PSPF Policy 16 Entity Facilities - 0
PSPF Policy 16 Entity Facilities - 0
PSPF Policy 16 Entity Facilities - 0
16 Entity facilities
Table of Contents
16 Entity facilities ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
A. Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
B. Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 1
B.1 Core requirement .................................................................................................................................. 1
B.2 Supporting requirements ...................................................................................................................... 2
C. Guidance ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
C.1 Planning ................................................................................................................................................. 4
C.2 Site selection ......................................................................................................................................... 4
C.3 Designing and modifying facilities ........................................................................................................ 5
C.4 Security zones........................................................................................................................................ 6
C.5 Individual control elements .................................................................................................................. 9
C.6 Security zone certification and accreditation ..................................................................................... 18
C.7 ICT facilities ......................................................................................................................................... 21
D. Find out more ............................................................................................................................................. 21
D.1 Change log ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Annex A. Summary of SCEC-tested equipment and guidelines in selecting commercial equipment........... A-1
A. Purpose
1. This policy provides the consistent and structured approach to be applied to building construction, security
zoning and physical security control measures of entity facilities. This ensures the protection of Australian
Government people, information and physical assets secured by those facilities.
B. Requirements
B.1 Core requirement
Each entity must:
a. ensure it fully integrates protective security in the process of planning, selecting,
designing and modifying its facilities for the protection of people, information and
physical assets
b. in areas where sensitive or security classified information and assets are used,
transmitted, stored or discussed, certify its facility’s physical security zones in
accordance with the applicable ASIO Technical Notes, and
c. accredit its security zones.
# Supporting requirements
i. for Zones Two to Five, use:
A. electronic access control systems where there are no other suitable identity
verification and access control measures in place.
ii. for Zones Three to Five, use:
A. identity cards with personal identity verification
B. sectionalised access control system with full audit
C. regular review of audit logs for any unusual or prohibited activity
iii. for Zone Four and Zone Five, ensure access control systems are:
A. directly managed and controlled by the entity
B. maintained by appropriately cleared contractors
C. privileged operators and users are appropriately trained and security cleared
to the level of the security zone, and
iv. for Zone Five, use dual authentication access control.
When granting ongoing (or regular) access to entity facilities for people who are not directly
engaged by the entity or covered by the terms of a contract or agreement, the entity’s
accountable authority or CSO must ensure the person has:
i. the required level of security clearance for the facility’s security zones, and
ii. a business need supported by a business case and risk assessment, which is
reassessed on a regular basis at least every two years.
Requirement 6. Entities must ensure a technical surveillance countermeasures inspection is completed for facilities
Technical where:
surveillance TOP SECRET discussions are regularly held, or
counter- the compromise of discussions may have a catastrophic business impact level.
Requirement 7. CSOs or delegated security advisers must, before using a facility operationally:
Security zone certify the facility’s Zones One to Four in accordance with the PSPF and ASIO Technical Notes
certification for Zone Five facilities, obtain:
i. ASIO-T4 physical security certification for security areas used to handle TOP SECRET
sensitive and security classified information, sensitive compartmented information
(SCI) or aggregated information where the compromise of confidentiality, loss of
integrity or unavailability of that information may have a catastrophic business impact
Requirement 8. CSOs or delegated security advisers must, before using a facility operationally:
Security zone accredit Zones One to Five when the security controls are certified and the entity determines
accreditation and accepts the residual risks, and
for Zone Five facilities, obtain:
i. Australian Signals Directorate security accreditation for areas used to secure and
access TOP SECRET sensitive compartmented information.
Requirement 9. Entities must:
ICT facilities certify and accredit the security zone for ICT sensitive and security classified information with
an extreme business impact level
ensure that all TOP SECRET information ICT facilities are in compartments within an accredited
Zone Five area and comply with Annex A – ASIO Technical Note 5/12 – Compartments within
Zone Five areas, and
before using outsourced ICT facilities operationally obtain ASIO-T4 physical security
certification for the outsourced ICT facility to hold information that, if compromised, would
have a catastrophic business impact level.
Supporting requirements notes:
The Type 1A security alarm system transition policy details the progressive timeframe for replacement, by 1 August 2021,
of the Type 1 Security Alarm System with the Type 1A Security Alarm System in certified and accredited Security Zones
Four and Five. Replacement of the Type 1 Security Alarm System with the Type 1A Security Alarm System aims to ensure
technology keeps pace with the changing threat environment.
Unless guard patrols are used instead of a security alarm system in accordance with Requirement 4aiii.
C. Guidance
C.1 Planning
3. The PSPF policy: Security planning and risk management requires entities use a security risk assessment to
develop a security plan to mitigate identified and emerging security risks, aligning with the entity's
priorities and objectives. This strategic level overarching security plan is supported by more detailed plans
where required.
4. The Attorney-General's Department recommends that entities develop a site security plan for new
facilities, including facilities under construction or major refurbishments of existing facilities, that considers
security matters associated with:
a. location and nature of the site
b. ownership or tenancy of the site (sole or shared, including multiple entities sharing the same space)
c. collateral exposure, such as the presence nearby of other 'attractive targets'
d. access to the site for authorised personnel and the public (if necessary) and preventing access as
e. security classification of information and assets, including ICT assets and related equipment, to be
stored, handled or processed in each part of the site, this includes considering the need to hold
security classified and other sensitive discussions and meetings
f. other resources that will be on the site
g. protective security measures required for:
i. the site as a whole
ii. particular areas within the site (eg a floor or part of a floor that will hold information of a
higher classification than the rest of the site)
iii. storage, handling and processing of security classified information
iv. security classified and other sensitive discussions and meetings.
5. Security risks during business hours may be significantly different to those experienced out-of-hours. For
example, during work hours there may be increased risks from public and client contact, as well as from
insider threats. During out-of-hours, external threats, such as break and enters, may be more prevalent.
Factor Description
Standoff Consider standoff distances where there is an identified threat from pedestrians and vehicle-based
perimeter improvised explosive devices (IED). However, it may not be possible in urban areas to achieve an
effective standoff distance for some threats. Entities are encouraged to seek additional advice for
example blast engineering advice.
Site access and Consider the need and ability to control access to pedestrians and vehicles to the site including the
parking facility, parking and standoff perimeter.
Building access Consider ability to secure all building access points including entries and exits, emergency exits, air
point intakes and outlets and service ducts.
Security zones Establish security zones based on:
entity risk assessment
business impact levels, and
security-in-depth Note i at the site.
Environmental Seek specialist advice about the risk of natural disasters and suitable mitigation strategies and security
risks products.
Table 1 notes:
i Security-in-depth is a multi-layered system in which security measures combine to make it difficult for an intruder or
authorised personnel to gain unauthorised access.
For information on risk assessments, see the PSPF policy: Security planning and risk management.
Table 2 Security zone descriptions and personnel security clearance requirements for the protection of sensitive and security classified information and assets
Security zone Security zone description, including permitted Personnel security clearance requirement for Examples
use Note i and storage Note ii of sensitive and security access to the resources stored in the zone
classified resources
Zone One Public access areas. Protective Security Policy Framework
Employment screening sufficient, security a. Building perimeters and public foyers.
(The inner perimeter of Zone One may move to the clearance not required. b. Interview and front-desk areas where there
building or premise perimeter out-of-hours if exterior is no segregation of authorised personnel
doors are secured. from clients and the public.
a. Sensitive and security classified information c. Out-of-office temporary work areas where
and assets with a business impact level of low the entity has no control over access.
to medium that are needed to do business d. Fieldwork, including most vehicle-based
may be used and stored. work.
b. Sensitive and security classified information e. Exhibition areas with no security controls.
and assets with business impact level of high
may be used. Storage is not recommended
but is permitted if unavoidable.
c. Sensitive and security classified information
and assets with a business impact level
greater than high may only be used under
exceptional circumstances and requires the
approval of the originating or owning entity.
No storage is permitted.
Zone Two Entity office areas. Minimum requirements for ongoing access to a. Entity office environments.
Restricted public access. Unrestricted access for the security zone are determined by an entity b. Out-of-office or home-based worksites
authorised personnel. May use single factor risk assessment. where the entity has control of access to the
authentication for access control. part of the site used for entity business.
a. Sensitive and security classified information If security classified information and assets are c. Airside work areas.
and assets with a business impact level up to stored in the zone, a security clearance is d. Interview and front-desk areas where there
high may be used and stored. required for ongoing access at the level is segregation of authorised personnel from
b. Sensitive and security classified information required for the highest classified resources clients and the public.
and assets with a business impact level of the individual will access in the zone. e. Court houses.
extreme may be used, but not normally f. Vehicle-based work where the vehicle is
stored in the zone. No storage of these assets Ongoing access to the zone can be given to
fitted with a security container, alarm and
is permitted without originator’s approval. individuals without a security clearance or
c. Sensitive and security classified information holding different levels of security clearances.
and assets with business impact level of
catastrophic may only be used under
exceptional circumstances to meet
operational imperatives and requires the
originator’s approval. No storage is permitted.
Zone Three Entity restricted office areas. Minimum requirements for ongoing access to a. Security areas within entity premises with
No public access. Visitor access only for visitors with a the security zone are determined by an entity additional access controls on authorised
need to know and with close escort. Restricted access risk assessment. personnel.
for authorised personnel. Single factor authentication b. Work area where the majority of work
for access control. If security classified information and assets are performed is up to PROTECTED and there is a
a. Sensitive and security classified information stored in the zone, a security clearance is limited requirement for personnel to have a
and assets with a business impact level up to required for ongoing access at the level clearance at the Negative Vetting Level 1. For
extreme may be used and stored. required for the highest classified resources example non-National Security entities.
b. Sensitive and security classified information the individual will access in the zone.
with a business impact level of catastrophic
may be used, but not normally stored, in the Ongoing access to the zone can be given to
zone. Use and storage of catastrophic individuals without a security clearance or
information requires the originators approval. holding different levels of security clearances.
Temporary storage may be permitted up to
five consecutive days.
Zone Four Entity restricted office area. If security classified information and assets are a. Security areas within entity premises with
No public access. Visitor access only for visitors with a stored in the zone, a security clearance is additional access controls on authorised
need to know and with close escort. Restricted access required for ongoing access at the level personnel.
for authorised personnel with appropriate security required for the highest classified resources b. Work areas where all personnel are required
clearance. stored in the zone. to be cleared at the Negative Vetting Level 1
a. Single factor authentication for access due to the classification of work performed
control. Sensitive and security classified Ongoing access is given to individuals who hold in the zone.
information with business impact levels up to the same level of security clearance for the
extreme may be used and stored. information and assets stored in the zone.
b. Sensitive and security classified information
with a business impact level of catastrophic
may be used, but not normally stored in the
Zone Five Entity highly restricted office area. Security clearance required for ongoing access a. Highest security areas in entity premises.
No public access. Visitor access only for visitors with a at the level required for the highest security b. Australian Intelligence Community facilities.
need to know and with close escort. classified information and assets stored in the
Restricted access for authorised personnel with zone.
appropriate security clearance. Dual authentication for
access control. Ongoing access is given to individuals who hold
a. Information classified TOP SECRET or other the same level of security clearance for the
information with a business impact level of information and assets stored in the zone.
catastrophic may be used and stored. Note iii
Table 2 notes:
Use of information includes handling, processing (for example reading). It does not include discussions or audible dissemination (briefings, presentations, conversations) of
sensitive or classified information. See PSPF policy: Sensitive and classified information and ASIO Tech note 1/15 for further information.
For advice on containers applicable for storage of information with the identified business impact level in each zone see the PSPF policy: Sensitive and classified information.
Mandated in Requirement 8b for Zone Five areas used to access sensitive compartmented information, the space must achieve ASIO-T4 Zone Five physical security certification
and ASD Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility Accreditation.
Layering zones
22. The Attorney-General's Department recommends entities layer zones, working in from Zone One public
Protective Security Policy Framework
access areas, and increasing the level of protection with each new zone. Multiple layers are the 'delay'
design feature to provide more time to detect unauthorised entry and respond before resources are
compromised. Figure 1 demonstrates indicative layering of zones implemented for different purposes. In
some instances it may not be possible for higher zones to be fully located within lower zones and entities
may need to strengthen higher zone areas.
Figure 1 Indicative layering of zones
b. SAS In accordance with entity risk assessment. Contractors who maintain these systems As for Zone Two. Contractors who maintain these systems As for Zone Four.
contractor provided with short term access to security cleared at the appropriate level for the
clearance classified resources Note ii at the appropriate information stored within the zone.
requireme level for the information stored within the
Control element Zone One Zone Two Zone Three Zone Four Zone Five
c. Manageme In accordance with entity risk assessment. As for Zone One. Control of alarm systems directly managed As for Zone Three. As for Zone Three.
nt of by the entity.
alarm Privileged alarm systems operators and
users appropriately trained and security
cleared to the level of the security zone.
Australian Standard AS/NZS 2201.1 provides guidance on alarm systems.
Refer to PSPF policy: Access to information for guidance on short term access to security classified resources.
Construction of buildings
29. All building work in Australia (including new buildings and new building work in existing buildings) must
comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). 2 Some older buildings may not
comply with the current codes. The BCA classifies buildings according to the purpose for which they are
designed, constructed or adapted to be used. The BCA requirements for commercial buildings, including
facilities used by entities, provide an increased level of perimeter protection as well as protection for assets
and information where the compromise, loss of integrity or unavailability would have a business impact
level of medium or below.
30. Entities may include additional building elements to address specific risks identified in their risk assessment
where building hardening 3 may provide some level of mitigation. For example:
a. blast mitigation measures
b. forcible attack resistance
c. ballistic resistance
d. siting of road and public access paths
e. lighting (in addition to security lighting).
31. Requirement 2 mandates entities for Zones Two to Five, that store sensitive or security classified
information and assets, construct facilities in accordance with the relevant sections of ASIO Technical
Note 1/15—Physical Security of Zones. It further requires that entities constructing Zone Five areas that will
store TOP SECRET information or aggregated information, the compromise, loss of integrity or loss of
availability of which may cause catastrophic damage, must also use ASIO Technical Note 5/12—Physical
Security of Zone Five (TOP SECRET) areas.
32. ASIO Technical Notes detail the protective security mitigations to maintain the confidentiality and integrity
of sensitive and security classified information and assets and are available to Australian Government
security personnel only from the Protective Security Policy community on GovTEAMS.
Various state and territory Acts and Regulations set out the legal framework for design and construction of buildings in
accordance with the BCA.
Building hardening is the process where a building is made a more difficult or less attractive target.
unauthorised access. The Attorney-General’s Department recommends that where possible security alarm
systems are configured to monitor devices in high risk areas, for example irregularly accessed areas, roof
spaces, inspection hatches and underfloor cavities.
34. Security alarm systems require periodic testing and maintenance from an authorised service provider. The
Attorney-General’s Department recommends that this occur at a minimum every two years to ensure the
alarm system is continually operational.
35. Alarm systems can be broadly divided into two types:
a. perimeter (or external) intrusion detection systems (PIDS) or alarms
b. internal security alarm systems.
47. The Attorney-General’s Department recommends entity CSOs or security advisors conduct due diligence
checks in respect to a SCEC-endorsed Security Zone Consultant’s ability to provide other security services.
48. The SCEC Security Zone Consultant Register on the Security Construction Equipment committee website
lists SCEC-endorsed Security Zone Consultants by state and territory.
Security guards
53. Security guards provide deterrence against loss of information and physical assets and can provide a rapid
response to security incidents. Stationary guards and guard patrols may be used separately or in
conjunction with other security measures. The Attorney-General’s Department recommends response time
for off-site guards be less than the delay given by the total of other controls.
54. The Attorney-General’s Department recommends that:
d. entities base the requirement for guards (their duties and the need for and frequency of patrols) on
the level of threat and risk
e. guarding response time to alarms to be within the delay period given by the physical security controls,
although, the highest level of assurance is provided by on-site guards who can respond immediately,
24 hours, seven days a week
f. entities assess the security clearance requirement for guards based on the security zone requirements
and frequency of access. For information, see the PSPF policy: Access to information and the PSPF
policy: Eligibility and suitability of personnel
g. entities only employ, either through the entity or through a commercial guarding company, guards
who are licensed in the jurisdiction where they are employed.
However, Requirement 4c mandates for Zone Three, where out-of-hours guard patrols are used instead of
security alarm systems, patrols must be performed at random intervals within every four hours.
General’s Department recommends entities also issue visitor passes for access to Zone Two when other
controls to limit access are not in place.
74. The Attorney-General’s Department recommends visitor passes are:
a. visible at all times
b. collected and disabled at the end of the visit
c. audited at the end of the day.
75. Where entities manage the control of access to specific areas, the Attorney-General’s Department
recommends those areas have their own visitor register at the entry.
76. Requirement 1 mandates entity personnel escort all visitors in Zones Three to Five. The Attorney-General’s
Department recommends entities escort visitors in Zone Two unless unescorted access is approved. Entities
dealing with members of the public are encouraged to use procedures for dealing with unacceptable
behaviour on entity premises or unauthorised access to restricted areas.
77. Visitors can be issued with electronic access control system cards specifically enabled for the areas they
may access. In more advanced electronic access control systems, it is possible to require validation at all
electronic access control system access points from the escorting officer.
78. Regardless of the entry control method used, the Attorney-General’s Department recommends entities
only allow visitors to have unescorted access if they:
a. have a legitimate need for unescorted entry to the area
b. have the appropriate security clearance
c. are able to show a suitable form of identification.
b. assign combinations, keys and electronic tokens the same level of protection as the highest classified
information or most valuable physical asset contained in the area that is secured by the lock.
84. Requirement 3 mandates entities use SCEC-approved locks and hardware rated to Security Level 3 in Zones
Three to Five (see the Security Equipment Evaluated Product List). Entities may use suitable commercial
locking systems in other areas. The Attorney-General’s Department recommends entities assess the level of
protection needed from doors and frames when selecting locks, as locks are only as strong as their fittings
and hardware.
85. The Attorney-General’s Department recommends:
a. using SCEC-endorsed locksmiths when using SCEC-approved locks (the SCEC-endorsed locksmith listing
can be requested from ASIO-T4 and SCEC)
b. using doors that provide a similar level of protection to the locks and hardware fitted; refer to
Australian Standard AS 3555.1—Building elements—Testing and rating for intruder resistance—
Intruder-resistant panels.
b. before conferences and meetings where TOP SECRET discussions are to be held.
94. The Attorney-General’s Department recommends that TSCM inspections are carried out for areas where
security classified discussions will be and are held, including:
a. at the conclusion of initial construction, room renovations or alterations to fittings, for example
lighting and furnishings
b. as part of programed technical security inspections undertaken at random intervals
c. before an event
d. following a security breach, for example the unauthorised disclosure of a sensitive discussion.
95. For TSCM advice, contact ASIO-T4. Requests for TSCM inspections can be made in accordance with
the Protective Security Circular No 165 Facilitating TSCM inspections in Australia, available for Australian
Government security personnel only from the Protective Security Policy community on GovTEAMS. Where
entities hold security classified or sensitive telephone conversations, see the ISM for the logical controls
that provide protection.
Security lighting
101. Internal and external lighting is an important contributor to physical security. It can be used as a deterrent,
to detect intruders, to illuminate areas to meet requirements for closed circuit television coverage, assist
response teams when responding to incidents at night and to provide personnel with safety lighting in car
parks and building entrances. Entities may use motion-detection devices to detect movement and activate
lighting as an additional deterrent.
used operationally, when the security controls are certified and the entity determines and accepts the
residual risks.
103. Certification of security zones establishes the zone’s compliance with the minimum physical security
requirements to the satisfaction of the relevant certification authority. For Zones One to Four, the CSO (or
security advisor) may certify that the control elements have been implemented and are operating
effectively. 4
104. Requirement 7 mandates ASIO-T4 is the relevant certification authority for Zone Five security areas that
are used to handle TOP SECRET security classified information, sensitive compartmented information or
aggregated information where the aggregation of information increases its business impact level to
Table 4 Summary of control measures and certification authority
Control measure Certification authority and applicable requirement
Zone One Zone Two Zone Three Zone Four Zone Five
Entity specific CSO (or security advisor) if CSO (or security CSO (or security CSO (or security CSO (or security
threat the need is identified in advisor) if the advisor) if the advisor) if the advisor) if the
assessments, for the risk assessment need is need is need is need is
example police identified in the identified in the identified in the identified in the
threat risk assessment risk assessment risk assessment risk assessment
Entity security CSO (or security advisor) CSO (or security CSO (or security CSO (or security CSO (or security
risk assessment advisor) advisor) advisor) advisor)
Site security plan CSO (or security advisor) CSO (or security CSO (or security CSO (or security CSO (or security
advisor) advisor) advisor) advisor)
SCEC-approved Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable SCEC-endorsed SCEC-endorsed
Type 1A security zone security zone
consultant Note iii consultant Note iii
(regular (regular
servicing by servicing by
authorised authorised
provider provider
required) required)
SCEC-approved SCEC-endorsed security SCEC-endorsed SCEC-endorsed SCEC-endorsed SCEC-endorsed
Type 1 security zone security zone security zone security zone security zone
alarm systems consultant Note i, ii, iii (regular consultant Note i, consultant Note ii, consultant Note iii consultant Note iii
servicing by authorised ii, iii
(regular iii
(regular (regular (regular
provider required) servicing by servicing by servicing by servicing by
authorised authorised authorised authorised
provider provider provider provider
required) required) required) required)
Commercial Suitably qualified system Suitably Suitably Not applicable Not applicable
alarm system installer or designer Note qualified qualified
(regular servicing by system installer system installer
authorised provider or designer Note or designer Note
required) i, ii
(regular ii
servicing by servicing by
authorised authorised
provider provider
required) required)
For certification and accreditation of ICT systems, see the PSPF policy: Robust ICT systems.
Inclusion of an alarm system or EACS in Zones One and Two are at the entity’s discretion.
If out-of-hours guard patrols or commercial alarm systems are not used instead.
SCEC-endorsed security zone consultants design and commission SCEC Type 1A SAS and SCEC Type 1 SAS in accordance
with the requirements of the Type 1 SAS Implementation and Operation Guide.
105. Security zone accreditation involves compiling and reviewing all applicable certifications and other
deliverables for the zone to determine and accept the residual security risks. Approval is granted for the
security zone to operate at the desired level for a specified time. For Zones One to Five, the CSO (or
security advisor) is the accrediting authority when the controls are certified as meeting the requirements of
Table 4.
106. Requirement 8 mandates the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) must accredit Zone Five facilities used
to secure and access sensitive compartmented information. As well as Sensitive Compartmented
Information Facility (SCIF) accreditation ASD is responsible for management of all SCIFs in Australia.