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2. Features of trapezius include:

attachment to medial two-thirds of the superior nuchal line
attachment to the spines of the cervical vertebrae

#3: Which of the following is a feature of Levator Scapulae?

a. it gets motor innervation from the dorsal scapular nerve

b. It gets motor innervation from the spinal roots of the accessory nerve
c. Arises from the medial 1/3 of ligamentum nuchae
d. Arises from the medial 2/3 of ligamantum nuchae

5. Protraction of the scapulae is by a muscle which is attached to the

a. lateral border of the scapula
b. medial border of the scapula
c. outer border of the acromion
d. lumbar fascia and lumbar spine

Question #6
Lateral rotation of muscles is attached to which part of the scapula
a) lateral border to the superior angle
b)medial border to the inferior angle
c) anterior end of 3th, 4th and 5th ribs
d) outer border of acromion to the inferior angle

7) Elevation of the scapula is brought out by a muscle which attaches to

a) medial 2/3rd of superior nucheal line
b) medial 1/3rd of superior nucheal line
c) transverse processes of first 5 cervical vertebrae
d) ?

12. What therapy would you recommend for 9 year old boy suffering from Duchenne's
muscular dystrophy?
A Occupational therapy for managing every tasks
B physical therapy physical vigorous exercise
C Language and speech therapy for swallow test
D Education for caregivers on how not to support affected individual
14.Which of the following is a cause of Teleberg's gait:
1) obturator femoris weakness
2)knee joint pathologies
3) glutius medius weakness
4) ankle joint pathalogies

17.Where does Subscapularis insertion? Lesser Tubercle

18. Which of the following muscles simultaneously abducts the arm?

a) Pectoralis Major and pectoralis minor
b) supraspinatus and infraspinatus
c) teres major and supraspinatus
d) ??

19. Complete section of the sciatic nerve, though uncommon, results in a useless lower
limb. Which of the following actions can still occur with such an injury?
a. Dorsiflexion of Foot
b. Flexion of Leg
c. Plantarflexion of Foot
d. Extension of Leg

20. What are the functions of pectoralis major?

A. Flexion
B. Extension
C. Abduction
D. Lateral rotation

#21. In a positive Tredelenberg test, a fracture of which of the following would be seen?
(don't remember if that's the exact wording)
a. Greater trocanter
b. Lesser Trochanter
c. Glueteal line
d. Iliac crest

21. If a person had a TRENDELENBERG gait where would one most likely expect to
find a fracture?
a. greater trochanter
b. lesser trochanter
c. gluteal tuberosity
d. Iliac cres

Q25: The spring ligament is also known as the

a. short plantar
b. posterior calcaneonavicular
c. long plantar
d. deltoid
28. Which of the following is located outside the femoral sheath?
a. Femoral Nerve
b. Femoral Artery
c. Femoral Vein
d. Gland of Cloquet (Rosenmuller)

29. Which muscle inserts its fibres to the medial border of the patella?
a. Sartorius
b. Rectus Femoris
c. Vastus Intermedius
d. Vastus Mediales

#30 What is the function of obturator internus in the pelvis?

a) Extension
b) Internal rotation
c) Abduction
d) Lateral rotation

31. The common peroneal nerve runs close to which of the following structures?
A) Tendon of Gracilis
B) Vastus Lateralis
C) Tendon of Biceps Femoris
D) Adductor Magnus

31.The common peroneal nerve runs alongside which structure:

a) tendon of gracilis
b) tendon of vastus lateralis
c) tendon of adductor magnus
d) tendon of biceps femoris

32) Which statement about the anterior cruciate ligament is INCORRECT?

a. it attaches to the lateral condyle of the femur in the anterior aspect

b. It is attached to the tibial plateau in front of the tibial spine

c. it prevents active extension of the knee joint

d. It crosses lateral to the posterior cruciate ligament

34. The serrratus anterior muscle receives motor innervation from a branch of the brachial plexus
having which of the following root values?
 A. C5, 6, 7, 8

 B. C5, 6, 7

 C. C5, 6,

 D. C7, 8, T1

34. Serratus Anterior receives motor innervation from a branch of the brachial plexus
with which root value

a. C5, C6, C7

35) Which is the incorrect regarding the blood supply of the upper limb.
A)The subclavian artery is the stem artery.
B)The left subclavian artery is a branch of the brachiocephalic trunk
C)The subclavian artery changes its name 2 axillary artey at the point of 1st rib
D) The left subclavian artery is a branch of the arch of the aorta

37. Most of the lymph from the the lateral aspect of the hand drains into which of the
following group of lymph nodes?
A) Epitrochlear lymph nodes
B) Posterior group of axilla lymph nodes
C) Lateral Group of lymph nodes
D) Infraclavicular and supraclavicular lymph nodes

#38 Median line of the lower limb passes through which of the following?
a) Hallux
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th

39. Which of the following ribs defines the medial wall of the axilla? (sumin to dt effect)
A. 3rd
B. 4th
C. 5th
D. 6th

40. Which of the following muscles has winging of the scapula as a clinical feature of
a. Serratus Anterior
b. Scalenus Anterior
c. Subscapularis
d. Supraspinatus
42. Pectoralis major is supplied by branches of the brachial plexus with the following
root values?
a. C5,6,7,8,T1

42) What is the nerve root for the nerve that supplies Latissimus dorsi?
a. ?
b. C6, C7, C8
c. C7, C8, T1
d. S1, S2, L1

Which of the following structures goes through the flexor retinaculum?

a)tendon of flexor pollicus longus
b)continuation of radial artery
c) tendon of palmaris longus
d) palmer cutaneous branch of the median nerve

43. What's the origin of the transverse head of adductor pollcis?

A. flexor retinaculum
B. radial border of thumb
C. 3rd metacarpal
D. triquetrum

44.The muscle that runs horizontally to the posterior tip of the inferior angle of the
scapula is innervated by which nerve?
A. Dorsal Scapular Nerve
B. Posterior intercostal branch of T7 spinal nerve
C. Spinal Accessory nerve
D. Thoracodorsal nerve

46. How many secondary centres does the humerus have?

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

47.How much 2ndary Ossification center does the Ulna have?

a. 3
b. 7

47. How many secondary ossification centres does the ulna have?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

which of the following structures does not pierce the clavipectoral fossa?
a) cephalic vein
b) thoraco-acromial vessels
c) lateral pectoral nerve
d) superior thoracic vessel

which of the following best describe the scapula?
a. the two heads of biceps brachii are attached to the scapula
b. the spine has a scapular notch
c. it extends from the level of the 2nd rib to the level of the 9th rib
d. its medial border is thicker than its lateral border

53. Which best describes the Scapula?

A) Both heads of biceps brachii attach to the inferior posterior angle
B) Extends from 2nd to 9th rib
C) It's medial side is thicker than it's lateral side
D) The spine of the scapula has a scapular notch

56. which of the following statements best describes the pectoralis major muscle
a. The pectoralis major muscle is a good indication as to the extent of damage in the
brachial plexus
c. it is a powerful adductor and lateral rotator

57) A thief was injured by a thin metal sheath that fell from above that lacerated his
shoulder, just narrowly missing his head in the coronal plane. An astute medical student
observed that he was unable to laterally rotate his scapula. Which of the following
nerves would likely be injured?
a) dorsal scapular
d)spinal accessory

58) Chris Brown fell and slashed his cubital fossa, he injured his median
nerve just before it passed through the two heads of pronator teres. Which
action of the thumb remains unimpaired?
A) abduction
B) Extension
C) flexion
D) Opposition


Which of the following carpal bones are found in the proximal row?

a) Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

b) Hamate, lunate, scaphoid, capitate

c) Trapezium, pisiform, capitate, trapezoid

d) Triquetrum, hamate, pisiform, scaphoid

Which of the following is true about the Gluteus Medius

a) It is innervated by the Inferior Gluteal Nerve
b) It is completely covered by the Gluteus Maximus
c) Causes pelvic shift up on opposite side when walking
d) Is inserted into anterior side of greater trochanter

61, Which of the following is true about the Gluteus Medius

a) It is innervated by the Inferior Gluteal Nerve
b) It is completely covered by the Gluteus Maximus
c) Causes pelvic shift up on opposite side when walking
d) Is inserted into anterior side of greater trochanter

A UWI...right handed player with a repeated history of gleno-humeral dislocations has
difficulty griping his racket firmly: which of the following are NOT likely causes :
a)carpal tunnel syndrome
b)ulnar nerve entrapment at elbow
c)anterior interosseous syndrome
d)history of repeated ANTERIOR gleno-humeral dislocations
67. What therapy would you recommend for 10year old boy suffering from Duchenne’s
muscular dystrophy?
i.physical therapy physical submaximal exercise

ii.occupational therapy for managing every tasks

iii.Language and speech therapy for swallow test

iv.Education for caregivers on how to suppoted affected individual


b.i & ii

c.i & iv

d.all of the above

72. Compression of the median nerve associated with carpal tunnel syndrome will result
a) wasting of adductor pollicis
b) wasting of opponens pollicis
c) wasting of flexor pollicis longus
d) sensoric loss over the thenar eminence

73.Lesion of the ulna at the wrist would result in:

a. loss of sensation over the dorsal 3 ½ digits of the hand
b. loss of sensation over the palmar 3 ½ digits of the hand
c. loss of gripping action due to denervation of Palmaris longus
d. “claw” deformity

74. which statement concerning fracture of the scaphoid is correct?

a. it is always shown on an x-ray
b. avascular necrosis of the distal segment may be seen
c. the fracture occurs at the waist of the bone
d. there is tenderness in the apex of the snuffbox

Question 75.What is the action of anconeus on the elbow?

a. lateral rotation
b. extension
c. adduction
d. flexion

#76 Give the definition of a dermatome:

b) Any peripheral nerve
C)Area supplied by a root of the brachial plexus
d) Area supplied by a spinal nerve
#77 which of the following nerves passes through the lesser sciatic foramen?
A.posterior femoral cutaneous of the thigh
B.nerve to obturator internus
C.nerve to quadratus femoris
D.inferior gluteal nerve

79. Which of the following ligaments resist extension of the hip joint?
a. Pubofemoral ligament
b. Iliofemoral ligament
c. ischiofemoral ligament
d. ligamentum res femoris

80) Which is true concerning the popliteal fossa?

A) the roof is formed by fascia lata
B) lateral boundaries formed by the tendons of semitendinosous and semimembranosous.
C) has the popliteal artery superiorly placed
D) common peroneal nerve is medially related.

#83 Which of the following is TRUE about the menisci?

A. They are attached to the articular surface of the femur.
B. They are shock absorbers and also act as cushions.
C. The medial meniscus is almost circular.
D. The lateral meniscus is a semi circle.

Answer is B! - they do act as shock absorbers and cushions at the knee joint.
-They are attached to the articular surface of the TIBIA.
-The medial meniscus is a semi circle or an 'opened C' as some refer to it as.
-The lateral meniscus is almost a circle or an 'closed C' as some refer to it as.

#85 Which is correct regarding the interossei muscles of the foot?

a) All are supplied by the lateral plantar nerve
b) All are supplied by the medial plantar nerve
c) Plantar interrossei is supplied by the medial plantar nerve
d) Dorsal interrossei is supplied by the sural nerve

Which is correct regarding all the interossei in the foot?

A. All innervated by the Medial Plantar nerve
B. all innervated by the Lateral Plantar nerve
C. All planter interossei are innverated by the Medial Plantar nerve
D. All dorsal interossei are innervated by the Sural Nerve

#87 What is the incorrect muscle/nerve association?

a) Peroneus tertius- Deep Peroneal nerve
b) Tibialis Anterior- Deep Peroneal nerve
c) Extensor digitorum longus- Superficial Peroneal nerve
d) Peroneus brevis-Superficial Peroneal nerve

89. The root values for the femoral nerve are:

a. L2, L3, L4
b. L5, S1, S2
c. S1, S2, S3
d. L1, S1, S2

90.Compression of what nerve causes the pathological syndrome Meralgia Paraesthetica?

a.Medial Cutaneous Nerve
b. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
c. Genitofemoral nerve
d. something else I can't remember. lol ( I think it was Sural. :S)

92.Which of the following best describes the nature of osteoid?

A. Lamellar bone
B. Woven bone
C. Uncalcified bone
D. Dead bone

#93 - which of the following is true about osteoclasts?

A. Are retired cells
B. Make new bone
C. Break down bone
D. Protects the bone against infection

93. Which of the following is true concerning osteoclasts?

a. They are inactive cells
b. They break down bone
c. They lay down new bone
d. They prevent joint infection

95. Which of the following pairs of muscles is inserted into the iliotibial tract?
A. Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus
B. Gluteus Maximus and Gluteus Medius
C. Tensor Fascia Lata and Gluteus Medius
D.Tensor Fascia Lata and Gluteus Maximus
97. Which of the following heel bones articulate with the talus?
a. Navicular
b. Lower end of tibia
c. Lower end of tibia and fibula
d. Calcaneum (---> Latin for calcaneus)

Where do you give an injection in the gluteal reason to avoid injury to the sciatic nerve?
a. Upper inner quadrant
b.Upper outter quadrant
c. Lower inner quadrant
d. Lower outter quadrant

The structure that is closest to the skin of the sole is:

A) flexor digitorum brevis
B) plantar aponeurosis
C) quadratus plantae
D) long plantar ligament

99. With respect to the radiocarpal joint, which of the following bones contribute to its
A. Scaphoid only
B. Lunate only
C. Scaphoid and Triquetral
D. Scaphoid and Lunate

RANDOM Section with no numbers (Kadeem gave these)

The nature of an Osteoid is:

A. Woven Bone
B. Lamellar Bone
C. Uncalcified Bone
D. Dead Bone

During the earthquakes in Haiti many persons received crush injuries to the lower
extermities. Which nerve would be most susceptible to such an injury.

A. Anterior Tibial
B. Posterior Tibial
C. Common Peronneal
D. Sciatic

Describe the relation between the subclavian artery and vein and the scalenus anterior

A. The artery and vein are posterior to the muscle.

B. The vein is posterior and the artery is anterior to the muscle.
C. The aretery and vein are anterior to the muscle.
D. The vein is anterior and the artery is posterior to the muscle.

The function of Osteoclasts is:

A. Lay down new bone

B. Non-functional (not sure about this one)
C. Reabsorb bone
D. Haemopoiesis (i think)

With a facture of a scaphoid which of the following

A. There maybe loss of sensation at the apex of the anatomical snuffbox

B. The fracture may not show up on X-ray
C. The fracture occurs at the waist of the bone.
D. Avascluar necrosis of the distal segment may occur.

The spring ligament is properly known as:

A. Calcaneocuboid Ligament
B. Calcaneocuboidmetatarsal Ligament
C. Plantar Calcaneonavicular ligament
D. Talofibula ligament.

Which of the following statement about the ulnar nerve is most accurate:

A. It ends in the first dorsal interosseus

B. It passes between flexor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis
C. ??
D, ??

Through which digit does the midline of the foot run.

A. Hallux
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. Fourth

Clergyman's knee is the result of inflammation of which bursa.

A. Suprapatella bursa
B. Infrapatella bursa
C. Pes Anserus
D. Biceps Bursa

The angle that the neck of the femur makes with the head in an adult male is:

A. 115
B. 90
C. 105
D. 125

A positive Trendelenberg test in indicative of a fracture of

A. Femoral Neck
B. Greater Trochanter
C. Lesser Trochanter
D. Iliac Crest

A feature of the Trapezius is:

A. It has attachment to the

B. It has attachment to the medial aspect of the acromion
C. It has attachment to the Superior Angle
D. It has attachment to the lateral mass of the acromion

The trendelenberg gait could be attributed to:

A. Adductor Magnus weakness

B. Gluteus Maximus weakness
C. Gluteus Medius weakness
D. Quadraceps femoris weakness

All of the following muscles are flexors of the hip except:

A. Pectineus
B. Sartorius
C. Psoas Major
D. Illiacus

A feature of the Latissimus Dorsi is:

A. It is supplied by a nerve of root value C6-8.
B. It has attachment to the cervical vertebrae
C. It is a lateral rotator of the scapula
D. It is supplied by the spinal accessory nerve.

Random no numbers other classmates

Rhianna robyn was stung by a wasp in the 4th web space. Following this she developed a
fever of 101o. she visited doctor Lil Wayne, where would he observe a swelling
a) Lateral axillary lymph nodes
b)lymph nodes in cubital fossa

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