Tugas MR
Tugas MR
Tugas MR
Balanced Nutrition
Balanced Nutrition is food that is consumed by a variety of daily individuals and meets 5
groups of nutrients in sufficient quantities, not excessive and not lacking
Balanced principle
- Balanced in food ingredients
-According to the needs
-Don't eat in a hurry, so that the food comes in less and food can be enjoyed more
- Drink water at least 6-8 glasses per day. A glass of water before eating can make
you feel full.
- Start eating by eating hot, clear soup or a low-fat salad
- Reduce the use of margarine, cream and sauce
- Maintain a portion of food, do not quickly add portions because the brain takes
time to send a full signal
- Clean the table after eating to avoid the desire to take more food.
6.Benefits of Adequate Rest and Sleep
1. Healthier body
Rest and sleep play an important role in maintaining the health of our bodies.
Unexpected hours of sleep increase the risk of kidney, heart disease, stroke,
high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, increased stress hormones, and
diabetes. Did you know that rest and adequate sleep can affect the body's
reaction to insulin, which is a hormone that controls the level of glucose or
blood sugar? Sleep deprivation makes our blood sugar levels higher than
normal limits. As a result, we are more susceptible to diabetes.
2. Body growth
Rest and sleep also help the growth and development of a healthy body. A
good night's sleep triggers the body to release hormones that support normal
growth in children and adolescents. These hormones also help repair cells and
tissues, and increase muscle mass in children, adolescents and adults. In
addition, rest and sleep also play a role in puberty and fertility.
3. Maintain weight
Did you know that sleep deprivation can also increase the risk of obesity in
adolescents and other age groups? Sleep affects the body in processing and
storing carbohydrates. The way to keep hormones that make us feel hungry
(ghrelin) or satiety (leptin) remains balanced. If we don't get enough sleep, the
hormone ghrelin will rise while the hormone leptin will go down. As a result,
we will feel hungry.
4. Stay active during the day
Adequate and quality rest and sleep keep us active throughout the day. Lack
of sleep for just one or two hours per night has made our bodies seem to not
sleep at all for one or two days. People who lack sleep tend to be less
productive at school or work. They take longer to complete tasks, react more
slowly, aka 'slow', and make more mistakes.
5. Strengthen the immune system
According to a study of 150 people, sleeping seven hours or less than seven
hours a day is thought to make our body more susceptible to illness.
6. Sharpen memory
Lack of rest and sleep is thought to make us senile. One study shows that
when you sleep, your brain processes, strengthens, and combines your
memories from all day long. If you lack sleep, those memories cannot be
stored properly in the brain and can be lost.
In order to get the maximum benefits of rest and sleep above, don't forget to
sleep according to the recommended number of hours. For adults it is
recommended to sleep 7-9 hours a day, teenagers 14-17 years old 8-10 hours /
day, children aged 6-13 years 9-11 hours / day, and toddlers aged 3-5 years
10-13 hours / day.
Entertainment is everything - whether in the form of words, places, objects, behaviors
- that can be a difficult or sad entertainer or consolation. In general entertainment can
be in the form of music, movies, opera, drama, or in the form of games or even sports.
Travel can also be said as an entertainment effort by exploring nature or learning
culture. Filling in leisure activities such as making crafts, skills, reading can also be
categorized as entertainment For certain people who have workaholic characteristics,
work is entertainment compared to silence. In addition there are entertainment places
or nightclubs (night clubs) as places to unwind, generally in the form of restaurants or
restaurants equipped with hotels and entertainment facilities such as music, karaoke,
opera. Some also provide games such as billiards to gambling facilities. For certain
circles, gambling is considered as entertainment or a means of throwing bad luck. In
addition, in some countries there are also nightclubs that are intended for family
gatherings which are certainly different from the nightclub clubs in general.
Entertainment often gives pleasure, enjoyment, and laughter. At certain times or
contexts, there are also serious additional goals. For example, various forms of
celebrations, religious festivals, or satire.