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Industrial Engineering

& Management Systems

Vol 18, No 3, September 2019, pp.417-425 https://doi.org/10.7232/iems.2019.18.3.417
ISSN 1598-7248│EISSN 2234-6473│ © 2019 KIIE

Obtaining Factors Affecting Innovative Work

Behavior (IWB) of a Local Bank Employees
under Islamic Leadership: Application of Partial
Least Squares Method
Achmad Sani Supriyanto*
State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia

(Received: May 29, 2019 / Revised: June 16, 2019 / Accepted: June 19, 2019)

This study aims were: 1) to know the direct effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance, 2) to know the direct
effect of Empowerment on Innovative Work Behavior, 3) to test the role of Empowerment as mediation the effect of
Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance, 4) to test the role of Innovative Work Behavior as mediation the effect of
Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance. The population was all employees of Bank Jatim Syariah at Surabaya
Center Office. It was consisted of Bank Jatim Syariah at Surabaya Branch Office and Kediri Branch Office. Samples
were selected by proportional random sampling and data was analyzed by PLS (Partial Least Square). The study had
four findings. First, Islamic Leadership has a significant effect on Islamic Performance. Second, Empowerment has a
significant effect on Innovative Work Behavior. Third, Empowerment mediates the effect of Islamic Leadership on
Islamic Performance. This condition illustrates that employees must be empowered and involved in all organizational
processes to improve performance. Forth, Innovative Work Behavior cannot mediate the effect of Islamic Leadership
on Islamic Performance. Innovative Work Behavior arises from the individual. It was the individuals desire to intro-
duce their ideas to a group or organization where they work.

Keywords: Empowerment, Innovative Work Behavior, Organizational Efficiency, Islamic Leadership, Partial Least
Squares Regression, Proportional Random Sampling

* Corresponding Author, E-mail: achmad_sani72@yahoo.com

1. INTRODUCTION rection to followers, set goals, then motivate subordinates

to work, utilize their business together in same direction.
Leadership has become the research object for long Therefore, leaders can get the desired organizational goals
time. It was based on various leadership advance in or- and minimize the gap between the achieved goals and de-
ganizations. Therefore, leadership practice has continued sired goals (Sani et al., 2018; Novikova et al., 2018).
to develop from the past to present and will certainly con-
tinue to develop in future. 1.1 Literature Review
Leadership was analyzed as one of most complicated
social processes (Fry and Kriger, 2009). Leaders give di- Global economy creates full competition in all in-
Supriyanto: Industrial Engineering & Management Systems
Vol 18, No 3, September 2019, pp.417-425, © 2019 KIIE 418

dustries. It was important to have the right managerial supportive atmosphere to increase employee productivity.
skills in an organization. This was evident with the major- It would have an impact to achieve organizational effec-
ity companies investing in leadership programs due to tiveness and efficiency (Purmamisari, 2012). IWB can
various challenges at their leadership level (Olutade et al., improve organizational efficiency (Podsakoff et al., 2009;
2015; Maurice, 2013; Chidoko and Mashavira, 2014; Chiang and Tsung, 2012; Gumel, 2017); performance
Yuliansyah, 2015; Kadasala et al., 2016; Abiodun, 2014; (Dorner, 2016). Organ et al. (2005) stated that without
Sabri and Sweis, 2015; Elkhayat and ElBannan, 2018; employee involvement, organization will become a fra-
Jenaabad and Mostafaei 2014; Forgha et al., 2018). gile social system and will be crushed by competition.
Gentry et al. (2014) identified six possible leadership Employee involvement was demonstrated through accep-
challenges namely: developing managerial effectiveness; tance and strong belief in values and organization goals
inspire others; develop employees; lead team; guiding (Ali and Haseeb, 2019; Haseeb et al., 2018; Haseeb et al.,
change and managing internal and political stakeholders. 2019; Suryanto et al., 2018; Farzadnia et al., 2017).
Several studies on spiritual leadership have been The study to examine relationship between leader-
carried out (Fry, 2003; Duchon and Plowman, 2005) to ship and IWB were still limited and having contradictions.
show that spiritual leadership affects on productivity and This study seeks to explain leadership from an Islamic
organizational performance. Daud et al. (2007) stated perspective, proposing a framework for Islamic Leader-
that quality of Islamic Leadership can improve em- ship with Empowerment and IWB mediation using the
ployee performance. Milliman et al. (2003) stated that model from Dorner (2016), Alkhodary (2016) and pre-
leadership correlates with job satisfaction, work in- vious empirical studies. This was intended to integrate
volvement, organizational commitment, employee in- spirituality leadership, empowerment and IWB in a model
volvement. Leadership has the desired impact on job that can be used by researchers to better understand IWB.
satisfaction, communication and perceptions of work This model should add to scarcity of literature regarding
environment (Morrow, 1997). Thus, leadership success the relation of spirituality and Islamic Performance
was highly dependent on motivation, skills, commitment, through Empowerment and IWB. This will help the or-
and extra behavior roles of people involved in an organ- ganization to understand the leadership role to increase
ization (Guimaraes, 1997). Whereas Elbaz and Haddoud employee IWB which ultimately will improve organiza-
(2017) states that spiritual leadership has no effect on tional performance.
performance but through job satisfaction.
Many leadership researches has been done but rarely 1.2 Theoretical Review
review the religious perspective (Kamil et al., 2011). Is-
lamic Leadership was very important to increase organi- 1.2.1 Relations of Islamic Leadership and Islamic
zational effectiveness, but in reality there were still differ- Performance.
ences between theory and practice (Ather and Sobbani,
2007; Nze et al., 2016; Hang et al., 2016; Owusu-Antwi Islamic Leadership was based on concept of Prophet
et al., 2017; Ahmed et al., 2018; Dinesh et al., 2017; Muhammad. This leadership offers a leadership model to
Obodo, 2018). The empirical tests of spiritual leadership develop a strategy to achieve success in a balanced man-
in relation with Empowerment and Innovative Work Be- ner in business, family, social and spiritual, based on ex-
havior were still rarely done. ample of leadership and management of Prophet Mu-
Many of previous studies on banking leadership ex- hammad and spirit of Asmaul Husna (Syafi’i, 2010).
amined transformative and transactional leadership styles Hakim (2012) stated that Islamic Leadership can im-
(Bass et al., 2003). Islamic banking should be a competi- prove Islamic Performance. Islamic Performance was the
tive banking environment and become a strong partner for manifestation of someone work who not only orient to the
conventional banking. It needs to rely on their employees world but also hereafter. The performance was always
as an intermediary between the banking sector and cus- based on Islamic values. Islamic Performance was mani-
tomers to achieve a large market share. Therefore, banks fested in a balance of life between the world and hereafter,
must strive to create positive attitudes from employees, working hard, doing the work as well as possible and
motivating employees to be more committed, empower- giving some portion of income to others who need it (Ha-
ing employees. It ultimately should have positive contri- kim, 2012).
bution on organization. One way to do was to develop Daud et al. (2007) stated that quality of Islamic Lea-
Innovative Work Behavior (IWB). This behavior de- dership could improve employee performance. Wijayanti
scribes the added value of employees as one form of and Wajni (2012) examined the effect of Islamic Leader-
prosocial behavior, namely positive, constructive and ship, motivation and job satisfaction on employee per-
meaningful social behavior. IWB could change the formal formance. The results showed that Islamic Leadership had
atmosphere of organization to become more relax, full a significant positive effect on employee performance.
cooperation, reduce the tension of employees to create a Based on empirical studies, research hypothesis was:
Obtaining Factors Affecting Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) of a Local Bank Employees under Islamic Leadership
Vol 18, No 3, September 2019, pp.417-425, © 2019 KIIE 419

H1: Islamic Leadership affects on Islamic Performance. tional members individually and collectively to make
decisions to affect their work environment (Ivancevich et
1.2.2 Relations of Empowerment and Innovative al., 2006). Theory of X and Y explained a very important
Work Behavior role between individuals and managers. Managers play a
Empowerment was defined as the extent of em- role to improve performance through individual Empo-
ployees’ involvement in a company in various manage- werment practices (Bourini et al., 2018). Based on empir-
ment activities. Participation in management activities ical and theoretical studies, research hypothesis was:
give employees new knowledge, more disciplined, in-
volved in decision-making process, and have the oppor- H3: Empowerment mediates the effect of Islamic
tunity to solve problems faced by organizations (Juran Leadership on Islamic Performance.
and Gryna, 1993). Employee participation was exempli-
fied by teamwork, involvement in organizational activi- 1.2.4 The Effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic
ties and employee commitment (Zhang, 2000). Performance Mediated by Innovative Work
IWB was a behavior with aim to introduce new ideas, Behavior
use new ideas as a set of tools for organizational progress West and Farr (1990) defined Innovative Work Beha-
(De Jong and Den Hartog, 2007). Axtell et al. (2000) de- vior (IWB) as a behavior with aim to introduce and imple-
fine Innovative Work Behavior as the capability improve- ment new ideas into work in order to improve performance.
ment in new ideas relating to the jobs within organization. Islamic Performance was the manifestation of someone
Empowerment has relations with Innovative Work work oriented to world and also afterlife (Hakim, 2012).
Behavior. Alkhodary (2016) showed the relationship be- The relationship between Islamic Leadership, Inno-
tween Empowerment and IWB (originality, ideas, sensi- vative Work Behavior and Islamic Performance was
tivity to problems). Based on empirical studies, research shown De Jong and Den Hartog (2007) that leaders affect
hypothesis was: employees’ innovative behavior through deliberate ac-
tions aimed to stimulate behavior that was manifested in
H2: Empowerment affects on the Innovative Work application of new ideas to support performance. Dorner
Behavior. (2016) examined IWB in relation to employee expecta-
tions and employee performance. The results showed that
1.2.3 The Effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic IWB could improve employee performance; and but did
Performance Mediated by Empowerment. not affect employees’ expectations. Based on empirical
Leadership in Islam view was a mandate and respon- studies, the research hypothesis was:
sibility that was not only accountable to members they
lead, but also will be accountable before Allah SWT (Ha- H4: Innovative Work Behavior mediate the effect of
kim, 2012). Islamic Performance was the manifestation of Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance.
someone work who was not only oriented to world but
also hereafter. Islamic Performance was manifested in 1.3 Hypotheses Model
five indicators, namely quantity, accuracy in work, quality,
willingness to help others, and charity (Hakim, 2012). The hypotheses model of this research is shown in
Empowerment was a process to encourage organiza- Figure 1.

Y1.1 Y1.2 Y1.3

Empowerment Y3.1
X1.2 Y3.2

Islamic Leadership Islamic Performance Y3.3

Innovative work

Y2.1 Y2.2 Y2.35

Figure 1. The effect of islamic leadership, empowerment, innovative work behavior on islamic performance.
Supriyanto: Industrial Engineering & Management Systems
Vol 18, No 3, September 2019, pp.417-425, © 2019 KIIE 420


The population was all employees of Bank Jatim Sya- The Goodness of Fit testing of structural model for
riah at Surabaya Center Office, totalling employees. The inner model uses predictive-relevance (Q2) to measure
samples were selected by Slovin formula at 7% precision, the observation value generated by the model. The Q2 has
Samples in this study were all permanent employees in- a magnitude range values of 0 < Q2 < 1, closer to 1
cluding leadership elements who have a minimum work means the model was better. The results of Goodness of
period of 1 year at Bank Jatim Syariah at Surabaya Center Fit Test is shown in Table 1.
Office, totalling 115 employees. Data was collected by The calculation results show a predictive-relevance
questionnaires, measured with five-point Likert scales. value of 0.7841 or 78.41%. It indicates that diversity of
data that can be explained by the model at 78.41%, in
2.1 Data Analysis Techniques other words the 78.41% information content in data can
be explained by the model. The remaining 21.59% was
Descriptive statistical analysis was used to determine
explained by other variables outside the model and errors.
the frequency distribution of respondents’ answers from
It means the PLS model was good, because it can explain
questionnaire and to describe in depth the studied variables.
Data was analyzed by Partial Least Square (PLS). This mod- 78.41% of overall information.
el was developed as an alternative to situations where the
weak theoretical basis to design a model and / or the availa- 3.1 Hypotheses Testing (Inner Model)
ble indicators did not meet the reflective measurement model
(Solimun, 2012). Mediation testing with a procedure devel- Hypotheses test for inner model is shown in Table 2.
oped by Sobel known as the Sobel test (Sobel test) using The hypothesis testing for the direct effect can be
Free Statistic Calculation for Sobel Test version 4.0. seen in Figure 2.

Table 1. Goodness of fit test results

Structural Model Endogenous Variables R - Square
1 Empowerment (Y1) 0.491
2 Innovative work Behavior (Y2) 0.270
3 Islamic Performance (Y3) 0.419

Table 2. Hypothesis testing for the direct effect

Independent Variables Dependent Variables Path Coefficients t statistic p-value Description
Empowerment Innovative Work Behavior 0.442 3.506 0.000 Significant
Empowerment Islamic Performance 0.281 2.056 0.042 Significant
Islamic Leadership Empowerment 0.539 9.116 0.000 Significant
Islamic Leadership Innovative Work Behavior 0.062 0.577 0.565 Insignificant
Islamic Leadership Islamic Performance 0.268 2.405 0.000 Significant
Innovative Work Behavior Islamic Performance 0.043 0.382 0.703 Insignificant

Figure 2. Path diagram of structural model in PLS.

Obtaining Factors Affecting Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) of a Local Bank Employees under Islamic Leadership
Vol 18, No 3, September 2019, pp.417-425, © 2019 KIIE 421

Table 3. The results of sobel test analysis

Path A B SEA SEB t count sig Description
IS-EMP-KI 0.539 0.268 0.059 0.112 2.315 0.020 Sig
IS-IWB-KI 0.061 0.043 0.107 0.113 0.316 0.752 Non sig

3.2 Hypothesis Testing and Coefficients of The research results also support the research results
Mediation Path of Daud et al. (2007) that quality of Islamic Leadership
could improve employee performance. Wijayanti and
The mediation hypothesis test was needed to detect Wajni (2012) also supported that Islamic Leadership has a
the position of intervening variable in the model. Testing significant positive effect on employee performance. Ad-
can be done with a procedure developed by Sobel and versely, the study results inconsistent with Whereas Elbaz
was known as the Sobel test (Sobel Test). The Sobel test and Haddoud (2017) that spiritual leadership has no effect
was done by examining the effect of Islamic Leadership on performance.
on Islamic Performance through Empowerment and In- The research results support the opinion of Maharani
novative Work Behavior. The Sobel test was done by free (2017) that leadership patterns were considered successful
Sobel test calculator for the significance of mediation when guided by corporate culture of five akhlaqul kari-
version 4.0. Table 3 shows the results of Sobel Test analy- mah (good morality) attitudes. The application of most
sis. ideal and appropriate Islamic Leadership style was a lea-
Sobel test showed that the relationship of Islamic dership style to include attitudes of akhlaqul karimah,
Leadership, Empowerment and Islamic Performance has namely shidiq, istiqamah, fathonah, amanah, and tabligh
value of 2.315 > 1.96 and significance of 0.020 < 0.05. It (Maharani, 2017; Mulyono et al., 2018).
means that Empowerment mediates the effect of Islamic Leaders who adopt a spiritual leadership style will
Leadership on Islamic Performance. The test results create a spiritual work environment. It generates benefits
showed the t count > t table and sig < 0.05; so Empo- not only for individuals but also for organization. Spiri-
werment mediates the effect of Islamic Leadership on tual leadership creates positive effects on employees, es-
Islamic Performance. pecially comfort, psychological impact, increased organi-
Sobel test showed that the relationship of Islamic zational commitment, increased productivity and even
Leadership, Innovative Work Behavior and Islamic Per- organizational performance (Fry, 2003; Martins et al., 2018).
formance has value of 0.316 < 1.96 and significance was
0.752 > 0.05. It means Innovative Work Behavior does not 4.2 Effect of Empowerment on Innovative Work
mediate the effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic Per- Behavior
formance. The test results show t count < t table and sig>
0.05; so, the Innovative Work Behavior does not mediate The path analysis result for inner model shows that
the effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance. Empowerment has a significant effect on Innovative
Work Behavior. It is consistent with Alkhodary (2016)
who examines the effect of Empowerment on IWB. The
4. DISCUSSION results showed that Empowerment has significant rela-
tionship on Innovative Work Behavior. The study results
4.1 Effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic also supported the opinion of Organ et al. (2005) that
Performance without employee involvement, organization will become
a fragile social system and will be crushed by competition.
Inner model path analysis showed that Islamic Lea- Employee involvement was demonstrated through the
dership has a significant effect on Islamic Performance. It attitude of acceptance, strong belief in values and goals of
was consistent with Fry (2003) that spiritual leadership organization.
affects on productivity and organizational performance. It Empowerment was defined as the employee in-
was also consistent with the findings of Duchon and volvement level in a company in various management
Plowman (2005) that spiritual leadership affects on per- activities. Participation in management activities give
formance. The study results also consistent with the Ga- employees new knowledge, more disciplined, involved in
denne and Sharma (2009) that performance was affected decision-making process, and have the opportunity to
by TQM Practices. Soft TQM practices contribute to per- solve problems faced by organizations (Juran and Gryna,
formance, these include leadership, training and supplier 1993). Employee participation was exemplified by team-
relations. Hard TQM practices contribute to performance. work, involvement in organizational activities and em-
These include continuous improvement, benchmarking, ployee commitment (Zhang, 2000; Muhammad, 2018).
increased efficiency, and quality measurement. Robbins (2006) defines employee involvement as a
Supriyanto: Industrial Engineering & Management Systems
Vol 18, No 3, September 2019, pp.417-425, © 2019 KIIE 422

participation process that uses all employee capacities tion the effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic Perfor-
designed to increase commitment to organizational suc- mance. These study results inconsistent with Elbaz and
cess. Involving employees in making decisions process Haddoud (2017) study that spiritual leadership affect on
can increase autonomy and control over their working performance with job satisfaction as mediation variable.
lives, employees will be more motivated and more com- Innovative Work Behavior cannot mediate the effect
mitted to organization, and more productive. of Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance, because
IWB was a behavior with aim to introduce new ideas, innovation emphasizes creativity and implementation of
use new ideas as a set of tools for organizational progress ideas to improve performance. Furthermore, Innovative
(De Jong and Den Hartog, 2007). Axtell et al. (2000) de- Work Behavior is explained as individual behavior with
fined Innovative Work Behavior as higher capacity for a aim to achieve intentional initiation and recognition (in
number of new ideas relating to a number of jobs within role of work, group or organization) regarding ideas,
organization. IWB was not only triggered by high motiva- processes and products. The IWB was developed to en-
tion, but can be part of a strategy to reduce the negative courage creative ideas. Purba (2009) suggests that innova-
effects of high job design (Janssen, 2000). Therefore, tive behavior emphasizes on the existence of a creative
IWB arises as a result of employee involvement for chal- attitude, there was a process to change attitudes from tra-
lenging jobs. On other hand, they were also involved in ditional to modern, or from not progressed to an advanced
innovation strategies when they have low motivation and attitude.
high pressure. The combination of high work levels and Leadership did not affect on Innovative Work Beha-
low leadership control, varied work designs require em- vior because this behavior arises from the individual to
ployees to behave innovatively through work involve- introduce ideas to a group or organization where they
ment. work. Janssen (2000) said that Innovative Work Behavior
consists of idea generation, it refers to development and
4.3 Empowerment as Mediation the Effect of usage of ideas that very useful for company
Islamic Leadership on Islamic Performance Innovative Work Behavior arises when employees
were respected, they were willing to reciprocate with
The path analysis result for inner model shows that higher innovative behavior, whereas when they see their
Islamic Leadership has a significant affect on Empower- work was less valued, they tend to limit the IWB. Based
ment. Empowerment also affects on Islamic Performance. on social exchange theory, it can be concluded that mana-
These study results complement the research of Wijayanti gerial behavior has an effect on employee behavior. De
and Wajni (2012) that Islamic Leadership has a signifi- Jong and Den Hartog (2007) stated that employees vary
cant positive effect on employee performance. These in how to do work or show their IWB. Every employee
study results support Hakim (2012) that Islamic Leader- always innovates to do his job properly. And when their
ship could improve Islamic Performance. These study performance was considered good, they don't need IWB
results also Bari et al. (2016) that soft TQM viewed from behavior anymore.
leadership affects on employee performance through psy-
chological contracts. 4.1 Contribution
The field research results also support Bourini et al.
(2018) that there was a very important role between indi- These research results accommodate two previous
viduals and managers, where managers have a role to studies. Alkhodary (2016) found that Empowerment had
improve performance through individual empowerment an effect on IWB. While Dorner (2016) stated that quality
practices. This condition illustrates that a leader was not of Islamic Leadership could improve employee perfor-
only required to set a good example, but also must have mance. These research results combine the research of
an awareness that subordinates were valuable. They must Dorner (2016) and Alkhodary (2016) that quality of Is-
be empowered and involved in all organizational processes. lamic Leadership could improve employee performance
when employees engage in innovative behavior mod-
4.4 Innovative Work Behavior as Mediation the erated by Empowerment.
Effect of Islamic Leadership on Islamic These research results show several factors that can
Performance. improve Islamic Performance, including leadership, em-
powerment and innovative behavior of employees. The
The path analysis result for inner model shows that managerial parties should increase these three factors in
Islamic Leadership does not have a significant effect on order to improve employee performance.
Innovative Work Behavior. Likewise, Innovative Work The empirical evidence shows a need for manage-
Behavior does not affect on Islamic Performance. Be- ment to apply Islamic values in daily activities. The ap-
cause the two paths were not significant, it can be con- plication of Islamic values must be supported by both
cluded that Innovative Work Behavior was not a media- leaders and employees. Leaders determine the right poli-
Obtaining Factors Affecting Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) of a Local Bank Employees under Islamic Leadership
Vol 18, No 3, September 2019, pp.417-425, © 2019 KIIE 423

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