- Eating 3 and 5 meals a day. Stick to portions and you will be hungry
when your body is ready for the next meal. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
are meals you cannot go without, otherwise your body does not receive the
nutrition it's supposed to get. 2
- Sleep about 7-8 hours every night. Don’t sleep too much or too little.
Don't overdo carbs! Makes sure you eat a limited amount of carbohydrates
each day. Don't go without them, just don't eat allot of them.
- Exercise. You can't live without it. Make sure you spend around 30
minutes to an hour doing nothing but some running, weight lifting, push
ups, and maybe some sort of aerobic exercise is good.
- Nutrition is key. Eat a balanced diet. By doing so, you'll have a healthy
heart, healthy brain, and a fully functional immune system. Also, it's good to
have variety.
- Vitamins. If you're taking vitamins, know that they are not necessarily of
any benefit and may harm you. Most people can get all the vitamins you
need from food.
- Cut back on smoking and alcohol. Smoking can cause bronchitis and
respiratory disease, and alcohol can cause laziness, fatigue, and maybe
even an abnormal blood pressure. 8
- Keep clean! Good hygiene is key! Wash your hands after you've gone to
do your business. Good oral hygiene is also very valuable. Brush your
teeth around 2-3 times a day.
- Drink 6-12 glasses of water each day. It keeps your skin moist and will
keep you from becoming dehydrated.
- We eat healthy food to keep our bodies strong and defend them from
disease, they also help enhance our knowledge and senses.Healthy food
should be our basic food requirement. The junk food on the other hand has
a lot of diseases attached to it, such as heart and liver diseases. To be on
the safer side and to live a longer life, we eat healthy food.
- Examples of healthy food are fruit and vegetables, fish, eggs and any
natural foods that haven't had preservatives or anything extra added to
them to keep them lasting longer on shop shelves or that haven't been
processed by manufacturers and factories.Healthy food could also include
whole-grains or wholegrain breads which provide another source of fibre
which is required by the human body.
- Everyone must eat healthy food but especially teenagers as they are
growing and their bodies are developing.
- If we don't eat healthy we will become overweight and have higher risks
of getting cancers .Eating healthy affects different parts of your body as
different nutrients are needed to promote your individual
organs.Therefore ,there will be a higher of getting diabetes and heart
disease. We will also become malnourished. We wont have much energy
and our body won’t be able to make hormone. Ultimately , we could
end up with diabetes, hypertension, some cancers, or cardiac