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General Anatomy SEM 1

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1) Decrease the angle between two bones or more bones.

a) Flexion
b) Circumduction
c) Extension
d) Medial rotation

2) Increase the angle between two or more bones.

a) Flexion
b) Circumduction
c) Extension
d) Medial rotation

3) Rotatory movements towards the median plane.

a) Medial rotation
b) Extension
c) Lateral rotation
d) Flexion

4) Rotatory movements away from the median plane.

a) Extension
b) Circumduction
c) Medial rotation
d) Lateral rotation

5) Movements combined on sequence.

a) Medial rotation
b) Extension
c) Circumduction
d) Lateral rotation

6) Synovial joint.
a) Fixed joint
b) Slightly moveable
c) Gomphosis
d) Diarthrosis

7) Ball and socket examples.

a) Wrist joint
b) Knee joint
c) talocalcaneonavicular joint
d) Elbow joint
8) Pivot joint example.
a) Hip joint
b) Elbow joint
c) median atlantoaxial joint
d) Wrist joint

9) Ellipsoid joint example.

a) Wrist joint
b) Elbow joint
c) Knee Joint
d) Radioulnar joint

10) Not a characteristic of synovial joint.

a) Cavity formed
b) Free moveable
c) Fixed Joint
d) Synovial fluid present

11) Compound complex cendylane joint is.

a) Wrist joint
b) Elbow joint
c) temporomandibular joint
d) Ankle joint

12) How many joints are present between Radius and Ulna?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

13) How many joints are present between Atlas (C1) and Axis (C2t

a) Three
b) One
c) Two
d) Five

14) Median atlantoaxial joint is which type of joint?

a) Ball & socket
b) Ellipsoid
c) Pivot
d) Saddle

15) Intercalated disc present in.

a) Smooth muscles
b) Cardiac muscles
c) Skeletal muscles
d) Voluntary Muscles

16) Smooth muscles are present in.

a) Heart
b) Tongue
c) Oesophagus
d) Eye

17) Example of bipennate muscle

a) Deltoid
b) Sartorius
c) Brachialis
d) Rectus femoris

18) How many phalanges are present in a hand?

a) 12
b) 16
c) 18
d) 14

19) Long miniature bones.

a) Phalanges
b) Humerus
c) Fibula
d) Clavical

20) Tipical long bones.

a) Phalanges
b) Metacarpal bones
c) Tibia
d) Scapula
21) Neumatic bones.
a) Nasal bone
b) Frontal bone
c) Occipital bone
d) Temporal bone

22) Paired bone of skull.

a) Frontal
b) Occipital
c) Temporal
d) Vomer

23) Unpaired bone of skull.

a) Frontal
b) Temporal
c) Parietal
d) Nasal

24) Axial skeleton is consisting of.

a) Ribcage
b) Hipbone
c) Scapula
d) Metatarsal bones

25) Which one is true about synovial joint?

a) Cartilaginous joint
b) Fibrous joint
c) Example is syndesmosis
d) Also called diarthrosis

26) Function of vestibular part of vestibulocochlear nerve.

a) Helps in hearing
b) Helps in listening
c) Helps in smelling
d) Helps in balancing

27) Chorda tympani is supplied to special sensation of.

a) Root of tongue
b) Posterior 1/3 of tongue
c) Palatoglossus of tongue
d) Anterior 2/3 of tongue

28) Name the other name of pace maker of heart.

a) AV. Nodes
b) S.A Nodes
c) AV Bundles
d) Bundles of his

29) Branch of arch of aorta.

a) Right common carrotid artery
b) Left common carrotid artery
c) Right coronary artery
d) Left coronary artery

30) Name the tributaries of superior vena cava.

a) Right and Left brachiocephalic veins
b) Right and Left common iliac veins
c) Right and Left subclevian veins
d) Right and Left renal vein

31) Opthalmic nerve is a branch of.

a) Mandibular nerve
b) Maxillary nerve
c) Facial nerve
d) Trigeminal nerve

32) Which one is a motor nerve?

a) Trigeminal nerve
b) Optic nerve
c) Facial nerve
d) Trochlear nerve

33) Abducent is supplied to.

a) Medial rectus
b) Lateral rectus
c) Superior oblique
d) Inferior rectus

34) Ptosis is due to injury of which nerve.

a) Facial nerve
b) Oceulomotor nerve
c) Abducent nerve
d) Trenchlear nerve

35) Not a sign of facial palsy.

a) Dribbling of saliva
b) Not closed upper eyelid
c) Ptosis
d) Face detailed same sise

36) Sensory innervation of is by which nerve.

a) Trigeminal nerve
b) Facial nerve
c) Olfactory nerve
d) Hypoglossal

37) Hypoglossal nerve.

a) Moter nerve
b) Sensory nerve
c) Mixed nerve
d) Supplied to extra ocular muscle of eye

38) Vagus nerve

a) Moter nerve
b) Mixed nerve
c) Supplied to the anterior 2/3 of tongue
d) Sensory nerve

39) Accessory spinal nerve is supplied to.

a) Sternocleidomastoid muscle
b) Deltoid muscle
c) Frontalis muscle
d) Pectoralis major muscle

40) Cranial nerves are.

a) 31 nerves paired
b) 12 nerves paired
c) 24 nerves paired
d) General sensory only
41) Carpal bones
a) Talus
b) Calcaneum
c) Navicular
d) Lunate

42) Not a carpal bones

a) Lunate
b) Capitate
c) Himmate
d) Navicular

43) How many tarsal bones are present in foot?

a) 8
b) 7
c) 3
d) 9

44) Carpal bones are present in a hand.

a) 8
b) 3
c) 5
d) 4

45) Example of sesemoid bone.

a) Lunate
b) Patella
c) Telus
d) Himmate

46) Multipinnate muscle is.

a) Bicep
b) Sartorius
c) Rectus femoris
d) Deltoid

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