Compressive Strength of Masonry Prisms: Standard Test Method For
Compressive Strength of Masonry Prisms: Standard Test Method For
Compressive Strength of Masonry Prisms: Standard Test Method For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: C1314 − 21
C1314 − 21
5.10 Keep all prisms from freezing. Do not disturb or move
prisms for the first 48 h after construction and grouting. Keep
prisms in the moisture-tight bags until 48 h prior to testing.
5.11 Store an indicating maximum-minimum thermometer
with the sample and record the maximum and minimum
temperatures experienced during the initial 48-h period.
C1314 − 21
10. Procedure
10.1 Test Apparatus—The compressive strength testing ma-
chine shall conform to Specification C1716/C1716M.
NOTE 9—Previous versions of this standard have contained specific
requirements for compressive strength test machines. These requirements
have been replaced with reference to Specification C1716/C1716M.
10.2 Installing the Prism in the Test Machine—Wipe clean
the bearing faces of the platens, the bearing plates, and the test
specimen. Place the test specimen on the lower platen or
bearing plate. Align both centroidal axes of the specimen with
the center of thrust of the machine. As the spherically seated
upper platen or plate is brought to bear on the specimen, rotate
the movable portion of the upper platen gently by hand so that
uniform seating is obtained.
10.3 Loading:
10.3.1 For constructed prisms, apply an initial load to the
FIG. 3 Prism Measurement Location prism up to one-half of the expected total load at any
convenient rate. Apply the remaining load at a uniform rate in
NOTE 7—Prisms obtained from field-removed masonry specimens will not less than 1 nor more than 2 min. The results of the first
have many different sizes, shapes, and configurations. These variations are
a result of differing bonding arrangements, mortaring or joining practices,
specimen shall not be discarded so long as the actual loading
presence of reinforcement and other accessories in conjunction with the time for the remaining portion of the actual load is greater than
masonry in service, and of techniques used to remove the specimens from 30 s.
wall assemblies. These variations may create non-uniform prism dimen- 10.3.2 For prisms obtained from field-removed masonry
sions along its length or in its cross-section. As such, additional measure- specimens, apply an initial load to the prisms up to one-fourth
ments are often required to adequately document the condition of the
prism and to communicate that condition to readers of the test report. of the expected load at any convenient rate. Apply the
remaining load at a uniform rate in not less than 2 nor more
8.2 Net Cross-Sectional Area:
than 4 min. The results of the first specimen shall not be
8.2.1 Constructed Prisms—Take the net cross-sectional area
discarded so long as the actual loading time for the remaining
of ungrouted prisms as the net cross-sectional area of masonry
portion of the actual load is greater than 1 min.
units, determined from a representative sample of additional
units tested in accordance with Test Methods C140/C140M for NOTE 10—The allowance for a loading rate on the first specimen
concrete masonry and with Test Methods C67/C67M for clay outside of that required acknowledges that the expected load may be
different than the actual maximum load. The load rate for the remaining
masonry. If cut units are used for prism construction, determine two specimens should be based on the first specimen results.
the net cross-sectional area from additional units cut in a
similar manner. Determine net cross-sectional area of fully 10.3.3 If the mode of failure cannot be determined once the
grouted prisms by multiplying the length and width of the maximum load is reached, continue loading the specimen until
prism (see 8.1). the mode of failure is identifiable. Record the maximum load
and note the mode of failure.
NOTE 8—Net area determined by Test Methods C140/C140M for
hollow concrete units is usually slightly different from the minimum net 10.4 Observations—Describe the mode of failure as fully as
cross-sectional area because unit face shells and webs are typically possible or illustrate, or both, crack patterns and spalling on a
tapered. sketch or photograph. Note whether failure occurred on one Consider clay masonry units whose net cross- side or one end of the prism prior to fracture of the opposing
sectional area is at least 75 % of the gross cross-sectional area side or end of the prism. Identify mode of failure using Fig. 4.
as 100 % solid.
8.2.2 Prisms Obtained from Field-Removed Masonry 11. Calculation
Specimens—Use methods identified above to determine net 11.1 Masonry Prism Strength—Calculate each masonry
area if appropriate. Net area for prisms obtained from field- prism strength by dividing each prism’s maximum compres-
removed masonry specimens is considered to be minimum sive load sustained by the net cross-sectional area of that prism,
bearing area. If prisms are not of uniform length or width and express the result to the nearest 10 psi (69 kPa).
throughout the height of the specimen, or if mortared surfaces 11.1.1 Where sets of grouted and ungrouted prisms are
are not fully bedded, use professional judgment to determine tested, calculate the masonry prism strength separately for the
the minimum bearing area that exists for the prism at whatever grouted set and the ungrouted set.
location that occurs. Refer to Appendix X3 for additional 11.1.2 Where a set of prisms is tested for each wythe of a
guidance on determining the net cross-sectional area of ma- multi-wythe wall, calculate the masonry prism strength for
sonry prisms obtained from field removed masonry. each wythe.
9. Capping 11.2 Compressive Strength of Masonry:
9.1 Capping Prisms—Cap prisms in accordance with Prac- 11.2.1 Calculate the hp/tp ratio for each prism using the
tice C1552. height and the least lateral dimension of that prism. Determine
C1314 − 21
the correction factor from Table 1. If a prism’s height to 12.1.9 Compression machine spherical head diameter (or
thickness ratio lies between the hp/tp values of Table 1, projected diameter if applicable), upper bearing plate thickness
determine the corresponding correction factor by linear inter- requirement based on size of tested specimen, and thickness of
polation between the given values. upper bearing plate used.
11.2.2 Multiply the masonry prism strength by the correc- 12.1.10 Compression machine lower platen dimensions,
tion factor for the respective prism. lower bearing plate thickness requirement based on size of
11.2.3 Calculate the compressive strength of masonry, fmt, tested specimen, and thickness of lower bearing plate used.
for each set of prisms by averaging the values obtained. 12.1.11 Compressive strength of each prism calculated to
the nearest 10 psi or 69 kPa (see 11.1).
12. Report 12.1.12 Compressive strength of masonry, fmt, for each set
12.1 For constructed prisms, report the following informa- of prisms calculated to the nearest 10 psi or 69 kPa (see 11.2).
tion: 12.2 For prisms obtained from field-removed masonry
12.1.1 Name of parties responsible for prism construction, specimens, report the following:
transport, and testing. 12.2.1 Name of the party conducting the testing.
12.1.2 Designation of each prism tested and description of 12.2.2 Name of parties responsible for prism removal,
prism including width, height, and length dimensions; hp/tp transport and testing.
ratio; mortar type; and grout and masonry unit used in the 12.2.3 Designation, photograph, and detailed description of
construction. the condition of each specimen prior to capping. Condition
12.1.3 For field quality control or assurance, location of descriptions shall address all details that would influence
structure that corresponds to prisms as recorded in 5.1. interpretation of results and shall include the following as a
12.1.4 The maximum and minimum temperature experi- minimum:
enced by the prisms during the first 48 h after construction and
12.2.4 Test observations for each prism in accordance with
12.1.5 Age of prism at time of test.
12.2.5 Compression machine spherical head diameter (or
12.1.6 Maximum compressive load sustained by each prism
projected diameter if applicable), upper bearing plate thickness
in pounds force or newtons.
requirement based on size of tested specimen, and thickness of
12.1.7 Net cross-sectional area of each prism in square
upper bearing plate used.
inches or square millimetres, and method used to calculate
area. 12.2.6 Compression machine lower platen dimensions,
12.1.8 Test observations for each prism in accordance with lower bearing plate thickness requirement based on size of
10.4. tested specimen, and thickness of lower bearing plate used.
12.2.7 Compressive strength of each prism calculated to the
nearest 10 psi or 69 kPa (see 11.1).
TABLE 1 Height to Thickness Correction Factors for Masonry
12.2.8 Compressive strength of masonry, fmt, for each set of
Prism Compressive Strength prisms calculated to the nearest 10 psi or 69 kPa (see 11.2).
hp/tpA 1.3 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 NOTE 11—Practices C1532/C1532M and C1587/C1587M include re-
Correction Factor 0.75 0.86 1.0 1.04 1.07 1.15 1.22 quired report items related to selection, removal, and shipment of masonry
hp/tp—Ratio of prism height to least lateral dimension of prism. specimens from field construction as well as preparation of those
specimens for compression testing. Consider referencing those reports or
C1314 − 21
including that information on the C1314 report for field-removed masonry materials and combinations of materials are not available to
specimens. permit the development of precision and bias statements.
13. Precision and Bias 14. Keywords
13.1 Due to the variety of materials and combinations of 14.1 compressive strength of masonry (fmt); masonry prism;
materials involved, no statement is made concerning the masonry prism strength; masonry specimen; specified com-
precision or bias of this test method. Sufficient test data for all pressive strength of masonry (f 'm)
(Nonmandatory Information)
C1314 − 21
X2.1 Scope—Test Method C1314 was developed as a tool to amount of water included in the sand. If necessary, adjust sand
verify the properties of the materials being used in construction weights to achieve desired volume proportions of materials.
to determine compliance with specified compressive strengths. Report any adjustments that were made to sand weights to
The Significance and Use section also suggests that this account for sand moisture.
method can be used as a basis for research purposes. This X2.2.3.2 Sieve Analysis—Determine and report the grada-
appendix provides additional guidance on aspects of materials, tion of the sand using Test Method C136/C136M. Compare
construction and analysis to be considered by the researcher as gradation to requirements of Specification C144.
well as information that should be considered for inclusion in X2.2.4 Grout—Unless otherwise required, use coarse or fine
a research report. The following suggestions are for guidance grout in accordance with Specification C476 and unless other-
only and should not be considered comprehensive nor appli- wise required use the proportion method of Specification C476.
cable to all projects. Alternatively, use the strength requirement method of specify-
X2.2 Masonry Materials—The researcher should select ma- ing the grout in accordance with Specification C476 if a target
terials that are relevant to the purpose of the research. The grout strength is desired. If needed, prepare trial mixes to
research should control those material properties whose effects determine the proportions of materials needed to produce the
are being studied, and should permit representative variation of desired grout strength. Prior to mixing grout for construction of
other material properties. Use the following information to test specimens, regardless of whether the proportion or strength
select materials and to determine properties of those materials specification is used, verify that the specified proportions are
used in the construction of the masonry prisms. used and controlled. Report the actual constituents and propor-
tions used. Unless grout consistency is a variable being studied,
X2.2.1 Masonry Units—Practice E105 includes random mix grout to a typical construction consistency, 8 to 11 in. (203
sampling procedures as an alternative sampling method to to 279 mm) slump. As a minimum, determine and report the
those of individual product test methods. Evaluation of the following properties:
following unit properties is recommended as a minimum. X2.2.4.1 Slump—Test Method C143/C143M.
X2.2.1.1 Clay Masonry Units—Determine and report the X2.2.4.2 Compressive Strength—Test Method C1019.
dimensions, percent void area, compressive strength, initial
rate of absorption, and 5-h and 24-h absorption in accordance X2.3 Handling and Curing:
with Test Methods C67/C67M. Compare results to applicable X2.3.1 Construct and store the prisms as required in this
unit specification for classification and compliance. standard. If curing methods are not a variable of the research,
X2.2.1.2 Concrete Masonry Units—Determine and report when prisms are not curing in plastic bags in accordance with
the dimensions, net area, absorption, density and compressive this standard, store the prisms in an area with a temperature of
strength in accordance with Test Methods C140/C140M. Com- 75 6 15°F (24 6 8°C) and a relative humidity of 30 to 70 %,
pare results to applicable unit specification for classification and that is free of drafts.
and compliance.
X2.3.2 Monitor and report the temperature and relative
X2.2.2 Mortar—Unless otherwise required, use one of the humidity of the curing environment throughout the curing time
types of mortar specified in Specification C270 and unless period.
otherwise required, use the proportion specification of Speci-
fication C270. If, however, the property specification of Speci- X2.4 Testing Multiple Wythe Prisms—Apply suitable sensi-
fication C270 is used, establish mix proportions by determining tive gages transversely across the collar joint at the midheight
physical properties of the laboratory mixed mortar at specified of the specimen to detect the formation of cracks in the plane
flow in accordance with procedures of Specification C270. of the collar joint. (Bonded wire gages have been found to be
Prior to mixing mortar for construction of test specimens, suitable for these purposes.) The measurements of transverse
regardless of whether the proportion or property specification strain across collar joints in double or multi-wythe walls are
is used, verify that the specified or established proportions are essential to determine whether a plane of weakness exists along
used and controlled. Report the actual constituents and propor- a continuous vertical joint, such as a collar joint, that may
tions used. Unless mortar consistency is a variable being develop significant tensile strains indicating potential prema-
studied, mix mortar to typical construction consistency. Report ture cracking. Report measured strains.
how, when, and from where mortar is sampled. As a minimum,
determine and report the following mortar properties.
X2.2.2.1 Consistency—Test Method C780, Annex A1.
X2.2.2.2 Air Content—Test Method C780, Annex A5.
X2.2.2.3 Compressive Strength—Test Method C780, Annex
X2.2.3 Mortar Aggregates:
X2.2.3.1 Sand Moisture Content—Prior to batching, deter-
mine and report the moisture content of the sand. Calculate the
C1314 − 21
X2.5 Determination of Modulus of Elasticity—When strain using end points of 0.05 and 0.33 of the maximum
required, determine the chord modulus in accordance with Test compressive stress of each prism. In the case of double-wythe
Method E111. Follow the designated method to the greatest walls, also plot the compressive stress versus the transverse
extent possible. Plot the values and determine and report the strain measured across the collar joint.
chord modulus of elasticity for suitable values of stress and
X3.1 Prisms are saw-cut from existing masonry for a variety X3.2.2 For prisms with hollow units with full mortar
of reasons, and correctly determining the compressive strength bedding—The net bearing area for such units can be deter-
is essential to applying the test results. In order to calculate the mined by testing companion masonry units with the same
compressive strength, the minimum bearing area for the prism configuration in accordance with Test Methods C67/C67M or
must be determined. Because of varying mortar bedding C140/C140M. It is important to remember that when this
options, it can at times be difficult to calculate the bearing area method is used for half-length prisms, the companion masonry
accurately. units must be saw-cut to the same configuration as well.
Moreover, for such prisms, if any mortar on the top and bottom
X3.2 The determination of the net cross-sectional area for bearing surfaces of the prisms are removed to result in full
field-removed prisms can be challenging if prisms are not of bearing across the unit cross-section, the minimum cross-
uniform length or width throughout the height of the specimen, section will typically occur at an intermediate mortar bed joint.
if mortared surfaces are not fully bedded, or cells, collar joints, X3.2.3 For prisms with hollow units with face shell mortar
and cores are partially filled with mortar or grout. In addition, bedding—The net bearing area for such prisms can be deter-
while constructed prisms are required to be fully-bedded with mined by multiplying the measured length of the unit at the bed
mortar, prisms obtained from field-removed masonry joint location by the sum of the face shell thicknesses. Because
specimens, particularly for hollow masonry, will often have the face shells of hollow concrete units are often tapered, the
only the face shells of the hollow units mortared. While a thickness of the face shell above the mortar bed joint and below
method for accurately determining the net bearing area of the mortar bed joint may differ. In such a case, use the least
field-removed prisms cannot cover all possible configurations, face shell thickness of the two in the calculation. Obtaining
some considerations can be used to assist in determining the access to measure face shell thickness is often difficult or
correct net cross-sectional area. impossible. Measurements of similar cross-sections from rep-
resentative units or other parts of the prism is an option as is
X3.2.1 For solidly grouted prisms or prisms with solid performing measurements after testing is performed. Refer to
masonry units—The net bearing area can be calculated as the Test Methods C67/C67M and C140/C140M for recommended
length multiplied by the width of the prism. methods of measuring face shell thickness.
Net Bearing Area□ ~ in.2 ! 5 L 3 W (X3.1) Net Bearing Area□ ~ in.2 ! 5 2 3 ~ t fs 3 L ! (X3.2)
where: where:
L = minimum length of prism, in. L = minimum length of prism, in.
W = minimum width of prism, in. tfs = minimum face shell thickness, in.
Committee C15 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C1314 – 18) that may impact the use of this standard. (July 1, 2021)
(1) Modified 8.2.2 by adding a reference to Appendix X3. (3) Added Appendix X3 to provide guidance for calculating
(2) Removed old Note 9 and the information in the note was the minimum bearing area of masonry prisms obtained from
moved to Appendix X3. field-removed masonry specimens.
C1314 − 21
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