2;3;6
C) 1;4;6
D) 1;3;4
E) 2;3;5
79. Connections of middle cranial fossa:
1) Orbits
2) Oral cavity
3) Pterygopalatine fossa
4) Middle nasal meatus
5) Middle part of external cranial base
A) 1;2;3
B) 2;3;4
C) 3;4;5
D) 1;2;5
E) 1;3;5
80. Which nerve contains motor fibers for mm. levator veli palatini and uvulae?
A) buccalis
B) petrosus major
C) auricularis posterior
D) chorda tympani
E) stapedius
81. This belong to the pterygopalatine part of the maxillary artery
A) a. meningea media,aa temporalis profundae,aa. alveolares superior posterior
B) alveolaris superiors anteriores , a. palatina descendens, a. tympanica anterior
C) a. palatina descendens,a. tympanica anterior,a. spenopalatina
D) a. infraorbitalis, a. sphenopalatina,a. palatina descendens
E) a. masseterica,a. meningea media,a. alveoalares superior posterior
82. Sphenopalatine artery supplies:
I. Nasal part of pharynx
II. Frontal sinus
III. Mucous membrane of nasal meatuses
IV. Auditory tube
V. Maxillary sinus
83. The superior boundary of liver locates at anetrior side and left:
A) at the level of IX thoracic vertebra
B) at VII-VIII intercostal spaces
C) at the level of V costal cartilage
D) at the base of xyphoid process
E) at the level of VI costal cartilage
84. Define the structure №2:

A) diaphragmatic surface of lung
B) middle lobe of right lung
C) superior lobe of left lung
D) apex of lung ağciyərin zirvəsi
E) inferior lobe of left lung
85. Muscle of neck acting also in breathing:
A) omohyoid muscle
B) longus colli muscle
C) sternothyroid muscle
D) sternocleidomastoid muscle
E) platysma
86. The posterior superior nasal branches pass into the nasal cavity through:
A) canalis incisivus
B) sphenopalatine foramen
C) anterior ethmoidal foramen
D) posterior ethmoidal foramen
E) foramina olfactoria
87. The anterior skin branches of the femoral nerve supply:
A) skin of anterior lateral surface of thigh
B) skin of posterior lateral surface of thigh
C) skin of anterior, medial and posterior surfaces of thigh

D) skin of posterior medial surface of thigh

E) skin of anterior medial surface of thigh
88. Parasympathetic centers don’t situate at:
A) thoracic segments
B) II – IV sacral segments
C) midbrain
D) medulla oblongata
E) pons
89. Horizontal part of duodenum ends at:
A) right side of IV lumbar vertebra
B) right side of III lumbar vertebra
C) left side of II lumbar vertebra
D) left side of IV lumbar vertebra
E) left side of III lumbar vertebra
90. Define the accordance.
1) Anterior cranial fossa is formed by
2) Middle cranial fossa is formed by
a) Cerebral surface of orbital parts of the frontal bone
b) Cerebral surface of greater wing of sphenoid bone
c) Anterior surface of petrous part of the temporal bone
d) Cerebral surface of lesser wing of sphenoid bone
e) Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
f) Part of the squamous part of the temporal bone
A) 1-a, d, e; 2-b, c, f
B) 1-d, e,f; 2- a, b,c
C) 1 -a, b, f; 2-c, d,e
D) 1-c, d, e; 2-a, b, f
E) 1-a, b,c; 2-d, e,f
91. To what group of the neck muscles does m.longus colli belong?
A) deep medial muscles of the neck
B) suprahyoid muscles of the neck
C) deep lateral muscles of the neck
D) infrahyoid muscles of the neck
E) superficial muscles of the neck
92. Middle nasal meatus connects with the:
A) anterior cranial fossa
B) maxillary sinus
C) middle cranial fossa
D) posterior ethmoid cells
E) oral cavity
93. Through which sinus does pass the internal carotid artery?
A) inferior sagittal
B) cavernous
C) straight
D) transverse
E) superior sagittal
94. They are belonged to roots of portal vein:
A) v. lienalis, v. mesenterica superior, vv. lumbales
B) vv. lumbales, v. renalis, v. mesenterica superior
C) v. renalis, v. mesenterica superior, v. azygos
D) v. renalis, v. mesenterica inferior, v. azygos
E) v. lienalis, v. mesenterica superior, v. mesenterica inferior
95. It comes from the upper anterior iliac spine:
A) ilioinguinal nerve
B) superior gluteal nerve
C) obturator nerve
D) n.cutaneus femoris lateralis
E) femoral nerve
96. They aren’t belonged to diploic veins:
A) v. diploica temporalis anterior
B) v.diploica frontalis
C) v. diploica temporalis posterior
D) v. parietalis
E) v. occipitalis
97. It is opened to the right atrium:
I. Superior vena cava
II. Pulmonary veins
III. Coronary sinus
IV. Inferior vena cava
V. Magna cordis vein
VI. Parva cordis vein
98. The omotracheal triangle is bounded posteriorly by:
A) sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscle
B) superior belly of omohyoid muscle
C) anterior belly of digastric muscle
D) posterior belly of digastric muscle
E) inferior belly of omohyoid muscle
99. These don’t belong to the branchs of the mandibular part of the maxillary artery:
A) a. tympanica anterior
B) a. alveolaris inferior
C) a. auricularis profunda
D) a. temporalis profunda
E) a. meningea media
100. Radial artery locates at the lower part of forearm:
A) between the brachioradialis and pronator teres
B) between the brachioradialis and ulnar flexor of wrist
C) between the brachioradialis and radial flexor of wrist
D) between the superficial flexor of fingers and ulnar flexor of wrist
E) between the superficial and deep flexors of fingers
101. Define the cyctic duct:

A) 1
B) 5
C) 4
D) 2
E) 3
102. It protects deep veins of neck from compression:
A) platysma
B) longus colli muscle
C) omohyoid muscle
D) anterior scalene muscle
E) middle scalene muscle
103. They belong to the superficial muscles of back:
1) Trapezius muscle
2) Long and short muscles of back
3) Erector spinae muscle
4) Latissimus dorsi muscle
5) Rhomboid muscle
A) 1, 3, 4
B) 2, 3, 5
C) 1, 2, 5
D) 1, 4, 5
E) 1, 2, 3
104. It doesn’t belong to the innervation zone of ilioinguinal nerve:
A) root of the penis
B) scrotum
C) labia majora
D) m. latissimus dorsi
E) skin of the upper medial region of the thigh
105. They don’t belong to the lateral muscles of abdomen:
I. External oblique
II. Pyramidalis
III. Internal oblique
IV. Transverse
V. Rectus
VI. Quadrate lumborum
106. Function of levator veli palatini muscle:
I.Elevates the velum palatinum
II.Narrows the pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
III.Enlarges the pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
IV.Separates the nasal and oral cavities
V.Tenses the soft palate
B) I; II; IV
D) I; IV; V
107. It takes place in formation of the medial wall of orbit:
A) orbital surface of zygomatic bone
B) orbital sufaces of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
C) orbital process of the palatine bone
D) orbital surface of the maxilla
E) the frontal process of the maxilla
108. They are belonged to the parts of maxillary artery:
I. Mandibular
II. Frontal
III. Pterygopalatine
IV. Pterygoid
V. Temporal
109. It is formed by connection of occipital and posterior auricular veins:
A) vena cava superior
B) internal jugular vein
C) external jugular vein
D) anterior jugular vein
E) brachiocephalic vein
110. It belongs to posterior deep muscles of leg:
A) flexor digitorum longus muscle
B) gastrocnemius
C) plantaris
D) extensor digitorum longus muscle
E) extensor hallucis longus muscle
111. Upper boundary of the heart in mature people passes from the what line, or
which intercostals spaces?
A) from line connecting I ribs
B) from line connecting V ribs
C) from the II intercostal spaces
D) from line connecting IV ribs
E) from the III intercostal spaces
112. Teeth are developed from:
A) mesoderm and entoderm
B) ectoderm and mesenchim
C) entoderm
D) ectoderm
E) mesoderm
113. By bilateral contraction it moves mandible forward:
A) lateral pterygoid muscle
B) geniohyoid muscle
C) anterior bundles of temporalis muscle
D) mylohyoid muscle
E) digastric muscle
114. The aortic valve sounds heard in the:
A) right border of the sternum at level II intercostal space
B) left border of the sternum at level II intercostal space
C) right border of the sternum at level I intercostal space
D) left border of the sternum at level I intercostal space
E) right border of the sternum at level II-III intercostal spaces
115. Time of eruption of permanent central incisors teeth (year):
A) 9-10
B) 8
C) 17-26
D) 11-13
E) 13-16
116. When do erupt milky first molar teeth (month)?
A) 12-15
B) 8-9
C) 6-7
D) 16-20
E) 20-30
117. At the level of which thoracic vertebrae is located the bronchial constriction of
118. N.saphenus enters into the adductor canal:
A) above than sartorius muscle
B) at the midst of femoral triangle
C) from below of sartorius muscles
D) at the tip of femoral triangle
E) at the base of femoral triangle
119. The relation of stomach to peritoneum:
A) retroperitoneal
B) extraperitoneal
C) intraperitoneal
D) mesoperitoneal
E) mesoperitoneal and extraperitoneal
120. Musculus epicranius:
A) muscle of head with aponeurosis
B) muscle of orbit
C) locates inferiorly than oral angle
D) muscle of nose
E) locates anteriorly than oral angle
121. No cartilage in:
A) trachea
B) terminal bronchiols
C) lobular bronchiols
D) lobar bronchus
E) segmentary bronchus
122. Superficial fibular nerve innervates:
A) lateral muscles of leg
B) medial muscles of thigh
C) posterior muscles of thigh
D) posterior muscles of leg
E) anterior muscles of leg
123. They are visceral roots of vena cava inferior:
A) v. renalis, vv. phrenicae inferiores, vv. lumbales
B) v. gastirca, vv.lumbales, vv. phrenicae
C) v. lienalis, v. qastirca, v. sacralis mediana
D) v. suprarenalis, v.renalis, v. ovarica (testicularis)
E) v. ovarica (testicularis), v. suprarenalis, vv. phrenicae inferiores
124. At which week of embryo does develop the germ of teeth?
A) 6-7
B) 7
C) 11-12
D) 5-6
E) 12-13
125. Time of eruption of second milky molar teeth (month):
A) 8-9
B) 16-20
C) 12-15
D) 6-7
E) 20-30
126. It belongs to the branches of the brachiocephalic trunk:
I. A. subclavia dexta
II. A. carotis communis sinistra
III. A. carotis sommunis dextra
IV. A. subclavia sinistra
V. A. thyroidea ima
127. Where does locate the transverse sinus?
A) at inferior concave border of cerebral falx
B) transverse sinus groove of occipital bone
C) between the foramen cecum and internal occipital protuberance
D) at connection of cerebral falx and tentorium cerebelli
E) at confluens sinuum
128. They narrow the fauces:
A) palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus muscles
B) m.uvulae and tensor veli palatini muscle
C) palatoglossus and tensor veli palatini muscle
D) palatopharyngeus muscle and tensor veli palatini muscle
E) m.uvulae and palatopharyngeus muscle
129. N.lingualis situates:
A) in front of medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
B) behind medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
C) behind lateral pterygoid muscle
D) between medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
E) in front of medial pterygoid muscle
130. It innervates the mucous membrane of posterior cells of ethmoid labyrinth:
A) n.ciliaris longus
B) n.ethmoidalis posterior
C) n.nasociliaris
D) n.infrathrochlearis
E) n.ethmoidolis anterior
131. Cardiac and pyloric parts of stomach are corresponded in newborn:
A) cardiac – VIII-IX; pyloric – XI-XII thoracic vertebrae
B) cardiac – VI-IX; pyloric – XI-XII thoracic vertebrae
C) cardiac – VI-XI; pyloric – X-XII thoracic vertebrae
D) cardiac – V-IX; pyloric – XI-XII thoracic vertebrae
E) cardiac – VIII-IX; pyloric – X-XII thoracic vertebrae
132. Parts of stomach change their place around sagittal axis:
A) cranial part to upward; pyloric part to right
B) cranial part to forward; pyloric part to backward
C) cranial part to right; pyloric part to left
D) cranial part to left; pyloric part to right
E) cranial part to upward; pyloric part to downward
133. Trachea doesn’t in contact anteriorly with:
A) isthmus of thyroid gland
B) plexus thyroideus impar
C) lobes of thyroid gland
D) art.thyroidea ima
E) pretracheal lymph nodes
134. “Recessus costodiafragmaticus pleurae” is more deep:
A) at level posterior axillary line
B) between the anterior and middle axillary lines
C) between the middle and posterior axillary lines
D) at level middle axillary line
E) at level anterior axillary line
135. The III segment of the liver corresponds to the:
A) the lateral superio-posterior part of the right lobe
B) anterior part of the left lobe
C) the antero-inferior part of the right lobe
D) posterior-superior part of the left lobe
E) posterior part of the left lobe
136. Determine the insertion of masseteric muscle.
A) medial surface of zygomatic arch
B) frontal process of maxilla
C) pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
D) masseteric tuberosity
E) lateral surface zygomatic arch
137. Insertion of masseter muscle:
A) lateral surface of zygomatic arch
B) medial surface of zygomatic arch
C) frontal process of maxilla
D) pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
E) masseteric tuberosity
138. Left posterior sector of liver corresponds to:
A) III segment
B) I segment
C) V segment
D) IV segment
E) II segment
139. Right paramedian sector corresponds to:
A) V-VII segments
B) IV-VIII segments
C) V-VIII segments
D) II-VI segments
E) IV-V segments
140. N.saphenus passes down between the:
A) anterior and medial thigh muscles
B) posterior and medial thigh muscles
C) biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles
D) anterior and posterior thigh muscles
E) sartorius and quadriceps femoris muscles
141. The temporal fossa is surrounded anteriorly by the:
A) facies temporalis of the zygomatic bone
B) linea temporalis inferior of the parietal bone
C) crista infratemporalis on the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
D) zygomatic arch
E) linea temporalis superior of the parietal bone
142. Inferior interpleural area (space) situates:
A) on anterior limit of pleura below than IV rib
B) on anterior limit of pleura below than II rib
C) on anterior limit of pleura below than III rib
D) on anterior limit of pleura below than V rib
E) plevranın ön hüdu on anterior limit of pleura below than VI rib
143. Determine the vessels which supply the subcutaneus (platysma) muscle of the
1.A. occipitalis
2.A. facialis
3.A. sublingualis
4.A. transversa cervicalis
5.A. thyroidea inferior
A) 1,3
B) 2,4
C) 3,4
D) 1,5
E) 2,5
144. The deeper part of the “Recessus costodiafragmaticus pleurae”according to
which ribs?
D) VI - IX
145. It originates from petrous part of internal carotid artery:
A) a. meningea media
B) a. tympanica anterior
C) a. tympanica superior
D) a. ethmoidalis anterior
E) rr. caroticotympanicae
146. The anterior boundary of right pleural sac passes to inferior boundary at the
level of:
A) V rib
B) VI rib
C) VII rib
D) IV rib
E) VIII rib
147. It doesn’t belong to the innervation zone of iliohypogastric nerve:
A) skin of the lateral gluteal region
B) skin above the pubic symphysis
C) m. transversus abdominis
D) m. obliquus internus abdominis
E) m. obliquus externus abdominis
148. It is located in retromandibular fossa:
A) subclavian vein
B) parotid gland
C) subclavian artery
D) sublingual gland
E) submandibular gland
149. When do erupt permanent first premolars (age)?
A) 13-14
B) 7-8
C) 11-13
D) 10-11
E) 9-11
150. It doesn’t pass throught foramen jugulare:
A) glossopharyngeal nerve
B) internal jugular vein
C) accessory nerve
D) facial nerve
E) vagus nerve
151. Tensor veli palatini muscle:
A) separates nasal and oral cavities
B) enlarges fauces
C) enlarges the auditory tube
D) narrows fauces
E) shortens uvula
152. The superior border of Pirogov’s triangle is:
A) hypoglossal nerve
B) lateral border of the mylohyoid muscle
C) posterior belly of digastric muscle
D) anterior belly of digastric muscle
E) middle tendon digastric muscle
153. The deepest alveolus belongs to:
A) canines
B) lateral incisors
C) central incisors
D) premolars
E) molars
154. It belongs to porto-caval anastomoses:
A) between the lumbar veins and azygos, hemiazygos veins
B) between the lumbar veins and intercostal veins
C) between superior rectal vein and middle, inferior rectal veins
D) between the phrenic (diaphragmatic) veins and esophageal and pericardiacophrenic
E) between the superior and inferior epigastric veins
155. The largest of the arteries supplying the dura mater:
A) posterior auricular artery
B) occipital artery
C) middle meningeal artery
D) ascending pharyngeal artery
E) spheno-palatine artery
156. The skelotopy of cardiac part of stomach:
A) at right side of bodies of X-XI thoracic vertebrae
B) at anterior side of bodies of X-XI thoracic vertebrae
C) at left side of bodies of X-XI thoracic vertebrae
D) ) at left side of bodies of IX-X thoracic vertebrae
E) ) at right side of bodies of IX-X thoracic vertebrae
157. Which muscles are innervated by facial nerve ?
I.Muscles for facial expression
II.Mastication muscles
III.Levator veli palatini muscle
IV.Stylohyoid musclei
V.Tensor veli palatini muscle
VI.Stapedius muscle
A) I; II; IV; VI
B) II; IV; V; VI
E) I; IV; V; VI
158. It locates at porta hepatis:
A) ductus pancreaticus
B) ductus hepaticus communis
C) arteria hepatica communis
D) ductus choledochus
E) ductus cysticus
159. The pterygoid canal artery does not supply:
I. Pharyngeal fornix
II. Muscles of the soft palate
III. Uvulae muscle
IV. Auditive tube
160. Antero-superior boundary of liver locates at right:
A) at the level of V costal cartilage by right midclavicular line
B) at the level VI-VII costal cartilages by left parasternal line
C) at the apex of xyphoid process by midline
D) at the level of VI costal cartilage by right anterior axillary line
E) at the level of VII-VIII costal cartilage by right anterior axillary line
161. Common bile duct (ductus choleodochus) is formed by connection of:
A) pancreatic duct and cystic duct
B) common hepatic duct and cystic duct
C) right and left hepatic ducts
D) common hepatic duct and segmentary ducts
E) pancreatic duct and accessory pancreatic duct
162. Features of right main bronchus:
1) Short
2) Long
3) Near the midline
4) Narrow
5) Far from midline
6) Wide
A) 2;4;6
B) 1;3; 6
C) 2;4;5
D) 4;5;6
E) 1;2;3
163. Determine the topography of larynx in female:
A) between the lower border of IV cervical vertebra and lower border of VII cervical
B) between the upper border of IV cervical vertebra and upper border of VII cervical
C) between the upper border of V cervical vertebra and lower border of VII cervical
D) between the lower border of IV cervical vertebra and upper border of VII cervical
E) between the lower border of IV cervical vertebra and lower border of VI cervical
164. Take part in the formation of the medial side of the scaleno-vertebral triangle:
1.Apex of the lungs
2.Anterior scalene muscle
3.Longus colli muscle
4.Transverce process of the VI cervical vertebra
5.Cervical vertebrae
A) 1,2
B) 4,5
C) 3,4
D) 1,5
E) 3,5
165. It surrounds the laryngeal ventricle from superior side:
A) cartilago arytenoidea
B) plica vestibularis
C) plica vocalis
D) epiglottis
E) plica aryepiglottica
166. It doesn’t belong to the intracranial branches of the facial nerve:
A) r. petrosus major
B) chorda tympani
C) r. communicans
D) r. petrosus minor
E) r. stapedius
167. Cartilage of larynx with arch:
A) cartilago arytenoidea
B) cartilago thyroidea
C) cartilago corniculata
D) cartilago cuneiformis
E) cartilago cricoidea
168. Define the accordance.
1) Middle cranial fossa is formed by
2) Posterior cranial fossa is formed by
a) Posterior surface of petrous part of the temporal bone
b) Cerebral surface of greater wing of sphenoid bone
c) Part of the internal surface of the squamous part of the occipital bone
d) Anterior surface of petrous part of the temporal bone
e) Medial surface of mastoid process of the temporal bone
f) superior surface of body of the sphenoid bone
A) 1-c, d, e; 2-a, b,f
B) 1- d,e,f; 2-a, b, c
C) 1-b,c,f ; 2-a, d, e
D) 1-a, b, f; 2-c, d, e
E) 1-b, d, f; 2-a, c. e
169. The fibers of which head muscle also do attach to articular capsule?
A) medial pterygoid muscle
B) lateral pterygoid muscle
C) temporal muscle
D) epicranius muscle
E) masseter muscle
170. It doesn’t take place in vocal apparatus:
A) rima glottidis
B) vestibular folds
C) vocal folds
D) vocal ligaments
E) vocal muscle
171. “N. Masticatorius” before entering the masseter muscle innervates:
A) temporal muscle
B) temporomandibular joint
C) lateral pterygoid muscle
D) buccinator muscle
E) medial pterygoid muscle
172. Define the middle lobe of right lung:
A) 1
B) 3
C) 4
D) 2
E) 5
173. It runs parallel to iliohypogastric nerve:
A) superior gluteal nerve
B) femoral nerve
C) inferior gluteal nerve
D) obturator nerve
E) ilioinguinal nerve
174. They belonged to muscles which tense the vocal ligaments:
1) Transverse arythenoid
2) Oblique arythenoid
3) Vocalis
4) Lateral cricoarythenoid
5) Cricothyroid
A) 1;5
B) 3;5
C) 2;4
D) 2;4
E) 1;3
175. It doesn’t open into the coronary venous sinus:
A) v. obliqua atrii sinistri
B) v. cordis media
C) v. cordis parva
D) v. cordis magna
E) vv. cordis minimae
176. It does not belong to the accessory apparatus of muscle:
A) tendon sheaths
B) fascia
C) articular capsule
D) sesamoid bones
E) synovial sacs
177. It locates at the center of pulmonary segment:
1) Segmentary bronchus
2) Lymph vessel
3) Nerves
4) Segmentary artery
5) Segmentary vein
A) 2;3
B) 4;5
C) 1;4
D) 1;5
E) 2;4
178. They don’t belong to alveolar tree:
1) Respiratory bronchioli
2) Terminal bronchioli
3) Alveolar ducts
4) Alveolar sacs
5) Lobular bronchioli
6) Segmentary bronchioli
A) 2;3;6
B) 3;4;5
C) 2;5;6
D) 1;2;3
E) 1;4;5
179. “Mordex apertus” means:
A) straight bite
B) forwarded maxilla
C) open bite
D) forwarded mandible
E) oblique bite
180. Which branch of the ophthalmic nerve has innervation zone in the nasal cavity?
A) nn. ciliaris longi
B) n. ethmoidalis anterior
C) n. infratrochlearis
D) n. infratrochlearis and nn. ciliaris longi
E) r. communicans
181. Which rib does the inferior boundary of right pleural sac cross by midclavicular
(mamillary) line?
A) 8
B) 6
C) 7
D) 9
E) 5
182. The lateral pterygoid muscle attaches to:
I. Fovea pterygoidea on the neck of mandible
II. Condyloid process of mandible
III. Capsule of the temporomandibular joint
IV. Discus articularis
V. Tuberositas pterygoidea
C) II; IV; V
183. Biceps muscles can be observed:
I. At the back of femur
II. In front of brachium
III. At antebrachium
IV. On the neck
V. At abdomen
184. At which opening does zygomatic nerve branches?
A) zygomaticofacial foramen
B) zygomaticotemporal foramen
C) zygomaticoorbital foramen
D) sphenopalatine foramen
E) infraorbital foramen
185. Nasopalatine nerve through incisival canal passes into:
A) superior nasal meatus
B) inferior nasal meatus
C) pterygopalatine fossa
D) oral cavity
E) middle nasal meatus
186. Canaliculus mastoideus ends in the:
A) internal acoustic meatus
B) petrotympanic fissurae
C) tympanomastoid fissurae
D) petrosquamous fissurae
E) tympanosquamous fissurae
187. Fissura orbitalis inferior connects orbit with the:
1.Infratemporal fossa
2.Temporal fossa
3.Pterygopalatine fossa
4.Middle nasal meatus
5.Superior nasal meatus
A) 1.3
B) 1.5
C) 4.5
D) 2.4
E) 2.3
188. N.lingualis originates from n.mandibularis at:
A) canalis incisivus
B) foramen sphenopalatinum
C) foramen ovale
D) fissura orbitalis inferior
E) foramen spinosum
189. They are opened into external jugular vein:
A) v. suprascapularis, v. jugularis anterior
B) v. thoracica interna, v. jugularis anterior
C) vv.transversae, v.lingualis
D) v.lingualis, v. occipitalis
E) intercostalis suprema, v. auricularis posterior
190. N.lingualis reaches to the lateral surface of tongue:
A) between medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
B) between the internal surface of n.mandibularis and medial pterygoid muscle
C) between the external surface of n.mandibularis and medial pterygoid muscle
D) in front of medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
E) behind medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
191. Sciatic nerve doesn’t innervate:
A) gluteus muscles
B) quadratus muscle of the thigh
C) hip joint
D) adductor longus muscle
E) internal obturator muscle
192. The lingual branches of the lingual nerve passes:
A) between the deep lingual artery and vein
B) in front of deep lingual artery
C) behind of deep lingual artery
D) between the deep lingual artery and lateral pterygoid muscle
E) between the lingual veins and lateral pterygoid muscle
193. With which cranial nerve does deep petrosal nerve connect before entering the
pterygoid canal?
A) lesser petrosal nerve
B) stapedius nerve
C) chorda tympani
D) caroticotympanic nerves
E) greater petrosal nerve
194. It isn’t the mixed cranial nerve:
C) V
E) X
195. Which nerves do innervate the salivary glands?
1) Greater petrosal nerve
2) Lesser petrosal nerve
3) Deep petrosal nerve
4) Auriculotemporal nerve
5) Plexus of external carotid artery
6) Middle meningeal plexus
A) 1,4,5
B) 2,4,5
C) 3,4,6
D) 4,5,6
E) 1,2,3
196. The pterygoid plexus is in the:
A) temporal fossa
B) retromandibular fossa
C) submental triangle
D) submandibular triangle
E) infratemporal fossa
197. It doesn’t belong to the branches of maxillary nerve:
A) r. meningeus
B) r. zygomaticus
C) r. ganglionares
D) r. infraorbitalis
E) r. supraoribitalis
198. Define the head muscle with aponeurosis:
A) masseter muscle
B) orbicularis oris muscle
C) depressor anguli oris muscle
D) medial pterygoid muscle
E) epicranius muscle
199. Maxillary nerve leaves the skull through:
A) foramen lacerum
B) foramen rotundum
C) fissure orbitalis superior
D) foramen spinosum
E) foramen ovale
200. The deep plantar branch of lateral plantar nerve doesn’t innervate:
A) III vermiform muscle
B) IV vermiform muscle
C) little finger muscles
D) interosseous muscles
E) skin of the plantar surface of II and III fingers
201. It connects the middle part of external cranial base with nasal cavity:
A) foramen spinosum
B) foramen lacerum
C) canalis palatinus major
D) foramen ovale
E) choanae
202. The superior anterior alveolar branches begins at:
A) sulcus infraorbitalis
B) fossa canina
C) canalis infraorbitalis
D) foramen infraorbitale
E) on the tuber maxillae
203. The terminal bronchioli are located between:
A) segmentary bronchiolus and alveolar ducts
B) bronchial tree and alveolar ducts
C) respiratory bronchiolus and alveolar ducts
D) lobular bronchiolus and segmentary bronchiolus
E) lobular bronchiolus and respiratory bronchiolus
204. To which muscles does the inferior alveolar nerve give branches before the
entering into the mandibular canal?
A) mylohyodi muscle and anterior belly of digastric
B) posterior belly of digastric and stylohyod
C) geniohyoid and mylohyoid
D) anterior and posterior bellies of digastric muscle
E) masseter and medial pterygoid
205. Where does locate the straight sinus?
A) transverse sinus groove of occipital bone
B) at confluens sinuum
C) at connection of cerebral falx and tentorium cerebelli
D) at inferior concave border of cerebral falx
E) between the foramen cecum and internal occipital protuberance
206. They are belonged to the branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion:
I. Rr. orbitalis
II. N. massetericus
III. Rr. nasales posteriores superiores
IV. Nn. palatini
V. N. petrosus major
207. With which structures does connect n.lingualis on its way?
I. N.alveolaris inferior
II. N.alveolaris superior
III. N.hypoglossus
IV. Ganglion submandibulare
V. Ganglion pterygopalatinum
D) II; IV; V
208. Zygomatic nerve innervates:
I. Skin of the cheek
II. Skin of occipital area
III. Skin of forehead
IV. Skin of temporal area
V. Eyelids
A) I; IV; V
B) II; IV; V
D) I; II; IV
209. It tenses the pretracheal fascia by bilateral contraction:
A) omohyoid muscle
B) sternohyoid muscle
C) stylohyoid muscle
D) sternothyroid muscle
E) thyrohyoid muscle
210. They connect the posterior part of external cranial base with posterior cranial
1) Foramen lacerum
2) Foramen jugulare
3) Foramen ovale
4) Canalis nervi hypoglossi
5) Canalis palatinus major
A) 1;3
B) 1;2
C) 2;4
D) 3;5
E) 2;5
211. Nn.palatini minores innervate:
I. The mucosa of soft palate
II. Anterior part of hard palate
III. Palatine tonsils
IV. Auditory tube
V. Pharyngeal fornix
B) I; IV
E) IV; V
212. The inferior boundary of left pleural sac by scapular line is projected to:
A) VIII rib
B) XI rib
C) VII rib
D) IX rib
E) XII rib
213. The facial nerve before the parotid gland gives off:
A) posterior auricular nerve and stylohyoid branches
B) posterior auriculotemporal nerve and the rr. marginalis mandibulae
C) rr. colli and the zygomatic nerve
D) temporal and stylohyoid branches
E) rr. colli and the buccal
214. It attaches to the articular disc:
A) supraspinatus muscle
B) popliteus muscle
C) anconeus muscle
D) epicranius muscle
E) lateral pterygoid muscle
215. Radial artery locates at the upper part of forearm:
A) between the brachioradialis and pronator teres
B) between the brachioradialis and ulnar flexor of wrist
C) between the superficial and deep flexors of fingers
D) between the superficial flexor of fingers and ulnar flexor of wrist
E) between the brachioradialis and radial flexor of wrist
216. They are belonged to parietal lymph nodes of abdominal cavity:
1) inferior epigastric lymph nodes
2) lumbar lymph nodes
3) internal iliac lymph nodes
4) inferior phrenic lymph nodes
5) gluteal lymph nodes
A) 1,3,4
B) 2,4,5
C) 1,2,4
D) 3,4,5
E) 1,2,3
217. Which rib does the inferior boundary of right pleural sac cross by middle
axillary line?
A) 7
B) 9
C) 10
D) 8
E) 11
218. To which ganglion does the glossopharyngeal nerve give fibers?
A) submandibular
B) ciliary
C) semilunar
D) otic
E) pterygopalatinal
219. They form the middle section of external cranial base:
1.Body of sphenoid bone
2.Palatine processes of maxilla
3.Greater wings of sphenoid bone
4.Petrous part of temporal bone
5.Horizontal plates of palatine bones
6.Basilar part of occipital bone
7.Lateral parts of occipital bone
A) 1;2;6;7
B) 3;4;5;6
C) 4;5;6;7
D) 1;3;4;6
E) 2;3;4;5
220. Tendon of which muscle does attach to bone more strongly?
A) omohyoid muscle
B) masseter muscle
C) lateral pterygoid muscle
D) orbicularis oculi muscle
E) temporal muscle
221. Pes ancerinus minor innervates:
I.lower eyelid
II.upper eyelid
III.upper lip
IV.lower lip
V.skin of the external nose
B) I, II, IV
C) II, IV, V
D) I, III, V
222. Define the palatopharyngeal arch:

A) 3
B) 1
C) 2
D) 5
E) 4
223. Determine the topoqraphy of the larynx in males:
A) between the upper border of V cervical vertebra and lower border of VII cervical
B) between the lower border of IV cervical vertebra and lower border of VI cervical
C) between the lower border of IV cervical vertebra and lower border of VII cervical
D) between the lower border of IV cervical vertebra and upper border of VII cervical
E) between the lower border of V cervical vertebra and upper border of VII cervical
224. Which are branches of extracranial part of the facial nerve?
I.R. stаpedius
II.R. stylohyoideus
III.R. petrosis mаjor
IV.R. mаrginаlis mаndibulаe
V.R. colli
VI.Chordа tympаni
225. Superior posterior alveolar branches innervate:
A) mucous membrane of frontal sinus
B) mucous membrane of maxillary sinus
C) anterior and posterior cells of ethmoid labyrinth
D) mucous membrane of sphenoid sinus
E) middle and posterior cells of ethmoid labyrinth
226. They are belonged to the extracranial part of facial nerve:
I. R. stapedius
II. R. stylohyoideus
III. R. petrosus major
IV. R. marginalis mandibulae
V. R. colli
VI. Chorda tympani
227. Cranial nerve which gives the secretory fibers to the lacrimal gland is:
D) X
E) V
228. Identify arythenoid cartilage:

A) 4
B) 5
C) 1
D) 3
E) 2
229. The superior boundary of the liver begins at back along the midclavicular line:
A) at the level of X thoracic vertebra
B) at the level of IX thoracic vertebra
C) at the level of VIII thoracic vertebra
D) at the level of XI thoracic vertebra
E) at the level of VII thoracic vertebra
230. The middle meningeal artery enters into the cranial cavity through the:
A) foramen spinosum
B) foramen ovale
C) foramen lacerum
D) carotid canal
E) foramen rotundum
231. It is not part of aorta:
A) pars lateralis
B) arсus
C) pars abdominalis
D) pars thoracica
E) pars аsсеndеns
232. The carotid triangle is bounded posteriorly by:
A) trapezius muscle
B) superior belly of omohyoid muscle
C) posterior belly of digastric muscle
D) anterior belly of digastric muscle
E) sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscle
233. Functions of buccinator muscle:
I.Pulls laterally oral angle
II.Elevates oral angle
III.Pulls oral angle down
IV. Presses the cheeks to teeth
V. Pulls the inferior lip down
B) I; V
C) I; IV
D) II; V
E) I; II
234. How many walls has the sphenoid sinus?
A) 5
B) 8
C) 4
D) 6
E) 3
235. Determine the cranial nerves which drain the taste sense from the tongue:
A) V, IX, X
236. The size of the mastoid cave varies depending on the:
A) connection with the nasal cavity
B) development of cells
C) connection with the middle ear
D) muscles attached to the mastoid process
E) vascularization of mastoid process
237. It takes part in the formation of lateral side of the scaleno-vertebral triangle:
A) Anterior scalene muscle
B) Cervical vertebrae and longus colli muscle
C) Apex of the lungs
D) Longus capitis muscle
E) Transverce process of the VI cervical vertebra
238. Distance of right and left atrio-ventricular ostium has been projection on what
line ?
A) line pulled from the sternal end of the III left rib cartilage till middle part of the V left rib
B) line pulled from the middle part of the III left rib till middle part of the IV right rib cartilage
C) line pulled from the middle part of the II left rib cartilago till middle part of the V right rib
D) line pulled from the sternal end of the III left rib cartilage till same end of the VI right rib
E) line pulled from the middle part of the II left rib till VI right rib cartilage
239. The sphenopalatinal artery supplies:
I. The nasal part of the pharynx
II. Frontal sinus
III. Mucous coat of the nasal meatus
IV. Auditive tube
V. Maxillary sinus
240. Superficial temporal artery begins:
A) at the level of coronoid process of mandible
B) at the level of head of mandible
C) from lateral side of mandibular branch
D) at the level of mandibular angle
E) at the level of mandibular neck
241. The inferior head of lateral pterygoid muscle originates from:
A) coronoid process
B) medial plate of pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
C) mandibular angle
D) lateral plate of pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
E) neck of mandible
242. Define the accordance.
1) Spatium interscalenium
2) Spatium prescalenium
a) It is surrounded posteriorly by the middle scalenus muscle
b) It is surrounded posteriorly by the anterior scalenus muscle
c) Inside the brachial plexus is located
d) Inside the subclavian vein is located
e) It is surrounded anteriorly by the sternothyroid and the sternohyoid muscles
A) 1-a,e; 2-b,c,d
B) 1-b,e; 2-a,c,d
C) 1-d,e; 2-a,b,c
D) 1-c,d; 2-a,b,e
E) 1-a,c; 2-b,d,e
243. From which hole is passed the a. meningea media to the base of cranium?
A) for. ovale
B) for. magnum
C) for. jugulare
D) for. rotundum
E) for. spinosum
244. Define the structure to situate at the left border of xiphoid process:

A) 4
B) 8
C) 12
D) 6
E) 2
245. This belong to the pterygoid part of the maxillary artery:
A) aa. alveolaris anteriores superiores
B) a. infraorbitalis
C) a. palatina descendens
D) a. masseterica
E) a. meningea media
246. Masseteric tuberosity is located on:
A) medial side of neck of mandible
B) anterior surface of body of mandible
C) medial surface of angle of mandible
D) posterior surface of body of mandible
E) lateral side of angle of mandible
247. The temporal region is delimited from the orbit by the:
1.Zygomatic process of frontal bone
2.Frontal process of zygomatic bone
3.Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
4.Zygomatic arch
5.Coronoid process of mandible
A) 3. 4
B) 2. 5
C) 1. 3
D) 4. 5
E) 1. 2
248. They are belonged to branches of superficial temporal artery:
A) a. supraorbitalis, a. auricularis profunda, a. frontalis
B) a. parietalis, rr. pterigoidei, a. masseterica
C) a. frontalis, a. alveolaris inferior, r buccalis
D) rr. parotidei, a. parietalis, a. frontalis
E) a. masseterica, rr. pterigoidei, a. auricularis profunda
249. What is called the continuation of the right coronary artery?
A) r. interventricularis posterior
B) r. circumflexus
C) rr. pericardiales
D) r. intcrventricularis septalis
E) r. interventricularis anterior
250. The superior incisive and canine are supplied by:
A) descending palatinal artery
B) posterior superior alveolar branch
C) anterior tympanic branch
D) anterior superior alveolar branch
E) masseter branch
251. It locates in brachial-musclular canal:
A) deep artery of arm
B) anterior artery circumflex the humerus
C) posterior artery circumflex the humerus
D) lower ulnar collateral artery
E) upper ulnar collateral artery
252. It is the continuation of the right coronary artery:
A) r. interventricularis anterior
B) r. interventricularis septalis
C) rr. pericardiales
D) r. circumflexus
E) r. interventricularis posterior
253. Ophthalmic artery enters into the orbit through:
A) foramen ovale
B) canalis opticus
C) foramen rotundum
D) fissura orbitalis superior
E) fissura orbitalis inferior
254. The shapes of the mastoid process depending on filling by air:
I. Sclerotic
II. Hiperpneumatic
III. Tetraploitic
IV. Pneumatic
V. Mixed
VI. Hipopneumatic
A) 3,5,6
B) 2,4,5
C) 1,4,5
D) 1,2,6
E) 2,3,4
255. The II segment of the liver corresponds to:
A) the anterior part of the left lobe
B) the antero-superior part of the right lobe
C) the lateral superio-posterior part of the right lobe
D) the posterior part of the left lobe
E) the antero-inferior part of the right lobe
256. Orthogeny means:
A) open bite
B) straight bite
C) oblique bite
D) forwarded mandible
E) forwarded maxilla
257. They are belonged to the anterior branches of the external carotid artery:
A) a. maxillaris, a. occipitalis, a. lingualis
B) a. thyroidea superior, a. maxillaris, a. auricularis posterior
C) a. thyroidea inferior, a. lingualis, a. sternocleidomastoidea
D) a. facialis, a. temporalis suprfisialis, a. thyroidea superior
E) a. thyroidea superior, a. lingualis, a. facialis
258. Where a. thyroidea superior is divided into anterior and posterior glandular
A) at level root of the tongue
B) in the inferior border of the thyroid gland
C) in the middle part of the thyroid gland
D) in the superior border of the thyroid gland
E) at level the body of the hyoid bone
259. True expressions about interscalene space:
1) It is surrounded by middle scalene muscle posteriorly
2) It is surrounded by anterior scalene muscle posteriorly
3) It consists of brachial plexus
4) It consists of subclavian vein
5) It is surrounded by sternothyroid and sternohyoid muscles anteriorly
A) 2,5
B) 2,4
C) 3,5
D) 1,3
E) 3,4
260. It doesn’t take place in formation of oral cavity proper:
A) lips
B) teeth
C) hard palate
D) alveolar processes
E) soft palate
261. It belongs to the internal muscles of pelvis:
A) gluteus medius
B) quadrate femoris
C) gluteus minimus
D) external obturator
E) piriformis
262. They are belonged to cava-caval anastomoses:
I. Between the veins of mesoperitoneal parts of large intestine and lumbar veins
II. Between superior rectal vein and middle, inferior rectal veins
III. Between the superior and inferior epigastric veins
IV. Between the paraumbilical veins, superior and inferior epigastric veins
V. Between the phrenic (diaphragmatic) veins and esophageal and
pericardiacophrenic veins
263. The nasal surface of maxilla is involved in:
A) pterygopalatine fossa
B) superior wall of nasal cavity
C) infratemporal fossa
D) lateral wall of nasal cavity
E) medial wall of orbit
264. They are belonged to branches of the facial artery:
A) a. dorsalis nasi, a. maxillaris, a. angularis
B) a. labialis superior, a. labialis inferior, a. angularis
C) a. labialis superior, a. labialis inferior, a. occipitalis
D) a. labialis inferior, a. masseterica, a. infraorbitalis
E) a. meningea media, a. angularis, palatina descendens
265. Superior nasal meatus connects with the:
1.Anterior cranial fossa
2.Sphenoid sinus
3.Posterior ethmoid cells
4.Fossa pterygopalatina
5.Fossa infratemporalis
A) 3.4.5
B) 1.2.3
C) 1.3.5
D) 1.2.6
E) 4.5.6
266. It doesn’t belong to the branches of the pterygopalatine part of maxillary artery:
A) a. palatina descendens
B) a. canalis pterigoidei
C) a.sphenopalatina
D) a. infraorbitalis
E) a.palatina ascendens
267. Cephalic vein is opened into:
A) external jugular vein
B) brachial vein
C) subclavian vein
D) anterior jugular vein
E) axillary vein
268. It is the largest nerve coming through foramen infrapiriforme:
A) tibial nerve
B) femoral nerve
C) sciatic nerve
D) saphenus nerve
E) obturator nerve
269. Which cranial nerves have the common motor nuclei?
E) IX, X, XI
270. The obturator nerve situates at thigh:
A) between the two heads of biceps femoris muscle
B) under the flexors of thigh
C) under the extensors of thigh
D) between the adductor muscles
E) between the flexors and extensors of thigh
271. They are belonged to branches of superior thyroid artery:
A) a. buccalis, a. auricularis profunda, a. supraorbitalis
B) a. laryngea superior, a. masseterica, a. parietalis
C) a. glandularis anterior, a. glandularis posterior, a. laryngea superior
D) a. laryngea superior, a. glandularis anterior, a. glandularis posterior
E) a. laryngea inferior, a. alveolaris inferior, a. supraorbitalis
272. The terminal branchs of the external carotid artery:
I. A. occipitalis
II. A. phraryngea ascendens
III. A. facialis
IV. A. maxillaris
V. A. temporalis superficialis
273. Function of tensor veli palatini muscle:
I.Tenses the soft palate
II.Tenses the hard palate
III.Tenses the palatine aponeurosis
IV. Enlarges the auditory tube
V. Narrows the auditory tube
B) I; IV; V
274. Pterygoid tuberosity is situated on:
A) anterior surface of body of mandible
B) lateral surface of angle of mandible
C) medial side of neck of mandible
D) posterior surface of body of mandible
E) medial surface of angle of mandible
275. Hepatic veins are formed by connection of:
A) central and sublobular veins
B) interlobular veins
C) sublobular veins
D) central and interlobular veins
E) central veins
276. Determine the structure that is located in spatium antescalenum:
A) brachial plexus
B) subclavian artery
C) vertebral artery
D) suprascapular artery
E) lingual artery
277. Which branch of internal carotid artery does take paer in formation of chorioid
plexus lateral ventricle?
A) anterior cerebral artery
B) anterior chorioid artery
C) posterior cerebral artery
D) posterior communicated artery
E) middle cerebral artery
278. Muscle of facial expression with fascia is:
A) levator labii superioris muscle
B) buccinator muscle
C) orbicularis oris muscle
D) levator anguli oris muscle
E) orbicularis oculi muscle
279. It belongs to superficial muscles of chest:
A) external intercostal muscles
B) internal intercostal muscle
C) pectoralis major muscle
D) transversus thoracis muscle
E) subscapular muscle
280. It isn’t innervated by the median nerve in forearm:
A) palmaris longus
B) pronator teres
C) radial flexor of wrist
D) ulnar flexor of wrist
E) flexor digitorum superficialis
281. The glossopharyngeal nerve descends between the:
1.Internal carotid artery
2.Internal jugular vein
3.External jugular vein
4.External carotid artery
5.Anterior jugular vein
A) 1. 3
B) 4. 5
C) 2. 4
D) 1. 2
E) 3. 5
282. It doesn’t belong to the features of temporomandibular joint:
A) incongruent
B) ellipsoid joint
C) it has two chambers
D) the articular surface is covered by the hyalin cartilage
E) the articular surface is covered by the fibrous cartilage
283. The terminal branches of external carotid artery:
I. A. occipitalis
II. A. pharyngea ascendens
III. A. facialis
IV. A. maxillaris
V. A. temporalis superficialis
284. It is formed by connection of small subcutaneous veins of submental region:
A) brachiocephalic vein
B) internal jugular vein
C) vena cava superior
D) external jugular vein
E) anterior jugular vein
285. Inferior cerebral veins are opened:
I. Transverse sinus
II. Straight sinus
III. Inferior petrosal sinus
IV. Internal cerebral vein
V. Cavernous sinus
286. Cartilage of larynx which has processus muscularis:
A) cartilago corniculata
B) cartilago thyroidea
C) cartilago cricoidea
D) cartilago cuneiformis
E) cartilago arythenoidea
287. It belongs to the muscles with two bellies (venters):
A) rectus abdominis muscle
B) stylohyoid
C) omohyoid muscle
D) geniohyoid muscle
E) anterior serrate muscle
288. Determine the ligaments of temporomandibular joint without connection to
1.Medial menisco-mandibular ligament
2.Sphenomandibular ligament
3.Posterior menisco-temporal ligament
4.Stylomandibular ligament
5.Lateral menisco-mandibular ligament
6.Pterygomandibular ligament
A) 1;3;5
B) 2;3;4
C) 4;5;6
D) 2;4;6
E) 1;5;6
289. They are parietal roots of vena cava inferior:
A) v. suprarenalis, v.renalis, v. ovarica (testicularis)
B) v. gastirca, vv.lumbales, vv. phrenicae
C) v. lienalis, v. qastirca, v. sacralis mediana
D) v. sacralis mediana, vv. phrenicae inferiores, vv. Lumbales
E) v. ovarica (testicularis), v. suprarenalis, vv. phrenicae inferiores
290. It belongs to cava-porto-caval anastomoses:
A) between superior rectal vein and middle, inferior rectal veins
B) between the veins of mesoperitoneal parts of large intestine and lumbar veins
C) between the superior and inferior epigastric veins
D) between the phrenic (diaphragmatic) veins and esophageal and pericardiacophrenic
E) between the paraumbilical veins, superior and inferior epigastric veins
291. It doesn’t belong to the roots of the brachiocephalic vein:
A) vertebral vein
B) superior cerebellar vein
C) deep cervical vein
D) internal thoracic vein
E) inferior thyroid veins
292. Muscle of head with aponeurosis:
A) epicranial muscle
B) medial pterygoid muscle
C) orbicularis oris muscle
D) masseteric muscle
E) depressor anguli oris muscle
293. Determine the structure that is located in Pirogov’s triangle:
A) recurrent laryngeal nerve
B) brachial plexus
C) lingual artery
D) suprascapular artery
E) subclavian vein
294. They are belonged to branches of ophthalmic artery:
A) a. centralis retinae, a. lacrimalis, a. supratrochlearis
B) a. meningea media, a. lacrimalis, a. supraorbitalis
C) a. infraorbitalis, a. tympanica anterior, a. ethmoidalis anterior
D) a. supraorbitalis, a. supratrochlearis, a. cerebri anterior
E) a. centralis retinae, a. cerebri posterior, a. cerebri media
295. The medial pterygoid nerve innervates:
I. M.tensor tympani
II. M.uvulae
III.M.pterygoideus medialis
IV. M.levator veli palatini
V. M.tensor veli palatini
296. The mandibular lymph nodes reseive lymph vessels of which anatomical
1.from muscles for expression
2.from eyelids
3.from submandibular gland
4.from parotid gland
5.from mouth
6.from tongue
A) 3,4.5
B) 1,3,5
C) 1,2,3
D) 1,2,6
E) 2,3,6
297. Determine the visseral branches which open to the inferior vena cava:
I. Renal veins
II. Lumbar veins
III. Right testicular vein
IV. Left testicular vein
V. Right suprarenal vein
VI. Hepatic veins
VII. Left suprarenal vein
E) I; III; V; VI
298. The visceral lymph nodes are located around:
1) coeliac trunk
2) renal arteries
3) middle suprarenal arteries
4) superior mesenteric artery
5) inferior mesenteric artery
A) 2,3,4
B) 4,5,6
C) 1,3,5
D) 2,4,6
E) 1,4,5
299. The ascending aorta arises from:
A) right ventricle of the heart
B) left auricle of the heart
C) apex of the heart
D) left ventricle of the heart
E) right auricle of the heart
300. Define the structure №2:

A) apex of lung
B) middle lobe of right lung
C) superior lobe of left lung
D) inferior lobe of left lung
E) diaphragmatic surface of lung
301. How many teeth has child of 20 month age?
A) 16
B) 10
C) 14
D) 18
E) 12
302. Masseteric nerve enters into masseteric muscle:
A) at medial side of superior border of lateral pterygoid muscle
B) at lateral side of superior border of medial pterygoid muscle
C) at superior border of lateral and medial pterygoid muscles
D) at lateral side of superior border of lateral pterygoid muscle
E) at medial side of superior border of medial pterygoid muscle
303. Small splanchnicus nerve fibers coming out of the:
A) only XII ganglion
B) X-XI thoracic ganglia
C) II-IV thoracic ganglia
D) I-II cervical ganglia
E) V-IX thoracic ganglia
304. The middle temporal branches of facial nerve innervate:
A) frontal muscle
B) orbicularis oculi muscle
C) corrugator supercilii muscle
D) epicranius muscle
E) rudimentary muscles of ear
305. The omotracheal triangle is bounded laterally by:
A) superior belly of omohyoid muscle
B) anterior belly of digastric muscle
C) sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscle
D) posterior belly of digastric muscle
E) inferior belly of omohyoid muscle
306. There are traces of cartilage in:
A) respiratory bronchiols
B) terminal bronchiols
C) segmentary bronchus
D) segmentar bronchiols
E) lobular bronchiols
307. The posterior borders of pleural sacs ascends along paravertebral line:
A) from XII rib till II rib
B) from XI rib till II rib
C) from X rib till II rib
D) from IX rib till II rib
E) from VIII rib till II rib
308. It passes through foramen rotundum:
A) oculomotor nerve
B) trochlear nerve
C) mandibular nerve
D) glossopharyngeal nerve
E) maxillary nerve
309. This muscle has two parts:
A) orbicularis oris muscle
B) zygomaticus major muscle
C) depressor labii inferioris muscle
D) levator palpebrae superior muscle
E) depressor anguli oris muscle
310. It doesn’t belong to the braches of axillary artery:
A) lateral thoracic artery
B) deep artery of arm
C) subscapular artery
D) superior thoracic artery
E) thoracicoacromial artery
311. Determine the structure that is located in interscalenic space:
A) brachial plexus
B) subclavian vein
C) suprascapular artery
D) recurrent laryngeal nerve
E) lingual artery
312. It innervates the muscles of perineum:
A) piriformis nerve
B) iliohypogastric nerve
C) superior gluteal nerve
D) pudendal nerve
E) inferior gluteal nerve
313. The superior premolars and molars are supplied by:
A) posterior superior alveolar branch
B) anterior superior alveolar branch
C) descending palatinal artery
D) masseter branch
E) anterior tympanic branch
314. The temporal fossa is surrounded inferiorly by the:
A) crista infratemporalis on the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
B) zygomatic arch
C) facies temporalis of the zygomatic bone
D) linea temporalis inferior of the parietal bone
E) linea temporalis superior of the parietal bone
315. Define the parts of gallbladder:
1) Fundus
2) Body
3) Neck
4) Base
5) Apex
A) 2; 3; 4
B) 1; 4; 5
C) 1, 2; 3
D) 1; 2; 5
E) 2; 3; 5
316. Determine the ligaments of temporomandibular joint with connetion to capsule:
1) Anterior menisco-temporal ligament
2) Lateral menisco-mandibular ligament
3) Sphenomandibular ligament
4) Stylomandibular ligament
5) Posterior menisco-temporal ligament
A) 1;3;5
B) 1;2;5
C) 2; 3; 5
D) 1;2;3
E) 2;4;5
317. N.saphenus situates:
A) medially and posteriorly than femoral artery
B) behind of femoral artery
C) in front of femoral artery
D) laterally than femoral artery
E) medially than femoral artery
318. The secretory nucleus of the facial nerve is:
A) salivatorius inferius
B) dorsalis
C) ambiguus
D) tractus solitarii
E) salivatorius superius
319. The inferior boundary of liver reaches to superior boundary at:
A) connection of left VII-VIII ribs
B) connection of left VIII-IX ribs
C) connection of left V-VI ribs
D) level of XI thoracic vertebra
E) connection of right VII-VIII ribs
320. Define the insertion point of lateral pterygoid muscle:

A) 4
B) 3
C) 8
D) 2
E) 1
321. They are belonged to the posterior branches of external carotid artery:
A) a. occipitalis, a. lingualis, a. facialis
B) a. occipitalis, a. auricularis posterior, a. sternocleidomastoidea
C) a. pharyngea ascendens, a. temporalis suprfisialis, a. sternocleidomastoidea
D) a. auricularis posterior, a. maxillaris, a. temporalis suprfisialis
E) a. maxillaris, a. occipitalis, a. thyroidea superior
322. It takes part in the formation apex of the scaleno-vertebral triangle:
A) Transverce process of the VI cervical vertebra
B) Apex of the lungs
C) Cervical vertebrae
D) Longus colli muscle
E) Anterior scalene muscle
323. They start from medial fascicle of plexus brachialis:
I. N. ulnaris
II. N. axillaris
III. N. cutaneus brachii medialis
IV. N. radillis
V. N. cutaneus antebrachii medialis
VI. N. subscapulares
324. №8 corresponds to:

A) angular notch
B) lesser curvature
C) superior part of duodenum
D) greater curvature
E) pyloric part
325. The IV segment of the liver corresponds to:
A) the anterior part of the left lobe
B) the quadratus lobe
C) the posterior part of the left lobe
D) the caudatus lobe
E) the superior part of the left lobe
326. Structure №1 means:

A) masseteric tuberosity
B) coronoid process
C) angle of mandible
D) mental protuberantia
E) ramus mandibulae
327. The temporal region is delimited from the lateral area of face:
A) Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
B) Frontal process of zygomatic bone
C) Coronoid process of mandible
D) Zygomatic process of frontal bone
E) Zygomatic arch
328. At the temporomandibular joint they pull the mandible down:
1) Masseter muscle
2) Digastric muscle
3) Mylohyoid muscle
4) Stylohyoid muscle
5) Medial pterygoid muscle
6) Geniohyoid muscle
A) 1;4;5
B) 2;3;6
C) 1;2;5
D) 1;3;6
E) 2;4;5
329. Which holes is located on the left atrium?
A) superior vena cava, left pulmonary veins
B) right pulmonary veins, coronary sinus, azygos vein
C) left pulmonary veins, right pulmonary veins
D) inferior vena cava, azygos vein
E) coronary sinus, minimary veins of the heart, left pulmonary veins
330. They are innervated by the femoral nerve:
A) medial muscles of thigh
B) anterior muscles of leg
C) posterior muscles of thigh
D) posterior muscles of leg
E) anterior muscles of thigh
331. It belongs to organs with 3layered muscular coat:
A) jejunum
B) stomach
C) ileum
D) large intestine
E) esophagus

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