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Github. 3 January 2023. 2. .: Original Author (S) Microsoft Developer (S) Initial Release Stable Release Repository

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Infer.NET is a free and open source .NET software library for
machine learning.[2] It supports running Bayesian inference in
graphical models and can also be used for probabilistic

Original author(s) Microsoft

Overview Research
Developer(s) Microsoft,
Infer.NET follows a model-based approach and is used to solve
different kinds of machine learning problems including standard .NET Foundation
problems like classification, recommendation or clustering, Initial release 2008
customized solutions and domain-specific problems. The Stable release v0.4.2301.0301[1]
framework is used in various different domains such as
/ January 3, 2023
bioinformatics, epidemiology, computer vision, and information
retrieval.[4][5] Repository github.com
/dotnet/infer (http
Development of the framework was started by a team at s://github.com/do
Microsoft’s research centre in Cambridge, UK in 2004. It was tnet/infer)
first released for academic use in 2008 and later open sourced in
Written in C#
2018.[5] In 2013, Microsoft was awarded the USPTO’s Patents
for Humanity Award in Information Technology category for Operating system Microsoft
Infer.NET and the work in advanced machine learning Windows,
techniques.[6][7] macOS, Linux
Platform .NET
Infer.NET is used internally at Microsoft as the machine learning
engine in some of their products such as Office, Azure, and Framework,
Xbox.[8] .NET, Mono
Type Machine learning
The source code is licensed under MIT License and available on software library
GitHub.[9] It is also available as NuGet package.[10]
License MIT License
Website dotnet.github.io
See also /infer/ (https://dot
Free and open- net.github.io/infe
source software r/)

Machine learning

1. "dotnet/infer" (https://github.com/dotnet/infer). GitHub. 3 January 2023.
2. "Microsoft's popular machine learning framework Infer.NET goes open source" (https://mspo
8 October 2018.
3. Millman, Rene (8 October 2018). "Microsoft makes Infer.NET machine learning framework
open-source" (https://internetofbusiness.com/microsoft-infer-net-ai-code-open-source/).
Internet of Business.
4. Bandyopadhyay, Avimanyu (13 October 2018). "Microsoft Open Sources Infer.NET AI
Framework [For Humanity]" (https://itsfoss.com/microsoft-ai-open-source-infer-net/).
5. Speed, Richard. "Microsoft open-sources Infer.NET AI code just in time for the weekend" (htt
ps://www.theregister.com/2018/10/05/imicrosoft_nfernet/). www.theregister.com.
6. "2013 Award Recipients" (https://www.uspto.gov/ip-policy/patent-policy/patents-humanity/20
13-award-recipients). www.uspto.gov.
7. "Microsoft Wins "Patents for Humanity" Award For Infer.NET From USPTO" (https://mspower
user.com/microsoft-wins-patents-for-humanity-award-for-infer-net-from-uspto/). 12 April 2013.
8. Krill, Paul (October 9, 2018). "Microsoft open-sources Infer.Net model-based machine
learning" (https://www.infoworld.com/article/3311994/microsoft-open-sources-infernet-machi
ne-learning.html). InfoWorld.
9. "dotnet/infer" (https://github.com/dotnet/infer). November 3, 2020 – via GitHub.
10. "Infer.Net 2.4.0" (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Infer.Net/). www.nuget.org.

Further reading
Knowles, D.; Parts, L.; Glass, D.; Winn, John (2010). "Modeling skin and ageing phenotypes
using latent variable models in Infer.NET" (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-con
tent/uploads/2016/02/knowles2010_predictive_medicine.pdf) (PDF).
Winn, John; Minka, Tom (2009). "Probabilistic Programming with Infer.NET" (https://tminka.gi
Winn, John; Simpson, Angela; Custovic, Adnan; Y. F. Tan, Vincent (2008). "Immune System
Modeling with Infer.NET" (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/20
16/02/escience_2page.pdf) (PDF).

External links
Infer.NET (https://dotnet.github.io/infer/)
GitHub - dotnet/infer (https://github.com/dotnet/infer)
Machine Intelligence and Perception - Microsoft Research (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/
Infer.NET - Practical Implementation Issues and a Comparison of Approximation Techniques

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