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Anat T&D Que MIST I

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1)The greater omentum is derived from which

of the following embryonic structures

a. Dorsal mesogastrium
b. Pericardio-peritoneal canal
c. Pleuro-pericardial membranes
d. Ventral mesentery
2).Ventral mesogastrium gives rise to
a. Lesser omentum
b. Gastrosplenic
c. Lienorenal ligament
d. All of the above
3). Which of the following is a vestigial remnant
of umbilical vein
a. Medial umbilical ligament
b Ligamentum teres
c. Ligamentum sustentaculum
d. Falciform ligament
4). Physiological hernia normally disappears by
a. 6 weeks
b. 10 weeks
c. 14 weeks
d. 20 weeks
5)Mesonephric duct in male develops in
a. Vas deferens
b. Appendix of testis
c. Penile urethra
d. Prostatic utricle
6) Choose the correct statement regarding the
embryonic derivatives of urogenitalsystem
a. Trigone of bladder Urogenital sinus
b. Labia minora: Urethral fold
c. Prostatic utricle: Wolffian duct
d. Appendix of testis: Mesonephric duct
7) Untrue about ureteric bud
a. Endodermal derivative
b. Arises from Wolffian duct
c. Forms collecting tubules
d. Penetrates metanephric tissue
8) Ovary develops from
a. Paramesonephric duct
b. Genital ridge
c. Genital tubercle
d. Mesonephric duct
9) In spermatogenesis, independent
assortment of maternal and paternal
chromosome occurs during?
a. Primary to secondary spermatocyte
b. Spermatogonia to primary spermatocyte
c. Secondary spermatocyte to spermatids
d. Spermatid to spermatozoa
10) All of the following statements are true
concerning the early embryological
development EXCEPT
a. Zona pellucida prevents implantation
b. Blastocyst attaches to endometrium day 6
c. Prochordal plate determines craniocaudal axis of
d. The first germ layer to form is ectoderm
11)Extraembryonic mesoderm derived from
a. Secondary yolk sac
b. Primary yolk sac
c. Epiblast
d. Hypoblast
12) What is the time of closure for arrow
marked structure in the given image
a. Day 18
b. Day 25
c. Day 28
d. Day 30
13) Which of the following is not true about
pharyngeal arches
a. Tonsils develop from second endodermal pouch
b. Superior parathyroid glands from third
endodermal pouch
c. Muscles developed from third pharyngeal arch
are supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve
d. Stapes develop from cartilage of second arch
14) Which of the following structure is derived
from the first pharyngeal arch?
a. Lesser cornu of hyoid bone
b. Middle ear cavity
c. Incus bone
d. External auditory meatus
15) Parafollicular C cells are derived from
a. Ultimo-branchial body
b. Pharyngeal pouch 4
c. pharyngeal pouch 5
d. Neural crest cells
16) In postnatal life, the right atrium contains
the fossa ovalis, a shallow depression in the
Interatrial septum. Which embryonic
structure forms the floor of the fossa
a. Septum secundum
b. Septum primum
c. Bulbus cordis
d. AV node
17) All of the following statements are true
regarding the given image except
a) Right bundle branch is supplied by ‘A’
b) Right marginal artery is a branch of ‘B’
c) Left Anterior Descending artery is ‘C’
d) Posterior interventricular artery is a branch
of ‘D’

18) All statements are true regarding major
openings of diaphragm except
a) ‘A’ is at T8
b) Vagus nerve passes through ‘B’
c) ‘C’ is at T10
d) Thoracic duct passes through ‘C’

19) In the given image ‘X’ is a modification of
a) Dura Mater
b) Arachnoid Mater
c) Pia Mater
d) Meningeal layer
20) Which of the following pair is incorrect
regarding the tract and its column?
a) A:Corticospinal tract
b) B: Fasciculus Gracilis
c) C: Fasciculus cuneatus
d) B: Spinocerebellar tract
21) Which of the following vein passes through
aortic opening of diaphragm?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
22) All of the following drains into azygous vein
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
24) All the cardiac veins drain into structure
marked ‘X’ except
a) Great Cardiac Vein
b) Small Cardiac Vein
c) Anterior Cardiac Vein
d) Middle Cardiac Vein
25) Incorrect Pairing….
a) A : Right Gastric Artery
b) B : Gastroduodenal Artery
c) C : Splenic Artery
d) D: Left Gastroepiploic artery

26) Incorrect statement regarding the given
a) ‘A’ forms posterior relation of kidney
b) ‘B&C’ forms floor of femoral triangle
c) ‘C’ is supplied by femoral nerve
d) ‘D’ is a part of posterior abdominal wall

27) False statement regarding structures passing
through Sciatic foramen..
a) Piriformis muscle passes through ‘X’
b) Pudendal nerve passes through ‘X&Y’
c) Internal pudendal artery passes through ‘X’
d) Inferior gluteal nerve passes through ‘X’
28) False statement regarding the muscle
marked in image..
a) Supplied by inferior gluteal nerve
b) Inserts on iliotibial tract
c) Extends hip joint
d) Involved in lurching gait
29) Incorrect pairing regarding muscle and its
a) A : Superior Gluteal Nerve
b) B : Inferior Gluteal Nerve
c) C: Nerve to Obturator Internus
d) D : Nerve to Quadratus femoris

30) No muscle is attached to which of the
following tarsal bone ?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
31) Incorrect pairing…
a) A : Extensor Hallucis Longus
b) B : Extensor Digitorum Longus
c) A: Deep Peroneal nerve
d) B : Superficial Peroneal nerve

32) Which of the following muscles helps in
overhead abduction of arm ?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
33) Correct pairing regarding carpal bones.
a) M/c Fractured : B
b) M/c Dislocated : A
c) Avascular Necrosis : D
d) Sesamoid Bone : C
34) False statement regarding the nerve marked
‘A’ in the given image…
a) Involved in complete claw hand
b) Supplies the lateral half of Flexor digitorum
c) Supplies the skin of lateral 3 ½ digits of
dorsum of hand
d) Also known as labourer’s nerve
35) A patient complaints of loss of sensation in
the area marked in the given image. Which of
the following nerve is involved?
a) Ulnar nerve
a) Median Nerve
b) Radial Nerve
c) Musculocutaneous nerve
36) All are true regarding the marked region in
the image except
a) Abductor pollicis longus forms lateral
b) Extensor pollicis brevis forms medial
c) Radial artery is a content
d) Extensor pollicis longus forms medial
37) Which of the following is not a component
of commissural fibre?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
38) Which of the following is not a branch of the
artery shown in the diagram ?
a) Anterior Cerebral Artery
b) Middle Cerebral Artery
c) Superior Cerebellar Artery
d) Ophthalmic artery
39) Which of the following artery contributes to
the formation of Circle of Willis ?
a) Middle Cerebral Artery
b) Anterior Communicating Artery
c) Basilar Artery
d) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
40) Which nerve supplies to the muscle marked?
a) Occulomotor nerve
b) Trochlear nerve
c) Abducent nerve
d) Trigeminal nerve *
41) Which of the following is derived from
second pharyngeal arch ?
a) A
b) B
c) Both A & B
d) C
42)The ear ossicles articulate with each other
through which type of joints?
a) Syndesmosis
b) Synchondrosis
c) Synovial
d) Synostosis
43) The attachment of lesser tubercle of
humerus is:
a) Supraspinatus
b) Infraspinatus
c) Teres minor
d) Subscapularis
44)The posterior cord of brachial plexus is
formed by:
a) Dorsal division & upper trunk
b) Ventral division & upper trunk
c) Dorsal division of upper, middle and lower
d) Ventral division of upper, middle and lower
45)The root value of ulnar nerve is:
a) C6, C7, C8
b) C7, C8, T1
c) C8, T1
d) C5, C6
46) Injury to the upper trunk of brachial plexus
result in:
a) Supination of forearm
b) External rotation of arm
c) Inability to initiate abduction
d) Decreased sensation on medial side of hand
47) Median nerve lesion cause paralysis of all of
the following except:
a) Thenar muscle
b) Adductor pollicis
c) Lumbrical index finger
d) Lumbical middle finger
48) Axillary artery is divided into three parts by:
a) 1st rib
b) Clavicle
c) Pectoralis minor muscle
d) Teres minor muscle
49) The opening in central tendon of diaphragm
a) Aorta
b) Oesophagus
c) Right phrenic nerve
d) Left phrenic nerve
50) Inferior most structure of right hilum is:
a) Bronchus
b) Pulmonary artery
c) Interior bronchial vein
d) Inferior pulmonary vein
51) Even if the thrombosis is present in coronary
sinus, which of the following cardiac vein
might remain normal in diameter?
a) Great cardiac vein
b) Middle cardiac vein
c) Anterior cardiac vein
d) Oblique vein of left atrium
52) The relationship of neurovascular bundle
from above downwards in intercostal space:
a) Artery, Vein, Nerve
b) Vein, Artery, Nerve
c) Nerve, Artery, Vein
d) Artery, Nerve, Vein
53) All are the content of femoral sheath except:
a) Femoral artery
b) Femoral vein
c) Femoral nerve
d) Genitofemoral nerve
54) The sensory innervation of the cleft between
first & second toes of foot is:
a) Superficial peroneal nerve
b) Deep perneal nerve
c) Medial planter nerve
d) Lateral planter nerve
55) The ligament of Bigelow is:
a) Ilio femoral
b) Pubofemoral
c) Ischio-femoral
d) Ligamentusteresfemoris
56) All are the muscles of anterior compartment
of leg except:
a) Tibialis anterior
b) Extensor haullius longus
c) Peroneus tertius
d) Peroneus longus
57) The portal vein is formed by the union of:
a) Splenic & inferior mesenteric veins
b) Splenic & superior mesenteric veins
c) Right & left hepatic veins
d) Hepatic & splenic veins
58) All are true about inguinal canal except:
a) Superficial ring is an opening in external oblique
b) Deep ring is an opening transversus abdominis
c) Internal oblique forms both roof & anterior wall
d) Conjoint tendon forms part of posterior wall
59) The minor duodenal papilla is an opening of:
a) Hepatic duct
b) Bile duct
c) Duct of Wirsung
d) Duct of Santorini
60) Blood supply of liver is:
a) 80% hepatic artery, 20% portal vein
b) 20% hepatic artery, 80% portal vein
c) 50% hepatic artery, 50% portal vein
d) 100% hepatic artery
61) Hartman’s pouch is seen in:
a) Liver
b) Bile duct
c) Pancreas
d) Gall bladder
62) All structures pass through the foramen
ovale except:
a) Accessory meningeal artery
b) Middle meningeal artery
c) Lesser petrossal nerve
d) Emissary vein
63) Which suprahyoid muscle is supplied by
both mandibular nerve & facial nerve?
a) Stylohyoid
b) Digastric
c) Geniohyoid
d) Mylohyoid
64) The first branch of external carotid artery is:
a) Superior thyroid artery
b) Lingual artery
c) Ascending pharyngeal artery
d) Inferior thyroid artery
65) The protrusion of tongue is not possible in
damage of:
a) Styloglossus
b) Palatoglossus
c) Genioglossus
d) Hyoglossus
66) The globus pallidus, putamen are present in:
a) Pons
b) Thalamus
c) Basal ganglia
d) Cerebellum
67) The subbrachnoid space ends at:
a) L1
b) L3
c) S2
d) S4
68) Which of the following is not carried by
posterior column tract?
a) Position sense
b) Vibration
c) Pain
d) Stereognosis
69) The outer layer of blastocyst forms:
a) Primitive streak
b) Yolk sac
c) Trophoblast
d) Embryo proper
70) Which of the following is a content of
Superficial peroneal pouch?
a) A&B
b) B&C
c) C&D
d) D&A
71) Muscle marked is supplied by………….
a) Maxillary nerve
b) Mandibular nerve
c) Facial nerve *
d) Glossopharyngeal nerve
72) The structure not enclosed by the structure
a) Internal carotid artery
b) Internal jugular vein
c) Vagus nerve
d) Cervical sympathetic trunk
73) Mismatch regarding nerve and its root value
a) Femoral nerve – L2,L3,L4
b) Genitofemoral nerve – L1,L2
c) Superior Gluteal nerve – L5,S1,S2
d) Iliohypogastric nerve – L1
74) Which of the following is not muscle of
pelvic floor?
a) Iliococcygeus
b) Obturator Internus
c) Coccygeus
d) Pubococcygeus
75) Which of the marked area in cerebrum
receive afferents from lateral geniculate body?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
76) Which muscle of tongue is not supplied by
XII nerve?
a) Genioglossus
b) Styloglossus
c) Palatoglossus
d) Hyoglossus
77) Which of the following is an example of
traction epiphysis
a. Coracoid process
b. Capitulum
c. Ulnar tuberosity
d. Femoral condyle
78) Which of the following is a hybrid muscle
a. Biceps brachii
b. Flexor carpi radialis
c. Pectineus
d. Popliteus
79) Which of the following is an example of
Pneumatic bone
a. Sphenoid
b. Mandible
c. Occipital
d. Parietal
80) Which of the following pair is incorrect
regarding structure and its development?
a) A: Left 4th arch artery
b) B: Sinus venosus
c) C: Cardinal veins
d) D: Truncus Arteriosus

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