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All Antomy Mcqs Final-1

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All are the contents of axilla except

a) Axillary artery and its branches

b) Axillary vein and its tributaries
c) Lymph vessels and lymph nodes
d) Shoulder joint
Qno2. It is a strong sheet of connective tissue that is attached above to clavicle

a) Thoracolumbar facia
b) Suspensory ligament
c) Clavipectoral fascia
d) None of above

Qno3. The key muscle in axilla is

a) Pectrolis minor
b) Pectrolis major
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of above
Qno4. All are the branches of brachial artery except

a) Nutrient artery
b) Profunda artery
c) Superior radial collateral artery
d) Inferior ulnar collateral artery
Qno5. Brachial artery begins at the lower border of

a) Teres minor
b) Teres major
c) Rohmboid major
d) None of above
Qno6. Axillary lymph nodes are arranged in

a) 5 groups
b) 6 groups
c) 7 groups
d) 8 groups
Qno7. Infraclavicular group of axillary lymph nodes lies in groove between

a) Deltoid and pectoralis minor

b) Deltoid and pectoralis major
c) Both (i) and (ii)
d) None of above

Qno8. Apical node drain into

a) Thoracic duct
b) Right lymph trunk
c) Subclavian lymph trunk
d) All of the above
Qno9. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves out which 8 lies in

a) Thoracic
b) Sacral
c) Cervical
d) Coccygeal
Qno10. In adults the spinal cord ends at

a) Upper border of 1st lumbar vertebra

b) Lower border of 2nd lumbar vertebra
c) Lower border of 1st lumbar vertebra
d) Upper border of 2nd lumbar vertebra

Qno11. All are the contents of cubital fossa except

a) Median nerve
b) Bifurcation of brachial artery
c) Tendon of bicep muscle
d) Radial nerve ( superficial branch)
Qno12. The termination of spinal cord forms bundles of nerves known as

a) Sacrum
b) Coccyx
c) Caudaequina
d) None of above
Qno13 the outer part of shaft of bone is covered by connective tissue known as

a) Epipheasal cartilage
b) Metaphysis
c) Diaphysis
d) Periosteum
Qno14. Largest sesamoid bone is ------------ and located in -----------

a) Pelvis, quardricepfemoris
b) Tibia, hamstring
c) Patella, quadriceps femoris
d) Fibula, quardicepfemoris

Qno15. The cell bodies of nerve fibres are situated in a swelling on posterior root called as

a) Anterior root ganglion

b) Posterior root ganglion
c) Anterior root
d) Posterior root
Qno16. Laterally cubital fossa is bounded by

a) Brachilais
b) Brachioradilais
c) Biceps
d) Brachial artery
Qno17. On emerging from foramen the spinal nerve divides into

a) Anterior and posterior root

b) Anterior and posterior ganglion
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Anterior and posterior ramus

Qno18. Lymphatic vessels are found everywhere in body except

a) CNS
b) Eye ball
c) Epidermis of skin
d) All of above
Qno19. Sutures of skull classified into which joint type
a) Pivot joints
b) Saddle joints
c) Condyloid joints
d) Fibrous joints

Qno20. The joints whose articular surfaces are flat or almost flat and permits sliding

a) Hinge joints
b) Plane joints
c) Pivot joints
d) Saddle joints
Qno21. Symphysis pubis is an example of

a) Plane joints
b) Fibrous joints
c) Cartiligenous joints
d) None of above
Qno22. Only Rotation is possible in

a) Acromioclavicular joints
b) Manubrium sterni
c) Symphsis pubis
d) Atlanoaxial joint

Qno23. A layer of flat broad tendons supplied by blood by blood vessels is called

a) Facia
b) Flexor retinaculum
c) Extensor retinaculum
d) Aponeurosis

Qno24. Which is the deeply penetrating structure of skin

a) Superficial fascia
b) Deep fascia
c) Sweat gland
d) Sebaceous gland
Qno25. Medium size deep arteries accompanied by two veins

a) Venous plexus
b) Venae comitantes
c) Sinusoids
d) Tributaries
Qno26. Ulnar artery lies between the tendons of

a) Flexor carpi radialislongus and extensor digitorumsuperficialis

b) Flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorumsuperficilis
c) Both (i) and (ii)
d) None of above
Qno27. A patient came to physiotherapy department. During history taking patient told
physiotherapist that during RTA he had a sudden blow to the shoulder. After assessment you
came to know that C5 and C6 nerve root was tore. Which of following nerves according to
brachial plexus is injured.

a) Suprascapular nerve
b) Nerve to subclavius
c) Dorsal scapular nerve
d) All of above

Qno28. A patient came to physiotherapy OPD with baseball blow to the posterior of neck. This
blow creates sudden pressure on posterior triangle of neck. After assessment you came to
know that patient is unable to rotate the scapula during movement of abduction. According to
your assessment which nerve is damaged and which muscle its supplies.

a) Thoracodorsal nerve, latismmusdorsi

b) Axillary nerve, Deltoid
c) Long thoracic nerve, serratus anterior
d) Dorsal scapular nerve, Rhomboid major
Qno29. A patient came to physiotherapy department. Gave you the history that last week he
had a sprain in ankle. So physician advised him to used crutches. But after using crutches he
found significant weakness in abduction of arm. Also unable to flex, extend, medially and
laterally rotate arm. Name the nerve. It is to inform you that this nerve arises from posterior
cord of brachial plexuses.

a) Upper and lower subscapular nerves

b) Thoracodorasal nerve’
c) Axillary nerve
d) Radial nerve
Qno30. This nerve originates from posterior cord of brachial plexus. It supplies subsacpularis
muscle and also supplies teres major muscle. Name the nerve

a) Lateral and Medial pectoral nerve

b) Upper and Lower Subscapular nerve
c) Musculocutaneous nerve
d) None of above
Qno31. This nerve arises from the medial cord of brachial plexus. In forearm this nerve gives
supply to the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle and also accompany ulnar artery. In hand it supplies
medial side of hand (little and ring finger). Name the nerve.

a) Medial pectoral nerve

b) Medial cutaneous nerve of arm and forearm
c) Ulnar nerve
d) Medial root of median nerve
Qno32. All muscles are include in rotator cuff except

a) Subscapularis
b) Supraspinatus
c) Infraspinatus
d) Teres major
Qno33. This muscle originates from medial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of
ulna. It is inserted in middle phalanx of medial four fingers. Its function is to flex the middle
phalanx of fingers and it assists in fkexing the proximal phalanx and hand.

a) Flexor carpi ulnaris

b) Flexor carpi radialis
c) Flexor digitorumsuperficialis
d) Flexor pollicislongus
Qno34. Ulnar artery ends by forming

a) Deep palmar arch

b) Superficial palmar arch
c) Reaches to posterior surface of hand
d) None of above

Qno35. It is sub branch of ulnar artery. And after brief course it divides into anterior and
posterior arteries. Name the sub branch of ulnar artery.

a) Superficial plamar artery

b) Recurrent branch to elbow joint
c) Common interosseous artery
d) None of above
Qno36. The floor of cubital fossa is fromed laterally and medially by

a) Brachioradilais, pronator teres

b) Supinator, brachialis
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of above
Qno37. Nerve supply to tricep is

a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Radial nerve
c) Ulnar nerve
d) Axillary nerve

Qno38. Posterior axillary fold is formed by

a) Tendon of latimusdorsi and teres minor

b) Tendon latimusdorsi and teres major
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of above
Qno39. Sympathetic nervous system is known as

a) Fight and flight

b) Rest and digest
c) Both (A) and (B)
d) None of above
Qno40. Muscle outer envelope is covered by

a) Epimysium
b) Aponeurosis
c) Fascia
d) None of above
Qno41. It is a thickening of deep fascia that holds the long flexor tendons in position
a) Extensor retinuculum
b) Flexor retinaculum
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

Qno42. The membrane that unites the shaft of radius and ulna
a) Interosseous membrane
b) Aponeurosis
c) Palmar arch
d) None of above

Qno43. Following structure are on the posterior aspect of Wrist except

a) Basilic vein
b) Cephalic vein
c) Superficial branch of radial nerve
d) Median nerve

Qno44. Thoracodorsal nerve supplies which muscle

a) Subscapularis
b) Teres major
c) Pectoralis major
d) Latissimusdorsi

Qno45. Musculocutaneous nerve in axilla supplies which muscle

a) Coracobrachialis
b) Biceps
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

Qno46. Ligament of shoulder joint are

a) Glenohumeral ligament
b) Transverse humeral ligament
c) Coracohumeral ligament
d) All of above

Qno47. Cephalic vein ascends in superficial fascia on

a) Lateral side of biceps
b) Medial side of biceps
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

Qno48.Basilicvein ascends in superficial fascia on

a) Lateral side of biceps
b) Medial side of biceps
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

Qno49. Which nerve involves in carpel tunnel syndrome?

a) Radial nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Median nerve
d) Ulnar nerve

Qno50. Head of radius and radial notch of ulna is covered by which ligament
a) Anular ligament
b) Radial ligament
c) Ulnar ligament
d) None of above

Qno51. Somatic nervous system controls

a) Voluntary activities
b) Involuntary activities
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

Qno52. The chest cavity is divided into a median partition called

a) Mediastinum
b) Diaphragm
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

Qno53. The upper part of sternum called as?

a) Body of sternum
b) Xiphoid process
c) Manubrium
d) None of above

Qno54. The smallest arteries <0.1mm in diameter are referred as

a) Arterioles
b) Venules
c) Capillaries
d) None of above

Qno55. Wrist drop caused by injury to which nerve

a) Axillary nerve
b) Radial nerve
c) Median nerve
d) Ulnar nerve

Qno56. Upper lesions of brachial plexus causes

a) Erb-Duchenne Palsy
b) Klumpkeplasy
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

Qno57. Lower lesions of the brachial plexuses cause

a) Erb-Duchenne Palsy
b) Klumpkeplasy
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

Qno58. Damaged to long thoracic nerve causes

a) Winged scapula
b) Depressed scapula
c) Laterally depressed scapula
d) Medially depressed scapula

Qno59. Claw deformity is caused by injury to which nerve

a) Ulnar nerve
b) Median nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Axillary nerve

Qno60. Deep palmar arch is direct continuation of which artery

a) Ulnar artery
b) Radial artery
c) Brachial artery
d) Axillary artery

Qno61. The base or lower end is bounded anteriorly by

a) Posterior axillary folds
b) Clavicle
c) Scapula
d) Anterior axillary folds
Qno62. Axillary artery is continuation of
a) Brachial artery
b) Basilar artery
c) Radial artery
d) Subclavian artery

Qno63. Which muscle divides the axillary artery into three parts
a) Pectroalis major
b) Pectorlais minor
c) Subscapularis
d) None of above

Qno64. A patient presented to physiotherapy OPD with pain along the medial side of the arm,
forearm and little and ring finger. After assessment you came to know that this nerve originates
from medial cord of brachial plexus. Which nerve is involved?
a) Medial pectoral nerve
b) Medial cutaneous nerve of arm and forearm
c) Ulnar nerve
d) Medial root of median nerve

Qno65. A patient presented to you in physiotherapy OPD, complaining pain along eight ribs and
inferior angle of scapula. When you perform rotation of scapula patients complains of severe
pain. Which nerve and muscle is involved
a) Pectoralis major, pectoral nerve
b) Pectoralis minor, pectoral nerve
c) Subclavius, nerve to subclavius
d) Serratus anterior, long thoracic nerve

Qno66. A patient presented to you with unable to abduct, flex, extend and medially rotate arm.
When you assed the patient. You came to know that the nerve involved arises from posterior
cord of brachial plexuses. The muscle which it supplies is largest muscle and used in muscular
a) Thoracodorsal nerve
b) Subscapular nerves
c) Radial nerve
d) Axillary nerve

Qno67. Nerve supply to the anterior compartment of arm is

a) Radial nerve
b) Musculocutanteous nerve
c) Axillary nerve
d) None of above

Qno68. All are the branches of brachial artery except

a) Inferior ulnar collateral artery
b) Superior ulnar collateral artery
c) Profunda artery
d) Anterior and posterior humeral circumflex artery

Qno69. Brachial plexus is formed by the

a) Anterior rami of 5th. 6th, 7th, 8th and T1
b) Anterior rami of 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and T1
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

Qno70. A patient presented to physiotherapy OPD with unable to perform extension, adduction
and medial rotation. After assessment you came to know the muscle involved is the largest
muscle of back. The nerve supplying this muscle arises from posterior cord of brachial plexus.
Name the nerve
a) Thoracodorsal nerve
b) Subscapular nerves
c) Radial nerve
d) Axillary nerve


Grand test Total marks 70

Encircle the correct one.

1. Any vertical side to side plane at median plane is called
a. Sagittal plane
b. Transverse plane
c. Coronal plane
d. Median plane
e. None of above
2. The term applied to a sheath or band of fibrous connective tissues that lies beneath
the skin or forms an investment for muscles and various organs of the body is
a. Rectus sheath
b. Linea alba
c. Hypodermis
d. Fascia
e. Ligament
3. The zone of active bone formation is called
a. Epiphysis
b. Diaphysis
c. Metaphysis
d. Medullary cavity
e. All of above
4. Serve to retain the long tendon passing in position preventing these tendons from
springing out of place during muscle contraction is?
a. Aponeurosis
b. Deep fascia
c. Superficial fascia
d. Retinacula
e. None of above
5. The matrix of bone is impregnated with whose salt which imparts hardness and
rigidity to the tissue is
a. Calcium
b. Phosphate
c. Magnesium
d. Fibers
e. All of above
6. A thick fibrous membrane covering the surface of bone. It contains blood and
lymphatic vessels & nerves called?
a. Endosteum
b. Periosteum
c. Perichondrium
d. Medullary cavity
e. None of above
7. Which muscle titled as visceral muscles
a. Cardiac
b. Skeletal
c. Smooth
d. All of above
e. None of above
8. The cell membrane of a muscle fiber called
a. Sarcolemma
b. Sarcoplasm
c. Myofibrils
d. Sarcomere
e. None of above
9. The area of mucous membrane covering the internal surface of the base of the
bladder is called
a. Detrusor muscle
b. Trigone
c. Mucosal layer
d. Apex
e. Base
10. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube which begins in the neck as a
continuation of the larynx at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage is?
a. Bronchus
b. Pharynx
c. Esophagus
d. Trachea
e. None of above
11. The neck of the bladder lies inferiorly and rests on the upper surface of the?
a. Thyroid
b. Pituitary
c. Pineal
d. Thymus
e. Prostate
12. A thin plate of cartilage that become ossified at its proximal end during adult life. No
ribs or costal cartilages are attached to it called
a. Manubrium
b. Xiphoid process
c. Angle of louis
d. Body of sternum
e. None of above
13. The widest part of uterine tube is called
a. Isthmus
b. Infundibulum
c. Fimbriae
d. Ampulla
e. All of above
14. The part of the uterus that lies above the entrance of the uterine tube called
a. Fundus
b. Body
c. Cervix
d. Vagina
e. Ampulla
15. Villi which are absent in
a. Small intestine
b. Large intestine
c. Appendix
d. Cecum
e. Colon
16. A though thick, movable partition that extend superiorly to the thoracic outlet and the
root of the neck and inferiorly to the diaphragm is?
a. Diaphragm
b. Mediastinum
c. Costal cartilage
d. Xiphisternal joint
e. None of above
17. Which part of the bronchioles tree divides into 2 to 11 alveolar ducts that enter the
alveolar sacs is?
a. Secondary bronchioles
b. Tertiary bronchioles
c. Primary bronchioles
d. Respiratory bronchioles
e. None of above
18. Two hip bones articulate with each other anteriorly a point called?
a. Sacroiliac joint
b. Pubic crest
c. Pubic symphysis
d. Pubic tubercle
e. Pubic arch
19. Which bone consist of five rudimentary vertebrae fused together to form a single
wedge shaped bone with a forward concavity is?
a. Coccyx
b. Hip bone
c. Sacrum
d. Vertebral column
e. None of above
20. In the lower part of hip bone, a large opening called?
a. Acetabulum
b. Pelvic brim
c. Obturator internus
d. Obturator foramen
e. Pubic ramus
21. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera called?
a. Omenta
b. Mesentery
c. Peritoneum
d. Mesoappendix
e. None of above
22. Largest gland in the body is
a. Pituitary
b. Thymus
c. Thyroid
d. Liver
e. None of above
23. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hand known as
a. Planter
b. Palmer
c. Ventral
d. Caudal
e. Cephalic
24. The upper part of sternum called
a. Xiphoid process
b. Body of sternum
c. Manubrium
d. Linea alba
e. Clavicle
25. The upper seven pairs are attached anterior to the sternum by their costal cartilages
a. False ribs
b. True ribs
c. Floating ribs
d. Vertebrochondral ribs
e. Tubercles of the ribs
26. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separate the chest cavity above from the
abdominal cavity below is?
a. Rectus sheath
b. Pericardium
c. Rectus abdominus
d. Diaphragm
e. Linea alba
27. A site where two or more bones come together, whether or not movement occurs
between them is called?
a. Tendon
b. Ligament
c. Capsules
d. Joint
e. Bursa
28. A type of highly movable joint is?
a. Cartilaginous joint
b. Fibrous joint
c. Synovial joint
d. Ellipsoid joint
e. Synarthrosis
29. A long strap muscle that extends along the whole length of the anterior abdominal
wall is?
a. External oblique
b. Internal oblique
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Pyramidalis
e. Linea alba
30. The suture of the vault of the skull and the inferior tibiofibular joints are examples of?
a. Cartilaginous joint
b. Fibrous joint
c. Synovial joint
d. Ellipsoid joint
e. Saddle joint
31. The rectus sheath is separated from its fellow on the opposite side by a fibrous band
a. External oblique
b. Internal oblique
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Pyramidalis
e. Linea alba
32. The liver may be divided into a large right lobe and the small left lobe by the
attachment of the peritoneum of the ligament is?
a. Falciform
b. Ligamentum teres
c. Ligament venosum
d. Porta hepatic
e. Caudate lobe
33. Muscle to bone attachment called
a. Tendon
b. Ligament
c. Capsule
d. Bursa
e. Fossa
34. A small shallow depression is known as
a. Fossa
b. Fovea
c. Tubercle
d. Tuberosity
e. Fissure
35. A narrow cleft or deep opening called
a. Fossa
b. Fovea
c. Tubercle
d. Tuberosity
e. Fissure
36. The muscular coat of the bladder is composed of smooth muscle and is arranged as
three layers of interlacing bundles known as the
a. Detrusor muscle
b. Cremaster muscle
c. Intercostal muscles
d. Trigone
e. Visceral muscles
37. Two-layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscus IS?
a. Peritoneum
b. Omenta
c. Mesenteries
d. Mesocolon
e. Sigmoid mesocolon
38. The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers, which is in effect the
inside space of the balloon is called the
a. Peritoneum
b. Omenta
c. Mesenteries
d. Peritoneal space
e. Pleural cavity
39. A soft mass of lymphatic tissue that occupies the left upper part of the abdomen
between the stomach and the diaphragm is?
a. Pancreas
b. Liver
c. Gall bladder
d. Spleen
e. Kidney
40. First part of small intestine is?
a. Jejunum
b. Ileum
c. Duodenum
d. Cecum
e. Colon
41. The most tubular part of stomach is?
a. Fundus
b. Pylorus
c. Antrum
d. Body of stomach
e. Cardiac orifice
42. The dome shaped full of gas part of stomach is called?
a. Fundus
b. Pylorus
c. Antrum
d. Body of stomach
e. Cardiac orifice
43. How many lobes are present in liver?
a. 5
b. 2
c. 4
d. 3
e. 1
44. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?
a. Trachea
b. Larynx
c. Cricoid cartilage
d. Esophagus
e. Crania
45. Deep fascia is well defined in?
a. Trunk
b. Neck & limb
c. Eye lids
d. Head
e. None of above
46. The narrow part of the uterine tube is
a. Ampulla
b. Infundibulum
c. Fimbriae
d. Isthmus
e. Intramural
47. Most abundant form of cartilage having perichondrium membrane associated with
synovial joint is?
a. Fibro cartilage
b. Elastic cartilage
c. Hyaline cartilage
d. Costal cartilage
e. Meniscus
48. Carpals and tarsals are the examples of?
a. Flat bones
b. Long bones
c. Short bones
d. Sesamoid bones
e. Irregular bone
49. Largest sesamoid bone of the body is?
a. Hip bone
b. Clavicle
c. Femur
d. Patella
e. Fibula
50. Ribs scapula & skull are examples of?
a. Flat bones
b. Long bones
c. Short bones
d. Sesamoid bones
e. Irregular bone
51. Projection or outgrowths that form joints or serve as attachment points for ligaments
and tendon is?
a. Process
b. Trochanter
c. Tuberosity
d. Tubercle
e. Condyle
52. Human skull consist of?
a. 8 bones
b. 22 bones
c. 33 bones
d. 26 bones
e. 14 bones
53. An immovable joint that holds most skull bones together is?
a. Ball & socket joint
b. Ellipsoid joint
c. Saddle joint
d. Suture
e. Hinge joint
54. Thoracic cage is made up of all except?
a. Thoracic vertebrae
b. Sternum
c. Ribs
d. Clavicle
e. Costal cartilage
55. A muscular tube that extends from the kidney to the posterior surface of the bladder
a. Ureter
b. Urinary bladder
c. Uterine tubes
d. Epididymis
e. Seminal vesicles
56. The out pouching of the testis is?
a. Omenta
b. Tunica albuginea
c. Rete testis
d. Scrotum
e. Ductus deferens
57. A firm structure lying posterior to the testis, with the vas deferens lying on its medial
side is?
a. Omenta
b. Epididymis
c. Tunica albuginea
d. Rete testis
e. Scrotum
58. A fibromuscular glandular organ that surrounds the prostatic urethra is?
a. Tunica albuginea
b. Rete testis
c. Scrotum
d. Prostate gland
e. Epididymis
59. The human body contains skeletal muscles is?
a. 500
b. 600
c. 400
d. 300
e. 700
60. Cytoplasm of each muscle fiber is called?
a. Sarcolemma
b. Sarcoplasm
c. Myofibrils
d. Myofilaments
e. Cross striations
61. The sarcoplasm skeletal muscle fiber contain variable amount of protein called?
a. Hemoglobin
b. Myoglobin
c. Albumin
d. Globulin
e. C reactive protein
62. The four vertebrae fused together to form a small triangular bone called?
a. Sacrum
b. Coccyx
c. Hilum
d. Scapula
e. Skull
63. Shaft of the long bone is also called?
a. Epiphysis
b. Diaphysis
c. Metaphysis
d. Medullary cavity
e. All of above
64. Base of the heart is mainly consisting of?
a. Right atrium
b. Left atrium
c. Right ventricle
d. Left ventricle
e. Diaphragmatic surface
65. Apex of the heart is formed by left ventricle & present at?
a. 3rd intercostal space
b. 4th intercostal space
c. 5th intercostal space
d. 6th intercostal space
e. 7th intercostal space
66. How many borders are present at the heart?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 5
e. 1
67. Anterior (sternocostal) surface is formed mainly by the?
a. Right atrium & right ventricle
b. Right ventricle
c. Left ventricle
d. Apex of the heart
e. Base of the heart
68. Dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus and small intestine
a. Esophagus
b. Colon
c. Stomach
d. Rectum
e. Jejunum
69. The specimens are obtained from human and animal bodies fixed in special chemicals
embedded in appropriate material cut into thin slices known as?
a. Microscopic anatomy
b. Macroscopic anatomy
c. Cytology
d. Histology
e. Developmental anatomy
70. The bony tissues are present in an interlaced pattern of tissues consisting of an
irregular meshwork of intercommunicating bony tubercle called?
a. Compact bone tissue
b. Spongy bone tissue
c. Osteons
d. None of the above
e. Both A & B

1. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?

a. Trachea
b. Larynx
c. Cricoids cartilage
d. Esophagus
2. The upper part of sternum is called?
a. Xiphoid process
b. Body of sternum
c. Manubrium
d. Linea alba
e. Clavicle
3. The specimens are obtained from human and animal bodies fixed in special chemicals
embedded in appropriate material Cut into thin slices known as?
a. Macroscopic anatomy
b. Microscopic anatomy
c. Histology
d. Developmental anatomy
e. Both b and c
4. Any vertical side to side plane at right angle to median plane is called?
a. Sagittal plane
b. Transverse plane
c. Coronal plane
d. Median plane
e. None of the above
5. The term applied to a sheath or band of Fibrous connective tissue that lies beneath the
skin or forms an investment for muscles and various organs of the body is?
a. Rectus Sheath
b. Linea Alba
c. Hypodermis
d. Fascia
e. Ligament

6. The zone of active bone formation is called?

a. Epiphysis
b. Diaphysis
c. Metaphysis
d. Medullary cavity
7. Serve to retain the long tendon passing in position preventing these tendon from
springing out of place during muscle contraction is?
a. Aponeurosis
b. Deep fascia
c. Superficial fascia
d. Retinacula
8. The matrix of bone is impregnated with whose salt which imparts hardness and rigidity
to the tissue is?
a. Calcium
b. Phosphate
c. Magnesium
d. Fibers
9. A thick fibrous membrane covering the surface of the bone.It contains blood &
lymphatic vessels & nerves called?
a. Endosteum
b. Periosteum
c. Perichondrium
d. Medullary cavity
10. Which muscles titled as visceral muscles.
a. Cardiac
b. Skeletal
c. Smooth
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
11. The cell membrane of a muscle fiber called?
a. Sarcolemma
b. Sarcoplasm
c. Myofibrils
d. Sarcomere
12. The bony tissue is present in an interlaced pattern of tissues consisting of an irregular
meshwork of intercommunicating bony tubercle called?
a. Compact bone tissue
b. Spongy bone tissue
c. Osteons
d. None of the above
14. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube. It begins in the neck as a continuation
of the larynx at the lower border of the cricoids cartilage is?
a. Bronchus
b. Pharynx
c. Esophagus
d. Trachea
e. None of the above
15. A though thick, movable partition that extends superiorly to the thoracic outlet and
the root of the neck and inferiorly to the diaphragm is?
a. Diaphragm
b. Mediastnium
c. Costal cartilage
d. Xiphisternal joint
16. Which Part of bronchial tree divides into 2 to 11 alveolar ducts that enter the
alveolar sacs is?
a. Secondary bronchioles
b. Tertiary bronchioles
c. Primary bronchioles
d. Respiratory bronchioles
17. The two hip bones articulate with each other anteriorly a point called?
a. Sacroiliac joint
b. Pubic crest
c. Pubic symphysis
d. Pubic tubercle
18. Which bones consists of five rudimentary vertebrae fused together to form a single
wedge-shaped bone with a forward concavity is?
a. Coccyx
b. Hip bone
c. Sacrum
d. Vertebral column
19. In the lower part of the hip bone a large opening called?
a. Acetabulum
b. Pelvic brim
c. Obturator internus
d. Obturator foramen
20. The study of the structure of different systems of human body is studied in:
a. Regional anatomy
B. Clinical anatomy
C. Basic anatomy
D. Systemic anatomy
21. The widest part of the uterine tube is?
a. Isthmus
b. Infundibulum
c. Fimbriae
d. Ampulla
22. The part of the uterus that lies above the entrance of the uterine tubes called?
a. Fundus
b. Body
c. Cervix
d. Vagina
23. Sutures of the skull are the examples of:
A. Fibrous joints
B. Synovial joints
C. Cartilaginous joints
D. Hinge joints.
24. Elbow joint is an example of:
a. Pivot joints
B. Ball and socket joints
C. Hinge joints
D. Ellipsoid
25. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube. It begins in the neck as a continuation
of the larynx at the lower border of the cricoids cartilage is?
f. Bronchus
g. Pharynx
h. Esophagus
i. Trachea
j. None of the above
26. The neck of the bladder lies inferiorly and rests on the upper surface of the?
a. Thyroid
b. Pituitary
c. Pineal
d. Thymus
e. Prostate
27. A thin plate of cartilage that becomes ossified at its proximal end during adult life.
No ribs or costal cartilages are attached to it called?
a. Manubrium
b. Xiphoid process
c. Angle of Louis
d. Body of sternum
e. None of the
28. The central elongated and tubular part of the long bone is called
a. Epiphysis b. Diaphysis
C. Metaphysis d. Epiphyseal cartilage.
29. The bones whose greater part is buried in tendons are called
a. Pneumatic bones
B. Sesamoid bones
C. Heterotrophic bones
D. Short bones.
30. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera called?
a. Omenta
b. Mesentery
c. Peritoneum
d. None of the above
31. Largest gland in the body is?
a. Pituitary
b. Thymus
c. Thyroid
d. Liver
e. None of the above
32. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hannd known as?
a. Planter
b. Palmer
c. Ventral
d. Caudal
e. Cephalic
33. The upper part of sternum called?
f. Xiphoid process
g. Body of sternum
h. Manubrium
i. Linea alba
j. Clavicle
34. The upper seven pairs are attached anteriorly to the sternum by their costal
cartilages called?
a. False ribs
b. True ribs
c. Floating ribs
d. Vertebrochondral ribs
e. Tubercles of the ribs
35. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separates the chest cavity above from
the abdominal cavity below is?
a. Rectus sheath
b. Pericardium
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Diaphragm
e. Linea alba
36. There are …………………. Anterior intercostal spaces
a. Eleven
b. B. Ten
c. C. Nine
d. D. Six.
37. The 11th and 12th ribs are called
a. Typical ribs
b. B. False ribs
C. True ribs
D. Floating ribs.
38. The tubercle of the ribs makes a joint with the …………………… of the corresponding
thoracic vertebrae
a. Transverse process
B. Body of thoracic vertebrae
C. Spinous process
D. Inter vertebral disc.
39. The number of lumber vertebrae are
a. Seven
B. Eleven
C. Five
D. Four.
40. A site where two or more bones come together, whether or not movement occurs
between them, is called a?
a. Tendon
b. Ligament
c. Capsules
d. Joint
e. Bursa
41. Type of highly movable joint is?
a. Cartilaginous joint
b. Fibrous joint
c. Synovial joint
d. Ball & socket joint
e. Ellipssoid joint
42. A long strap muscle that extends along the whole length of the anterior abdominal
wall is?
a. External oblique
b. Internal oblique
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Pyramidalis
e. Linea alba
43. The sutures of the vault of the skull and the inferior tibiofibular joints are examples
of ?
a. Cartilaginous joint
b. Hinge joint
c. Fibrous joint
d. Synovial joint
e. Saddle joint
44. The rectus sheath is separated from its fellow on the opposite side by a fibrous band
a. External oblique
b. Internal oblique
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Pyramidalis
e. Linea alba
45. The liver may be divided into a large right lobe and a small left lobe by the
attachment of the peritoneum of the ligament is?
a. Falciform
b. Ligamentumteres
c. Ligament Venosum
d. Porta hepatis
e. Caudate lobe
46. Olecranon process is the part of
a. Femur
B. Tibia
C. Ulna
D. Humorous.
47. The large opening in the lower part of each hip bone which is bounded by the parts
of ischium and pubis is called
a. Obturator foramen
B. Greater sciatic notch
C. Symphysis pubis
D. Lesser sciatic notch.
48. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera called?
e. Omenta
f. Mesentery
g. Peritoneum
h. None of the above
i. All of the above
49. Largest gland in the body is?
f. Pituitary
g. Thymus
h. Thyroid
i. Liver
j. None of the above
50. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hannd known as?
f. Planter
g. Palmer
h. Ventral
i. Caudal
j. Cephalic
51. The upper part of sternum called?
k. Xiphoid process
l. Body of sternum
m. Manubrium
n. Linea alba
o. Clavicle
52. The upper seven pairs are attached anteriorly to the sternum by their costal
cartilages called?
f. False ribs
g. True ribs
h. Floating ribs
i. Vertebrochondral ribs
j. Tubercles of the ribs
53. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separates the chest cavity above from
the abdominal cavity below is?
f. Rectus sheath
g. Pericardium
h. Rectus abdominis
i. Diaphragm
j. Linea alba
54. Ossification center is the point where ………. Formation starts
a. Muscle
B. Bone
b. C. Teeth
c. D. Cartilage.
55. The outermost layer of Pericardium is:
a. Fibrous Pericardium
B. Serous pericardium
C. Visceral pericardium
D. Parietal pericardium
56. Muscle to bone attachment called?
a. Capsule
b. Ligament
c. Tendon
d. Bursa
e. Fossa
57. A small shallow depression is known as?
a. Fossa
b. Fovea
c. Tubercle
d. Tuberosity
e. Fissure
58. A narrow cleft or deep opening called?
a. Fossa
b. Fovea
c. Tubercle
d. Tuberosity
e. Fissure
59. The pelvic bone is an example of
a. Long bones
b. B. Short bones
C. Irregular bones
D. Sesamoid bones
60. The bones which are composed of thin plate of bony tissues are called
a. Fibrous bone
B. Lamellar bone
C. Cancellous bone
D. Trabecular bone.
61. The muscular coat of the bladder is composed of smooth muscle and is arranged as
three layers of interlacing bundles known as the?
a. Detrusor muscles
b. Cremaster muscles
c. Intercostals muscles
d. Triagone
e. Visceral muscles
62. The bone having air space are called
a. Sesamoid bones
b. B. Heterotrophic bones
C. Irregular bones
D. Pneumatic bones.
63. The layer of pericardium which covers the surface of the heart is called
a. Visceral layer of serous pericardium
b. B. Fibrous layer of Pericardium
C. Parietal layer of serous Pericardium
D. Visceral layer of pleura
64. The two-layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscus is?
a. Peritoneum
b. Omenta
c. Mesenteries
d. Mesocolon
e. Sigmoid mesocolon
65. The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers, which is in effect the
inside space of the balloon, is called the ?
a. Peritoneum
b. Mesenteries
c. Peritoneal space
d. Pleural cavity
e. Pelvic cavity
66. A soft mass of lymphatic tissue that occupies the left upper part of the abdomen
between the stomach and the diaphragm is?
a. Pancreas
b. Liver
c. Kidney
d. Spleen
e. Gall bladder
67. First part of the small intestine is?
a. Jejunum
b. Ileum
c. Duodenum
d. Cecum
e. Colon
68. The most tubular part of the stomach is?
a. Fundus
b. Pylorus
c. Antrum
d. Body of the stomach
e. Cardiac orifice
69. The dome-shaped full of gas part of the stomach called?
a. Fundus
b. Pylorus
c. Antrum
d. Body of the stomach
e. Cardiac orifice
70. How many lobes are present in liver?
a. 5
b. 2
c. 4
d. 3
e. 1
71. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?
e. Trachea
f. Larynx
g. Cricoids cartilage
h. Esophagus
i. Carina
72. Deep fascia is well defined in?
a. Trunk
b. Neck& limbs
c. Eye lids
d. Head
e. None of the above
73. The narrow part of the uterine tube is?
a. Ampulla
b. Infundibulum
c. Fimbriae
d. Isthmus
e. Interstitum
74. Most abundant form of cartilage having perichondrium membrane associated with
synovial joint is?
a. Fibro cartilage
b. Elastic cartilage
c. Kidney
d. Spleen
e. Gall bladder
75. First part of the small intestine is?
f. Jejunum
g. Ileum
h. Duodenum
i. Cecum
j. Colon
76. The rigid connective tissue which is a part of the skeleton and it supports and
protects the body parts, produces blood cell, stores minerals and enables mobility of
the body is called:
a. Muscles
B. Tendons
C. Bones
D. Ligaments.
77. Femur is also known as
a. Leg bones
B. Arm bones
b. C. Forearm bone
c. D. Thigh bone

78. Patella is an example of

a. Short bones
b. Irregular bone
C. Pneumatic bone
D. Sesamoid bone.
79. The slenderest long bone of the body is called
a. Tibia
B. Fibula
C. Femur
D. Ulna.
80. The joint between the head of ribs with corresponding vertebral body is
a. Synovial
B. Fibrous
C. Cartilaginous
D. Synarthrosis.
81. The most tubular part of the stomach is?
f. Fundus
g. Pylorus
h. Antrum
i. Body of the stomach
j. Cardiac orifice
82. The parietal pleura is supplied by
a. Branchial artery
B. Internal thoracic artery
C. Intercostal artery
D. Left common carotid artery.
83. The dome-shaped full of gas part of the stomach called?
f. Fundus
g. Pylorus
h. Antrum
i. Body of the stomach
j. Cardiac orifice
84. How many lobes are present in liver?
f. 5
g. 2
h. 4
i. 3
j. 1
85. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?
j. Trachea
k. Larynx
l. Cricoids cartilage
m. Esophagus
n. Carina
86. Deep fascia is well defined in?
f. Trunk
g. Neck& limbs
h. Eye lids
i. Head
j. None of the above
87. The narrow part of the uterine tube is?
f. Ampulla
g. Infundibulum
h. Fimbriae
i. Isthmus
j. Interstitum
88. Most abundant form of cartilage having perichondrium membrane associated with
synovial joint is?
f. Fibro cartilage
g. Elastic cartilage
h. Hyaline cartilage
i. Costal cartilage
j. Meniscus
89. The cutaneous branch of intercostal nerves supply the
a. Intercostal muscle
B. Skin
C. Parietal pleura
D. Abdominal muscles.
90. Anterior surface of the heart is called
a. Sternocostal surface
B. Base of heart
C. Diaphragmatic surface
D. Apex of heart.
91. The coronary sinus drains the heart walls and opens into
a. Left atrium
B. Left ventricle
C. Right atrium
D. Right ventricle.
92. Carpals and tarsal’s are the example of?
a. Flat bone
b. Short bone
c. Long bone
d. Sesamoid bone
e. Irregular bone
93. Largest sesamoid bone of the body is?
a. Hip bone
b. Clavicle
c. Femur
d. Fibula
e. Patella
94. Ribs scapula & skull are the examples of?
a. Flat bone
b. Short bone
c. Long bone
d. Sesamoid bone
e. Irregular bone
95. Projections or outgrowths that form joints or serve as attachment points for
ligaments and tendon is?
a. Process
b. Trochanter
c. Tuberosity
d. Tubercle
e. Condyle
96. Human skull consist of ?
a. 8 Bones
b. 6 Bones
c. 22 Bones
d. 14 Bones
e. 18 Bones
97. An immovable joint that holds most skull bones together is?
a. Ball & socket joint
b. Ellipsoid joint
c. Saddle joint
d. Sutures
e. Hinge joint
98. Thoracic cage is made up of all except?
a. Thoracic vertebrae
b. Sternum
c. Ribs
d. Clavicle
e. Costal cartilage
99. A muscular tube that extends from the kidney to the posterior surface of the bladder
a. Ureter
b. Urinary bladder
c. Uterine tube
d. Epididymis
e. Seminal vesicles
100. Chordae tendinae is not present in
A. Tricuspid valve
B. Bicuspid valve
C. Aortic valve
D. Mitral valve.
101. Oblique fissure of the right lung divides the
a. Upper and lower lobes
B. Lower and middle lobes
C. Upper and middle lobes
D. The hilum of the lung from the upper lobe.
102. The out pouching of the testis is?
a. Omenta
b. Tunica albuginea
c. Rete testis
d. Scrotum
e. Ductus deferens
103. A firm structure lying posterior to the testis, with the vas deferens lying on its
medial side is?
a. Tunica albuginea
b. Rete testis
c. Scrotum
d. Ductus deferens
e. Epididymis
104. A fibro muscular glandular organ that surrounds the prostatic urethra is?
a. Prostate gland
b. Seminal vesicles
c. Ductus deferens
d. Epididymis
e. Scrotum
105. The type of muscle present in tongue are
a. Skeletal muscles
B. Smooth muscles
C. Cardiac muscles
D. Non striated muscles
E. Non of them
106. Trachea is present in:
a. Superior mediastinum
B. Middle-inferior mediastinum
C. The anterior-inferior mediastinum
D. Posterior-inferior mediastinum
107. The organ of the thoracic cavity which is present in the middle mediastinum,
posterior to the body of the sternum between the 2nd to 6th costal cartilages and
anterior to 5th to 8th thoracic vertebrae is
a. Trachea
B. Thymus
C. Descending aorta
D. Pericardium.
108. The posterior free ends of the tracheal cartilages are connected by trachealis
muscles, which are the types of
a. Smooth muscles
B. Cardiac muscles
C. Skeletal muscles
D. Striated muscles.
109. The human body contains skeletal muscles is?
a. 500
b. 400
c. 300
d. 600
e. 700
110. Cytoplasm of each muscle fiber is called?
a. Sarcolemma
b. Sarcoplasm
c. Myofibrils
d. Myofilaments
e. Cross striations
111. The sarcoplasm skeletal muscle fiber contain variable amount of protein called?
a. Hemoglobin
b. Myoglobin
c. Albumin
d. Globulin
e. C reactive protein
112. The four vertebrae fused together to form a small triangular bone called?
a. Sacrum
b. Coccyx
c. Hilum
d. Scapula
e. Skull
113. Only flexion and extension movements occur in
a. Plane joints
B. Hinge joints
C. Pivot joints
D. Ball and socket joints.
114. Which one of the following is an atypical rib?
a. 1st rib
B. 6th rib
C. 7th rib
D. 2nd rib.
115. Base of the heart is mainly consist of?
a. Right ventricle
b. Right atrium
c. Left ventricle
d. Left atrium
e. Diaphragmatic surfaces
116. Apex of the heart is is formed by left ventricle & present at?
a. 3 rdintercostals space
b. 4 thintercostals space
c. 5 thintercostals space
d. 6 thintercostals space
e. 7 thintercostals space
117. Which one of the following organ has no lymphatic drainage?
a. Lungs
B. Trachea
C. Heart
D. Stomach
118. The first branch of the arch of aorta is:
a. Brachiocephalic artery
B. Left common carotid artery
C. Right common carotid artery
D. Left subclavian artery.
119. Which one of the following organs is retroperitoneal?
a. Pancreas
b. B. Stomach
C. Jejunum
D. Spleen
120. How many borders are present at the heart?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 5
121. The duct which connects the neck of gall bladder to the common hepatic duct is
a. Hepatic duct
B. Cystic duct
C. Bile duct
D. Bancreatic duct.

122. Anterior (Sternocostal) surface is formed mainly by the?

a. Right atrium & right ventricle
b. Right ventricle
c. Left atrium
d. Apex of the heart
e. Base of the heart
123. Dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus and the small
intestine called?
a. Esophagus
b. Colon
c. Stomach
d. Rectum
124. The layer of muscles, present beneath the internal oblique muscles and whose
fibers run horizontally forward are called:
a. Rectus abdominis
B. Transverse
C. Pyramidalis
D. External oblique muscles.
125. The thin serous membrane that lines the wall of the abdominal and pelvic
cavities and clothes the viscera is called:
a. Peritoneum
b. B. Fascia
C. Omentom
D. Pleura.
126. The double layered folds of peritoneum which connects the parts of intestines to
the posterior abdominal wall is called
a. Recess
B. Omentom
C. Mesentery
D. Parietal peritoneum.
127. Left gastroepiploic artery supplies the:
a. Lesser curvature of stomach
B. Fundus
C. Greater curvature of stomach
D. Esophagus
128. The bile duct and the main pancreatic duct enters the ………………………. Part of
duodenum and forms major duodenal papilla
a. 1st part of duodenum
B. 2nd part of duodenum
C. 3rd part of duodenum
D. Jejunum.
129. The hepatic artery supplies the liver which is the branch of
a. Celiac artery
B. Splenic artery
C. Inferior mesenteric artery
D. Left gastro epiploic artery.
130. About one third to one half of the total body lymph is produced by:
a. Stomach
B. Liver
C. Heart
D. Brain

131. Muscle to bone attachment called?

f. Capsule
I. Ligament
g. Tendon
h. Bursa
13. A small shallow depression is known as?
f. Fossa
g. Fovea
h. Tubercle
i. Tuberosity
14. A narrow cleft or deep opening called?
f. Fossa
g. Fovea
h. Tubercle
i. Tuberosity
1. Location of spleen in abdomen is
a) Epigastrium
b) Lt. Hypochondria
c) Lt. Iliac fossa
d) Rt. Hypochondria
e) Rt. Iliac fossa

2. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of the lungs, and is the place where pulmonary vessels,
bronchial vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves, enters and leave the lung?
a) The hilum
b) The helium
c) The milum
d) The ileum
e) The jejunum
3. Apex of the heart is formed by left ventricle & present at?
a) 3rd intercostal space
b) 4th intercostal space
c) 5th intercostal space
d) 6thintercostal space
e) 7th intercostal space

4. The nasal cavity is divided into two by the bony nasal septum, which is largely formed
a) Inferior Conchae
b) Lacrimal
c) Maxilla
d) Palatine
e) Vomer

5. All the following structure are found in posterior mediastinum except

a) Cervical vertebrae
b) Thoracic aorta
c) Parasympathetic trunks
d) Osephagus
e) Azygous vein
6. Incomplete fusion of two medial nasal swelling results in the production of
a) Lateral cleft of upper lip
b) Medial cleft of upper lip
c) Macrostomia
d) Microstomia
e) Oblique facial cleft
7. Acromial fibers of the deltoid are example of
a) Bipennate
b) Multipennate
c) Tripennate
d) Unipennate
e) Both A & B
8. Symphysis Pubis is an example of
a) Diarthrosis
b) Fibrous joints
c) Primary cartilaginous joints
d) Secondary cartilaginous joint
e) Synovial joints
9. Decrease between the angle of two anterior surface is
a) Abduction
b) Adduction
c) Extension
d) Flexion
e) Rotation
10. Which of these statements is true about intramembranous bones______.
a) Skull bones are formed in this way
b) They begin with cartilage model
c) They formed by mesenchymal condesnsation
d) Osteoblast deposit new bones along blood vessels with in layers

11. Basic Cells of cartilage are

a) Chondrocytes
b) Osteocytes
c) Osteoclast
d) Mast cells
e) Trabeculae
12. True ribs directly attach via cost chondral to the
a) Manubrium
b) Sternum
c) Vertebrae
d) Xiphoid process
e) Xiphisternal
13. No ribs and costal cartilages are attached to__________
a) Vertebras
b) Manubrium
c) Clavical
d) Xiphoid process
e) Sternum
14. The heart is innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the autonomic
nervous system via the
a) Brachial plexus
b) Cardiac plexus
c) Femoral plexus
d) Lumber plexus
15. ______________ joint present between mamubrium and body of sternum.
a) Xiphisternal joint
b) Costochondrial joint
c) Synovial joint
d) Manubriosternal joint
e) Subclavian arteries
16. The umbilicus is a scar representing the site of attachment of the umbilical cord in the
fetus; it is situated in the
a) Linea talus
b) Libea majora
c) Linea alba
d) Libia minora
e) Linea pelican
17. All are retroperitoneal organ except
a) Duodenum
b) Kidneys
c) Pancreas
d) Spleen
e) All of above
18. Two yellowish organs that lie on the upper poles of the kidneys are
a) Pituitary glands
b) Suprarenal glands
c) Parathyroid glands
d) Thymus gland
e) Thyroid gland
19. Fascia of scarpa is _________
a) Deep membranous layer of anterior
b) Superficial fascia of perineum
c) Deep fascia of thigh
d) Deep membranous layer of anterior abdominal wall
20. All are the muscles of anterior abdominal wall except
a) External oblique
b) Internal oblique
c) Psoas muscle
d) Rectus abdominus
e) Pyramidalis
21. Transversus abdominus muscle is supplied by all except
a) Iliohypogastric nerve
b) Ilioinguinal nerves
c) Lower six thoracic nerves
d) 2nd lumber nerve
e) None of above
22. A thick fibrous membrane covering the surface of bone. It contains blood and lymphatic
vessels & nerves called?
a) Endosteum
b) Medullary cavity
c) Periosteum
d) Perichondrium
e) None of above
23. Which muscle titled as visceral muscles
a) Cardiac
b) Skeletal
c) Smooth
d) All of above
e) None of above
24. The arterial supply of cecum is
a) Appendicular artery
b) Superior cecal artery
c) Posterior cecal artery
d) Inferior epigastric
e) Ileocolic artery
25. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube which begins in the neck as a
continuation of the larynx at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage is?
a) Bronchus
b) Esophagus
c) Pharynx
d) Trachea
26. A bronchopulmonary segment is associated with all features except
a) Structural units of lungs
b) Has segmental veins
c) Surrounded by connective tissue
d) Both A&C
e) None of above
27. The widest part of uterine tube is called
a) Ampulla
b) Fimbriae
c) Isthmus
d) Infundibulum
e) All of above
28. The part of the uterus that lies above the entrance of the uterine tube called
a) Ampulla
b) Body
c) Cervix
d) Fundus
e) Vagina

29. Rectus sheath is _________.

a) Incomplete above umbilicus
b) Superior epigastric artery enters from upper part
c) Starts at level of arcuate line
d) All Above

30. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera called?
a) Mesentery
b) Mesoappendix
c) Omenta
d) Peritoneum
e) None of above
31. Largest gland in the body is
a) Liver
b) Pituitary
c) Thymus
d) Thyroid
e) None of above
32. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hand known as
a) Caudal
b) Cephalic
c) Planter
d) Palmer
e) Ventral
33. The upper seven pairs are attached anterior to the sternum by their costal cartilages
a) False ribs
b) Floating ribs
c) True ribs
d) Tubercles of the ribs
e) Vertebrochondral ribs
34. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separate the chest cavity above from the
abdominal cavity below is?
a) Diaphragm
b) Linea alba
c) Pericardium
d) Rectus sheath
e) Rectus abdominus
35. The liver may be divided into a large right lobe and the small left lobe by the
attachment of the peritoneum of the ligament is?
a) Caudate lobe
b) Falciform
c) Ligamentum teres
d) Ligament venosum
e) Porta hepatic
36. A small shallow depression is known as
a) Fossa
b) Fovea
c) Fissure
d) Tubercle
e) Tuberosity
37. Which of the following is absent in porta hepatis?
a) Hepatic ducts
b) Peyer patches
c) Hepatic vein
d) Portal vein
38. Which of valve of heart contain two cups?
a) Aortic
b) Mitral
c) Pulmonary
d) Pulmonary and aortic
e) Tricuspid

39. Two-layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscus IS?
a) Mesenteries
b) Mesocolon
c) Omenta
d) Peritoneum
e) Sigmoid mesocolon
40. The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers, which is in effect the
inside space of the balloon is called the
a) Mesenteries
b) Omenta
c) Peritoneum
d) Peritoneal space
e) Pleural cavity
41. Which one of the is true regarding diapharm?
a) Flatten upon contraction
b) Move outward on expiration
c) Protect lungs
d) Protect liver and instestine
e) Under the control parasympathetic nerves
42. Deep fascia is well defined in?
a) Eye lids
b) Head
c) Limb
d) Neck & limb
e) Trunk
43. Thoracic cage is made up of all except?
a) Clavicle
b) Costal cartilage
c) Ribs
d) Sternum
e) Thoracic vertebrae
44. A muscular tube that extends from the kidney to the posterior surface of the bladder
a) Epididymis
b) Seminal vesicles
c) Ureter
d) Urinary bladder
e) Uterine tubes
45. Lesser omentum____________
a) Connects with duodenum
b) Forms falciform ligaments
c) Related to left adrenal gland
d) Related to left kidney
e) Related to right kidney

46. Largest sesamoid bone of the body is?

a) Clavicle
b) Fibula
c) Femur
d) Hip bone
e) Patella
47. Ribs scapula & skull are examples of?
a) Flat bones
b) Irregular bone
c) Long bones
d) Short bones
48. Human skull consist of?
a) 8 bones
b) 14 bones
c) 22 bones
d) 26 bones
e) 33 bones
49. An immovable joint that holds most skull bones together is?
a) Ball & socket joint
b) Ellipsoid joint
c) Hinge joint
d) Saddle joint
e) Suture
50. The out pouching of the testis is?
a) Ductus deferens
b) Omenta
c) Rete testis
d) Scrotum
e) Tunica albuginea
51. A firm structure lying posterior to the testis, with the vas deferens lying on its medial
side is?
a) Epididymis
b) Omenta
c) Rete testis
d) Scrotum
e) Tunica albuginea

52. All of the following lies in right atrium Except?

a) Foramen ovale
b) SVC opening
c) Fossa ovalis
d) Tricuspid valve
53. Which one the following correct regarding duodenum?
a) Is entirely retroperitoneal
b) Is 13cm long
c) Lies in L1 supine body
d) Is supply by inferior pranectic artery
54. Shaft of the long bone is also called?
a) Diaphysis
b) Epiphysis
c) Metaphysis
d) Medullary cavity
e) Epiphyseal plate
55. Which of the following is not related to muscles of thorax?
a) Levator costarum arises from transverse process C7-T11
b) Intercostals muscles are supplied by phrenic nerve
c) Diaphragm is inserted in central tendon
d) Both A & B
56. Which of the following is true regarding great vessels of heart:
a) The SVC returns blood to right atrium from areas superior to the diaphragm,
including from the heart and lungs
b) The right and left pulmonary veins return deoxygenated blood back to the left
c) The IVC drains blood from right atrium to areas inferior to the diaphragm
d) The aorta sends blood from left ventricle to body.
57. Which of the following is not a part of retropertoneal structure?
a) Ureter
b) Pancreas
c) Sympathetic truck
d) Both A & B
e) Duedenum
58. The short gastric veins and the left gastroepiploic veins join the
a) Gastric vein
b) Hepatic vein
c) Iliac vein
d) Pancreatic vein
e) Splenic vein
59. The esophageal opening in the diaphragm is at
a) L1
b) T6
c) T8
d) T10
e) T12
60. Which muscle is NOT used in forced expiration?
a. Diaphragm
b. External oblique
c. Internal oblique
d. Rectus abdominis
e. Transverses abdominis
61. All the following statements are concern inguinal hernia Except
a) Medial to superior epigastric arteries
b) Common in elderly men
c) Wide hernia sac
d) Due to weak abdominal muscles
62. The best example of _______ joint is the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
a) Condyloid joint
b) Ellipsoid
c) Hinge
d) Planer
e) Saddle
63. Phrenic nerve supplies the sensation to all but :
a) Diaphragm
b) Mediastinal pleura
c) Left ventricle
d) Pericardium
64. Which of the following forms the posterior wall of inguinal canal?
a) External oblique muscle
b) Transverses abdominus muscles
c) Conjoint tendon
d) Internal oblique muscles
e) Conjoint tendon

65. The cremasteric fascia is the term used to describe the ___________ and its fascia
a) Cremaster muscle
b) Pyramidalis
c) Rectus muscle
d) Scarpa’s fascia
e) Transversus


Sample Paper

Terminal Examination 2017-18

1st Semester

Paper Anatomy-I

Multiple Choice Question.

k. Kidneys from the level
c. 12th thoracic vertebrae of the 3rd lumber vertebrae
d. 10th thoracic vertebrae of the 2nd lumber vertebrae
e. 11th thoracic vertebrae of the 4th lumber vertebrae
f. None of these
l. _______ is slightly lower than the left
p. Left kidney
q. Right kidney
r. Both are equal
s. None of these
m. Kidney are long
f. About 12cm
g. About 11cm
h. About 13cm
i. None of these
n. Kidney are of weight about
f. 200g
g. 100g
h. 150g
i. None of these
o. Outer layer of kidney are surrounded
b. Capsule
c. Cortex
d. Medulla
e. None of these
p. Kidney is composed of about millions of functional units
b. 1-4 million nephron
c. 1-3 million nephron
q. Cup shaped of nephron is called
c. Glomerulus capsule
d. Bownman’s capsule
e. Both A and B
f. None of these
r. Glomerular filtration rate is about
f. 115ml/minute
g. 130ml/minute
h. 125ml/minute
i. None of these
s. Filtrate are formed each day by two kidneys
b. 200 litres
c. 150 litres
d. 100 litres
e. 180 litres
t. Ureters are long
e. About 20 to 30 cm
f. About 25 to 30 cm
g. About 35 to cm
h. None of these
u. Diameter of the ureter is about
f. 4mm
g. 6mm
h. 3mm
i. 5mm
v. Stomach is a _______ shaped
f. H-shaped
g. D-shaped
h. N-shaped
i. None of these
w. Stomach have _____ parts
f. 2
g. 4
h. 5
i. 3
x. Stomach have ____ spinchters
f. 3
g. 2
h. 0
i. None of these

y. Small intestine is _______ long

b. 6 meters
c. 7 meters
d. 5 meters
e. None of these
z. Small intestine have ______ parts
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
17. Hepaticpancreatic ampulla are open into
A. Jejenum
B. Illium
C. Duodenum
D. None of these
18. Large intestine is about_______ long.

A. 1.5 meters

B .2.5 meters

C. 2 meters

D. None of these.

19. Diameter of Large intestine__________..

A. About 5.5 cm

B. About 6.5 cm

C. About 7.5 cm

D. About 4.5 cm

20.Junction between large intestine and small intestine is called_________.

A.iliocaocal valve.

B.jejuniocaocal valve.

C. Deudonocaocal valve.

D. None of these.

21.The colon have parts ________.

A. 3 b. 2 c. 5 d. 4

22. Weight of Pancrease is _________.

A. About 60 gram b. About 70 gram

C. About 80 gram d . None of these ..

23.Pancrease are _________ Long .

A. About 10 _ 16 cm b. About 12 _ 15 cm

C. About 8 _ 12 cm d. None of these .

24. Diaphysis and Epiphysis are separated by?

71. Epiphysis ligament. B Epiphyseal caretilage. C. Both A and B. D.None of these.

25. Osteoblasts cells secreted?

e. Organic component. B. Inorganic component. C. Both and A and B. D.None of these.

26. Compact bone makes up about…. Of the body bone.

b. 70% B. 50% C. 60% D. 80%

27. Haversion system consist?

f. One osteon B. Half osteon C. Both and A and B. D. Large number osteons.
28. Bone looks like a honey comb?

f. Compect bone. B. Spongy bone. C. Both and A and B. D.None of these.

29. Axial skeleton consists?

b. Skull and face. B. Vertabra and thoracic cage. C. Both and A and B. D.None of these.
30. Face is formed by ….. Bones.

e. 14 bone. B. 15 bone. C. 8 bone. D. 13 bone.

31. Number of cervical vertebra.

b. 8 vertebra b. 5 vertebra c.12 vertebra d.7 vertabra.

32.choice the correct statement about sternum bone.

f. Body xiphoid mannbrium. B. Xiphoid mannbrium body.

g. C.mannbrium body xiphoid. D .mannbrium xiphoid body.
33. Ribs are consist

A.7 pairs b.10 pairs c.8 pairs d.12 pairs

34. True ribs are

A.First eight pairs b. First ten pairs

C. First nine pairs d. None of these

35. Fit of head_________ glenvid cavity.

f. Femur bone. B. Tibia bone.

C. Ridus bone. D. Humorus bone.

36. Choice the correct statement of carpal proximal row.

b. Lunate_Scaphoid_Triquetrum_pisiform. B. Trapezium_trapezoid_capitate_hamate.
C.Scaphoid_lunate_triquetrum_pisifrom. D. Triquetrum_lunate_pisifrom_scaphoid.

37. Tibia and fibula are articulated with…. At from ankle joint.

A. Three cuneiform bone. B. Navicular.

C. Cuboid bone. D. Talus bone.

38. Heel of foot from by?

f. Talus bone. B. Cancaneus bone.

C. Navicular bone. D. Cubid bone.

39. Tarsal bones are consist?

b. Five bone. B. Eight bone.

C. Six bone. D. Seven bone.

40. Movement in the synovial joints

A. Flexion b. Abduction

C. Rotation d. All of the Above

41. Synovial fluid act as

A. Lubricants b. Maintains joint stability

C. Both A and B d. None of the Above

42. Which of the following muscle is involuntary?

A. Skeletal muscle b. Smooth muscle

C. Cardiac muscle d. Both B and C

43. Contractile part of the muscle

A. Origin part b. Inversion

C. Fleshy part d .Both A and B

44. Trachea is divided at about the level of…………………. Thoracic vertebra .

A. T6 b.T7 c.T4 d. T5

45. Left Lung have…………. Lobes.

A. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

46. Right Lung have………….. Fissure.

A. 2 b.3 c.4 d. 1

47. Right bronchus is …………. Cm long

A. 2cm b.5cm

C. 4cm d. None of the above.

48. Lungs are surrounded by

A. Pleura b. Pericardium

C. Peritoneum d. All of the Above

49. Superior mediastinum contain all of the following accept?

A. Thymus b. Heart c. Trachea d. Esophagus

50. Inferior mediastinum is divided by………….region.

A.2 b.3 c. 4 d. Having no division.

51. Breast are suspended by

A. Lateral collateral ligament b. Medial collateral ligament

C. Cooper ligament d. None of these.

52. Uppre end joint Between ridus and ulna.

e. Distal radioulnar joint. B. Middle radioulnar joint.

f. C. Proximal radioulnar joint. D.None of these.
53: Medullary canal cantain?

b. Yellow bone marrow. B. Red bone marrow. C. Both A and B. D. None of these.
54. Irregular bone consists?

f. Vertebra bone. B. Skull bone. C. Both A and B. C. None of these.

55. Outer Layer of bone?

15. Medullary canal. B. Periosteum.

16. C. Both and A and B. D. None of these.
56. Outer layer of heart is called

A. Pericardium b . Myocardium

C. Non of these d. Endocardium

57. Compact bone makes up about…. Of the body bone.

c. 70% B. 50% C. 60% D. 80%

58. Haversion system consist?

g. One osteon B. Half osteon C. Both and A and B. D. Large number osteons.
59. Bone looks like a honey comb?

g. Compect bone. B. Spongy bone. C. Both and A and B. D.None of these.

60. Heel of foot from by?

e. Talus bone. B. Cancaneus bone.

C. Navicular bone. D. Cubid bone.

61. Ureters are layers.

e. 4 layers
f. 2 layers
g. 3 layers
h. 5 layers
62. Bladder is roughly ----shaped?

b. Apple
c. Pear
d. Oval
e. Non of these
63.Female urether is approximately long

k. 4 cm b) 5 cm
e. 6 cm d) 3 cm

64. The skin superficial part are called____.

A. Epidermis
B. Dermis
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
65. Heart are ________ long

A. 10 cm b. 12 cm
C. 15 cm d. Both a and b

66. The layer of skin composed of dense connective tissue

A. Dermis
B. Epidermis
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

67. ______ Large arteries supply to thoracic cavity

A. Ascending aorta b. Arch of aorta

C. Both A and B d. None of these
68. Veins are supply to thoracic artery

A. Superior vena cava b. Azygous vein

C. Both A and B d. None of these
69. The female external ganitalia are consists of

A. Labia majors b. Vagina

C. Hymen d. Both A and C
70. The erectile tissue are part of female ganitalia organ

A. Labia minors b. Hymen

C. Critoris d. None of these

Anatomy ANS KEY

Q.NO. Answer key Q.NO. Answer key Q.NO. Answer key
1 A 29 C 57 D
2 B 30 A 58 D
3 B 31 D 59 B
4 C 32 C 60 B
5 A 33 D 61 C
6 C 34 A 62 B
7 C 35 D 63 A
8 C 36 C 64 A
9 D 37 D 65 D
10 B 38 B 66 B
11 A 39 D 67 C
12 D 40 D 68 C
13 D 41 C 69 D
14 B 42 D 70 C
15 C 43 C
16 B 44 D
17 C 45 B
18 A 46 A
19 B 47 D
20 A 48 A
21 D 49 B
22 A 50 B
23 B 51 C
24 B 52 B
25 C 53 A
26 D 54 C
27 D 55 B
28 B 56 A
Multiple choice Questions
Total Marks 70
Encircle the correct one
g. At what level does the manubrium lie?
a. Just below the sternal notch
b. At level of T3, T4 vertebrae
c. At level of T4, T5 vertebrae
d. At level of t4, t5 vertebrae
e. At level of t6,t7 vertebrae
h. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of the lungs, and is the place where pulmonary vessels,
bronchial vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves, enters and leave the lung?
a. The hilum
b. The helium
c. The milum
d. The ileum
e. The jejunum
i. The nasal cavity is divided into two by the bony nasal septum, which is largely formed
a. Inferior Conchae
b. Lacrimal
c. Maxilla
d. Palatine
e. Vomer
j. The ----------- is a mobile single bone found in the midline of the neck below the
mandible and abides the larynx
a. Cervical vertebrae
b. Clavicle
c. Hyoid
d. Mandible
e. Maxilla
k. Incomplete fusion of two medial nasal swelling results in the production of
a. Lateral cleft of upper lip
b. Medial cleft of upper lip
c. Macrostomia
d. Microstomia
e. Oblique facial cleft
l. Acromial fibers of the deltoid are example of
a. Bipennate
b. Multipennate
c. Tripennate
d. Unipennate
e. Both A & B
m. Symphysis Pubis is an example of
a. Diarthrosis
b. Fibrous joints
c. Primary cartilaginous joints
d. Secondary cartilaginous joint
e. Synovial joints
n. Decrease between the angle of two anterior surface is
a. Abduction
b. Adduction
c. Extension
d. Flexion
e. Rotation
o. Location of spleen in abdomen is
a. Epigastrium
b. Lt. Hypochondria
c. Lt. Iliac fossa
d. Rt. Hypochondria
e. Rt. Iliac fossa
p. There is _____ pair of thoracic Nerves
a. 5
b. 7
c. 8
d. 10
e. 12
q. Basic Cells of cartilage are
a. Chondrocytes
b. Osteocytes
c. Osteoclast
d. Mast cells
e. Trabeculae
r. True ribs directly attach via cost chondral to the
a. Manubrium
b. Sternum
c. Vertebrae
d. Xiphoid process
e. Xiphisternal
s. Lower jaw bone is known as
a. Ethmoid
b. Maxilla
c. Mandible
d. Sphenoid
e. Zygone bone
t. Mediastinum, which lies between the pericardium and the vertebral column is
a. Anterior mediastinum
b. Inferior mediastinum
c. Middle mediastinum
d. Superior mediastinum
e. Posterior mediastinum
u. The heart is innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the autonomic
nervous system via the
a. Brachial plexus
b. Cardiac plexus
c. Femoral plexus
d. Lumber plexus
e. Portal plexus
v. The upper two thirds of trachea are supplied by the inferior thyroid arteries and the
lower third is supplied by the
a. Axillary arteries
b. Alveolar arteries
c. Bronchial arteries
d. Carotid artery
e. Subclavian arteries
w. The umbilicus is a scar representing the site of attachment of the umbilical cord in the
fetus; it is situated in the
a. Linea talus
b. Libea majora
c. Linea alba
d. Libia minora
e. Linea pelican
x. All are retroperitoneal organ except
a. Duodenum
b. Kidneys
c. Pancreas
d. Spleen
e. All of above
y. Two yellowish organs that lie on the upper poles of the kidneys are
a. Pituitary glands
b. Suprarenal glands
c. Parathyroid glands
d. Thymus gland
e. Thyroid gland
z. All are the muscles of anterior abdominal wall except
a. External oblique
b. Internal oblique
c. Psoas muscle
d. Rectus abdominus
e. Pyramidalis
aa. Transversus abdominus muscle is supplied by all except
a. Iliohypogastric nerve
b. Ilioinguinal nerves
c. Lower six thoracic nerves
d. 2nd lumber nerve
e. None of above
bb. A thick fibrous membrane covering the surface of bone. It contains blood and lymphatic
vessels & nerves called?
a. Endosteum
b. Medullary cavity
c. Periosteum
d. Perichondrium
e. None of above
cc. Which muscle titled as visceral muscles
a. Cardiac
b. Skeletal
c. Smooth
d. All of above
e. None of above
dd. The cell membrane of a muscle fiber called
a. Myofibrils
b. Sarcolemma
c. Sarcoplasm
d. Sarcomere
e. None of above
ee. The area of mucous membrane covering the internal surface of the base of the bladder
is called
a. Apex
b. Base
c. Detrusor muscle
d. Mucosal layer
e. Trigone
ff. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube which begins in the neck as a
continuation of the larynx at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage is?
a. Bronchus
b. Esophagus
c. Pharynx
d. Trachea
e. None of above
gg. The neck of the bladder lies inferiorly and rests on the upper surface of the?
a. Pituitary
b. Pineal
c. Prostate
d. Thymus
e. Thyroid
hh. A thin plate of cartilage that become ossified at its proximal end during adult life. No
ribs or costal cartilages are attached to it called
a. Angle of louis
b. Body of sternum
c. Manubrium
d. Xiphoid process
e. None of above
ii. The widest part of uterine tube is called
a. Ampulla
b. Fimbriae
c. Isthmus
d. Infundibulum
e. All of above
jj. The part of the uterus that lies above the entrance of the uterine tube called
a. Ampulla
b. Body
c. Cervix
d. Fundus
e. Vagina
kk. In the lower part of hip bone, a large opening called?
a. Acetabulum
b. Obturator internus
c. Obturator foramen
d. Pubic ramus
e. Pelvic brim
ll. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera called?
a. Mesentery
b. Mesoappendix
c. Omenta
d. Peritoneum
e. None of above
mm. Largest gland in the body is
a. Liver
b. Pituitary
c. Thymus
d. Thyroid
e. None of above
nn. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hand known as
a. Caudal
b. Cephalic
c. Planter
d. Palmer
e. Ventral
oo. The upper seven pairs are attached anterior to the sternum by their costal cartilages
a. False ribs
b. Floating ribs
c. True ribs
d. Tubercles of the ribs
e. Vertebrochondral ribs
pp. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separate the chest cavity above from the
abdominal cavity below is?
a. Diaphragm
b. Linea alba
c. Pericardium
d. Rectus sheath
e. Rectus abdominus
qq. The liver may be divided into a large right lobe and the small left lobe by the
attachment of the peritoneum of the ligament is?
a. Caudate lobe
b. Falciform
c. Ligamentum teres
d. Ligament venosum
e. Porta hepatic
rr. A small shallow depression is known as
a. Fossa
b. Fovea
c. Fissure
d. Tubercle
e. Tuberosity
ss. First part of small intestine is?
a. Cecum
b. Colon
c. Duodenum
d. Ileum
e. Jejunum
tt. The most tubular part of stomach is?
a. Antrum
b. Body of stomach
c. Cardiac orifice
d. Fundus
e. Pylorus
uu. The dome shaped full of gas part of stomach is called?
a. Antrum
b. Body of stomach
c. Cardiac orifice
d. Fundus
e. Pylorus
vv. Two-layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscus IS?
a. Mesenteries
b. Mesocolon
c. Omenta
d. Peritoneum
e. Sigmoid mesocolon
ww. The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers, which is in effect
the inside space of the balloon is called the
a. Mesenteries
b. Omenta
c. Peritoneum
d. Peritoneal space
e. Pleural cavity
xx. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?
a. Crania
b. Cricoid cartilage
c. Esophagus
d. Trachea
e. Larynx
yy. Deep fascia is well defined in?
a. Eye lids
b. Head
c. Limb
d. Neck & limb
e. Trunk
zz. Thoracic cage is made up of all except?
a. Clavicle
b. Costal cartilage
c. Ribs
d. Sternum
e. Thoracic vertebrae
aaa. A muscular tube that extends from the kidney to the posterior surface of the
bladder is?
a. Epididymis
b. Seminal vesicles
c. Ureter
d. Urinary bladder
e. Uterine tubes
bbb. Most abundant form of cartilage having perichondrium membrane associated
with synovial joint is?
a. Costal cartilage
b. Elastic cartilage
c. Fibro cartilage
d. Hyaline cartilage
e. Meniscus
ccc. Carpals and tarsals are the examples of?
a. Flat bones
b. Irregular bone
c. Long bones
d. Short bones
e. Sesamoid bones
ddd. Largest sesamoid bone of the body is?
a. Clavicle
b. Fibula
c. Femur
d. Hip bone
e. Patella
eee. Ribs scapula & skull are examples of?
a. Flat bones
b. Irregular bone
c. Long bones
d. Short bones
e. Sesamoid bones
fff. Human skull consist of?
a. 8 bones
b. 14 bones
c. 22 bones
d. 26 bones
e. 33 bones
ggg. An immovable joint that holds most skull bones together is?
a. Ball & socket joint
b. Ellipsoid joint
c. Hinge joint
d. Saddle joint
e. Suture
hhh. The out pouching of the testis is?
a. Ductus deferens
b. Omenta
c. Rete testis
d. Scrotum
e. Tunica albuginea
iii. A firm structure lying posterior to the testis, with the vas deferens lying on its medial
side is?
a. Epididymis
b. Omenta
c. Rete testis
d. Scrotum
e. Tunica albuginea
jjj. A fibromuscular glandular organ that surrounds the prostatic urethra is?
a. Epididymis
b. Prostate gland
c. Rete testis
d. Scrotum
e. Tunica albuginea
kkk. Apex of the heart is formed by left ventricle & present at?
a. 3rd intercostal space
b. 4th intercostal space
c. 5th intercostal space
d. 6th intercostal space
e. 7th intercostal space
lll. The four vertebrae fused together to form a small triangular bone called?
a. Coccyx
b. Hilum
c. Sacrum
d. Scapula
e. Skull
mmm. Shaft of the long bone is also called?
a. Diaphysis
b. Epiphysis
c. Metaphysis
d. Medullary cavity
e. Epiphyseal plate
nnn. Dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus and small intestine
a. Colon
b. Esophagus
c. Jejunum
d. Rectum
e. Stomach
ooo. The stomach is a dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus
and the
a. Large intestine
b. Larynx
c. Pharynx
d. Rectum
e. Small intestine
ppp. Because the left lobe of the liver is smaller than the right so
a. Left kidney is higher than right
b. Left kidney is lower than right
c. Right kidney is higher than left
d. Right lung is smaller than left
e. Right lung is higher than left
qqq. The short gastric veins and the left gastroepiploic veins join the
a. Gastric vein
b. Hepatic vein
c. Iliac vein
d. Pancreatic vein
e. Splenic vein
rrr. The esophageal opening in the diaphragm is at
a. L1
b. T6
c. T8
d. T10
e. T12
sss. Which muscle is NOT used in forced expiration?
72. Diaphragm
73. External oblique
74. Internal oblique
75. Rectus abdominis
76. Transverses abdominis
ttt. Nerve supply for Pyramidalis is
a. 12th thoracic nerve
b. Iliohypogastric nerves
c. Ilioinguinal nerve
d. Lower six thoracic nerves
e. 6th thoracic nerve
uuu. The best example of _______ joint is the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
a. Condyloid joint
b. Ellipsoid
c. Hinge
d. Planer
e. Saddle
vvv. They are roughly cuboidal in shape and are composed of cancellous bone
a. Flat bone
b. Irregular bone
c. Long bone
d. Short bone
e. Sesamoid bone
www. The term _____ refers to the same side of the body
a. Anterior
b. Contralateral
c. Ipsilateral
d. Supine
e. Prone
xxx. The cremasteric fascia is the term used to describe the ___________ and its
a. Cremaster muscle
b. Pyramidalis
c. Rectus muscle
d. Scarpa’s fascia
e. Transversus

1 B 26 D 51 A
2 A 27 C 52 C
3 E 28 D 53 E
4 C 29 A 54 D
5 B 30 D 55 A
6 B 31 C 56 B
7 D 32 D 57 C
8 D 33 A 58 A
9 B 34 D 59 A
10 E 35 C 60 E
11 A 36 A 61 E
12 B 37 B 62 A
13 C 38 A 63 B
14 E 39 C 64 D
15 B 40 E 65 A
16 C 41 D 66 A
17 C 42 C 67 E
18 D 43 D 68 D
19 B 44 C 69 C
20 C 45 D 70 A
21 D 46 A
22 B 47 C
23 C 48 D
24 B 49 D
25 E 50 E

Multiple choice Questions
Total Marks 70
Encircle the correct one
66. At what level does the manubrium lie?
a) Just below the sternal notch
b) At level of T3, T4 vertebrae
c) At level of T4, T5 vertebrae
d) At level of t4, t5 vertebrae
e) At level of t6,t7 vertebrae
67. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of the lungs, and is the place where pulmonary vessels,
bronchial vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves, enters and leave the lung?
a) The hilum
b) The helium
c) The milum
d) The ileum
e) The jejunum
68. The nasal cavity is divided into two by the bony nasal septum, which is largely formed
a) Inferior Conchae
b) Lacrimal
c) Maxilla
d) Palatine
e) Vomer
69. The ----------- is a mobile single bone found in the midline of the neck below the
mandible and abides the larynx
a) Cervical vertebrae
b) Clavicle
c) Hyoid
d) Mandible
e) Maxilla
70. Incomplete fusion of two medial nasal swelling results in the production of
a) Lateral cleft of upper lip
b) Medial cleft of upper lip
c) Macrostomia
d) Microstomia
e) Oblique facial cleft
71. Acromial fibers of the deltoid are example of
a) Bipennate
b) Multipennate
c) Tripennate
d) Unipennate
e) Both A & B
72. Symphysis Pubis is an example of
a) Diarthrosis
b) Fibrous joints
c) Primary cartilaginous joints
d) Secondary cartilaginous joint
e) Synovial joints
73. Decrease between the angle of two anterior surface is
a) Abduction
b) Adduction
c) Extension
d) Flexion
e) Rotation
74. Location of spleen in abdomen is
a) Epigastrium
b) Lt. Hypochondria
c) Lt. Iliac fossa
d) Rt. Hypochondria
e) Rt. Iliac fossa
75. There is _____ pair of thoracic Nerves
a) 5
b) 7
c) 8
d) 10
e) 12
76. Basic Cells of cartilage are
a) Chondrocytes
b) Osteocytes
c) Osteoclast
d) Mast cells
e) Trabeculae
77. True ribs directly attach via cost chondral to the
a) Manubrium
b) Sternum
c) Vertebrae
d) Xiphoid process
e) Xiphisternal
78. Lower jaw bone is known as
a) Ethmoid
b) Maxilla
c) Mandible
d) Sphenoid
e) Zygone bone
79. Mediastinum, which lies between the pericardium and the vertebral column is
a) Anterior mediastinum
b) Inferior mediastinum
c) Middle mediastinum
d) Superior mediastinum
e) Posterior mediastinum
80. The heart is innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the autonomic
nervous system via the
a) Brachial plexus
b) Cardiac plexus
c) Femoral plexus
d) Lumber plexus
e) Portal plexus
81. The upper two thirds of trachea are supplied by the inferior thyroid arteries and the
lower third is supplied by the
a) Axillary arteries
b) Alveolar arteries
c) Bronchial arteries
d) Carotid artery
e) Subclavian arteries
82. The umbilicus is a scar representing the site of attachment of the umbilical cord in the
fetus; it is situated in the
a) Linea talus
b) Libea majora
c) Linea alba
d) Libia minora
e) Linea pelican
83. All are retroperitoneal organ except
a) Duodenum
b) Kidneys
c) Pancreas
d) Spleen
e) All of above
84. Two yellowish organs that lie on the upper poles of the kidneys are
a) Pituitary glands
b) Suprarenal glands
c) Parathyroid glands
d) Thymus gland
e) Thyroid gland
85. All are the muscles of anterior abdominal wall except
a) External oblique
b) Internal oblique
c) Psoas muscle
d) Rectus abdominus
e) Pyramidalis
86. Transversus abdominus muscle is supplied by all except
a) Iliohypogastric nerve
b) Ilioinguinal nerves
c) Lower six thoracic nerves
d) 2nd lumber nerve
e) None of above
87. A thick fibrous membrane covering the surface of bone. It contains blood and lymphatic
vessels & nerves called?
a) Endosteum
b) Medullary cavity
c) Periosteum
d) Perichondrium
e) None of above
88. Which muscle titled as visceral muscles
a) Cardiac
b) Skeletal
c) Smooth
d) All of above
e) None of above
89. The cell membrane of a muscle fiber called
a) Myofibrils
b) Sarcolemma
c) Sarcoplasm
d) Sarcomere
e) None of above
90. The area of mucous membrane covering the internal surface of the base of the bladder
is called
a) Apex
b) Base
c) Detrusor muscle
d) Mucosal layer
e) Trigone
91. A mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube which begins in the neck as a
continuation of the larynx at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage is?
a) Bronchus
b) Esophagus
c) Pharynx
d) Trachea
e) None of above
92. The neck of the bladder lies inferiorly and rests on the upper surface of the?
a) Pituitary
b) Pineal
c) Prostate
d) Thymus
e) Thyroid
93. A thin plate of cartilage that become ossified at its proximal end during adult life. No
ribs or costal cartilages are attached to it called
a) Angle of louis
b) Body of sternum
c) Manubrium
d) Xiphoid process
e) None of above
94. The widest part of uterine tube is called
a) Ampulla
b) Fimbriae
c) Isthmus
d) Infundibulum
e) All of above
95. The part of the uterus that lies above the entrance of the uterine tube called
a) Ampulla
b) Body
c) Cervix
d) Fundus
e) Vagina
96. In the lower part of hip bone, a large opening called?
a) Acetabulum
b) Obturator internus
c) Obturator foramen
d) Pubic ramus
e) Pelvic brim
97. A thin serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and
clothes the viscera called?
a) Mesentery
b) Mesoappendix
c) Omenta
d) Peritoneum
e) None of above
98. Largest gland in the body is
a) Liver
b) Pituitary
c) Thymus
d) Thyroid
e) None of above
99. A special term refers to anterior surface of the hand known as
a) Caudal
b) Cephalic
c) Planter
d) Palmer
e) Ventral
100. The upper seven pairs are attached anterior to the sternum by their costal
cartilages called
a) False ribs
b) Floating ribs
c) True ribs
d) Tubercles of the ribs
e) Vertebrochondral ribs
101. A thin muscular and tendinous septum that separate the chest cavity above from
the abdominal cavity below is?
a) Diaphragm
b) Linea alba
c) Pericardium
d) Rectus sheath
e) Rectus abdominus
102. The liver may be divided into a large right lobe and the small left lobe by the
attachment of the peritoneum of the ligament is?
a) Caudate lobe
b) Falciform
c) Ligamentum teres
d) Ligament venosum
e) Porta hepatic
103. A small shallow depression is known as
a) Fossa
b) Fovea
c) Fissure
d) Tubercle
e) Tuberosity
104. First part of small intestine is?
a) Cecum
b) Colon
c) Duodenum
d) Ileum
e) Jejunum
105. The most tubular part of stomach is?
a) Antrum
b) Body of stomach
c) Cardiac orifice
d) Fundus
e) Pylorus
106. The dome shaped full of gas part of stomach is called?
a) Antrum
b) Body of stomach
c) Cardiac orifice
d) Fundus
e) Pylorus
107. Two-layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscus IS?
a) Mesenteries
b) Mesocolon
c) Omenta
d) Peritoneum
e) Sigmoid mesocolon
108. The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers, which is in effect
the inside space of the balloon is called the
a) Mesenteries
b) Omenta
c) Peritoneum
d) Peritoneal space
e) Pleural cavity
109. A tubular structure that joins the pharynx to the stomach is?
a) Crania
b) Cricoid cartilage
c) Esophagus
d) Trachea
e) Larynx
110. Deep fascia is well defined in?
a) Eye lids
b) Head
c) Limb
d) Neck & limb
e) Trunk
111. Thoracic cage is made up of all except?
a) Clavicle
b) Costal cartilage
c) Ribs
d) Sternum
e) Thoracic vertebrae
112. A muscular tube that extends from the kidney to the posterior surface of the
bladder is?
a) Epididymis
b) Seminal vesicles
c) Ureter
d) Urinary bladder
e) Uterine tubes
113. Most abundant form of cartilage having perichondrium membrane associated
with synovial joint is?
a) Costal cartilage
b) Elastic cartilage
c) Fibro cartilage
d) Hyaline cartilage
e) Meniscus
114. Carpals and tarsals are the examples of?
a) Flat bones
b) Irregular bone
c) Long bones
d) Short bones
e) Sesamoid bones
115. Largest sesamoid bone of the body is?
a) Clavicle
b) Fibula
c) Femur
d) Hip bone
e) Patella
116. Ribs scapula & skull are examples of?
a) Flat bones
b) Irregular bone
c) Long bones
d) Short bones
e) Sesamoid bones
117. Human skull consist of?
a) 8 bones
b) 14 bones
c) 22 bones
d) 26 bones
e) 33 bones
118. An immovable joint that holds most skull bones together is?
a) Ball & socket joint
b) Ellipsoid joint
c) Hinge joint
d) Saddle joint
e) Suture
119. The out pouching of the testis is?
a) Ductus deferens
b) Omenta
c) Rete testis
d) Scrotum
e) Tunica albuginea
120. A firm structure lying posterior to the testis, with the vas deferens lying on its
medial side is?
a) Epididymis
b) Omenta
c) Rete testis
d) Scrotum
e) Tunica albuginea
121. A fibromuscular glandular organ that surrounds the prostatic urethra is?
a) Epididymis
b) Prostate gland
c) Rete testis
d) Scrotum
e) Tunica albuginea
122. Apex of the heart is formed by left ventricle & present at?
a) 3 intercostal space
b) 4th intercostal space
c) 5th intercostal space
d) 6thintercostal space
e) 7th intercostal space
123. The four vertebrae fused together to form a small triangular bone called?
a) Coccyx
b) Hilum
c) Sacrum
d) Scapula
e) Skull
124. Shaft of the long bone is also called?
a) Diaphysis
b) Epiphysis
c) Metaphysis
d) Medullary cavity
e) Epiphyseal plate
125. Dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus and small intestine
a) Colon
b) Esophagus
c) Jejunum
d) Rectum
e) Stomach
126. The stomach is a dilated part of the alimentary canal between the esophagus
and the
a) Large intestine
b) Larynx
c) Pharynx
d) Rectum
e) Small intestine
127. Because the left lobe of the liver is smaller than the right so
a) Left kidney is higher than right
b) Left kidney is lower than right
c) Right kidney is higher than left
d) Right lung is smaller than left
e) Right lung is higher than left
128. The short gastric veins and the left gastroepiploic veins join the
a) Gastric vein
b) Hepatic vein
c) Iliac vein
d) Pancreatic vein
e) Splenic vein
129. The esophageal opening in the diaphragm is at
a) L1
b) T6
c) T8
d) T10
e) T12
130. Which muscle is NOT used in forced expiration?
f. Diaphragm
g. External oblique
h. Internal oblique
i. Rectus abdominis
j. Transverses abdominis
131. Nerve supply for Pyramidalis is
a) 12th thoracic nerve
b) Iliohypogastric nerves
c) Ilioinguinal nerve
d) Lower six thoracic nerves
e) 6th thoracic nerve
132. The best example of _______ joint is the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
a) Condyloid joint
b) Ellipsoid
c) Hinge
d) Planer
e) Saddle
133. They are roughly cuboidal in shape and are composed of cancellous bone
a) Flat bone
b) Irregular bone
c) Long bone
d) Short bone
e) Sesamoid bone
134. The term _____ refers to the same side of the body
a) Anterior
b) Contralateral
c) Ipsilateral
d) Supine
e) Prone
135. The cremasteric fascia is the term used to describe the ___________ and its
a) Cremaster muscle
b) Pyramidalis
c) Rectus muscle
d) Scarpa’s fascia
e) Transversus

1 B 26 D 51 A
2 A 27 C 52 C
3 E 28 D 53 E
4 C 29 A 54 D
5 B 30 D 55 A
6 B 31 C 56 B
7 D 32 D 57 C
8 D 33 A 58 A
9 B 34 D 59 A
10 E 35 C 60 E
11 A 36 A 61 E
12 B 37 B 62 A
13 C 38 A 63 B
14 E 39 C 64 D
15 B 40 E 65 A
16 C 41 D 66 A
17 C 42 C 67 E
18 D 43 D 68 D
19 B 44 C 69 C
20 C 45 D 70 A
21 D 46 A
22 B 47 C
23 C 48 D
24 B 49 D
25 E 50 E

Nisar Ali momandy student of surgery kmu ph 03025409653

Multiple choice Questions
Total Marks 70
Encircle the correct one

yyy. At what level does the e. Oblique facial cleft

manubrium lie? dddd. Acromial fibers of the deltoid
a. Just below the sternal notch are example of
b. At level of T3, T4 vertebrae a. Bipennate
c. At level of T4, T5 vertebrae b. Multipennate
d. At level of t4, t5 vertebrae c. Tripennate
e. At level of t6,t7 vertebrae d. Unipennate
zzz. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of e. Both A & B
the lungs, and is the place where eeee. Symphysis Pubis is an
pulmonary vessels, bronchial example of
vessels, lymphatic vessels, and a. Diarthrosis
nerves, enters and leave the lung? b. Fibrous joints
a. The hilum c. Primary cartilaginous joints
b. The helium d. Secondary cartilaginous
c. The milum joint
d. The ileum e. Synovial joints
e. The jejunum ffff.Decrease between the angle of two
aaaa. The nasal cavity is divided anterior surface is
into two by the bony nasal septum, a. Abduction
which is largely formed by. b. Adduction
a. Inferior Conchae c. Extension
b. Lacrimal d. Flexion
c. Maxilla e. Rotation
d. Palatine gggg. Location of spleen in
e. Vomer abdomen is
bbbb. The ----------- is a mobile a. Epigastrium
single bone found in the midline of b. Lt. Hypochondria
the neck below the mandible and c. Lt. Iliac fossa
abides the larynx d. Rt. Hypochondria
a. Cervical vertebrae e. Rt. Iliac fossa
b. Clavicle hhhh. There is _____ pair of
c. Hyoid thoracic Nerves
d. Mandible a. 5
e. Maxilla b. 7
cccc. Incomplete fusion of two c. 8
medial nasal swelling results in the d. 10
production of e. 12
a. Lateral cleft of upper lip iiii. Basic Cells of cartilage are
b. Medial cleft of upper lip a. Chondrocytes
c. Macrostomia b. Osteocytes
d. Microstomia c. Osteoclast

d. Mast cells oooo. The umbilicus is a scar

e. Trabeculae representing the site of attachment
jjjj. True ribs directly attach via cost of the umbilical cord in the fetus; it
chondral to the is situated in the
a. Manubrium a. Linea talus
b. Sternum b. Libea majora
c. Vertebrae c. Linea alba
d. Xiphoid process d. Libia minora
e. Xiphisternal e. Linea pelican
kkkk. Lower jaw bone is known as pppp. All are retroperitoneal organ
a. Ethmoid except
b. Maxilla a. Duodenum
c. Mandible b. Kidneys
d. Sphenoid c. Pancreas
e. Zygone bone d. Spleen
llll. Mediastinum, which lies between e. All of above
the pericardium and the vertebral qqqq. Two yellowish organs that lie
column is on the upper poles of the kidneys
a. Anterior mediastinum are
b. Inferior mediastinum a. Pituitary glands
c. Middle mediastinum b. Suprarenal glands
d. Superior mediastinum c. Parathyroid glands
e. Posterior mediastinum d. Thymus gland
mmmm. The heart is innervated by e. Thyroid gland
sympathetic and parasympathetic rrrr. All are the muscles of
fibers of the autonomic nervous anterior abdominal wall except
system via the a. External oblique
a. Brachial plexus b. Internal oblique
b. Cardiac plexus c. Psoas muscle
c. Femoral plexus d. Rectus abdominus
d. Lumber plexus e. Pyramidalis
e. Portal plexus ssss. Transversus abdominus
nnnn. The upper two thirds of muscle is supplied by all except
trachea are supplied by the inferior a. Iliohypogastric nerve
thyroid arteries and the lower third b. Ilioinguinal nerves
is supplied by the c. Lower six thoracic nerves
a. Axillary arteries d. 2nd lumber nerve
b. Alveolar arteries e. None of above
c. Bronchial arteries tttt. A thick fibrous membrane
d. Carotid artery covering the surface of bone. It
e. Subclavian arteries

contains blood and lymphatic yyyy. The neck of the bladder lies
vessels & nerves called? inferiorly and rests on the upper
a. Endosteum surface of the?
b. Medullary cavity a. Pituitary
c. Periosteum b. Pineal
d. Perichondrium c. Prostate
e. None of above d. Thymus
uuuu. Which muscle titled as e. Thyroid
visceral muscles zzzz. A thin plate of cartilage that
a. Cardiac become ossified at its proximal end
b. Skeletal during adult life. No ribs or costal
c. Smooth cartilages are attached to it called
d. All of above a. Angle of louis
e. None of above b. Body of sternum
vvvv. The cell membrane of a c. Manubrium
muscle fiber called d. Xiphoid process
a. Myofibrils e. None of above
b. Sarcolemma aaaaa. The widest part of uterine
c. Sarcoplasm tube is called
d. Sarcomere a. Ampulla
e. None of above b. Fimbriae
wwww. The area of mucous c. Isthmus
membrane covering the internal d. Infundibulum
surface of the base of the bladder is e. All of above
called bbbbb. The part of the uterus that
a. Apex lies above the entrance of the
b. Base uterine tube called
c. Detrusor muscle a. Ampulla
d. Mucosal layer b. Body
e. Trigone c. Cervix
xxxx. A mobile cartilaginous and d. Fundus
membranous tube which begins in e. Vagina
the neck as a continuation of the ccccc. In the lower part of hip bone,
larynx at the lower border of the a large opening called?
cricoid cartilage is? a. Acetabulum
a. Bronchus b. Obturator internus
b. Esophagus c. Obturator foramen
c. Pharynx d. Pubic ramus
d. Trachea e. Pelvic brim
e. None of above ddddd. A thin serous membrane that
lines the walls of the abdominal and

pelvic cavities and clothes the the attachment of the peritoneum

viscera called? of the ligament is?
a. Mesentery a. Caudate lobe
b. Mesoappendix b. Falciform
c. Omenta c. Ligamentum teres
d. Peritoneum d. Ligament venosum
e. None of above e. Porta hepatic
eeeee. Largest gland in the body is jjjjj. A small shallow depression is known
a. Liver as
b. Pituitary a. Fossa
c. Thymus b. Fovea
d. Thyroid c. Fissure
e. None of above d. Tubercle
fffff. A special term refers to e. Tuberosity
anterior surface of the hand known kkkkk. First part of small intestine
as is?
a. Caudal a. Cecum
b. Cephalic b. Colon
c. Planter c. Duodenum
d. Palmer d. Ileum
e. Ventral e. Jejunum
ggggg. The upper seven pairs are lllll. The most tubular part of stomach
attached anterior to the sternum by is?
their costal cartilages called a. Antrum
a. False ribs b. Body of stomach
b. Floating ribs c. Cardiac orifice
c. True ribs d. Fundus
d. Tubercles of the ribs e. Pylorus
e. Vertebrochondral ribs mmmmm. The dome shaped full of gas
hhhhh. A thin muscular and part of stomach is called?
tendinous septum that separate the a. Antrum
chest cavity above from the b. Body of stomach
abdominal cavity below is? c. Cardiac orifice
a. Diaphragm d. Fundus
b. Linea alba e. Pylorus
c. Pericardium nnnnn. Two-layered folds of
d. Rectus sheath peritoneum that connect the
e. Rectus abdominus stomach to another viscus IS?
iiiii.The liver may be divided into a large a. Mesenteries
right lobe and the small left lobe by b. Mesocolon
c. Omenta

d. Peritoneum ttttt. Most abundant form of

e. Sigmoid mesocolon cartilage having perichondrium
ooooo. The potential space between membrane associated with synovial
the parietal and visceral layers, joint is?
which is in effect the inside space of a. Costal cartilage
the balloon is called the b. Elastic cartilage
a. Mesenteries c. Fibro cartilage
b. Omenta d. Hyaline cartilage
c. Peritoneum e. Meniscus
d. Peritoneal space uuuuu. Carpals and tarsals are the
e. Pleural cavity examples of?
ppppp. A tubular structure that joins a. Flat bones
the pharynx to the stomach is? b. Irregular bone
a. Crania c. Long bones
b. Cricoid cartilage d. Short bones
c. Esophagus e. Sesamoid bones
d. Trachea vvvvv. Largest sesamoid bone of the
e. Larynx body is?
qqqqq. Deep fascia is well defined a. Clavicle
in? b. Fibula
a. Eye lids c. Femur
b. Head d. Hip bone
c. Limb e. Patella
d. Neck & limb wwwww. Ribs scapula & skull are
e. Trunk examples of?
rrrrr. Thoracic cage is made up of a. Flat bones
all except? b. Irregular bone
a. Clavicle c. Long bones
b. Costal cartilage d. Short bones
c. Ribs e. Sesamoid bones
d. Sternum xxxxx. Human skull consist of?
e. Thoracic vertebrae a. 8 bones
sssss. A muscular tube that extends b. 14 bones
from the kidney to the posterior c. 22 bones
surface of the bladder is? d. 26 bones
a. Epididymis e. 33 bones
b. Seminal vesicles yyyyy. An immovable joint that
c. Ureter holds most skull bones together is?
d. Urinary bladder a. Ball & socket joint
e. Uterine tubes b. Ellipsoid joint
c. Hinge joint

d. Saddle joint eeeeee. Shaft of the long bone is also

e. Suture called?
zzzzz. The out pouching of the a. Diaphysis
testis is? b. Epiphysis
a. Ductus deferens c. Metaphysis
b. Omenta d. Medullary cavity
c. Rete testis e. Epiphyseal plate
d. Scrotum ffffff. Dilated part of the
e. Tunica albuginea alimentary canal between the
aaaaaa. A firm structure lying esophagus and small intestine
posterior to the testis, with the vas called?
deferens lying on its medial side is? a. Colon
a. Epididymis b. Esophagus
b. Omenta c. Jejunum
c. Rete testis d. Rectum
d. Scrotum e. Stomach
e. Tunica albuginea gggggg. The stomach is a dilated part
bbbbbb. A fibromuscular glandular of the alimentary canal between the
organ that surrounds the prostatic esophagus and the
urethra is? a. Large intestine
a. Epididymis b. Larynx
b. Prostate gland c. Pharynx
c. Rete testis d. Rectum
d. Scrotum e. Small intestine
e. Tunica albuginea hhhhhh. Because the left lobe of the
cccccc. Apex of the heart is formed liver is smaller than the right so
by left ventricle & present at? a. Left kidney is higher than
a. 3rd intercostal space right
b. 4th intercostal space b. Left kidney is lower than
c. 5th intercostal space right
d. 6th intercostal space c. Right kidney is higher than
e. 7th intercostal space left
dddddd. The four vertebrae fused d. Right lung is smaller than
together to form a small triangular left
bone called? e. Right lung is higher than left
a. Coccyx iiiiii. The short gastric veins and
b. Hilum the left gastroepiploic veins join the
c. Sacrum a. Gastric vein
d. Scapula b. Hepatic vein
e. Skull c. Iliac vein
d. Pancreatic vein

e. Splenic vein b. Contralateral

jjjjjj. The esophageal opening in c. Ipsilateral
the diaphragm is at d. Supine
a. L1 e. Prone
b. T6 pppppp. The cremasteric fascia is the
c. T8 term used to describe the
d. T10 ___________ and its fascia
e. T12 a. Cremaster muscle
kkkkkk. Which muscle is NOT used in b. Pyramidalis
forced expiration? c. Rectus muscle
j. Diaphragm d. Scarpa’s fascia
k. External oblique e. Transversus
l. Internal oblique
m. Rectus abdominis
n. Transverses abdominis
llllll. Nerve supply for Pyramidalis
a. 12th thoracic nerve
b. Iliohypogastric nerves
c. Ilioinguinal nerve
d. Lower six thoracic nerves
e. 6th thoracic nerve
mmmmmm. The best example of
_______ joint is the
carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
a. Condyloid joint
b. Ellipsoid
c. Hinge
d. Planer
e. Saddle
nnnnnn. They are roughly cuboidal in
shape and are composed of
cancellous bone
a. Flat bone Answers
b. Irregular bone
c. Long bone 1 B 26 D 51 A
2 A 27 C 52 C
d. Short bone
3 E 28 D 53 E
e. Sesamoid bone
4 C 29 A 54 D
oooooo. The term _____ refers to the
5 B 30 D 55 A
same side of the body
6 B 31 C 56 B
a. Anterior 7 D 32 D 57 C

8 D 33 A 58 A 19 B 44 C 69 C
9 B 34 D 59 A 20 C 45 D 70 A
10 E 35 C 60 E 21 D 46 A
11 A 36 A 61 E 22 B 47 C
12 B 37 B 62 A 23 C 48 D
13 C 38 A 63 B 24 B 49 D
14 E 39 C 64 D 25 E 50 E
15 B 40 E 65 A
16 C 41 D 66 A
17 C 42 C 67 E
18 D 43 D 68 D
b. The median portion of thoracic a) Atria
cavity: b) Pulmonary vein
j. Parietal cavity c) Semilunar valve
k. Visceral cavity d) Aorta
l. Intra pleural
m. Outer plural g. Trachea is located at level of:
b. C3 to T4
c. Inferior mediastinum lies between c. C4 to T2
sternal angle and: d. C5 to T5
f. Thoracic inlet e. C6 to T5
g. Middle mediastinum
h. Diaphragm h. What carries the oxygenated blood
i. Inferior mediastinum from the lungs to the left atrium of
the heart?
d. Thoracic duct, trachea, and c. Atria
esophagus are present in: d. Semilunar
qqqqqq. Anterior mediastinum e. Aorta
rrrrrr. Superior mediastinum f. Pulmonary veins
ssssss. Middle mediastinum
tttttt. Posterior mediastinum
i. The trachea is lined internally with:
e. Brachiocephalic veins pass through: j. Ciliated columnar epithelium
j. Anterior mediastinum k. Stratified columnar epithelium
k. Middle mediastinum l. Simple columnar
l. Superior mediastinum m. Pseudo-Stratified columnar
m. Inferior mediastinum epithelium

f. Name the artery that carries blood j. Trachea consists of number of

from the left ventricle to the body cartilaginous rings:

i. 15-16 g. T4 vertebra
j. 16-21 h. T5 vertebra
k. 18-22 i. T6 vertebra
l. 18-21
p. Segmental bronchi are also known
k. The blood vessel bringing the as:
deoxygenated blood from head and f. Primary bronchi
upper parts of the body into the g. Secondary bronchi
heart is: h. Tertiary bronchi
b. Superior vena cava i. Lobar bronchus
c. Inferior vena cava
d. Coronary sinus
e. Coronary vein

l. The esophagus positioned _______

to trachea:
q. There is a bronchus present for each
c. Laterally
lobe of lung:
d. Superiorly
g. Primary bronchi
e. Anteriorly
h. Secondary bronchi
f. Posteriorly
i. Tertiary bronchi
j. Lobar bronchus
m. In which of the following chambers
of the heart the Superior vena cava
r. The type of joint that is
t. Right atrium
distinguished by having a
u. Left atrium
fluid-filled joint cavity is a
v. Right ventricle
______________ joint.
w. Left ventricle
c. Fibrous
d. Cartilaginous
e. Synovial
n. Length of left bronchi: f. Suture
f. 3 cm
g. 3.5 cm
h. 4 cm s. Within certain synovial joints,
i. 5 cm fibrous cartilaginous pads, called
______________, cushion and guide
o. Left bronchi enters the hilum the articulating bones.
opposite to the:
f. T3 vertebra e. Articular cartilages

f. Bursae x. The mediastinal surface lies against

g. Synovial membranes the mediastinum:
h. Menisci g. Superiorly
h. Inferiorly
t. Trachea receives its blood supply
i. Posteriorly
j. Anteriorly
g. Superior thyroid
h. Inferior thyroid
y. The hilum, where structures:
i. Middle thyroid
j. Enter
j. Posterior thyroid
k. Leave.
l. Enter & leave
u. Joints that are capable only of side-
m. Connects
to-side and back-and-forth
movements, with only slight
z. The first rib articulates with:
f. Sternoclavicular joint
g. Sternal angle
b. Hinge
h. Body of sternum
c. Gliding
d. Pivot i. Histogram
e. Condyloid
aa. The second rib articulates with:
B. Sternoclavicular joint
v. The apex of lungs projects above: C. Sternal angle
c. 1st rib D. Body of sternum
d. 2nd rib E. Histogram
e. 3rd rib
f. 4th rib bb. The potential space between the
visceral and parietal layers of pleura
is known as:
b. The pleural cavity
w. In a ________________ joint, an c. The visceral hang out place
d. Peritoneal cavity
oval surface fits into a concave
e. The parietoplural plaza
depression; these joints are said to
be biaxial: cc. What lies at the MEDIAL surface of
the lungs, and is the place
a. Hinge
where pulmonary vessels, bronchial
b. Saddle
c. Condyloid vessels, lymphatic vessels,
b. Pivot and nerves, enters and leave the

c. Root of lung l. Bronchial arteries

d. Bronchioles m. Inferior bronchial arteries
e. Hilum
f. A and C hh. Pleura is a membrane which folds
back onto itself:
e. Viscous
f. Serous
g. Hard
h. Soft
dd. The shoulder and hip joints are of
this type: ii. The inner pleura cover the lungs and
adjoining structures:
f. Ball and Socket
g. Pivot k. Parietal pleura
h. Saddle l. Visceral pleura
i. Gliding m. Serous membrane
n. Rectal sheath

ee. Occurs when a part of the body is

jj. Anterior abdominal wall is made up
extended beyond the anatomical
position so that the joint angle is of except:
greater than 180 degrees: e. Skin
f. Superficial fascia
g. Abduction g. Deep fascia
h. Flexion h. Cartilaginous membrane
i. Adduction
j. Hyperextension

ff. The pleural cavity Contains serous

pleural fluid, which lubricates the
pleural surfaces and allows the
kk. The skin of abdominal cavity is
layers of pleura to slide smoothly
loosely attached to the underlying
structures except:
each other during respiration.
f. Stomach
i. True
g. Small intestine
j. False
h. Large intestine
i. Umbilicus
gg. The bronchi and parenchymal tissue
of the lungs are supplied by:
ll. Which statement correctly describes
j. Pulmonary arteries
the abdominal wall?
k. Phrenic arteries

j. The superficial fascia of the

abdominal wall contains oo. Which of the following statements
Camper’s fascia. about the peritoneum is correct?
k. The deep fascia of the d. The greater omentum
abdominal wall is known as consists of four layers of
Scarpa’s fascia. peritoneum.
l. Scarpa’s fascia adheres to e. The median umbilical fold
the superficial fascia of the contains the obliterated
thigh. remnant of the umbilical
m. The umbilicus receives artery.
sensory fibres from T8. f. The gastrosplenic ligament
contains the splenic vessels.
mm. Which statement about the g. The lienorenal ligament
rectus abdominis is correct? contains the short gastric
i. It has the transversalis fascia vessels.
posteriorly throughout its
length. pp. Blood supply to the skin of
j. It has three tendinous abdominal cavity:
intersections which are c. Bronchial arteries
visible posteriorly. d. Epigastric arteries
k. It has the Aponeurosis of e. Lumber arteries
three oblique abdominal f. Intercostal arteries
muscles anterior to it below
the arcuate line. qq. The superficial fascia of abdominal
l. The lower free border of the cavity is divided into:
anterior rectus sheath is b. 2
called the arcuate line. c. 3
d. 4
nn. Which statement about the oblique e. 5
abdominal muscles is incorrect? rr. Deep membranous layer of
h. The fibres of external oblique abdominal cavity:
pass antero-inferiorly. f. Superficial layer
i. The lower fibres of internal g. Fascia of camper
oblique form the inguinal h. Fascia of Scarpa’s
ligament. i. Serous membrane
j. The external oblique arises
from the lower eight ribs. ss. In normal human beings fatty layer
k. Internal oblique arises from is extremely thick about:
the lumbar fascia. k. 7 cm

l. 8 cm i. 12th thoracic nerve

m. 9 cm
n. 10 cm b. Pelvic joints and ligaments:
g. The sacroiliac joint is a fibrous
tt. The muscles of the anterior joint between the auricular
surfaces of the ilium and
abdominal wall consist of broad thin
sheets: h. The wedge shape of the
c. 2 sacrum contributes to its
d. 3 stability
e. 4 i. The coccygeous muscle lies on
f. 5 the pelvic surface of the
sacrotuberous ligament
j. The sacrotuberous and
uu. Muscle that extends along the
sacrospinous ligaments
whole length of the anterior enclose the greater sciatic
abdominal wall: foramen
a) External oblique k. The iliolumbar ligament is V-
b) Internal oblique shaped with the apex
c) Transverse abdominis attached to L5
d) Rectus abdominis
c. Pelvic joints and ligaments
vv. The muscle which keeps linea alba
taut during the process: 17. Muscles of pelvis include
a) External oblique obturator externus and
b) Internal oblique piriformis
18. Piriformis arises from the
c) Pyramidalis
lower third part of the sacrum
d) Rectus abdominis 19. The sigmoid colon becomes
the section at the level of the
ww. The muscles of abdominal 4th part of the sacrum
wall assists diaphragm during: 20. The rectum has no mesentery
j. Inspiration 21. The pelvic brim follows the
k. Expiration line of the pubic crest,
pectineal line of pubis, iliac
l. Digestion
crests and ala and
m. Aponeurosis promentary of the sacrum

xx. The Pyramidalis is supplied by the: d. Female pelvis is adapted for

childbearing with an increased
f. Vagus nerve
width____ brim.
g. Iliohypogastric nerve
k. Square
h. Lower six thoracic nerves

l. Pyramid j. They connect the spine to the pelvis

m. Rounded & are the strongest joints in body:
n. Rectangale
b. Pubic symphysis joint
e. Innominate bone is made up of c. Sacrococcygeal joint
bones: d. Sacro iliac joints
f. 2 e. Sacro ischial joint
g. 3
h. 4 k. The ligament run from sacrum to the
i. 5
ischial tuberosity:
f. Acetabulum, ischial tuberosity, l. Sacro iliac ligament
ischial spine are parts of: m. Sacro tuberous ligament
f. Ilium n. Pubic ligament
g. Ischium o. Sacro spinus ligament
h. Pubic bone
i. Iliac fossa l. It is formed by the upper flared out
portion of the ilium:
o. False pelvis
g. Angle between the inferior rami of p. True pelvis
q. Ischial tuberosity
the pubic bone:
r. Pubic symphysis
f. Inferior rami m. The levator ani does not include:
g. Superior rami a. Coccygeus.
h. Pubic symphysis b. Levator prostate.
i. Sub pubic angle c. Puborectalis.
d. Pubococcygeus.
h. Sacrum is made up of ____ fused e. Iliococcygeus.
d. 2
e. 3 n. The pelvic diaphragm:
f. 4 a. Encloses the whole inferior
g. 5 aperture of the pelvis.
b. Is located in the anal triangle.
i. Prominent upper margin of first c. Consists of levator ani,
sphincter ani externus,
sacral vertebrae, projects inwards:
superior and inferior fascia of
d. Ala of sacrum pelvic diaphragm.
e. Sacral promontory d. Can support the pelvic
f. Wings of sacrum viscera.
g. Hollow of sacrum o. The area of pelvis below the pelvic
brim & above the pelvic outlet:

a. True pelvis f. 12 cm
b. False pelvis s. Shape of obstetrical outlet is:
c. Perineum aa. Oval
d. Anal canal
bb. Diamond
p. Anterior boundary of pelvic outlet:
cc. Pyramid
j. Superior margin of pubic
dd. Round
t. The pelvis occurs frequently in men:
k. Inferior margin of pubic
symphysis k. Android
l. Coccyx l. Gynaecoid
m. Ischial tuberosity
m. Anthropoid
q. Posterior boundary of pelvic inlet:
b. Pubic symphysis n. Platypelloid
c. Linea terminalis u. The pelvis in which childbirth is
d. Sacrum
e. Ischial tuberosity
b. Gynaecoid
r. Diameter of pelvic cavity measures c. Android
d. Anthropoid
c. 9 cm
d. 10 cm e. Platypelloid
e. 11 cm

k. How many quadrants are there of an abdomen?

a. Five b. Four c. Nine d. Seven e. Six

l. Abdomen is divided into __________ regions.

a. Five b. Four c. Six d. Nine e. Ten

m. Which of the following is not part of an abdominal wall?

a. Deep Fascia b. Internal oblique muscle c. Pleural membrane d. Skin
e. Visceral Peritoneum

n. Collagen Fibres in the skin that forms creases are also known as_____________.
a. Collagen lines b. Lamb’ s lines c. Langer’ s Lines d. Langer’ s Fibres
e. Long lines

o. Striae Gravidara is a term used for scars on abdomen in_______________.

a. Lethargic Patient b. Mental Patient c. Old Women d. Pregnant Women
e. Surgery patient

p. The midline of the abdomen is supplied by which of the following artery?

a. Celiac artery b. Hepatic artery c. Inferior epigastric artery
d. Mid epigastric artery e. Mesenteric Artery

q. Abdominal Wall consists of the following muscle;

a. Intercostal b. Pectoris c. Psoas d. Transversus Abdominis
e. Vastus

r. The ____________ peritoneum lines the internal surface of the abdominal wall
a. Mesentery b. Parietal c. Pleural d. Visceral
e. Vesicouterine
s. Rectouterine pouch is also known as
a. Double pouch b. Douglas pouch c. Female pouch d. Uterine
e. Vesicouterine

t. Which of the following is not intraperitoneal organs?

a. Kidneys b. Liver c. Rectum d. Spleen e. Stomach

u. In stomach, the food is mixed with gastric secretions known as.

a. Bolus b. Chyma c. Chyme d. Gastrin d. Saliva

v. The greater curvature of the stomach provides space for the attachment of
a. Greater Omentum b. Inferior Mesentery c. Lesser Omentum d.
Superior Mesentery e. Visceral Peritoneum

w. The opening between Esophagus and Stomach is known as;

a. Cardiac Orifice b. Junction c. Papilla d. Pyloric Orifice e.
Pyloric Sphincter

x. A constant notch between body and __________of a stomach is called incisura

a. Antrum b. Fundus c. Pylorus d. Pyloric Orifice e. Rugae

y. The thick mucosa of stomach forms a lined up structures known as______________

a. Fundus b. Mucosa c. Rough d. Rugae e. Stariae

z. Spleen is located _____________ to the stomach.

a. Anteriorly b. Inferiorly c. Posteriorly d. Superiorly d. Superio-

aa. Right gastric artery is branch of ____________.

a. Celiac artery b. Hepatic artery c. Left gastroepiploic d. Mesenteric artery
E. Right gastroepiploic

bb. Left gastric artery is branch of ____________.

a. Celiac artery b. Hepatic artery c. Left gastroepiploic d. Mesenteric artery
E. Right gastroepiploic

cc. Short gastric artery supplies which part of the stomach

a. Antrum b. Body c. Fundus d. Pylorus e. Rugae

dd. Duodenum is divided into the following part(s);

a. Five b. Four c. Seven d. Six e. Ten

ee. The opening in mid of duodenum that receives bile and pancreatic ducts is known as;
a. Major Duodenal papilla b. Minor Papilla c. Orifice d. Pancreatic
Papilla e. Pylorus

ff. Duodenum is C-shape and is about________ inches in length.

a. Five b. Four c. Nine d. Six e. Ten

gg. The longest part of small intestine is Ileum measures about_______________.

a. One Fifth b. Four Fifth c. Three Fifth d. Two Fifth e. Two and Half of

hh. Superior mesenteric plexus provides nerve supply to

a. Duodenum b. Kidneys c. Spleen d. Stomach e. Ureters

ii. Appendix is attached with ileum by its own mesentery known as

a. Mesentery b. Mesoappendix c. Mesocolon d. Omenta e. Pouch

jj. Which of the following is not an inferior surface of an abdomen?

a. Iliac crest
b. Iliac spine
c. Acetabulum
d. Inguinal ligament
kk. Nine regions of an abdomen occur when drawing line from midclavicular vertically and
a. Subcostal plane
b. Transtubercular plane
c. Tranpubic plane
d. Both a & b
ll. Skin consists of ______ rows of stacked squamous epithelial cells
a. 20-30
b. 30-40
c. 40-50
d. 50-60
mm. Skin helps in to protect from pathogens and
a. Sensory stimuli external environment
b. Sensory stimuli internal environment
c. Heat
d. Danger
nn. The largest lymphoid tissue is
a. Liver
b. Appendix
c. Spleen
d. Celiac lymph nodes
oo. The skin of flanks are supplied by
a. Branches of intercostal arteries
b. Lumber arteries

c. Deep circumflex iliac arteries

d. All of the above
pp. Superior epigastric vein is a branch of
a. Femoral vein
b. Saphenous vein
c. Pudendal vein
d. Superior mesenteric vein
qq. A pearly white fibrous sheet in the abdomen is known as
a. Ligament
b. Tendon
c. Nephrosis
d. Aponeurosis

Answer Keys:

31. B
32. D
33. C
34. C
35. D
36. C
37. D
38. B
39. B
40. A
41. C
42. A
43. A
44. A
45. D
46. C
47. B
48. A
49. C
50. B
51. A
52. E
53. C
54. A
55. B
56. C
57. D
58. C
59. A
60. C
61. D
62. B
63. D

1) Which of the following terms describes the body's ability to maintain its normal state?

(A) Anabolism
(B) Catabolism
(C) Tolerance
(D) Homeostasis
(E) Metabolism

2) Which of the following best describes the human body's defense mechanism against
environmental bacteria?

(A) Hair in the nose

(B) Mucous membranes
(C) Osteoblasts
(D) Saliva
(E) Tears

3) Which of the following best describes a nucleus cell?

(A) Lymphocyte
(B) Monocyte
(C) Erythrocyte
(D) Basophil
(E) Neutrophil

4) Which of the following is flexible connective tissue that is attached to bones at the joints?

(A) Adipose
(B) Cartilage
(C) Epithelial
(D) Muscle
(E) Nerve

5) Which of the following allows air to pass into the lungs?

(A) Aorta
(B) Esophagus
(C) Heart
(D) Pancreas
(E) Trachea

6) Which of the following is the body cavity that contains the pituitary gland?

(A) Abdominal
(B) Cranial

(C) Pleural
(D) Spinal
(E) Thoracic

7) Which of the following closes and seals off the lower airway during swallowing?

(A) Alveoli
(B) Epiglottis
(C) Larynx
(D) Uvula
(E) Vocal cords

8) Which of the following is located beneath the diaphragm in the left upper quadrant of the
abdominal cavity?

(A) Appendix
(B) Kidney
(C) Liver
(D) Spleen
(E) Stomach

9) Which of the following anatomical regions of abdomen lies just distal to the sternum?

(A) Epigastric
(B) Hypochondriac
(C) Hypogastric
(D) Lumbar
(E) Umbilical

10) Which of the following cavities are separated by the diaphragm?

(A) Abdominal and pelvic

(B) Cranial and spinal
(C) Dorsal and ventral
(D) Pericardial and pleural
(E) Thoracic and abdominal

11) Which of the following terms describes the motion of bending the forearm toward the

(A) Abduction
(B) Eversion
(C) Flexion

(D) Pronation
(E) Supination

12) In which of the following positions does a patient lie face down?

(A) Dorsal
(B) Erect
(C) Lateral
(D) Prone
(E) Supine

13) If the foot is abducted, it is moved in which direction?

(A) Inward
(B) Outward
(C) Upward
(D) Downward

14) The anatomic location of the spinal canal is

(A) caudal
(B) dorsal
(C) frontal
(D) transverse
(E) ventral

15) Which of the following is a structural, fibrous protein found in the dermis?

(A) Collagen
(B) Heparin
(C) Lipocyte
(D) Melanin
(E) Sebum

16) A patient has a fracture in which the radius is bent but not displaced, and the skin is intact.
This type of fracture is known as which of the following?

(A) Closed, greenstick

(B) Complex, comminuted
(C) Compound, transverse
(D) Open, spiral
(E) Simple, pathologic

17) Which of the following is the large bone found superior to the patella and inferior to the

(A) Calcaneus
(B) Femur
(C) Symphysis pubis
(D) Tibia
(E) Ulna

18) The physician directs the medical assistant to complete a request form for an X-ray study of
the fibula. The procedure will be performed on which of the following structures?

(A) Heel
(B) Lower leg
(C) Toes
(D) Thigh
(E) Pelvis

19) Which of the following is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable episodes of falling

asleep during the day?

(A) Dyslexia
(B) Epilepsy
(C) Hydrocephalus
(D) Narcolepsy
(E) Shingles

20) Which of the following is the point at which an impulse is transmitted from one neuron to
another neuron?

(A) Dendrite
(B) Glial cell
(C) Nerve center
(D) Synapse
(E) Terminal plate

21) Which of the following controls body temperature, sleep, and appetite?

(A) Adrenal glands

(B) Hypothalamus
(C) Pancreas

(D) Thalamus
(E) Thyroid gland

22) Which of the following cranial nerves is related to the sense of smell?

(A) Abducens
(B) Hypoglossal
(C) Olfactory
(D) Trochlear
(E) Vagus

23) Which of the following is a substance that aids the transmission of nerve impulses to the

(A) Acetylcholine
(B) Cholecystokinin
(C) Deoxyribose
(D) Oxytocin
(E) Prolactin

24) Which of the following best describes the location where the carotid pulse can be found?

(A) In front of the ears and just above eye level

(B) In the antecubital space
(C) In the middle of the groin
(D) On the anterior side of the neck
(E) On the medial aspect of the wrist

25) A patient sustains severe blunt trauma to the left upper abdomen and requires surgery.
Which one of the following organs is most likely to be involved?

(A) Appendix
(B) Gallbladder
(C) Pancreas
(D) Urinary bladder
(E) Spleen

26) Where is the sinoatrial node located?

(A) Between the left atrium and the left ventricle

(B) Between the right atrium and the right ventricle
(C) In the interventricular septum

(D) In the upper wall of the left ventricle

(E) In the upper wall of the right atrium

27) Blood flows from the right ventricle of the heart into which of the following structures?

(A) Inferior vena cava

(B) Left ventricle
(C) Pulmonary arteries
(D) Pulmonary veins
(E) Right atrium

28) Oxygenated blood is carried to the heart by which of the following structures?

(A) Aorta
(B) Carotid arteries
(C) Inferior vena cava
(D) Pulmonary veins
(E) Superior vena cava

29) The thoracic cage is a structural unit important for which of the following functions?

(A) Alimentation
(B) Menstruation
(C) Mentation
(D) Respiration
(E) Urination

30) Which of the following substances is found in greater quantity in exhaled air?

(A) Carbon dioxide

(B) Carbon monoxide
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Oxygen
(E) Ozone

31) Which of the following allows gas exchange in the lungs?

(A) Alveoli
(B) Bronchi
(C) Bronchioles
(D) Capillaries
(E) Pleurae

32) At which of the following locations does bile enter the digestive tract?

(A) Gastroesophageal sphincter

(B) Duodenum
(C) Ileocecum
(D) Jejunum
(E) Pyloric sphincter

33) Which of the following structures is part of the small intestine?

(A) Ascending colon

(B) Cecum
(C) Ileum
(D) Sigmoid colon
(E) Transverse colon

34) Which of the following conditions is characterized by incompetence of the esophageal


(A) Crohn's disease

(B) Esophageal varices
(C) Gastroesophageal reflux disease
(D) Pyloric stenosis
(E) Stomatitis

35) Which of the following organs removes bilirubin from the blood, manufactures plasma
proteins, and is involved with the production of prothrombin and fibrinogen?

(A) Gallbladder
(B) Kidney
(C) Liver
(D) Spleen
(E) Stomach

36) Which of the following is an accessory organ of the gastrointestinal system that is
responsible for secreting insulin?

(A) Adrenal gland

(B) Gallbladder
(C) Liver
(D) Pancreas
(E) Spleen

37) Which of the following is the lymphoid organ that is a reservoir for red blood cells and
filters organisms from the blood?

(A) Appendix
(B) Gallbladder
(C) Pancreas
(D) Spleen
(E) Thymus

38) Which of the following best describes the process whereby the stomach muscles contract to
propel food through the digestive tract?

(A) Absorption
(B) Emulsion
(C) Peristalsis
(D) Regurgitation
(E) Secretion

39) Saliva contains an enzyme that acts upon which of the following nutrients?

(A) Starches
(B) Proteins
(C) Fats
(D) Minerals
(E) Vitamins

40) In men, specimens for gonococcal cultures are most commonly obtained from which of the
following structures?

(A) Anus
(B) Bladder
(C) Skin
(D) Testicle
(E) Urethra

41) Which of the following describes the cluster of blood capillaries found in each nephron in
the kidney?

(A) Afferent arteriole

(B) Glomerulus
(C) Loop of Henle

(D) Renal pelvis

(E) Renal tubule

42) Which of the following conditions is characterized by the presence of kidney stones (renal

(A) Glomerulonephritis
(B) Interstitial nephritis
(C) Nephrolithiasis
(D) Polycystic kidney
(E) Pyelonephritis

43) Which of the following best describes the structure that collects urine in the body?

(A) Bladder
(B) Kidney
(C) Ureter
(D) Urethra
(E) Urethral meatus

44) In men, which of the following structures is located at the neck of the bladder and
surrounds the urethra?

(A) Epididymis
(B) Prostate
(C) Scrotum
(D) Seminal vesicle
(E) Vas deferens

45) Male hormones are produced by which of the following?

(A) Glans penis

(B) Prepuce
(C) Prostate
(D) Testes
(E) Vas deferens

46) Which of the following are mucus-producing glands located on each side of the vaginal

(A) Adrenal
(B) Bartholin's
(C) Bulbourethral

(D) Corpus luteum

(E) Parotid

47) Fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon occurs in which of the following structures?

(A) Cervix
(B) Fallopian tube
(C) Ovary
(D) Uterus
(E) Vagina

48) Calcium, potassium, and sodium are classified as which of the following?

(A) Androgens
(B) Catecholamines
(C) Electrolytes
(D) Estrogens
(E) Prostaglandins

49) Which of the following is the master gland of the endocrine system?

(A) Adrenal
(B) Pancreas
(C) Pineal
(D) Pituitary
(E) Thyroid

50) Patients with which of the following diseases are treated with injections of vitamin B-12?

(A) Bell's palsy

(B) Crohn's disease
(C) Diabetes mellitus
(D) Graves' disease
(E) Pernicious anemia


1) D

2) B

3) C

4) B

5) E

6) B

7) B

8) C

9) A

10) E

11) C

12) D

13) B

14) B

15) A

16) A

17) B

18) B

19) D

20) D

21) B

22) C

23) A

24) D

25) E

26) E

27) C

28) D

29) D

30) A

31) A

32) B

33) C

34) C

35) C

36) D

37) D

38) C

39) A

40) E

41) B

42) C

43) A

44) B

45) D

46) B

47) B

48) C

49) D

50) E

Anatomy Key
1 D 21 C 41 B 61 D
2 C 22 D 42 A 62 D
3 A 23 D 43 D 63 B
4 C 24 C 44 D 64 C
5 B 25 B 45 A 65 D
6 B 26 B 46 D 66 D
7 B 27 D 47 A 67 B
8 C 28 D 48 B 68 D
9 C 29 C 49 C 69 A

10 C 30 B 50 A 70 A
11 D 31 C 51 A
12 C 32 D 52 A
13 D 33 C 53 C
14 C 34 B 54 A
15 B 35 C 55 B
16 B 36 B 56 A
17 D 37 B 57 B
18 D 38 B 58 A
19 D 39 A 59 A
20 B 40 A 60 B

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