We present MTCP, a congestion control scheme for large-scale reliable multicast. Congestion control
for reliable multicast is important, because of its wide applications in multimedia and collaborative
computing, yet nontrivial, because of the potentially large number of receivers involved. Many schemes
have been proposed to handle the recovery of lost packets in a scalable manner, but there is little work
on the design and implementation of congestion control schemes for reliable multicast. We propose new
techniques that can effectively handle instances of congestion occurring simultaneously at various parts
of a multicast tree.
Our protocol incorporates several novel features: (1) hierarchical congestion status reports that dis-
tribute the load of processing feedback from all receivers across the multicast group, (2) the relative
time delay (RTD) concept which overcomes the difficulty of estimating round-trip times in tree-based
multicast environments, (3) window-based control that prevents the sender from transmitting faster than
packets leave the bottleneck link on the multicast path through which the sender’s traffic flows, (4) a
retransmission window that regulates the flow of repair packets to prevent local recovery from causing
congestion, and (5) a selective acknowledgment scheme that prevents independent (i.e., non-congestion-
related) packet loss from reducing the sender’s transmission rate. We have implemented MTCP both on
UDP in SunOS 5.6 and on the simulator ns, and we have conducted extensive Internet experiments and
simulation to test the scalability and inter-fairness properties of the protocol. The encouraging results we
have obtained support our confidence that TCP-like congestion control for large-scale reliable multicast
is within our grasp.
As the Internet becomes more diversified in its capabilities, it becomes feasible to develop and offer services
and applications that were not possible under earlier generations of Internet technologies. The Multicast
Backbone (MBONE) and IP-multicast are two Internet technologies that have enabled a wide range of new
applications. Using multicast, large-scale conferencing involving hundreds to thousands of participants is
possible over the Internet. As multicast technologies become more widely deployed, we expect to see new
multicast-based applications that demand more bandwidth and higher speed. Many of these applications
will require reliable data transfer.
Multicast traffic generated by these applications can be of two types: quality-of-service guaranteed and
best effort. QoS guaranteed traffic requires the underlying network to provide per-flow resource reservation
and admission control services. Unless these services become widely deployed over the Internet and made
sufficiently inexpensive for general use, they will likely be available only to a small fraction of future In-
ternet traffic, and multicast traffic will be primarily best-effort. This paper is concerned with the flow and
congestion control of best-effort multicast traffic.
Congestion control is an integral part of any best-effort Internet data transport protocol. It is widely
accepted that the end-to-end congestion control mechanisms employed in TCP [1] have been one of the key
contributors to the success of the Internet. A conforming TCP flow is expected to respond to congestion
indication (e.g., packet loss) by drastically reducing its transmission rate and by slowly increasing its rate
during steady state. This congestion control mechanism encourages the fair sharing of a congested link
among multiple competing TCP flows. A flow is said to be TCP-compatible or TCP-like if it behaves
similar to a flow produced by TCP under congestion [2]. At steady state, a TCP-compatible flow uses no
more bandwidth than a conforming TCP connection running under comparable conditions.
Unfortunately, most of the multicast schemes proposed so far do not employ end-to-end congestion
control. Since TCP strongly relies on other network flows to use congestion control schemes similar to its
own, TCP-incompatible multicast traffic can completely lock out competing TCP flows and monopolize the
available bandwidth. Furthermore, multicast flows insensitive to existing congestion (especially congestion
caused by their own traffic) are likely to cause simultaneous congestion collapses in many parts of the
Internet [3]. Because of the potential far-reaching damage of TCP-incompatible multicast traffic, it is highly
unlikely that transport protocols for large-scale reliable multicast will become widely accepted without
TCP-like congestion control mechanisms.
The main challenge of congestion control for reliable multicast is scalability. To respond to congestion
occurring at many parts of a multicast tree within a TCP time-scale, the sender needs to receive immediate
feedback regarding the receiving status of all receivers. However, because of the potentially large number
of receivers involved, the transmission of frequent updates from the receivers directly to the sender becomes
prohibitively expensive and non-scalable.
Another challenge is the isolation of the effects of persistent congestion. As a single multicast tree may
span many different parts of the Internet, TCP-like congestion control will reduce the sender’s transmission
rate upon indication of congestion in any part of the tree. While such a feature fosters fairness among
different flows (inter-fairness), it does not address the issue of fairness among the receivers in the same
multicast group (intra-fairness) [4]. Specifically, it would be unfair for non-congested receivers to be subject
to a low transmission rate just because of some isolated instances of congestion.
In this paper, we introduce Multicast TCP (MTCP), a new congestion control protocol for reliable mul-
ticast that addresses the inter-fairness and scalability issues. The issue of intra-fairness is outside the scope
of this paper, and it will be addressed in future work. Our protocol is based on a multi-level logical tree
where the root is the sender, and the other nodes in the tree are receivers. The sender multicasts data to
all receivers, and the latter send acknowledgments to their parents in the tree. Internal tree nodes, hereafter
referred to as sender’s agents (SAs), are responsible for handling feedback generated by their children and
for retransmitting lost packets. MTCP incorporates several novel features, including:
1. hierarchical congestion status reports that distribute the load of processing feedback from all receivers
across the multicast group,
2. the relative time delay (RTD) concept which overcomes the difficulty of estimating round-trip times
in tree-based multicast environments,
3. window-based control that prevents the sender from transmitting faster than packets leave the bottle-
neck link on the multicast path through which the sender’s traffic flows,
4. a retransmission window that regulates the flow of repair packets to prevent local recovery from caus-
ing congestion, and
We have implemented MTCP both on UDP in SunOS 5.6 and on the simulator ns, and we have con-
ducted extensive Internet experiments and simulation to test the scalability and inter-fairness properties of
the protocol. The encouraging results from these experiments indicate that MTCP is an effective flow and
congestion control protocol for reliable multicast.
Tree-based protocols are not new and have been studied by many researchers [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. However,
little work has been done on TCP-like congestion control for these protocols. Instead, most previous work
has focused on the issues of error recovery and feedback implosion. In [5, 10] it has been analytically
shown that tree-based protocols can achieve higher throughput than any other class of protocols, and that
their hierarchical structure is the key to reducing the processing load at each member of the multicast group.
However, the analysis does not consider the effects of congestion control. Tree-based protocols such as
RMTP [6] and TMTP [8] do not incorporate end-to-end congestion control schemes an do not guarantee
inter-fairness. In [9, 11] it was proposed to use a tree structure for feedback control, and a detailed descrip-
tion of how to construct such a tree was provided, but no details on congestion control were given. A more
detailed discussion on related work can be found in Section 5.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we provide an overview of MTCP, and in
Section 3 we present a detailed description of the protocol and its operation. In Section 4 we present results
from Internet experiments and simulation. In Section 5 we discuss related work, and we conclude the paper
in Section 6.
2 Overview of MTCP
MTCP was designed with two goals in mind: TCP-compatibility and scalability. Compatibility with TCP
traffic is needed because TCP is the most commonly used transmission protocol in the Internet, and also
because the utility of TCP depends on all other network flows being no more aggressive than TCP con-
gestion control (i.e., multiplicative decrease on congestion occurrence, and linear increase at steady state).
Non-TCP-compatible flows can easily lock out TCP traffic and monopolize the available bandwidth. Scal-
ability is necessary because the target applications of reliable multicast may involve a very large number of
receivers. Below we give an overview of MTCP, and in the next section, we provide a detailed description
of the protocol.
Packet loss detection and recovery via selective acknowledgments. A sender multicasts data packets
using IP-Multicast [12] to all receivers. SAs in the logical tree store packets received from the sender in
their buffers, and set a timer, called retransmission timer, for each packet they buffer. The sender also sets a
retransmission timer for each of the packets it transmits. Each receiver may send a positive acknowledgment
(ACK) or a negative acknowledgment (NACK) to its parent in the tree. Received packets are reported in
ACKs and missing packets are reported in NACKs. An SA (or the sender) discards a buffered packet when
it receives an ACK from all of its children. On the other hand, an SA (or the sender) retransmits a packet via
unicast (a) upon receiving a NACK reporting that the packet is missing, or (b) if it does not receive a positive
acknowledgment (ACK) for the packet from all its children in the logical tree before the timer associated
with the packet expires.
Hierarchical congestion reports. Each SA independently monitors the congestion level of its children
using feedback received from them. When an SA sends an ACK to its parent, it includes in the ACK a
summary of the congestion level of its children (called congestion summary). The parent then summarizes
the congestion level of its own children, sends the summary to its parent, and so on. The sender regulates
its rate based on its own summary. The congestion summary carries an estimate of the minimum bandwidth
available along the multicast paths to the receivers contained in the subtree rooted at the SA that sends the
summary. An SA computes its summary using the summaries it has received from its children and a TCP-
like congestion window maintained using feedback from its children. As a result, the summary computed at
the sender represents the current available bandwidth in the bottleneck link on the paths to all receivers in
the multicast group. By sending only as much data as the bottleneck link can accommodate, the sender will
not aggravate congestion anywhere in the network.
TCP-like congestion window. Each SA (including the sender) estimates the minimum bandwidth avail-
able in the multicast routes from the sender to its children by maintaining a TCP-like congestion window
(cwnd). An SA maintains its cwnd using TCP-Vegas [13] congestion control mechanisms such as slow
start and congestion avoidance. The only differences with TCP-Vegas are that (1) the congestion window is
incremented when an SA receives ACKs for a packet from all of its children, and (2) receivers send NACKs
for missing packets, and an SA immediately retransmits the packets reported missing. For instance, slow-
start is implemented as follows. When an SA receives a new packet from the sender, it buffers the packet
and sets the retransmission timer (RTO) of the packet to an estimated time before which the packet should
be acknowledged. At the beginning of transmission or after a retransmission timer expiration, an SA sets
its cwnd to one. The SA increments its cwnd by one when a packet is acknowledged by all of its children.
Once the cwnd reaches a threshold called ssthresh, congestion avoidance is invoked and the cwnd is
incremented by each time a new packet is acknowledged by all of its children.
Congestion summary. The congestion summary sent by an SA whose children are leaf nodes, consists of
two pieces of information: the size of its congestion window (cwnd), and the estimated number of bytes in
transit from the sender to the SA’s children (twnd). twnd is initially set to zero, it is incremented when a
new packet is received from the sender, and it is decremented when a packet is acknowledged by all of the
SA’s children. The congestion summary of the other SAs consists of (1) the minimum of their cwnds and
the cwnds reported by their children (minCwnd), and (2) the maximum of their twnds and the twnds re-
ported by their children (maxTwnd). maxTwnd estimates the number of unacknowledged bytes in transit to
the receivers in the tree and minCwnd estimates the congestion level of the bottleneck link on the multicast
routes to the receivers in the tree. The sender always transmits data in an amount less than the difference
between the values of maxTwnd and minCwnd that it computes. This window mechanism prevents the
sender from transmitting faster than packets leave the bottleneck link.
Relative time delay (RTD). Unlike TCP where the sender maintains the congestion window based on feed-
back received from one receiver, MTCP does not provide closed-loop feedback. This is because SAs have
to adjust their windows based on the ACKs for packets that another node (the sender) transmitted. The main
problem with this open-loop system is that an SA cannot accurately estimate the round trip time (RTT) of
a packet. This problem arises due to the unpredictable delay variance in the network and the fact that the
sender’s and SA’s clocks are not synchronized. In MTCP, we measure the difference between the clock
value taken at the sender when a packet is sent, and the clock value taken at the SA when the corresponding
ACK is received from a child node. We call this time difference the relative time delay (RTD). The RTD to
a child receiver can be easily measured by having each ACK carry the transmission time of the packet being
acknowledged. Thus, RTD measurements can be taken every time the SA receives an acknowledgment. A
weighted average of RTDs is used to estimate the retransmission timeout value (RTO) of packets. An SA
sets the retransmission timer of a packet to expire only after the sum of the send time of the packet and the
RTO of the SA becomes less than the current clock value of the SA. The use of RTD for this purpose is
appropriate because the protocol uses only the relative differences in RTDs.
Retransmission window for fast retransmission. Retransmission may also cause congestion if many
packets are lost in a loss burst and an SA retransmits them without knowing the available bandwidth between
itself and its children. Recall that the congestion window at the SA only estimates the amount of data that can
be sent from the sender to the SA’s children. Because new and repair packets may travel through different
routes, the congestion window cannot be used to regulate repair traffic. In MTCP, each SA maintains another
window, called the retransmission window, used only for repair packets. The retransmission window is
updated in the same way as cwnd (i.e., slow start, congestion avoidance, etc.). Since SAs receive ACKs
for the packets they retransmitted anyway, maintaining the retransmission window does not incur significant
It is also desirable that repair packets be given higher priority than new packets. However, in best-effort
networks, enforcing different priorities to traffic streams originating from different sources is not trivial. In
the current version of MTCP, both new and repair traffic are given the same priority. We are investigating
various techniques to assign higher priority to repair traffic that will be incorporated in future versions of
the protocol. Allowing a larger initial size for the retransmission window during slow-start is one such tech-
Handling of Independent Loss. MTCP decreases the sender’s transmission rate if any link of the multicast
routing tree is congested. This may raise a concern that the protocol is too sensitive to independent packet
loss: since for large multicast groups, almost every transmitted packet may experience independent loss, it
might be argued that the overall throughput will be reduced to zero. However, in MTCP, most occurrences
of independent loss trigger NACKs to SAs which immediately retransmit the lost packets. Only packet loss
accompanied by indication of congestion, such as retransmission timeouts or several consecutive duplicate
NACKs, reduces the congestion window. Simulation results to be presented later confirm that independent
packet loss is immediately recovered by SAs and does not have a negative effect on the overall throughput.
In MTCP, we use a selective acknowledgment (SACK) scheme in which each feedback contains information
about all the received packets. We also adopt a delayed acknowledgment scheme in which each acknowl-
edgment is delayed for a few tens of milliseconds before its transmission. Since an SA can quickly detect the
packets lost by a receiver and retransmit them, these schemes reduce the number of acknowledgments and
retransmissions. Also, our SACK scheme provides a good means to recover from independent, uncorrelated
losses. In MTCP, each acknowledgment contains four fields:
The start sequence number (startseq) indicating that a receiver has received all packets up to and
including the one numbered startseq - 1.
A fixed size bitvector which indicates the received and the missing packets at the receiver that
sends the acknowledgment. MAXBVSIZE is the maximum size of the bitvector, so that (endseq -
0 1 2 3 4 5 94 95 96 97 98 99
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
startseq) MAXBVSIZE. The -th bit in the bitvector indicates the reception status of the packet
with sequence number startseq
(endseq - startseq). If this bit is set, then it is
a positive acknowledgment (ACK). Otherwise it is a negative acknowledgment (NACK). The number
of packets that a receiver acknowledges is given by endseq - startseq + 1.
A type field which is either PACK or PNACK. If it is PACK, then the value of endseq indicates that
the receiver has received up to and including the packet numbered endseq - 1. The bitvector is not
used when the type field is PACK. If the type field is PNACK, the bitvector is used to find out the
sequence numbers of the received and the missing packets.
Figure 1 shows a sample bitvector. Suppose that an acknowledgment has startseq equal to 150,
endseq equal to 155, and the bitvector in Figure 1. It acknowledges 6 packets starting from startseq
to endseq. From the bitvector we find that the receiver has received packets 151, 153, and 155 but has not
yet received packets 150, 152, and 154. This acknowledgment also indicates that the receiver has received
all packets up to and including packet 149. A similar bit vector is used in RMTP [6].
When an SA (or the sender) receives an indication that a packet is lost, it immediately unicasts the
missing packet to the receiver that sent the NACK, unless the same packet was (re)transmitted to this receiver
within a time period equal to the current estimated round trip time between the SA and the receiver (which
is one of the SA’s children). Since the SACK scheme indicates exactly which packets have been received,
the SA (or the sender) can determine the packets that were lost by its children and retransmit only them,
avoiding unnecessary retransmissions. Each acknowledgment also contains the send time of the packet with
sequence number
, the congestion summaries, and the number of buffers available at the
receiver. This information is used for flow and congestion control as described in the following sections.
In MTCP, an SA sets a retransmission timer for each packet it receives. The timer for a packet must be set
to the mean time period between the time the packet was transmitted by the sender and the time that the SA
expects to receive an ACK from all of its children. However, this time period is hard to measure because of
the clock differences between the SA and the sender. To overcome this difficulty, we introduce the concept
of relative time delay (RTD), defined as the difference between the clock value, taken at the SA, when the
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
RTD = 7 - 4 = 3
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
SA’s Child
Data Path
Data Packet
Acknowledgment Path
Acknowledgment Packet
x,y x, y , z
ACK for a packet is received from a child node, and the clock value, taken at the sender, when the same
packet was transmitted. MTCP requires that each data packet carry its transmission time at the sender, and
that each ACK carry the transmission time of the packet with sequence number
(as explained
above), making it easy for SAs to compute the corresponding RTDs.
The RTD is used in the same way that the round trip time is used in TCP-Vegas. For instance, the
difference between the minimum measured RTD and the currently measured RTD to a child node is used
to estimate the number of packets in transit (i.e., the actual throughput) from the sender to the child. Also,
. Using the RTD for these purposes is appropriate because MTCP uses only the relative
a weighted average of RTDs and their deviations in time are used to estimate the retransmission timeout
, MTCP sets the retransmission timer of a packet to
differences in the RTDs. Given a value for
expire only after the sum of the send time of the packet (according to the sender’s clock) plus the
of the SA becomes less than the current clock value of the SA.
Figure 2 illustrates how the RTD is measured. In this example, the clocks of the sender and the SA
are not synchronized, but the SA’s clock is ahead of the sender’s by one time unit. The sender transmits a
packet at time which is received by both the SA and its child, which then send an acknowledgment to their
respective parents in the logical tree. Recall that the data packet includes its send time, and that the receivers
copy this send time in their acknowledgments. Then, the RTD measured at the SA is
in this example, since
the packet was transmitted by the sender at time , and it was received by the SA at time .
An SA will retransmit a packet whose timer has expired, at which time it needs to reset the retransmis-
sion timer. Recall, however, that retransmissions are unicast from an SA to its children and may follow a
for the first retransmission of a packet should be based on the RTD, for subsequent
different path than the original multicast transmission from the sender. As a result, while the retransmis-
sion timeout
retransmissions an SA must adjust its timer to the round-trip time (RTT) between itself and its children.
In order to estimate the RTT, an SA periodically polls its children by sending a probe packet. In the
current implementation of MTCP, the polling period is set to 2 seconds. Upon receiving this probe, a child
immediately sends an acknowledgment to its parent. The SA can then measure the difference between
and . As these values can change over time because of routing and
The timeout and retransmission mechanisms employed in MTCP require the estimation of retransmission
timeout values
and based on the average measured
network traffic changes, MTCP needs to track these changes and modify its timeout values accordingly. We
use the techniques employed by TCP [1] to set the
length of RTDs and RTTs, respectively, and their deviations in time. Specifically, an SA performs the
following computations to adjust the timeout periods for a child :
where is the measured RTD or RTT for child , is the averaged RTD or RTT for ,
gain terms between 0 and 1, is the deviation in RTD or RTT for , and is the estimated
for .
In MTCP, each SA (including the sender) sets its
of the computed s (respectively,
s) for all of its children.
) to the maximum
, which
When a packet is initially transmitted by the sender, or when it is received for the first time by an SA, it
is buffered by the sender or SA and the retransmission timeout of the packet is set to
represents the estimated amount of time for the packet to travel through the multicast tree to the children
of the SA and for the corresponding ACKs to arrive at the SA. As we explained in Section 3.2, the retrans-
mission timer for the packet is set to expire when the sum of the send time of the packet plus the
Figures 3 and 4 illustrate how the timeouts are used in a part of a multicast tree involving three nodes:
the sender, an SA who is a child of the sender in the logical tree, and a child of the SA. Figure 3 shows how
the RTD-based timeouts are computed at the SA. In this scenario, the sender’s clock is assumed to be ahead
of the SA’s clock by three time units. The sender transmits packet 25 at time 5; the send time is included in
the packet header. The SA and its child transmit their acknowledgments, which also include the send time
is also -1. The sender then transmits packet 26 at time 7.2.
of the packet, to their respective parents. The SA receives the ACK at time 4, and calculates the RTD as -1
(=4-5). Assume that the estimated
, i.e., to 7.2+(-1)=6.2. The packet is lost on the route to
The SA receives the packet and buffers it for possible retransmission. It also sets its retransmission timer
to the send time of the packet plus the
the SA’s child. Since the SA has not received an ACK for the packet when the timer expires at time 6.2, it
retransmits packet 26 to its child. At that time, the SA also sets its retransmission timer to
shown in the figure).
In Figure 4, the
values are assumed to be 7 and 1, respectively, and the SA’s
clock is five units of time ahead of the sender’s clock. The sender sends a packet at time 0, which reaches
. Since the SA does not get an acknowledgment
the SA at time 5.5. When the SA buffers the packet, it sets the retransmission timer of the packet to expire at
time 7, based on the sum of the send time and the
Slow start is an algorithm used by TCP [1] to find the available bandwidth on the path of a connection. Slow
start is invoked at the beginning of transmission or after the retransmission timer of a packet expires. As
in TCP, MTCP also employs a slightly modified version of slow start to estimate the available bandwidth
in the multicast paths. Specifically, the sender and SAs maintain a TCP-like congestion window whose
size is indicated by cwnd. The algorithm starts by initializing cwnd to one segment size. When an SA
(or the sender) receives an ACK for a segment from all of its children, it increments cwnd by one segment
size. This increases cwnd exponentially until it reaches a threshold called slow start threshold
(ssThresh). ssThresh is initially set to 64 Kbytes. When cwnd is greater than ssThresh, the SA increases
its cwnd by 1/(segment size), effectively increasing the cwnd at a linear rate. This linear increase period is
called the congestion avoidance period.
Since during slow start cwnd increases exponentially, this process itself can cause congestion. MTCP
adopts the slow start mechanisms of TCP-Vegas [13] to detect congestion even during slow start. For this
purpose, the sender and the SAs maintain two additional variables:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
SA’s children
Data Packet
Acknowledgment Pakcet
0 5
1 6 RTO
2 7
3 8
2 * RTO
5 10
6 4 * RTO 11
7 12
8 13
9 14
10 15
11 16
12 17
13 18
Sender SA SA’s child
If the difference between mRTD and baseRTD is less than a threshold , cwnd is increased exponentially.
If the difference is greater than , the algorithm enters the congestion avoidance period.
During congestion avoidance, cwnd increases or decreases linearly to avoid congestion. When an SA (or
the sender) receives ACKs for a packet from every child, it compares the mRTD and baseRTD of the
slowest child. Let
. As in TCP-Vegas, we define two thresholds and , ,
corresponding to having too little or too much, respectively, extra data in the network. When ,
we increase cwnd by 1/(segment size) and when , we decrease cwnd by cwnd/8. cwnd remains
unchanged if .
When a timeout occurs, ssThresh is set to one half of cwnd, cwnd is set to one segment size, and
slow start is triggered. If, on the other hand, three consecutive NACKs are received, ssThresh is set to
one half of cwnd, cwnd remains the same and the algorithm remains in congestion avoidance.
The packets retransmitted by an SA to one or more of its children may take a different route than the mul-
ticast path these packets followed when originally transmitted by the sender. Consider the situation arising
when an SA receives an ACK reporting a list of lost packets. If the SA is allowed to retransmit a large
number of packets regardless of the available bandwidth between itself and its children (recall that cwnd
estimates only the bandwidth between the sender and the SA’s children), it may cause another instance of
congestion. To overcome this problem, each SA maintains another window, called the retransmission win-
dow for each child, which is used only for retransmitted packets. Maintaining the retransmission window
is possible because SAs receive ACKs for the packets they send (i.e., a closed-loop system). In the cur-
rent implementation, the initial window size of the retransmission window is set to one. The size of the
window changes in the same way that TCP-Vegas modifies cwnd (i.e., slow start, congestion avoidance,
and fast recovery). However, the size of the retransmission window is not reset to 1 even if retransmission
is quiescent. Intermittent retransmission can be accommodated immediately with the window set for the
previous retransmission session (or burst). Unless the previous retransmission session undergoes slow start,
the window will be larger than 1.
Flow control ensures that the sender does not send more data than the current capacity of a receiver. The
current capacity of a receiver is indicated by the number of buffers available. In MTCP, each receiver
advertises the number of buffers available to its parent. We define the advertised window of a node to be the
minimum of the buffers reported by the children of the node. The sender always sends no more than its own
advertised window.
Another important issue which affects the congestion control mechanism is how fast the sender transmits
packets. In MTCP, the sender uses ACKs as a “clock” to strobe new packets in the network. Each SA (and
the sender) maintains a variable called transit window, twnd. twnd is initially set to zero, it is incremented
when a new packet is received from the sender, and it is decremented when a packet is acknowledged by all
of the SA’s children. Whenever a retransmission timeout occurs, twnd is set to zero. The information about
twnd is propagated up the tree to the sender and it is used to regulate the transmission rate of the sender, as
explained below.
The congestion summary an SA sends to its parent consists of two parameters:
1. parameter minCwnd, which is the minimum of the SA’s cwnd and the cwnds reported by its children,
and which estimates the congestion level of the bottleneck link on the multicast routes to the receivers
in the tree, and
2. parameter maxTwnd, which is the maximum of the SA’s twnd and the twnds reported by its chil-
dren, and which estimates the number of unacknowledged bytes in transit to the receivers in the tree
The difference between maxTwnd and minCwnd is called the current window. The sender always transmits
data in an amount no more than the current window. This window mechanism prevents the sender from
transmitting faster than packets leave the bottleneck link.
If the sender is allowed to determine the amount of data to be transmitted based only on its own cwnd
and twnd, which it maintains using feedback from its immediate children alone, it is highly likely that the
sender will cause congestion somewhere in the multicast routes. This possibility arises from the fact that
the sender’s cwnd and twnd provide information only about the multicast paths to the sender’s immediate
children in the logical tree; the sender receives no first-hand information about the congestion status of the
multicast paths to other nodes. To ensure that an MTCP session will not cause congestion anywhere in the
multicast routes, we require that the sender regulate its rate based on the congestion status of all receivers
in the tree. This is accomplished by using a hierarchical reporting scheme, in which information about the
status of each receiver propagates along the paths of the logical tree from the leaves to the root (the sender)
in the form of the congestion summaries discussed in the previous subsection.
Figure 5 illustrates how congestion summaries propagate from leaf receivers to the sender along the
edges of the logical tree. In the figure, cwnd and twnd are expressed in units of number of segments
(they are normally defined in bytes). SAs whose children are leaf nodes, send their cwnds and twnds to
their parents. Referring to Figure 5, node 7 sends its cwnd(30) and twnd(8) to its parent (node 3), node
9 sends its cwnd(15) and twnd(10) to its parent (node 3), and node 1 sends its cwnd(25) and twnd(5) to
its parent (node 0). Upon receiving this information, the parent SAs send to their own parents the minimum
of the received cwnds and their own cwnd, and the maximum of the received twnds and their own twnd.
In Figure 5, for instance, node 3 sends to node 0 the minimum of the cwnds(15) and the maximum of the
twnds(10). The sender at node 0 computes the minimum of all cwnds in the tree to be 15 and the maximum
of all twnds to be 10. Therefore, the current window is 15-10=5 segments. The sender sends no more than
the minimum of the current window and the advertised window.
mincwnd = MIN(cwnd, MIN(SAcwnd))
cwnd = 20 = MIN(20, MIN(25,15)) = 15
twnd = 4
0 maxtwnd = MAX(twnd, MAX(SAtwnd))
= MAX( 4, MAX(5,10)) = 10
SAcwnd = 25 SAcwnd = 15
SAtwnd = 5 SAtwnd = 10 mincwnd = MIN( cwnd, MIN(SAcwnd))
= MIN( 25, MIN( 30,15)) = 15
maxtwnd = MAX( twnd, MAX(SAtwnd))
cwnd = 25 cwnd = 25
twnd = 5
1 2 twnd = 3
3 = MAX(3,MAX(10,8)) = 10
SAcwnd = 30 SAcwnd = 15
SAtwnd = 8 SAtwnd = 10
cwnd = 30 cwnd = 15
4 5 6 twnd = 8 7 8 twnd = 10
10 11 12 13
Note that the minimum bandwidth within the subtree rooted at a given SA is computed based only
on information reported in the congestion summaries sent to this SA by its children. Since the maximum
number of the children of a node is limited to a small constant, this scheme achieves good load-balancing.
We also note that the delay between the time when an SA detects congestion and the time when the
sender reduces its transmission rate in response to this congestion, may be longer than the TCP time-scale.
Since the congestion status report (in the form of a summary) has to travel all the way to the root of the tree,
this delay can be larger than a round trip delay. However, unless congestion is reported directly to the sender
(an approach that inevitably leads to ACK implosion), this extra delay is unavoidable. Furthermore, as it
has been pointed out [14], extra delays up to a few seconds can be tolerated because network links where
a single flow can create severe transient congestion are likely to employ an appropriate queue management
mechanism such as random early detection (RED) [15, 2]. We have observed through Internet experiments
and simulation that the delay in MTCP is well within this range; more details are given in Section 4 (also
refer to Figure 8).
In MTCP, congestion summaries are normally piggybacked on every ACK and NACK. Thus, congestion
summaries are reported by an SA whenever a new packet is received (recall also that ACKs/NACKs are
delayed for a few tens of milliseconds for an SA to receive ACKs from its children). However, if congestion
summaries are reported only upon reception of data packets, deadlocks are possible since the window size
at an SA may change even if the sender does not transmit any packets. Consider the following scenario.
The sender transmits a number of packets and receives ACKs for the packets from all of its children. One
of the SAs, say, SA A, on the other hand, does not receive ACKs for these packets from its children. Thus,
SA A will report a high value for the twnd in the congestion summary it sends to its parent, and which will
propagate to the sender. It is possible that this high twnd value will reduce the size of the current window
of the sender to zero, in which case the sender will not transmit any more packets. Since the SA will not
receive any packets from the sender, it will not send any ACKs either. When the SA finally receives ACKs
from its children, its twnd decreases from the previously high value. Since no ACKs on which to piggyback
this window update are generated, the sender will never learn of this updated window, and in turn, it will not
send any packets at all, resulting in a deadlock.
To overcome this problem, we require each receiver to periodically send a congestion summary to its
parent. This information is called a window update acknowledgment, and it is sent only if a congestion
summary has not been sent within the last period. In the current implementation, the period within which
a window update acknowledgment is sent is initially set to 500 ms, and it is incremented by 1 second each
time the receiver sends the acknowledgment. The period is reset to 500 ms when a new packet is received
from the sender. This periodic window update information sent by the SAs effectively resolves the deadlock
We have implemented MTCP on top of UDP in Posix Threads and C, in SunOS 5.6. We have not yet in-
corporated a tree construction module into MTCP, therefore we manually set up the logical trees used for
the Internet experiments presented in this section. In the future, MTCP will evolve to include algorithms
to dynamically construct and maintain the logical tree. The members of the multicast group in the Internet
experiments were distributed in five different sites: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (NCSU),
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (UNC), Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA (GaT-
ech), Emory University, Atlanta, GA (Emory), and University of Texas, Austin, TX (UTexas). We have
used an assortment of SPARC Ultras, SPARC 20s and SPARC 5s at each site, organized into the logical tree
shown in Figure 6.
For the routing of MTCP packets, we have implemented a special process at each site, called mcaster,
whose function is similar to that of mroutd in the MBONE. The packets generated by the sender at the
root of the tree are routed along the edges of the tree using mcasters. An mcaster simply “tunnels”
incoming packets by first multicasting them to its own subnet via IP-multicast, and then forwarding them to
the mcasters of its child sites in the tree via UDP.
Since the experiments are limited by the number of testing sites and machines we can access in the
Internet (the tree in Figure 6 consists of 23 receivers and one sender), we have also implemented MTCP on
the network simulator ns to test the protocol on a larger scale. The experiments presented in this section
were designed to evaluate the potential of MTCP for large-scale reliable multicast by addressing three key
features of the protocol: scalability, inter-fairness, and sensitivity to independent loss.
Areas :
E4 E5 A5 - UTexas
N1 E2 E3
Nodes :
E1 -
E7 E8
E5 -
U1 G1
E6 -
E7 -
U3 G3 G4 G5 N1 -
U2 G2
N2 -
A5 UTexas U1 -
T1 U2 -
U3 -
G1 -
G2 -
T3 T4 T5 T6 G3 -
G4 -
G5 -
T1 -
T2 -
: WAN MTCP connection
T3 -
: LAN MTCP connection T4 -
T5 -
: background TCP connection
4.1 Scalability
Scalability is an important issue in reliable multicast, since the target applications may involve hundreds or
even thousands of receivers. In the case of MTCP, the maximum fanout and the height of the logical tree are
two important parameters in determining its ability to scale to large numbers of receivers. In this section,
we study the effect of these parameters on the performance of MTCP.
Let us first discuss the significance of the height of the tree. It is well known that the scalability of
reliable multicast protocols is directly related to the degree of throughput degradation as the number of
receivers increases. Since MTCP emulates TCP on a logical tree, the throughput behavior of MTCP is
similar to that of TCP and can be approximated as [3]:
, where is the packet size, RTT is the
round trip time, is the packet loss rate, and
is some constant. When the maximum fanout is limited to a
small constant, the only factor in the expression for affected by the number of receivers is the round trip
time. In MTCP, the RTT grows linearly with the height of the tree, since the sender recognizes congestion
through feedback that propagates from a congested node to the sender via the ancestors of the node. In the
best case, the throughput of MTCP will degrade in proportion to , where is the maximum fanout of
the tree and is the number of receivers. The worst case occurs when the height of the tree grows linearly
with . Consequently, we expect MTCP to achieve a high throughput, even for large numbers of receivers,
when a well-balanced tree with a relatively small number of levels is employed.
The second parameter of interest is the number of children that an SA can accommodate, which deter-
mines the maximum fanout of the logical tree. In light of the limitations on the tree height, it is desirable
to construct trees with a large fanout in order to support a large number of receivers. On the other hand, the
larger the number of children attached to an SA, the higher the load imposed on the SA who has to receive
and process feedback (ACKs, NACKs and congestion summaries) from its children. Therefore, unless the
maximum fanout of the tree is bounded, SAs may become overloaded and the throughput of MTCP will
Our first experiment investigates the maximum fanout of a logical tree that can be supported by MTCP
without inducing an excessive load on each SA. The experiment involved a sender transmitting a 70 MB file
to multiple destinations on the same LAN. The nodes were organized in a one-level tree rooted at the sender,
with all receivers on the same level. We measured the throughput and CPU load at the sender as we increased
the number of receivers. We limited the number of receivers to 16, since if each SA can accommodate 16
children, MTCP can support 69,904 receivers organized in a four-level tree. All the machines used in the
experiment were Ultra-Sparc Model 250 attached to a 100 Mbps LAN.
Figure 7 plots the throughput, the total transfer time, and the CPU time of the sender, against the number
of receivers. The CPU time represents the amount of time that the CPU is used during the transfer of the file,
while the total transfer time is the time it takes to transfer the file and includes the time spent by the sender
waiting for ACKs. We observe that as the number of receivers increases, the throughput does decrease,
but not significantly. We also see that the CPU load (i.e., the CPU time as a fraction of total time) also
decreases with the number of receivers. This behavior can be explained by observing that, as the number
of receivers increases, the sender spends a greater amount of time waiting for ACKs, and thus total transfer
time also increases. Our results indicate that even if the sender and the SAs have as many as 16 children,
the processing of ACKs does not pose a problem. In view of the fact that the experiment was performed
in a high-speed LAN (where the sender can transmit at a fast rate, and also receives ACKs at a fast rate),
the number 16 appears to be a reasonable upper bound on the number of children each SA can have in the
logical tree, suggesting that MTCP is suitable for large-scale implementation.
The purpose of our second experiment was to test whether the protocol can respond to congestion within
a TCP time-scale, as well as to measure the time delay involved in responding to congestion. To this end,
we set up a four-level tree and examined how long it takes for the congestion window of the sender to be
adjusted in response to changes in the congestion window of SAs in the path to the congested receiver.
The tree involves one machine from each of the following sites: NCSU (the sender), Emory (the first SA,
SA1), GaTech (the second SA, SA2), and UTexas (the leaf receiver). The experiment involved a source
transmitting a 70 MB file to the three destinations. During the experiment we recorded the congestion
window sizes at the sender and the SAs.
Figure 8 shows a five second segment of the experiment. In this experiment we found UTexas to be the
bottleneck, which caused SA2 (at GaTech) to have the smallest window size. The sender’s window size is
the largest. Recall that in MTCP, the sender regulates its transmission rate based on the minimum of all the
reported congestion summaries and its own window. Let us call this minimum the transmission window.
As we can see, the transmission window closely follows the window of SA2. Furthermore, we observe that
whenever any site runs into a slow start, the sender reduces the size of its transmission window drastically
within about 200 ms to 250 ms. For example, in Figure 8 we see that SA2 initiated a slow start at around 43
seconds, and that about 250 ms later the transmission window also dropped to match the window of SA2.
4.1.2 Simulation
We used simulation to investigate the throughput behavior of MTCP on a larger scale. We simulated the
network topology shown in Figure 9, consisting of 101 nodes (one sender and 100 receivers) with each node
having at most five children. The links connecting the nodes have a bandwidth of 1.5 Mbps and a delay of
10 ms. The queue size at the nodes was set to 8, and the DropTail queueing discipline was used.
We conducted two experiments to study the effect of the logical tree structure on the throughput of
MTCP. In the first experiment, the nodes were organized in a one-level tree with the sender at the root and
all receivers as children of the sender. With this arrangement, the sender has to process feedback from all
receivers. In the second experiment, the nodes were organized in a perfect multi-level logical tree in which
all non-leaf nodes have exactly five children (except, perhaps, the rightmost non-leaf node at the lowest
level which may have fewer than five children). As a result, the load of processing feedback was evenly
distributed among the SAs in the tree. During each experiment we recorded the throughput of MTCP as we
increased the number of receivers from 1 to 100. The total simulation time for each run was 250 seconds.
Figure 10 plots the data throughput (not including header and other control overhead) against the number
of receivers. As we can see, when the nodes are arranged as a one-level tree, the throughput decreases with
the number of receivers. It is interesting that, although the network topology used in this simulation (see
Figure 9) is very different than that used in the LAN experiment in Figure 7, the results obtained are very
similar within the same range of the number of receivers (recall that the LAN experiment involved up to
16 receivers). Specifically, in both cases we observe a rather significant drop in throughput after the first
few receivers have been added, but then the throughput remains essentially constant until the number of
receivers has reached 16 (in the LAN experiment) or 25 (in the simulation). However, in the simulation, the
throughput decreases drastically when the number of receivers increases beyond 25. This result is due to the
significant increase in the load of the sender who has to process feedback from all receivers.
On the other hand, when a multi-level tree is employed, the throughput does decrease when the number
of receivers becomes greater than two, but not significantly. More importantly, the throughput remains at
around 125 KBps (1 Mbps) as the number of receivers increases from three to 100, despite the corresponding
increase in the height of the tree from one to three levels. These results indicate that the tree structure is the
key to reducing the processing load at the sender, and that MTCP provides a high degree of scalability when a
proper (i.e., well-balanced) tree is employed. We also note that MTCP achieves a data throughput (excluding
overhead) of approximately 1 Mbps on 1.5 Mbps links, which demonstrates that MTCP is successful in
capturing the available network bandwidth.
Total Time
CPU Time Throughput
90 1000000
50000 "SA2"
bytes (window size)
40000 40500 41000 41500 42000 42500 43000 43500 44000 44500 45000
Throughput ( bytes/sec)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of Receivers
4.2 Inter-fairness
A protocol is said to be inter-fair if it uses no more bandwidth than a conforming TCP traffic would use
on the same link. We have run both Internet experiments and simulation to investigate the inter-fairness
properties of MTCP. The Internet experiments test whether MTCP can successfully co-exist with competing
TCP traffic, while the simulations test the behavior of competing MTCP flows.
We have conducted a large number of experiments over the part of the Internet shown in Figure 6 in order
to study the interaction between MTCP and TCP traffic under real-world scenarios. In Figures 11 to 14
we show results from three different experiments. Each experiment involves independent TCP connections
running over the WAN routes in the tree of Figure 6. Recall that MTCP packets are routed over the WAN
via UDP, thus, the TCP and MTCP traffic between the same sites in our experiments take the same WAN
routes. Since WAN links are the ones most likely to be a bottleneck, this setup is appropriate for studying
how the bandwidth of a link is shared between MTCP and TCP connections.
The first experiment involves areas A1 and A4 (refer to Figure 6), the second experiment involves areas
A1, A2, A3, and A4, and the third involves the entire tree. In these experiments, the MTCP sender and
TCP senders transmit data as fast as it is allowed by their congestion control protocols. Each TCP sender
starts transmitting at approximately the same time as the MTCP sender. We expect MTCP to match its
sending rate to the minimum bandwidth available in the tree, therefore every MTCP receiver should receive
at approximately the same rate as the TCP receiver on the bottleneck connection in the tree.
The results of the first experiment (over areas A1 and A4) are shown in Figures 11 and 12. We run
MTCP and TCP connections for 300 seconds and recorded the receiving rates of MTCP and TCP receivers.
Figure 11 shows the receiving rates of the MTCP and TCP and receivers averaged over 5-second intervals,
while Figure 12 shows the receiving rates recorded every second for the first 50 seconds of the experiment.
It is evident from both graphs that MTCP and TCP share approximately the same bandwidth of about 280
The receiving rates recorded during the second experiment (over areas A1, A2, A3, and A4) are shown
in Figure 13; only the average rates over 5-second intervals are plotted in this case. From the figure, it is
clear that the route from Emory to NCSU is the bottleneck because the TCP connection between these two
sites gives the minimum receiving rates. MTCP matches the TCP receiving rate over this bottleneck route
at around 70 KBps.
The results of the third experiment (over the entire tree) are shown in Figure 14, where again we plot the
receiving rates averaged over 5-second intervals. The route from Georgia Tech to the University of Texas
is now the bottleneck. As we can see, the TCP connection between GaTech and Utexas has the minimum
receiving rate of about 60 KBps, indicating that the route between these two sites is the bottleneck link in
the whole tree. Again, we observe that MTCP is successful in matching its rate to the receiving rate of the
TCP connection on the bottleneck link.
These three experiments indicate that MTCP uses no more bandwidth than a TCP connection uses on the
Receiving Rate(bytes/sec)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Figure 11: Receiving rates averaged over 5-second intervals (first Internet experiment, areas A1 and A4)
Receiving Rate (bytes/sec)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 12: Receiving rates recorded every second (first Internet experiment, areas A1 and A4)
Receiving Rate (bytes/sec)
200000 "MTCP"
150000 "TCP-UNC"
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Figure 13: Receiving rates averaged over 5-second intervals (second Internet experiment, areas A1, A2, A3
and A4)
Receiving Rate (bytes/sec)
200000 "TCP-GAECH"
150000 "TCP-UTEXAS"
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Figure 14: Receiving rates averaged over 5-second intervals (third Internet experiment, areas A1, A2, A3,
A4 and A5)
bottleneck route of a given tree configuration. Although a bottleneck link may be located several levels away
from the root, MTCP is capable of adjusting its rate according to the available bandwidth on that link. In all
experiments, the fluctuation of MTCP’s receiving rate is not perfectly synchronized with that of TCP’s. This
is because MTCP and TCP are not the same protocol, and the way that they detect congestion is different.
In addition, MTCP reacts to every instance of congestion within a tree while TCP reacts to congestion only
between two end points.
To study the performance of MTCP when sharing a link with multiple TCP connections, we run a fourth
experiment involving areas A1 and A4. In this experiment, while MTCP was transmitting, we run three TCP
connections, all along the WAN route between Emory and GaTech, each of which is started at a different
time. Specifically, the three connections TCP1, TCP2, and TCP3 were started at around 150, 300, and 410
seconds, respectively, after MTCP was started. All TCP connections were made between different host
machines to eliminate the effect of computational overhead. We expect to see MTCP adjust its rate to match
the current level of bandwidth available over the link between Emory and GaTech.
Figure 15 shows the results of this experiment. When MTCP runs alone, its receiving rate reaches
around 400 KBps. When TCP1 is added, MTCP reduces its rate from 400 KBps to 300 KBps while TCP1
traffic slowly increases its rate to around 300 KBps. As soon as TCP2 is added, both TCP1 and MTCP
reduce their rates. TCP1 goes down to 180 KBps while MTCP matches its rate with TCP2 around 240
KBps. When TCP3 is added, both MTCP and TCP2 reduce their rates slightly. MTCP still does not use
more bandwidth than TCP2. As soon as TCP1 finishes its transmission, MTCP’s rate bounces up to match
that of TCP2. TCP3 also increases its rate. It appears that TCP3 always uses less bandwidth than TCP2.
The difference is about 50 KBps. There could be a couple of reasons for this difference. First, although the
two TCP connections use the same route, their end points are different. So there could be other background
job activities at the end points of TCP3 affecting its overall receiving rate. Second, TCP itself sometimes
can be too conservative in its estimate of the available bandwidth. When TCP2 ends, both TCP3 and MTCP
increase their rates quite a bit. MTCP settles at around 330 KBps while TCP3 goes up to 260 KBps. The
difference is close to that between the receiving rates of TCP2 and TCP3. As soon as TCP3 ends, MTCP
restores its rate quickly to 400 KBps. From this experiment, we observe that MTCP seems to adjust its rate
as quickly as TCP, according to the current available bandwidth on the bottleneck link in a given tree.
4.2.2 Simulation
To gain insight into the inter-fairness properties of multiple competing instances of MTCP, we have used ns
to simulate a large number of network topologies. In this section we present results for the topology shown
in Figure 16, which is very similar to the one used in [16, Figure 2]; results obtained from other topologies
are very similar to the ones presented here. There are four senders and nine receivers in the network, and
each MTCP instance involves one of the senders and all nine receivers. We run three different experiments.
In experiment
, each sender node was involved in exactly MTCP sessions, so that a total of
distinct MTCP connections were simultaneously active in the network. The same logical multi-level
tree was used for all instances of MTCP, with the sender at the root and each node in the tree having at most
three children. The total simulation time for each experiment was 250 seconds.
450000 "TCP1"
Receiving Rate (bytes/sec)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Figure 15: Receiving rates averaged over 5-second intervals (fourth Internet experiment, areas A1 and A4)
In each experiment, we calculated the fairness index defined by Jain et al. [17]. The fairness index is
a quantitative measure of fairness for a resource allocation system, which is independent of the amount of
resource being shared. The fairness index, based on throughput, for the bottleneck link is defined as:
where is the throughput of the -th protocol instance, and is number of protocol instances sharing
the resource. The fairness index always lies between 1 (indicating that all instances get an equal share of the
link bandwidth) and (when one of them gets all the bandwidth and all others starve).
Our results are presented in Table 1, where we show, for each experiment, the throughput of each MTCP
session and the corresponding fairness index. The bottleneck link is the one between nodes 5 and 8 in Figure
16, since it has a capacity of only 1 Mbps. As we can see, the fairness index was always very close to 1.
indicating that MTCP sessions fairly share the available bandwidth.
To study the impact of independent packet loss and random background TCP traffic on the throughput
of MTCP, we have conducted simulation involving an MTCP session with 100 receivers. For the results
presented in this section, we have used the network topology shown in Figure 17, which is an extension of
2 7 9
10/2 10/30
10/2 2.5/10 1.5/30
1 3 5 8
the topology used in [18]. This network was generated using Georgia Institute of Technology’s Internetwork
Topology Models (GT-ITM) tool [19], which has been shown to generate topologies that closely resemble
the structure of the Internet. The links connecting the nodes were one of three types, as shown in the figure,
the queueing discipline at the routers was DropTail, and the queue size was 20. Several TCP connections
were running in the background between the various end-points indicated in Figure 17. TCP connections
were started at random times, and each lasted for only a short time period. The MTCP receivers were
arranged in a logical tree as shown in Figure 18, with each SA having at most five children.
We run two experiments, each involving a single MTCP connection and random TCP-Reno traffic in the
background. In the first experiment, there were no losses at MTCP receivers. In the second experiment, with
probability , a packet was lost at a MTCP receiver, independently of other receivers and packets.
During each experiment, which lasted 1500 seconds, we recorded the throughput at MTCP receivers and
TCP sinks. These simulations help us evaluate the throughput of MTCP on a realistic topology under loss
patterns that have been observed in real multicast environments.
Figures 19 and 20 plot the throughput of MTCP and of the TCP background connections over time for
the no-loss and 1%-loss experiments, respectively. In both cases, MTCP shows about 12 KBps throughput
which was a little less than the bandwidth of the bottleneck links in the simulated network topology. When
MTCP ran with 1% independent loss, the throughput of MTCP was slightly reduced, but not significantly.
The impact of the background TCP traffic also seems very marginal. The graphs show that MTCP does
not reduce its rate because of independent uncorrelated losses or due to random TCP traffic. Comparing
Figure 19 and 20 we find that the receivers subject to 1% loss have throughput comparable to that of receivers
not subject to loss.
5 Related Work
Many reliable multicast protocols have been proposed in the literature [6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 29]. For the purposes of our discussion, we classify these protocols into three broad categories:
unstructured, structured and hybrid. We examine the protocols in each category with an emphasis on their
Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3
4 MTCP sessions 8 MTCP sessions 12 MTCP sessions
122976.32 71762.67. 65616.889
120163.84 111270.22 64457.778
121892.08 119783.11 96119.111
118946.12 137866.67 85045.333
MTCP 130666.67 92062.222
Throughput 130311.11 97333.333
(bps) 145478.22 68444.444
126960.00 71111.111
FI .999836 .970422 .955753
20 22
13 19
15 21
14 10 25
t1 t9
24 26
6 7 12
30 32
5 27
92 93 33 35
94 34
28 31
99 3 0
96 89
97 90
t3 88
38 91
87 82 83
39 40
36 84
1 2 85
42 t7
t4 86
43 71 77
45 59 69
48 46 67
66 68
53 61
t5 76 73
58 49 65
51 62 75
57 64
1250KB/s, 30ms link
Figure 17: Network topology for experiments with random TCP background traffic – Simulation
11 9 0
13 15 8 10 3 4 17 29
1 2 95 5 7 20 23 24 25 26 30 33
40 44 53 63 69 80 88 93 94 97 98 19 22 27 34 35 28 31
37 38 43 45 49 54 55 58 59 61 65 66 67 70 71 75 84 85 87 90 92 99 96 18 21
36 39 47 48 46 52 56 64 73 82 86 83 78 89 91
50 57 62 74 79
68 77
Figure 18: Logical multicast tree for the topology of Figure 17 – Simulation
14000 "TCP-1"
12000 "TCP-5"
10000 "TCP-8"
8000 "TCP-12"
6000 "TCP-15"
4000 "TCP-19"
0 500 1000 1500 2000
14000 "TCP-1"
12000 "TCP-5"
10000 "TCP-8"
8000 "TCP-12"
6000 "TCP-15"
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Figure 20: Throughput of MTCP and of background TCP traffic – 1% loss rate at MTCP receivers
would get NACKs, but possibly from a different receiver each time: it may appear to the sender that NACKs
are completely uncorrelated. Thus, the sender may not distinguish correlated packet losses from uncorrelated
ones. It is unclear whether the sender should respond to all the NACKs by controlling its rate or ignore
“seemingly” uncorrelated NACKs. Either approach seems unreasonable.
Second, in most receiver-based protocols that primarily use NACKs to detect congestion, the absence of
NACKs is considered as no congestion or congestion clearance. Some Internet studies [31, 32], however,
reveal that almost every experiment trace includes one or more extremely long bursts of packet loss lasting
from a few seconds up to a few minutes. During these bursts, no packets are received. As a result, receivers
do not detect any packet loss, and do not send any NACKs. A similar scenario arises when the the return
path from receivers to the sender is congested, so that all feedback is lost. In either case, the sender would
incorrectly translate the lack of feedback as no congestion.
Third, the randomized NACK suppression techniques employed by the receiver-based protocols require
RTT estimations by every receiver, thus imposing limits on scalability. Grossglauser [33] proposed a
each receiver to estimate the round trip time (RTT) to every receiver in the group. This approach requires
distributed deterministic timeout estimation protocol that does not require global information. However the
protocol assumes that the end-to-end delay variation is bounded and a priori known to all receivers.
Structured protocols impose a logical structure among group members. Two commonly studied struc-
tures are rings and trees. In ring protocols [23], a logical ring of group members is formed. Typically, a
token is passed around the ring and only the process with the token may send feedback to the sender. RMP
[23] supports TCP-like congestion control based on both ACKs and NACKs. However, since only the token
holder can send an ACK, it is unclear how the ACKs are used for purposes of congestion control when there
is a large number of nodes in the ring. In RMP, since NACKs are also multicast to suppress other NACKs,
the protocol suffers from problems similar to those arising in receiver-based protocols.
In a tree protocol [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], a logical tree structure is imposed on the multicast group, with internal
nodes acting as representative receivers for the group. While the sender multicasts data to the entire group, a
receiver sends feedback only to its parent. The representatives buffer packets received from the sender, and
retransmit any packets reported lost by their children. Since the maximum degree of each node is fixed to
a small constant, each node, including the sender, receives only a small amount of feedback within a round
trip time. In the following, we discuss the congestion control schemes of RMTP [6] and TMTP [8], since the
LBRM [7], LGC [9] and LORAX [5] tree protocols do not incorporate (or do not give much detail about) a
congestion control scheme.
The main problem with RMTP is that it does not provide end-to-end feedback. The sender only gets
feedback from its own children (called designated receivers (DR)) about their receiving status. Hence, the
sender has little information about the congestion status of leaf receivers. When congestion occurs at leaf
receivers, it may not be possible for the sender to detect the congestion, especially if the DRs and the leaf
receivers do not share the same network path. In this case, the sender will continue to transmit at the same
rate, aggravating the existing congestion. As a result, RMTP traffic can be completely unresponsive to
congestion and may cause congestion collapse.
TMTP also does not provide end-to-end feedback. This protocol relies on a back pressure effect caused
by lack of buffers at representative nodes (called domain managers (DM) in TMTP terminology). In TMTP,
DMs store the packets received from the sender until they receive ACKs for the packets from their children.
When the buffers at a DM fill up because of congestion, the DM drops the next incoming packet. Its parent
will continue to retransmit the packets not acknowledged by the DM until the parent’s buffers also fill up.
The sender detects congestion only when the buffers of all DMs between the sender and the congested nodes
are completely full. So the congestion is completely neglected until the sender feels the pressure. Since each
DM typically maintains a large number of buffers to reduce the number of ACKs returned to it, it could take
a long time before the sender feels the pressure and reduces its rate. The fact that TMTP continues to
transmit at a fixed rate despite the congestion is unfair to TCP-compatible flows which reduce their rates at
the first indication of congestion.
Hybrid protocols [18, 34] combine the packet recovery techniques used in structured and unstructured
protocols. As in receiver-based protocols, a receiver can multicast NACKs suppressing other NACKs, while
other receivers may respond to the NACKs by retransmitting lost packets. In addition, a small number of
representative receivers multicast their feedback immediately without any delay or suppression. The sender
uses this feedback to control its transmission rate.
Delucia and Obraczka [18] proposed a hybrid congestion control technique in which the size of the
representative set is fixed, but the actual nodes in the set change over time based on the congestion status
of receivers. Assuming that a small set of bottleneck links always causes the majority of the congestion
problem, the protocol solves the feedback implosion problem, as well as other problems associated with
SRM [24] (such as the RTT estimation problem). The scalability and utility of the protocol highly depend
on this basic assumption, namely, that the representative set is always small. This assumption may not
be realistic, however, since several group members can be independently and simultaneously congested
although they do not share the same congested links. No safeguard against this situation is provided.
Handley [34] also recently proposed a hybrid congestion control architecture. His technique works as
follows. A small set of representative receivers is selected based on their loss characteristics, and each rep-
resentative forms a subgroup along with receivers that share similar loss characteristics. For each subgroup,
one relay receiver is chosen to receive data from the sender and play them out at a slower rate suitable for
the receivers in the subgroup. The idea of representatives is similar to that in [18], but the subgroup idea is
new and promising. However, the overhead, complexity, and efficacy of dynamic subgroup formations are
not yet explored, justified or proven. In addition, since the group structure is essentially two-level, it is not
clear whether the protocol is scalable to very large numbers of receivers.
Other types of protocols that do not fall within the above categories include receiver-driven layered
multicast protocols [35, 16, 36]. These protocols implement congestion control by encoding the transmitted
data into multiple layers and transmitting each layer to a different multicast group. By joining and leaving
different multicast groups, each receiver can control its own receiving rate. Initially, the layering technique
was proposed for continuous multimedia data streams which can tolerate some loss. Recently the technique
was applied to a reliable bulk data multicast by Vicisano et al. [16]. However, the technique is applicable
only when a large portion of the data is available for encoding prior to transmission, but not when data is
generated in real-time such as during synchronous collaborative conferences.
6 Concluding Remarks
We have presented MTCP, a set of congestion control mechanisms for tree-based reliable multicast proto-
cols. MTCP was designed to effectively handle multiple instances of congestion occurring simultaneously
at various parts of a multicast tree. We have implemented MTCP, and we have obtained encouraging results
through Internet experiments and simulation. In particular, our results indicate that (1) MTCP can quickly
respond to congestion anywhere in the tree, (2) MTCP is TCP-compatible, in the sense that MTCP flows
fairly share the bandwidth among themselves and various TCP flows, (3) MTCP is not affected by inde-
pendent loss, and (4) MTCP flow control scales well when an appropriate logical tree is employed. Thus,
we believe that MTCP provides a viable solution to TCP-like congestion control for large-scale reliable
multicast. We are currently working on designing and implementing a set of mechanisms for addressing the
intra-fairness problem of reliable multicast protocols, i.e., to prevent a slow receiver from slowing down the
whole group.
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