How To Stay Healthy
How To Stay Healthy
How To Stay Healthy
1. Eat breakfast. If you skip meals, you will feel like you’re having a
hard time paying attention, understanding information, organizing your
thoughts, or remembering details. Skipping breakfast also causes fatigue
because breakfast is your body’s main source of energy.
2. Drink 2-3 liters of water per day. Drinking enough water can help
boost your concentration and immune system, clean toxins inside your
body, and prevent cramps.
3. Eat fruits and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and
fibers that your body needs. They help you feel energized, and
improve your digestive system.
5. Get enough sleep. Teens need 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
Adults need 7-9 hours. Sleep is important for various aspects of brain
function including cognition, concentration, productivity and
7. Give yourself a break. If you have been working steadily for hours,
give your eyes and mind a chance for rest by taking a break. You can
come back feeling more refreshed and readier.
8. Keep calm and relax. If you feel too stressed, don’t hesitate to
stop for a while to do what you like. For example, If I’m tired, I always
listen to my favorite music, watch movies, and read cartoons until I
feel better.
9. Get to the doctor. If you have symptoms that aren’t showing any
signs of clearing up within a few days, you should go to see a doctor.
Simple illness can mutate into much more fatal ones. For instance, a
man though he had a stomachache, but actually it’s an appendicitis.
We must not forget that “The greatest wealth is health.” So, eat on
time; get enough sleep; do some exercise; take some breaks; and don’t
forget to balance your life.