Part 3 Previous Years 2
Part 3 Previous Years 2
Part 3 Previous Years 2
6) Mixed granules are characterized by
a. Aggregates of rough endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes
b. Present in e perkrayon and axones
c. Eosinophilic in stain.
d. Aggregates of mitochondria and lysosomes.
8) The superficial vein that runs on the radial side of the upper limb is the:
a. Radial. b. Axillary. c. Basilic. d. Cephalic.
9) Consider two axons with similar electrical properties and physical dimensions.
If axon A has twice as many nodes of Ranvier per cm of length, then the
conduction velocity of action potentials in A........................ relative to the
velocity of the AP in the other axon
a. will be greater. b. will be the same.
c. cannot be determined. d. will be smaller.
12) Which of the following nerves ends deep to the flexor retinaculum
a. Deep peroneal. b. Posterior tibial.
c. Common peroneal. d. Medial planter.
14) Retrograde transport occurs when the nerve impulses are conducted in the
normal pathway towards the nerve terminal
a. True b. False
16) Chronaxie
a. ls the minimal stimulus which produce response after relatively long time.
b. Is the minimal time needed by the strong stimulus to produce response.
c. is the time required to stimulate the nerve by a stimulus which is double rheobase.
d. Is the time required to stimulate the nerve by a minimal stimulus.
17) Where is the most common site for fracture of the clavicle?
a. Junction of the lateral two-thirds and the medial third.
b. Midpoint of the clavicle.
c. Lateral end.
d. Junction of the medial two-thirds and the lateral third.
e. Medial end
20) Which ONE of the following is true regarding the dorsalis pedis artery?
a. Gives the lateral plantar artery. b. Pierces 2nd dorsal interosseous muscle.
c. Joins the ends of the plantar arch. d. Lies lateral to the deep peroneal nerve.
22) The time needed by the Rheobase to give a response is called the minimal
a. True b. False
23) Regarding end plate potential
a. It has a refractory period. b. It obeys the all or none law.
c. It is a localized hyperpolarization. d. It is of low amplitude in myasthenia gravis.
28) Which ONE of the following muscles is supplied by posterior interosseous
a. Brachioradialis. b. Extensor carpi radialis longus.
c. Brachialis. d. Extensor carp-ulnaris.
29) The pubic part of the adductor magnus belong to the the hamstrings
a. True. b. False.
30) The artery that accompanies the radial nerve in the spiral groove is
a. Brachial artery. b. Profunda brachii artery.
c. Median artery. d. Radial artery.
31) After damage of the ulnar nerve at the elbow joint all the following are true
a. Loss of flexion of the distal phalanx of the little finger.
b. Anesthesia (loss of sensations) over the skin of hypothenar eminence.
c. Loss of abduction of the index finger.
d. Partial claw hand.
32) Retrograde transport occurs when the nerve impulses are conducted in the
normal pathway towards the nerve terminal.
a. True b. False
34) The visceral smooth muscle
a. Shows contraction when it is stretched.
b. is composed of individual muscle fibers.
c. Control is mainly through nervous stimuli.
d. is found in iris of eye
35) When smooth muscles are stretched, they tend to depolarize and contract.
a. True.
b. False.
36) At which site does the brachial artery terminate?
a. Lower border of teres major. b. Styloid process of ulna.
c. Styloid process of radius. d. Neck of radius.
38) The posterior wall (floor) of the adductor canal is formed by ONE of the
a. Adductor longus and adductor brevis muscles.
b. Adductor longus and adductor magnus muscles.
c. Pectineus and adductor longus muscles.
d. Adductor brevis and adductor magnus muscles.
39) Terminal cisternae are
a. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
b. Tubular invaginations of the sarcolemma.
c. Present in smooth muscle.
d. Three in each sarcomere forming the triad.
40) To which group of lymph nodes the lymph node of Cloquet belongs? 1LO:2
a. vertical group of superficial inguinal.
b. Lateral group of horizontal group of superficial inguinal.
c. Medial group of horizontal group of superficial inguinal.
d. Deep inguinal.
41) the following muscles is NOT supplied by the medial popliteal
a. Popiteus. b. Plantars. c. Gastrocenemius. d. Flexor digitorum longus.
42) Lymphatics from the skin of the back above the iliac crest drain into the
a. Pectoral group of the axillary lymph nodes.
b. Central group of the axillary lymph nodes.
C. Subscapular group of the axillary lymph nodes.
d. Apical group of the axillary lymph nodes.
44) Which of the following points is supplied by the posterior tibial nerve
a. inferior tibio-fibular. b. Ankle. c. Superior tibio-fibular. d. Knee.
45) Tibial nerve supplies
a. hip joint b. knee joint c. both of them d. none of them
46) Flat bones (eg. the scapula)
a. Is composed of both compact and spongy bone.
b. Develops by endochondral ossification
c. Contains one bone marrow cavity.
d. Shows well developed Haversian system.
48) Which of the following muscles flex the forearm at the midprone position?
a. Biceps. b. Pronator teres. c. Brachialis. d. Brachioradialis.
51) Regarding veins of the lower linb, the following statements are correct
a. Femoral vein lies medial to the femoral artery at the base of the femoral triangle.
b. Small saphenous vein drains into popliteal vein.
c. The great saphenous vein passes behind the medial malleolus.
d. Great saphenous vein pierces cribriform fascia to enter femoral vein.
52) Concerning serratus anterior, all the following are true EXCEPT
a. Arises by digitations from the upper 8 ribs.
b. Acts as a protractor of the scapula.
c. Inserts into the axillary border of the scapula.
d. Takes part in raising the am above the head.
55) This process aids in skeletal muscle relaxation after contraction:
a. Troponin binds calcium.
b. Calcium is released from intracellular storage sites.
c. Acetylcholinesterase degrades acetylcholine.
d. Motor neurons send electrical signal to muscle.
57) The following statements concerning the blood vessels of the upper limb are
correct EXCEPT
a. The cephalic vein arises on the palm of the hand.
b. The pulsation of the radial artery can be felt in the floor of the anatomical snuff box.
c. The axillary sheath surrounds the axillary vessels and the brachial plexus.
d. The axillary vein is formed by the union of the venae comitantes of the brachial artery
and the basilic vein.
59) The wrist joint usually communicates with the distal RUJ
a. True b. False
60) Schwann cell is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT
a. Helps in regeneration of the nerve fiber.
b. it forms Nissl substance.
c. It forms the myelin sheath in the PNS.
d. Forms neurilemmal sheath.
64) All of The following muscles are responsible for the maintenance of the
medial longitudinal arch of the foot except
a. Tibialis posterior. b. Flexor hallucis longus. c. Peroneus brevis.
d. Flexor digitorum longus. e. Tibialis anterior.
65) The posterior tibial artery is terminated by passing deep to:
a. Plantar aponeurosis. b. Flexor retinaculum.
c. Extensor retinaculum. d. Peroneal retinaculum.
66) Membrane stabilizers are all the factors that increase nerve excitability
a. True. d. False.
67) The following muscles are supplied by the ulnar nerve EXCEPT
a. Adductor policis. b. Abductor digiti-minimi.
c. Extensor carpi-ulnaris. d. Flexor carpi-ulnaris.
68) During its course in the upper limb the radial nerve lies
a. Medial to the brachial artery in the cubital fossa.
b. In front of the medial condyle of the humerus.
c. Against surgical neck of the humerus.
d. Against spial groove of the humerus
70) Which of the following muscles belong to the first layer of back muscles?
a. Levator scapulae. b. Latissmus dorsi.
c. Rhomboideus minor. d. Rhomboideus minor.
71) Concerning pronator teres, all the following are correct EXCEPT
a. Flexes the elbow.
b. Forms the medial boundary of the cubital fossa.
c. Inserts into the ulna.
d. innervated by the median nerve.
72) The following are ligaments of hip joint EXCEPT
a. ligament of the head of femur. b. Transverse acetabular.
c. Pubofemoral d. Cruciate ligament. e. Iliofemoral.
73) Which of the following structures passes posterior to the lateral mallealus?
LO: 1
a. Great saphenous vein. b. Musculocutaneous nerve.
c. Short saphenous vein. d. Saphenous nerve.
77) which of the following muscles is supplied by direct branches from the tibial
a. soleus. b. Flexor digitorum longus. c. Tibilis posterior. d. Flexor hallucis
78) At the wrist All carpal bones form part of the wrist joint
a. False b. True
79) The following statements concerning the blood vessels of the upper limb are
correct EXCEPT:
a. The axillary sheath surrounds the axillary vessels and the brachial plexus.
b. The cephalic vein arises on the palm of the hand.
c. The pulsation of the radial artery can be felt in the floor of the anatomical snuff box.
d. The axillary vein is formed by the union of the venae comitantes of the brachial artery
and the basilic vein.
83) Deep peroneal nerve supplies which web space
a. 2nd b. 3rd c. 4th d. 1st
85) Which of the following muscles support the medial longitudinal arche of the
a. Tibialis anterior. b. Extensor hallucis longus
c. Peroneus tertius d. Extensor digitorum longus.
86) Which of the following muscles produce planter flexion of the foot
a. Extensor digitorum longus. b. Peroneus longus.
c. Tibialis anterior. d. Extensor hallucis longus.
88) Select the correct sentence describing retrograde degeneration of the injured
a. Fragmented neurofibrils. b. Loss of shiny appearance.
c. Shrinkage of perikaryon. d. Increased basophilia.
89) The visceral type of smooth muscles act as a functional syncytium.
a. True. b. False.
90) During its course in the upper limb, the axillary nerve lies:
a. Against the surgical neck of the humerus.
b. Medial to the brachial artery in the cubital fossa.
c. In front of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
d. Against the spiral groove of the humerus.
92) In a cross section of a nerve trunk stained with osmic acid the structures that
could not be seen are:
a. Fat cells and myelin sheath. b. Myelin sheath and neurilemma.
c. Neurilemma and axon. d. Axon and fat cells.
93) After birth, continuous remodeling of bones occurs by coordinate action of.
a. chondroblast and chondroclasts. b. osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
c. osteocytes and osteoclasts. d. osteocytes and osteoblasts.
94) Which of the following muscles doesn't have an attachment to the scapula?
a. Pectoralis minor. b. Triceps. c. Pectoralis major. d. Serratus anterior muscle.
95) The magnitude of action potential in the skeletal muscle fibers is 105 mv (-70
to +35 mv).
a. True b. False
96) The structure passing deep to inferior extensor retinaculum are all of the
following except:
a. peroneus brevis b. tibialis anterior
c. extensor digitorum longus d. extensor halluces longus
99) Paralysis of the deltoid muscle causes when one of the following
a. loss of abduction of the arm from 0 to 90
b. loss of abduction of the arm from0 to 10
c. loss of abduction of the arm from 90 to 100
d. loss of abduction of the arm from 10 to 90
101) Concerning pronator teres, all the following are correct except:
a. forms the medial boundary of the b. supplied by medial nerve
c. flexes the elbow d. none of the above
102) The capsule of shoulder joint is attached circumference to the neck of the
a. true b. false
103) All the following are content of the adductor canal except
a. femoral artery b. femoral nerve c. saphenous nerve d. femoral nerve
104) Which nerve is probably damaged if a patient cant abduct the arm up to 90?
a. radial b. axillary c. musculocutaneous d. median
105) The dermatome supply over the hip of the abductor is derived from
a. c3 b. c5 c. t1 d. c4
115) the following are true regarding the adductor canal except
a. its floor is formed by adductor longus and magnus
b. its lateral wall is formed by vastus latateralis
c. its roof and medial wall is formed by deep fascia scarious muscle
d. it enter the femoral vessel and nerve to
116) The الكلمة مش واضحه في السؤالhave all the following component except
a. tropomyosin b. troponin c c. alpha acitin d. acitin
118) In the extended knee joint with the foot on the ground the joint is unlocked
by :
a. lateral rotation of the tibia b. median rotation of the femur
c. median rotation of the tibia d. lateral rotation of the femur
119) Which one of the following is true regarding the dorsailis pedis artery
a. joint the end of the plantar arch b. gives the tibial plantear artery
c. lies lateral to the deep peroneal artery d. pierces the 2nd dorsal intercostal muscle
120) cuniculus bone is characterized by
a. regular arranged bone lamellae b. a large central bone marrow cavity
c. irregular bone d. well developed
122) which of the following muscle tendons is present in the second layer of the
a. extensor retinaculum b. flexor digitorum longus
c. tibialis posterior d. peroneus longus
124) the interior surface of the clavicle gives attachment to all the following
a. conoid ligament b. pectianl major muscle c. tragoid ligament
d. Subclavius muscle e. costo scapular ligament
125) which of the following nerve supply fibularis anterior muscle
a. posterior tibial b. medial popliteal c. deep peroneal d. common peritoneal
126) With response to smooth muscle all the following are true except
a. action potential can be suffocated by stretch
b. intracellular Ca+2 bind to calmodulin to initiate muscle contraction
c. sarcoplasmic reticulum is
d. smooth muscle contract action but not myosin
127) Retrograded transport occur when the nerve
a. true b. false
129) which of the following muscle is attached to the tendonous arch between
fibula and tibia
a. flexur digiturm longus b. tibialis posterior c. tibialis anterior d. soleus
130) The following statement concerning the blood of the upper limp are correct
a. the axillary sheath surround the axillary vessel and brachial plexus
b. the axillary vein is formed by the union of venae comitantes of brachial branch and
the basilic vein
c. the cephalic vein arch on the palm of the hand
d. the pulsation of the radial artery can be felt in the floor of the
131) which of the following muscle belong to the first layer of back muscle
a. levator capsule b. rhomboid major c. rhomboid minor d. none of the above