Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Description Details
1. Name of Work Resurfacing works on Coastal Road from NH-4B
Junction to Khopta Junction in Dronagiri Node.
2. C.A. No. 07/CIDCO/EE(Dron-I)/2022-23
3. Cost put to the Bid ` 3,70,88,032.27 (` 3,70,79,925.52 Biddable Part
+ ` 8,106.75 Non-Biddable Part)
4. E.M.D. ` 3,71,000/-
5. Registration Class Class – II & above
6. Completion Period 180 (One Hundred Eighty) Days (including
7. Tender Processing Fee ` 11,800.00 (including 18% GST (Non-
(a) One similar completed work of costing not less than the amount equal to
80% of the cost put to the bid;
(b) Two similar completed works of each costing not less than the amount
equal to 50% of the cost put to the bid;
(c) Three similar completed works of each costing not less than the amount
equal to 40% of the cost put to the bid;
Notes :
i) The information regarding Financial Criteria and Average Annual Turn
Over Certified by Chartered Account with UDIN will be only
ii) If bids are called between 1st April & 30th September of the year then
latest audited financial year shall be a year before previous year for
financial criteria. (for e.g. if bids are called between 1st April 22 & 30th
Sept. 22, then latest audited financial year shall be a year before
previous year for financial criteria i.e. 2020-21)
6) Intending bidder should upload the undertaking for Submission of Bid on stamp
paper of Rs.100/- as per prescribed format.
7) The offer shall remain valid for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days from
the Bid Submission End Date as per bidding programme.
11) For further details regarding the above, contact Executive Engineer (Dron-I),
CIDCO Ltd., CIDCO Nodal Office, Sector – 14, Bokadvira, Uran, Dist –
Raigad. Tel. No. 022 – 27222127.
11) For any details regarding e-Tendering system in CIDCO, please call at 24 x 7
Help Desk No. 0120 – 4001 002, 0120 – 4200 462, 0120 – 4001 005, 0120 –
6277 787. International Bidders are requested to prefix 91 as country code.
Email Support – For any Issues or Clarifications relating to the published
tenders, bidders are requested to contact the respective Tender Inviting
Technical support – eproc@nic.in
C. A. No.: 07/CIDCO/EE(Dron-I)/2022-23
1) All bidders are required to submit original documents viz. Undertaking for
Submission of Bid, Affidavit for Non-Blacklisting, Integrity Pact and Bank
Guarantee towards EMD (If uploaded) within 3 working days from the expiry date
of Financial Bid Opening during office hours in the office of the Superintending
Engineer (D & U), CIDCO Ltd., 5th Floor, Raigad Bhavan, CBD-Belapur, Navi
Mumbai / Executive Engineer (Dron-I), CIDCO Ltd., CIDCO Nodal Office, Sector
– 14, Bokadvira, Uran, Dist – Raigad. The failure or omission to submit the original
documents as said above shall disqualify the bidder for this bid and also debar the
agency for issue of bids for further one year.
2) Bidders are requested to upload their pre-bid queries online on e-mail I.D.
ee.dron1@cidcoindia.com from 18.02.2023 to 27.02.2023 and the reply to
these queries will be given online on 06.03.2023 as a Corrigendum.
Superintending Engineer (D & U)
CIDCO Limited.