Identifying Business Ideas
Identifying Business Ideas
Identifying Business Ideas
Unit 5
Ideas for Business
Every new business starts with an idea
Existing business
(new products/
(new idea) modifications)
Internal External
inspiration inspiration
Internal Sources of Ideas for Entrepreneurs
• Entrepreneur looks at what they enjoy doing – may be
Interests and hobbies able to turn their hobby into a successful business e.g.
enjoy baking, open a bakery
In pairs/groups –
brainstorm one feasible
improvement that could
be made for the school
and explain it to the
External Sources of Ideas for Entrepreneurs
• To identify competitors
• To find out consumer needs and wants
• To identify trends
Businesses must decide..
What How long will it
information will take to
be researched? complete?
3. Surveys
Primary/Field Research
1. Focus Groups: Groups of consumers/potential customers meet and
discuss a firms product/experiences.
Adv: can get detailed info on consumer habits/attitudes
Disadv: expensive & time consuming
1 Time-consuming
It can take a long time to plan, conduct and analyse primary research data.
2 Cost
It is more expensive than secondary research because the business is involved in all stages
of the process from design to analysis.
3 Inaccurate Feedback
Responses can be untrue or biased and can therefore provide the business with
inaccurate information.
4 Business Resources
Many of the firm’s resources are tied up in data collection and analysis. This can take
business resources away from other important areas.
Types of Market Research: Secondary/Desk
1. Business
Reports Def: Secondary
research.. Gathering and
2. Government reviewing existing
5. Media publications information that’s
already been collected
Research e.g. through reports,
online, books etc.
4. Commercial Shopper Insight Film: Part 2 - Market Research - YouTube
Research 3. Internet
Secondary/Desk Research
1. Business reports: can use reports made by other organisations to
increase their knowledge e.g. competitors annual report
Adv: many reports available for free
Disadv: time consuming to read and it may not be relevant
4 Accurate
Many sources are available online, which means that results can be cross-checked for
1 Non-specific
A lot of information is available, but it may not be exactly what the user needs.
2 Outdated
Information that has not been collected recently may be outdated and inaccurate.
3 Copyright
Some secondary sources may be subject to copyright; and reproducing data without
permission can lead to costs and possible legal consequences.
4 Information Overload
If there is too much information it needs to be filtered for the business’s needs, which can
take time.
Benefits of Market Research
1. Identify the target market
• The people at whom the product is aimed.
2. Reduce costs
• Save time and money by avoiding making items consumers won’t buy.
3. Evaluate an advertising campaign
• Was the firm’s advertising campaign effective?
4. Forecast future trends
• Market research helps to identify future trends.
5. Identify problems
• It enables the business to take action before the issues damages their
Development Process of a New Product
The development of new products needs to be well thought out and planned if
they hope to be successful. This requires 7 stages:
You need to
know these all in
the right order!
Ideally they’ll come up with multiple ideas and can choose the most
Stage 1: Idea Generation
Case Study: Eggxactly Case Study: Skoda Kodiaq
John Seddon came up with the idea for Employees in Skoda’s R&D department
a wireless egg cooker following brainstormed ideas for new car models
constant complaints from his daughter for the company to develop.
that he over cooked her boiled eggs.
Screening saves a company time and money as they will not further
develop products with little potential.
Stage 2: Product Screening
Case Study: Eggxactly Case Study: Skoda Kodiaq
John found other people struggled to Skoda’s screening process found a gap
make eggs the right consistency too, in the market for large SUVs which the
this showed some hope that his company didn’t produce already.
invention would be well received and
was worth pursuing.
Stage 3:Concept Development
Here the idea is turned into an actual product to appeal to customers.
Following James’ appearance on the Skoda looked at many factors such as:
Dragons Den 10,000 potential the capacity of it’s production plant,
customers registered their interest in size of the market segment, if
buying his product on his website once production costs would be in line with
it’s finally launched. This would make it other models etc. They found the
financially viable. product was likely to be successful and
Stage 5: Prototype Development
A sample product or mock-up is produced to see:
James launched his egg cooker in 2012. Skoda launched the Kodiaq in 2016
receiving pre-orders for 50% of their
projected sales.
Break Even Analysis
One of the 7 stages of product development is a feasibility study (used
to see if the product can be made and sold for a profit).
A break even analysis is a part of this step. This will show you:
• The fixed costs: costs that don’t change with level of production
• The variable costs: costs that do change with level of production
• The break even point: when your neither making a profit or a loss
• The margin of safety: the difference between forecast sales and the
BEP (how far can sales fall before reaching the BEP)
Break Even Analysis: Formulae
Total Revenue: quantity sold x unit price
Break Even Point (BEP): (fixed costs ÷ contribution per unit) = units
c) Margin
of safety
FC Needs to go
at least as far
as target