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Anatomy MCQ - Head & Neck PDF

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1. Regarding triangles of the neck, all of the following structures are boundaries of
the triangle named except:
(a) submental triangle, mandible
(b) anterior triangle, mandible
(c) digastric triangle, mandible
(d) carotid triangle, SCM
(e) anterior triangle, SCM

2. All of the following are branches of the ECA except:

(a) sup thyroid a
(b) hypoglossal a
(c) facial a
(d) lingual a
(e) ascending pharyngeal a

3. Which of the following is a branch of the mandibular n

(a) Infraorbital n
(b) external nasal n
(c) zygomaticofacial n
(d) auriculotemporal n
(e) zygomaticotemporal n
(f) infratrochlear n
(g) greater palatine n
(h) posterior auricular n
(i) zygomatic n
(j) short ciliary nn

4. The alar ligaments connect:

(a) adjacent laminae
(b) tips of adjacent spinous processes
(c) adjacent vertebral bodies posteriorly
(d) dens to foramen magnum
(e) bodies of the axis to foramen magnum

5. All of the following are branches of the ophthalmic division of the V except
(a) Lacrimal
(b) Infraorbital
(c) Supraorbital
(d) Infratrochlear
(e) Supratrochlear
6. All of the following are contents of the posterior triangle except
(a) Accessory n
(b) Cervical plexus
(c) Inferior belly of the omohyoid
(d) Transverse cervical vessels
(e) Occipital lymph nodes

7. The afferent path of the sneeze reflex is mediated by the

(a) Ophthalmic n
(b) Maxillary n
(c) Mandibular n
(d) X
(e) IX

8. Which of the following enters into the inferior meatus of the nose
(a) Frontal sinus
(b) Ethmoid sinus
(c) Maxillary sinus
(d) Nasolacrimal duct
(e) Auditory tube

9. A # through the roof of the maxillary sinus may result in sensory loss to the
(a) Tympanic membrane
(b) Lacrimal gland
(c) Upper molar teeth
(d) Upper incisors and canine teeth
(e) Skin overlying the zygomatic bone

10. All of the following pass through the jugular foramen except
(a) Jugular vein
(b) IX
(c) XII
(d) XI
(e) X

11. The motor nuclei of the VII are in

(a) Pons
(b) Midbrain
(c) Medulla oblongata
(d) Cerebellum
(e) Floor of the 3rd ventricle
12. The midbrain
(a) Is largely in the middle cranial fossa
(b) Is supplied by the anterior cerebellar artery
(c) Lies between the pons and the upper spinal cord
(d) Contains the III nuclei
(e) Contains the V nuclei

13. CSF communicates with the subarachnoid space via the

(a) 4th ventricle
(b) 3rd ventricle
(c) subarachnoid granulations
(d) choroid plexus
(e) tela choroidia

14. Which of the following pathways is not concerned with posture and movement
(a) Spinocerebellar
(b) Vestibulospinal
(c) Tractus solitarius
(d) LRST
(e) MRST

15. The posterior column transmits which of the following

(a) Afferent pain and temperature
(b) Afferent tendon stretch impulses
(c) Motor tracts

16. The infratrochlear n supplies

(a) Upper incisors
(b) Labial gum
(c) Bridge over the nose
(d) Upper lip
(e) Skin of the lower eyelid

17. Which nerve supplies the vertex of the scalp

(a) Greater occipital
(b) 3rd occipital
(c) auriculotemporal
(d) supraorbital
(e) supratrochlear

18. corneal sensation synapses in which ganglion

(a) pterygopalantine
(b) geniculate
(c) otic
(d) ciliary
(e) V
19. Which is true of swallowing
(a) It is entirely voluntary
(b) The oropharyngeal portion is voluntary
(c) Peristalsis speeds as the bolus descends
(d) The voluntary stage commences as food enters the oesophagus
(e) It is initially voluntary and the involuntary

20. Which muscle controls vocal cord abduction

(a) Aryepiglottic
(b) Transverse arytenoid
(c) Lateral cricoarytenoid
(d) Posterior cricoarytenoid
(e) Cricothyroid

21. Where does the superior cerebral vein lie

(a) Deep in the sulci
(b) Between the dura and the skull
(c) In the arachnoid mater
(d) In the margins of the falx
(e) With the superior cerebral artery

22. What exits the stylomastoid foramen

(a) Middle meningeal a
(b) XI
(c) VII
(d) Artery to stapedius
(e) XII

23. Regarding the circle of Willis

(a) Posterior cerebral is a branch of the ICA
(b) Anterior cerebral is the largest branch of the ICA
(c) Middle cerebral supplies motor but not sensory cortex
(d) ICA gives off ophthalmic a
(e) Anterior communicating unites middle and anterior cerebral

24. Regarding the speech centres

(a) Broca’s area is on the left side in most left handed people
(b) Broca’s area is posterior
(c) Wernicke’s area controls motor response
(d) Damage to Broca’s area produces motor aphasia
(e) Damage to Wernicke’s area produces expressive aphasia
25. regarding the blood supply of the cortex
(a) MCA is contralat arm, leg and speech areas
(b) ACA is contralat leg, micturition and defaecation
(c) MCA is ipsilat arm, face and vision
(d) PCA is ipsilat vision
(e) ACA is contralat leg, auditory and speech

26. Which of the following is outside of the BBB

(a) Anterior pituitary
(b) Posterior pituitary

27. Which receives afferents for the sneeze reflex

(a) Otic ganglion
(b) V ganglion
(c) Ciliary ganglion

28. Regarding the medulla oblongata

(a) It is the part of the brainstem between the pons and the spinal cord
(b) Is largely within the middle cranial fossa
(c) Is supplies by the anterior inferior cerebellar a

29. The blood supply to the spinal cord

(a) There are no anastomoses between anterior and posterior spinal arteries
(b) The radicular arteries are constant in number and origin
(c) The posterior spinal artery is usually a branch of the posterior cerebellar or
vertebral aa

30. where do the cell bodies with efferent taste fibres from the anterior tongue lie
(a) otic ganglion
(b) geniculate ganglion
(c) V ganglion
(d) Submandibular ganglion

31. After tonsillectomy a patient complains of loss of taste from the posterior tongue,
which nerve is damaged
(a) XII
(b) IX
(c) Lingual
32. regarding eye movements (2 CORRECT)
(a) IV paralysis = can’t look down when eye turned out
(b) combined SR + IO = vertical up
(c) SR moves eye up and out
(d) VI paralysis = eyes look down and out
(e) Combined IR +SO gives lat gaze
(f) IR + SO move eye down
(g) SO action in full abduction is minimal

33. cerebral circulation

(a) ACA/MCA/PCA are all terminal branches of ICA
(b) ACA is most common site of embolisation
(c) ACA supplies motor and sensory control of urination and defecation

34. Which bone makes up part of the roof of the orbit

(a) Sphenoid
(b) Maxilla
(c) Lacrimal
(d) Ethmoid
(e) temporal

35. Cell bodies for the motor supply of V lie

(a) Hypothalamus
(b) Midbrain
(c) Posterior to cerebral aqueduct
(d) Cortex
(e) Floor III ventricle

36. What runs through the foramen spinosum

(a) ICA
(b) Maxillary branch V
(c) Mandibular branch V
(d) Middle meningeal a
(e) Meningeal n

37. regarding veins in the skull

(a) do not follow arteries
(b) lie subdurally
(c) great cerebral vein drains into cavernous sinus
38. C7
(a) Is typical
(b) Has a bifid spinous process
(c) Transmits the vertebral artery through the foramen in the transverse
(d) Has the supra-pleural membrane attached to the anterior tubercle
(e) Has a short spinous process

39. The atlas

(a) Has no foramen in the transverse process
(b) Is the narrowest cervical vertebra
(c) Has a body
(d) Has a posterior arch grooved by the vertebral a
(e) Has a short spinous process

40. Branches of the external carotid artery include

(a) Inferior thyroid
(b) Ascending pharyngeal
(c) Internal thoracic
(d) Superficial cervical
(e) Thymic

41. The blood supply to the nasal cavity

(a) Is only from the external carotid
(b) Mainly enters through the nostril
(c) Does not communicate with intracranial vessels
(d) Mainly enters the sphenopalatine foramen
(e) Arrives to Little’s area from ophthalmic artery branches

42. The cutaneous innervation of the ear

(a) Is the lesser auricular n
(b) Involves the dermatome C3
(c) Includes the zygomaticotemporal branch of the V
(d) Includes the X
(e) Involves the greater occipital n

43. Protection of the airway during swallowing is not facilitated by

(a) The sphincteric action of the aryepiglottic mm
(b) Closure of the glottis
(c) Elevation of the larynx
(d) Contraction of the cricothyroid m
(e) Posterior bulging of the tongue assisting in closing the larynx
44. Structure of larynx includes
(a) The inlet being bounded posteriorly by the epiglottis
(b) The posterior cricoarytenoid being an adductor of the cords
(c) The aryepiglottic fold contains the cuneiform cartilage
(d) The rima of the vestibule being the fissure between the 2 cords
(e) The cricoid cartilage not being circumferential

45. Which of the following is not among the contents of the posterior triangle of the
(a) XI
(b) The second part of the subclavian a
(c) The suprascapular vessels
(d) The cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus
(e) The inferior belly of the omohyoid

46. Regarding the cervical vertebrae

(a) Cervical ribs are due to elongation of the costal elements of C4 vertebra
(b) The vertebral foramina are smaller than the bodies of the vertebrae
(c) All cervical vertebrae have bifid spinous processes
(d) The carotid tubercle is found on C6 vertebra
(e) The vertebral foramina are round in cross section

47. cricothyroid membrane

(a) has an action to shorten the vocal folds
(b) is a rectangular muscle
(c) is supplied by the recurrent laryngeal n
(d) is visible in anterior dissection of the neck
(e) diverges from lamina of cricoid cartilage

48. Regarding the posterior triangle

(a) The external carotid a is the anterior border
(b) The lateral third of the clavicle is its floor
(c) The investing layer of deep cervical fascia is the floor
(d) The triangle contains cervical plexus
(e) The triangle contains division of the brachial plexus

49. With regards to the tongue

(a) It is covered by epithelium derived from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd branchial
(b) All tongue muscles are innervated by XII
(c) Each side may drain lymph to nodes on the contralateral side of the neck
(d) It elevates the epiglottis through attachment of the lateral glossoepiglottic
(e) All of the above are true
50. With regard to VII
(a) Paralysis of the temporal branch prevents blinking
(b) Is predominantly sensory
(c) Paralysis of the buccal branch impedes chewing
(d) The supraorbital n is a branch
(e) Contains proprioceptive fibres

51. With regard to innervation of the face

(a) The infratrochlear n supplies the medial aspect of the lower eyelid
(b) The auriculotemporal n is a branch of VII
(c) The mental n is a branch of the inferior alveolar n
(d) The cutaneous sensation of the angle of the jaw is supplied by the
marginal mandibular branch of VII
(e) The maxillary n passes though the parotid

52. Regarding the thyroid

(a) The ima a enters the lower part of the isthmus in 20% people
(b) The bulk of the sympathetic n supply is derived from the middle cervical
(c) The inferior border is at the level of C3
(d) Blood supply is purely via the superior thyroid in 20% people
(e) There are 4 symmetrical lobes joined by an isthmus

53. The external carotid gives off which vessel from the medial side
(a) Superior thyroid
(b) Lingual
(c) Facial
(d) Ascending pharyngeal
(e) Occipital

54. With regard to the extraorbital muscles and their innervation all are correct except
(a) Superior rectus turns the eye up and out
(b) There are 6 extraocular mm
(c) Superior oblique is supplied by IV
(d) Medial rectus turns eye in
(e) In VI paralysis the eye cannot look outwards

55. regarding the infratemporal fossa

(a) the maxillary a enters posteriorly deep to the spheno mandibular ligament
(b) the medial pterygoid plate represents part of the medial wall
(c) the mandibular branch of the V gives off the chorda tympani immediately
on entering the region
(d) the lingual n is separated from the mandible by the medial pterygoid m
(e) none of the above are correct
56. Regarding the internal carotid
(a) It passes along the floor of the cavernous sinus
(b) It gives off the ophthalmic artery above the perforated substance
(c) Its branches anastomose with the posterior communicating artery
(d) Its anterior branch supplies tissue extending to the parieto-occipital sulcus
(e) Its middle branch supplies motor areas for the legs and arms

57. The visceral afferent fibres for taste from posterior 2/3 tongue have their origin in
(a) Otic ganglion
(b) Nucleus ambiguus
(c) Nucleus of tractus solitarius
(d) Cochlear nucleus
(e) Spinal nucleus of V

58. Regarding the tongue

(a) It is moved only by the intrinsic and extrinsic muscle
(b) It is supplied entirely by the dorsal lingual a
(c) There is free communication between vessels on both sides
(d) Lymphatic drainage goes to ipsilateral and contralateral sides of the neck
(e) The lingual nerve supplies sensation to the entire tongue

59. Regarding the motor system of the cortex, all are true except
(a) Nerves from the primary motor sensory cortex project via the corticospinal
(b) The motor area separating the leg lies on the medial side of the
(c) Damage to the speech area will not cause laryngeal paralysis
(d) Posture is largely mediated via the supplementary motor area
(e) The motor areas have no connections with the opposite motor cortex

60. The blood brain barrier

(a) Only allows amino acids, fats and sugar to be transported
(b) Lacks fenestrations and zonulae occudentes
(c) Has enveloping astrocyte foot processes instead of basal laminae
(d) Are innervated by sympathetic fibres only
(e) Is missing from parts of the hypothalamus

61. action of SO
(a) elevates eye
(b) moves eye down and out
(c) extorsion
(d) medial deviation
(e) opposes all the other muscle actions
62. The common carotid artery
(a) Lies laterally within the carotid sheath
(b) Has its bifurcation at the level of the lesser horn of the hyoid
(c) Has the superior thyroid artery as one of its branches
(d) Arises from the brachiocephalic trunk on the left side of the neck
(e) Has often the carotid sinus as a dilation of its terminal portion

63. Concerning nerve supply of the larynx

(a) All muscles of the larynx supplies by the recurrent laryngeal n except
(b) With partial lesion of recurrent laryngeal n the vocal fold takes up an
abducted position
(c) The mucous membrane of the larynx above the level of the vocal fold is
supplied by the internal laryngeal nerve
(d) Internal laryngeal nerve is main supply of the larynx
(e) The sympathetic supply comes from anterior cervical sympathetic

64. Regarding the cerebral circulation

(a) An artery that has entered the surface of the brain is always an end artery
(b) Supply originates from the ECA and vertebral system
(c) Congenital aneurysms are most frequently found in the basilar part of the
circle of Willis
(d) The posterior cerebral artery arises from the internal carotid
(e) The middle cerebral artery is the smallest branch of the ICA

65. The most common site for embolisation to the cerebral circulation is
(a) The posterior cerebral a
(b) The anterior communicating artery
(c) The middle cerebral a
(d) The basilar artery
(e) The posterior communicating artery

66. In the C spine

(a) Typical vertebrae are C3-7 only
(b) Vertebrae have foramen in the spinous process
(c) The specialised joint, the atlanto-occipital joint allows head rotation
(d) The upper articular surfaces of the atlas are kidney shaped
(e) The axis plays a role in weightbearing

67. Facial n
(a) Emerges from the skull thought the jugular foramen
(b) Supplies the anterior belly of the digastric
(c) May result in corneal ulceration if damaged
(d) Is the 5th cranial n
(e) Will spare paralysis of the temporal branch in LMN lesions
68. The larynx
(a) Lies above the hyoid bone in the midline of the neck
(b) Is found at the level of the C4-6 vertebrae
(c) Has musculature supplied by the internal and external laryngeal nn
(d) Is lined by pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium
(e) Is supplied solely by the superior thyroid artery

69. The posterior triangle

(a) Contains the superior bell of the omohyoid
(b) Is bordered by the anterior border of the SCM
(c) Is bordered by the middle 1/3 clavicle
(d) Has the inferior nuchal line at its apex
(e) All the above are correct

70. The tongue

(a) Has an excellent collateral blood supply across its midline
(b) Has lymph drainage only to its ipsilateral lymph nodes
(c) Has intrinsic and extrinsic muscles all of which are supplied by the
hypoglossal n
(d) Has sensory nerve supply to its posterior third from the lingual n
(e) Is covered by columnar epithelium in its posterior 1/3

71. Fibres from II

(a) Pass to the superior colliculus for relay to the visual cortex
(b) From the temporal surface of the retina cross at the chiasma
(c) Receive blood supply from the branches of the anterior cerebral a
(d) Pass through the superior orbital fissure
(e) Pass to the lateral geniculate body for constriction of the pupil

72. The ICA

(a) Enters the skull through the foramen lacerum
(b) Divides into the anterior and middle cerebellar arteries
(c) Gives off the ophthalmic artery
(d) Is accompanied within the skull by preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibres
(e) Usually begins about the level of C6

73. A typical cervical vertebra

(a) Has costal facets
(b) Has a circular vertebral foramen
(c) Bodies are often wedge shaped
(d) Has a bifid spinous process
(e) Has an intervertebral canal in the lamina
74. The parotid gland
(a) Duct opens opposite the 2nd lower molar tooth
(b) Is supplied by the ICA
(c) The VII lies on the anteromedial surface of the gland
(d) The ECA lies superficial within the gland
(e) The retromandibular vein lies immediately deep to VII

75. The anterior fontanelle is typically closed at

(a) 6 months
(b) 1 year
(c) 2 years
(d) 3 years
(e) 4 years

76. With respect to the cerebral peduncle

(a) It arises from the pons
(b) IV passes on its medial aspect
(c) VI passes on its lateral aspect
(d) Posterior cerebral artery passes around the peduncle
(e) It overlies the 3rd ventricle

77. VII
(a) Supplies pain sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
(b) Gives off the chorda tympani before entering the stylomastoid foramen
(c) Supplies the anterior belly of the digastric muscle
(d) Obicularis oris muscle is supplied by the zygomatic branch
(e) Lies deep to the ECA

78. The orbit

(a) Floor consists of the maxilla
(b) Superior orbital fissure leads to the anterior cranial fossa
(c) Inferior orbital fissure leads to the middle cranial fossa
(d) The superior oblique muscle causes the eye to look up and in
(e) Trochlear nerve lies outside the cone of muscles

79. With regard to the venous sinuses of the brain

(a) Superior sagittal sinus drains the frontal lobes
(b) The transverse sinus runs between the layers of the falx cerebri
(c) Sigmoid sinus grooves the mastoid part of the petrous bone
(d) The cavernous sinus has the III, IV and 2 divisions of V in its medial wall
(e) Sigmoid sinus drains the occipital sinus
80. The nose
(a) Kieselbach’s plexus is formed from branches of the sphenopalatinal,
superior labial and greater palatine arteries
(b) Lymphatics follow the arteries
(c) Inferior nasal concha is the smallest
(d) Nasolacrimal duct opens behind the superior concha
(e) Is supplied by the frontal n

81. With respect to the triangles in the neck

(a) The posterior triangle contains the IJV
(b) The anterior triangle contains the 3rd part of the subclavian a
(c) Posterior belly of the digastric crosses the posterior triangle
(d) The posterior triangle contains the EJV
(e) The trunks of the brachial plexus lie in the posterior triangle above the
prevertebral fascia

82. In the larynx

(a) Cricoid cartilage is incomplete posteriorly
(b) The epiglottis is attached to the arytenoid cartilages
(c) Lateral cricoarytenoid is the abductor of the vocal cords
(d) All the muscles are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal n
(e) All the mucous membrane is supplied by the recurrent laryngeal n

83. III
(a) Supplies LR
(b) Passes between superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral a
(c) Travels in the medial wall of the cavernous sinus
(d) Divides into superior and inferior branches after exiting from the superior
orbital fissure
(e) Complete division causes miosis and ptosis

84. In the lymphatic drainage of the head and neck in general

(a) Superficial cervical nodes lie adjacent to the IJV
(b) Upper deep cervical nodes receive lymph from the face
(c) Lower deep cervical nodes receive lymph from the tonsil
(d) There are no nodes within the parotid
(e) Lymph drains into the jugular lymph trunk

85. With respect to the ventricles in the brain all are true except
(a) IV ventricle extends as the central canal of the spinal cord
(b) Lateral ventricles open into the III ventricle by the interventricular
(c) Foramen of Luscka drains CSF into the pontine cistern
(d) IV ventricle lies between the pons and the upper medulla
(e) Foramen of Magendie drains CSF into the IV ventricle
86. The IJV
(a) Is a continuation of the transverse sinus
(b) Superficial cervical nodes lie lateral to the vein
(c) Lies on the lateral mass of the atlas
(d) Thoracic duct crosses behind the right IJV at C7
(e) Drains directly into the superior vena cava

87. hemisection of the spinal cord in the cervical region you would expect to see
(a) loss of pain unilaterally
(b) paralysis contralaterally
(c) loss of vibration unilaterally
(d) greater weakness in arms than legs
(e) a Horner’s on the contralateral side

88. Regarding the basilar artery, all are true except

(a) Gives off branches to the anterior spinal artery
(b) Divides to give off both posterior cerebral arteries
(c) Supplies branches to the pons
(d) Formed by the union of the vertebral arteries
(e) Lies on the ventral surface of the cerebral peduncles

89. The ophthalmic division of the V

(a) Enters the face via the inferior orbital fissure
(b) Supplies sympathetic fibres to constrictor papillae muscles
(c) Supplies sensation to the forehead and upper eyelid excluding the orbit
(d) Gives branches, 2 of which contain sympathetic as well as sensory fibres
(e) Controls abduction of the eye

90. In the circle of Willis

(a) The basilar artery divides into right and left posterior cerebellar arteries
(b) The middle cerebral arteries branch off and supply motor but not sensory
(c) The anterior communicating artery unites the middle cerebral artery to the
internal cerebral artery
(d) It encircles the inferior brains stem at the C2-3 level
(e) The ICA gives off the ophthalmic arteries before dividing into anterior and
middle cerebral arteries

91. Regarding the facial vein, all are true except

(a) It drains to the internal jugular vein
(b) It has no valves
(c) It communicates with the cavernous sinus via the ophthalmic vein
(d) It runs inferoposteriorly anterior to the facial artery
(e) It communicates with the pterygoid plexus via the deep facial vein
92. C2
(a) Has a very small spinous process
(b) Articulates with the occiput
(c) Has a bifid spinous process
(d) Is referred to as the atlas
(e) Has a dens that occupies the posterior 1/3 spinal canal

93. Regarding the larynx

(a) All muscles are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve
(b) Thyroarytenoid muscle alters the tension of the cords
(c) Recurrent laryngeal nerve passes anterior to the cricothyroid joint
(d) During swallowing the epiglottis acts as a passive flap
(e) All of the larynx is covered by pseudostratified columnar epithelium

94. The trachea

(a) Starts at the thyroid cartilage
(b) Bifurcates behind the manubriosternal angle
(c) Passes through the posterior mediastinum
(d) Is not supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve
(e) Blood supply is from the superior thyroid artery

95. The base of skull

(a) Provides passage for the maxillary nerve via the foramen ovale
(b) Has no muscular attachments
(c) Provides passage for the vertebral arteries via the condylar canals
(d) Accommodates the hypothalamus in the sella tursica
(e) Accommodates the sigmoid sinus in the posterior fossa

96. The Atlas

(a) Articulates with the den at the posterior arch
(b) Allows rotation of the head at the atlanto-occipital joints
(c) Has a single vertebral body
(d) Provides attachment for the cruciform ligament
(e) Has a bifid spinous process

97. Which of he following is incorrect regarding the V

(a) Has no motor fibres
(b) Has 3 major divisions
(c) Has 3 main branches from the ophthalmic division
(d) The maxillary division traverses the foramen rotundum
(e) Gives rise to the infraorbital nerve
98. In the neck
(a) The pretracheal fascia is prolonged to form the axillary sheath
(b) The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is supplied by XII
(c) The IJV lies medial to the CCA
(d) The trachea begins at the level of C6
(e) The thyroid isthmus is adherent to the 3rd, 4th and 5th tracheal rings

99. Regarding thyroid, all are true, except

(a) It is supplied by the superior, middle and inferior thyroid arteries
(b) The ima artery may arise from the arch of the aorta
(c) The isthmus is related to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tracheal cartilage
(d) It is related anterolaterally to the sternohyoid muscle
(e) The external laryngeal nerve is related to the gland

100. Which regarding the facial nerve is false

(a) Supplies the muscles of facial expression
(b) Supplies buccinator
(c) Gives the great petrosal nerve
(d) Contains taste fibres
(e) Contains fibres destined for the ciliary ganglion

101. The IJV

(a) Is surrounded by the thickest portion of carotid sheath
(b) Receives drainage from all the parathyroid glands
(c) Is crossed posterior by the accessory nerve
(d) Is crossed anteriorly by the thoracic duct
(e) Contains valves within its lumen

102. The landmarks of the trachea are

(a) Thyroid cartilage to sternal notch
(b) Hyoid bone to sternal angle
(c) Cricoid cartilage to sternal angle
(d) Thyroid cartilage to sternal angle
(e) Cricoid cartilage to sternal notch

103. Venous drainage of the face

(a) Is both deep and superficial
(b) Empties ultimately into the IJV alone
(c) Communicates indirectly with the cavernous sinus via the deep facial vein
(d) Communicates directly with the cavernous sinus via the supraorbital vein
(e) All of the above
104. The larynx
(a) Is a respiratory organ whose essential function is phonation
(b) Extends from the anterior upper border of the epiglottis to the level of C6
(c) Consists of 2 single cartilages, the thyroid and the cricoid
(d) Is hauled up beneath the tongue with the epiglottis tilted anterior and
upwards during swallowing
(e) Is supplied by the external laryngeal nerve except for the cricothyroid
muscle which is supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve

105. Contents of the posterior triangle include all except

(a) Occipital LN
(b) XI
(c) Cervical plexus
(d) Inferior belly of the omohyoid
(e) Transverse cervical vessels

106. A 40yo man suffers a whiplash injury and now complains of pain along
the lateral aspect of his left forearm, and there is weakness of his biceps, most
likely pathology is
(a) Prolapsed 4th cervical disc impinging on C4
(b) Prolapsed 4th cervical disc impinging on C5
(c) Prolapsed 5th cervical disc impinging on C6
(d) Prolapsed 6th cervical disc impinging on C6
(e) Prolapsed 6th cervical disc impinging on C7

107. Regarding facial nerve, all are true except

(a) It carries taste fibres from the anterior 2/3 the tongue
(b) It has 5 branches exiting the parotid
(c) It carries sensation from the skin of the external acoustic meatus
(d) It exits the base of the skull via the foramen spinosum
(e) Its efferent fibres have cell bodies in the geniculate ganglion

108. The posterior triangle of the neck

(a) Contains the anterior rami of the upper 4 cervical nerves
(b) Contains the 3rd part of the subclavian artery through its centre
(c) Has deep cervical fascia lining its floor
(d) Lies between the posterior border of SCM and the posterior border of
trapezius and the clavicle
(e) Contains the subclavian vein

109. with regard to the thyroid

(a) its isthmus lies in front of 1st, 2nd and 3rd tracheal rings
(b) the superior thyroid artery is a branch of the ICA
(c) it has the parathyroids lying behind its medial lobe
(d) parafollicular cells are more abundant than follicular cells
(e) the recurrent laryngeal nerve is always behind the pretracheal fascia
110. Regarding the larynx
(a) The external laryngeal nerve supplies the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
(b) The internal laryngeal nerve supplies cricothyroid
(c) Blood supply above the vocal cords is by a branch of the ICA
(d) Normal vocal cors are always covered by stratified squamous epithelium
(e) Recurrent laryngeal nerve lies immediately behind the cricoarytenoid joint

111. In the skull

(a) The anterior fontanelle is usually closed by 2 months
(b) The pterion overlies the middle meningeal artery
(c) The round foramen transmits the mandibular branch of the V
(d) The cribriform plate is part of the sphenoid bone
(e) All of the above are correct

112. The orbit contains all of the following except

(a) Branches of VII
(b) II
(c) III
(d) A subarachnoid space
(e) The IR muscle
ANSWERS 29. C 58. D 87. C
1. A 30. B 59. E 88. A
2. B 31. B 60. E 89. D
3. D 32. A&F 61. A 90. E
4. D 33. C 62. E 91. D
5. B 34. A 63. C 92. C
6. B 35. C 64. A 93. B
7. B 36. D 65. C 94. B
8. D 37. A 66. D 95. E
9. D 38. D 67. C 96. D
10. C 39. D 68. B 97. A
11. A 40. B 69. C 98. D
12. D 41. D 70. C 99. A
13. A 42. D 71. C 100. E
14. C 43. D 72. C 101. E
15. B 44. C 73. D 102. C
16. C 45. B 74. E 103. C
17. A 46. D 75. C 104. B
18. D 47. D 76. D 105. C
19. E 48. D 77. B 106. C
20. D 49. C 78. E 107. D
21. C 50. C 79. C 108. A
22. C 51. C 80. A 109. E
23. D 52. B 81. D 110. D
24. D 53. D 82. B 111. B
25. B 54. A 83. B 112. A
26. B 55. E 84. E 113.
27. B 56. D 85. E
28. A 57. C 86. C

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