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Neuro Mcqs

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Fill in the blank

1. Humans are ________ normally have two sets of teeth development in a
person’s lifetime.
2. When a short lingual frenulum restricts tongue movement the person is said to
be ____________
3. __________ result from plaque or tartar builds up at the gum line.
4. Stress, anxiety or sleep disorders can cause teeth grinding called___________
5. ____________ is inflammation or infection of the dental pulp
6. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of temporal fascia?
(a) It is attached to the superior temporal line upwards
(b) It is attached to the upper border of zygomatic arch downwards
(c) It splits into superficial and deep laminae
(d) It encloses zygomatico-orbital artery and zygomatico-temporal nerve
(e) It is attached superiorly to the upper border of temporalis muscle
7. Regarding suprameatal triangle, which of the following is NOT TRUE?
(a) It is the triangle above the external acoustic meatus
(b) It is also called MCEwen triangle or mastoid fossa
(c) The mastoid antrum lies 1cm deep to the triangle
(d) It is bounded superiorly by the posterior root of the zygomatic arch
(e) It marks the terminal end of temporal artery
8. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about superficial temporal artery?
(a) It is major artery of the head
(b) It arises from the external carotid artery
(c) It pulse can be felt above and in front of
(d) It passes deep to the posterior root of the zygomatic process of the
temporal bone
(e) It divides into two branches, frontal and parental arteries
9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about parolid gland?
(a) It is a sebaceous gland
(b) It has an accessory parotid gland
(c) It has below the external acoustic meatus
(d) Its enclosed within a tough, unyielding fascial capsule
(e) Its upper end is related to superficial temporal artery and vein
10. The following are structures within the parotid gland EXCEPT
(a) Internal carotid artery
(b) External carotid artery
(c) Retromandibulan vein
(d) Facial nerve
(e) Parotid lymph nodes
11. The following are the contents of infratemporal fossa EXCEPT
(a) Pterygoid venous plexus
(b) Cavenous venous plexus
(c) Otic ganglion
(d) Mandibular nerve and its branches
(e) Chorda tympani
12. Which of the following DOES NOT communicate with the infratemporal fossa?
(a) Temporal fossa
(b) Mandibular fossa
(c) Middle eranial fossa
(d) Inferior orbital fissure
(e) Pterygopalatine fossa
13. Muscles of mastification, which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?
(a) They develop from ectoderm
(b) They are supplied by mandibular nerve
(c) They arise from the skull and insert into mandible
(d) They move the mandible during mastication and speech
(e) They act on the temporomandibular joint
14. The following statement are the actions of medial pterygoid muscle EXCEPT
(a) Opens the mouth
(b) Elevates mandible
(c) Protrudes mandible (assists the lateral pterygoid)
(d) Produce side to side movements (chewing)
(e) Acting with lateral pterygoid push the mandible forwards and to the
opposite side
15. Which of the following is NOT a deep relation to lateral pterygoid?
(a) Pterygoid venous plexus
(b) Maxillary artery
(c) Middle meningeal artery
(d) Chorda tympani
16. In between the two heads of lateral pterygoid muscle lie the following.
i. _____________
ii. ______________
17. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the mandibular nerve?
(a) It is the third division of the trigeminal nerve
(b) It is a mixed nerve
(c) Its trunk divides into anterior and posterior division
(d) Its anterior division gives a nerve supply to the medial pterygoid
(e) Its anterior division gives a nerve supply to the masseter
18. Middle conchae of nose are a part of ___________?
(a) Vomer
(b) Ethmoid
(c) Nasal bone
(d) Maxilla
19. Protrusion of tongue is brought out by ________?
(a) Genioglossus
(b) Intrinsic muscles of tongue
(c) Styloglossus
(d) Palatoglossus
20. The lymphatic drainage from the top of the tongue first passes to __________?
(a) Submental nodes
(b) Supraclavicular nodes
(c) Submandibular nodes
(d) Superior deep cervical nodes
21. Circumvallate papillae are present _________?
(a) Behind sulcus terminalis
(b) Front of sulcus terminalis
(c) Anterior 2/3 of tongue
(d) Lateral border of tongue
22. The papillae present on margins of the tongue __________?
(a) Fungiform papillae
(b) Filliform papillae
(c) Vallate papillae
(d) Folliate papillae
23. The action of styloglossus muscle is ___________?
(a) Protrusion of tongue
(b) Posteriorly retracts the tongue
(c) Depression of tongue
(d) Elevation of tongue
24. Which of the following is correct?
(a) Hard palate is formed by maxilla, palatine and vomer
(b) Levator palatine forms a dedicated tendon, which winds round the
pterygoid hamulus and flattens out to form the palatine aponeurosis
(c) All the constrictors of pharynxare inserted into median rephae on the
posterior wall of the pharynx
(d) The posterior wall of pharynx, the upper part of thyropharyngeus is a
multiple sheet of muscle and is overlapped by the upper and middle
25. Regarding Otic ganglion, which of the following is NOT TRUE?
(a) It is one of the sympathetic ganglia
(b) It is one of the parasympathetic ganglia
(c) It is located in infratemporal fossa
(d) It lies deep to mandibular nerve
(e) It is related topographically to mandibular nerve but functionally to
glossopharyngeal nerve
26. One of these ligaments does not support and reinforce of temporomandibular
(a) Lateral ligament
(b) Stylomandibular ligament
(c) Sphenomandibular ligament
(d) Stylohyoid ligament
27. Which of the following technique reduces the temporomandibular dislocation
(a) Applying pressure down on the molars while pushing the jaw backward
(b) Apply pressure down on the maxillary molars while pushing the jaw
(c) Apply pressure upward on the mandibular molars while pushing the jaw
(d) Apply pressure upwards and forwards on the jaw bone
28. Which of the following nerves is NOT a branch of posterior division of
mandibular nerve?
(a) auriculotemporal nerve
(b) Linqual nerve
(c) Buccal nerve
(d) Inferior alveolar nerve
29. The oblique line of each thyroid lamina gives attachments to the following
muscles EXCEPT:
(a) Omohyoid
(b) Sternothyroid
(c) Thyrohyoid
(d) Inferior constrictor
30. The posterior border of the thyroid cartilage gives attachments to the following
muscles EXCEPT:
(a) Palatopharyngeus
(b) Stylopharyngeus
(c) Salpingopharyngeus
(d) Thyrohyoid
31. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the cricoid cartilage?
(a) It is shaped-like a signet ring
(b) It consists of a quadrate posterior lamina and a narrow anterior arch
(c) It articulates on each side with arytenoids cartilage
(d) It articulates on each side with superior horn of thyroid cartilage
(e) It forms the lower part of larynx
32. About Arytenoid cartilage, the following statements are TRUE Except
(a) It is placed on each side of the upper border of the lamina of the
cricoids cartilage
(b) Each is pyramidal in shape
(c) It has a base having two processes
(d) The muscular process is directed medially
(e) The muscular process is directed laterally
33. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE muscular process of aryteniod
(a) It is for muscular attachment
(b) It gives insertion to posterior cricoaryteniod
(c) It gives attachment to lateral cricoaryteniod
(d) It gives attachment to vocalis muscle
34. Which of the following is NOT an extrinsic ligaments of the larynx
(a) Concus elasticus
(b) Thyrohyoid ligament
(c) Cricothyroid ligament
(d) Cricotracheal ligament
35. Regarding the thyrohyoid membrane the following statements are TRUE
(a) It is attached to the deep surface of the hyoid above
(b) It is attached to the upper margin of the thyroid cartilage below
(c) It is pierced by internal laryngeal nerve
(d) It is pierced by superior laryngeal nerve
(e) It is pierced by superior laryngeal artery
36. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Conus Elasticus
(a) It connects the cricoids cartilage with the thyroid and aryteniod
(b) It connects the corniculate with the cuneiform
(c) Its free borders form the vestibular ligaments
(d) Its free borders from the vocal ligaments
(e) It has two parts
37. Regarding posterior cricoarytenoid muscle, which of the following statements is
(a) It is the sole abductor of the vocal folds
(b) It arises from the posterior surface of the thyroid cartilage
(c) It is inserted into the muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
(d) It arises from the posterior surface of the cricoids cartilage
(e) It is innervated by the inferior laryngeal nerve
38. Rima Glottidis, the following statement is NOT TRUE:
(a) It is the interval between the two vestibular folds
(b) The interval between, the aryteniod cartilages is called
intercartilaginous part
(c) The interval between the vocal folds is called the intermembranous part
(d) It is the space between the two vocal folds
(e) It is closed by the lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
39. Which of the following events is NOT TRUE about forced respiration?
(a) Arytenoid cartilages rotate laterally
(b) The vocal ligaments are fully abducted
(c) Maximum amount of air is inhaled
(d) Intercartiligenous part of the rima glottidis
(e) The rima glottidis becomes lozenge in shape
40. In the bilateral paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerves, the following
statements are TRUE EXCEPT:
(a) Both vocal cords are adducted towards the midline by the posterior
cricoarytenoid muscles
(b) Both vocal cords are adducted towards the midline by the cricothyroid
(c) There is hoarse voice but no complete loss of phonation
(d) There is respiratory distress and even suffocation
(e) The condition is an indication for tracheostomy
41. Which of the following is NOT a feature of palatine tonsil?
(a) It has 12-15 tonsillar pits or crypts
(b) Its lateral surface is covered by a fibrous capsule
(c) Its inflammation is called tonsillitis
(d) It lies in the tonsillar fossa one on each side of the oropharynx
(e) It is related laterally to the middle constrictor muscle
42. The respiratory tract is crossed by the isthmus of the thyroid gland at the level
of the
(a) Thyroid cartilage
(b) Cricothyroid membrane
(c) Cricoid cartilage
(d) Tracheal rings
43. The muscles of the soft palate are innervated by branches of the
(a) Trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves
(b) Facial and glossopharyngeal nerves
(c) Trigeminal and vagus nerves
(d) Facial and vagus nerves
44. The mucosa of the upper larynx is innervated by the
(a) Internal laryngeal nerve which is the afferent limb of the cough reflex
(b) External laryngeal nerve which is the afferent limb of the gag reflex
(c) Internal laryngeal nerve which is the afferent limb of the gag reflex
(d) External laryngeal nerve which is the afferent limb of the cough reflex
45. Laryngeal oedema is usually confined to the larynx above the vocal folds
(a) There are numerous mucous glands in the vestibular folds
(b) The mucoasa covering the vocal folds is tightly attached to underlying
(c) Fluid will drain rapidly into the thorax below the vocal folds
(d) The mucosa above the vocal folds is more vascular into that below the
vocal folds
46. Tonsillar tissue is commonly found
(a) on the posterior wall of the oropharynx
(b) under the mucosa of the ventral surface of the tongue
(c) between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal folds
(d) at all three sites
47. The auditory tube
(a) connects the inner ear and nasopharynx
(b) is derived from the second pharyngeal pouch
(c) is opened by the action of levator veli palatini
(d) is closed by the action of tensor veli palatini
48. Laryngoscopic examination of the vocal folds after suspected recurrent
laryngeal nerve damage usually shows that the vocal fold on the injured side is
tensed and in an intermediate position between adduction and abduction. This
is because
(a) cricothyroid muscle is still functional but the interaryteniod muscles are
(b) cricothyroid muscle is still functional but the interarytenoids are weak
(c) cricothyroid muscle is paralyzed but the interarytenoids are fully active
(d) cricothyroid muscle is paralyzed but the interarytenoids are weak
49. When an emergency opening into the airway is required, the cricothyroid
membrane should be pierced immediately
(a) superior to the thyroid cartilage
(b) inferior to the thyroid cartilage
(c) inferior to the cricoids cartilage
(d) superior to the thyroid isthmus
50. Food is prevented from entering the larynx during the pharyngeal phase of
swallowing by
(a) constriction of the laryngeal entrance
(b) upward movement of the epiglottis
(c) downward movement of the larynx
(d) increase in respiratory rate
51. During swallowing the
(a) auditory tube opens
(b) cricopharyngeus muscle contracts
(c) rima glottis opens
(d) gag reflex is suspended
52. All of the following statements regarding pharynx are correct EXCEPT?
(a) The opening of auditory tube is located in the lateral wall of
(b) The soft palate is at the level of separation of nasopharynx and
(c) The pharynx is continuous with the oesophagus at the level of C6
(d) The afferent limb of the gag reflex is XCN; the efferent limb is IXCN
53. Which of the following is correct?
(a) Hard palate is formed by maxilla, palatine and vomer bones
(b) Levator palatine forms a dedicated tendon which winds round the
pterygoid hamulus and flattens out to form the palatine aponeurosis
(c) All the constrictors of pharynx are inserted into the median raphae on
the posterior wall of the pharynx
(d) The posterior wall of pharynx, the upper part of thyropharyngeus is a
multiple sheet of muscle and is overlapped by the upper and middle
54. Which of the following is not correct?
(a) Right CCA is a branch of brachiocephalic artery
(b) Left CCA is a branch of arch of aorta
(c) The CCA is divided into external and internal carotid arteries at the level
of upper border of thyroid cartilage
(d) Carotid sinus acts as a chemoreceptor
55. Which of the following is correct?
(a) Subdavian vein is a continuation of auxiliary vein
(b) Internal jugular vein is direct continuation of sigmoid sinus
(c) Branchiocephalic vein is formed behind the sternoclavicular joint by the
union of internal jugular vein and the subdavian vein
(d) All of the above
56. On applying pressure on angle of jaw while maintaining patent airway, which
nerve is likely to be damaged _________?
(a) VI CN
(b) VII CN
(c) IV CN
(d) IX CN
57. Sensory supply of nasal cavity is from a branch of ___________?
(a) Trigeminal nerve
(b) Facial nerve
(c) Occulomotor nerve
(d) Glossopharyngeal nerve
58. Pharyngotympanic tube is supplied by all EXCEPT __________?
(a) Ascending pharyngeal
(b) Ascending palatine
(c) Middle meningeal artery
(d) Artery of pterygoid canal
59. In head and neck the parasympathetic system innervates the ______
(a) Salivary glands only
(b) Lacrimal gland only
(c) Salivary and mucous glands
(d) Salivary and lacrimal glands
60. Geniculate ganglion is concerned with _________?
(a) Taste
(b) Lacrimation
(c) Saliva
(d) Sweating
61. Cranial nerve not carrying parasympathetic fibres _________?
(a) IV CN
(b) VII CN
(c) III CN
(d) IX CN
62. Injury to which nerve will affect lacrimation _________?
(a) Greater petrosal nerve
(b) Lesser petrosal nerve
(c) Sphenopalatine nerve
(d) Nasocilliary nerve
63. Which is NOT a branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery?
(a) Cavenous branch
(b) Inferior hypophyseal
(c) Meningeal artery
(d) Ophthalmic artery
64. All of the following are secretomotor to submandibular gland, EXCEPT?
(a) Facial nerve
(b) Chorda tympani
(c) Mylohyoid nerve
(d) Lingual nerve
65. Occulomotor nerve passes through _________?
(a) Foramen rotundum
(b) Superior orbital fissure
(c) Inferior orbital fissure
(d) Foramen ovale
66. True about occulomotor nerve is all EXCEPT _________?
(a) carries parasympathetic fibres
(b) causes constriction of pupils
(c) supplies inferior oblique muscle
(d) passes through inferior orbital fissure
67. Horner’s syndrome is produced due to the pressure on ________?
(a) Steilate ganglion
(b) Spinal cord
(c) Parasympathetic ganglion
(d) Celiac ganglion
68. Where is ciliary ganglion located in the orbit __________?
(a) Between optic nerve and lateral rectus
(b) Apex of orbit
(c) Apex of orbit and superior rectus
(d) Apex of orbit between optic nerve and lateral rectus
69. Which of the following is a branch of facial nerve __________?
(a) Deep petrosal nerve
(b) Lesser superficial petrosal nerve
(c) External petrosal nerve
(d) Great superficial petrosal nerve
70. The following statements concerning chorda tympani nerve are true, EXCEPT
that it __________?
(a) carries secretomotor fibres to submandibular gland
(b) joint lingual nerve in infratemporal fossa
(c) is a branch of facial nerve
(d) contains postganglionic parasympathetic fibres
71. Pterygopalatine ganglion is functionally connected to __________?
(a) Facial nerve
(b) Mandibular nerve
(c) Glossopharyngeal nerve
(d) Maxillary nerve
72. Motor supply of infrahyoid muscles is ___________?
(a) branches of cervical plexus
(b) vagus nerve
(c) clisossopharyngeal nerve
(b) mandibulas nerve
73. Which of the following is the normal arrangement of lingual nerve and vessel in
the tongue from medial to lateral_________?
(a) nerve, artery and vein
(b) artery, nerve and vein
(c) vein, artery and vein
(d) nerve, artery
74. The nerve that emerges from the two superficial heads of lateral pterygoid
muscle is ___________?
(a) Buccal nerve
(b) Masseteric nerve
(c) Nerve to pterygoid muscle
(d) Inferior alveolar nerve
75. The tip of nose is supplied by __________ nerve?
(a) Maxillary
(b) Mandibular
(c) Ophthalmic
(d) Facial
76. The largest ganglion in the neck is ________?
(a) Superior ganglion
(b) Middle ganglion
(c) Stellate ganglion
(d) Second thoracic ganglion
77. All of the following are features of an injury to the cervical sympathetic trunk,
(a) Anhydrosis
(b) Enophthalmos
(c) Mydriasis
(d) Ptosis
78. The hypoglossal nerve is the motor nerve to all of the muscles of the tongue,
EXCEPT the ___________?
(a) Genioglossus
(b) Pataloglossus
(c) Superior longitudinal muscle
(d) Inferior longitudinal muscle
79. Hypoglossal nerve is _________?
(a) Purely motor
(b) Purely sensory
(c) Mixed nerve
(d) A peripheral nerve
80. Cricothyroid is supplied by _________?
(a) Recurrent laryngeal nerve
(b) Internal laryngeal nerve
(c) External laryngeal nerve
(d) Hypoglossal nerve
81. Which of the following is innervated by the vagus nerve?
(a) The levator veli palatini
(b) The posterior belly of digastrics
(c) Mylohyoid
(d) The tensor veli palatini
82. Main nerve supply of palatine tonsils is __________?
(a) Lesser palatine nerve
(b) Greater palatine nerve
(c) Glossopharyngeal nerve
(d) Facial nerve
83. Regarding swallowing which is not correct?
(a) Laryngeal inlet prevents food and fluid entering trachea
(b) Larynx pulled upwards and forwards by hyoid and its muscles
(c) Epiglottis tilts downward and backwards to close off the inlet
(d) Epiglottis diverts food and fluid into the inlet
84. Regarding the palate, which is not correct?
(a) It is peculiar to mammals, including man
(b) Hard and soft palate shut off the nasal cavity and nasopharynx from the
(c) In children born with cleft palates air is inspired during sucking
(d) The superior surface of the palate (nasal surface) is covered with oral
85. Which of the following does not pass through the gap between the superior
constrictor and the cranium:
(a) Levator veli palatini
(b) Tensor veli palatini
(c) Pharyngotympanic tube
(d) Ascending palatine artery
86. Which of the following arteries does not supply the pharynx?
(a) Descending pharyngeal artery
(b) Ascending pharyngeal artery
(c) Greater palatine artery
(d) Ascending palatine artery
87. Which of the following is not a part of the Waldeyer’s ring?
(a) Palatine tonsils
(b) Lingual tonsils
(c) Superior tonsils
(d) Pharyngeal tonsils
88. The following structures pass through the gap between the superior and middle
constrictors EXCEPT:
(a) Palatopharyngeus
(b) Stylopharyngeus
(c) Stylohyoid ligament
(d) Glossopharyngeal nerve
89. Regarding pterygoid plexus which of the following is not true:
(a) It is joined to the facial vein by the deep facial vein
(b) Emissary veins connect pterygoid plexus with cavenous sinus
(c) It’s a venous network that surrounds lateral pterygoid muscle
(d) It is drained posteriorly by the facial vein
90. Communications of the pterygoid veinous plexus, which is not correct?
(a) It is joined to the facial vein
(b) It is connected to the cavernous sinus
(c) The emissary veins that connect pterygoid plexus with cavernous sinus
may pass through foramen spinosum
(d) The emissary veins that connect pterygoid plexus with cavernous sinus
may pass through formen ovale.
91. Pterygopalatine fossa, communicates with the following EXCEPT
(a) Infratemporal fossa
(b) Middle cranial fossa
(c) Posterior cranial fossa
(d) Pterygoid canal
92. Which of the following is not correct about pterygopalatine ganglion?
(a) It is smallest of the four parasympathetic ganglia
(b) It is has a parasympathetic root
(c) It has sympathetic root
(d) It has sensory root
93. Which of the following is not one of the branches of pterygopalatine?
(a) Labial branches
(b) Nasal branches
(c) Palatine branches
(d) Pharyngeal branches
94. Which of the following is not one of the contents of pterygopalatine fossa?
(a) Third part of maxillary artery
(b) Pterygopalatine ganglion
(c) Otic ganglion
(d) Fat
95. Regarding opening of the mouth of following events take place EXCEPT?
(a) The first movement is rotation of the head of mandible around a
horizontal axis at the TMJ
(b) This rotation takes place in the lower compartment of the TMJ
(c) The second movement is forward gliding of the head of the mandible
(d) This gliding takes place in the lower compartment
96. About aurriculotemporal nerve, which of the following is not true?
(a) It enters the parotid gland through the posterolateral surface
(b) It courses superior posterior to the TMJ
(c) It then crosses the zygoma and lies behind the superficial temporal
(d) The terminal branches of the nerve innervate the scalp
97. Regarding the parotid duct, which of the following is not correct: to reach the
vestibule of the mouth the duct pierces the following structures in succession?
(a) Buccal pad of fat
(b) Bucco-pharyngeal fascia
(c) Bucinator muscle
(d) Masseter muscle
98. About the facial nerve, which of the following is not correct?
(a) It enters the parotid gland through the postero-medial surface
(b) It breaks inside the gland to form a plexus
(c) The plexus gives a group of terminal branches
(d) It passes into the stylomastoid foramen
99. About the internal relations of the parotid gland the following structures
traverse the gland EXCEPT:
(a) Facial nerve
(b) Retromandibular vein
(c) External carotid artery
(d) Internal laryngeal nerve
100. Which of the following is not a feature of atlas vertebra?
(a) It is the first cervical vertebra
(b) It has neither a body nor a spine
(c) It has a strong tooth-like process called the dens or odontoid process
(d) It consists of 2 lateral masses and 2 arches

1. Diphyodont
2. Tongue tie
3. Periodontal disease
4. Bruxism
5. Pulpitis
6. e
7. e
8. d
9. a
10. a
11. b
12. b
13. a
14. a
15. e
16. i. maxillary artery
ii. buccal nerve
17. d
18. b
19. a
20. a
21. b
22. a
23. b
24. c
25. a
26. d
27. a
28. c
29. a
30. d
31. d
32. d
33. d
34. a
35. d
36. c
37. b
38. a
39. d
41. e
42. d
43. c
44. a
45. b
46. c
47. c
48. b
49. b
50. a
51. a
52. d
53. c
54. d
55. d
56. b
57. a
58. b
59. d
60. a
61. a
62. a
63. d
64. c
65. b
66. d
67. a
69. d
70. d
71. a
72. a
73. b
74. a
75. c
76. a
77. c
78. b
79. a
80. c
81. a
82. c
83. d
84. d
85. b
86. a
87. d
88. a
89. d
90. d
91. c
92. a
93. a
94. c
95. d
97. d
98. d
99. d
100. c

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