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Anat 2ND Ia

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I MBBS Batch 2021

2nd Internal Theory Examination


Date: 12th September 2022 Time: 10am to 1pm

Total Duration:Section A+B+C+D=3 Hours

Total Marks:20+20+40+20=100 Marks




Brief Answer Question (Any 10 out of 11):

1) Name the layers of pericardium.

2) Pecularities Of Trigone Of Bladder

3) Which regions of the body are drained by Thoracic DUCT.

4) What is Erb’s Point.

5) Enumerate Branches Of Axillary Artery.

6) Mention boundaries and contents of Quadrangular Space around scapula.

7) Enumerate Normal sites Of Constrictions of Esophagus.

8) Blood supply of Suprarenal Gland.

9) Derivatives of Neural Crest Cells

10) Which is the Dangerous Area of FACE and Why?

11) Enumerate the structures piercing Female Perineal Membrane




1) Applied anatomy of layers of scalp.

2) Describe bronchopulmonary segments.

3) Cubital fossa

4) Draw well labelled diagram of microanatomy of spleen.

5) Describe types of chronic villi.

6) Describe the lymphatic drainage of mammary gland.

7) Ischioanal Fossa

8) Describe the interior of right atrium.

9) A 22 year old male met with a motorcycle accident which lead to injury to the middle of
back of the arm. On examination there was weakness and loss of power of extension at wrist.

a) Which nerve is likely to be injured (1)

b) Enumerate the muscles supplied by the nerve (3)

c) What is the clinical condition known as? (1)




1) Describe Uterus under the following headings

a) Parts (2) c) Supports of uterus (5)

b) Blood supply and lymphatic drainage (1) d) Applied anatomy (2)

2) Describe shoulder joint under the following heads

a) Type and articular surfaces (2)

b) Relations (2)

c) Movements and muscles producing it (4)

d) Applied (2)

3) Describe left coronary artery under the following headings

a) Origin and course (4)

b) Branches and distribution (3)

c) Cardiac dominance (1)

d) Applied anatomy (2)



I MBBS Batch 2021

2nd Internal Theory Examination


1). 30Y old male presented with loss of sensations of skin over the lower part of deltoid and
with a flat shoulder. Identify the culprit nerve!!

1) Axillary Nerve                             3) Median Cutaneous Nerve of Arm

2) Radial Nerve.                              4) Radial Nerve

2).  The clavipectoral fascia pierced by all EXCEPT

1) Cephalic vein                                                       2) Lateral pectoral nerve.
3) Lymphatics from infraclavicular nodes             4) Medial pectoral nerve

3) For withdrawing intravenous blood, the preferred vein is

1) Cephalic.                                                                  2) Dorsal venous arch \
3) Median cubital                                                       4) Basilic

4). "Tennis Elbow is due to

1) Injury to common flexor origin
2) Injury to common extensor origin.
3) Inflammation of olecranon bursa
4) Subluxation of bead of radius

5) Bucket handle movement of the vertebrochondral ribs increases -

1) anteroposterior diameter of thorax                          2) length of thorax
3) transverse diameter.                                                     4) no change in diameter.
6) All veins drain into Coronary sinus EXCEPT
1) Great cardiac vein       3) Middle cardiac vein
2) Small cardiac vein.      4) Anterior cardiac vein

7)Aortic knuckle is formed by -

1) Left ventricle.           2) Arch of Aorta
3) Ascending aorta      4) Descending aorta

8) Thymus lies in mediastinum

1) Anterior.         2) Posterior
3) superior         4) Middle

9) If the ovum is not fertilized the corpus luteum may persist for about
1) 48 hrs 2) 1 week
3) 2 weeks 4) 3 weeks

10) Prostatic venous plexus lies

1) deep to true capsule                                     2) superficial to false capsule
3) embedded in the parenchyma of gland      4) between true & false capsule

10) Which of the following is not a tributary of azygous vein?

1)Hemiazygous 2) Accessory hemiazygous

3)Right superior intercostal 4) left superior intercostal

12) Superior vesical artery is a branch of

1) Obturator Artery             2) Internal iliac artery.
3) Interal pudendal artery  4) Posterior Div of Int Iliac Artery

13) Right phrenic nerve pierces the diaphragm at the level of

1)T8 2) T9 3)T10 4)T12
14) Floor of fossa ovalis develops from-
1) septum secondum     3) septum primum
2) sectum spurium         4) septum intermedium

15)The primordial germ cells are derived from-

1) coelomic epithelium     2)Neural crest
3) endoderm of yolk sac   4) mesonephros

16) The nerve supplying the angle of mandible is

1) Greater auricular            2) Auriculotermporal
3) Lesser occipital              4) Trigeminal

17) The coronal and the sagittal sutures of the skull meet at the -
a) Asterion          b) Pterion
c) Bregma           d) Lambda

18) Serous Demilunes or Crescents are seen on

1) intralobular duct        2) mucous acinus
3) serous acinus.           4) intercalated duct

19) Hassal's corpuscles are present in the

1) Thymus                          2) thyroid gland.
3) prostate gland             4) pituitary gland

20) Nissl's granules in a neurone are-

1) Mitochondria.                   2)Ribosomes
3) Phagosomes                    4) Rough endoplasmic reticulum

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