Grade 7 CBC Complete Agriculture Notes
Grade 7 CBC Complete Agriculture Notes
Grade 7 CBC Complete Agriculture Notes
Agricultural Environment.
1.1 Soil Pollution Control
It is very important to human beings and animals to conserve the agricultural
This can be done by learning about soil pollution and how to control it when carrying out
agricultural farming activities or practices.
Soil pollution is the contamination of soil with harmful substances.
The harmful substances in the soil are known as pollutants or contaminants
3. How can we make the members of the community aware of soil pollution control
By creating awareness message and passing the message to the community through
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1.2 water conservation measures.
In rainy seasons a lot of water flows into rivers in form of surface runoff and finally gets
into lakes and oceans.
Surface run off is the water flowing on the ground after a heavy rainfall.
The water may be conserved to be used for farming during the dry season.
Surface run off causes a lot of damage to property if not properly collected
Some of the damages caused by surface run off include:
Soil erosion.
Destruction to crops.
Destruction to buildings and other infrastructure such as
Surface run off is collected in structures such as:
Water retention ditches.
Earth basins.
Water retention pits.
What is the importance of conserving water in Farming?
Surplus or excess water can be conserved and used during the times of water scarcity in
the farm.
Conserving water reduces the cost of farming. This is because money that would be used
to buy water in the farm is saved.
Conserving water ensures availability of water for human life and livestock.
A lot of water is wasted during rainy season.
Rain water which forms surface run-off after heavy downpour is prevented from
damaging property.
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Plant grass or any other crop on the embarkment
A Photograph showing
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3. Construction of a water retention pit.
This are small depression in which crops grow and are used to trap water around
the base of the crop to be used by the crop. This reduces run-off.
Surface runoff collects in water retention pits when it is raining.
The water collected in the retention pits may be used to grow crops such as
vegetables, bananas and Napier grass.
Water retention pits traps surface run off and allow it to seep into the soil.
A series of pits may be dug into the ground where run off occurs and the pits
joined with furrows so that when one pits is full, water can spill over to the next
Steps followed when constructing an earth basin.
Measure the spacing of the pits and mark with pegs.
Dig the pits about 20-30 cm deep and spaced at 90 cm.
The pits are planted with a crop. They help to hold surface run-off preventing soil
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2. What is the term used for describing the water that runs on the ground surface
during and after raining?
- Surface run-off.
4. Name three minimum tillage practices for water conservation carried out in
- Uprooting weeds.
- Slashing weeds.
- Mulching.
- Restricted cultivation.
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What is Agroforestry?
Agroforestry is the growing of tree and shrubs in combination with crops and keeping of
livestock on the same piece of land to conserve the environment.
Growing trees on the farm has many benefits to farmers as well as raising of livestock
and growing of crops.
Agroforestry helps to conserve the environment. The farmer benefits from trees, crops
and animals on the same land.
What is the importance of Agroforestry in Conserving the Environment?
o Agroforestry is important to the environment. It benefits the farmer through the following
Trees provide food, forage, wood, fuel, shade and mulch.
Trees grown in pasture fields help to conserve soil, water and wildlife. They
provide shade for the livestock.
Trees help to prevent soil erosion by controlling surface and wind erosion
Trees provide organic manure when they drop leaves which rot to form manure
increasing soil fertility.
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Characteristics of Agroforestry Trees grown in Crop fields
A good agroforestry tree for conserving the environment should have the following
o They should be fast growing.
o They should be able to grow well alongside other crops.
o They should have multiple purpose or benefits such as;
Edible fruits.
Provide timber.
Gives medicinal products.
Provide forage for bees and other livestock
o They should have appropriate crowns for both crops and pasture fields.
o The have ability to fix nitrogen in the soil for other crops.
o They should have proper rooting system to hold soil and prevent run off without
interfering with the growth of other crops.
Choice /Selection of Agroforestry Trees.
The appropriate agroforestry trees to conserve the environment are those that are able to”
Trees selected should purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and
then release oxygen.
Trees selected should provide nutrients to the soil by adding Nitrogen.
Trees selected should help to improve the quality of water by
preventing soil erosion.
Trees selected should prevent soil erosion by wing
Planting Materials for Agroforestry Trees.
Quality planting materials are necessary for growing trees that can be sustained in an area
for a long time.
Materials that are used for planting agroforestry trees should be obtained from mature
healthy plants.
Agroforestry trees are established from different planting types of planting materials
which include:
Stem and root cuttings.
Rooted suckers.
When mature seeds drop from the mother plant to the base, they germinate into seedlings
called wildlings.
Wildlings can be uprooted and planted directly to other areas. This is called
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Mother plants which supply planting materials should be properly selected. They should
have the following characteristics:
A tree nursery.
Steps followed when establishing Agroforestry trees
i. Select an appropriate site to plant the trees.
ii. Obtain the agroforestry tree seedlings from internal or external nurseries.
iii. Dig holes 60x60x60 cm for the seedlings.
iv. Separate top soil with the subsoil.
v. Mix enough compost manure with the top soil and fill the holes with the mixture.
vi. Make a small hole in the centre of the hole and place the tree seedlings in the hole.
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vii. Place soil around the base of the seedlings and firm it well.
viii. Apply mulching materials.
ix. Water the seedlings
Strand Questions
1. Explain the meaning of the term agroforestry in conserving the environment.
Agroforestry is growing of trees and shrubs in combination with crops and keeping
livestock on the same piece of land for conserving the environment.
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4. Give four characteristics of agroforestry trees.
Ability to grow alongside other crops.
Fast growing.
Have multiple uses.
Ability to fix Nitrogen into the soil.
Ability to hold soil particles together to prevent soil erosion.
6. Show how to select mother plant trees to provide seeds for establishing
agroforestry trees.
Select mother plants which:
Are mature.
Are healthy.
Are suitable for the area.
Grow fast.
Are highly productive.
8. Name the practices carried out when caring for established agroforestry trees.
Protecting from animal damage.
Removing diseases and pest infected parts.
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Notes prepared by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Practical activity
Preparing a suitable planting site for crop establishment.
Page 35
1. Give four types of sites that can be used for planting crops.
Ground sites.
Containers sites.
On walls.
Along the fence.
Along the driveways.
4. Give three categories of soil tilth in relation to the size of planting materials.
Fine soil tilth.
Medium soil tilth.
Coarse soil tilth.
Methods of Planting.
Planting is the placement of planting materials into the soil.
Different methods of planting can be used to plant different types of materials.
Examples of suitable planting methods include: dibbling, drilling, broadcasting and row
Dibbling-is where the planting materials are placed in holes or pits dug manually using a
dibber at distance from each other.
Broadcasting-this is where seeds are spread or scattered randomly on the soil over a
relatively large area of land.
Factors determining the method of planting used for a specific planting material.
The type of planting materials, i.e. whether seeds of vegetative materials.
The size of the planting materials in case of seeds.
The size of the planting size (seedbed).
The desired spacing of the crop.
Method of cropping.
When planting, the farmer has to determine the right method to use for different planting
Drilling and broadcasting methods can be used when planting small seeds.
Vegetative materials can be placed in dug holes or pits which is dibbling method.
1.Give two categories of planting materials.
Vegetative materials.
2. study the pictures below and then answer the questions that follow.
a.) Identify planting materials A, B, C, D and E.
A- Maize grains.
B- Green gram seeds.
C- Sugar cane cuttings
D- Beed seeds.
E- Irish potato tubers
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Notes prepared by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Weed photo Common name Scientific name
Double thorn Oxygonun sinautum
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Couch grass Digitaria scalarum
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goose grass
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Weeding in a Crop Field
Farmers should get rid of weeds that grow in crop fields by removing them physically.
Farmers can use the following physical methods to remove weeds:
Uprooting weeds- refer to pulling out the roots of weeds from the soil.
Slashing weeds-involves the use of a cutting tool such as a slasher, sickle or pangas to
cut off weeds at the ground level to remove their shoots.
Tilling-involves breaking and turning (slight cultivation) the soil to remove weeds using
a jembe or a panga.
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Tubers such as Irish potatoes and bulbed onions are hardened just before harvesting to
prepare them for storage by heaping the produce under shade and covering with grass for
about four days. They are turned daily to ensure even drying.
Hardening prevents the delicate skin of Irish potato tubers from peeling off during
Hardening also helps to remove excess water in mature bulbed onions preventing rotting
in the store.
Hardening can be done both in the field immediately after harvesting the crops.
Hardening makes the crop not to lose quality during transportation.
1. Give the difference between a weed and a crop.
A weed is any plant growing where it is not required while a crop is a plant grown for its
economic value.
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3. Identify the following weeds.
A-Double thorn.
B-Black jack.
C- Wild oat.
D-Nut grass.
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6. What is the management practice that:
a.) Reduces overcrowding in a growing crop
a.) Name two crops that require hardening.
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Eggs on clean
plastic tray Eggs on clean plastic tray
Cracked eggs should be sorted out and removed when grading eggs.
Eggs for hatching should be removed and separated from those for consumption during
sorting and grading.
Clean trays should be used for the sorted out and graded eggs.
Packing Honey.
Once honey is harvested from the combs, it is packed into suitable containers for use or
storage or for sale.
Honey stored in suitable containers remain clean and safe for consumption and can be
stored for longer period of time.
Honey should be stored in containers that do not allow moisture into honey.
When honey is stored in an open place, it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere and
spoils quickly.
Honey should be stored in plastic, glass or Aluminium containers and sealed tightly to
prevent air and moisture from getting into the honey.
Packed honey should be stored at room temperature in a dry place to avoid
1. Explain how eggs are sorted out and graded for marketing.
Size-extra-large and large eggs are packed together for sale.
Cleanliness-eggs for marketing should be packed together for sale.
Egg colour – eggs of the same colour are packed together.
Condition of the eggs- should have smooth shells without any cracks.
2. Identify the materials required for processing honey using the crushing and straining
Muslin cloth.
A clean container.
Two wooden rods.
A string.
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Notes prepared by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Container gardening.
Pergola gardens.
Examples of the material for construction of the Framed suspended gardens can be:
Available timber.
Left over wires.
Metal bars.
Wooden planks.
Construction of Framed Structures for suspended gardens.
The type and size of framed structures for the suspended gardens to be constructed
depend on the space and available materials.
The following types of farmed gardens can be constructed.
Arbor arch gardens.
Triangular wooden framed gardens.
Pergola gardens.
Suspended boxes gardens.
Tyre gardens.
Trellis gardens
Procedure for constructing wooden boxes.
Cut the pieces of wood for the for the frames of the boxes.
Join the wood pieces with nails or screws at the four corners to make the frames.
Fix a wire mesh at the bottom of the frame and hold with staples.
Fix a plywood piece to hold back the wire mesh from outside and secure with nails.
The box is ready for use. Its depth depends on the crop to be planted.
Establishment of Selected Off-season Crops on Suspended gardens.
Framed suspended gardens are appropriately used for growing off-season crops since it is
possible to economise the little water available.
The gardens should be placed where they will get a lot of sunshine but sheltered from the
The framed structures can be placed one over the other to form wooden staircase garden
as shown in the following photograph.
Notes prepared by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
0710250520 or 0114935675