Terror in Freeport Revised
Terror in Freeport Revised
Terror in Freeport Revised
for Levels 2 to 5
By Robrt J. Toth
Revised for 3.5
- Credits -
Design: Robert J. Toth Emrick, Shawna Adams, Dan Pierkowski, Seth Timmins,
Mike Pureka, and the Green Ronin Forum community.
Additional Material: Chris Pramas, Bill Simoni
Farewell: Sandeep Rao
Development: Chris Pramas and Jennifer Clarke Wilkes
Terror in Freeport Revised is ©2000-2004 Green Ronin
Editing: Jennifer Clarke Wilkes
Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Reference to other
3.5 Revision: Tim Emrick copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the
respective copyright holders of that material. Freeport: The
3.5 Development: Robert J Schwalb
City of Adventure, Terror in Freeport, Death in Freeport,
Art Direction: Nicole Lindroos Green Ronin, and their associated logos are Trademarks of
Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Interior Art: Toren Atkinson, Chris Keefe
The Yello Sign is © 1986 by Kevin A. Ross
Cartography: Todd Gamble, Hal Mangold
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® and Wizards of the Coast® are
Original Graphic Design: Hal Mangold
registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.,
Revised Graphic Design: Marc Schmalz and are used with permission.
Executive Producer: Chris Pramas ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are
Green Ronin Staff: Steve Kenson, Nicole
used according to the terms of the d20 System
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan
License version 6.0. A copy of this License can
Sass, Marc Schmalz, and Robert J Schwalb
be found at www.wizards.com/d20.
Rob Toth’s Special Thanks: Chris Pramas, John
The following text is Open Gaming Content:
Burek, Woody Clermont, Chris Flaherty,
all text after the Introduction.
Pete Jencius, Brian Kirby, Jennifer Kirby,
Rob Lawson, Todd Miller, Kim Pratt, Joe Green Ronin Publishing
Richardson, Winston Sapigao, and Nancy P.O. Box 1723
Fitzsimmons (thief/acrobat). Renton, WA 98057-1723
Tim Emrick’s Special Thanks: Chris Pramas, Email: custserv@greenronin.com
Nicole Lindroos, Toren Atkinson, Erika Web Site: www.greenronin.com
- Table of Contents -
Introduction ......................................2 Part II: A Threatening Posture ......13 Appendix I: Statistics .....................34
The Real Story ...................................2 Location 3: Townsfolk and
Encounter Levels .............................2 100 Wave Avenue (EL 6) ............13 Friendly Characters...................34
A Brief History of Freeport .............2 The Paper Chase ...........................13 Creatures and
Death in Freeport Location 4: Unnamed Opponents .................34
Revised: A Summary ....................3 Office of Public Records ............15 Reikert Lloyd,
Part I: The Serpent's Skin ................5 The Shakedown ..............................15 Captain of Verlaine's Guard ......35
Suspicions Aroused ..........................5 Location 5: The Courts .................16 Named Opponents .........................36
Looking for Devlin ..........................6 Part III: The Serpent Strikes ..........18 Appendix II: The Cultist ................ 38
Location 1: The Marquis Moon.......6 Location 6: The Sewers .................20 Appendix III:
A Shout in the Street (EL 5) .............8 Rocks and a Hard Place (EL 5) .....21 Sample Player Characters ......41
Location 2: Location 7: The Serpent's Nest......23 Appendix IV: Handouts ..................45
The Abandoned Temple ................9 Location 8: Verlaine's House ........26 License..............................................47
Part IV: The Siege ...........................29
Location 9: The Temple
of the God of Knowledge ...........29
- Introduction -
Welcome to Terror in Freeport Revised, the second in
Green Ronin Publishing’s original series of d20 System A Brief History of
adventures. This module has been designed for characters
who have made their way through the first adventure in Freeport
the series, Death in Freeport Revised, and are ready to Thousands of years ago, serpent people ruled the world.
delve deeper into the sinister forces controlling the island Their empire centered on a continent called Valossa—a
city. To play Terror in Freeport Revised, you’ll need d20 vast island of cyclopean cities, its population devoted
core rulebooks. For more information on the city and the to the peaceful worship of Yig, the serpent god. Then
serpent people, see Death in Freeport Revised and the this great race vanished overnight, their world-spanning
Freeport: The City of Adventure sourcebook. civilization destroyed by the hand of the Unspeakable
Freeport is designed with minimal detail so that you One, a loathsome deity born outside describable space.
can use the city in any campaign world you desire. The Most of the serpent people degenerated into savagery—
Serpent’s Teeth is a small chain of islands that you can but a few retained their sanity, including some of the
easily drop into a given setting, or you may decide to cultists who had summoned the grotesque god. These
use this information to flesh out an island city in your apostates retreated to tunnels beneath the former Valossa,
existing world. If you’ve got a good candidate, a simple carrying on their uncouth rites beyond the wholesome
name switch is all that’s necessary. Similarly, most glimmer of daylight and biding their time until the
references to gods in this module are generic. When Unspeakable One could once again be persuaded to favor
the text refers to the God of Knowledge, for example, the world with its fearsome attentions.
substitute an appropriate deity from your campaign. Centuries passed. The serpent people and their empire
Terror in Freeport Revised is part 2 of what is known were forgotten. Humans and their cousins rose to
as the Freeport Trilogy, which part 3, Madness in dominate the world, including the former Valossa,
Freeport—forthcoming as an electronic document, now reduced to a small chain of islands known as the
completes. Other Freeport adventures include Tales of Serpent’s Teeth. Pirates were the first to inhabit the
Freeport (for the 3.0 rules) and the epic, 256-page mega- largest of the islands, A’Val, and founded a settlement
adventure Black Sails Over Freeport (for the 3.5 rules). they dubbed Freeport. It became the buccaneers’ base
of operations, until their depredations on the high seas
drew the attentions of the great naval powers. A cunning
The Real Story captain named Drac realized the city didn’t stand a
Throughout the adventure, you’ll find sections of shaded, chance, so he struck a deal to scuttle the island’s pirates if
boxed text. This is information for the players, which the other nations recognized Freeport as an independent
you can read aloud or paraphrase as you wish. Sidebars city-state, with himself as Sea Lord. The result: instant
entitled “The Real Story” are notes to help you track the respectability.
complex intrigue. Statistics for creatures and nonplayer Freeport prospered for generations, becoming one of the
characters (NPCs) are detailed in Appendix I, with world’s key trading spots. There were rough spots over
abbreviated information presented in each encounter. the years—poor leaders, bad decisions—but the city
always landed on its feet . . . until now.
Encounter Levels After one of the rough patches in city history, Anton
Terror in Freeport Revised is suitable for a party of four Drac, a descendant of the city’s founder, took the reins
3rd-level characters, though it could be run with more, of government and got Freeport back on course. But he
or with characters of up to 5th level, if you toughen made enemies. Powerful ones. Walking the docks one
up the opposition. An Encounter Level (EL) rates a night he was struck down by a single yellow-feathered
given situation’s toughness for a typical party of four arrow. The assassin was killed, and his body spirited
adventurers. away, before he could be questioned. Thus the stage was
set for the man who would bring Freeport to the brink of
Although there are plenty of baddies to dispatch in Terror doom.
in Freeport Revised, there’s not a lot of treasure or magic
items to dispense. Much of the adventure will be spent Milton Drac, a distant relative of Anton, connived his
interacting with NPCs and doing detective work. Take way into the Sea Lord’s chair and bent the Captains’
the nature of the module into account when awarding Council (the city’s administrative body) to his will. He
experience points—story awards and ad hoc XP for poured the resources of the island, and the goodwill of
innovative solutions are appropriate—so the players his office, into one bizarre goal: building the largest
know they’re not missing anything if their characters lighthouse in the world, supposedly as a symbol of
don’t come away with heaps of booty. Freeport’s dominance of the seas. The grand inauguration
2 Terror in Freeport
- Introduction -
- Key -
The City of
Freeport 7. The Temple of the
Drac's End
Old City 1
Eastern District
Warehouse The Docks
4 Scurvytown
is three months away . . . and dark forces are beginning the world for five years, searching for arcane knowledge.
to creep out of hiding. Upon his return, he began to search for clues to this
“missing time”—and promptly vanished.
Death in Freeport The investigation led the player characters (PCs) to a
boarded-up house: the secret entrance to the temple of
Revised: A Summary the Unspeakable One, hidden in a series of caverns under
the city. They rescued Lucius but uncovered a number of
The adventurers were persuaded by a local cleric, Brother
disturbing truths. The ophidian cult of the Unspeakable
Egil, to undertake a search for a friend of his, a librarian
One—also known as the Brotherhood of the Yellow
at the temple to the God of Knowledge. The librarian,
Sign—is very much alive. Its members passed unnoticed
Lucius, had been motivated by unseen forces to wander
Terror in Freeport 3
- Part I: The Serpent's Skin -
in Freeport for years—including Milos, assistant to the What they find isn’t encouraging. There is a guard
high priest of the God of Knowledge and a cleverly posted out front, courtesy of “V”—Verlaine, head of the
disguised serpent man. And the Brotherhood has wicked Captains’ Council. Meanwhile, down below, the cultists
plans for the port city. continue to have the run of the caverns—in fact, they
have been shipping their unholy relics to Verlaine’s own
Adventure Synopsis home!
Terror in Freeport Revised leads the PCs deeper into A check of Verlaine’s background reveals some troubling
the intrigue they began to glimpse in Death in Freeport information. He came to power from virtual obscurity
Revised. The investigation takes them from the corridors following Anton’s assassination, and he was the one who
of power to the bowels of the underworld, with terrifying pushed the lighthouse plan through the Council. Now
insights into who really controls the city. They discover he oversees that plan, among others, becoming one of
that the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign has its claws the wealthiest men in town—and Milos was one of his
in the town’s power elite, but thanks to some clever special advisers on the project.
camouflage by Sea Lord Drac, they may not find out just In the middle of their investigation, the PCs are
whom the serpents control until it’s too late. approached by a squad of Verlaine’s guard. The councilor
As the adventure begins, the PCs are contacted once wants the party out of town—he doesn’t like their kind.
more by a very nervous Brother Egil. He tells them that But at the last moment, Brother Egil bursts in to save the
while staying with Lucius one evening, he awoke to find adventurers. His temple has interceded on their behalf,
a burglar in the room stealing a scroll. Egil is certain that but he also needs them for a special job. The cultists have
the Brotherhood have penetrated further into Freeport taken Lucius again, he says, to finish what they started
than anyone imagines. He wants the PCs to investigate before.
Milos’s other ties to the city and find out what’s being But, like most everything else in Freeport, this isn’t what
done about the temple of the Unspeakable One. it seems. “Egil” is a cultist in disguise, who leads the PCs
The PCs search the cultist’s lodgings and discover into a trap designed to leave them dead and disgraced.
it has been carefully gone over, and several possibly Meanwhile, the real power behind the Brotherhood of
incriminating books are missing. But the burglars the Yellow Sign is setting in motion a plan to destroy the
overlooked one thing: a tome with a diagram of the temple to the God of Knowledge.
Lighthouse of Drac sketched onto the back page, marked Should the PCs escape and thwart the evil plan, they
with the letter V. find more shattering revelations, of which the grisliest
Upon leaving Milos’s lodgings, the PCs come upon is Verlaine’s murder. The Brotherhood was preparing to
a gang of orcs beating up a hapless messenger. They lay the blame on the PCs and Egil’s order. Verlaine was
lend a hand, only to discover they’ve been tricked—the never part of the Brotherhood—it was his boss all along.
messenger makes off with Milos’s book! A chase through As the adventure ends, the PCs are left to figure out what
the back streets leads them to the boarded-up building the Brotherhood is planning for the town, and how to
they discovered in Death in Freeport Revised. stop them.
4 Terror in Freeport
- Part I: The Serpent's Skin -
In which the adventurers discover that a snake might easily
discard an old covering in order to grow.
The adventure begins about a month after the events feverish and just faints dead away. One of us
described in Death in Freeport Revised. If you have sent always takes him home after such a spell. Last
the characters through other adventures in the meantime, night was my turn.
you can have them summoned back to town with a frantic “I laid him down on his cot and sat to catch
missive from Brother Egil. If you wish to pick up right my breath. I just closed my eyes for a moment—
where you left off, simply discuss what the players have then all of a sudden I was awake, and it was the
been doing in town during the past month—working at odd middle of the night. I started to stir, but some
jobs, getting familiar with the city, keeping an ear to the instinct told me not to. I sat with my eyes half-
ground, and so on. However you arrange things, the action open, waiting for them to adjust to the dark.
starts with meeting Brother Egil one evening in the dining “I felt its presence before I saw it: a patch
hall at the Scholar’s Quill (the PCs have likely been staying of dark gliding across the room like the shadow
here anyway). of a cloud. I was too terrified to breathe. What
air I could force down carried a curious odor—
Suspicions Aroused something clean but . . . dense. Something like
water on rocks. Cold, mossy caves. Something
like a serpent.
Brother Egil hails your party with a stiff wave “I watched this figure move about the room.
of his hand as he enters the room. Crossing Poking through drawers. Examining books. I
through the tables, he moves quickly and keeps couldn’t imagine what it wanted to steal, since
his eyes darting from patron to patron. When a our order takes a vow of poverty. Then it found
drowsy old sailor drops a plate, the cleric spins what it was looking for—a long roll of parchment.
and calls out the first syllables of a protection It stashed this in the folds of its cape and left as
spell. He’s embarrassed by his mistake but doesn’t silently as it had come.
seem relieved at all. “I can’t bring myself to tell Lucius. I fear it
“It’s good to see you again,” Brother Egil may destroy what’s left of his sanity. I am afraid
says, taking a seat against the wall. “Lucius asks
after you. I trust you are all well.”
He listens to your stories of the past month and
nods absently. Then he takes a deep breath and
leans close. “Forgive me for being distracted,”
he says. “I believe someone is trying to undo the
good work you’ve done for Freeport.”
Egil takes a nervous glance around the
room before continuing. “Things . . . have been
happening. I’m not sure I can be any more specific
than that. Over the past month, I’ve been sensing
a change in the atmosphere. I’ve lived here all my
life, but now the city feels strange to me. The street
seems full of eyes but not faces. I notice movement
at the limits of my vision. I see shapes at the
window when I am alone in a room. I hear footfalls
behind me on the street, but when I turn I see
nothing. Perhaps it’s only nerves. I could almost
believe that. But then there was the intruder.
“I was with Lucius when I saw it. Lucius
has been . . . well, it’s been difficult for him to
readjust. I’m sure you can understand. First the
possession, then the kidnapping . . . we try to
make him as comfortable as possible, but there
are some things beyond even prayer. For days
he has been collapsing at his desk—he becomes
Terror in Freeport 5
- Part I: The Serpent's Skin -
just overhead. If the PCs follow up on these apparitions,
for myself also, and for the city. I don’t believe the though, they find nothing. The Brotherhood is keeping
Council really is cleaning out the caverns. How indirect tabs on the party’s actions, but they are not risking
could they miss something like that? I suspect exposure through unnecessary pursuit at this point.
something sinister at work here, more than mere When the PCs return to their rooms, they find their
carelessness. Milos lived among us too long in a belongings have been gone through. Nothing’s missing,
false shape. He convinced my order that he was but other hands have definitely done some pawing. The
a dedicated worker—not to mention human. Who innkeeper at the Scholar’s Quill (or at whatever inn the
knows how many other forms he took, how many party is using as a base of operations) is not part of the
other people he deceived? And who knows how conspiracy; she is genuinely horrified at the break-in but
many others of his kind are here now? doesn’t know a thing.
“We are not a militant order. We don’t have
the wherewithal to look into this ourselves. But
I cannot rest until this matter is settled. I would Looking for Devlin
like to engage your services once again—to find The first thing that the PCs need to do is locate the inn
out the real situation at the serpent temple, and with Milos’s apartment. Armed with Devlin’s name, this
to uncover just what kind of inroads Milos made shouldn’t be too difficult. If the PCs poke around the Old
in town.” City and ask questions, they should be quickly rewarded.
A DC 15 Gather Information or Diplomacy check reveals
Egil offers the party 110 gold pieces each, plus expenses, for “Devlin” used to rent rooms in the Marquis Moon, a seedy
the job. He also gives them a lead: Through quiet inquiries inn of ill repute. Some helpful denizens of the Old City
he has learned that Milos, under an assumed identity, rented may also add that they haven’t seen Devlin in quite a
rooms at an inn in the Old City. Egil doesn’t know the name while. This will hardly be news to the PCs.
of the inn, but he knows that Milos’s alter ego was Devlin
and that he posed as a struggling merchant. Location 1:
Most likely, the party will want to investigate Milos’s
rooms and look into the affairs at the erstwhile temple of The Marquis Moon
the Unspeakable One. While they do so, be sure to keep
the paranoia level high. For example, make lots of rolls— The Marquis Moon is two stories of haphazard
meaningless ones; ask for Listen and Spot checks—but even brickwork in the Old City. Inside, the mood is
if successful, they don’t reveal anything. Once in a while, subdued. There are better places to eat and sleep
toss in something more tangible, like a glimpse of a robed in the city, and everybody knows it—from the pair
figure slipping down an alley or tiles sliding off a building of quietly drunk dwarves in the nearby corner
to the scowly guy behind the desk, picking his
fingernails with a knife and getting a leisurely
kick out of it.
The Real Story
Egil, and the rest of his temple, are being The otherwise unoccupied gent is the innkeeper’s son,
watched—but it has nothing to do with the break- Ficca (male human Com1). Talking to him for a few
in at Lucius’s house. It’s true that the Brotherhood minutes reveals that the fingernail trick is his most
of the Yellow Sign has taken a keen interest in interesting feature. His father left him in charge for the
the clerics, since they brought suspicion down on day, and Ficca repays that generous act by brushing off this
Milos. However, the burglar in Lucius’s home, group of potential customers. He puts up token resistance
although it was a serpent person, isn’t part of if the PCs ask to search the room in question. However, at
the Brotherhood but one of the last remaining any show of force—or cash—Ficca slouches away to try
worshipers of Yig. It was searching for a long-lost impressing the dwarves with his prowess.
document that it suspected Lucius had brought
back from his travels. This being is masquerading
as Thuron, the high priest of Egil’s temple. The
Milos's Room
burglary is only a red herring to get the PCs into
the action—but it will become crucial to the story Serpent people like things neat, it seems. The
at the very end. quarters are small—a single room perhaps twenty
by twenty feet—and you get the strong impression
6 Terror in Freeport
- Part I: The Serpent's Skin -
Milos drew a map of it when he moved in to use
every inch efficiently. The walls are invisible, The Real Story
hidden behind bookcases heaped with scrolls
and shelves arranged with half-melted ritual Agents of the Brotherhood have been in Milos’s
candles, leaden icons, and a large collection of room, removing books and other items that
brightly polished rocks. Staffs, canes, and other connected him to the Lighthouse of Drac. However,
ornamental trifles fill every alcove and fit snugly the burglars missed one key piece of evidence.
against the masonry. A stove in the center of the Milton Drac, who has ties to the Brotherhood, put
room gives off a faint smell of incense. Milos on the project, but the serpent man’s day-
There is little furniture. No bed, for one thing; to-day contact was Chief Councilor Verlaine, who
the floor near the stove is strewn with thick, doesn’t know about the Brotherhood or the Sea
tasseled pillows. No desk either, although there Lord’s true purpose.
is a portable writing-stand pushed against one of
the bookcases. Milos’s clothes are folded neatly
and stacked against one wall. DC 15: One book—An Accounte of Metalls Base and
Pure—has fallen behind the shelves and become
wedged against the wall. Sketched onto the back page
Everyone in the party should attempt a DC 15 Spot check of the book is a full-page drawing of a lighthouse, cov-
to notice that most surfaces in the room are covered with ered with arcane mathematical formulas; arrows point
a thin layer of dust. Milos had plenty stashed away here, to a number of blocks on the structure. In the margins
some of which is more obvious than the rest. Successful is a recurring doodle: the letter V superimposed on a
Search checks turn up the following: circle (see Handout A).
Canes and Staffs DC 20: Close examination reveals that, here and there, a
book has no dust on it while all the rest have a film of
DC 10: These are intricately carved, with serpents’ heads
the stuff. Apparently somebody’s replaced possibly
for handles. There is otherwise nothing special about
incriminating titles with harmless ones (A Monthe
Among the Horse-Rats, Eminent Mind-Flayers, A
Pillows Paladin in Hell, and so on).
Terror in Freeport 7
- Part I: The Serpent's Skin -
8 Terror in Freeport
- Part I: The Serpent's Skin -
Terror in Freeport 9
- Part I: The Serpent's Skin -
guards Sense Motive check (–1), and with a convincing Of course, some parties are just going to attack the
story, the guards let slip that a worker did just go into guards and try to force their way inside. It’s not a smart
the building. There has been a city crew in the temple option, though. Even if the PCs have valid suspicions,
for several days now, cleaning things up. Sometimes the attacking local deputies with no proof or provocation
guards have taken deliveries from this crew—temple relics earns them a swift ticket to lockup if they fail. The guards
and so forth—and shipped them out for examination by are pretty tough as well, which the PCs can notice easily
the authorities. The guards haven’t been inside themselves, enough. Should they manage to muscle past, they’ll have
and that’s fine by them. to complete their investigation as fugitives—at best.
The PCs can’t talk themselves inside without a really good Creatures
story, however—the guards are dumb enough to chatter,
These members of the Verlaine’s guard (Byrne,
but not to leave their posts. An example of a really good
Weymouth, and Franz) are quite tough, having been
story might be: “We’re from the city works department;
professionally trained.
there’s a dangerous breakout of cave rats—and if you
don’t believe me, look at this!” Anything that effective Byrne: 15 hp, see Appendix I: Statistics for details.
imposes –5 penalty to the guards’ Sense Motive checks. Franz: 14 hp, see Appendix I: Statistics for details.
(An example of a really bad approach is shouting, “Look, Weymouth: 13 hp, see Appendix I: Statistics for
you idiots, your boss is a snake!” Not only isn’t that going details.
to get them anywhere, but it will likely provoke a hostile
response.) Tactics
If the PCs are stumped, they can try a number of other If the PCs are foolish enough to engage the soldiers
tactics to get inside. They might distract the guards while in combat, Byrne (the chief of the group) blows three
other members of the party pry the bricks from a side short blasts several times on a shrill whistle to summon
window (add a +2 bonus to the Bluff check if this is done reinforcements. In 5 rounds, six members of the City
quietly), or go into an adjacent building and leap from Watch (human Warrior 1, hp 5 [average]; AC 15, touch
roof to roof (DC 10 Jump check), then break through the 11, flatfooted 14; Atk +2 melee (1d8+1, heavy mace);
rotten timbers. Waiting for nightfall or a shift change can see DMG or Freeport: City of Adventure, page 31), in
facilitate such efforts, providing a +2 circumstance bonus scale mail and armed with heavy maces, join the fray.
to any required skill checks for the favorable situation. Three rounds later, a half dozen more arrive. (These
reinforcements raise the EL to 7.)
Inside the former temple, not much has visibly
changed—but there are subtle signs that evil has not
entirely abandoned this place. Make secret DC 20
Survival checks for any PCs with the Track feat as they
move through the caverns. On a success, the character
notices faint footprints and marks on the floor—some of
which are clearly not human. There are pinpoint holes
in the dust where the toes ought to be, indicating keenly
sharp claws, and big, sweeping grooves that could only
be made by a tail.
There’s nothing to see in most of the rooms here. The
cultists have stripped them bare; even curtains and heavy
statuary are gone. But you should keep up the feeling of
suspense and menace nonetheless. Make secret rolls while
the PCs go from room to room. Ask them frequently if
they want to do anything else while they’re here. The party
should feel creeped out by the too-quiet temple.
1. Wine Cellar
The cellar is unchanged, except that the cask containing
the secret passage is now propped open. Characters who
make a DC 15 Spot check notice scratches in the rock floor
between the cask and the stairs, as if something huge and
heavy has been dragged across the room.
10 Terror in Freeport
- Part I: The Serpent's Skin -
Investigating the Lighthouse
If the PCs decide to investigate the lighthouse construction site, they find nothing of interest, as the place is
filled with building materials, tools, and scaffolding. No matter how thorough the search, there is nothing to
find here at the moment. The lighthouse comes into play in the dramatic conclusion, Madness in Freeport
6. Cave of the
Degenerates (EL 4)
If the PCs come here before entering the temple proper,
they stumble across a small squad of degenerate serpent
people acting as bodyguards for a single human cultist,
Batora. She is on her way to the surface, delivering a crate
for shipment to Verlaine’s house. One or both sides might
well be surprised. Two of the degenerates are carrying the
crate, but they drop it as combat begins.
You can adjust the opposition based on the number and
experience of the PCs, but there should be at least one serpent
person per adventurer. Cal (see A Shout in the Street, on
page 8, and in Appendix I: Statistics, page 37) can be here to
participate in the fight if you wish; he is hiding and attempts
to make sneak attacks. Otherwise, assume he has disappeared
into the tunnels of the degenerates.
Batora: 15 hp, see Appendix I: Statistics for details.
Degenerate Serpent People: 8, 7, 7, 6 hp, see Appendix
I: Statistics for details.
The two serpent people carrying the crate drop it upon
seeing the PCs, but this delays their combat response (treat
Terror in Freeport 11
- Part II: A Threatening Posture -
From: Bierce Vintners
To: 100 Wave Ave. (Cellar)
The Real Story Inside are six golden goblets (worth 50 gp apiece) and a
Milton Drac is in fact a high-ranking cultist number of bricks. The bricks appear perfectly ordinary,
of the Unspeakable One and is working with but a successful Spot check (DC 15) reveals a seam
the Brotherhood to construct the lighthouse. running through the middle of each. By chiseling away
In typical fashion, he put Verlaine in charge of around the seam and pounding vigorously, it’s possible
day-to-day operations, thus deflecting attention to split a brick in two—to reveal a replica of the temple’s
from himself. But he has left his second-in- strange yellow symbol, printed in shimmering gold ink,
command in the dark about the lighthouse’s true in the center of each half.
purpose—a sinister plot involving the return of
the Unspeakable One. These bricks, crafted by The players may recall that the sketch in Milos’s
the serpent priests and placed throughout the book had arrows pointing to a number of points in the
lighthouse at significant occult points, will help Lighthouse of Drac. Otherwise, have the party make a
produce an apocalyptic show at the inauguration. DC 12 Intelligence checks to remember that detail. (If
Cal didn’t successfully steal the book, of course, the PCs
The address on the crate is Verlaine’s. The can simply check the original.)
councilor, as well as his guards (who oversee
the deliveries), know of the shipments going to 7. The Temple of the
his house and that they come from the serpent
temple. The crates go straight to his wine Unspeakable One
cellar, where they are immediately opened by
Brotherhood members who sneak in from the The erstwhile seat of the Unspeakable One’s
catacombs below the house through a secret cult sits empty—yet somehow it’s more ominous
entrance. The cultists remove the temple relics, for all that. The altar and statue have been hauled
leaving only treasure (goblets, coins, and the off, with gashes in the stone floor marking their
like), before Verlaine can inspect the crates. Thus exit. The yellow symbol that once graced the
the councilor and his accomplices never suspect far wall has been chiseled away and removed.
these contain anything more than booty from the There’s even been some preliminary chipping at
caves, graft in return for a job well done. the frescoes lining the room.
Treasure If the PCs come here before exploring the cave of the
degenerates (see Area 6: Cave of the Degenerates),
The crate opens easily and contains some very interesting Batora and her squad spring through the secret door in an
things. First off, there’s an address and other information attempt to surprise them. In this case, the group drops the
marked on the outside: crate in the caverns before attacking.
12 Terror in Freeport
- Part II: A Threatening Posture -
In which the adventurers learn that a snake in the grass is worth two in the cave.
Most likely, the PCs will want to follow up on the clue don’t buy the standard “Gragnar was sick, so he sent me”
they’ve just found—the address on the crate full of bricks. line. A successful Disguise check opposed by the guards’
They may also want to look into Verlaine’s background. Spot (if the PCs somehow obtained guard uniforms) may
As they will quickly learn, the two lines of inquiry dovetail legitimize their presence here, but getting into the house
nicely. is still not part of the procedure, and efforts to do so
attract Lloyd’s attention.
Location 3: Creatures
100 Wave Avenue (EL 6) If the PCs make a scene, the soldiers are only too happy
to answer with violence. And they’ve got the law on their
side. Fighting a squad of professional soldiers on a private
Wave Avenue turns out to be in the Merchant residence, with reinforcements nearby and the City Watch
District. And it’s quite a change from the shabby at their command, is a fool’s game.
austerity of the Old City. Carefully tended trees
and wrought-iron lampposts line the boulevards. Lloyd, Captain of Verlaine’s Guard: 35 hp, Sense
Quaint storefronts display expensive foodstuffs and Motive +5, see Appendix I: Statistics for details.
curios; trim, tidy townhouses spill laughter and Verlaine’s Guards (5): 18, 15, 14, 12, 12 hp, see
low whispers through their windows—and more Appendix I: Statistics for details.
often than not have a private guard stationed out
front. Wave looks to be the fanciest street in the Development
neighborhood. The homes have elaborate gardens, Should the PCs manage to enter the house, they may be
some large enough to contain gazebos and able to scope out a room or two before they are noticed
fountains. A few of the buildings even have coach and apprehended (refer to Location 8: Verlaine’s House
houses. And the guards too look more expensive: on page 26 for details). If caught, go to The Shakedown
much more discreet, but much nastier. on page 15; if they manage to escape, they are now
fugitives and are sought by both Verlaine’s guard and
the City Watch. In this case, skip The Courts and have
The address on the crate, 100 Wave Avenue, is easy to find.
the encounter with “Egil,” described in Part Three: The
For one thing, it’s patrolled by the most guards—four out
Serpent Strikes, occur on the street.
front, and two more on the roof. All are wearing Verlaine’s
seal (DC 10 Spot check to notice). Lloyd, captain of
Verlaine’s house guard, personally patrols with his soldiers. The Paper Chase
Just about all the PCs will be able to get out of the guards If they are unsuccessful at Verlaine’s house, the PCs will
is that this is Verlaine’s house—and they aren’t welcome probably want to regroup and find out all they can about
there. Lloyd and his soldiers know about the deliveries the head of the Captains’ Council. If they approach Brother
from the serpent temple, so they’re cagey and defensive Egil with what they have learned, he becomes grave and
about the shipments, but not for the reasons the PCs think. anxious, urging them to investigate further. He suggests
checking the Office of Public Records, confessing that
The PCs aren’t going to get past the guards without taking
he is somewhat in the dark when it comes to politics—he
extraordinary measures. They can try to bluff their way in,
knows little more than the names of prominent people.
but Lloyd’s been with Verlaine a long time and he’s seen a
lot of tricks in his day: Even a believable story confers no If the PCs ask around town, they find that anybody with
penalty to his Sense Motive check, and a lame one grants a an opinion generally holds Verlaine to be a tough, nasty
considerable bonus. As a guideline, increase the suggested hatchet man for the Sea Lord’s operations. Successful
Sense Motive modifiers for the Bluff skill description (see Gather Information checks can get below the surface,
Chapter Four: Skills in the PHB, Chapter 4) by +5. though, as follows.
The PCs may be clever enough to bring the crate and DC Information
say they’re making a delivery; however, standard
15 Verlaine came out of nowhere, just after Anton Drac
operating procedure is to turn over all deliveries to the
got killed. It’s common knowledge that
house guards, who carry them to the noted destination.
Anton never cared a bit for him. Maybe Verlaine
Attempts to bypass this protocol will be regarded with
had nothing to do with the assassination, but on the
suspicion. As well, the guards are expecting other
other hand, just look at how rich he is now!
members of Verlaine’s force to make the delivery and
Terror in Freeport 13
- Part II: A Threatening Posture -
Milton's Dupe
Milton Drac is working with the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, using his office to carry out their sinister
designs. The Brotherhood assassinated Anton and elevated Milton to power so that he could push through the
lighthouse project—and the sinister plan behind it. And what a shill he’s been. He has nearly driven the city
into bankruptcy to pay for the construction, and he installed a member of the Brotherhood—Milos—as a special
adviser on the project.
Verlaine doesn’t know any of that. Sure, Drac may have killed his cousin Anton, but politicians have done
worse. As far as he knows, the lighthouse is just another opportunity for graft, albeit an
ostentatious one, and Milos was just an architect willing to work cheap. As for the serpent
temple, well—who knows the sort of things people get themselves involved in? But
Milos certainly wasn’t a snake-man himself. Serpent people are just savage brutes, and
that nest has been cleared out at any rate. All this talk of an ancient cult is just paranoia
from those crazy Knowledge God types.
The councilor believes that Drac’s hand-picked troops cleared out the temple
and destroyed the relics, while Verlaine’s own guards helped haul the loot
away. In reality, those “hand-picked troops” were actually members of
the Brotherhood. Even worse, they’ve created another temple of the
Unspeakable One in catacombs beneath Verlaine’s own home, transferring
the unholy ritual objects to the new site.
Verlaine’s political maneuvering—and hunger for the public
eye—will cost him dearly. As things are set up, all clues
point to him as the Brotherhood’s inside man, not Drac. By
tying Verlaine’s fortunes to those of the Brotherhood, while
leaving him unaware of that fact, Drac created the perfect
dupe. Verlaine doesn’t know enough to embarrass Drac
and wreck his plans—but he has enough at stake in Drac’s
plans to protect them, even if he isn’t aware of exactly what
they are. And the Sea Lord won’t hesitate to use that to his
14 Terror in Freeport
- Part II: A Threatening Posture -
20 Everybody knows Drac’s obsessed with that
of ‘em skulks off to a corner and starts jabbering
lighthouse. But some say it’s Verlaine who really
over the documents. Then one stomps back to me
wanted that thing built—he pushed it through the
desk and asks for ‘more ex-ten-sive plans.’
Council when nobody in his right mind would
“‘Just what would ye be meaning by that?’
says I. Sewers, he says. Plans showin’ how the
25 Verlaine’s got his hooks into everything in Free- sewers in the Eastern District match up with the
port. He bought up all the masonry outfits in town Merchant District and the rest of town. ‘They ain’t
just before Drac announced his plan for the light- no such maps,’ I tells him. ‘Sides, the sewers for
house. the Merchant District is sealed off, with their own
outlet, and the manholes need special keys, so no
Location 4: Office louts can go sneaking underground to rob them
rich folk. But they keeps at me, so I brings out
of Public Records what I got: street maps and old buildin’ records
an’ such. That gets ‘em excited.”
The Office of Public Records is a grandiose title for a
disorganized collection of papers stuffed into an old
storehouse in the Warehouse District. Pirates don’t tend to If the PCs ask for more information, Reed hauls out the
keep a lot of written records, so these documents largely maps the so-called Council agents were looking at. He
relate to recent history. It is tended by a craggy, gruff ex- grunts disgustedly and points at a grimy spot on an old
ship’s cook named Reed (male human Expert 2). He spends map of the Eastern District: “Lookit the mess they made!”
most of his day searching the files to settle disputes between The spot is almost exactly where the bricked-up house now
mariners and shipowners over who owes what to whom. stands, though on this older map there is what appears to
Reed’s attitude is initially unfriendly; he grudgingly be a sewer grating. Apparently this access was abandoned
supplies requested documents but offers no help. He’s and later covered up during the house’s construction. The
been through so many scrapes that he can’t be easily PCs can make out a rough fingerprint with a successful
threatened, and he’s comfortable enough that he can’t DC 15 Spot check, and if they look really closely, and
be easily bought (–5 penalty to Charisma-based skill succeed a DC 20 Spot check, they notice a faint tracing
checks to influence his attitude)—but he can be charmed. of a pathway through the Eastern District and the Docks
A sympathetic ear for his troubles, a few kind words neighborhood to the Merchant District.
about the state of his records, and he’s yours (+5 bonus After examining what records there are on Verlaine,
to Charisma-based skill checks). If the PCs win him over, the PCs learn that before he took office in the confused
he can guide them through stacks of records—an all-day days just after the assassination of Anton Drac, he was
job, but well worth the effort. If they get on his bad side, a wealthy but unremarkable merchant with stakes in
he becomes singularly unhelpful and snaps, “Who d’ye several ships sailing to and from Freeport. He became an
think you are—Verlaine’s thugs?” If the PCs can establish immediate presence on the Captains’ Council, dominating
or restore good relations with Reed, though, they’ll find meetings and managing to bend even the most reluctant
him quite talkative. councilors to his will. He amassed a power bloc and finally
managed to have himself elected head of the council. He
Verlaine strikes up an animated, if a bit then pushed through most of Drac’s platform, including a
grumpy, conversation. “I kin tell you ain’t with forceful argument for the lighthouse. While in office, he
Verlaine. Good. I’ve no love for him or his gang. has diversified his holdings, including a big chunk of the
Ye’ve got no patches—the V, you know—but that’s city’s masonry trade, and has grown considerably more
no guarantee. They come storming in here, out wealthy in the process. He currently oversees a number
o’ uniform sometimes, but I knows ‘em just the of projects for the Sea Lord, including construction of
same. A couple come in only last week, saying the lighthouse—and one of his main consultants on that
they was from the Council and de-mandin’ project was Milos.
maps—as if I’s put on this world to serve ‘em!
Horrible customers! No manners at all I tell you”
Reed struggles mightily to remember more
The Shakedown
details, piecing things together slowly. “They Meanwhile, plans within plans are swirling around
wants street maps fer the Eastern District an’ the PCs. Sea Lord Drac, having heard about their
Scurvytown. So I digs up the stuff, and the pair investigations from the Brotherhood, told Verlaine that
they must be out to embarrass the government and
sabotage the planned lighthouse festivities. Verlaine
Terror in Freeport 15
- Part II: A Threatening Posture -
takes the hint and arranges to have the PCs brought in for him. Verlaine is simply trying to protect his business
questioning; he figures if he turns up the heat a little, they interests and questionable political deals. The easiest
will get out of town and stay out. way to do this is to intimidate the PCs into leaving town.
Adapt the speech below as needed to suit the specific
Almost as soon as the party leaves the records office, a
circumstances of your campaign.
team of Verlaine’s guard approach, under the command
of Lloyd. The guard captain informs the PCs that their To the PCs, this may seem proof that Verlaine is in league
presence is requested at the Courts by Chief Councilor with the cultists. The party’s research suggests he has
Verlaine, in connection with their unlawful entry into a helped the Brotherhood gain wide access to the city,
restricted area—the serpent temple. including—for whatever reason—the lighthouse project,
and now he’s lying about it to cover his tracks. This is
The timing of this arrest is a complete coincidence. But
exactly how Drac planned things, of course.
play up the strangeness of it—and the omniscience it
seems to imply. (“Just as we were about to penetrate the
heart of their operation! Is there nowhere their diabolical A thin, stern man sweeps in through the double
claws cannot reach?”) doors. He is wearing rich robes of office on which
is embroidered the city seal and the now-familiar
If the PCs decide to fight, it’s going to be a challenge. If
emblem of Verlaine. The head of the Captain’s
they insist, conduct the combat until either the PCs are
Council glares at you a moment before launching
subdued (Verlaine doesn’t want them dead, just scared) or
into his speech.
the guards are routed. Use the statistics for Lloyd and the
“I’ve seen your type before. A bunch of
guards from 100 Wave Avenue, above. In the first scenario,
hooligans, stomping around in search of old junk
simply continue with the PCs being led to the Courts—a
and loose change. Some big bruiser, a sneaky
little bruised and battered, but in one piece. In the second,
creep who should be in jail, and someone to
skip to Part Three: The Serpent Strikes, but have the
patch you up when the goodies aren’t unguarded.
encounter occur on the street.
Usually a little guy in the gang too, just for
Location 5: The Courts “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t object to your
profession—the world needs you, if only to keep
The guards lead the PCs through the streets to a section of
the monsters down. But you people always go
the Old Town near Drac’s End.
too far. You’ve done good work for Freeport, but
that doesn’t give you the right to ignore the law.
Lloyd calls a halt when you reach a large I remind you that breaking and entering is still a
plaza. On the opposite end of the square is a crime here. This isn’t a dungeon. It’s a city, and a
wide, low-slung building made of gray stone. The damned important one, too.
seal of the city is carved above a pair of imposing “I don’t know what you were doing down
steel doors. “Come on,” Lloyd says. “You’ll be there in the temple. Maybe looking for some loot
waiting here. The Courts.” you left behind the first time. Or maybe meeting
friends. I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. I don’t
want you in this city one more day. You’ll clear
The guards take the PCs inside and leave them in a large, out of here by dawn. There are plenty of boats you
open area filled with benches. The PCs are disarmed, can take. I own most of them.”
but their weapons are placed in view, though out of their
reach. The guards make it clear they are expected to wait
patiently—and peacefully—until Verlaine arrives. If they Verlaine's Drift
start any trouble, two dozen constables will be down their
throats in a flash. Verlaine grudgingly allows the PCs to talk, but he’s not
about to let anything slip (although questions about the
deliveries to his house make him visibly nervous for a
An Impressive Performance moment before he regains control). Have a speaker for the
Verlaine gives the PCs some time to stew before making PCs make Diplomacy checks to gauge his general reaction.
his entrance. He recognizes them from their work exposing Below are his responses to the most likely questions.
the hidden temple, but he doesn’t cut them any slack.
• Do you know anything about Drac’s intentions?
He thinks they’re working for his political enemies and
that they want to link him to the serpent people to cause The Sea Lord has a lot of enemies who whisper behind
a scandal. Perhaps they are aiming to have him removed his back, then run away when he turns around. He’s
from office or reveal his business holdings and embarrass done more for this town that most people appreciate.
16 Terror in Freeport
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
• Are you working with Drac? • What about the deliveries to your house from the
We both have a stake in keeping Freeport the greatest
maritime city in the world. And we’re the best ones to Those beasts stole a lot from this city—a good chunk
do that job. of it from me and my businesses. I’m simply taking
back what’s mine.
• How did you get involved with Milos?
• Do you know anything about the bricks being deliv-
It’s no secret the town brought in many consultants for
ered to you?
the lighthouse project. Do you really think something
of that size sails on one engineer’s say-so? Milos was Bricks? In a wrecked temple? How should I know?
one of those advisers. I can’t keep up with the personal Maybe the snakes were doing some construction.
life of every single city employee, though of course Maybe they broke into one of the delivery crates and
we’re grateful you uncovered the threat. used it to haul their own garbage.
• How are things going with the temple cleanup? • The city records suggest some suspicious activities.
What do you have to say?
The operation is proceeding. Do you think I’m not
concerned about monsters under our feet? I want them If you’re trying to dig up dirt, you’ll have to try harder
gone as much as anyone else. than that. Everything I’ve done is a matter of public
record. You’re hardly the first to disapprove of city
• Did you know there are still serpent people there?
government. More people than I can count have tried
How do people like you keep doing what you do? I’ll to find some stain in my background. They’ve all gone
tell you how—every time a gang plunders a ruin, the home disappointed.
place is infested again in no time. Monsters are tough
Verlaine isn’t likely to answer all of these questions, and
to keep down. We’re doing what we can. What more do
he certainly won’t address more or allow any follow-ups.
you want?
When he’s had enough (that is, on a poor Diplomacy
• Are you sure any cleanup work is being done? check), he snorts a curt goodbye and leaves. His orders to
Lloyd: Show them a bad time, then put them on the first
How dare you question my authority? Why don’t you
boat out of Freeport. Milton Drac, however, has other
worry about your next crypt robbery and let me handle
plans for the PCs—and his onetime henchman.
the policing of this city.
Terror in Freeport 17
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
In which the adventurers learn that some poisons are not immediately fatal.
At this point, the PCs probably aren’t sure what Verlaine
intends for them. Lloyd and his guards start advancing, “Friends, I’m glad I found you in time. I don’t
making threatening comments, intending to intimidate the know what these brutes intended for you, but I
PCs into getting out of town and staying out. To the PCs, can only assume it was what they have planned
though, it appears that the soldiers are toying with them for poor Lucius. Yes. The serpent people have
before the kill. Keep the players thinking this as long as taken him again.”
you can without hostilities actually breaking out.
Just as things are looking darkest, the doors burst open, “Egil” leads the PCs out the door, glances both ways down
and in rushes—Brother Egil! The guards are surprised the street, and urges the group down a quiet lane. He looks
to see him, but defer to his status as an official of the around nervously, then fills them in on the situation.
Knowledge God’s temple. Besides, it isn’t their job to
harass respectable citizens—they’re just giving some Making it Plausible
undesirables the bum’s rush. Brother Egil approaches
Adapt the following as needed to make it sound as
Lloyd and shares some quiet words. The guard captain
believable as possible. For example, if the PCs have
appears unconvinced, until Egil produces a scroll and
reported their findings to Egil in some form, include those
hands it to him. Lloyd examines it, grunts, and shrugs. He
discussions here.
calls back his guards and allows the PCs to collect their
weapons. Egil bows stiffly and comes over to the party.
“It all happened so quickly,” Egil says. “I was
Saved in the nick of time by their old comrade! Little do
just down the hall from him when I heard a short,
the PCs know it’s not really Brother Egil but an agent of
sharp cry. I raced to his chamber to find papers
the Brotherhood, Nikko, leading them into a trap. Nikko is
on the floor, the desk upended—chaos. I hurried
skilled in the art of disguise and has enhanced this talent
into the street but saw nothing. I knew you were
with a pigment of disguise; seeing through the disguise
my only chance, but when I asked at the inn, you
requires a Spot check opposed by Nikko’s Disguise check
hadn’t been seen in some time.
(at a +10 bonus for the pigment). The pseudo-Egil speaks:
“I knew the serpents could not have taken you
by force, as they took Lucius; it had to be some
human agency, even if it was disguised. When I
asked a member of the City Watch, he confirmed
you had been taken to the Courts. Fortunately, my
order still carries considerable weight in this city.
High priest Thuron and I found a sympathetic
councilor to write up an order making your group
wards of our temple, protecting you from arrest
and bringing death upon anyone who harms you.
“So you are safe for now, my friends—from
those lackeys, at least. But there is still the
matter of Lucius. I fear the serpents intend to
complete the job they started a month ago. I don’t
know where they could have taken him, though.
Their temple is empty now and cleared of its
blasphemous evil.”
18 Terror in Freeport
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
The Real Story
The Sea Lord is eminently practical. The lighthouse—and the horrible task it will perform for the
Brotherhood—is rapidly approaching completion. He certainly doesn’t need adventurers bringing any suspicion
on the project now that it’s so close to completion. Nor does he need Verlaine to start asking questions—the
man’s a toady, but the PCs just might arouse his curiosity.
So Drac has concocted a scheme to get rid of the PCs and Verlaine in one swoop. He plans to have Verlaine
butchered by the Brotherhood, and make it appear the PCs did it. Meanwhile, he has sent an agent to lure the
PCs to certain death—while planting evidence that purports to show they were working with the Brotherhood.
Just out of spite, he also plans to destroy the Temple to the God of Knowledge, tarring the clerics with the same
brush. Losing Verlaine is unfortunate, but the lighthouse will do its work soon enough—and Verlaine wouldn’t
have survived that, anyway.
The Sea Lord, and the Brotherhood, have always had it in for the God of Knowledge clerics and their prying
into secret affairs. When Egil indirectly caused the discovery of the serpent temple, that was the last straw. Drac
has been waiting for an opportunity ever since to put paid to their temple. Now he has one.
His plan is devious and intricate. The PCs are being led into a deathtrap, while Egil is to be branded with the
Yellow Sign deep in the new temple to the Unspeakable One. Meanwhile, Brotherhood agents, disguised as
Knowledge God clerics, will enter the temple. They plan to neutralize the clerics long enough to kill them and
brand each with the Yellow Sign. Verlaine is to be eliminated by a cult assassin, who will leave unmistakable
proof the adventurers were responsible.
The following day, Drac will make a announcement to the stunned city: The temple to the God of Knowledge
was the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign! Councilor Verlaine had suspected as much for a long time, and hired
the adventurers to infiltrate its ranks and produce proof. They paid Verlaine back in part, by bringing the serpent
temple to light, but betrayed him by keeping the larger secret. They simultaneously betrayed the Brotherhood by
revealing its base and then blackmailing the cult. The Brotherhood agreed to pay them off in exchange for getting
rid of Verlaine. The adventurers were themselves double-crossed when the Brotherhood refused to pay. The
adventurers took to arms; the Brotherhood fell. It all ended with even more bloodshed: The adventurers tried to
hide out in a concrete factory owned by Verlaine, but fell victim to their own greed when the crushing machinery
was activated. Thus, the city had lost a treasured politician, but it was rid of the serpent menace forever.
A lot to swallow—but, for most of the old salts in town, such a tale of treachery would ring true. The details
are sufficiently vague and suggestive. Drac also plans to surreptitiously circulate the “real” story to convince
the conspiracy theorists and the free thinkers—Verlaine himself was mixed up with the Brotherhood, and he
brought in the adventurers to force a more favorable arrangement. Everybody crossed everybody, and left a lot
of bodies to count.
But Drac never counted on the ingenuity and toughness—or sheer luck—of the average party of adventurers.
“Egil” (Nikko): 15 hp, Disguise +6 (+16 with potion), see Pigment of Disguise
Appendix I: Statistics for details. This small jar of swirling blue glass measures
3-inches in diameter and about 1-inch deep and
Development has a polished brass metal cap. Inside is a white
If the PCs are suspicious and refuse to follow “Egil,” he cream. When a user applies the paste to the face
tries to guilt them into a rescue operation by announcing and concentrates on a desired appearance, the
that he’ll undertake the mission himself, and help be cream changes color and consistency, altering the
damned. If this display doesn’t melt their hearts, and users features as if under the effect of the alter
they check things out at the Knowledge God’s temple, self spell. The effects last for 30 minutes.
they find Lucius alive and well—and Egil missing
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous
without explanation. At that point, either the basement of
Item, alter self; Price 1,500 gp; Weight —.
Verlaine’s house or the sewers of the Eastern District are
the most promising avenues of investigation.
Terror in Freeport 19
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
The Sewers of
0 500 Feet
20 Terror in Freeport
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
15 Listen and Spot checks. On a success, the PCs hear in the city’s masonry business, the Brotherhood easily
scuffling and splashing in adjacent tunnels and spot claw installed an agent to assist in a scheme that will eliminate
marks on the walkways. This serves only to heighten the the meddling adventurers for good. The “secret” door
tension; the echoing passages make it impossible to track opens into a storage bin, where limestone is dumped
down the sounds accurately. before being ground up for cement manufacture. The
Brotherhood’s fiendish plan: to incorporate the PCs
On the edge of the Merchant District the passage is
themselves in the masonry of the Lighthouse of Drac!
supposed to be blocked by an iron grating, cemented
in place. But a successful DC 8 Spot check reveals that
the bars have been sawed through in the middle. It is a Rocks and a
simple matter to remove them and step through. After
that, the signs point to a seeming dead end not much Hard Place (EL 5)
farther: a bricked-up tunnel. A successful DC 10 Search
A latch is found; the door opens easily. And so the trap is
check allows the character to discern the outline of a
door in the passageway tiles. (Note that dwarves passing
within 10 ft. of unusual stonework, and elves passing
within 5 ft. of any secret door, get to make Search checks The wall swings open to reveal a thick, dusty
as if actively searching.) darkness. You can just make out what appears to
be a small room, barely 10 feet by 10 feet, with
You thinking finding the “door to the temple” is a bit
a low ceiling, only about 6 feet above the floor.
too easy? It sure is. The Brotherhood wanted to make
Massive shapes, indistinguishable in the dark, are
sure the PCs found this opening. The real door to the
scattered about.
new temple site is much more artfully concealed (DC 25
Search check), a little way back up the corridor. Unless
the PCs are suspicious, the obvious signs of passage keep Looking closely reveals these shapes are heaps of irregular
them from noticing this. Should they detect the real door, rock chunks. Most are piled up around the edges of the
however, or defeat Nikko as he attempts to trap them, skip room, though a few boulders are lying loose on the floor.
this section and move on to The Serpent’s Nest. The air is heavy with a chalky-smelling dust.
Where the cultist has really been guiding the PCs is to a If the PCs enter this room, “Egil” slams the door behind
masonry factory on the edge of the Warehouse District, them, locking the PCs in. There is no keyhole or catch on
not far from Verlaine’s house. With Verlaine’s involvement this side, so Open Lock can’t be used.
Terror in Freeport 21
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
Should the PCs hesitate, “Egil” attempts to persuade them
with anxious comments about the danger poor Lucius is in.
Round 4
If most have entered, he tries to push the last one in; treat The floor tips to a 45-degree angle. The hinged wall
this as a bull rush attack. gapes wide, and the two massive grinding cylinders are
easily visible. The noise is unbelievable (Listen checks
Door: 2 in. thick; Hard 5; hp 20; AC 5; Break DC 20.
are now impossible), as large masses of rock are jostled
and ground between them. The remaining rock in the
Countdown to Doom chamber slides rapidly into the machinery, requiring each
The next few events follow in rapid succession, with a character to succeed four DC 10 Reflex saves or take 1d6
total elapsed time of 5 rounds. This means that the PCs points of damage for each failure. The steeply canted
cannot take 10 or take 20 on skill checks—if they’re in this floor is almost impossible to stand on, and requires a DC
jam, they’ll have to act quickly to save themselves. 25 Balance check to avoid sliding down to the waiting
death below (see Round 5 for details). A DC 20 Strength
Round 1 check allows a character to wedge into a corner.
Once the door is closed, the confederate in the mill engages Round 5
the gears that connect the factory’s steam-driven wheel to the
crushing apparatus. The room begins to shake, and the PCs The bin bounces several times to shake loose any
can hear the roar of machinery starting up. Some rocks slide remaining rock (and PCs). Only a successful DC 25
from the heaps; have each PC make a DC 10 Reflex save Strength check can prevent a character from falling into
to avoid being struck for 1d6 points of damage. If the PCs the grinding machinery.
somehow get above the floor level, no Reflex save is required. Characters who fall into the crusher take 6d6 points of
The PCs may be able to notice, with a successful DC 10 damage each round. This is almost certain death unless
Spot check, the ceiling of the chamber is hinged, with a they can find a way to climb out before succumbing to the
seam running through the middle. The two halves fold damage, requiring a DC 40 Climb check or a DC 40 Jump
back to allow rock to be dumped in from carts on the ramp check to escape.
outside; the hinges are on the outside. An average lock
holds the bin top closed and requires a DC 20 Open Locks Round 6
check to open, or a DC 25 Strength check to burst.
The bin returns to its standby position and the hinged
wall closes. The grinding racket continues for the
Round 2 next two minutes, however. After that time, the cult
The machinery roars and the shaking of the room confederate (who has been watching through the opening
intensifies. More rocks tumble from the heaps, requiring opposite) opens the top bin doors slightly to make sure
each character to succeed two DC 10 Reflex saves or take the job is done.
1d6 points of damage for each failure.
The PCs may be able to see, with a successful DC 10 Spot
check, the wall opposite the secret door is also hinged, The operator is competent at his job, but more useful as an
opening outward from the top (the rock spills out into the “inside man” for Brotherhood schemes such as Nikko’s trap.
grinding machinery). A successful DC 20 Strength check Lon, cult confederate: 4 hp, see Appendix I: Statistics
can lift it, revealing the crushers a few feet below. On the for details.
opposite wall, 10 feet away, there is a small opening through
which the operator (Lon) can observe the process; it is wide Development
enough to admit a Small creature. A Medium character could
The PCs can investigate the masonry factory if they so
slip through the window with a DC 30 Escape Artist check.
choose. The place is called Crocker’s Brick and Mortar,
and it’s only a few minutes away from Verlaine’s house.
Round 3 Crocker (male human Exp3), the owner of the place,
The floor tips slightly and the hinged wall hangs partially doesn’t know much. He’s made a lot of money from the
open. The rock heaps begin to slide downward and out lighthouse scheme but he’ll be furious if his machinery
into the pit, requiring each character to succeed two Reflex has been wrecked. If the PCs describe the operator they
saves or take 1d6 points of damage for each failure. In saw, Crocker identifies him as Lon, a new employee.
addition, each character must succeed a DC 10 Balance “He kept to himself,” Crocker says, “and spent a lot of
check to avoid sliding out the door and into the crushing time praying.” After the death trap is sprung, Lon never
mechanism (see Round 5 for details). returns to work.
22 Terror in Freeport
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
Terror in Freeport 23
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
to make it down without a tumble. If they use a rope, drop A DC 15 Survival check reveals clear serpent tracks along
the DC to 0. Any character who falls suffers 2d6 damage the floors, as well as signs that numerous heavy objects
(less than normal due to the slope). have been dragged through.
2. Corridor 4. Storeroom
The ramp ends in a rock wall ahead and to This room, a rough ellipse about 20 feet wide,
the left; to the right a corridor, higher than the is obviously a storage area. Shelves line the
ramp but just as narrow, extends straight for walls, nailed into the rock with long spikes. There
some 35 feet. are cartons of all shapes and sizes stacked on the
wooden planks.
24 Terror in Freeport
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
serpents. Against the far wall of the room is a
desk, whose top is uncluttered.
The Real Story
Everything in The True and Secrette Historie of the
Brotherhoode of Free-Port is true—except for the
The obscure volumes are difficult to understand even with final detail. The document is a plant, which Drac
a successful DC 30 Decipher Script check, which leaves plans to flourish to great effect during his speech
a sense of disquiet but nothing of practical use. The entire after tonight’s scheduled bloodbath. “A history found
collection might fetch 300 gp from a collector. If the PCs in the very clutches of the serpents themselves,” he
search the desk, they find the drawers full of writing paper will announce, “proves that the Knowledge God
and ink. A more careful examination, DC 15 Search check, clerics were actually the Brotherhood all along!”
uncovers a small book bound in leather.
Terror in Freeport 25
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
The brazier contains a branding iron with the Yellow successful DC 30 Decipher Script check can reveal certain
Sign cast into it. Egil tells the PCs that the serpents were key details—enough to raise their suspicions (see Handout
planning to brand him, for some purpose he could not C). This is the outline of Drac’s speech to the city, and it’s an
understand. He doesn’t remember much more, though. He important piece of evidence. Egil can suggest that someone
was ambushed while on an errand for the temple. What at the temple might be able to translate it.
followed were several hours of nightmare—the only thing
he remembers clearly is a voice saying, “After tonight,
your kind will be out of the way for good.”
Location 8:
Searching around the temple, the PCs uncover a hidden niche Verlaine's House
if they succeed a DC 12 Search check containing a document
While they’re standing near the altar, the PCs can notice
entirely in serpent tongue and inscribed with the Yellow
with a successful DC 15 Spot check, the candle flames and
Sign. They can make out their own names, interspersed
incense smoke flicker in an unseen source of air. A bit of
occasionally in Common, but without the assistance of
poking around, and a DC 12 Search check, reveals a secret
someone fluent in the serpent tongue (or a comprehend
door behind the statue of the Unspeakable One. It is a
languages spell), they can glean little from this document. A
ramp leading up—a twin of the one that descended into the
catacombs. The PCs must again make DC 5 Climb checks
(or DC 0 if using a rope) to safely ascend.
At the top is another door, easily opened, which leads into
Verlaine’s wine cellar.
1. Wine Cellar
The door opens onto a large cellar well
stocked with interesting vintages. There is a single
staircase going up at the far end of the room.
2. Main Hall
The stairs lead up to a hallway, about 40
feet long. At the near end is a door, which is
open; at the far end another door is also ajar.
To the left is a staircase going up. As you
approach the stairs, you hear a cry of agony
from the second floor.
The near door opens into the kitchen, while the far door
exits to the street. None of Verlaine’s regular house guard
are to be seen.
3. Kitchen
The kitchen is small but well-appointed. The
larder is full of spices and a variety of smoked
meats and fish; the cabinets are filled with
numerous finely crafted sets of silverware and
26 Terror in Freeport
- Part III: The Serpent Strikes -
A cursory look at the cabinets, requiring a DC 15 Spot 7. Bedroom (EL 6)
check or a DC 10 Search check, reveals the silverware is
in disarray, and much of it seems to be missing.
You throw open the door on a bedchamber
done up in dark oak and lined with heavy
4. Living Room wardrobes, with a canopy bed in the center.
Under ordinary circumstances, it would be a
This is a richly furnished room, full of warm, comfortable hideaway, but now it has been
overstuffed couches, chairs, and divans, with turned into an abattoir. The bed holds what’s
large bay windows overlooking the street and left of Councilor Verlaine; on the carpet lie four
a fireplace against the far wall. On the mantle members of his personal guard, including his
are trophies of indeterminate origin. Over it is a captain, Lloyd. All have been hacked almost
portrait of an elder Verlaine. beyond recognition.
5. Dining Room
A lavish meal is laid out on a long table of
polished oakwood. The silver plates and utensils
mark Verlaine’s station well. Their delicate etchings
are artfully rendered, and seem designed to show
that Verlaine is not just a rich man, but a man of
taste. The sumptuous food spread across the table is
untouched and ice cold. It seems the good councilor
was too occupied to enjoy his own luxury.
6. Bathroom
Other than a bit of a smell, there is nothing of interest in
the bathroom.
Terror in Freeport 27
- Part IV: The Siege -
Creatures could be serious repercussions later, or at least a lot of
explaining to do.)
When the PCs are inside the room, they get a nasty
surprise—a Brotherhood assassin, Slaan, springs out of McNeil possesses a rough map of the temple to the God
a wardrobe behind them! Have Slaan make a Hide check of Knowledge—with arrows pointing to the entrances to
opposed to the PC’s Spot checks to determine surprise. the building (see Handout D). Slaan also has a document,
After the first round, his accomplice, McNeil, joins him, as written in Common, allegedly addressed to the PCs by
he was nearby, rummaging through the Study in Room 8. Verlaine (see Handout E for the full text).
28 Terror in Freeport
- Part IV: The Siege -
In Which The Adventurers Fight For Their Lives, And a Snake Sheds His Skin
The PCs, with Egil in tow, can slip out of Verlaine’s place
fairly easily. They can use the secret passage again or try
4. The Great Atrium
the street—the other guards on the block aren’t paid to This enormous atrium is lit by skylights set in the ceiling
watch any buildings but their own, and they don’t pay the 100 feet above. The walls are lined with archways leading
adventurers much mind. to the living quarters of the temple and on the upper levels
to the scroll and book stacks. Numerous staircases line the
If the PCs try to contact a member of the Watch on the
walls of the atrium in a criss-crossing pattern that allows
way back to the temple of the God of Knowledge, they
access to the many levels of the temple.
find that, mysteriously, none are to be found. Drac has
pulled them back to the Courts and the Council building A. Statues
on a pretence of heightened security, so as to facilitate the
temple invasion. These statues can represent either a manifestation of the
God of Knowledge or renowned heroes of the priesthood.
Their exact appearance is left up to you to customize for
Location 9: your campaign.
The Temple of the God B. The Radiant Arch
of Knowledge A steady, bright, yellowish light always illuminates this
archway. This represents the light of knowledge and is the
This temple is the center of worship of the God of center of worship for the priesthood. If this does not fit in
Knowledge in Freeport. There are 26 10 ft. by 10 ft. cells with your campaign please feel free to customize it to your
and 2 10 ft. by 15 ft. cells that house the priests on the first liking.
floor. The two rear towers house the High Priest and his
second in command. The upper floors contain all of the 5. Priest Cells
library stacks and documents. The side doors to the temple
are locked from the outside but can be used as exits as they All of the areas marked 5 on the map represent the cells
unlock from the inside. The upper levels of the temple are that house the priests and acolytes of the temple. They are
not described in detail, as they do not play a part in this sparsely furnished and normally house 2-4 priests each.
6. High Priest's Offices
1. Reception Desk This room is the office of the high priest of the temple.
All visitors to the temple are greeted here at a long desk From here he conducts the day-to-day business of running
by the priest who is on duty. He is responsible for pointing the temple. There are always two acolytes here waiting on
visitors in the right direction and generally greeting all the high priest when he is at work. Lockable sliding panels
those who visit the temple. Those who seek an audience can close off the archways leading to this area if necessary.
with the leaders of the temple are shown to one of the two
sitting rooms marked area 2 on the map. A friendly wizard 7. Office of the
has cast a permanent alarm spell on a small gem under
the desk. If touched by the priest an alarm bell will ring High Priest's Assistant
throughout the atrium and the temple priests arrive quickly This room is the same as area 6 except that a priest, second
to meet any threat. in command at the temple, uses it.
Terror in Freeport 29
- Part IV: The Siege -
1. Reception Desk
2. Sitting Rooms
3. Access Towers
4. The Great Atrium
5. Priest Cells
6. High Priest's Offices
7. Office of the High Priest's Assistants
8. High Priest's Tower
9. Assistant's Tower
30 Terror in Freeport
- Part IV: The Siege -
order hunted down and murdered one by one. We
will make our stand, and we will trust in our god The Real Story
to protect us.
Both groups are fakes, composed of human
“My friends, I would ask you to stay and
cultists disguised thanks to a wand of alter self
help. I will give you all the rewards this simple
and artfully smeared with blood from the local
order can spare. We may have the god on our
slaughterhouse. A Spot check to see through the
side—but steel never hurt, either, as you well
disguise is opposed by Disguise checks at a +10
circumstance bonus. The Brotherhood murdered
the unfortunate clerics and appropriated their
If the PCs agree to help, Thuron suggests they wait at garb.
the entrances marked on the map. He figures that the The group at the western door is led by K’Ral,
Brotherhood planned to catch the clerics asleep and a serpent cleric in human form. K’Ral didn’t
unprepared. With any luck, they won’t realize their scheme expect to find the PCs here; the plan was to be
has been found out and will simply attack as planned. let in, then wreak havoc after the clerics went to
Egil and Thuron move off to rouse the clerics. The PCs bed. She quickly concocted the attack story in an
just about make it to the marked entrances as the doors attempt to take control of the new situation. The
start to open. rest of the cultists are clever enough to follow her
lead and act realistically.
The Brotherhood If Slaan or McNeil made their escape
from Verlaine’s house, Slaan is with the
Attacks (EL 6) unaccompanied clerics and McNeil is with
The PCs are confronted by five Knowledge God clerics K’Ral’s group. Slaan’s presence raises the EL to
at each entrance, many of whom sport wicked wounds. 8; McNeil’s presence or absence does not affect
These persons claim that they were out picking up the EL.
groceries and dry goods for the temple (which they
can produce on demand). While passing through a
darkened street in the Old City, they were ambushed subsequent checks at DC 15 can detect the odor around
by shadowy figures in robes, carrying long, crooked other clerics as well. Only about half of them have a
knives. Everything happened too quickly for them to detectable smell, though; some are infiltrators in city
see anything. They got away but are sure they were institutions who have been living above ground.
being followed, so they split up to try to throw off their
If questioned about their backgrounds, or about the
pursuers. If the PCs call on Thuron or Egil, they identify
Knowledge God’s temple, the disguised cultists become
the clerics as legitimate.
evasive. They can give plausible enough answers to
general questions on temple operations, and even the
Uncovering the Ruse layout of their rooms (Milos did very complete surveys).
Most of the false clerics attempt to confuse the situation But they start to fall down on personal questions—lies
by shouting out conflicting suggestions: evacuate, call the that can be detected by magic.
Watch, leave the temple to take care of its own, and so In the unlikely event the PCs don’t reveal any of the
on. K’Ral acts reasonable, although scared, not obviously imposters, Thuron can step in to lend a hand, explaining
villainous. She even suggests using detect magic or that he has a “special skill” in this area.
discern lies as a good way to test for intruders. She’s
wearing a ring of mind shielding, which conceals her true Creatures
intention from prying spellcasters, and hopes to salvage
the operation at the cost of the rest of the strike squad. Once revealed, or if Thuron takes action to identify the
intruders, K’Ral gives the attack order.
A DC 20 Spot check lets a character notice the heavy
gold ring on K’Ral’s finger. If that doesn’t raise K’Ral: 25 hp; Disguise +0 (+10 with change shape), see
suspicion, have the character make an DC 15 Intelligence Appendix I: Statistics for details.
check to remember something Egil said long ago: His Cultists (10): 8, 9, 10, 10, 11 hp (east entrance); 7, 9, 9,
order takes a vow of poverty. 9, 10 hp (west entrance); Disguise +6 (+8 to act in
character) (+16/+18 with alter self), see Appendix I:
Failing that, try another DC 20 Spot Check to notice a Statistics for details.
faint scent of caves on one of the “clerics.” On a success,
Terror in Freeport 31
- Part IV: The Siege -
Tactics If this all sounds like too much hassle, you can make the
Brotherhood attack come from only one direction, and pile
If they’re identified, half of the disguised cultists rush everyone into one location for the final showdown. PCs
Thuron, the rest at Egil. To confuse the situation, K’Ral may thus waste precious time guarding a safe location, and
pretends to defend the temple (holding back her blows; the they’ll have to hustle to help their friends fight off the real
blood disguises this fact) until she can get a clear shot at attack.
the party’s most obvious threat, such as a tough fighter or a
wizard. She attacks individual PCs in descending order of Aftermath:
perceived danger and tries for flanking bonuses whenever
possible, taking advantage of the general confusion to Thuron's Confession
avoid being noticed as the attacker. She’ll attempt an
After the battle, Thuron, Egil, and the other surviving
opportunistic attack on Thuron if at all possible (although
clerics work healing magic on the adventurers. Once he
the aged cleric is tougher than he looks).
is sure the temple is secure, Thuron leads the PCs and
Unless K’Ral is revealed by the time the fight is over, she Brother Egil to the temple tombs.
is still in a position to cause great damage to the temple.
Looking around after the fight, the PCs may realize with
The tombs are cold, dark, and deathly still,
a DC 15 Spot check their erstwhile ally is nowhere to be
but the feeling is reverent rather than grim. A
seen. A search of the temple finds a couple of the cells
luminescent moss hangs from the marble wall,
locked. In one of these, K’Ral has already dispatched
giving off a hint of sandalwood and a gentle
a pair of minor temple attendants, and she is in the
yellow glow. Thuron runs his hands along the
process of putting the sword to two more in the other. If
moss and chuckles softly to himself. Then he
interrupted, she fights to the death in an effort to do as
lowers his eyes.
much damage as possible.
“Here I must make a confession. I have lied to
Creatures (Allies) you all. I went astray for the best of reasons—but
nonetheless I went astray. I can only swear to you
Thuron and Egil were able to rouse twenty clerics to I had no part in what you are about to see.”
help in the defense of the temple, who begin appearing a With that, Thuron speaks a few hushed
round or two after the cultists arrive at the entrances. The syllables in prayer and slides open a crypt. There
resident priests are not skilled combatants, but will trust in is a rush of air, a billow of incense, and you find
Thuron’s leadership in the battle (or in his absence, that of yourself looking at the body of—Thuron! He
a charismatic PC). The old priest may hold a few acolytes seems eminently peaceful in death.
back to cast healing and protective spells on the PCs, as “I am not Thuron, as you can see. My name is
they represent the temple’s best hope for a successful K’Stallo. I am the last priest of Yig.
defense. “The Brotherhood were not the only serpent
Thuron: 23 hp, see Appendix I: Statistics for details. people to survive the destruction of Valossa with
Brother Egil: hp 15, see Appendix I: Statistics for their intellects intact. Yig preserved some of his
details. faithful in the farthest corners of the world. But
Clergy of the God of Knowledge (20): hp 5 each, see evil—and stupidity—have a greater attraction
Appendix I: Statistics for details. over the centuries than does peaceful worship.
Many of my number reverted to simple animals,
Development or worse yet, joined the Brotherhood.
“Lucius found us, during his wanderings, in a
In the unlikely event that Thuron is killed in the battle, small mountain village far to the north. I realized
the PCs are in for a nasty surprise: The old priest’s body the knowledge he had accumulated might be able
reverts to the horrid form of a serpent man! Egil knows to lead us to a closer communion with Yig—an
nothing of this and reacts with shock. In this situation, understanding of the divine that has all but faded
you’ll have to convert much of the conversation below into away over the centuries. So I followed him during
documents hidden in the high priest’s quarters. his search. I followed him home.
“I slipped into this temple in human guise one
Options evening to look through the scrolls Lucius had
You may find that running a simultaneous combat at two brought back from his wanderings. While I was
different locations is confusing. A good way to handle searching, I discovered Thuron dead at his desk.
this is to simply have one big initiative order and treat the His heart had given out during the night. At that
whole affair as a single combat. You may find that using
miniatures helps you remember who is at each location.
32 Terror in Freeport
- Part IV: The Siege -
Adventure Seeds
You may want to run some interim adventures before moving on to Madness in Freeport. Some adventure seeds
follow. Tales in Freeport also has some suitable short adventures.
A New Ally
K’Stallo’s fate is left vague at the end of the adventure. He may simply leave the city, and put it on the PCs
to explain the death of Thuron. Alternately, he may conspire with the PCs to keep up his charade. If K’Stallo
continues his impersonation, he can find out all sorts of interesting information. He could easily unearth items
of interest and then send the PCs on missions throughout the city or beyond. A typical adventure might be the
location and exploration of serpent people ruins on an obscure island.
A Finger a Week
The PCs run into Brother Egil one day, and noticed that he’s been roughed up. He brushes off the incident,
blaming it on local toughs. A few days later they see him again, and his left hand is bandaged. It seems that
the good brother is missing his pinky finger. A little prodding and Egil shares his shameful secret. As the PCs
may recall, Egil’s order takes a vow of poverty. And yet Egil had a large amount of gold to hire the PCs on two
different occasions. As it turns out, he borrowed the gold from a moneylender and now it’s time to pay the man
back. Brother Egil hasn’t been able to raise the money, so the moneylender’s thugs have taken his pinky, and
promised to take another finger for each week the cleric doesn’t pay. The PCs may take it upon themselves to
get involved, thus encountering the criminal underworld of Freeport for the first time. They may take on the
moneylender, but he has powerful friends…
Terror in Freeport 33
- Appendix I: Statistics -
- Appendix I: Statistics -
Townsfolk and Friendly or +0 ranged; AL NG; SV Fort –1, Ref +0, Will +2; Str 9,
Dex 11, Con 8, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 13.
Characters Skills and Feats: Craft (bookbinding) +7, Decipher
The following individuals are potential allies for the player Script +10, Gather Information +5, Knowledge (arcana)
characters. +7, Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (history)
+7, Knowledge (planes) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7,
Profession (librarian) +5, Speak Language (Common and
Brother Egil any 7 others); Skill Focus (Decipher Script), Skill Focus
Male Human Cleric 2: CR 2; Medium humanoid; HD (Knowledge: Geography).
2d8+2; hp 15; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 10,
flatfooted 10; Base Atk +1; Grp +1; Atk/Full Atk +1 Thuron, a.k.a. K'Stallo
melee (1d6, club); SA turn undead (4/day); AL NG; SV
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Male Civilized Serpent Person Cleric 4: CR 4;
Wis 14, Cha 13. Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger); HD 4d8;
hp 23; Init +4; Spd 30 ft., swim 15 ft.; AC 11, touch
Skills and Feats: Concentration +4, Decipher Script +3, 10, flatfooted 11; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk/Full Atk
Heal +5, Knowledge (religion) +3, Profession (scribe) +5; +4 melee (1d6+1, club); SA turn undead (4/day); SQ
Enlarge Spell, Scribe Scroll. darkvision 60 ft., change shape; AL CG; SV Fort +4,
Cleric Spells Prepared (4/3+1; save DC 12 + spell Ref +1, Will +7; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16,
level): 0—detect magic, guidance (x2), light; 1st—bless, Cha 13.
protection from evil*, sanctuary, shield of faith. Skills and Feats: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +2,
* Domain Spell. Domains: Good (+1 to cast good spells); Disguise +1 (+11 with change shape), Escape Artist +4,
Knowledge (+1 to cast divinations). Hide +6, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (religion)
+9, Move Silently +2; Combat Casting, Improved
Possessions: Club, holy symbol. InitiativeB, Still Spell.
Change Shape (Su): Change shape to Small or Medium
Clergy of the God of Knowledge humanoid form, 3/day. Loses swim Speed in humanoid
Male and Female Human Cleric 1: CR 1; Medium form.
humanoid; HD 1d8; hp 4 (average); Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC
Cleric Spells Prepared (5/4+1/3+1; save DC 13 +
11, touch 11, flatfooted 10; Base Atk +0; Grp –1; Atk/Full
spell level): 0—detect magic, light, purify food and
Atk -1 melee (1d6, club); SA turn undead (2/day); AL NG;
drink, read magic, resistance; 1st—bless, comprehend
SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +4; Str 9, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 12,
languages, detect secret doors*, remove fear, sanctuary;
Wis 14, Cha 8.
2nd—augury, detect thoughts*, hold person, remove
Skills and Feats: Concentration +2, Heal +5, Knowledge paralysis.
(religion) +5, Knowledge (any one) +8, Profession (scribe)
*Domain Spell. Domains: Knowledge (+1 to cast
+6; Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge [any one]).
divinations); Magic (use spell completion and spell trigger
Cleric Spells Prepared (3/2+1; save DC 12 + spell level): items as Wizard 2).
0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, light; 1st—bless,
Possessions: Club, key ring (on which are keys to places
protection from evil*, sanctuary.
unknown in the temple to the God of Knowledge), holy
* Domain Spell. Domains: Good (+1 to cast good spells); symbol.
Knowledge (+1 to cast divinations).
Possessions: Club, holy symbol Creatures and Unnamed
Lucius Opponents
Male Human Expert 1: CR 1/2; Medium humanoid; The following individuals are working against the player
HD 1d6–1; hp 5; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 11, characters.
flatfooted 10; Base Atk +0; Grp –1; Atk/Full Atk –1 melee
34 Terror in Freeport
- Appendix I: Statistics -
Reikert Lloyd, Captain of Verlaine's Guard
Verlaine, the head of the Captains’ Council of Freeport, for the councilor. He can’t say that he particularly likes
is no fool—when he hires personal guards, he gets the Verlaine—or, indeed, just about anybody else he meets—
best muscle money can buy. And for the captain of those but the guy knows how to pay a retainer. And, for all
guards, he chose the toughest, smartest fighter in the his bluster and hard-hearted swordwork, Lloyd doesn’t
crew: Reikert Lloyd. know a thing about the plans swirling around his boss. In
fact, the enormity of the evil underfoot would probably
Unlike most thugs-for-hire, Lloyd came from the right
awaken his long dormant conscience...
side of the tracks. For decades, his family made candles
and shipboard lanterns out of a large shop in the Old City.
Lloyd, the third youngest of four children, didn’t stand Reikart Lloyd
to get his hands on the family business; at the same time Male Human Fighter 4: CR 4; Medium humanoid (6-ft.
he resented his older siblings, he found the idea of being 5-in. tall); HD 4d10+8; hp 35; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18,
cooped up in a shop all day stifling. At school—one of touch 11, flatfooted 17; Base Atk +4; Grp +7; Atk/Full
the finest in Freeport—he was a sullen and distracted Atk +9 melee (1d10+5/19–20, bastard sword); AL LN;
student. For kicks, he took up with the sons of other SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int
merchants for all-night carousing sessions. After a few 12, Wis 11, Cha 10.
benders, his parents threatened to cut him off. He took
them up on their offer and headed to sea. It was a tougher Skills and Feats: Climb +0*, Listen +2, Intimidate
life than he ever imagined, and his name didn’t buy him +7, Search +2, Sense Motive +5, Spot +3; Blind-Fight,
any breaks. He spent a long year swabbing decks and Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
loading cargo. By the time he jumped ship in a distant (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon
port he was stronger and wiser than he’d been—but by no Specialization (bastard sword).
means humble. He knew he’d been lazy before he hit the Possessions: +1 banded mail, masterwork bastard sword,
ocean, but he figured he’d paid his dues, and the world 2 potions of cure light wounds, 10 gp.
owed him a reward. So he found a saloon, hooked up
with a party heading into the hills, and found himself in
the occupation of choice for tough guys with something
Adventure Seeds
to prove: adventurer. By the time he came back to town, An Old Acquaintance
he had many monsters’ blood on his hands and a sack of
cash. Captain Lloyd appears for the first time in this module. If
your party goes on independent adventures after Death in
Lloyd didn’t return to Freeport by choice. Over the Freeport Revised, they could run into Lloyd carrying out
years, he’d get tired of hacking and slashing in one town his job—giving his first “official” appearance in Terror
and hop a ship to new vistas, without ever asking the some added wrinkles. Will it be easier or harder to outwit
destination. One of those ships dropped him back home. the captain of the guard if the adventurers already know
He found his anger toward his family had burned out— him?
and he even felt a little misty wandering the docks of his
old stomping grounds. He kept the rest of the Lloyd clan A variation on this idea: If you plan to run the Freeport
at arm’s length, and went out trolling for work. adventures, but haven’t yet, have your party encounter
Lloyd before he returns home—while he’s still
As it turns out, work found him. Coming out of a tavern adventuring. Perhaps he could even be the lure that
one evening, he was jostled by a passing stevedore. brings them to Freeport in the first place!
His instincts worked faster than his brains, and he cut
the dockworker in half. Moments later, the local watch A New Ally
showed up and informed Lloyd that he was a hero: The
Lloyd meets an ugly end in Terror in Freeport Revised.
stevedore had just butchered the first mate of the Eye of
But he doesn’t necessarily have to! If you find the
Krom. Lloyd’s panic melted, and his salesmanship kicked
character interesting enough to explore, save his life
in. He wangled himself a job on the watch, where he
and join the adventurers as an ally struggling to come
quickly came to the attention of the new Sea Lord, Drac,
to grips with the lie he’s lived under. He would make a
and his right-hand man, Councilor Verlaine.
fine character for a new player, or for someone whose
Now Lloyd oversees Verlaine’s private security, directing character died. Alternately, have him join on to Sea Lord
and training a team of several dozen guards, and Drac as a hired sword—clueless to the bigger plan or
generally taking care of anybody who makes trouble not—and match wits with the party yet again.
Terror in Freeport 35
- Appendix I: Statistics -
Skills and Feats: Concentration +3, Knowledge (religion)
Cultists +6, Spellcraft +2; Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon
Male and Female Human Cultist* 2: CR 1; Medium Proficiency (kukri).
humanoid; HD 2d6+2; hp 9 (average); Init +5; Spd 30 ft.;
Adept Spells Prepared (3/2; save DC 12 + spell level):
AC 11, touch 11, flatfooted 10; Base Atk +1; Grp +1; Atk/
0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic; 1st—cause fear,
Full Atk +1 melee (1d6, club, or 1d4/18-20, x2, kukri); AL
protection from good.
CE; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12,
Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12. Possessions: Kukri, holy symbol.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +9, Disguise +6 (+8 acting) (+16/+18
with alter self), Hide +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Sleight of Verlaine's Guard
Hand +9; Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon Proficiency Male Human Warrior 2: CR 1; Medium humanoid (6-ft.
(kukri), Skill Focus (Disguise), Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand). 2-in. tall, average); HD 2d8+4; hp 15 (average); Init +5;
Possessions: Concealed kukri, dry goods and groceries. Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, touch 11, flatfooted 14; Base Atk +2;
The cultists are disguised by a wand of alter self with just Grp +3; Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d10+1/19–20, x2, bastard
enough charges to disguise the group. sword); SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will –1; AL N; Str 13, Dex
12, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 8.
* See Appendix II: NPC Class: Cultist.
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +4, Listen +1; Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Initiative.
Degenerate Serpent People
Possessions: Scale mail, bastard sword, 1d4 gp
Warrior 1: CR 1/2; Medium monstrous humanoid (6 ft.
tall, average); HD 1d8+1; hp 5 (average); Init +4; Spd 30 ft.,
swim 15 ft.; AC 13, touch 10, flatfooted 13; Base Atk +1; Named Opponents
Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk +2 melee (1d8+1/x3, spear), +2 melee
(1d4+1 and poison, bite), or +1 ranged (1d6+1, javelin); SA Batora
poison; SQ darkvision 60 ft.; AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref +0,
Will -2; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 7, Cha 8. Female Human Cleric 2: CR 2; Medium humanoid (5 ft. 10
in. tall); HD 2d8+3; hp 15; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 16, touch 11,
Skills and Feats: Climb +3*, Escape Artist +2*, Hide +2*; flatfooted 15; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk +2 (1d6+1/x3,
Improved Initiative. shortspear); SA rebuke undead (3/day); AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref
Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11); initial and +1, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 10.
secondary damage 1d6 Wis. Skills and Feats: Concentration +5, Knowledge (arcana)
Possessions: Heavy wooden shield, spear. +5, Knowledge (religion) +5; Combat Casting, Toughness.
Cleric Spells Prepared (4/3+1; save DC 12 + spell level):
Orcs 0—detect magic, read magic, resistance (x2); 1st—bane,
cause fear, obscuring mist, protection from good*. (DC =
Warrior 2: CR 1; Medium humanoid (6-ft. tall); HD
12 + spell level)
2d8+2; hp 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12,
flatfooted 12; Base Atk +2; Grp +5; Atk/Full Atk +5 melee *Domain Spell. Domains: Destruction (smite 1/day, +4
(1d8+3/x2, battleaxe or spear); SQ darkvision 60 ft., light attack, +2 damage); Evil (+1 to cast evil spells).
sensitivity; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will –1; AL N; Str 16, Dex
Possessions: Chainmail, shortspear, holy symbol
14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +4, Spot +1; Dodge. Byrne
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Dazzled in bright sunlight or within Male Human Fighter 2: CR 2; Medium humanoid (6-ft.
daylight spell. 4-in. tall); HD 2d10+2; hp 15; Init +6; Spd 20 ft.; AC 16,
Possessions: Leather, battleaxe, spear, 15 gp. touch 12, flatfooted 14; Base Atk +2; Grp +4; Atk/Full Atk
+4 melee (1d10+3/19–20, bastard sword); AL N; SV Fort
+4, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 14; Dex 15; Con 12; Int 11; Wis
Temple Attendant 10; Cha 9.
Male Human Adept 1: CR 1/2; Medium humanoid;
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +4, Listen +2, Spot +2;
HD 1d6+1; hp 4; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11, touch 11,
Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword),
flatfooted 10; Base Atk +0; Grp +0; Atk/Full Atk +0 melee
Improved Initiative, Power Attack.
(1d4/18-20, x2, kukri); AL CE; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will
+4; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12. Possessions: Scale mail, bastard sword alarm whistle, 23 gp.
36 Terror in Freeport
- Appendix I: Statistics -
*Domain Spell. Domains: Destruction (smite 1/day, +4
Cal attack, +1 damage); Evil (+1 to cast evil spells).
Male Human Rogue 2: CR 2; Medium humanoid (5-ft.
Possessions: Chain mail, falchion, shortbow with 20
6-in. tall); HD 2d6+2; hp 12; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13,
arrows, ring of mind shielding, 20 pp.
touch 13, flatfooted 10; Base Atk +1; Grp +1; Atk/Full Atk
+1 melee (1d4/19–20, dagger); SA sneak attack +1d6; SQ
evasion, trapfinding; AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1; Lon
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10. Male Human Expert 1: CR 1/2; Medium humanoid;
Skills and Feats: Bluff +5, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +5 (+7 HD 1d6+1; hp 4; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 10,
acting), Escape Artist +8, Gather Information +5, Hide +8, flatfooted 10; Base Atk +0; Grp +1; Atk/Full Atk +1 melee
Intimidate +2, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Open Lock (1d6+1, club); AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +1; Str
+6, Search +7, Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +6, Survival 12, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 11.
+1 (+3 following tracks), Tumble +5, Use Rope +3 (+5 Skills and Feats: Bluff +7, Gather Information +4,
bindings); Improved Initiative, Run. Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +1, Knowledge
Possessions: Dagger, messenger’s satchel. (religion) +1, Listen +5, Profession (operator) +3, Spot +5;
Alertness, Skill Focus (Bluff).
Franz Possessions: Club.
Male Human Warrior 2: CR 1; Medium humanoid (6-ft.
tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 14; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, touch 11, McNeil
flatfooted 14; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk/Full Atk +3 melee Male Human Fighter 2: CR 2; Medium humanoid (5-ft.
(1d10+1/19–20, bastard sword); SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will 11-in. tall); HD 2d10+2; hp 17 Init +6; Spd 20 ft.; AC
–1; AL N; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 12. 18 (+2 Dex, +5 chainmail, +2 heavy shield), touch 12,
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +6, Listen +1, Spot +1; Exotic flatfooted 17; Base Atk +2; Grp +4; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee
Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Initiative. (1d8+2/19–20, masterwork longsword) or + 4 ranged
(1d8/19–20, light crossbow); AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +2,
Possessions: Scale mail, bastard sword, 15 gp. Will –1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Climb +0*, Hide -3*, Jump -2*, Search
K'Ral +1; Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon
Female Civilized Serpent Person Fighter 2/Sorcerer Focus (longsword).
1/Cleric 1: CR 4; Medium monstrous humanoid
Possessions: Chainmail, heavy steel shield, masterwork
(shapechanger) (5-ft. 9-in. tall); HD 2d10 plus 1d4 plus
longsword, light crossbow, 10 bolts, 3 flasks of alchemist’s
1d8; hp 25; Init +5; Spd 20 ft, swim 5 ft.; AC 17, touch 11,
fire, loot from Verlaine’s house, rough map of the
flatfooted 16; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk/Full Atk +4 melee
Knowledge temple.
(2d4+1/18–20, falchion), +3 ranged (1d6/x3, shortbow);
SA rebuke undead (3/day); SQ darkvision 60 ft., change
shape; AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +4; Str 12, Dex Nikko
13, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11. Male Human Rogue 1/Cleric 2: CR 3; Medium humanoid;
Skills and Feats: Concentration +5, Disguise +0 (+10 with HD 1d6 plus 2d8; hp 15; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch
change shape), Escape Artist +0*, Hide –2*, Intimidate 12, flatfooted 11; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk/Full Atk +2
+6, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Listen +3, Move Silently –2*, melee (1d6+1/19–20, short sword); SA rebuke undead (3/
Spot +3; Alertness, Combat Casting, Improved InitiativeB, day), sneak attack +1d6; ; AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will
Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (falchion). +5; Str 12, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 10.
Change Shape (Su): Change shape to Small or Medium Skills and Feats: Bluff +3, Concentration +5, Disguise
humanoid form, 3/day. Loses swim Speed in humanoid +6 (+16 with pigment), Hide +6, Knowledge (arcana) +3,
form. Move Silently +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Spot +7; Dodge,
Combat Casting, Improved Initiative.
Sorcerer Spells Known (Cast per Day: 5/3; save DC 10 +
spell level; 30% arcane spell failure): 0—daze, detect magic, Spells Prepared (4/3+1; save DC 12 + spell level):
ray of frost, touch of fatigue; 1st—magic weapon, shield. 0—detect magic, read magic, resistance (x2); 1st—bane,
magic weapon, obscuring mist, protection from good*.
Cleric Spells Prepared (3/2+1; save DC 11 + spell level):
0—detect magic, resistance (x2); 1st—bane, doom, inflict *Domain Spell. Domains: Destruction (smite 1/day, +4
light wounds*. attack, +2 damage); Evil (+1 to cast evil spells).
Terror in Freeport 37
- Appendix I: Statistics -
Possessions: Short sword, pigment of disguise [in use], Spells Known (Cast per Day: 1; save DC 12 + spell level):
ring of protection (+1), map of sewers. 1st—feather fall, jump.
Possessions: Studded leather, +1 rapier, masterwork
Slaan shortbow and 10 arrows, masterwork punching dagger,
Male Human Rogue 5/Assassin 1: CR 6; Medium amulet of natural armor +1, potion of cat’s grace, 2
humanoid; HD 6d6; hp 21; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, potions of cure light wounds, 3 flasks of alchemist’s fire,
touch 13, flatfooted 14; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk/Full loot from Verlaine’s house, false contract.
Atk + 7 melee (1d6+2/ 18–20, +1 rapier), +7 melee
(1d4+1/x3, punching dagger), or +7 ranged (1d6/x3, short Weymouth
bow); SA death attack, poison use, sneak attack +4d6,; SQ
Male Human Warrior 2: CR 1; Medium humanoid (6-ft.
evasion, trapfinding, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge; AL
1-in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 13; Init +6; Spd 20 ft.; AC 16
CE; SV Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 11,
(+2 Dex, +4 scale), touch 12, flatfooted 14; Base Atk +2;
Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10.
Grp +4; Atk/Full Atk +4 melee (1d10+2/19–20, bastard
Skills and Feats: Climb +9*, Disguise +9, Escape Artist sword); AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 14, Dex
+11*, Hide +11*, Intimidate +9, Jump +0*, Listen +10, 14, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Move Silently +11*, Search +11*, Sleight of Hand +7,
Skills and Feats: Climb +3*, Intimidate +1, Jump +3*,
Spot +10, Tumble +11*; Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank
Listen +3; Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword),
Shot, Weapon Finesse. (* includes -1 armor check penalty
Improved Initiative.
for studded leather.)
Possessions: Scale mail, bastard sword, 10 gp.
38 Terror in Freeport
- Appendix II: NPC Class: Cultist -
Cultists do not acquire their spells from books or scrolls, The domain gives the cultist access to a domain spell at each
nor do they prepare them through study. Instead, they pray spell level he can cast, from 1st on up, as well as a granted
for their spells, receiving them as a gift from their object power. A cultist prepares the domain spells each day in his
of veneration. Each cultist must choose a time each day at domain spell slot. If a domain spell is not on the cleric spell
which he must spend an hour in supplication to regain his list, a cultist can prepare it only in his domain spell slot.
daily allotment of spells (late night is common for cultists,
For domain granted powers that increase in effect with
so that they can do it in the privacy of their homes without
level (such as death touch or smite), use the cultist’s caster
arousing undue suspicion). Time spent resting has no
level rather than class level.
effect on whether a cultist can prepare spells.
When a cultist gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, Skill Focus (Bluff)
he gains only his bonus spells for that spell level. A cultist A cultist must keep his allegiance and activities secret.
without a bonus spell for that level cannot yet cast a spell of Thus, a 1st level cultist receives Skill Focus (Bluff) as a
that level. Bonus spells for a cultist are based on Charisma. bonus feat.
Through 4th level, a cultist has no caster level. At 5th level
and higher, his caster level is one-half his cultist level. Favored Weapon
At 2nd level the cultist gains proficiency in the favored
Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells weapon of the cult, regardless of whether the cult’s weapon
At 5th level a cultist chooses one domain from among is a martial or exotic weapon; the cultist gains the appropriate
those belonging to his deity (see Table A5–2: Cultist feat (Martial Weapon Proficiency or Exotic Weapon
Deities in Freeport). A cultist can select an alignment Proficiency). This is usually the favored weapon of the deity,
domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if his alignment but sometimes cults adopt their own weapons. For instance,
matches that domain. Unlike clerics, cultists must devote death cultists would be easily spotted if they carried scythes.
themselves to a particular deity. Thus many of them favor the dagger instead.
Terror in Freeport 39
- Appendix II: NPC Class: Cultist -
Sneak Attack Starting Gear
Cults operate in the shadows and sometimes they must 3d4 x 10 gp worth of equipment.
silence those who threaten their secrets. Starting at 3rd
level, if a cultist can catch an opponent when he is unable Cultist Spell List
to defend himself effectively from his attack, he can Cultists choose their spells from the following list.
strike a vital spot for extra damage. The cultist’s attack
deals extra damage any time his target would be denied 0 Level: cure minor wounds, daze, detect magic, detect
a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually poison, ghost sound, guidance, inflict minor wounds,
has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the cultist flanks light, mending, message, read magic, resistance, touch of
his target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 3rd level, and it fatigue.
increases to by 1d6 at 8th level, 13th level, and finally 18th 1st Level: bane, bless, cause fear, command, cure light
level. Should the cultist score a critical hit with a sneak wounds, disguise self, doom, hold portal, inflict light
attack, do not multiply this extra damage. wounds, magic weapon, obscuring mist, protection from
Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target good, shield of faith, summon monster I.
is within 30 feet. 2nd Level: alter self, animal messenger, augury, charm
With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a cultist can person, darkness, death knell, desecrate, enthrall, hold
make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead person, inflict moderate wounds, lesser restoration,
of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal misdirection, pyrotechnics, silence, sound burst, spiritual
damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not weapon, status, summon monster II, summon swarm,
even with the usual –4 penalty. undetectable alignment, zone of truth.
A cultist can sneak attack only living creatures with 3rd Level: animate dead, bestow curse, contagion, deeper
discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, darkness, dispel magic, glyph of warding, helping hand,
and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any inflict serious wounds, magic circle against good, magic
creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable vestment, nondetection, prayer, secret page, slow, speak
to sneak attacks. The cultist must be able to see the target with dead, summon monster III, tongues.
well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to 4th Level: black tentacles, death ward, dimensional
reach such a spot. A cultist cannot sneak attack while anchor, dimension door, divination, divine power, inflict
striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs critical wounds, lesser planar ally, polymorph, sending,
of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach. summon monster IV.
Leadership 5th Level: commune, dream, greater command, insect
plague, lesser geas, mass inflict light wounds, mind fog,
At 6th level, the cultist receives the Leadership feat free. This
nightmare, plane shift, slay living, squall*, strangle*,
represents the cultist climbing the hierarchy of the sect and
summon monster V, unhallow.
either founding his own branch or taking on responsibility for
a subgroup. Naturally, the cultist’s followers usually include * Squall and strangle are described on page 131 of
(but are not limited to) other cultists. At 10th level, the cultist Freeport: The City of Adventure; if you do not have that
receives a +2 bonus to his Leadership score. This increases to book, feel free to substitute these spells with others from a
+4 at 15th level and +6 at 20th level. source you do have.
* Cutlass: The cutlass is a heavy, short-bladed slashing sword with a basket hilt. It has the same stats as a
scimitar, but the wielder gains a +2 circumstance bonus to his opposed attack roll vs. disarm attempts.
40 Terror in Freeport
- Appendix III: Sample Player Characters -
Race: Dwarf Cleric Class Features: aura of good, spontaneous casting,
Gender: Male turn undead (3/day, +0 modifier)
Class: Cleric of the god of valor Height: 4’4”
Level: 3 Weight: 155 lbs.
Alignment: Lawful Good Size: Medium
Age: 71
Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 10 (0) Equipment: Scale mail, +1 heavy steel shield, masterwork
Constitution: 17 (+3) longsword, 3 daggers, pearl of power (1st level),
Intelligence: 12 (+1) backpack, bedroll, explorer’s outfit, healer’s kit (10 uses),
Wisdom: 15 (+2) holy water (2 flasks), scroll case, silver holy symbol,
Charisma: 10 (0) spell component pouch, 3 torches, whetstone.
Money: 19 gp.
Hit Points: 24
Armor Class: 17 (+4 scale mail, +3 +1 heavy metal shield), Dwarf Racial Traits (see Chapter Two: Races in the PHB,
touch 10, flatfooted 17 page 14):
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) • Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Initiative: +4 • Stonecunning: +2 racial bonus on Search checks
Saving Throws: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +5 to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding
Attack Bonus: Base +2, Melee +4, Ranged +2 walls, stonework traps, new construction, unsafe
Grapple Modifier: +4 stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like.
Attack: Masterwork longsword +6 melee (1d8+2/19-20) or Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised
dagger +4 melee (1d4+2/19-20) or dagger +2 ranged as stone also counts as unusual stonework. Merely
(1d4+2/19-20). coming within 10 feet of unusual stonework allows
Full Attack: Masterwork longsword +6 melee (1d8+2/19-20) a Search check as if actively searching. Can use
or dagger +4 melee (1d4+2/19-20) or dagger +2 ranged the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue
(1d4+2/19-20). can. Can intuit depth, sensing approximate depth
underground as naturally as a human can sense which
Skills: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +4, Heal +6, way is up.
Knowledge (Religion) +4, Sense Motive +3, • Stability: +4 bonus on ability checks made to
Spellcraft +3. resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing
Feats: Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon on the ground (but not when climbing, flying,
Proficiency (Longsword)B, Power Attack, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the
Weapon Focus (Longsword)B. ground).
Languages: Celestial, Common, • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against
Dwarven poison, spells, and spell-like effects.
Common Cleric Spells Prepared • +1 racial bonus on attack rolls
(Cast per Day: 4/3+1/2+1; against orcs (including halforcs)
DC 12 + spell level): 0— and goblinoids (including goblins,
cure minor wounds, detect hobgoblins, and bugbears).
magic, guidance, light; • +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class
1st—command, doom, entropic against creatures of the giant type
shield, protection from evil*; (such as ogres, trolls, and hill
2nd—bull’s strength, hold giants).
person, spiritual weapon*. • +2 racial bonus on Appraise and
*domain spell; Domains: Good Craft checks that are related to
(+1 caster level with good stone or metal items.
spells), War (bonus weapon
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
Terror in Freeport 41
- Appendix III: Sample Player Characters -
Race: Gnome Height: 3’8”
Gender: Male Weight: 47 lbs.
Class: Fighter Size: Small
Level: 3 Age: 56
Alignment: Neutral Good
Equipment: Scale mail, +1/+0 small gnome hooked
Strength: 16 (+3) hammer, potion of cure light wounds, backpack,
Dexterity: 15 (+2) bedroll, crowbar, explorer’s outfit, flint and steel, quiver
Constitution: 16 (+3) with 20 arrows, 3 torches.
Intelligence: 14 (+2) Money: 21 gp.
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 10 (0) Gnome Racial Traits (see Chapter 2: Races in the PHB):
Rollo has the following racial traits.
Hit Points: 34 • Low-Light Vision.
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 scale mail), touch 13, • Weapon Familiarity: Rollo treats gnome hooked
flatfooted 15 hammers as martial weapons rather than exotic
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares) weapons.
Initiative: +2 • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions.
Saving Throws: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1 • +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and
Attack Bonus: Base +3, Melee +7, Ranged +6 goblinoids.
Grapple Modifier: +2 • +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters
Attack: +1/+0 small gnome hooked hammer +9 melee of the giant type. Any time a he loses his Dexterity
(1d6+5/x3) or small shortbow +6 ranged (1d4/x3). bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when
Full Attack: +1/+0 small gnome hooked hammer caught flat-footed, he loses his dodge bonus, too.
+7/+7 melee (1d6+4/x3, 1d4+1/x4) or small • Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—speak with animals
shortbow +6 ranged (1d4/x3). (burrowing mammal only, duration 1 minute). A
gnome with a Charisma score of at least 10 also
Skills: Climb +5, Hide +3, Jump +1, Listen has the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—
+5, Ride +4, Spot +3, Swim –1. dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Two-Weapon Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + gnome’s Cha
Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, modifier + spell level.
Weapon Focus (Gnome Hooked
Languages: Common, Draconic, Giant,
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
42 Terror in Freeport
- Appendix III: Sample Player Characters -
Race: Half-Elf Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge.
Gender: Male Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven.
Class: Sorcerer
Level: 3 Spells Known (Cast per Day 6/6; DC 13 + spell level):
Alignment: Chaotic Good 0—daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, open/close,
resistance; 1st—mage armor, magic missile, sleep.
Strength: 9 (–1)
Dexterity: 17 (+3) Height: 5’3”
Constitution: 15 (+2) Weight: 142 lbs.
Intelligence: 12 (+1) Size: Medium
Wisdom: 12 (+1) Age: 25
Charisma: 17 (+3)
Equipment: Light mace, light crossbow, quiver with
Hit Points: 15 10 bolts, ring of protection +1, 2 potions of cure
Armor Class: 14 (+1 ring of protection, +3 Dex), touch moderate wounds, backpack, bedroll, ink (vial),
14, flatfooted 11 inkpen, parchment (sheaf), quiver with 20 bolts,
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) sealing wax, signet ring, spell component pouch,
Initiative: +3 traveler’s outfit.
Saving Throws: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 Money: 9 gp
Attack Bonus: Base +1, Melee +0, Ranged +4
Grapple Modifier: +0 Half-Elf Racial Traits (see Chapter 2: Races in the
Attack: Light mace +0 melee (1d6–1) or light crossbow PHB):
+4 ranged (1d8/19-20). Malevir has the following racial traits.
Full Attack: Light mace +0 melee (1d6–1) or • Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical
masterwork light crossbow +4 ranged effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws
(1d8/19-20). against enchantment spells or effects.
Skills: Concentration +7, Diplomacy +5, • Low-light vision.
Gather Information +5, Knowledge
(Arcana) +5, Listen +3, Search +2,
Spellcraft +6, Spot +3.
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
Terror in Freeport 43
- Appendix III: Sample Player Characters -
Race: Human Skills: Appraise +6, Bluff +6, Climb +4, Diplomacy
Gender: Female +5, Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +6, Gather
Class: Rogue Information +6, Hide +10, Jump +4, Listen +7, Move
Level: 3 Silently +10, Open Lock +10, Search +8, Spot +7,
Alignment: Neutral Good Tumble +9, Use Rope +5.
Feats: Alertness, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse.
Strength: 14 (+2) Languages: Common, Elven, Orc
Dexterity: 18 (+4) Rogue Class Features: Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding,
Constitution: 13 (+1) Evasion, Trap Sense +1.
Intelligence: 15 (+2)
Wisdom: 11 (+0) Height: 5’8”
Charisma: 13 (+1) Weight: 160 lbs.
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 18 Age: 19
Armor Class: 16 (+4 Dex, +2 leather armor), touch 14,
flatfooted 12 Equipment: Leather, 2 short swords, light crossbow,
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) quiver with 20 bolts, bag of holding (type I), elixir of
Initiative: +4 vision, backpack, bedroll, caltrops, explorer’s outfit,
Saving Throws: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1 flint and steel, pouch, quiver with 20 bolts, signal
Attack Bonus: Base +2, Melee +4, Ranged +6 whistle, 50 feet of silk rope, thieves’ tools.
Grapple Modifier: +4 Money: 15 gp
Attack: short sword +6 melee (1d6+2/19-20) or light
crossbow +6 ranged (1d8/19-20).
Full Attack: short sword +4 melee (1d6+2/19-20),
short sword +4 melee (1d6+1/19-20) or light
crossbow +6 ranged (1d8/19-20).
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
44 Terror in Freeport
- Appendix IV: Handouts -
Handout A: Milos's Book Handout B:
The True and Secrette
Historie of the Brotherhoode
of Free-Port
Thousands of years ago, serpent people ruled
the world. Their empire centered on a continent
called Valossa—a vast island of cyclopean cities, its
population devoted to the peaceful worship of Yig, the
serpent god. Then this great race vanished overnight,
their world-spanning civilization destroyed by the
hand of the Unspeakable One, a loathsome deity born
outside describable space. Most of the serpent people
degenerated into savagery—but a few retained their
sanity, including some of the cultists who had summoned
the grotesque god.
The Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign—for that is
what the cultists called themselves—persevered and
transmitted their black secrets down the generations.
The cult found a home in the remains of the once-great
Valossa. You know it as Freeport. Over the centuries,
the Brotherhood flourished along with the city. And
it found a way for its members to move about in the
daylight world. Its craftiest, most powerful priests
disguised themselves as humans and established
a church aboveground: the temple to the God of
Handout C:
Drac's Speech
This evening, Councilor Verlaine and the clergy of the God of Knowledge have been slain. Their murderers
are the adventurers who of late discovered the caverns beneath our town: [Insert the names of the PCs here].
After an investigation by the Council and the City Watch, we have pieced together the truth.
Chief Councilor Verlaine, that great servant to the city of Freeport, heard rumors about town of
unwholesome activities at the temple to the God of Knowledge. He hired the wandering mercenaries to
investigate. They made a tremendous discovery: The temple and its priesthood were a cover for the Brotherhood
of the Yellow Sign, a grotesque cult of serpent people. The mercenaries joined the temple to gain its secrets, but
they proved treacherous to both masters. They revealed the caves beneath the city and threatened to expose even
more secrets unless the Brotherhood paid them a fortune in gold.
The Brotherhood agreed to their demands, on condition that the mercenaries accept one final task for their
serpent masters—assassinating their erstwhile employer, Councilor Verlaine. The double-crossers carried out
the grim job, but they quickly found themselves double-crossed. The Brotherhood refused to pay them their blood
money. The mercenaries went mad with rage and slaughtered the cultists, but were killed themselves in the battle.
We mourn the loss of Councilor Verlaine, but his efforts brought this menace to light—and rooted it out of
town, once and for all.
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
Terror in Freeport 45
- Appendix IV: Handouts -
Handout E:
The Deputation
As a duly elected officer of the City of Freeport, I appoint [Insert the names of the PCs’ here] deputies of this
Council, to carry out, with full discretion and authority, the infiltration of the temple to the God of Knowledge
and uncover what secrets it may hold.
Councilor Verlaine
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
46 Terror in Freeport
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this License. Freeport: The City of Adventure, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
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