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Project Job no.

Calcs for Start page no./Revision

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R 30/3/2023


In accordance w ith EN1995-1-1:2004 + A2:2014 incorporating corrigendum June 2006 and the recommended
Tedds calculation version 2.2.15

Design section 1
Partial factor for material properties and resistances
Partial factor for material properties - Table 2.3;  M = 1.300

Member details
Load duration - cl.; Permanent
Service class - cl.; 3
Timber section details
Number of timber sections in member; N=1
Breadth of sections; b = 80 mm
Depth of sections; h = 100 mm
Timber strength class - EN 338:2016 Table 3; D60

80x100 timber section

Cross-sectional area, A, 8000 mm2
Section modulus, Wy, 133333.3 mm3
Section modulus, Wz, 106667 mm3
Second moment of area, Iy, 6666667 mm4
Second moment of area, Iz, 4266667 mm4
Radius of gyration, iy, 28.9 mm
Radius of gyration, iz, 23.1 mm

Timber strength class D60

Characteristic bending strength, fm.k, 60 N/mm2
Characteristic shear strength, fv.k, 4.8 N/mm2
Characteristic compression strength parallel to grain, fc.0.k, 33 N/mm2
Characteristic compression strength perpendicular to grain, fc.90.k, 10.5 N/mm2
Characteristic tension strength parallel to grain, ft.0.k, 36 N/mm2
Mean modulus of elasticity, E0.mean, 17000 N/mm2
Fifth percentile modulus of elasticity, E0.05, 14300 N/mm2
Shear modulus of elasticity, Gmean, 1060 N/mm2
Characteristic density, rk, 700 kg/m3
Mean density, rmean, 840 kg/m3

Span details
Unbraced length - Major axis; L y = 0 mm
Effective length - Major axis; L e,y = L y = 0 mm
Unbraced length - Minor axis; L z = 0 mm
Effective length - Minor axis; L e,z = L z = 0 mm
Bearing length; L b = 100 mm
Analysis results
Design bending moment - Major axis; M y,d = 0.536 kNm
Design bending moment - Minor axis; M z,d = 0.674 kNm
Design shear force - Major axis; F y,d = 1.47 kN
Design shear force - Minor axis; F z,d = 1.54 kN
Design axial compression force; P d = 2.1 kN

Section s1 results summary Unit Capacity Maximum Utilisation Result

Compressive stress N/mm 2 12.7 0.3 0.021 PASS
Bending stress N/mm 2 26.2 6.3 0.354 PASS
Shear stress N/mm 1.8 0.4 0.323 PASS
Project Job no.

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R 30/3/2023

Bending and axial force 0.354 PASS

Beam stability check 0.046 PASS

Modification factors
Duration of load and moisture content - Table 3.1; k mod = 0.5
Deformation factor - Table 3.2; k def = 2
Depth factor for bending - Major axis - exp.3.1; k h,m,y = min((150 mm / h) 0.2 , 1.3) = 1.084
Depth factor for bending - Minor axis - exp.3.1; k h,m,z = min((150 mm / b) 0.2 , 1.3) = 1.134
Bending stress re-distribution factor - cl.6.1.6(2); k m = 0.7
Crack factor for shear resistance - cl.6.1.7(2); k cr = 0.67
Check compression parallel to the grain - cl.6.1.4
Design axial compression; P d = 2.1 kN
Design compressive stress;  c,0,d = P d / A = 0.263 N/mm 2
Design compressive strength; fc,0,d = k mod  fc.0.k /  M = 12.692 N/mm 2
 c,0,d / fc,0,d = 0.021
PASS - Design parallel compression strength exceeds design parallel compression stress
Check shear force - Section 6.1.7
Design shear force - major axis; F y,d = 1.47 kN
Design shear stress - exp.6.60;  y,d = 1.5  F y,d / (k cr  b  h) = 0.411 N/mm 2
Design shear strength; fv,y,d = k mod  fv.k /  M = 1.846 N/mm 2
 y,d / f v,y,d = 0.223
Design shear force - minor axis; F z,d = 1.54 kN
Design shear stress - exp.6.60;  z,d = 1.5  F z,d / (k cr  b  h) = 0.431 N/mm 2
Design shear strength; fv,z,d = k mod  fv.k /  M = 1.846 N/mm 2
 z,d / f v,z,d = 0.233
Combined shear checks; (( y,d / fv,y,d) 2 + ( z,d / f v,z,d )2 ) = 0.323
PASS - Design shear strength exceeds design shear stress
Check bending moment - Section 6.1.6
Design bending moment in major axis; M y,d = 0.536 kNm
Design bending stress in major axis;  m,y,d = M y,d / W y = 4.020 N/mm 2
Design bending strength in major axis; fm,y,d = k h,m,y  k mod  fm.k /  M = 25.026 N/mm 2
 m,y,d / f m,y,d = 0.161
Design bending moment in minor axis; M z,d = 0.674 kNm
Design bending stress in minor axis;  m,z,d = M z,d / W z = 6.319 N/mm 2
Design bending strength in minor axis; fm,z,d = k h,m,z  k mod  fm.k /  M = 26.168 N/mm 2
 m,z,d / f m,z,d = 0.241
Combined bending checks - eq.6.11 & eq.6.12;  m,y,d / f m,y,d + k m   m,z,d / f m,z,d = 0.330
k m   m,y,d / fm,y,d +  m,z,d / f m,z,d = 0.354
PASS - Design bending strength exceeds design bending stress
Check combined bending and axial compression - Section 6.2.4
Combined loading checks - exp.6.19 & 6.20; ( c,0,d / f c,0,d ) 2 +  m,y,d / f m,y,d + k m   m,z,d / f m,z,d = 0.330
( c,0,d / f c,0,d ) 2 + k m   m,y,d / fm,y,d +  m,z,d / f m,z,d = 0.354
PASS - Combined bending and axial compression utilisation is acceptable
Check columns subjected to either compression or combined compression and bending - cl.6.3.2
Effective length for y-axis bending; L e,y = 0 mm
Project Job no.

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R 30/3/2023

Slenderness ratio;  y = L e,y / iy = 0.011

Relative slenderness ratio - exp. 6.21;  rel,y =  y /   (fc.0.k / E 0.05 ) = 0
Effective length for z-axis bending; L e,z = 0 mm
Slenderness ratio;  z = L e,z / iz = 0.014
Relative slenderness ratio - exp. 6.22;  rel,z =  z /   (f c.0.k / E 0.05 ) = 0
Both  rel,y <= 0.3 and  rel,z <= 0.3, column stability check not required

Check beams subjected to either bending or combined bending and compression - cl.6.3.3
Fifth percentile shear modulus parallel to the grain; G 0.05 = E 0.05 / 16 = 893.75 N/mm 2
Torsion factor;  = 0.171
Torsional moment of inertia; Itor =   min(h, b) 3  max(h, b) = 8757760 mm 4
Effective length - Table 6.1; L ef = 0 mm + 2  h = 200 mm
Critical bending stress - exp.6.31;  m,crit =   (E 0.05  I z  G 0.05  Itor) / (L ef  W y) = 2574.531 N/mm 2
Relative slenderness for bending - exp.6.30;  rel,m = (f m.k /  m,crit) = 0.153
Lateral buckling factor - exp.6.34; k crit = 1.000
Beam stability check - exp.6.35; ( m,y,d / (k crit  fm,y,d )) 2 +  c,0,d / f c,0,d = 0.046
PASS - Beam stability is acceptable

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