Anatomy MCQ - Head & Neck PDF
Anatomy MCQ - Head & Neck PDF
Anatomy MCQ - Head & Neck PDF
1. Regarding triangles of the neck, all of the following structures are boundaries of
the triangle named except:
(a) submental triangle, mandible
(b) anterior triangle, mandible
(c) digastric triangle, mandible
(d) carotid triangle, SCM
(e) anterior triangle, SCM
5. All of the following are branches of the ophthalmic division of the V except
(a) Lacrimal
(b) Infraorbital
(c) Supraorbital
(d) Infratrochlear
(e) Supratrochlear
6. All of the following are contents of the posterior triangle except
(a) Accessory n
(b) Cervical plexus
(c) Inferior belly of the omohyoid
(d) Transverse cervical vessels
(e) Occipital lymph nodes
8. Which of the following enters into the inferior meatus of the nose
(a) Frontal sinus
(b) Ethmoid sinus
(c) Maxillary sinus
(d) Nasolacrimal duct
(e) Auditory tube
9. A # through the roof of the maxillary sinus may result in sensory loss to the
(a) Tympanic membrane
(b) Lacrimal gland
(c) Upper molar teeth
(d) Upper incisors and canine teeth
(e) Skin overlying the zygomatic bone
10. All of the following pass through the jugular foramen except
(a) Jugular vein
(b) IX
(c) XII
(d) XI
(e) X
14. Which of the following pathways is not concerned with posture and movement
(a) Spinocerebellar
(b) Vestibulospinal
(c) Tractus solitarius
(d) LRST
(e) MRST
30. where do the cell bodies with efferent taste fibres from the anterior tongue lie
(a) otic ganglion
(b) geniculate ganglion
(c) V ganglion
(d) Submandibular ganglion
31. After tonsillectomy a patient complains of loss of taste from the posterior tongue,
which nerve is damaged
(a) XII
(b) IX
(c) Lingual
32. regarding eye movements (2 CORRECT)
(a) IV paralysis = can’t look down when eye turned out
(b) combined SR + IO = vertical up
(c) SR moves eye up and out
(d) VI paralysis = eyes look down and out
(e) Combined IR +SO gives lat gaze
(f) IR + SO move eye down
(g) SO action in full abduction is minimal
45. Which of the following is not among the contents of the posterior triangle of the
(a) XI
(b) The second part of the subclavian a
(c) The suprascapular vessels
(d) The cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus
(e) The inferior belly of the omohyoid
53. The external carotid gives off which vessel from the medial side
(a) Superior thyroid
(b) Lingual
(c) Facial
(d) Ascending pharyngeal
(e) Occipital
54. With regard to the extraorbital muscles and their innervation all are correct except
(a) Superior rectus turns the eye up and out
(b) There are 6 extraocular mm
(c) Superior oblique is supplied by IV
(d) Medial rectus turns eye in
(e) In VI paralysis the eye cannot look outwards
57. The visceral afferent fibres for taste from posterior 2/3 tongue have their origin in
(a) Otic ganglion
(b) Nucleus ambiguus
(c) Nucleus of tractus solitarius
(d) Cochlear nucleus
(e) Spinal nucleus of V
59. Regarding the motor system of the cortex, all are true except
(a) Nerves from the primary motor sensory cortex project via the corticospinal
(b) The motor area separating the leg lies on the medial side of the
(c) Damage to the speech area will not cause laryngeal paralysis
(d) Posture is largely mediated via the supplementary motor area
(e) The motor areas have no connections with the opposite motor cortex
61. action of SO
(a) elevates eye
(b) moves eye down and out
(c) extorsion
(d) medial deviation
(e) opposes all the other muscle actions
62. The common carotid artery
(a) Lies laterally within the carotid sheath
(b) Has its bifurcation at the level of the lesser horn of the hyoid
(c) Has the superior thyroid artery as one of its branches
(d) Arises from the brachiocephalic trunk on the left side of the neck
(e) Has often the carotid sinus as a dilation of its terminal portion
65. The most common site for embolisation to the cerebral circulation is
(a) The posterior cerebral a
(b) The anterior communicating artery
(c) The middle cerebral a
(d) The basilar artery
(e) The posterior communicating artery
67. Facial n
(a) Emerges from the skull thought the jugular foramen
(b) Supplies the anterior belly of the digastric
(c) May result in corneal ulceration if damaged
(d) Is the 5th cranial n
(e) Will spare paralysis of the temporal branch in LMN lesions
68. The larynx
(a) Lies above the hyoid bone in the midline of the neck
(b) Is found at the level of the C4-6 vertebrae
(c) Has musculature supplied by the internal and external laryngeal nn
(d) Is lined by pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium
(e) Is supplied solely by the superior thyroid artery
77. VII
(a) Supplies pain sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
(b) Gives off the chorda tympani before entering the stylomastoid foramen
(c) Supplies the anterior belly of the digastric muscle
(d) Obicularis oris muscle is supplied by the zygomatic branch
(e) Lies deep to the ECA
83. III
(a) Supplies LR
(b) Passes between superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral a
(c) Travels in the medial wall of the cavernous sinus
(d) Divides into superior and inferior branches after exiting from the superior
orbital fissure
(e) Complete division causes miosis and ptosis
85. With respect to the ventricles in the brain all are true except
(a) IV ventricle extends as the central canal of the spinal cord
(b) Lateral ventricles open into the III ventricle by the interventricular
(c) Foramen of Luscka drains CSF into the pontine cistern
(d) IV ventricle lies between the pons and the upper medulla
(e) Foramen of Magendie drains CSF into the IV ventricle
86. The IJV
(a) Is a continuation of the transverse sinus
(b) Superficial cervical nodes lie lateral to the vein
(c) Lies on the lateral mass of the atlas
(d) Thoracic duct crosses behind the right IJV at C7
(e) Drains directly into the superior vena cava
87. hemisection of the spinal cord in the cervical region you would expect to see
(a) loss of pain unilaterally
(b) paralysis contralaterally
(c) loss of vibration unilaterally
(d) greater weakness in arms than legs
(e) a Horner’s on the contralateral side
106. A 40yo man suffers a whiplash injury and now complains of pain along
the lateral aspect of his left forearm, and there is weakness of his biceps, most
likely pathology is
(a) Prolapsed 4th cervical disc impinging on C4
(b) Prolapsed 4th cervical disc impinging on C5
(c) Prolapsed 5th cervical disc impinging on C6
(d) Prolapsed 6th cervical disc impinging on C6
(e) Prolapsed 6th cervical disc impinging on C7