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Grade 7 CBC Computer Science Note Slides

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Concept of
 What is a computer?
 A computer is an electronic device that process or converts data into
 A computer receives, stores, organizes and processes data into information.
 The word computer came from Latin word ‘computare’ which means to
 A computer uses programs which are sets of instructions which a computer
 followsis Computer
What to perform Science?
o Computer science is the study of computers and how computer technology can
be used to solve problems.
 What is Data?
 Data refers to raw facts such as numbers, symbols, images and letters that are
not processed and have no meaning to the user.
 Data is plural while in singular it is datum.
 Data is not meaningful to the user until it is processed.
 What is information?
 It refers to processed data that is meaningful to the

 Information
Identify is meaningful
the Functions of Atocomputer
the user.
 To receive input, inform of data.
 To process data.
 To give results as output (information)
 To save or to store data or information.
 To process numerical calculations and non-numerical
 calculations
List the examples of
 computers.
The following are examples of
computers:  Washing machines.
 Notebook.  Microwaves.
 Desktop.  Server.
 Laptop.  IPad.
 Tablets.  MacBook.
 PDA (Personal Digital  Smartphone.
Assistant)  Smart watch.
 Electronic calculators.  Workstations.
 ATM Machines.
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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
 List and explain different characteristics of Computers.
 Speed-computers perform tasks faster compared to human beings.
 Accuracy-a computer performs tasks without any errors if the correct data is entered.
 Reliability-a computer is reliable as it gives consistent output results for similar tasks.
 Automation-a computer is an automatic machine. It starts a task from beginning to
end without requiring human assistance.
 Versatility –versatility is the capability of a computer to perform different tasks. A
computer can be applied in education, agriculture, military and medical fields.
 No logical decision-a computer cannot work on its own without being instructed by
a user hence it is not intelligent enough on its own.
 Diligence –a computer can perform millions of tasks without getting tired. It does not
get fatigue or loss concentration like human beings.
 Storage-computers have onboard storage facilities or memory for storing data and
information either temporarily or permanently which can be retrieved to be used later.
 A computer is used to store, process and retrieve data.
 A computer can be used to perform calculations such as addition,
division, multiplication and subtraction.
 It can also be used to draw diagrams, listen to music, play games and search
for information from the internet.
 A person can use a computer to type documents and send electronic mails
(e- mails.
 Computer processing cycle means the process that take place in a computer
from the time data is entered into the computer through an input device to the
time processed data(information) is presented to the user through an output
device. Stages of Computer Processing Cycle.
1. Input.
2. Processing.
3. Storage.
4. Output.
 A computer receives data and instructions during the input stage through the
input devices.
 The instructions are applied to data during the processing stage. These
instructions help in performing operations on the data entered in the computer
in order to produce information.
 The information is saved in a computer during the storage stage. Storing is done
to avoid re-entering data and instructions or reprocessing information. The
stored data is always available for future use.
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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
 The computer presents information at the output stage through an output

Computer processing cycle.

Advantages of Computers in Data processing.
 Computer process data faster than human beings. Computers can carry out
many tasks with ease and they are faster than human beings.
 Computers increase productivity due to automation.
 Computers are more accurate than human beings. Information given by
computers after processing has no error because they work under instructions
and are always accurate.
 Computers enable paperless working.
 Computers keep data and information secure. Computers provide security to
data by restricting unauthorized access to the data.
 Computers can store large amount of data than can be retrieved at any time.
They have a very big storage capacity and can store data and information for a
very long time.
 Computer can do the same repeatedly tasks without getting tires or bored.
 Computer are able to perform different types of tasks at the same time
 A computer is reliable because it consistently does what it is supposed to do.

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Disadvantages of computers in data processing.
 There are health issues such as eyestrain, back pain, repetitive strain injury
(RSI) and wrist pain due to prolonged use of computers.
 Pollution caused by electronic waste deposits in the environment. This
electronic wastes cause negative health effects on the people, plants and
 Information and data stored in computers is at risk of theft and misuse. There
can be loss of information stored in the computer due to theft of computers or
 People use the internet to perform online crimes and fraud.
 Online crimes such as cyber bullying as a result of sharing personal
information, picture and video using computers and other digital devices.
 Use of computer has caused people to lose jobs because computers process
data within a shorter time
 Computer lack intelligence. They cannot determine what is wrong or right.
If given wrong data, they give out wrong information
 People sometimes become too dependent on computers. This affects
Application of Computers.
their creativity and ability to do simple tasks
o Computers are used in businesses-to enable scanning of products and making
payments through mobile banking services, processing bills and keeping
stock records.
o Computers are used in military-military uses drones to monitor the security of
a country. The drones are controlled by computers.
o Computers are used in education-to support teaching and learning through
online classes and research. They also help to prepare lesson plans and store
learners’ records.
o Computers are used in banks- to carry out transactions like opening accounts,
depositing and withdrawing money, checking balances, exchanging
foreign currency, money transfer and applying loans.
o Computers are used in communication- they are used to send electronic mails
(e- mails), host video meetings, chat and make audio calls.
o Computer are used in law enforcement agencies of the government-to
keep records. The Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) keeps
records of fingerprints taken from different people.
o Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras are also installed to monitor
o People can access government services like filing returns, applying for
birth certificates, land title deeds and passports using computers.
o At home computers and smartphones are used to prepare budgets, shopping
lists and keep dates about family members birthdays.
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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Give various Application areas of computers

 For online reading 5. Manufacturing
 To maintain class notes
and registers.  To model and design products
 For research and to do for example airplane.
assignments  To test functionality of
2. Business machines that are
 To make payments.  To automate processes in
 To keep records. manufacturing companies.
 To order for goods.
 To sell goods and services 6. Government.
3. Banking  To offer government services
online through platforms such as
 To facilitate online and internet Nemis and ecitizen.
banking.  To store data and information
 To operate ATM machines. 7. Communication
 For money transfer from one
bank to another.  To send and receive messages.
 To keep account and customer  For making video and voice
information. calls.
8. Engineering design
4. Health care.
 To design houses, roads
 To conduct research. and buildings.
 To store patient data.
Engineers and designers use programmes like computer aided design for

 Marketing
 Marketing of goods and services
 To design and create marketing content
 Insurance
 Computers are used to keep records about customers
 Computers are used to manage money transactions
 Home
 For entertainment like watching movies
 For security purpose like storing and displaying data from CCTV cameras
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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
o The Evolution Stages of Computers.
 The early computer devices in the evolution of computers are as follows:
* Abacus.
* Napier’s bones.
* Pascaline machine.
* Leibniz wheel.
* Jacquard Loom.
* Analytical engine.
* Differencial engine.
* Census machine.
* Mark 1
 An ABACUS is also called a counting frame.
 ABACUS stands for Abundant, Beads, Addition and Calculation Utility
 It is a system tool used for basic calculations since the ancient
times. Tasks Performed by Computers at different evolution
1. ABACUS  It was a mechanical device in
computer evolution.
 It was used to count large numbers and
perform calculations involving
addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division.
2. NAPIER BONES  It was a mechanical device.
 It was used for addition,
multiplication, division and
3. PASCALINE MACHINE  It was a mechanical machine made
up gears and was faster than the
4. LEIBNIZ WHEEL  It was the first machine to perform
automatic multiplication and division.
 It was an advancement from
Pascaline machine.
ANALYTICAL ENGINE  It was designed by Charles Babbage
in 1837.
 It used punch cards to perform
addition, subtraction, multiplication
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and division.
DIFFERENCIAL  It was designed by Charles Babbage
ENGINE in 1820.
Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
 It was powered a steam powered
calculator that could only
perform additions.
MARK 1  It was the first electromechanical machine.
 It was the largest electromechanical
computer and the first machine that
could perform tasks automatically.

Tasks performed by computers at different evolution stages

Type Computer Task performed

It performed calculations like addition

Abacus Abacus
and subtraction

Napier’s bones – They performed arithmetic

Pascaline or pascal’s calculations like addition, subtraction,
Mechanical calculator – Stepped division and multiplication. They
devices reckoer Jacquard automated tasks The analytical engine
loom Difference had a store processor (mill) and
engine Analytical printing components

They solved fairly complex

Tabulating machine calculations They complied and
Atanasoff – berry analysed statistical information They
computer ABC Mark solved calculations based on
1 instructions given

They performed complex tasks such

Personal computer
Electronic digital as mathematical calculations, word
Desktop computer
devices processing, data storage and
Laptops Smartphones
analysis and communications

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Difference engine and analytical engine

 The difference engine and the analytical engine were designed by

Charles Babbage.
 The difference engine was a simple calculator.
 When he was unable to complete the difference engine, he started on
the analytical engine which was advancement of the difference engine.

Difference between the difference engine and the analytical engine

Difference engine Analytical engine

Could perform only one Could perform four mathematical operations especially
operations Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
i.e. addition.

It had no
It used punch cards as input component.

It had no
Had a storage component

It had no
Had an arithmetic unit called mill

It was a general purpose computer system that could be

It was a simple
mechanical calculator
fed with instructions to carry out operations automatically

It was faster than

It was slower than the difference engine
the analytical

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Using computer that existed at different evolution stages

Pupil’s activity

Page 17

Contemporary technology and sustained development of

Device Technology used

Decimal number system where each rod represents a column

Abacus and each column represents a place value Binary digit system
used in computers today where a value is either 0 or 1

Used rods made of ivory, wood, metal or bones to work

Napier’s bones
out multiplication problems using position of a number on
a rod

Pascaline Used gears technology to feed data into the computer Had a
or pascal’s display bar where the user could see the number entered and
calculator the answer It had no storage

Used punched cards technology to feed data into the

Jacquard loom
computer Had no storage

Steppe used stepped drum gear which mechanized addition,

d subtraction, division and multiplication employed the decimal
reckoer number system

Used steam power Used a set of cogs levers and punched cards
Differenc Had a storage for data Was designed to stamp its answer on set
e engine metal Used decimal number system where each number from 0-
9 was represented by position on toothed wheels

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Analytical It had a processor called the mill and a store It could be
engine given instructions to make the work automatic using
punched cards

Tabulating Used punched card technology Used electric current to count

machine data on punched cards

Used binary digits to represent data Performed calculations

using electric current Had storage for data Had processor

Mark 1 Used electric circuits Data was fed in using punched sheets or rolls

Use the binary number system Have larger processors Have

Digital devices
large storage Use electrical components

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
 Computer technology has been advancing in many ways since the invention
of the first electronic digital computer.
 There are five generations of computers as follows:
Identifying generations of computers

1. 1ST generation 1940-1956

2. 2nd generation 1957-1963
3. 3rd generation 1964-1970
4. 4th generation 1971-1990
5. 5th generation 1991 – present and beyond

 First generation
Characteristics of 1ST generation computers (1940 and 1956)
 They were developed between the year 1940 and 1956.
 They had vacuum tubes that consisted of bulbs and wires that carried data
in form of electronic signals.
 They were used to perform calculations.
 They were very large.
 They used a lot of electricity.
 They produced a lot of heat.
 They were expensive.
 They were very slow.
 Examples of first generation computers are:
* Electronic discrete variable automatic
computer (EDVAC).
* Electronic Numerical Integrator and


* IBM 701

* 1BM 750

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
 Second generation
Characteristics of 2 N D generation computers ()

 They were developed between the year 1957 and 1963.

 They used transistors instead of vacuum tubes.
 They were cheaper, faster than the first generation computers.
 They produced less heat.
 They were smaller in size and more reliable than the first
generation computers.
 Examples of second generation computers include:
* Honeywell 200.
* Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC)
* 1107.
* International Business Machines (IBM)
* IBM 1620
* IBM 7094
* CDC 1604
* CDC 3600
* UNIVAC 1108
 Third generation
Characteristics of 3RD generation computers

 They were developed from the year 1964 to 1970.

 They used integrated circuits that contained transistors.
 They were faster.
 They were cheaper and emitted less heat.
 They were smaller than the second generation computers.
 They consumed less electricity.
 They made fewer mistakes.
 They were more accurate.
 Examples of third generation computers include:
* International Computers Limited (ICL) 2900 series.
* International Business Machines (IBM) 360.
* IBM 370 series.

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
 Fourth generation
Characteristics of 4TH generation computers
 They were developed from the year 1971 to 1990.
 They used Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits and Ultra Large
Scale Integrated (ULSI) circuits which were later replaced with very tiny
(micro) central processing units which was used to develop modern
 They were very smaller, portable and cheaper.
 They were very fast and more reliable.
 They were able to connect to the internet.
 Had very to large storage up to several hundred megabytes.
 Used a keyboard and a mouse to enter data.
 Used screens and printers to give information.
 They also used less electricity and emitted less heat.
 They were easier to use and maintain compared to third generation
 Examples of Fourth generation computers are:
* The Burroughs B7700.
* Honeywell DPS-88.
* IBM 4341.
* IBM 308 AND 4300 series.
* STAR 1000.
 Fifth generation * APPLE II.
Characteristics of 5TH generation computers

 They are the present day or current computers that were developed from
the year 1991.
 They are the most advanced computers capable of mimicking human brains.
 They are cheaper and faster than other generations.
 They have very large storage capacity.
 They can perform one than one task at the same time.
 They are smaller and portable.
 They consume less electricity.
 They are easier to use.
 Examples of fifth generation computers are:
* Notebooks.
* Smartwatches.
* Tablets.
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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
* Smartphones.
* Desktops.
* Laptops.

Applying technologies of different computer generations in daily

Computer Computer technology used
First Vacuum tubes These
generatio computers used
n thousands of
vacuum tubes
They were used
for storage,
and control.
Second Transistor 2nd generation
generatio computers
n used
called transistors
They allowed
the use of
words in
Third Integrated circuits The 3rd
generatio generation used
n IC technology
which is a single
containing many

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Four Very large scale integration During the 4th
generatio generation
and VLSI
technology was
used to pack
thousands or
millions of
transistors on
a single
Fifth Ultra large scale integration During the 4th
generatio generation
and VLSI
technology was
used to pack
thousands or
millions of
transistors on a
single device
 Computers are classified according to some criteria.
 We can classify computer by looking at the following:
 Speed and cost (fastest and most expensive.
 Gaming computers.
 Those that can process bulk data (a lot of data).
 Those with more memory and large storage
capacities than microcomputers.
 Those that are single system and single user.
 From the factors above computers are classified as follows:
1. Supercomputer.
 It is the biggest.
 It is the most expensive.
 It is the fastest and most powerful computer for big data processing.
 It is able to process many instructions in a second.
 It is mainly used in application requiring complex mathematical calculations
such as in flight simulation in aerospace, in weather forecasting and in satellite

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
2. Mainframe computers.
 They are the largest and most expensive after super computers.
 They have a higher processing power which can handle thousands of
connected peripheral devices or users at the same time.
 They store large amount of data, instructions and information.
 Most government institutions use mainframe computers to store data, calculate
interest rates and customer balances.

3. Mini computers.
 They are smaller, less powerful and less expensive than main frame and
super computers.
 They are more expensive and powerful than personal computers.
 They provide a centralized location for data, information and programs.
 They are also used to perform calculations and process business transactions.
4. Microcomputers.
 They are the least powerful, smallest and cheapest computers.
 They are also called personal computers. They are called microcomputers
because their processing device is called a microprocessor.
 They are designed to be used by one person at a time.
 They are used in offices, schools, businesses, media houses or to keep
records, prepare lesson plans and to browse.
Different computers for different uses.
1. General purpose computers
 They are most common computers that can perform most common tasks
such as word processing, calculations, draw, Play music and send
electronic mails.
 General purpose computers are mostly used in schools, hotels, hospitals
and at homes.
2. Special purpose computers.
 They are computers designed to carry out specific tasks only.
 They are mainly used in manufacturing industries, traffic control systems,
weather forecasting, robotic systems, satellites and ATM machines.

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Criteria used to classify computers.
By functionality or data By size By purpose
Analogue computers Micro computers General purpose computers
Digital computers Mini computers Special purpose computers.
Hybrid computers Mainframe computers
Super computers

What is the difference between Analogue computers, digital computers

and Hybrid computers?
 Computers are classified as analogue, digital or hybrid based on data
 Data handling
Analogue is the form in which data is represented in a computer.
 They were the first computers to be developed to be used in
measuring quantities such as temperatures, pressure, car speed and
 They accepted data directly without converting it.
 Examples of analogue computers include: speedometer and mercury
 Digital computers.
 They included modern computers like laptops, tablets, desktops and
 They are designed to perform calculations and logic operations at high
 They accept the raw data as input and process it with programs stored in
its memory to produce the desired output.

A laptop A Tablet A Desktop A Smartphone

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
 Hybrid computers.
 They combined best features of the analogue computers such as speed
and those of the digital computers such as internal memory.
 They are used in specialized applications where both analogue signals and
convert them into digital form before processing.
 Examples of hybrid computers are fuel pump and the analogue blood
pressure monitoring device.

Appropriate computers to use in different situations

Pupil’s activity

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Use of
in daily life

 An
uter is
ed to
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s are
Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
1.5 Computer User Environment.

 Computer user environment is an area equipped with devices, facilities and

other components that provide suitable conditions for the use of computers.
 A computer user environment can also mean a specialized and secure room
that facilitates installation and usage of digital devices.
 Examples of computer user environment are cyber cafe and
computer laboratories.

Factors to consider when setting up A Computer user environment.

 Accessibility.
-Computer user environment should be set up in a place where the intended
user can easily reach.
 Good lighting.
-The room should be well it.
 Ventilation.
-The environment should be well ventilated, have free circulation of air and
be free from heat, dust and moisture which can damage a computer system.
 Power source.
-A computer user environment should have a reliable source of power to
prevent loss of data and damage of computers.
 Space.
-The floor space should allow free movement of people using the computer
user environment.
 Security.
-A computer user environment should be secure with strong doors and
 It should also have system in place to prevent unauthorised access.
 Firefighting equipment.
-Should be available at all times in case of a fire.
 Proper cabling.
-Should be done from the power sources to the devices.
-The cable must be insulated and laid away from busy areas of the room
to prevent people from getting electrocuted or tripping.
 Proper furniture
-it should be used at workstations ensuring there is enough chairs for each
workstation and all tables have proper cable management to avoid cables
running across the room.
 Appropriate computers, softwares and peripheral devices should be used for
the computer user environment.
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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Appropriate Resources for setting up a computer user

When setting up a computer user environment, you need the following:

1. Desks or tables and chairs.

2. Computer system.
3. Extension cards and electrical cables.
4. Good lighting.
5. Printers.
6. Scanner.
7. Projector.
8. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS.)
9. Fire extinguisher.
Safety precautions and practices in the computer user environment.
 Do not eat or drink in a computer user environment. Food particles clog
computer parts when they fall in while liquids may pour into electrical circuits
and cause short circuits.
 Do not touch naked wires.
 Only allow authorised people. Avoid welcoming strangers.
 Organise your desks before leaving.
 Enter and exit quietly from the computer user environment.
 Do not rush or push each other.
 Avoid carrying pointed objects near computers
 Remove shoes entry to minimise dust
 Always follow the proper procedure for starting and shutting down the
computer to avoid loss of data.
 Computers should be covered with dust covers when not in use.
 Place computers on strong, stable and spacious tables to avoid
accidentally knocking the computers components down.
 Install smock detectors and gaseous fire extinguishers that can be used in case
of fire in the computer user environment.
 Fit window curtains, air conditioning systems and dehumidifier to control
dust and dampness in the computer user environment.
 Practice regular cleaning of digital devices using a computer dust blower.
 Cables should be well laid out using floor cord covers (trunks) or cable clips
to prevent people from tripping over them.

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
Emerging trends in computer user environment

o Introduction of smartphones and small portable computers has made it easier

for people to access computer services.
o This means that the computer user environment is no longer confined
within walls. It goes where a person has access to a computing device
o Mobile phone companies have made connectivity easy by availing network
services to the people. This made it easy to access computer services anywhere
at any time.
o Current events and new technologies have enabled automation of processes,
scientific research, digital gaming and improvement in communication
technological advancement. This has enabled wearable health monitors, fleet
management, industrial monitoring, smart homes security systems, smart badges
organisations and asset tracking.
o Computer vision enables computers to get meaningful information from
digital images and videos and take actions or make recommendations based
on that information. For example, reading traffic signs in self-driving cars.
o Digital health systems help in connecting health service providers to patients. This
is done by using smart or connected medical equipment that enable continued
distanced medical examinations. Patients do biometrics that have enabled
1.6 to monitor
Physical Parts ofthe
A health status of their patients. Examples of digital health
 platforms
The physical include M-tiba
parts of and Afyaare
a computer Moja.
the tangible parts of a computer.
 These physical parts of a computer form the computer hardware.
 The physical parts of a computer are; monitor, keyboard, mouse and the
system unit.
 They keyboard, mouse and monitor are attached to the system unit.
 The devices attached to the system unit are known as peripheral devices. They
are attached to the system unit using interface cables that transmit data.
 Some computer peripheral devices are connected to the system unit wirelessly.
 A port is the part where peripheral devices are attached to the system unit.
 Other devices that can be attached to the system unit are:
o Scanners.
o External speakers.
o Routers.
o Gamepads.
o Flash disks.
o Projectors.
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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
o Printers.
o Headsets.
o Web cameras.
 Mobile devices like laptops and smartphones have inbuilt physical parts.
These inbuilt physical parts include the touchpad, keyboard and screen.

Parts of A computer and their functions.

Part of computer Function of the part
Monitor Used to displaying information for example pictures and text
Keyboard Used for typing and giving instructions to the computer
System unit. Contains the devices of a computer that Process data and
gives information such as CPU
Mouse. Is used for selecting items and giving instructions to the
computer by clicking
Speaker Are used for listening to music and audio files
Flash disks Is used for storing and transferring information
Scanner Is used to take images of paper documents and displaying them
on a computer
Cables Are used to connect different parts of a computer
Connecting the physical parts of the computer

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Reusing and Recycling Physical parts of A computer.

How to minimise wastage in computer usage
 We can reuse or recycle the physical parts of a computer. For example
 If a device is in good working condition but longer in use it can be sold for
some money to someone who will reuse it.
 Such devices can also be donated to people who need them
 A computer monitor can also be used as a television screen with little
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 We can transform a system unit to a lockable cabinet by removing the
inside components and installing a lock.
 Physical parts of a computer can be used to make art for example the keys of
the keyboard
 The physical parts of a computer can be sent to the manufacturer or sent to
a recycling centre where they are taken apart, their components sorted and
 Parts that can no longer be used can be disposed off in electronic waste (e-
waste) drop off points.
 Plastic parts can be recycled to make plastic utensils and other plastic products.
Interacting with physical parts of a computer
activity Page
Hands-on skills concepts
 There are certain computer skills a computer user should know.
 These computer skills
involve: a.) Starting a
b.) Shutting down a
c.) Using a computer to
perform tasks such as typing
and drawing.

 Starting a computer
 Switch on the power source.
 Press the power button of the monitor then press the power button of the
system unit to start your computer.
 Wait for the computer to finish the booting process.
 Click on your user account.
 Type your username, enter your password and press enter to sign in to
the computer.

 Shutting down a computer

 Close all the programs that may still be running on the computer.
 Click on the start button and select the power button.
 Click the power button. A window showing power option will appear.
 Click shut down for the computer to undergo the shutdown process.
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 Switch off the UPS button (if any)
 Switch of the main power supply button on the wall socket.
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Explain the meaning of the following in computer.
a.) Booting-booting is the process of starting a computer as initiated via
hardware such as a button or by a software command.

b.) Cold booting-The technique of restarting a system from a power-off state

and returning it to normal function.

c.) Warm Booting-Reloading the operating system by performing a Restart

operation from the computer's main menu while it is still turned on.

d.)Shutting down-the act of stopping the operation or activities of the computer

by physically switching it off or using the command.
The Computer Keyboard
 A computer keyboard is an input device used to enter data into a computer.
 It contains keys such as backspace, shift, enter, tab, spacebar, control,
alphabet, numeric, insert and arrow keys.

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Categories of a computer Keyboard Keys

 Function keys are special keys on a computer keyboard marked f1-f12.
 Alphanumeric keys are also called typing keys. They include the number keys (0-
9) and the alphabetic keys(A-Z).
 Navigation are used to move the cursor around the screen. They
keys keys, Home
Arrow include
key, End key, Page up and Page down
keys. purpose
 Special enable specific tasks to be performed when pressed
combination with other
in keys. They include Control (Ctrl), Shift, Escape (Esc),
and Altmode (Alt) key.
 Toggle are keys used to switch between two functions or turn a function
or off. Toggle
onkeys include Caps lock, Num lock, Insert and Scroll lock keys.
 Editing keys enable a user to make change to the typed text. These keys
include Delete, Backspace and Insert Key.

Pointing Devices.
 A pointing device is used to control the movement of a cursor on the
computer screen. Most computers use a mouse as the pointing device.
 Examples of computer pointing devices include
 A mouse.
 Joystick.
 Stylus.
 Trackball.

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 A mouse is a handheld device that allows computer user to point, move,

open and click on objects displayed on the screen.
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 A standard mouse has the left button, right button and a scrolling wheel.
 The left button is used to click, select and drag or to highlight a word or object
on the screen.
 The right button is used to provide additional information or properties of
a selected item.
 The scrolling wheel helps in to moving up and down the screen.
 Clicking is the pressing and releasing the left mouse button once with the
index finger.
 Double clicking is quickly pressing and releasing the left mouse button twice.
 Drag and drop is used when moving icons, folders and files on the desktop.
It helps in placing files in a folder or deleting them.
 Right clicking is pressing and releasing the right mouse button once with
the middle finger.

Interacting with the keyboard and pointing devices of a computer

Pupil’s activity

Computer System Overview.

Computer system

Hardware Software Liveware

Keyboard Web browser Programmers.

Mouse Operating system System analysts


 A system is a group of things, objects or people that collectively work together

to achieve a common goal.
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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
 A computer system is mainly made up of the hardware, software and
liveware. These components work together to accept data, process it and
store the information in order to give the desired output.
 Computer hardware are the physical parts of a computer system that a computer
needs in order to function. They include: the monitor, keyboard, scanner,
system unit, mouse, speaker, printer, web-camera, hard disk and central
processing unit. (CPU)
 The computer software is a set of instructions or programs that tells the
computer what to do. Examples of computer softwares are the Operating
systems and computer applications like web browser, Microsoft office
components such as Ms word, Ms excel among others.
 The computer liveware is also known as the computer user. Computer liveware
operates a computer using the hardware and software components installed in the
computer. Liveware are the users who command or direct computers to perform
a given task. The computer liveware operates a computer using the hardware
and software components. Computer liveware include programmers and system

Functions of the Computer System components.

a.) Computer hardware.
 To accept data and instructions.
 To process data.
 To store data.
 To produce information.
Communicates with devices and users.
b.)Computer software.
 Manages computer resources/
 Provides computer interface.
 Stores and retrieves data and
 Does mathematical calculations.
c.) Computer liveware.
 To design and develop
software and hardware.
 Operates the computer system.
 Enters data and instructions
into the computer.
 Controls the computer
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component function
Speakers Produces sound from a computer.
Keyboard Helps in keying in data and instructions to the computer.
Web-camera Used for capturing images and videos.
Programmer Develops programs used to run a computer.
Mouse Moves the cursor on the screen.
Monitor Allows the user to see what is going on the computer
Touchscreen Allows the user to interact with the device by touching.
System unit It houses the central processing unit.
Microphone Captures voice which can be stored in a computer.
Linkage among Computer system components.
 The various applications in the computer are the softwares.
 The user of the computer is the liveware and the computer itself is the hardware.
 The liveware uses hardware components to input data and give instructions to
the software.
 The software then processes the data and executes the instructions then gives
the information through hardware.
 The information is then used by the liveware for decision making or it is fed
back into the computer as data.

What is the Importance of Computer System?

 Computer system enable fast and efficient process through automation such as
in record keeping, bookings, transactions and payments take shorter time since
the processes have been automated.
 Communication has been enhanced in the society through computer system
such as social media, emailing, voice and video calls which allow faster and
cheaper communications.
 Research has improved through the use of computers system as knowledge
is acquired easily.
 Computer system enables storing and retrieving of data for better access
and reference.
 Computer system performs calculations faster and accurately as compared
to human beings.
 Shopping-computer has helped people to shop online goods and services and
pay for them using online channels.
 Employment-computer system has provided employment opportunities such
as software development and design.

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 Entertainment-people can access music, films and computer games in
their computers.
 Education- the internet holds large amount of information that is easily
accessible compared to textbooks. Learners can learn online without the need
to attend classes physically.

1.9 Computer Hardware Concepts.

 The physical parts of the computer make up the computer hardware.
 Computer hardware is made up the following categories of:
🢖 Central processing unit.
🢖 Input devices (keyboard, mouse, camera, microphone,
🢖 Output devices (monitor, speaker,
projector, printer)
🢖 Storage devices (hard disks, flash
disk, CD)

Categories of the computer hardware.

 The computer hardware comprises of the input devices, output devices,
storage devices and the central processing unit. (CPU)
 Functions of Computer hardware
 Input are used to enter data and instructions into the computer.
devices They
include; mouse, keyboard, touchpad, joystick, scanner, camera, microphone
and stylus.

 CPU-it processes the data entered into the computer according to the instruction
given by the computer user. It is the brain of the computer and it is also called
the processor. It is made up of Arithmetic Logic Unit. (ALU), Control Unit and
the registers.
 It retrieves and executes instructions by coordinating and processing all the
functions of a computer.

 Output device-they are used to give out information from the computer.
Examples of output devices include monitor, speakers, plotter,
headphones, projectors and printer.

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 Storage devices-they are used to store information. They save data, information,
computer softwares and running operations. Examples of storage devices
include hard disk, memory card, flash disk and external hard disks.

Selecting Appropriate Hardware for different situations.

 Different computer hardware components are used in different
situations depending on the tasks to be performed.
 Examples.
 For a taxi driver to communicate with his client he as to use
a phone.
 To accurately capture item prices in a super market a scanner
is used.
 During presentations a speaker and projector are required alongside
a computer.
1.10 Input
 A computer works fasterdevices
after receiving data.
 The data is entered in the computer system using input devices.
 Therefore, the work of input devices is to enable a computer user to enter
data that needs to be processed and the instructions on how to process it.
Categories of Input device.
 Input devices are categorized according to how they are used to enter data
into the computer.
 They are hardware components that help in providing data and instructions to
a digital device.

The categories are as

 follow:
Pointing devices- they control a pointer or cursor on the screen. They
include mouse, touchpads, joystick, light pen, mice and trackballs.

 Keying devices- they help in entering data by pressing the keys on them.
They include keyboard, keypads, touch screen keypads and television

 Scanning device- they capture data directly from the source and convert it into a
form a computer can understand. They include barcode readers, optical
character readers, optical mask readers, magnetic stripe reader and magnetic ink
character readers.

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 Voice input devices-they enter data and instructions into a computer in form
of speech. The microphone is an example of a voice input device.
 Gaming controller-they are used when playing computer games. Example
includes joystick and steering wheel.

 Visual and imaging devices-They include digital camera, image scanner and
video recorders.

Category Input device Photo

a. Pointing devices 1 Mouse
Control pointer or
cursor on the screen

2 Touch pad

3 Joystick

4 Light pen

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5 Trackball

2. Keying devices 1 Keyboard

Help to enter data by
pressing the keys

2 Keypads

3 Touch screen key


4 Television remote

3 Scanning devices 1 Barcode reader

Used to capture data
directly from the
source and convert it
into a form the

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computer can 2 Optical character
understand. reader

3 Magnetic ink
character reader

4 Optical mark

5 Magnetic stripe

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4 Voice input devices 1 Microphone

They enter data and
instructions into a
computer in form of

 Resistive touch screen-allow both fingers and non-fingers input. They are used
in feature phones, global positioning system (GPS), some printers and digital
cameras. They support single-finger touch and basic gestures.

 Infrared touch screen-devices emit infrared light which is picked up by various

sensors located on the edges or corners. Infrared rays are invisible. Plants control
systems, interactive whiteboards, ATM machines and ticketing machines have
infrared touch screens. Infrared touch screens can be operated with dirty gloves
or wet fingers.

 Capacitive touch screen -uses the conductive touch of human finger for input.
They work by sensing the electrical properties of the human body. The phone
touch screen and smartwatch’s touch screen are examples of capacitive

 Scanning is capturing data in its original format and converting it into

digital format.
 There are two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) scanners.
 2D scanners are used to read two dimensional barcodes.
 Barcodes are machine-readable data in form of numbers and a pattern of
parallel lines with varying widths printed on a product in order to identify it.
 Three dimensional scanners analyse a real-world object or environment to
collect data on its shape and possible its appearance.

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Appropriate input devices for different situations.
Factors to consider when selecting input devices.
 User needs-the device should meet the need of the user.
 Type of data to be input.
 Available space for the input devices.
 Volume of the data to be input.
 Accuracy of the input devices.
 Cost of the input devices-the device shot be affordable.
 Compatibility-it is the ability of the input devices to work with the existing
computer hardware. The device should be able to work together with
other available devices in the computer.

Reusing Input devices to minimize wastage.

 Input devices that are in good condition can be reused to minimize waste.
 Computers keyboards can be used to make: book covers, pencil holders,
key holders, rings and fridge notes.
 A computer mouse can be used to make toys, soap dishes, toothbrush holders
and Christmas tree decorations.
 Obsolete and dysfunctional input devices can be sent to recycling facility
where they will be recycled to make new products.

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1.11 Central Processing Unit.
 The computer operations are performed through execution of instructions in
a computer by the Central Processing Unit.
 The CPU is the part of the computer that process data and instructions from
the user.
 It is also called the processor.
 It is regarded as the brain of a computer.

Locating the CPU in a computer.

 It is located inside the system unit.
 The CPU is mounted onto the motherboard.
 The functional elements of the CPU are: Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), control
unit and the registers.
 The motherboard is a circuit board which holds computer components and
allows communication between them.
 It also provides connectors for peripheral devices.

Functional elements of the CPU.

a.) Arithmetic Logic
 It carries out all the logical and arithmetic operations.
 The logical operations carried out include comparison of values using equal
to (=), less than (<) and greater than (>).
 The arithmetic operations carryout include addition, subtraction, division and

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b.)Control Unit.
 It coordinates all the processing activities of the CPU.
 Controls movement of data and information between the processor
and memory.

 They are found in the processor.
 They are a type of computer memory that quickly accept, store and
transfer data and instructions that are being used immediately by the CPU.
 They enhance
 the performance of the CPU.

Central Processing

Control Unit

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)


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Types of Processors.
To find the type of processor in a computer, follow the following steps
as outlined in the table below.
 Click start.
 Click settings.
 Click system.
 Click about.
You can also use the following procedure.
 Click control panel.
 Click system and security.
Click system to open.
 You can also press the Windows Key + Pause break button on your keyboard
to instantly open the Settings window.

 There are 6 types of CPU.

 The CPU are classified according to the number of the cores they have.
 The core of a CPU receives instructions and performs calculations or operations
to satisfy the received instructions.

Type of core Number Examples

of cores
Single core 1 Intel 4004
Dual core 2 Intel core duo, A M D X2
Quad core 4 ATHLON II X4, INTEL CORE I3-10100
Hexa core 6 INTEL CORE I5-11400, INTEL CORE I5-11600K
Octa core 8 INTEL CORE I7-11700K, INTEL CORE I7-11700
Deca core 10 XEON SILVER 4114T
Using computers with different processor types

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 Processed data can be given out in form of audio, text, pictures, graphics
or videos.
 Output devices are used to give out information from the computer.

Output devices of a computer.

 Output devices are peripheral devices that give out information from a
computer to the user.
 Examples of output devices are: monitors, printers, actuators, plotters,
speakers, earphones and projectors.

Functions of Output devices.

 Monitor
• It displays data in text and graphics.
 Speakers.
• Gives information in form of sound or audio.
 Headphones/earphones.
• Produce audio information.
 Printers.
• Produce text or picture on paper.
 Projectors.
• Gives visual information by projecting it on a flat smooth like wall or
a white board.
 Plotters.
• Produces digital created graphics and drawings. A plotter uses a pen
to draw lines on paper.
 Actuators.
• A part of a device or machine that helps to create physical
movement using signals from a computer.
 Braille embrosser.
• A device that presses dots onto paper for people with visual impairment
to read using their fingers.

Categories of Computer Output devices

Softcopy output devices.
 They give intangible output in form of text, audios and
 These devices include; monitors, speakers and projectors.

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Hardcopy output devices.
 They give tangible output that is in form of printed text or
 Examples of hardcopy output devices are printers and plotters.

Advantages and disadvantages of Softcopy and Hardcopy output.

Advantages of hardcopy Disadvantages of hardcopy

It is considered permanent data as It is expensive to produce as it

editing and changing is not easy. requires paper, ink and printer.

It does not need electricity, special It is not easy to move from one place
devices or software to to another.
When properly stored it is not easily lost It requires a lot of physical storage space.

It is not subjected to data stealing It can be stolen or destroyed through

and cyber attacks wear and tear or be subjected to
factors such as fire and water.
Advantages of softcopy Disadvantages of softcopy

It is easy to move from one place It is vulnerable to cyber and data stealing.
to another.
It is cheap to produce as it does It requires electricity, a device and
not require paper or ink. software to be displayed or
Large amount of data and It is considered temporary data which
information can be stored without can be altered or manipulated.
the need for a lot of physical space.

It is beneficial to the environment as

it reduces the number of trees cut to
make paper.

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Appropriate Output devices for different situations.
Factors to consider when selecting output devices.
 Number of people receiving the output i.e. large audience will need projector
for display and speakers for audio.
 Portability-determines the type of output device used.
 Environment in which the output device will operate.
 Nature of expected output/ Output quality.
 User friendliness.
 User needs.
 Suitability to the function it is intended to carry out.
 Compatibility with the available devices.
 The cost of purchasing and maintaining the output devices.

W e care and use output devices by:

 Keeping the devices away from water and dust.
 Avoiding exposure to foods and fluids.
 Always powering off the devices after use.
 Connecting only with compatible devices.
 Cleaning and servicing the devices regularly.
 Ensuring secure connection of the devices before use.

Technological trends in development of output devices.

 Output devices have constantly been replaced with new and better devices due
to improved technology from innovators.
 Technology trends enable fast evolution of output devices which suits users’
needs better, are cost effective, friendly to the environment, secure and able to
• Computer displays which are able to create clear, high quality,
digital displays.
• Wireless speakers and headphones which are more portable, have
noise reduction capability and produce better sound quality.
• Better braille embrosser that give better quality braille while
producing very little noise. They also recognize speech and give
speech feedback, making them user friendly.
• Printers which produce better quality hardcopies, can be secured
using passwords, are compact, cost effective and easy to use.

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1.13 Ports and Cables.
 The peripheral devices of a computer are connected to the computer
system using cables and ports.
 There are different types of cables and ports.
A port
 it is a physical slot of a computer through which peripheral devices
are connected.
 All input and output devices of a computer are connected on the
 It
. is also called a cord, plug or connector.
 It is used to transmit power or data between devices.
 The cable that creates communication between devices is known as Data
 Types
The power
of Cables
on power
the Computer.
to the computer and its components.
 A computer system has HDMI cable, VGA cable, DVI cable, Ethernet
cable, PS/2 cable, audio cable, USB cable and computer power cord
1. High Definition Media Interface (HDMI).
 HDMI cable is used to transmit high definition video and
audio signals.
 It is used to connect televisions, Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)
players and other electronic devices.

2. Video Graphic Array (VGA)

 It is used to send video signals.
 It is used to link the monitor, TV’s or projectors to the
 The VGA cable can also be used in High Definition
(HD) televisions.
 It has a total of 15 pins in the plugin cable which have three
rows containing 5 pins each.

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3. Digital Visual Interface (DVI)
 DVI cable is used to connect the monitor and the video
 It transmits digital and analog signals to the computer

4. The Ethernet cable.

 The Ethernet cable is a computer network cable which is used for
a wired network.
 It is used to connect switches and Personal computers (PCs) to
the network.

5. The Personal System/2 (PS/2)

 The Personal System/2 (PS/2) cable is a standard cable used
to connect the mouse and keyboard to the computer
 It has 6 pins and a round connector. This cable is now replaced
with the USB cable as it is a universal cable and can be easily
plugged int any system.

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6. Audio cables.
 They are used in a computer audio application.
 They can be used for connecting mini-stereo audio
devices, earphones and headphones to the system.

7. The Universal Serial Bus (USB)

 It is a standard cable used to connect universal devices or
personal computers.
 Currently, the USB cable is used to charge devices like
smartphones and Bluetooth speakers.
 The USB is connected to the USB port present in the
computer system.
 The Mouse and keyboard are also connected to a USB port as
they have USB cables.

Relating and connecting cables to their corresponding ports.

activity Page
Connecting cables to computers.
 When connecting cables do not force the cable connector into a port
during connection because you will end up bending the pins.

 Bending, folding or continuously stepping on cables may cause the wires inside
the cables to break or pull out. Instead, lay the cables neatly in trunks to secure

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Reusing and Recycling Cables.
 Old cables can be reused to make ornaments, decorations and Do It
Yourself (DIY) items.
 Cable wires can be removed from their sheath and sold.
 If the cables cannot be reused, they are recycled at electronics recycling (e-
cycling) centres.
 Old cables that are still in good working conditions can be donated to other

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1.14 Computer Setup.
 For the computer to be fully functional and start working, all the physical
parts required must be correctly connected and the softwares well installed.
 Therefore, setting up a computer is connecting all the hardware and
preparing software programs for the computer to function properly.

Problems experienced when setting up computer.

 Computer user may experience challenges when setting up computers.
These challenges include the following:
 Unstable power supply that leads to power surge which might
destroy the computer.
 Inadequate knowledge and skills on setting up or fixing hardware
and software related problems leading to poor computer setup and
eventually failure to start up.
 Difficulty in matching cables to their respective ports.
 Inability to identify and correct failed connections.
 Lack of skills in installing operating systems.
 Damaged or broken cable pins due to improper fixing e.g. forcing
a cable to a wrong port.
 Damaged hardware devices that do not work.
 Computer and monitor not turning on due to faulty power cables
or improper fixing of cables to the power supply.

Ways of setting up a computer.

activity Page
84. Setting up computers.
 The following are tools and equipment used in setting up
computer.  System unit.  UPS.
 Monitor.  Power tester.
 Screw driver.  Surge protector.
 Speakers.  Mouse.
 Cables.  Power extension
 Keyboard. cables.

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Applying appropriate Instructions to set up computers.
Some ways of ensuring safety when setting up computers include the following:
 Before installing any devices, always read through the user manual that
comes with the device.
 Remember to follow all the instructions of setting up a computer and
exercise caution as you set up computer.
 Ensure there is a stable power supply that can power a computer before
the connection.
 Use a UPS or surge protector for power connection to the CPU and monitor.
 Make sure your hands are completely dry to avoid electric shock and
damaging any computer parts with moisture.
 Handle all the parts of a computer with care. Place each component on a hard-
flat surface. Be careful not to drop any parts.
 Ensure your computer has enough room to allow proper ventilation. If there is
no free flow of air the computer can be damaged or cause fire.
 Be sure to connect all cables to the appropriate ports.
 If a cable does not connect easily to a port, do not forcefully push it in to
avoid damaging it. Check that you are connecting it to the right port and that
the pins and holes align.
 Manage cables properly when setting up a computer by ensuring nothing is
pressing on them and that they are not located in a place where they can
be stepped on or tripped over.
 Do not spill foods or liquids on the computer.
 Always switch on the monito before the CPU to display any errors or
messages while booting.

Ways of overcoming challenges experienced when setting up a computer.

 Make sure there is stable and reliable power supply or have a power backup
to minimise interruptions.
 Gently and carefully connect cables of each device to the correct ports to
avoid damaging cables or bending the port pins.
 Make use of user manuals to avoid erroneous connections when setting up
a computer.
 Observe boot up information on the screen to see whether power on-self
test (POST) displays any error message.
 Replace and repair damaged parts.
 Research and learn how to set up a computer properly.

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Practising Booting Computers.
 To know if a computer is well setup, we must switch it on first and check it all
the components are working well. This process is called Booting up a computer.
 The steps of booting a computer are as follows:
 Switch on the main power supply on the socket.
 If the computer is connected to the UPS, switch its power button on.
 Switch on the monitor by pressing the power button.
 Switch on the system unit by pressing the power button.
 Upon switching the system unit on, the computer performs a power on self-
test where the computer checks that all components are connected and are
functioning well.
 The computer then displays the name of the Operating system followed by
a display of icons on the computer monitor.



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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
1. Physical safety of computers.
 Physical safety of computers means the protection of computers from theft.
 It also involves understanding how to work safely with computers and
in environments with digital equipment.
 Physical threats to computers.
 Physical threats to a computer include:
🢖 Fluids such as water, milk and juice that can damage computer
keyboards, motherboards and CPUs.
🢖 Theft.
🢖 Damage caused by natural disasters, fire and impact of falls.
🢖 Corrosion caused by excessive humidity and dampness.
🢖 Exposed cables in the computer room.

 Ways of mitigating/reducing physical threats to computers.

 To prevent physical threats, the following should be done.
 Do not carry water into the computer room or near the computer.
 Do not use old and loose power extension cables in a computer room.
They produce sparks that can cause fire in the computer room.
 Replace loose power extension cables because they may lead to unstable
power supply.
 Use voltage controllers to curb unstable power supply in the computer room.
 Equip computer rooms with fire extinguishers that do not use water, the
computer room can be fit with automatic fire detectors that will detect fire or
smoke and alert the personnel in charge for quick action.
 Tuck computer cables in trunks or carefully lay them down under the desks
in order to prevent falls in the computer room.
 Place computers on strong furniture to prevent them from falling.
 Restrict access to computer rooms.
 Secure the computer room with strong windows and doors to control theft of
computers. To increase the security level, you can install CCTV cameras and
also employ security personnel.
 Use computer cable locks to control theft in the computer room.
 Use dehumidifiers to control excess humidity and dampness.
 Ensure there is enough ventilation or free circulation of air in the computer
 Fit window curtains and air conditioners in the computer room to control
and filter dust particles from entering the room.
 Cover computers with dust covers when they are not in use.
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Natural Disasters that cause physical threats to computers.
Some of the natural disasters that cause physical threats to computers include:
 Lightning.
 Floods.
 Earthquakes.
 Extreme sunshine.
Ways of mitigating/reducing physical threats caused by natural disasters
to computers.
 To protect computers from lightning attacks, use lightning arresters.
 Putting up computer rooms on raised grounds helps to avoid effects
of flooding.
 Fitting computer rooms with curtains will help to reduce direct sunlight
on computers.
 Computer room walls should be painted with cool colours to avoid the
glare caused by bright backgrounds.

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2. Health and Safety.
 Prolonged and inappropriate use of computers can lead to health
 Health complications associated with the use of Computers and the
prevention. Some of the health issues associated with use of computers
🢖 Back & neck pains.
🢖 Obesity.
🢖 Arm pains.
🢖 Fatigue.
🢖 Eyestrain.
🢖 Itchy eyes.
Complication Safety measures.
1 Poor sitting posture while Ensure that you sit in an upright posture and
using a computer may cause on a comfortable and adjustable chair to
upper and lower back pain. avoid back pain. Use adjustable chair.
2 Brighter or dim screen Adjust the screen brightness and text font
brightness causing eye size when using computers to avoid
stains. eyestrains.
To decrease screen glare. Use antiglare
tilt your computer screen appropriately
and maintain a proper vision distance.
Reflected glare from sun rays and brightly
painted walls can be prevented by fitting
the computer room with curtains or blinds
that users can adjust.
Prolonged time in using Taking short breaks from computers after
computers working for some time helps to stretch
muscles and rest the eyes.
 Safe use and best practices when Reduce time spent on computers.
using computers.
🢖 Always ensure that your workstation has a comfortable chair with a backrest.
🢖 Sit with your back straight, feet at an angle of 90 0 and resting flat on the floor.
🢖 Have the correct height of desk and chair then place your computer screen at
an eye-level to avoid straining your neck while working on the computer.
🢖 Remember to keep a proper vision distance and always blink when working on
a computer.

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2.3 Repetitive Strain Injury. (RSI)
 Repetitive Strain Injury involves gradual (slow) damages on muscles and
nerves due to repetitive movements when using computers.
 RSI affects the following parts of the body:
 The neck.
 Back.
 Wrists and hands.
 Forearms.
 Elbows.
 Shoulders.
Common Signs of Repetitive Strain Injury.
⭢ Mild to severe pain on the affected areas.
⭢ Tenderness.
⭢ Swelling.
⭢ Stiffness.
⭢ Numbness.
⭢ Weakness.
⭢ Sensitivity to cold or heat.
⭢ Sensitive and itchy eyes.
 Causes of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
 Working for too long without breaks. It causes pain on the neck, arms
and shoulder cramps and cold hands.
 Sitting for too long in the wrong posture. It causes back and neck pains.
 Using a computer mouse, typing, playing computer games and watching
movies for too long. Causes swelling and pain on the wrists, shoulders, arms
and eyestrain.
 Preventing Repetitive Strain Injury when using a computer.
 Always take short breaks from the computer to stretch your muscles and rest
your eyes.
 Place computer monito about arm length away from you in order to maintain
a safe distance from the eyes and reduce straining your eyes.
 Align your elbow to the keyboard as you type to a void straining.
 Remember to exercise and relax your muscles and seek medical advice incase
the symptoms persists.
 Readjust your chair and desk to help you sit in an upright posture. Ensure your
chair has a backrest and your feet rest flat on the floor or have a foot rest.
This minimise muscle strain and stress. This type of workstation are called
ergonomic workstations.

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How to rearrange a workstation before using a computer.
 Using a wrist rest to elevate and cushion the wrist when typing.
 Adjusting the screen light on the monitor.
 Adjusting font size of the text.
 Readjusting the chair and desk to help in sitting in an upright
posture. Causes of wrist pain.
⭢ Typing for too long.
⭢ Straining the hands during typing.
How to prevent wrist pain.
⭢ Using wrist rests to elevate and cushion the wrists when typing.
⭢ Using a mouse and aligning the elbow to the keyboard during typing to
avoid straining.
Ways of reducing eyestrain
⭢ Taking short breaks from the computer in order to rest the eyes.
⭢ Reducing the screen light to a level that is comfortable to the eyes.
⭢ Placing the computer monitor at about an arm’s length away in order to
maintain a safe distance from the eyes.

Using Computers safely to minimise RSI.

The safe measures that help prevent RSI are as follows.

 Presence of comfortable adjustable chair with a straight backrest.
 Hands are resting on the armchair.
 There is a footrest and feet resting on it.
 The distance of the screen is at an arm’s length to reduce
 Sitting is in upright posture to avoid back pain.
 Placing hands on the keyboard when typing.
 Taking breaks from the computer to reduce eyestrain.
 Reducing the screen brightness.
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2.4 Data Safety in Computers.
🢝 Computers users should prioritise protecting data against loss.
🢝 Several control measures of securing data can be used.
🢝 Specific measures are designed to deal with specific data
 Data threats in a computer.
i. Data safety-it is protecting digital data from lose through safe storage and
backing up.
ii. Data privacy-is protecting personal information from unauthorised access.
It is also the ability to determine of people to determine who can access
their personal data.
iii. Data threats- are any potential dangers to information stored in a computer
system. They include actions that may be internal or external and that may
cause stealing, destruction, denying access to or loss of data.
Data threats are commonly caused by:
 Hackers.
 Malware or virus attacks.
 Fraudsters.
 Thieves.
 Human errors.
 Unauthorised access to files.
 Malicious access to system functions by unauthorised persons.

 Control measures for securing data in a computer.

🢖 Installation of antivirus
🢖 Backing up data.
🢖 Use of strong passwords.
🢖 Regularly changing passwords.
Control measure What the measure protects the data against
Backing up data Protects data from loss.
Installing antivirus Protects the data from corruption and loss.
Using strong passwords Protects data from unauthorised access.

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Computer Notes by Mwalimu Viny Namaye.
🢝 Computers and other devices can be interconnected to exchange data and
share resources.
🢝 This interconnection of computers and other devices forms a computer
Examples of networks in today’s world.
 Railway.
 Power lines.
 Telephone lines.
 Internet networks.
3.1 Computer Network Concepts.
 Relating computer networks to other networks.
 A network is an interconnection between two or more devices
 A computer network-is a connection of two or more computers linked
together using a transmission media for the purpose of communication and
sharing resources.
 A computer network can also be defined as an interconnection of two or
more computers through a medium.
 A sender-is the computing device from which data is sent to other devices in
the network.
 A receiver-is a device that accepts the transmitted data or information.
 Message -is data or information being transmitted from the sender to the
receiver through a transmission media.
 Protocol -refers to rules and regulations governing how devices communicate in
a network.
 Importance (advantages) of Computer Networks.
 They enable effective and efficient sharing of information and
 They enable fast communication.
 Computer networks increase productivity.
 They minimise or reduce the cost of buying stand-alone resources.
 Disadvantages of Computer networks.
 Virus attacks.
 Data insecurity.
 High cost of building
 Network failure.

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 Modelling a computer network.
 In a computer network, devices usually communicate by conveying signals
from one end to another by use of a channel or medium.

Below is an example of a computer network

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 Computer Networks.
🢖 Transmission media may be physical or non-physical.
🢖 Physical transmission media uses cables for transmission.
🢖 Non-physical transmission media are wireless.
🢖 The device from which signals are sent is the sender.
🢖 The device that receives signals is the recipient.
🢖 A medium is a physical path between the sender and receiver.
🢖 A cable is a network hardware used to connect one network device to
other network devices.
🢖 A modem is a hardware component that allows a computer or another
device such as a router or switch to connect to the internet.
 Benefits of computer networks.
 Computer networks enable:
 Sharing of devices like printers, servers, modems and routers in order to
reduce costs.
 Enables sharing of data or information that is stored in a central server by
many users.
 Enables sharing of applications and programs across a network.
 It enables convenient working away from the office by linking offices
remotely (telecommunication).
 Communication between users through emails, voice and video conferencing.
 Computer networks enable the business sector to increase efficiency, promote
online buying and selling of products and services and reach a wider
customer base.
 Computer networks enable people to access entertainment services,
conduct research and communicate easily and efficiently with other.
 Challenges of computer networks in the society.
🠾 High cost of hardware, software and connectivity to the networks.
🠾 System failures or disruptions leading to stalling(stopping) of work due to
relying too much on the network.
🠾 Poor internet connectivity.
🠾 Security threats such as computer viruses.
🠾 Violation of personal security and privacy because of multiple users.
🠾 Insufficient data bundles.
🠾 Computer viruses.
🠾 Hardware failures or Device malfunction.
🠾 Illiteracy among computer users.
🠾 Inadequate and unstable power supply.
🠾 Technological challenges.
🠾 Loss of data.
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🠾 Slow connectivity.
🠾 Setup conflicts.
🠾 Insecurity.
🠾 Interferences from the environment for wireless network.

🢝 A computer virus is a malicious program that logs into user’s computer without
user’s knowledge and performs malicious actions such as corrupting the system
or destroying data and information.

 Ways of solving challenges of computer networks.

 Use of antivirus programs.
 Topping up accounts in order to purchase services.
 Regular maintenance.
 User training.
 Increasing bandwidth.
 Employing qualified network personnel.
 Regular hardware services.
 Installing genuine softwares.
 Use of firewalls.

 Positive effects of Computer networks on learners in schools.

🢖 Convenient resource sharing.
🢖 Fast sharing of information.
🢖 Flexibility.
🢖 Ease of accessibility of resources.
🢖 Enables fast communication among others.

 Negative effects of Computer networks on learners in schools.

 Health complications that arise from too much use of computer
 Overdependence on computer networks.
 Virus attacks leading to loss of communication.
 Insecurity that leads to theft of computers in a computer network.
 Sharing of malicious information among students.

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3.2 Connecting to Computer Networks.
 Connection is required for any resource or data sharing to take place in
a computer network.
 The type of connection depends on the type of digital devices in a particular
set up.
 Identifying computer networks.
 Cabled networks.
They enable data signals flow through
cables. Cables used include;

Twisted pair cables.


Coaxial cables.

Fiber optic cables.

 Wireless networks.
They deliver data and information through in form of airwaves rather
than through physical cables.
Wireless connectivity may be achieved through satellites, radio waves,
Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), infrared and Bluetooth.

Advantages of wireless networks.

 They are more stable.
 They have fast transmission speeds and high connectivity.
 They have better security as they face less traffic interruptions.
 Some have the ability to connect to systems across long distances.

 Connecting to computer networks.

Making a cabled computer network.
🢝 Items and devices used in connecting the computers to a network
🠾 Laptops.
🠾 PCs.
🠾 Cables.
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🢝 The network connectivity icon will appear at the bottom-right corner of a

computer status bar as a computer monitor with a network cable indicating
a successful cabled network connection.

Making a wireless network connection using smartphones.

🢝 You need at least smartphones.
🢝 Tap the Bluetooth
two in your smartphones to turn Bluetooth
icon Pair the two smartphones.
🢝 on.A Bluetooth pairing code will appear on both
🢝 Select ‘PAIR’ to complete the connection
NB-Bluetooth connection range is approximately 10 metres.
Barriers such as walls and distance may affect Bluetooth connectivity.

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3.3 Internet Concepts.
 Introduction.
🢖 Internet is a global connection of millions of computer networks that
enable people and organisations to communicate and share resources.

 Internet as a resource that runs on a global network of computers.

🢖 Internet refers to a global interconnection of many computers and other
internet enabled devices mainly for the purpose of sharing resources and
🢖 The word internet is derived from International network.
🢖 No one owns the internet but the users operate by following a set of guided
rules and regulations.

 Benefits of the Internet.

🠾 Internet enables communication worldwide through emails, chat services
and video calls.
🠾 Electronic learning through video teachings and research has enabled learners
and researchers to get information.
🠾 The internet is a source of entertainment. People listen to music, watch
videos, sports and even play online games through the internet.
🠾 Business flourish by using internet for online shopping.
🠾 Uploading, downloading and sharing data has been made easier with the
🠾 The banking sector has embraced online banking. Sending and receiving money
is now faster and more convenient because of the internet.
🠾 Some job seekers use the internet to find and apply for jobs online.

 Challenges of the internet.

🠾 Causes antisocial behaviour due to too much use or addiction.
🠾 Causes laziness.
🠾 Hacking and computer viruses are online threats associated with the internet.
🠾 Some internet activities such as online gambling and posting of illicit photos
and videos are indicators of moral decay.
🠾 Personal data can be compromised through the internet and used to
commit crimes such as fraud and cyber bullying.
🠾 Sometimes the internet contains misleading and false information.

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 Ways of overcoming Internet challenges.
 Using updated software and antivirus programs to prevent data attacks by
 Having strong and different passwords that cannot be cracked also protect
data from being compromised.
 Practising self-control through limiting the time spent on the internet and
shutting down devices to avoid internet distractions.
 Always watching out for scam messages and emails in order to prevent
online fraud.
 Parents, teachers and guardians monitoring all online activities done by
their children and advising them on how to use the internet wisely.
 Not sharing personal information.
 Basic requirements for Internet connectivity.
i. An internet Service Provider (ISP).
ii. Internet software.
iii. A communication device.

🢝 An internet Service Provider (ISP)-is a company that provides internet services

to people or to organisations at a fee. An ISP may also provide software
packages such as browsers.
Most phone communication companies provide internet services. Examples are
Safaricom, Airtel, Zuku and Telkom.

🢝 The internet software-enables a user to access the internet.

Browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer are examples
of internet softwares.

� A hardware capable of transmitting digital signal is a

device modems and
� device, communication
routers are examples of communication devices.

🢝 Communication media-they are paths used to transfer data. They can be cabled
or wireless.
Cabled media includes the twisted pair, coaxial and fiber optic cables.
Wireless media include Blue tooth, Satellite and WI-FI.

 Connecting to the Internet and using it.

🢝 Student activity

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3.4 World Wide Web (WWW)
 Introduction.
🢝 Documents can be connected to other documents in the internet. This
enables users to search for information by moving from one document to
🢝 An information system called World Wide Web enables internet users to
 Importance of WORLD
navigate through Wide
different Web.
web (WWW)
 The World W ide Web (WWW) is also known as the Web or W3.
 It is an information system where documents and other web resources are
 W W W enables internet users to get and share information. It enables the
spread of information over the internet in an easy and flexible way.
 Communication through conference calls is made possible by the WWW.
 It also enables people to get news, undertake research and transact business.
 W W W is a source of entertainment through watching videos, sports and
 Features
listening to
of music.
a web browser.
 Common computer web browsers include;
 Microsoft edge.
 Internet explorer.
 Opera.
 Mozilla Firefox.
 Google Chrome.
 Safari.

 The features of a browser include:

 Navigation bar.
 Refresh button.
 Address bar.
 Bookmark.
 New tab button.
 The stop button.

 Navigation bar-contains the forward and back buttons that enable the user
to load previous and next pages during browsing.
 Refresh button-is used to reload a web page.
 The address bar-is used to enter website addresses.
 The bookmark button- redirects the user to a list of chosen websites from the
sites that are often visited.
 The home button-loads the home page of a browser.

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 Browsers have features that allow a user to open multiple web pages or tabs
at the same time, refresh and stop web pages during loading, move to the
home page, block and prevent unwanted windows that may interfere with

 Components of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

 Each web has a unique address known as Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
 Most URLs contain the protocol needed to access a resource, a prefix of www,
domain name, domain type, region, path to reach the file and the file name.
for example;
 Therefore, the components of a URL are:
 Protocol.
 Sub domain.
 Domain name.
 Domain type.
 Region.

 The protocol-it is used to access a resource on the internet.

 The hostname-is a unique reference that prevents a web page. It is also called
the domain.
 A path-is a file or location on the web server.
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 Step by step working of web browsers.
 A URL is entered in the web browser.
 The browser finds the IP address for the domain.
 The browser initiates a connection with the server.
 It sends an HTTP request to the web server.
 The server handles the request then sends out a HTTP response in form of
the searched information.


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4.1 Computer Programming
 Introduction.
 There are a set of step by step instructions that directs a computer on how
to perform tasks and produce results.
 These instructions are developed by programmers and installed in
 Meaning of Program and computer programming.
� A program is a set of special step by step instructions that tell the computer
� to do. The instructions
what are normally logical, mathematical and sequential functions
grouped together to perform a task. A program is also known as an application
or simply an app.

� A is a computer specialist whose main work is to write

� programmer
instructions using
a programming language.

� Computer is writing step by step instructions that a

� should follow to performcomputer
a particular task. The instructions are written in
a language that a computer can understand.

 Importance of Programming.
🢝 Computer programming reduces errors during processes because it
produces accurate results. It enables an efficient and accurate flow of
🢝 Many job opportunities have been created through programming. Computer
programmers, computer system analysis and web developers are career people
in programming.
🢝 Computer programming fastens processes through automation. Automation saves
time, reduces costs and increases productivity through software robots that
emulate human actions interacting with digital systems and software.
🢝 Computer programming enhances critical thinking and problem solving hence
making it easy to solve problems.
🢝 Programming stimulates creativity.
🢝 Programming improves functioning of devices.
🢝 Programming enhances business activities.

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 Application areas of Computer programs.
🢖 Computer programs are used in education sector to undertake academic
research and also store academic records of learners. In Kenya, the National
Education Management Information System (NEMIS) is an example of a
program that manages data in education institutions.
🢖 Computer programs are used in health sector for medical diagnosis, prescription
and treatment. Medical records are also stored in computer programs.
🢖 The banking system has embraced the use of computer programs to keep
information on customer accounts, perform electronic transactions through the
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), process customer loans and use of Automated
Teller Machines (ATMs) for withdrawal.
🢖 In the entertainment industry, computer programs are used to simulate
games, edit movies, play music, create animations and watch videos.
🢖 Bookings, reservations, checking in and out of guests, creating bills and invoices
in hotels are other uses of computer programs in the hospitality industry.
🢖 Sending and receiving emails, Short Message Service (SMS), voice and video calls
have been enabled by computer programs in the communication sector.
🢖 Computer programs such as maps help in finding locations while calculators
in performing calculations faster.

 Launching and interacting with computer programs.

🢝 Type the word Paint in search box.
🢝 Click on Paint on the menu that appears to launch the
🢝 Identify the part of Paint program main window shown below.

🢝 The Paint program main window contains the menu bar, toolbox and
colour panel.
🢝 The menu bar consists of the file, home and view tabs and the help button.
🢝 The file menu is used to create new files, save and print them.
🢝 The edit menu is for undoing, redoing, copying and pasting.
🢝 The view menu displays the rulers, gridlines, status and the zoom in and
out options.
🢝 The toolbox contains the eraser, pencil, brush, magnifier, select tool, shapes,
fill colour tool, and text tool that are used in drawing.
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4.2 Visual Programming
 Introduction.
🢝 Visual programming is developing applications using graphical components and
🢝 These graphical components and figures mostly include images and video clips.

 Types of visual programming applications.

🢝 Visual programming is also called block-based programming.
🢝 It is a way of creating applications using graphical components and figures. This
is mostly done through the use of code blocks and drag-and drop processes.
🢝 The most common visual programming applications are:
 Microsoft MakeCode.
 Scratch.
 Code.org.
 Sprite box.
 Microsoft Visual Studio.
 Roblox.
 Minecraft.
🢝 Visual programming applications are used because they are easy and interesting
to use. They also help in creating stories, animations and videos that entertain

 Launching a visual programming application.

⭢ Type the word Scratch in the search box. The Scratch application will appear.
⭢ Click on the Scratch application to launch it.
⭢ Alternatively, click Start.
⭢ Scroll down to category S then click on Scratch App. The application will launch.

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3. Visual Programming
 Features of Scratch.

⭢ Scratch is a visual programming language that can be used to create

interactive stories, games and animations.
Features of scratch include:
 The menu bar-it contains the fie menu used to save and load projects and
the view menu which displays rulers, grid lines, status, zoom in and out
 The black palette-it contains a coloured set of code blocks that are used
to program and give instructions to the sprite.
 The stage-it is the main working area where the sprite moves and
performs according to the given code of instruction.
 Backdrops pane-it is the part used to add a back ground to the project.
 Functions of the features of Scratch.
Feature Function
Sprite It is also called the coding area. it is where codes (scripts) area
created for a sprite to do a specific action.
Sprite area Are blocks shaped differently and are used to create codes in Scratch.
Code blocks A small graphic character that performs actions such as moving
around the stage.
Sprite pane Shows information about the size of each sprite.
Sprite info Displays all the sprites in a project

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 A sprite is a small graphic character that performs actions such as moving
around the stage.
 The script area is also called the coding area; it is where codes (scripts) are
created for a sprite to do a specific action. Codes are dragged and dropped here
then snapped together to create a program.
 Code blocks are blocks shaped differently and are used to create codes in
Scratch. The codes connect to each other vertically like a jigsaw.
 The sprite info shows information about the size of each sprite.
 The sprite pane displays all the sprites in a project. A selected sprite has a
blue border around it.

Launch the scratch application in your computer and practice using it as in the
text book page 170.

🢖 To move the sprite, add a move block from the motion category.
🢖 To add sound, click on sound category and choose a sound block.
🢖 To move the sprite back, use a negative value on the move back block. The
block can be repeatedly severally to generate the desired animation.

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 Terminologies used in visual programming applications.
 The start option commands the sprite to perform moves, it is represented by
a green flag . When you click stop the sprite ends its moves.
 Reserved words are also known as key words. These are words with a
special meaning to the programming application. In scratch they are words
that we cannot edit on the blocks. They include when, by and change.
 The rules that should be followed when writing a program using an application
are called syntax.
 Input statement are blocks that are used to create animations.
 Output statements are outcomes of the processed instructions that are
programmed using clocks. These are the actions viewed on the stage when
the blocks are executing.
 Control structures are the blocks that allow selecting or repeating execution
of certain blocks or instructions.

 A backdrop is the background for the stage. Backdrops can be changed from the
gallery or photo in the computer.

 The sensing category helps one to enable input from the mouse, keyboard and
other input devices. ’IF’ is used to choose between two output. For example, it
can be used to perform mathematical calculations and state whether the answer
given is correct or not

Text book page 176
Using Scratch to create a sequence of instructions.

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